For sure, the cover art doesn't do this ish any justice. The interior is simply beautiful and I'm loving the character designs. When I saw the cover I was expecting another mediocre experience, boy was I wrong this was a masterpiece!
RAM V AND EVAN CAGLE RESHAPE THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE DCU! An old god has died, and the reverberations of his passing are felt across the universe, setting forth the soldiers of an intergalactic army and awakening the latent powers of a mysterious child on Earth. But this has all been foreseen--prophesized by the Source and fed as enigmatic images to its agent, Metron. Now, as Metron brings word of this cosmos-shattering prediction to the residents of New Genesis and Apokolips, both worlds are thrown into chaos and conflict. On Earth, Scott Free and Barda find themselves unaware of this incoming chaos while consumed with their most daunting task more
I can already feel the excitement of watching Ram and Cagle get up on the tightrope again for the next issue. I want to see every trick they can pull off and the ways they defy the gravity which pulls on and threatens every big swing like this one. Even as I write this, I'm constantly going back to the issue, finding new little questions I have and finding new things to look forward to. Ram and Cagle have thus pulled off my favorite type of comic experience: the kind which reminds me why comics were my first love. Read Full Review
The New Gods #1 combines divinity with domesticity. The first issue's journey is fascinating, going from the grand halls of the New Genesis to a regular American street. Read Full Review
'The New Gods' #1 is a spectacular relaunch of a fan favorite title that's filled to the brim with things to enjoy for both new fans and old. Read Full Review
The concept of the series becomes very real and very human in the last few pages, as the creative team grounds this epic story in one that's all too familiar and very human, and sets off what's likely to be one of the most explosive chases we've seen in the DCU in some time. Read Full Review
In a world where style over substance, Ram V is world building these characters in a way thats very similar to how Kieron Gillen did with the Eternals at Marvel a few years ago. The story looks to give us a more rounded take on some of these Kirby creations that we dont see a lot of, like Lightray, while building up a mythic epic to rock New Genesis. Read Full Review
New Gods #1 checks all the boxes for a great first issue. It has an aesthetically memorable opening scene, a cast of characters that are easy to latch onto and introduced in a way that flows with the plot, and moral dilemma that also acts as a series hook. Plus it ends on a splash page that is Kirby-meets-Akira Toriyama. Even if the last time you cared about the New Gods was their appearances in Grant Morrison's JLA or in the DC Animated Universe, this is still worth picking up and immersing yourself in this messy, mythic world. Read Full Review
New Gods gets off to an encouraging start and reads exactly how a title featuring these characters should play out. Dont sit on the fence long with this one as it seems poised to be a breakout 2025 series. Read Full Review
DC's All In continues to be a home run as The New Gods #1 is another stellar entry. The art and the story give us an exciting first issue and I feel as though this run may vital to All In. Make sure to pick up this issue and give it a shot you won't be disappointed! Read Full Review
Overall, The New Gods #1 is a promising start to a new era for these iconic characters. Ram V's writing is sharp and insightful, and Cagle's art is visually stunning. While the issue focuses heavily on world-building and establishing the stakes, it leaves readers eager to see how the conflict unfolds and how Scott and Barda will navigate the challenges that lie ahead. Read Full Review
But more impressively is how Ram V wrote New Gods understanding when the dialogue needed to be the emphasis and when it was time for Evan Cagle and Jorge Fornes to cook visually with their artwork. It all creates a foundation for a comic book that fans will need to keep an eye on in 2025. Read Full Review
We're gonna keep the rest of this first issue spoiler-free, but let's just say that after this issue's few short scenes with Metron, Highfather, Orion, and Mister Miracle, I'm already ready for the next 12 issues of this maxi-series. Read Full Review
New Gods #1is an interesting start to a new tale when Orion is forced to carry out an extreme order, and only Mister Miracle can get him out of it. The heart of Ram V's story is intriguing and ripe with potential, even if his penchant for overwritten narration rears its ugly head, and the art team's visuals make this issue one of the best-looking #1s DC put out this year.7.8/10 Read Full Review
Fans of Jack Kirby will get the most out of New Gods #1. Unfortunately, the appeal may elude newcomers to the Fourth World. I suspect this series will read better as a trade than as a monthly comic. It is not bad by any means, but it is a rough start to a promising story. Read Full Review
Just excellent, from the writing to the character design and overall interior work this is truly a masterpiece. The cover of this ish does not do this story justice, the next ish needs better cover art.
This is the second new series from DC that I've genuinely enjoyed Metamorpho being the other one. Otherwise most of what DC is pumping out is bad right now but this is one that is a must-read!
I'm so glad this is good. Bringing in lesser seen characters for their own series or mini makes DC feel like a more cohesive universe instead of a few big name books doing their own thing, restarting and running forever with the same ol' heroes and villains and then coming together for a hastily written "event" here and there. This was great.
العدد الأول من The New Gods من كتابة Ram V ورسم Evan Cagle وتلوين Francesco Segala وتصميم الحوارات من Tom Napolitano والوصف الرسمي للعدد كان كالاتي “لقد مات أحد الآلهة القدامى، وارتجفت أصداء وفاته عبر أرجاء الكون، مما أطلق جيش بين المجرات وأيقظ القوى الكامنة لطفل غامض على الأرض. ولكن كل هذا كان متوقعًا، وتنبأت به The Source وتم إرساله كصور غامضة إلى عمليها Metron. الآن، بينما يجلب Metron نبأ هذه النبوءة الكونية إلى سكان New Genesis / Apokolips، ينجرف العاmore
New Gods #1 grabs the reader's attention by juxtaposing the cosmic and esoteric with the mundane and down to earth - which is a very clever thing to do, especially when you want to draw in new readers like me.
What caught my attention was not the writing though, but the beautiful art by Evan Cagle and colorist Francesco Segala. I haven't seen comic art on this level of perfection in quite a while. It's simply phenomenal.
In a time when most superhero comics seem to be written and drawn by people who have no idea what they are doing, New Gods is giving me hope for the genre.
I definitely should’ve read something before this, but it worked well on its own. Great writing, beautifully dynamic art.
Very well written and gorgeous first issue. Might this actually be the first New Gods comic since Evanier that makes it?
Good start, solid. The dialogues lack a bit of energy, and the plot could quickly spiral out of control, so wait and see. But it's quite promising for a first issue, and the character redesign is a success, respecting the past while bringing a modern vision.
Solid start. Excellent Art.
This was a promising beginning. The art was a stand out, Cagle did a fantastic job. The story is promising. I found the characterization of Orion as someone who "Never disobeys Highfather" was odd. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Ram V's textbook dialogue is always a bit dry and a chore to read, but I would be a fool to say that this issue was bad. it was really solid, and the art really works. Again, while Ram V is not my particularly favorite writer, I can't deny his talents