All-New X-Men #2

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 28, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 16
8.5Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Professor X’s five original students have been flung from the past to present day. While they cope with an unimaginable future (especially considering the fallout of AVX), how will today’s X-Men justify their actions to their past selves?

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Nov 29, 2012

    Because of the writing and the art working so well together and even on their own, this book gets another 5/5. More than just seeing the pages come to life, you can almost get a sense of how the character's are trying to cope with the future versions of themselves and the school. It's really quite fascinating. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Ben Silverio Dec 3, 2012

    Finally, the last thing that I'll talk about is Jean Grey and Wolverine. There's a long storied history with many volumes pertaining to that relationship, and just when you thought it was gone, here comes Bendis to open Pandora's Box once again. And on top of that, we haven't even seen Cyclops' reaction to her presence in the present yet. It's going to be quite an interesting show, and I'm really looking forward to it. Basically, this series is hitting on a lot of great things for me, so I'm enjoying it immensely. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Barron Network - R.Barron Nov 29, 2012

    My only issue was that we didnt get to see what present day Cyclops is up too. I feel like after all Cyclops been up too he is the most interesting person in the Marvel Universe right now! So my hope is that he will be a part of every future issue! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 26, 2012

    What would you do if you could visit your future self? That's a question with serious repercussions when it comes to the original X-Men. We know that in the Marvel Universe you're not supposed to be able to travel in time without creating an alternate reality but Brian Michael Bendis may have found a way around this. As I read each page, I found myself reading slower and slower. I simply did not want the issue to end. There is so much to see and expect with the young X-Men making their way to the present. There are so many reactions from both sides we have to look forward to. You'll even find yourself a little surprised at seeing some of the emotion present in this issue. For the young X-Men, seeing their future is a heavy burden and watching Bendis and Immonen unfold the story is something I can't get enough of. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Dec 3, 2012

    The overall story goes beyond these pivotal moments as the world is on the brink of a mutant revolution. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson Nov 29, 2012

    If nothing else, All New X-Men is proving to be a timely reminder that when Bendis' interest peaks " when he's fully enthused and stimulated by the challenges put before him " he's hard to beat. Luckily for us, it is something else: a high concept story with all manner of open-ended possibilities as to what will happen next, stocked with a diverse cast of well-rounded and beautifully illustrated characters placed into some fascinating situations. Above all, it's great comics, and surely one of the brightest stars in the Marvel NOW! firmament. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Nov 29, 2012

    I suppose only time will tell how this series holds up, but, for now, I'm enjoying it for what it is. Regardless of what this comic turns out to be, this is a great issue all on its own. I'm very much looking forward to seeing young Cyclops confronting his present-day self… and vice versa. I can't help but wonder if Beast's idea will pay off. As for this issue, it gets a very strong 9.5/10 from me. Well done, Marvel! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Nov 30, 2012

    All-New X-Men #2 is already one the most exciting mutant books on shelves. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Nov 28, 2012

    Time will tell if this idea has the legs to be interesting long term, I have to believe with a launch and book this big they've really thought it out, regardless, as a standalone comic, this is a great issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Alexander Jones Nov 28, 2012

    The content of the comic while wordy is still fantastic. The classic X-Men are very naive and scared. The notion of innocence being swept away into the future is great. Examining the ramifications on Wolverine and seeing him being put to sleep like commonplace dog is a shining moment in the script. The two Icemen also have a scene stealing moment when they look into each others eyes. The classic X-Men also think that Utopia is heaven itself. Then they steal a Quinjet and are whisked away into another adventure. With the impending doom that is present day Cyclops next issue and the fun to be had in this issue as well this series is highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Nov 28, 2012

    All New X-Men does good this week by picking up more steam as the story moves forward. Bendis writes like he's been here before while also adding his own touch to the series. This is a great story to pick up if you haven't chosen a NOW title yet. Recommend Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Nov 29, 2012

    All-New X-Menis a great book, and hopefully the high caliber of talent and consistency will stay strong throughout stories to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Simon Peter Curran Nov 29, 2012

    Issue #2 of All-New X-Men feels like it could have been the perfect #1 issue to kick the series off. I probably wouldn't have minded how lackluster and (as I've said before) wet the first issue was if it was in a different place in the series. A series like this should open with a bang and issue #2 provided that bang one issue too late! There was a perfect balance of exposition for the series along with some great little action sequences when the past X-Men arrived in the present. If the rest of the series is like issue#2 then I believe this is one that I will be eagerly awaiting each month! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Nov 29, 2012

    Bendis hit another one out of the park with this issue, continuing an already great run on an exciting new series. The artwork is wonderful and the writing is terrific, with an interesting storyline that only looks more promising as time goes by. The time gap is a bit disconcerting, given the fact that superheroes don't seem to age, but it's something that only really applies to those who are very aware of X-history. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 30, 2012

    I have a lot of faith in Bendis and his ability to make even this improbable story work - but I hope he hasn't painted himself into a corner this time around. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Nov 30, 2012

    "All-New X-Men" #2 won't win readers over with its originality. Meeting your future/past self is a well worn sci-fi trope and Bendis isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. What will grab you are the strong character moments, such as when Jean learns of her future demise or when Cyclops sees just how far he's strayed from Xavier's dream. The implications of these events could lead to any number of possible stories, throwing a major wrench into the slowly evolving status quo set up by Schism. X-Men fans have no reason not to pick up this issue, and there's plenty to hook new readers as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Nov 29, 2012

