Nomadic Avenger's Profile

Joined: Aug 22, 2013

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Overall Rating
Daredevil: End of Days #8 Dec 22, 2013

Wow. Best issue of the whole run so far! You can really feel the emotions of the characters, and the ending was a total surprise!

Uncanny Avengers #14 Nov 30, 2013
Avengers (2012) #18 Aug 22, 2013

It doesn't get much better than this. Both Avengers and New Avengers are spot on right now, cant ask for more!

Daredevil: End of Days Vol. 1 Apr 3, 2014
Infinity #3 Sep 18, 2013

Always good to see beyond the walls of MC1. Smith has a great imagination which makes a great comic!

Namor VS Black Panther, its gonna be epic!

Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #2 Nov 2, 2013

This is as good as it gets. This entire run has been fantastic and it all lead to this explosive issue. A great climax to a long running story line, yet an excellent stand alone issue. Looking forward to seeing whats next!

Thor: God of Thunder #14 Oct 12, 2013

This is the best Transformers comics have ever been. The whole run of MTMTE has been a treat!

Uncanny Avengers #15 Dec 21, 2013

This was such a great series and an excellent finale. I am only disappointed it is over! It ties up all the loose ends but also leaves it open for future stories. I look forward to going back and reading the whole story in a sitting. Hopefully this create team returns for a follow up, as they really deserve accolades for this classic arc. Highly recommended!

Highly enjoyable, great focus on characterisation and awesome art! That last page leaves me wanting more, looking forward to next issue.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #8 Jun 13, 2014
Avengers (2012) #19 Sep 13, 2013
Captain America (2012) #10 Sep 2, 2013
Daredevil (2011) #36 Feb 24, 2014

I'm glad Waid's run is over - I did not like his "happy-go-lucky" take on DD. This new series is back in New York, darker art, and a more serious tone - just like DD should be. This series is already off to a great start. Great moody art and a new intriguing villain. Im on board for the long haul!

This series keeps getting better. The dark coloring complements the art well, and it is great to see Elektra return. This issue had a good twist that will have future ramifications. Well plotted and highly recommended!

This is how DD should be - dark and edgy but Matt still has wit. This is one of the best of Soule's run, which has been great so far. Looking forward to next issue!

Great action and awesome art...classic DD vs. Punisher story with a fresh twist. I enjoyed the fast pace and fluid action and look forward to next issue. Highly recommended.

This issue was great, the best x-men book in a while! A combination of action, mystery and character moments add up to a great 2nd issue. Looking forward to next issue!

Rarely does a series end with such a satisfying finale. Great issue!

Awesome art, great story. So glad to see iron fist back in action, and Andrews is the man to do it! Get this book, this series is going to be big!

You cant ask for much more in a Bond comic - humor, action, and mystery. I enjoyed the first arc (I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10) and this one is shaping up to be even better. Looking forward to next issue!

This second arc has been surprisingly good! More humor and lots of action in this issue, cant ask for much more out of a 007 book!

A sequel to the excellent Judge Dredd year one. Great book!

Another great issue, tons of action, well drawn.

Judge Dredd: Year One #1 Jul 28, 2016
Judge Dredd: Year One #2 Jul 28, 2016
Judge Dredd: Year One #3 Jul 28, 2016

This score (9) is for the whole Year One mini-series. It was fantastic - the art was amazing and the story was of an epic scale. The end had a great twist that made this a great story, not just a great Dredd book. I would have liked to have seen more of Joe Dredd during his years as a cadet so the flashback was neat to see. Highly recommended!

New Avengers (2013) #12 Nov 29, 2013
New Avengers (2013) #24 Sep 27, 2014

Read this series!

Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1 Sep 26, 2013

Really great issue. The best Spider-Man title by far right now.

This has a great futuristic feel with great characters and action - I also like the darker direction it seems to be taking. PAD always writes entertaining stories and the art is strong. Recommended!

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #19 Oct 19, 2013
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #23 Dec 8, 2013
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #25 Sep 2, 2013

This series keeps getting better!

For me this is about as good as it gets. Amazing art, tons of action, and great characterization. I always prefer TMNT stories when they are out of their element, away from the ninjas and sewers. This was a great arc, and Leatherhead is a welcome addition to the series.

Awesome Thor VS Galactus battle!

