In the aftermath of “The Joker War,” Selina Kyle has taken up residence in Alleytown. But when she finds that her old stomping grounds have been taken over by drug-running mobsters, she hatches a plan to take the town back! However, unbeknownst to her, she is being tracked by a terrifying new foe: a hit man in priest’s clothing known only as Father Valley, who carries a bag of bibles around as trophies from each of his victims. Will she be able to loosen the mafia’s stranglehold on her, new hometown or become another victim to Father Valley’s sacred oath?
Just like the last issue, Catwoman #26 imbues its a story with a style and panache that sets it apart from so much of its competition. With Selina looking this cool, and her soon to be opponent absolutely chilling, I cant wait to pick up the next issue of this book. I just hope that the creative team can maintain the absurdly high bar they have set for themselves. Read Full Review
After the varying interludes of last month's 25th issue, Catwoman officially establishes its new status quo"and does so brilliantly. Read Full Review
It's hard to do a good antihero story without choosing one side of the fence for the lead character, but while Selina has been a heroic character for a while, she's clearly well at home in the world of crime. That indicates that Ram V's run has a good chance to be a long-term success. Read Full Review
Catwoman #26 is one of the best single issues of the series in a very long time. The self loathing Selina characterization ran out of steam months, if not years ago, so it's a joy to see a more proactive Selina try to take down local mobsters and retain her dominance in the underworld. V's script is a great example of how to balance great action, necessary exposition, and gentler character moments without overwhelming the reader. Simply put, there's a lot to like here and very little I can see being held against it, especially when Blanco makes everything so nice to look at. Read Full Review
Catwoman #26 is a good start to "The Big Shakeup" as Selina Kyle attempts to carve out her place as queen of Alleytown. Blanco dazzles with great visuals and Plascencia's colors explore the seedy sides of Alleytown well, too. Catwoman is shaking up to be a sleeper crime drama hit. Read Full Review
Catwoman #26 is a bold issue, melding her past and her present together in one unique narrative, all while setting up for future conflicts. Supported by bright and charismatic artwork, this is an issue for the fans. Read Full Review
It's been just over two years since this run started. It's incredible to think of this character's evolution. We've seen her heroics in liberating Villa Hermosa, and her thievery reach new heights in recent issues. A character as diverse – and nearly as old as Batman himself – Catwoman owes herself to many different kinds of stories. The greatest thief in DC comics looks to get into a new side of organised crime, and Catwoman #26 shows her taking those first steps. I, for one, am eager to read on. Read Full Review
It might have been nice to see Kyl start with absolutely nothing and work her way up to being the largest player in Gotham Citys underworld, but Ram V is showing a clever progression here. When she was away in Villa Hermosa, Catwoman was trying for something too elegant for her tastes. You can take the cat out of the alley, but you cant take the alley out of the cat. Shes learned this and shes ready to move. Its an interesting development in her life. Read Full Review
Catwoman is on the prowl to make Alleytown her own, and Ram V has her go through the Gotham Underground to get it! She also has a creepy hitman after her for good measure! If you are looking for a strong, smart Catwoman, then you should give this issue and run a try. Read Full Review
I love the intertwined comic story that DC paints between all the Batfamily has been awesome this year. Catwoman doesn't disappoint either. This book has come from being pages upon pages of silent art and no pop in the script to Ram V taking it to the level it needs to be! Kudos to a new villain. He's a bad man! Read Full Review
Great issue as Ram V continues to bring a truly confident Catwoman back into the Batman Universe. It's unfortunate, though, that it has to happen at the cost of Bruce and Selina's relationship. But Ram V has me committed to the ride for right now, and I'm on board to see where's he goes. Read Full Review
Catwoman's on the way to being a mob boss ... again. Back on the block, don't be fooled by the rocks that she got through illicit means. Read Full Review
Not much of a Joker War tie-in but glad to see Selina back to a N52 style in charge of others.
I just read this so I could say I read all the Joker War comics. This isn't even a Joker War tie-in, don't let the banner fool you. It seems like Ram V has set up a lot of stuff and... I just couldn't care less. I'm sorry, I don't think Catwoman is for me.