Tim Montoya's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Corps Reviews: 118
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Why, why do we do this to ourselves? Dark Knight III ends as we all feared it would, as an incoherent mess that feels completely unsatisfying.

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Path of Doom Part Four, with the story coming to a bit of a hang, we find Wonder Woman joining Superman in the battle of Doomsday. One has to wonder, will all of the threads going on in this arc payoff in the end? Was rehashing the Doomsday fight in the new line really a good idea?

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In conclusion, I enjoyed the character building and the stories that happened in this event. But it wasn't how it was marketed or pitched to us. This was supposed to bring answers and honestly, it brought none. Of course, there is a book being solicited here called Doomsday Clock by Geoff Johns and it will supposedly feature Superman fighting Doctor Manhattan. However, after this event, I'm not really looking forward to much of anything besides Metal.

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The Button has come to a close, Claire has been saved, and we have The War of Jokes and Riddles on the horizon. Batman #24 comes in as a filler style issue, wrapping up the I am Bane arc and delivering a bombshell at the end. Spoilers ahead!

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As with the Dark Knight books of the past, Miller tends to make things political. However, on this issue, it is pure action, with the payoff of the buildup from the last issue. Yet even with that, it feels like it falls flat. Sure the Amazonians and Kryptonians are duking it out, yet it feels as if it gets us nowhere.

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A lot happens here, with some good and some bad. Again we are left with a lot of unanswered questions. Hopefully, they will all be brought into the light in future releases.

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Nightwing #19 is picking up the pace again and returning to what makes this title so great. With some slow build up here and there leading to the eventual payoff of the next issue. If you're on the fence about picking up Nightwing, you can start here as there is a nice explanation in the front of the book about what is going on. This title is worth picking up even when it has its missteps.

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BLOOD HAS BEEN SPILLED. Blood, Traps, sex, violence. All the beautiful things we have to come to expect from this series. There is a recurring nightmare for our musicians that is their lives at the moment.

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Action Comics, while it is living up to its very name, is leaving some things to be desired. As with the last few, the art is profoundly good and is reason enough to keep reading this title. Either way Doomsday is here and how can our cast of heroes/villains(?) take him down?

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While it is fun to see the worlds of Booster Gold and The Flintstones collide together, this largely feels like a Booster Gold comic. With The Flintstones being a small piece of the puzzle. We do get to see a lot of Bedrock as a background throughout the comic, however, that is about it.

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In the last issue, we saw Cassandra Cains rise back to glory. Bringing the entire team back from the brink and now putting them face to face with Shiva. While we do see the scuffle between the team and Shiva here, ultimately it is again about Cassandra.

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Violet learns a life she once saved has faced almost certain death yet again, there's a new killer out there and now she has to take a deep look into her place in Gotham!

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Overall this was an action packed issue, however, after reading it all, it still feels like a filler issue. We don't really accomplish anything here and just find out that the bad guy wasn't the big bad, just another in the line to the top.

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As with most annuals Spider-Gwen is filled with new stories from different creative teams. All of them being tons of fun to read and very lighthearted in nature. Touching on pop culture, social, and paradoxes this is just an all around fun read.

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Being such a big Detective Comics fan, it is really good to see another team up book that isn't just about the main character. Each of the characters here has been fleshed out in their own titles over time. To Benson's credit they don't appear to be reinventing the wheel on this book, just taking it for a spin. Even with Nightwing in the mix the story never feels muddled, it comes off as a Gotham Justice League of sorts. Everyone has their place in this book.

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Largely in this issue, we get to see the relationship of Barry and Iris and how it is working out. Barry having just revealed his identity to Wally in the last issue, yet Iris still does not know. Williamson has built up the relationship of Iris and Barry in the past few issues, really showing how this secret is coming to a head.

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Kamandi lands in a new kingdom in this unknown world, where they are already worshiping him as a messenger of the gods. While these people may worship Kamandi, they are not what they would seem. We end up finding out more about them as the story progresses and it is a bit terrifying.

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With the Rebirth event going on at DC we are seeing a lot more fun entering the universe. New Super-Man #1 is no stranger to fun, this is an all around good read with plenty to be happy for. We get Kenan's origin story for New Super-Man along with the supporting cast and a nice twist at the end.