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #21 Sep 30, 2013
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #22 Oct 19, 2013
Transformers: Regeneration One #99 Mar 3, 2014
Uncanny Avengers #11 Sep 2, 2013
Uncanny Avengers #12 Sep 27, 2013

Classic villains like mystique and the blob, combined with interactions between Scott and Hank just makes you feel good about the current direction of the X-men! The mysterious new villain and the shield conflict are icing on the cake!

This is the best this series has been so far (and it has been a good series)! Excellent art by Bachalo sets the mood for this action packed issue.

This is the most excited I have been for the x-men in a long time. Great art, lots of mystery, and great characters. I hope this team sticks around for a while. Highly recommended!

I don't understand any of the negative reviews. This is the best x-men has been in years, far better than anything Bendis wrote. Instead of throwaway predictable plots involving Apocalypse, the past two issues have had great twists and turns and has used the x-men history (Archangel, Callisto, M, etc.) very well. Plus, the return of Emplate - who could ask for more? This is a great series - highly recommended.

Best issue of the series so far, near perfect! This is the first incarnation of a Spirit series I have read and Im glad I did! Great series, add it to your pull list!

This book is just so consistently good - the plotting, art, and characters are always fantastic. Unfortunately there are only two issues left in this story, but I cant wait to see how it ends. Hopefully the creative team reunites for a follow up soon. Highly recommended!

Wolverine and the X-Men #38 Nov 29, 2013
Wolverine and the X-Men #40 Jan 25, 2014
X-Men '92 #1 Jun 27, 2015
X-Men (2013) #5 Sep 13, 2013
X-Men (2013) #6 Oct 10, 2013
X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2 Nov 2, 2013
All-New X-Factor #5 Apr 5, 2014

Each issue just keeps getting better. And Gambit...hilarious!

All-New X-Men #22.NOW Jan 25, 2014

Nice to see some payoff for the characters introduced in Battle of the Atom. More great story and art!

All-New X-Men #28 Jun 13, 2014

This issue was really good. One of the most noticeable changes was the humor and one liners spidey was throwing around. Its good to have peter back! All the stories were really well done and set up interesting future plots, including 2099 spider-man. Pick it up!

Avengers (2012) #20 Sep 26, 2013
Avengers (2012) #25 Jan 27, 2014

Tension builds slowly throughout the issue, resulting in a surprise ending! Another great issue of the Avengers.

Batman (2011) #23.2 Sep 13, 2013
Daredevil (2011) #34 Dec 22, 2013

The critic reviews are pretty harsh, considering this is a good comic. The first story is a fun look at the future, and it was a treat to have Bendis and Maleev together again. If you like DD, its worth it!

Another great issue! This is the most I have enjoyed Daredevil in a few years and I am looking forward to each issue. Not sure what to think of Blindspot yet...but everything else is great.

More Elektra is always a good thing, and she is vicious in this issue - the art is also great, although I look forward to the return of Garney. I also look forward to finding out how they put Matt's identity back in the bottle.

This book is awesome! Dark and gritty the way DD should be, the best DD has been is a long time.

This series continues to be great. The art is awesome with non-stop action. I want to see more of this Punisher.

Deathmatch #9 Sep 7, 2013

This issue was a lot of fun, and this series continues to fire on all cylinders. People seem to forget what the x-men proper should be - and this is it. (if you want emo, confused, depressed x-men - go read Bendis run). This series (and Uncanny x-men) has been a great return to form. Highly recommended.

Great action and characterization as always. To many story lines at once makes the book a bit choppy - Hama needs a second GI Joe title to fit all these stories!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #8 Nov 2, 2013
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #13 Apr 3, 2014
Infinity #4 Oct 10, 2013
Infinity #6 Nov 29, 2013
Inhumanity #1 Dec 8, 2013
James Bond #1 Nov 11, 2015

This series has been highly enjoyable - it is great to see Dredd outside Mega City One. We are getting some answers as to why MC1 is in its current condition too. Moody art and an intriguing story - Highly recommended!

Really loving this book. This series has done a good job developing a supporting cast for Dredd which raises the stakes for him. The mystery of how Mega City 1 got like this is slowly unraveling as well.

A great conclusion to this mini, but also ties up lose threads from Dredd Year One. I really enjoyed the pace, chaining locations, and art throughout this seires - hopefully Anderson will get another Mini-series in the near future.