    I liked this issue a lot. This is exactly what I want from this series. Seeing how the past X-Men react to the future and seeing how the current people react to seeing the past X-Men. Plus, Wolverine seeing Jean is something I was looking forward to. I liked seeing the two Icemen meet up as well, since Hank isn't the only one with a giant transformation from the old days, the only person that got off easy was Angel. I'm excited to see how the Original 5 react when they run into Cyclops, especially if he's with Magneto, and if Scott has a breakdown when he see's the Originals, especially Jean. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 30, 2012

    This comic book is driving towards a very compelling story. It will be interesting to see how this storyline gets resolved when it's all said and done. This means the comic book is working because as a reader I am planning to stick with the book long term. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Dec 3, 2012

    Two issues in and All-New X-Men remains a strong, solid title in the Marvel NOW! roster. You definitely should be picking up this book regularly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 1, 2012

    Plus, this is some of the best work of Stuart Immonen's career. Brilliantly drawn, eye-poppingly colorful and simply fantastic on a superhero book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Dec 6, 2012

    All-New X-Men #2 is a strong second showing for Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen. They have been able to provide the X-Men with a new life. From beginning to end the story pacing is very strong as Bendis puts in motion the conflict between the original X-Men with the present day X-Men. The difference between both groups helped to show how much all the characters have changed over time and builds excitement to the conflict between the two groups in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Nov 28, 2012

    The only problem this book has is the use of darkness. Whether this is a result of Wade von Grawbadger's inks or Marte Gracia's colors isn't clear, but there is far too much black in this issue. Characters are shrouded in shadows, even when they are outside in broad daylight. This wasn't a problem in the first issue, which might mean it's a conscious decision. If that's the case, it's an odd one, because it certainly doesn't make the book look better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Nov 29, 2012

    So, All New X=Men‘s second outing is concerned with plot and in that regard Bendis delivers a focused and entertaining script. However his character work suffers from the writer's trade mark style as he has yet to really define the original five's characters. Understandably it is only the second issue and therefore the characters still need time to grow, but the original five definitely need a lot of work to come across as unique characters in their own right. Immonen lends a hand in the characterisation and his pencils are an endless source of entertainment as he breathes life into Bendis' script. This issue is more of a mixed bag than the last, but it is still an entertaining read with great promise for the future of the X-Men. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Nov 30, 2012

    All-New X-Men is certainly one of the best things to come out of Marvel NOW! It is extremely approachable, features fantastic and compelling character, and benefits from Immonen's masterful pencil work. This book is definitely on its way to becoming one of the best titles to be released each month. I can'twait for young, naive Cyke and murderous, bastard Cyke to have it out! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Nov 30, 2012

    All-New X-Men had a rough start, but it's worked out the kinks by the second issue. I assumed this would take a few months. Well, you know what happens when you assume. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Nov 27, 2012

    All-New X-Men's time travel gimmick isn't sustainable. It's not even the first time a group of young X-Men has met their future selves. What it is, though, is an emotionally charged take on the paradox of learning the future, and knowing you're doomed to live it out. While it's unlikely that there won't be some changes as a result of All-New X-Men, perhaps the strength of this book will not be the ways in which it alters the status quo, but the ways in which it holds it together, forcing the younger X-Men to confront their darkest selves. It's a dizzying prospect, but one Brian Bendis seems well-equipped to handle. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Nov 28, 2012

    This issue wasn't as great as the first. It moved a little too fast, sacrificing logic in some parts for action. Jean's sudden discovery of her telepathic abilities seems a little too convenient, for instance. But each individual member of the original X-Men's reactions to their future selves was brilliantly characterized. However, I really, really,reallywanted Past Warren to meet Present Hippie-Warren though. I sincerely hope that eventually happens. But I am really looking forward to their confrontation with Cyclops though. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Mike Cassella Dec 4, 2012

    Like many Bendis books, it's a long-con of chapters vs. issues of the story. It's a tough evaluation to make because he hasn't shown enough of his hand to see what he's holding and until more happens and more is revealed, you have to judge this book on the merits of the team involved which, thankfully, is a very talented duo. Yet another solid result of the Marvel NOW! rebranding with hopefully more to come in the new year. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - tskavlan Dec 2, 2012

    Does that mean this is not worth reading? No, not in the least. The final page of this issue boasts some of the best cartooning and eye-popping art I have seen in an x-title in a very long time. I think this a comic everyone should be checking out, even if some of the character interaction is hard to follow or appreciate for new readers. I trust Bendis and thus I trust this title. It is going somewhere special and any good X-fan should give it a chance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    First Comics News - Mathew Szewczyk Nov 30, 2012

    The time travel storyline continues as the present day Beast tries to explain to the original lineup why they need to return to the future and talk sense into Cyclops before he starts another Mutant/Human conflict. As nice as it was to see the classic characters and their reactions to the modern day, it is starting to feel very predictable Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Dec 3, 2012

    By the end of All-New X-Men #2 I wanted more, but not in the good way -- this is an issue that ends as soon as it begins -- continue to All-New X-Men #3 to actually see the X-Kids get into trouble. This will probably read great in the trade -- Bendis comics often do -- but how does anyone who isn't already resigned to reading comics like this expected to want to continue? Read Full Review

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