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Deathwing is back in the DCU, well not really, but a take on him. In Nightwing #17 we see Nightwing and Damian picking up on their hunt for Shawn, Nightwings potentially pregnant girlfriend. Which leads them down memory lane back to a story from the original Batman and Robin back in 2009. Where Dick Grayson was Batman and Damian Wayne was his Robin.

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While this arc has had it's shaky moments here and there this final chapter does deliver a solid message. Tim Seeley really defines what Robin is in comparison to Batman in this issue.

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Finch sets up the world of Rose fairly quickly in this first issue but still manages to pack a lot of info in. It is off to the races with this first issue as it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, with the assumption that more will be revealed along the way. This issue serves as background story, setting up the big bad, and delivering the heroin Rose.

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Something has been quite fishy about the new town that Clark, Lois, and Jon have been calling home. With this story beginning to flesh out a lot of oddities that have been happening over time. Alluding to there is more to this town than may meet the eye.

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With this being the first issue of five there is a lot of information here, with Grant Morrison like detail. The information dump is real, yet I never found it to bog the story down. Nelsen uses a Memento-Esq storytelling style in which we get the end first and work our way back.

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This is definitely geared toward the younger crowds and is almost identical to the TV series. I enjoyed it. It has all those little easter eggs and little things that make the true comic fans appreciate them.

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In part 2 of "Path of Doom" there is plenty of action, nostalgia, and mystery. Opening up the issue the do a quick recap of how we got here, with 2 Clarks, 2 Supermen, and a familiar foe. We return to the Superman most of us knew and loved, both in form and action. Plus the amazing art from Zircher, each page turn is as beautiful as the last.

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Suffice to say that if you have read parts 1-3, this is a must get to see how this story wraps up. However, it will pose more questions than it answers, so fair warning there. Overall this is a solid comic and worth the cover price, there is no reason to not go and get it.

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This run is really starting to feel like 90s Superman tales from Dan Jurgens and I say that with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't be happier that Action Comics is going the route of Superman just fighting the baddies.

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With this being the 2nd comic into the new arc, it's hard to not be pulled in by it. While Snyder does have a tendency to get a bit wordy in the stories, it never seems to be a fault. Add in the All Star artist rotations that are on these books and if anything you have something pretty to look at.

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Here we find ourselves at the end of the first arc of King's run on Batman, a slow build to the big finish. As usual with King he builds the world and story in the first few issues and then drives it home fast and hard in the following issues. This is no different, the first four issues gives the ensuing fight the weight it truly deserves and circles back around to the I am Gotham moniker.

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Looking back on this run of Batman so far King has been piecing together a cohesive story throughout, with threads from the first arc still playing out now. A feat that is rather impressive, however at times the story has had its lulls. This issue falls into that category. A great storytelling piece yet being 3 issues into this arc we are just now getting to the action.

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The War of Jokes and Riddles is off to a solidstart, albeit on shaky legs. However, the story on the horizon still looks quite promising. The meat of this issue is solid with borderline genius mixed in. There are some questionable storytelling choices here and there, but nothing that detracts from the overall story.

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Overall Extremity is a fun read, with high emotions, action, and intrigue. Managing to give good characterizations in just two books, while telling a compelling story is always impressive. With this issues ending I am genuinely looking forward to #3 to see where it takes us.

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Faith as a series never takes itself too seriously and always has a good laugh along the way. Making this comic an easy read and one that many can relate to in some way. With Faith #10 we have a great jumping on point for new readers. With a perfect intro on the first page, you get just enough information to know what is going on. Of course, if you should go read the backlog if you enjoy it, there is a lot of good back there as well.

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Williamson continues to build up The Flash and Kid Flash relationship here, with it taking major steps forward. With Flash finally opening up to Kid Flash and letting him in on a lot, plus some pretty touching moments. This seems to be the theme of DC Rebirth, it's really nice to see hope back in these characters, the families are coming back to DC.

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As the action continues into part two of the button on Flash #21 there is no reason to not be reading this event. While this is a bit slower than the first issue, there is still so much to unpack and ends on quite a big reveal.

