Bigbooty's Profile

Joined: May 30, 2018

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Overall Rating

The only bad thing is that there is not more of exactly this...

Wow! Give everyone involved with this a raise. Art, story = all spectacular. What an amazing run with Jane as Thor.

Fantastic. Best thing Marvel has going for it right now. Russell D. Is a superstar!

Thor: God of Thunder #18 Sep 4, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #23 Sep 6, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #24 Sep 6, 2018

Going back and reading this again made me appreciate what an excellent setup this was for another fantastic run.

Based on this the rest should be fantastic.

The art was much easier to look at this book. Great artistic depiction of both Ego and Wolverine. The writing is top notch -Jason Aaron having fun with it. Love the Ego story and was hoping after 700 it didn’t go away. Great stuff!


Thor: God of Thunder #14 Sep 3, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #15 Sep 3, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #16 Sep 4, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #17 Sep 4, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW Sep 5, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #20 Sep 5, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #21 Sep 5, 2018
Thor: God of Thunder #22 Sep 6, 2018
Venom (2018) #4 Aug 21, 2018

Dramatic ending! What a great team on this book. Can’t say enough about them.

Getting better as it goes.

Wow. There was a ton of content in this issue.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Harley Quinn vs. Joker #1 Aug 31, 2018

Loving this book. How’d I miss it?

Buzzkill #2 Aug 23, 2018

Loved it.

Stylish, fantastic story.

Always loved these. I want to say the pencils have been cleaner in the past or maybe the inker made the difference but nitpicking aside LM is always a good read and the art is delightful.

Mister Miracle (2017) #1 Dec 19, 2018


Jason Aaron is a gift to Thor fans.

Solid start for a new run that was severely needed.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #2 Aug 30, 2018

Old favorites and new additions. Loved it.

Transformers: Unicron #3 Aug 28, 2018

Can’t even nitpick this one.

This and the Avengers is the best thing going for Marvel right now. Fantastic writing and art.

Fantastic. Impressive art and story.

Starting to find its legs. Aaron starting to shine and the art is looking better every book.

Avengers (2018) #8 Oct 1, 2018
Batman: Eternal #1 Aug 31, 2018

Cates is really having a good time with this one. Loving it so far.

Detective Comics (2016) #984 Sep 1, 2018
FCBD 2018: Avengers/Captain America #1 Jun 2, 2018
Oblivion Song #3 Jun 2, 2018

Great story and art. All ages can enjoy this.

Good start. Hope they can keep it up.

Wish they would stop with the restarting all the time nonsense. Aaron is going strong. After Dauterman this art style is jarring to say the least. Newest version of Avengers is the same kind of thing. Panel after panel of close-ups of characters with pastel coloring and with a washed out background. Very low effort. Aaron writing shines though. Wards art is slightly better.

Story is good but the art is hurting this run. It’s atrocious. Pencils are weak and the colors are as if they chose from different shades of vomit.

Love the story. Tolerate the art style.

Righting all the wrongs done by BMB. No Ironheart just makes it so much better.

Story gets a little janky in parts but is shaping up nicely. Art is fantastic.

Great follow up for last issue. Leaves me wanting more again.

Excellent art. Very well written story.

Action Comics (2016) #992 Jun 3, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #993 Jun 3, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #998 Jul 21, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #999 Jul 21, 2018

Bendis gets a 2 for unoriginal retcon.

8 points for Throg, Angela, and kid Loki. Art is good. Story is ok.

I’d like to see Angela fleshed out more but the art is fantastic and it has Throg.

Good start. Art is very good and character centered but he backgrounds are blah. The style will have to grow on me.

Avengers (2018) #3 Jul 15, 2018
Avengers (2018) #9 Nov 17, 2018

Well done.

Batman (2016) #49 Jul 13, 2018

Entertaining break from the last few issues.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1 Jul 12, 2018

It’s a fun book that doesn’t take anything seriously. I like it.

Very enjoyable.

Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider #1 Jun 6, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #974 Jun 3, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #981 Aug 31, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #983 Sep 1, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #985 Sep 1, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #986 Sep 1, 2018

The most dangerous place in Gotham city is the floor where you’re standing now.

Detective Comics (2016) #988 Oct 15, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #4 Dec 19, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #5 Dec 19, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #6 Dec 19, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #7 Dec 19, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #9 Dec 19, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #11 Dec 19, 2018
Oblivion Song #4 Aug 30, 2018

I’ll go with the consensus, it’s a fun book.