New Avengers (2013) #11 Oct 19, 2013
Origin II #2 Jan 27, 2014

Great event, looking forward to the big finish!

Punisher (2014) #2 Feb 24, 2014

Two thumbs up!

Solid start to a new Punisher series. The issue introduced an interesting new villain (Face) during a violent drug bust - Classic Punisher stuff. My only complaint - it needs more Frank; the last series had enough of silent Frank, I hope that this series focuses more on the Punisher instead of the supporting cast. On art duties Dillon is back and always welcome - he draws a mean Frank! Looking forward to next issue.

Nice finale, although a little light on action - I would have liked half the issue to be fought on the battle field instead of talking, but the script was tight. Also, not much of a FF fan so those scenes didn't have the emotional connection for me as it might for others. Otherwise a great event, Hickman's Avengers run was great and this was a well deserved ending!

Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #4 Jan 18, 2016

Great Issue featuring 2099 versions of Venom and Dr. Octopus and it looks like 2099 Green Goblin will be showing up next issue. As always PAD writes an intriguing plot with a character focus. The art is a little stiff, but the colors help make for some great splash pages. Highly recommended.

Great issue! Glad to finally see who was behind the goblin mask all these years.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26 Jan 30, 2014
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW Mar 1, 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #26 Sep 27, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #16 Dec 21, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW Mar 1, 2014
TMNT Villain Microseries #7 Nov 5, 2013

A great second issue! X-men, time travel, a new villain. Great start!

Great first issue with an enjoyable cast. Not a fan of the art, but still good enough to come back for issue #2.

Will Eisner's The Spirit #4 Nov 25, 2015
Will Eisner's The Spirit #7 Feb 13, 2016
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #2 Mar 21, 2014
Wolverine and the X-Men Annual #1 Nov 29, 2013
All-New X-Factor #2 Jan 25, 2014

Good issue, lots of awesome art, especially the Art Adams pages with the Beast.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #10 Jul 5, 2016

Im glad this series has improved. I enjoyed this Zodiac arc and its satisfying conclusion. This was the best arc so far, and I hope to see this momentum continue.

A solid fresh start to a new arc. I enjoyed seeing MJ and Norman again and hope to see them stick around. I also like the Regent character an look forward to seeing how this goes differently than the Regent spider-man arc during Secret War.

Avengers (2012) #22 Nov 2, 2013
Avengers (2012) #27 Apr 5, 2014
Avengers (2012) #29 May 24, 2014
Avengers World #2 Jan 27, 2014
Batman (2011) #24 Oct 12, 2013
Cable and X-Force #14 Sep 22, 2013

Im liking the darker feel of this issue and the fact that they are finally dealing with Murdock's coming out as DD.

Very satisfying conclusion to the first arc. Although it does not re-invent the wheel, it introduces us to Matt's status quo and Blind Spot, and is well written with great art. Recommended!

Not as good as last issue as it was a little too lighthearted for my taste, but it is still a good issue with a satisfying conclusion to a Spidey teamup.

My favorite part about this series is Frank, he is well written and just looks mean. Classic match-up between the Punisher and DD.

This is excellent. I prefer the regular 2000AD dredd, and the IDW Dredd is great too, but this was still a well drawn/well told Dredd story!

I dont usually like movie tie-ins, but this was really good. The art was great and it had a solid Dredd-verse feel. It didnt really tie to the movie at all, but was still good. The backup was worth the price of admission as well.

I enjoyed this first issue, nothing shocking but it's a breath of fresh air after Bendis. Ramos art was good and a few new story lines began this issue - I look forward to finding out what Cyclops did and how the team comes together.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #7 Oct 19, 2013
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW Jan 30, 2014

Good fun and great art! I hope to see more x-men books like this going forward.

Infinity #2 Sep 4, 2013
Infinity #5 Nov 2, 2013

Much better than most the reviews say. I like the fresh start, and this has a real adventure feel to it.

New Avengers (2013) #17 Apr 30, 2014

Lots to enjoy here (art & action) but it is moving a little slow. Still, looking forward to next issue.

Original Sin #3 Jun 6, 2014

Great series! Highly recommended.

The story is moving slow but is providing more space for action/violence and Dillon continues to draw a great Punisher.

Good action, its exciting to see things move forward. This issue ended to quickly, I look forward to the next two issues!

Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #1 Nov 1, 2015

Highly enjoyable! I like the darker direction they are taking Miguel, a good differentiation from Peter. The story is fun, and the art is good/okay.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #16 Aug 22, 2013
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17 Sep 7, 2013
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #24 Dec 22, 2013

Glad Peter is back!!

Great comic! I could read a whole mini series based around the concepts from this particular issue.

IDW has done some great Rocketeer mini series so far, and this one is off to a decent start!

TMNT Villain Microseries #6 Sep 13, 2013

While the first issue was a little stronger, issue 2 was still a ton of fun! I understand if this title isn't for everyone, but anyone growing up with either the GI Joe or Transformers cartoons with receive a nostalgic blast! After reading this issue, I was reminded how much fun these figures can be. Looking forward to next issue!

Epic Transformers saga! Started a little slow, but transformed into a great story!

I'm Surprised by the generally low reviews, this was a fun first issue. The art was a little cartoony, but enjoyable. The team has a good cast, although I dont care for the inhumans. Looking forward to the next issue.

This title should be the Flagship Avengers book - it has one of the greatest teams assembled and is hosting all of the important moments - including the return of Pym.

This is marvels flagship Avengers book right now, the only one with characters that matter. The art is a 10 and the story is well written - I think what appears to be an obvious plot will have an unpredictable twist. Recommended!

Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13 Oct 19, 2013
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14 Nov 21, 2013
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #17 Feb 24, 2014
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #19.NOW Mar 21, 2014
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #30 Feb 16, 2015

This book is excellent, thanks in part the Lashleys amazing pencils! A little too much time was spent on the Psylocke/Fantomex relationship, but the rest of the story is so good it didnt slow it down to bad. Really enjoying this book!

The art is just amazing in Uncanny lately, thanks to Lashley's detailed pencils. I think the label of "Apocalypse Wars" is unnecessary as he is not featured in it, but the focus is on Holocaust instead. As a long time Generation-X fan, I am greatly enjoying the arc with Monet and Empath.

X-Men (2013) #4 Aug 22, 2013
X-Men (2013) #7 Nov 21, 2013
X-Men (2013) #8 Dec 22, 2013

Solid start to a new arc! Looking forward to next issue.

Best X-title of the month. Creepy and engaging story that moves the plot forward with nice art. Glad to see this new creative team doing something good with this title.

All-New X-Factor #6 Apr 10, 2014
All-New X-Factor #8 May 25, 2014
All-New X-Men #20 Dec 21, 2013

Looks like a fun arc, but the story is to spread to thin. Decent art.

Really good so far, though I would prefer if it didn't rely so much on what came before.

Nice art, lots of cool fight scenes, but not enough peter parker. Overall, still recommended.

Nothing special so far, the last page was promising. An average yet entertaining issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #9 Jul 5, 2016

I enjoy Regent, but this arc is moving a little too quickly (compared to the Scorpio story which was dragged out too long).

This title is constantly good (rarely amazing, never bad). This review sums up the last few years of Spidey.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #2 Dec 8, 2013
Amazing X-Men (2013) #3 Jan 30, 2014

Some fun action, but a predictable ending.

This event is much better than the press it is getting. I think reviewers are more frusterated with the idea of an "Event" than the Axis event it self. Its really good, read it!

Avengers (2012) #21 Oct 19, 2013
Avengers (2012) #35 Sep 27, 2014
Avengers World #3 Feb 24, 2014

Better than I expected...Bendis is so hit and miss (mostly miss these days) that I was apprehensive purchasing this book. I enjoyed the dialog and the art was great - I will be giving the series proper a try too.

Vast improvement over last issue, due to the darker tone of the story. When they don't focus on out of character humor, this book is quite good.

Good action, and the art was alright. It took a few issues but the book and characters have a direction. Hopefully this series continues to improve. Pretty good issue.

Extraordinary X-Men #6 Feb 13, 2016

I have been enjoying this arc - a little predictable, and Ramos' art is a little busy, but the x-men books are functioning better now than they have for a long time as they are action packed, well drawn books.

This series never disappoints, but it currently feels a little disjointed as at least 5 stories are running at once. Hama has so many ideas in his head I think he needs a second ongoing! Its Hama, its GI Joe - read it!