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The Old Guard is a new series by Image Comics with Greg Rucka at the helm. With a strong female lead, tying in elements of black ops, mercenaries, and throwing in some immortals this makes for a great start. While this is just issue one, Rucka manages to grab the reader and leaves you wanting more.

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While this story is a bit on the slower side, it is building to something grand and already it feels like it is paying off. Williams leaves us with a giant cliffhanger and I can only imagine from here we are off to the races.

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With the big bad revealed and more story on what the heck is going on with the townspeople this is a cram packed issue. Along with Mahnke and the art team pulling off the darker and more somber tones of this issue with precision, causing some heart-wrenching moments. This one is a must read.

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Lewis is crafting a story for the long haul here. Only being three issues in and we are starting to break the surface. While more of Hale's background is revealed in this issue. Showing us how she grew up and what led her to this point. It's really hard to put a finger on Hale's intentions throughout the story, as up until this point her motives are shifting.

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Being the first issue into a new arc, I am intrigued enough to see where this goes. Even though we didn't see any of the Trinity in their own title here, the buildup has enough going for it.

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You're going to read this book at least two times. There are so many things to unpack here and that's honestly a good thing. At the end of the day, most will pick this up for the art and I can't say I blame them.

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Riftworld Legends #1 is a solid first entry for this new series. With a gripping, adventurous, and mysterious story, this is something I can't help but suggest. Considering you can get it for free right now, there is no good reason to not go check it out. Chances are it will hook you in and I'll see you for issue #2.

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Alfred is one of the strongest characters in the Batman universe that isn't named Bruce Wayne. Having quite the checkered past, just like Bruce himself. So seeing a story that digs into his past is always a welcome tale in my book.

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Overall these two stories are a lot of fun. With one driving the story forward for Supergirl #9 and the other being a good backup story from the past. This is an easy pickup for fans of both Batgirl and Supergirl, even if you're not this is still worth your time.

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I am Gotham Part Three. Are Gotham and Gotham Girl the true heroes Gotham needs? With this being King's first foray into Batman there have been a lot of questions. Can he live up to Snyder's run? Should he even have to? With this issue King gives a definitive answer, in my mind, to all of the doubt.

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Six issues into Batman and we are running at full speed, Tom King has setup his world and now gets to play in it. In issue six we get the I am Gotham Epilogue, wrapping up this story line to move into the next. Gotham Girl/Claire has absolutely lost her mind, after having to kill her own brother she has snapped. We see her flying around Gotham saving the city while still talking to her dead brother Hank.

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While Bane does not show up physically in this issue, he can be felt throughout it, the impending doom is strong here. Batman needs time (specifically 5 days) to cure Gotham Girl using Psycho Pirates mask before he can destroy it, something that Bane is aware of. Mix that in with the embarrassment that Bane received from Batman in I am Suicide and you get some strong animosity from Bane.

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King skips the puns and the comedy for this issue and gets straight to business with some rather dark storytelling. In this issue Bane making his first moves on Batman. While Batman is making his moves to secure Claire aka Gotham Girl with Psycho Pirate so she can be cured. It plays out like a chess match between Batman and Bane. This is the setup for what is to come and it just flies by as you read it, leaving you wanting more.

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The more we get into the "I am Bane" story arc the more I love what Tom King is doing here. Sure there are issues that are lulls in the action department, but they all have substance in their own ways. This being the fourth issue into the story we still haven't seen the full Batman vs Bane fight. However, King is laying out an epic tale in the mythos of Batman and Bane.

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From the outset, you can see Snyder's fingerprints all over this and I mean that in a good way. This story reads as a true detective style comic, with most of the issue being dedicated to the sleuth, Batman.

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Batman The Shadow #2 continues down the detective noir path it started on. With some background on The Shadow in this issue, is there any chance that Bruce will ever trust him?

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Kate Kane is digging deeper into The Many Arms of Death and is digging up some of her past along the way. With last issues reveal of the creepo twins at the middle of it all, let's join Julia Pennyworth in some Creepy Twin Bingo as Kate goes to confront them.

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Since issue one, The League of Shadows thread has been in Detective Comics. In the beginning, it was just an ominous threat that Jacob was convinced of, up until now where it is really kicking off. While a lot has happened on the journey to this point, this always seems to have been the end goal for TynionIV. Yet again week in and week out Detective Comics continues to not disappoint.

