ENTER: THE ATOM PROJECT! The global terrorist group Inferno has taken its next step toward world dominance with an ecological disaster! Will Superman, Wonder Woman, and the others have to sacrifice the life of Swamp Thing? Plus: Plastic Man and Beast Boy work with The Atom Project to fix their scrambled superpowers!
Justice League Unlimited Issue 3 is a true ensemble book. The issue embraces the huge cast that is at Waid and Moras disposal. Each chapter leads to new combinations and conversations and includes heroes that have never even been considered part of the Justice League before. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 has so many moving pieces but at no point feels unfocused or crowded. The series has done an excellent job showing a new efficiency within the League and a huge reason why it is so successful in doing this is because of the creative team. With the expectations the title carries, only this creative team could pull this off. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited might be one of the better-realized and more sharply-framed looks at the Justice League concept to come along in a very long time. It embraces the idea of the team while leaving a whole lot of room for the imagination to linger around the edges of everything. Very sharp stuff from beginning to end on a whole bunch of different levels that feel like a fresh nexus between all of the different elements in the All-In initiative. Waid and company have harnessed some really sharp momentum. With any luck they can keep it going. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 drives home why the current state of the DC Universe requires the heroes to be united under the JLU banner. The efficient way the JLU dealt with the magical wildfire gave big event vibes for a monthly ongoing series. It is exactly how a Justice League comic book should come across. The additional sub-plots helped get across this is DC Comics most important comic book. Read Full Review
Waid continues to be one of DC's best writers, even after all these years. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 is an ambitious issue that blends environmental commentary, magical threats, and character-driven drama. Mark Waid's writing keeps the stakes high and the dialogue sharp, while Dan Mora's stunning art and Tamra Bonvillain's vivid colors elevate the story to epic proportions. Although some subplots feel underdeveloped, the issue delivers a thrilling setup for what's to come. Read Full Review
Inferno makes a big statement as the JLU is searching for answers. Waids writing hits with big moments and building side-plots. The art of Mora and Bonvillain keeps the action intense as moves are made. DCs premier team doesnt slow down in giving fans a blockbuster chapter. Read Full Review
Overall, Justice League Unlimited #3 provides another strong installment in the series. The combination of a large-scale threat, compelling character dynamics, and connections to the broader DC Universe makes it a must-read for fans of the Justice League. Read Full Review
With plenty of action, heartbreak, and intrigue to go around, Waid and Mora craft a sleek and entertaining, albeit slightly messy entry in their expansive and inventive yet nostalgic epic. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 is a banger of an issue when Inferno returns to set fire to the world. Mark Waid's action fest ticks all the boxes for a chapter focused on excitement and adventure, with big stakes and big threats. Plus, Dan Mora's art rates as one of the best from DC. Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 continues to impress as story arc. It features high paced action with just the right amount of mystery and I feel that Mark Waid is really onto something with this series so far. I'm really enjoying it and look forward to seeing what comes of it and the longer term affects. Read Full Review
Reading Justice League Unlimited #3 evokes the nostalgia of emptying out your toy bin and smashing all your action figures together a messy, imaginative collision of favorites, where any hero can and will make an appearance. It's just good fun, and there ain't nothing wrong with that! Read Full Review
Justice League Unlimited #3 is a drop from the previous two issues. While I hesitate to call it bad, the writing is too simple at times and unable to elevate a rather lackluster plot. Dan Mora's stellar artwork carries the issue, but that only goes so far. Read Full Review
My least favorite issue thus far, but still good. Mora continues to put out fantastic work here, in my opinion, and I'm still finding Waid's story to be intriguing. I understand the complaint of the roster being pretty large for the team, but I, personally, think it makes genuine sense that it would be so large. Furthermore, I think it allows a lot of freedom as to who can be in an issue. Anyways, yeah, I liked this.
Expertly crafted by an amazing team, this book continues to impress!
A bit too chaotic for my tastes, but still very good.
Enough can't be said for how unbelievably great Mora's art is in each issue especially considering the vast cast of characters he's drawing. The problem with the vast cast of characters, is that it really hurts the story as there aren't enough personal moments or ongoing character developments to really add enough emotional investment in the story.
Great art does not make up for how overcrowded and scattershot this feels. Too many characters, too many plots, and not enough focus. Plus Waid seems to have not actually read Ram V's Swamp Thing series since he is getting Levi Kamel wrong and I don't think he's doing better with Renee, either.