• The All-Father sought answers to his new troubles in memories of old. And to refresh those memories, he consulted his Skald...
• ...to tell a tale of when Young Thor and Young Loki journeyed out beyond Asgard - on a quest that would determine the fate of all the Realms.
• This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and of his first Journey Into Mystery.
Immortal Thor #6 is a compelling reworking of Norse myth brimming with humor, horror, heartbreak, and humanity. Read Full Review
Coccolo delivers great art that is reminiscent of some of the best visual depictions of Thor from the classic comics. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #6 is carried by the incredible chemistry between Thor and Loki. Al Ewing and Martn Cccolo did an excellent job at elevating that chemistry with a story that creates a lot of questions as to what comes next. That follow-up will be an important factor in this second arc either being a filler story or a strong continuation of this young creative run. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #6 begins the next phase of Thor's journey to unravel the mysteries of Utgard and its elder gods. The art team did a solid job with the design for the different locations that each set a distinct mood for the story. It's also nice to see young Thor and Loki in their classic designs going on an adventure together as the tone of their part of the story, as well as the art for the location, feel like they're straight out of a classic Disney fairy tale film. While not too much happens in this comic, there's enough to get things started and set the tone for the next part of Thor's adventure. Read Full Review
The issue's abrupt end is its weak point and feels haphazardly attached, but the rest of the issue moves at a deliberate pace as Loki recounts the tale of Thor's first meeting with the Utgard gods. Read Full Review
Discover stories within stories in The Immortal Thor #6. This issue takes its time getting going while also serving as the first part of the story, cementing the fact that it's a good setup but not quite enough satisfaction to satiate a monthly reader. That isn't to say the setup isn't good, because it is, but as a single issue, it leaves you wanting. Still, I'm dying to know what the creative team does with the comic inside this story. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #6 looks great, sounds great, and immerses you in a tale that reads like an epic poem from Viking lore. Unfortunately, the overwritten dialog and glacial pacing make the reading experience a bit of a bore. Read Full Review
THOR asks Loki to take his position as the Skald of the Realms and tell him a story from their past that Thor forgot when they visited Utgard.
The story told by Loki is somewhat harsh in the way Thor behaved when he was young, as a vain being with little tact or humility.
This adventure reveals that Thor could not even use his magic ax, the Jarnbbjorn, to untie a simple rope from the sack of a giant named SKRYMIR who kindly greeted them and invited them to meet his king.
This story has a mix of Norse mythology with supernatural horror in a perfect balance, where the power of the Asgardians is little compared to the Utgardians and in the next issue it will be revealed how Enchantress is involved wit more
This was good but some things left me with more questions than answers.
A really cool issue detailing an early adventure of Thor and Loki. I really liked the approach to the story with Loki re-telling the story to Thor in the present, along with the added touch of some of their current dialogue being incorporated into the story. Plus, I'm really interested by how this issue started and ended. The recent announcement of the Roxxon Thor storyline is definitely intriguing and I'm looking forward to seeing how this story continues to build in the next few issues.
Loving this quite a bit
This felt very much like a definitely a builder issue for the next arc. Art is still phenomenal.
Al Ewing does a great job with developing Thor and Loki’s relationship and chemistry. This issue really shines with the art and the back and forth from Loki and Thor. Really good series so far and a nice self contained story for this month
It was interesting to an extent. I like the concept, but it's not the most well executed book.