Good issue - tons of great action. This is not what I expected from a Bond comic, but I am enjoying it. Little story progression, but action packed.

Lots of great action and art, but a little shy on plot. Overall a satisfying end to an excellent first arc.

A very comical take on Dredd, not to be taken seriously but still fun. Genuinely laugh out loud funny with good art.

Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #2 Jul 28, 2016
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #3 Jul 28, 2016

This was a fun/crazy Dredd story not to be taken to seriously. It was quite humorous and had art that matched the writing well. Not my favorite Dredd series by any means, but still entertaining.

A good story and solid build-up for what is coming next. This series has been a slow burn, but reads well in trade format or going back and re-reading several issues at a time.

Decent issue, hopefully Fury survives this series.

I'm surprised by the number of negative reviews, as this series had a meaningful conclusion and excellent art. The conflict with Dr. Midas was clearly an afterthought, but the whole story with Nick Fury was well laid out. As far as events go it was not quite as good as Infinity, but MUCH better than Age of Ultron.

I generally enjoy this series more than Amazing Spidey. It has solid and consistent art, but most of all it is always entertaining. Recommended!

The civil war II tie-in is forced, but does not slow the issue badly. The cameos of Ravage and Gallows (Punisher) made my day.

This was actually a pretty good issue, the strongest of the series. Its rare that a finale delivers but this one does - good action, great art, and characters people actually want to see. Its too bad it took 5 issues preceding this to get here, just when it was getting good. Overall 6.9/10 for the series. Fun but only ok.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #22 Nov 30, 2013

This was a good issue, a return to a slower pace after the amazing finale of the last arc. The cover for this issue is one of my personal favorites, but the interior art (same artist) just doesn't quite cut it - the turtles look quite good but the humans are a little messy looking. This is just a great series, looking forward to next issue.

A solid issue, but not as good as last arc mostly due to the change in art. Still, TMNT always delivers and this issue provides a great cliffhanger.

Turtles in Time continues to be a fun ride. This issue feature some great art and moves the story along. Looking forward to the finale!

The Rocketeer fighting Nazis. Whats not to like? Classic, fun.

Consistently good.

Transformers: Robots In Disguise #46 Nov 11, 2015

Im interested to see what happen with the adults working together, but the pages spent on the young, newly introduced mutants (like gold ball) feel like wasted space. Not a fan of Ankas art at all, hopefully Bachello returns next issue.

X-Men (2013) #9 Jan 27, 2014
All-New X-Men #19 Nov 30, 2013
All-New X-Men #30 Aug 21, 2014

The art was weak, but so far a fun start to a new arc.

Lots of backup stories not worth the extra dollars. For a first issue, it was just a continuation of the previous series. 7/10 is generous.

Slightly better than the first issue, but I'm already bored with the Zodiac. Slott has written some good spidey stories, so I'll hold on for the ride. Read Spiderman 2099!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #13 Jul 6, 2016

Good art, very average story.

Captain America (2012) #11 Sep 13, 2013
Judge Dredd: Mega City Two #3 Jul 29, 2016
New Avengers (2013) #16.NOW Apr 5, 2014

This is a good start for the new Punisher series, but is moving a little slow, however, I expect when it is read all at once it will flow nicely. I look forward to next issue. (And I always enjoy Dillon on Punisher art duties).

The story is not really developing much, but there is lots of action and I mostly enjoy the art - it is a small gripe but I dont like the way Franks hair is drawn.

I like the new villain character but this story is so decompressed! It needs to pick up the pace!

I have enjoyed all of IDW's Rocketeer minis so far, but unfortunately this was their weakest entry so far. It was by no mean bad, but it was a little to light/corny to have any weight - it felt like the characters were never in any real danger and that the ending was coming to a predictable conclusion. The art didn't help either, it was too cartoony to really appreciate - they should take a note out of Dave Stevens books and get an artist who can better match his artistic style. Regardless of these gripes, it was still a fun action packed Rocketeer story with a satisfying conclusion (he beats the Nazis!). The issue does leave it open for future Rockteer stories, so I look forward to seeing whats next.

A disappointing ending to an otherwise good series. It got pulled into the main Secret Wars story and lost its own.

Nice filler issue, looking forward to the next arc!

