"FANTASY HEARTBREAKER," Part Four-Our heroes reach the civilization of Glass Town and do what heroes have always done upon reaching civilization. As in, go to the pub. As it's DIE, you can guess people don't exactly get happy drunk.
Once again, DIE remains high on my pull list, and I've run out of friends to recommend it to. Horror, fantasy, spectacular art, and personal stories make this book something special and worth a look. Read Full Review
Its hard not to argue that this is one of the best comics out there, and easily the best fantasy comic around right now. If youve not picked up Die yet, and Fantasy is even remotely your bag, this comic needs to be in your collection. Or you could wait for the trade, though youll be waiting until June for that. Read Full Review
Die proves itself to be an instant classic every new chapter. Breathtaking artwork accompanied with talented and experienced storytelling makes this chapter another delight in what should be a feast once this series is complete. Read Full Review
If it isn't clear by this point, you should be reading DIE. Gillen, Hans, and the rest of the creative team have managed a series that is packed with action, and heart. It's clear that they don't have any intention of slowing down until the final panel of the final book. I cannot speak highly enough of this series and based on the last few pages of this issue, I can't wait to see how it ends. Read Full Review
So you've probably guessed it"I liked DIE #4. I think the series as a whole is fan-freaking-tastic, as a matter of fact. When great writing meets incredible art, the result is usually something pretty special. Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans have a true comic book gem on their hands. I personally cannot wait to see how this first arc concludes, as well as what the future holds for our heroes lost in the world of DIE. Read Full Review
This book is such a masterclass on storytelling and a commentary on TTRPGs, and I can't wait to see what happens next issue. Read Full Review
Four issues in, this comic continues to impress with every new development and raises the stakes on the drama, while giving us the patented Gillen last-page-shocker moment. Read Full Review
You pair all of the above with Hans's gorgeous artwork, of course you're going to get a critical success. It's hard to extol Hans's enchantingly haunting artwork, that is evocative of all of the famous fantasy stories, while having a uniquely modern flair that is absolutely engaging. If you're not reading Die already, I'm telling you it's not too late to start. This is a standout title that demands to be read, and I may like Ash's Dictator Voice, but I need more folks to be experiencing the majesty of this series. Read Full Review
Die #4 is a high-mark for a young series that has classic written all over it. This is the best type of new comic, one that tells a long story comprised of several disparate and wholly memorable chapters. Make space up there with Saga and Monstress, Die is quickly becoming one of Images best. Read Full Review
Continues to have emotional storytelling along with beautiful art. The engaging tale will constantly move readers. Read Full Review
Stephanie Hans delivers some beautiful and engaging art in this issue. Every page has something new and interesting to see and the fantasy elements always look s epic. Read Full Review
The secrets of Die are really only just beginning to reveal themselves, but the heart at the center of it all is still beating strong. Maybe for some readers it’s not a tabletop game, it’s a sport or a band or a video game - but we all have these connections to people. And no matter how much life gets in the way, there’s always a way to come back. And we’ll get together again, maybe have a few drinks, and we’ll talk and we’ll play. And it’s like no time has passed, but we’re older and wiser than we ever were. And suddenly, we’re home again. Read Full Review
The action is dialed back quite a bit in this issue causingthe series to lose some momentum, but overall,Diecontinues to entertain and excite. Read Full Review
By way of highly emotional storytelling merged with intriguing world building of the eponymous role-playing world itself, "Die" #4 shows continued depth of despair and heights of the possibilities brought about by its world. Read Full Review
Again, there's not a lot of action in this issue but does offer some insight into the characters alternate-life back home. There's also the sense of desperation and what lines they need to cross to get back home. Read Full Review