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Gotham is on fire, the team is in disarray, the League of Shadows clearly has the upper hand. Batwing and Azrael are MIA, with Cassandra Cain being torn about who she really is. This is where we left off the last issue, can the team pull things together or will this hot dumpster fire consume Gotham?

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All hope truly does look lost for the Batfamily in "The League of Shadows", with every member of the team falling. The last hope seems to be Cassandra Cain aka Orphan prepare for a bloodbath with Detective Comics #955.

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I am pretty new to the Faith title, however, after reading these two issues, I really need to catch up. As a series, it is just plain fun and manages to tell great stories while mocking the platform it uses, in a good way.

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God Country is one of the best comic book titles out right now, there is no question about it. With an amazing creative team telling a truly great story there is no reason for you not to go pick this title up.

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How to Drain Your Dragon! Yet another hilarious installment of I Hate Fairyland from Skottie Young. With the super adorable art you have come to expect and the dialogue that delivers in ways you never thought it could.

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I Hate Fairyland is everything you love about Pop-Culture references, blatantly obvious innuendos, and the most adorably demented art you can find. I am convinced that this needs to be turned into an adult cartoon and become a wild hit. Skottie Young has turned what I thought would be a short run of fun into a sprawling adventure that I keep coming back to for a great laugh.

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Tomasi makes this just a fun read all around, dropping little easter eggs along the way. We get to see Superman's Cape, Wonder Woman's Sheild, Green Arrow's quiver and bow, plus Harley Quinn's mallet. Along with that, he toys around with the Manhunters and some New Gods tie-ins as well. While none of these teases pan out in this issue, it will be fun to see if future writers take advantage of these threads.

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The longer this series goes on the more I enjoy it, with great art and a fun story in each issue how could you not? Each creator is given a loose set of rules and then they get to go explore and have fun in the world. In this issue specifically, you can see that the team here is having fun with the concept and playing in the world.

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Nightwing #16 is a great introduction to a new story arc. Setting up the big bad, showing motivation and pure emotion, all while having a lot of fun along the way. Seely sure can write a great Dick Grayson and it shows here. I can't wait to see what is in store for the next issue.

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What if the greatest warriors of all time just couldn't die? They roam throughout history fighting battles on the sides that they see fit. Eventually just becoming mercenaries as the lines begin to blur, fighting just to survive, no longer for a belief.

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Roughly once a month I take a look at the upcoming releases and I get giddy with glee, for possibly my favorite ongoing series. That is none other than Paper Girls of course, from the excellent story telling to the very distinctive art style. I never seem to walk away from an issue with any disappointment, it seems to have the perfect mix in each one, just leaving me at the end to want even more.

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Vaughn's writing is just a pleasure to read, paired with Chaing's pencils and Wilson's colors and you have one of the best teams in comics today. In particular the full two page spread of the airship is simply gorgeous. It is no mistake that this book took home two Eisners for best new series and Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team. So here is to another long month wait for #10, do yourself a favor and go pickup this series.

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Even with this being mostly a tonal issue, it is still a pleasure to read and admire. You get the feeling of a slow-burn type story in this introduction to the arc, which is something most fans will be happy to see. While we do get a bit of back story on KJ, most of the story here focuses on the new time/place and the girls as a group. As always Chiang is doing a beautiful job on art. Add in the colors from Wilson and you get the iconic Paper Girls style.

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Paper Girls #13 continues the mastery of anticipation in the series. Giving away just enough to grasp what is going on in the story. Then turning around and dropping a bomb in the last few pages, leaving you questioning everything you thought. That alone is the biggest draw in reading Paper Girls, the euphoria of discovery and the realization that we are just getting started.

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As always Paper Girls continues the themes of woman empowerment and it is a pleasure to see. This book is continually refreshing and so sorely needed in the current landscape of comics. Vaughn has a knack for writing strong female characters and they are all on display here.

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Millar uses this issue for retrospect, allowing the characters to look back on their previous lives. Allowing them to have conversations that they weren't able to in the past. Reminiscing about their time together and how it all goes by so fast, the cycle from kid to elderly. Not only that but how this afterlife can give them another chance to do more and start a new life all over again.