I'd give it a 6.9 - it was just ok. I hope that this books shows how that team forms and why it exists. And Greg Land ugh... Needs a new artist ASAP. Bunn can be a great writer, hopefully this book improves fast!

This series has been great, but this issues was definitely a misstep. Looking forward to seeing x-factor building some momentum,

A little more than predictable (yet satisfying)ending to the current arc. Unfortunately this title will be swept up in a crossover for the next few months too.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #6 Jul 4, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #7 Jul 4, 2016

The one word I would use to describe this book right now is DULL. The art is good but the story is predictable and...dull. Nothing exciting happens and the story keeps plodding along. Hoping it improves.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #10 Aug 21, 2014
Captain America (2012) #17 Feb 24, 2014
Captain America (2012) #19 Apr 5, 2014

Standard fair...not as good as the other Dredd sequel DREDD: UPRISE.

Judge Dredd: Mega City Two #1 Jul 29, 2016

Slow pacing and Frank's poor characterization is getting tiresome. I'll give the next arc a try, but loosing patience...

Great art but little to no story to go with it.

Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #2 Aug 19, 2016

5.5 points for the art 1 for the story...

This series is just okay - but a wasted opportunity. The art is great, but lacks story and focuses too much on Street Fighter and not enough on GI Joe.

Wolverine and the X-Men #35 Sep 2, 2013

6 is generous for this issue. The story is so predicable and the characters dry... Not recommended.

One word: Overhyped. Coming from a huge DD fan, it saddens me to give this book such a low score. This happy-go-lucky DD is not the Matt Murdoch we know, this feels like his annoying brother "Mike". Poor characterisation for the title character. Cartoon art. Hopefully this hipster stage in DD's life ends soon.

Judge Dredd: Mega City Two #2 Jul 29, 2016
Judge Dredd: Mega City Two #4 Jul 29, 2016

MegaCity 2 was a strange, bizarre, and cartoony world that did not work for Dredd. I have really enjoyed IDW Dredd (even the Mars Attacks Dredd was fun) but I did not like this series. The art was a mixed bag and the story was confusing and went nowhere really. My favorite Dredd stories are from the early 2000AD case files (Cursed Earth, Judge Cal, City of the Damned) but these issues failed to capture the same humor/violent combination of the era it seemed to be going for.

This series has been a disappointment - The art is great, but the story is cheesy and predictable. Who came up with these battles? No one asked for these match-ups and second tier Street Fighter characters. I wish this series was half as good as the cover looks. A 6 is generous, given for the great art.


X-Men (2013) #17 Aug 7, 2014

Rough FILLER issue, it tried way hard to be funny. Not the way I wanted to spend $3.99 this week. Hopefully next issue is much better!

Great art, weird story! I really didn't enjoy it.

Fun but light on story and the art was terrible. I would NOT like to see this creative team return to GI Joe. It had a couple of neat moments but nothing memorable. Read Hama's ARAH GI Joe instead.

Silver Surfer (2014) #1 Apr 5, 2014

So boring, poor artwork. Im almost done with this series...

This is NOT the Avengers - I gotta say, this issue was truly terrible. So predictable and boring I was actually looking forward to the end so I could put it down. This is the worst character line-up in Avengers history as well - full of kids and replacement characters no one cares about (replacement Nova, Cap, Thor, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel - This team is a joke). After Hickmans amazing run, this is book is truly depressing.

Sadly, this is pretty bad. Slow and predictable.

Mighty Avengers (2013) #1 Sep 13, 2013
Damian: Son of Batman #1 Nov 2, 2013

Terrible issue. Each issue has gotten worse, and it is with #4 I drop the series from my pull-list. The art quality is all over the place and the story is completely incoherent. Good thing there is GI Joe ARAH and Transformers MTMTE for good stories. IDW is great, just dont waste money on this series.

What a flat end to a run with so many ups and downs. I really hate what Bendis did to Ice Man too, so out of character and completely ignored 50 years of established history. It was a very disappointing finish, not worth the $5.99. Good art however, Bachalo and Immonen are always great.

Aquaman (2011) #25 Nov 30, 2013

This is not GI Joe. This is a story they wanted to tell and are using the GI Joe brand to sell it. But let me tell you, this is NOT a GI Joe story. Terribly simplistic art. Groan worthy dialogue. PC as hell. Not Gi Joe. I want my $4.00 back. The end.

Reviews for the Week of...