I like Dan Slott on this book so far. Didn't even know who Arno was until this book. I hope this is going to be developed and they are not going to drop it and keep telling lame ass stories about Tony's mom and everyone dating. Can his mom just please go ahead and die or move to another multiverse or better yet, just stop writing about her and we can pretend she never existed. Nobody would miss her for sure.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #6 Dec 11, 2018
Transformers: Unicron #1 Aug 27, 2018

I like the team they have made. Nobody seems to have ever figured out what do with Angela over the years and this worked better than most of her stuff going all the way back to the original McFarlane books. Still not great though. Throg almost made my rating an 8 by himself.

Not digging the art. Looks like Aaron setting McGuinness up to hit home runs and McGuinness is hitting foul balls. Case in point. Second page splash page is a huge setup for the big three and the art is blah. What are backgrounds? McGuinness clearly doesn’t know or care how to draw them. Every panel is a character close up with a washed out, almost air brush-esque quality...every one.

Batman (2016) #46 Jul 12, 2018
Batman (2016) #55 Nov 28, 2018
Batman (2016) #56 Nov 28, 2018

Still can’t understand all the 10’s. Low threshold for being impressed I guess. Art was really good and the story is not terrible. Long time Batman fans seem to hate it for various reasons. Being a newcomer to Batman and not having all the baggage, I think it’s ok. Fun read.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #3 Nov 19, 2018
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #4 Nov 19, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #989 Nov 23, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #990 Nov 23, 2018

Just now picked this up to start the series. Hope it gets better. Epicness + Epicness x infinity? Every story lately seems to want to turn it up to 10 and rip the knob off without much in between. Oh well, I bought the whole series to date so here we go...

Mister Miracle (2017) #2 Jul 14, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #3 Jul 14, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #10 Dec 19, 2018
Oblivion Song #5 Aug 30, 2018
Thors #1 Nov 19, 2018

As with a lot of Transformers books it tries to shoehorn in as many characters and plot lines as it can on every page. Gets confusing but comes together in the end to set up the next battleground. Art remains very good.

Average annual type stuff. Fun read.

I really really really dislike alternate timelines stories. They are so hard to pull off and make worthwhile yet so easy for writers to think they can do it well. Rarely works out and it struggles here.

Batman (2016) #47 Jul 12, 2018
Batman (2016) #48 Jul 12, 2018
Batman (2016) #52 Nov 28, 2018

Trying to be complex and deep, not very effectively. Put some wang in it though.

Detective Comics (2016) #982 Sep 1, 2018

The arts not great but kinda reminds me of old Monty Python shorts. The story is weird and all over the place. Think they were on acid when they conceived this one. All in all it’s strange enough to be interesting but not sure if the trip is gonna last.

Not worse than the first issue. Art and story still managing to be trippy. Might start to get old sooner than later, too early to tell.

First off, the cover art is terrible and has absolutely nothing to do with what’s inside. Next up, not judging a book by its cover, the art is ok until the Doctor Doom story and I can’t get over the Fred Flinstonesque look of Doom. Story - This is a setup book, nothing more and too early to tell if the series is gonna be all that. Not a great 1st showing after all the hype. Meh.

Art is fantastic and the story is good but I am such a big FF fan my expectations demand this at least live up to some of the 200’s and 300’s and it ain’t even close so far. It is fun though and I hope it keeps getting better.

Love the concept. Art is done well. Fell short a little in the delivery.

Mister Miracle (2017) #8 Dec 19, 2018

Don't like the loose ending.

First arc over. Blobby monster world with blobby no detail monsters was getting boring up until the end of this. Not completely uninteresting and not hard to follow but I don’t know if I want to anymore. I’ll give it one more issue before I decide.

Glad this run is wrapping up. Getting worse as it goes. All over the place. Art took a nose dive after Samnee left.

Gonna have to get better. Right? Good comic and story but only an average to below average FF4 story.

The Deathlok story was enjoyable enough, the next 2 progressively got bad. Real bad.

Decent feature story about the Black Knight . The rest is dookie.

The art is so bad it is dragging the story down. Color still looks like they vomited on each panel and swirled it around. Also, many panels don’t even jive with what is actually going on, or do they? Who can fucking tell?