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Redlands kicks off with a bang and delivers some great visuals along the way. A new horror title from Jordie Bellaire and Vanesa R. Del Ray take you into the south for a war to control Redlands. Between the police and witches of course.

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In all if you are a fan of G.I. Joe or the Transformers, this one is worth checking out.

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With tons of spanning narratives, Royal City is always an enjoyable read. In this issue, there are some pretty sensitive topics that show us why Tar and Steve are so distant. There are some deep emotional cuts here with the opening pages meaning a lot more after the reveal, hitting you like a ton of bricks.

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Gripping, thrilling, mesmerizing the list goes on, and yet again, Rob and co have left my jaw on the floor. Left me in awe wanting more.

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An action packed sarcasm rollercoaster. With the newest and the first villain revealed as Kid Amazo, there are fun times to be had.

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Super Sons #4 continues the great banter between both Jon and Damian. Being the functionally dysfunctional team that we have grown to love. From showing flashes of why they are such a great team to bickering back and forth.

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In Superman #6 we are reaching the pinnacle of the Eradicator fight as Superman has taken it to the moon to avoid any collateral damage. After seeing Lois in the Batsuit last time around I was excited to see what they would do next and boy was I not disappointed. In what seems to be a theme in Rebirth, this issue was packed with action and emotion. With great fight scenes and moments that remind us who Superman truly is, along with the fact that he is for everyone.

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As always Superman #19 seems to really show the family unit of Superman. Even when everything seems to be on the outs, when Superman cannot even remember his own son's name, he still fights for his family. This is a theme in the Superman run so far with Tomasi and Gleason really making it a great story. Managing to bring new life to Superman with a story that was never able to be told before, giving Superman a family.

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Superman #24 sets the field for what will be an epic battle in the conclusion of Black Dawn, pitting Son against Father in the final showdown. Along the way, they reveal some pretty big answers.

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There is so much going on in this 4 part series that it has me on the edge of my seat. Deathstroke has always been one of my favorite villains. His portrayal in this particular series although a little more PG than I would like is still well done.

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When hearing about the Civil War II tie-in with The Ultimtes, I feared for the worst. I don't want one of my favorite Marvel books becoming event fodder, not when it has been so good up until now. Luckily Ewing knows how to write tie-ins, for new readers and those that have been here all along. Make no mistake Ewing, Rocafort, and Brown are at their best in this series right now and it is a pleasure to admire the work of art they put on each page.

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This is not your typical comic. Be it horror or DC or Marvel, whatever you enjoy. This, in my opinion, is Brilliantly written and drawn. Some of the best horror and novels were ever written never showed you the monster.

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Greg Rucka's run on Wonder Woman in coming to an end, with only three more issues left for him to pen. So far this is everything I could have hoped for in a Wonder Woman comic, with her returning to her true roots. With the stage set and the story almost finished I will be waiting to see how these two arcs come to an end.

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Now that the overall story has been completed for both Godwatch and The Truth, Wonder Woman #24 serves as the epilogue of sorts for both. Showing us what happens after Diana and Cale return from Themyscira. With Steve rejoicing at Diana's return, only reminding Cale of what she has lost after 10 years of effort. Rucka yet again does an amazing job at showing character motivation and emotion in closing out a lot of the loose threads here.

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X-O Manowar #1 is a great example of how to launch a #1 for a comic. With amazing art and the story to follow suite, there is no reason to not pick this title up. It is even new reader friendly!

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X-O Manowar is the best sci-fi title out right now, with gorgeous art and epic storytelling. Add in that this is new reader friendly (this is my first X-O Manowar title too) making this a perfect time to get this.

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X-O Manowar continues to impress from story to art this series is a must read. There are some pacing issues here and there but nothing that I wouldn't say I'm nitpicking about. Seriously everyone should give this title a chance.

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We finally get to see who Clark Kent is, however before truly revealing who he is, Clark toys with Superman, making himself look like other villains Superman has faced. He changes into Lex, Bizarro, Brainiac, Mongul, Doomsday, and others. Finally revealing himself to be....

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All-Star Batman is quickly becoming my favorite title, with Scott Snyder is solidifying my man crush along the way. This is simply one title you cannot miss and will, just like his New 52 run, be in some of the best Batman stories ever told.

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All-Star Batman #11 continues to impress and be an all around fun read as if that surprises anyone. With compelling background stories on Alfred and fleshing out new villains along the way, there is plenty to look forward to in this arc.

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This whole issue plays out very James Bond Esq. With Batwoman fighting the baddies then retiring to a yacht for a martini, shaken not stirred, I'm going to assume. Alongside the Bond, demeanor there is a backstory played out that is leading into the first villain of the series. Black and white flashbacks and all

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Black Magick is back and it's just as good as I remember. With issue six we get a nice origin story for Rowan and quite a bit of background on witches in general. Plus there is a heart-wrenching moment towards the end that explains a lot.

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With this being #950 and the Anniversary Edition, we get 3 stories in total from the Detective Comics team: League of Shadows Prologue: Shadow of a Tear, Higher Powers, and The Big Picture. With this being an in between for the next story arc of League of Shadows, we get these nice filler stories before that arc goes into swing. Luckily for us, these mini stories are are masterfully written and fleshes out characters from the team providing insight to their stories.

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Tynion has done it yet again, managing to make this slow buildup feel like anything but. Just as we think we are reaching the top another surprise twist and turn is unveiled, deeper into the rabbit hole we go. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay on the edge of my seat before I just fall off the damn thing.

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What else can I say, God Country was really good. Being that I am behind on this one I still have #2 and #3 to go and I couldn't be happier about that. Today has been cleared, it's time to read some more God Country, I suggest you do the same.

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While God Country is about Gods, Demons, and bad ass swords, at the end of the day that's not why it's so good to read. The raw emotion and characterization found here are far and away the best reason to read God Country. In just two issues I find myself caring about all of the characters here.

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Even with Gods and Giant Swords, Cates makes this story feel so relatable. Between the over the top moments, we find the dialogue between Roy and Janey grounding the story. In a book that is about an outrageous(ly good) story, Cates grounds it with unfettered emotions and character building.

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God Country just keeps getting better with every issue, bringing more to the table with each iteration. I'm not sure what string of adjectives I need to use to make everyone read this title, but I'll keep trying. God Country shatters the very existence of any excuse you have for not reading it, so for God's Sake go read the damn thing.

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The much-anticipated finale to Mark Millar's and Greg Capullo's Reborn is finally here and oh boy does it not disappoint! While it is sad to see Reborn come to an end, it did end in a satisfying way, with most threads closed out.

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Damian and Jon are currently the definition of a dysfunctional team. Damian is so focused on the case at hand that he will do anything to get to the bottom of it. Where Jon is along for the ride, but really concerned about getting in trouble with Superdad along the way. They both embody the best of their father's abilities, but with no real refinement, this is where all of the fun is.

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This book has really surprised me, for something I thought would just be a throwaway Supergirl title, I am actually enjoying it, a lot. Even being a book that I cannot wholly relate to. Tamaki has me hooked and I will be back for #3 to see where this takes us. Go get this book now, thank me later.

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In yet another story of old continuity Superman facing a familiar foe we learn of Eradicators new found mission. Does trusting this new Eradicator end up paying off for Superman? Tomasi and Gleason deliver another great chapter in Son of Superman Part Three.

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Tomasi really shines here, as usual, depicting the Superman family as just that, a family. This run of Superman has been particularly good about establishing the family of Superman, portraying Superman as a father and Lois as a caring mother. Tomasi has really done an excellent job with this, which I feel is one of the reasons that makes this one of, if not the best Rebirth titles from DC. Superman as a father figure just plain works and it allows Tomasi to explore that character in ways that we never could before.

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After two issues of filler and event fodder, Francis Manapul has returned to Trinity again, oh boy was he missed. Trinity #9 begins to work back to what made this series so great when it first launched. With Diana, Bruce, and Clark woking as a team and introducing a new mystery.

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Almost fittingly this last issue is titled "Perfect", which I would say sums up Rucka's run on Wonder Woman. With amazing artists like Liam Sharp, Bilquis Evely, and Nicola Scott Wonder Woman has returned to her full glory. It is sad to see this team leave, however, what they have left us with is nothing short of legendary.