Should be renamed. Boring Dialogue Comics.

Alternate timeline nonsense.

So Constantine and saying "fuck" more than once constitutes an adult, dark, story. An adult, dark story would have been better. Hoping it might still happen.

Waid and Samnee has made for an incredible team in the past. In the present and future however(alt timeline future that is) not so much. Waid simply is not telling a very good story here. It’s the lazy appproach to writing for a character. Maybe he was instructed to do this, who knows. What I do know is that I think it’s dookie. Samnee art style I will always like, Waid laid an egg.

Less than average story and art. Nothing exciting or special about it despite the hype. Marvel continues to struggle to find a writer who understands Captain America. Haven’t completely given up on this run. Hopefully it’s better than the last one.

Meh. The art is ok.

Better than the ongoing series but they just can’t seem to decide what to do with Cap these days.

Catwoman (2018) #1 Jul 13, 2018

Art looked great. I hope the story was meant to be a joke. This ones gonna need some work to make it interesting. I just don’t think they have the right team to do it.

This book made me want to stay for a least one more but I don’t have a lot of faith, at this point, that I will continue to stay. The story up to this point has been a slow, mostly boring, grind. The human character art is really good and tells the story well enough. Panel layout, colors, all good. The monsters and the dimensional worlds are just lazy blobbly art with very little detail. Makes the interesting bits hard to look at and ultimately hurts the books appeal.

Butt ugly art with no life to it.

Series has gone from bad to worse. Bring on the next team....and hurry it up! This crap is painfull. Destined for the 50¢ box that gets set outside the front door on Saturday’s.

I guess it sums it up that I read the book the night before this review and I had to look at it again to remember what happened, which was nothing really. Marvel still on the everybody hates me, sulky version of Captain America. Also, something that makes it worse is the Avengers title Cap and this Cap don’t jive at all.

Tom Kings Joker story was fantastic. JT’s was good also. BMB was wordy, confusing, and dull. But that’s pretty much his writing style so good luck with that DC.

Art is horrendous. Wasted opportunity to draw the Punisher in cool looking War Machine armor. Cover art is nice but what’s inside is like an non-artistic kindergartner painted it with finger paints. Storytelling is probably ok but hard to get past the visual assault of the art style for me.

The art looks good but not the writing. Gonna skip owning this book at full price until better writers take over. I’ll still collect because that’s what I do, but it’ll be in the dollar bin before too long and I will get it then. Don’t recommend full price for this story at all.

Wow! “Critics” dropping 10’s like this ridiculous, boring crap is the best shit ever.

This whole story arc has been terrible and the wrap up was even worse.

Art is ok. Boring story.

These guys have no idea how to write for Doom.

The art has actually gotten worse as the series has progressed and I use progressed loosely. Slow burner with barely enough to keep me interested anymore. I’ll keep an eye out for it but not gonna pay full price for this one anymore for sure.

Bendis sure does know how to make a story wordy and boring.

Still wondering how much longer it will take before Bendis kills off Superman and replaces him with a super intelligent teenage girl.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #597 Jun 3, 2018

Crap sandwich straight out of the stink hole.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #600 May 31, 2018

As bad or worse than the last several issues. Filler before the next run, and bad filler at that.

Snooze fest. A disappointing and boring book.

More of the same. Boring. Art is starting to look bad too. Can’t blame the artist for having to draw panel after panel of weak plot.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #593 Jun 3, 2018

This One was bad too. Going back and reading this arc was a total waste of time. Just terrible. Straight to the dollar bin.

Starks mom. Nuff said.

WTF did I just read. Did BMB start writing Batman too or has TK sucked this bad all along. It takes a straight up jackass to have written that story. TK, you suck.

This was terrible to begin with. No way it’s worth a TPB. Nobody at Marvel has any idea how to write a good Captain America story. No vision for this title.

RiRi has been terrible enough but the whole mom thing is cringeworthy.

This was utter crap when it was new and now it's a lump of crap in collected form. Save your money because this whole crap series can be found at any comic book store in the 50 cent or dollar bin.P.S. Nick Spencer should have been forced to retire after this debacle.

Whining, everybody hates me Captain America is back in another self loathing example of poor, narrow minded, one sided political satire. Pure crap. Can’t even muster the writing skills up to have Cap in his own story without dragging in the writers own goto character. The story is weak.

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