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A.D.: After Death is an instant classic, one that will change and morph each time you pick it up. This title not only makes you take a closer look inward, it makes you dwell on much deeper topics. As sort of a theme with Scott Snyder, he has me digging deeper into subjects that I never thought opening new horizons.

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This book has been heavily advertised, as none other than Scott Snyder is writing Batman again with an All-Star cast of artists helping along the way. Snyder talked about it being a trip through Batman's Rogue gallery centering around Harvey Dent and being a Mad Max like adventure. So how does it all shape up?

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Snyder has told a Batman story that feels like anything but, in the best way possible. With over the top storytelling that grounds itself in some very real science, philosophy, and fears. This is the type of storytelling you would expect to see on a creator-owned book, one that has no rules. The fact that DC has let Snyder tell stories this way in their universe shows the trust they have for him and it has paid off.

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All-Star Batman has hit its stride as if it wasn't good enough before, it's even better now. Giving Metal a run for its money for the best Summer Blockbuster comic before it's even out. This is simply insanely good and everyone needs to have this title on their pull list.

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The Brave and the Mold, I still laugh at that, is dark, funny, and at times compelling. Being that it is a single shot, we get a completely contained story here and from start, to finish it is quite satisfying.

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Dark Days has arrived and it is everything we could have hoped for and more. This all-star cast has kicked off this title with a bang, traversing the DC Universe unfurling the vast mystery that leads into DC Metal later this year. This is a MUST BUY title!

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We open up with someone hunting down Azrael, someone who happens to look a lot like Batman, who also nearly kills Azarel. The Bat Family is being hunted, but by whom we do not know. This causes Batman to go to a familiar face, Batwoman, that's right she is finally back in action here. Batman proposes that they team up and train some of the other heroes being hunted, for what is surely coming after them. The team featured here includes Batman, Batwoman, Red Robin, Cassandra Cain, Spoiler, and Clayface. It's time to have a Bat boot camp, with Batwoman in charge.

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Quite possibly one of the best Batman comics out right now, Detective Comics hasshown no signs of stopping. With excellent characterization of the whole team and delivering a good story to boot. Equally impressive is delivering a quality comic on a bi-weekly schedule, the art continues to amaze.

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As I said in a previous review for Detective Comics, this is what transcendence feels like in a comic book, this rings true now more than ever. I thought this team was at it's best before and they just keep proving me wrong each issue, getting better and better.

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Without giving too much away, it appears as if the League of Assassins has outclassed the Detective Comics crew. Leading into this fight they have framed Batman for murdering the Mayor, faked Joker gas outbreaks in the city, and cornered them in a park. Full chaos has ensued in Gotham, with citizens fleeing the city on foot and Gotham P.D. out for blood.

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I have said it ad nauseam in each review and with the series comes to an end I will say it again. Everyone needs to go read this series, like right now. It's been a pleasure to read and I am beyond sad that this is the final issue. However, Cates, Shaw, Wordie, and Hill finished it off in the best way possible. Seriously go pick this one up.

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Tomasi really nails the dynamic between these two characters, while making it fun and interesting. He shows the home life for both Damian and Jon, letting us see the contrast between the two. Where Jon is a boy who happens to have super powers, it almost feels that Damian is Robin who happens to be a boy. Yet the both have their strengths and weakness that seem to play off of each other, making this the perfect odd ball team.

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For those of you that haven't read The Fix yet, it is an adult comic that follows two crooked cops in LA, with some of the best storytelling I have seen this year. Now when I say adult, I mean it, we get to see cursing, jack off jokes, dildos, sex scenes, and all kinds of other great moments. This issue is no different, from the meth head that has webcasted bum fights, robbers jerking off while riding the banister to the bottom, and who could forget the mayor that openly admits to jerking off in press conferences, this will have you laughing until the end. Spencer has a knack for telling these stories that keeps you interested all the way through in a believable enough way that is telling of our society in America.

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This is the Wonder Woman we truly deserve, with Greg Rucka closing out The Truth story arc in this issue bringing it all full circle.

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Reviews for the Week of...


