mynameisraj's Profile

Joined: Oct 31, 2018

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Justice League (2018) #75 May 1, 2022
Human Target (2021) #5 Feb 23, 2022
The Department of Truth #15 Jan 23, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7 Jan 22, 2022
The Rush #3 Jan 22, 2022
The Blue Flame #6 Jan 7, 2022
Human Target (2021) #1 Dec 28, 2021
Human Target (2021) #2 Dec 28, 2021
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6 Dec 28, 2021
What's The Furthest Place From Here? #2 Dec 17, 2021
Hulk (2021) #2 Dec 15, 2021
Robin & Batman (2021) #2 Dec 15, 2021
Moon Knight (2021) #5 Nov 20, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5 Nov 19, 2021
Venom (2021) #1 Nov 13, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #12 Oct 21, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4 Oct 19, 2021

What a beautiful ending.

The Blue Flame #4 Aug 30, 2021

I wasn't a fan of this issue. We are now on a Bi-Monthly schedule with this book w/ the master Liam Sharp taking over for issues 7-9. The schedule for this book has really damaged the pacing of this book as a whole.

"World's Gayest" Morrison is flowing throughout this book.

The idea of "marriage is a war" is very apparent throughout this book. Adam & Alana are killing the remaining Pykkts on Rann w/ the relationship at its height while we see their relationship fall apart on Earth is done beautifully! The emasculation of Adam by Alana is really rough but well deserved here as well. She compares Adam to Mister Terrific while calling him weak despite all he's suffered. My first reaction after this issue was "fuck".

This is the best Jon has been written since Super Sons, Taylor is just hitting it out of the park here. Timms kills it but theee is one panel where Jon’s hand looks like a mitten.

Dark Blood #1 Jul 22, 2021
Moon Knight (2021) #1 Jul 21, 2021

An excellent book. Throughout the X-books, Xavier seemed completely unapproachable. Here we see him talk frankly with his son and see how nervous he is with him. The revelation about the Xorns was perfect. This issue is also the 1st time we've seen Gorgon post X of Swords and to see Cortez messing with him to get under Kurt's skin about his faith was interesting, to say the least. Another thing this book continues to accomplish is to show the cracks within this Utopia. We see the aftermath of what happened when they terraformed Mars and the environmental impact of it.

Daredevil (2019) #31 Jul 6, 2021
The Nice House on the Lake #2 Jul 6, 2021
Vinyl #1 Jun 23, 2021

It's one of Tom King's best first issues! Kara doesn't seem out of character here, King finds a nice balance of her shedding her teenage years and coming into adulthood as many people have. Bilquis Evely is stellar as always. One of the best artists of our generation.

Didn't like how after the issue ended we were blasted with ads. I genuinely thought there was more.

Finally, an issue where we can just breathe.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #3 May 29, 2021
Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 May 26, 2021

After this issue, I believe we’re supposed to understand that Alana is more in the dark than we thought. She believed in the war and understood that she needed to commit horrific acts of violence in order to save her home. She then helped her husband’s PR image because she believes in him. Honestly, I love what King has done here. He showed and explained why Earth, who has survived multiverses threats, was vulnerable to the Pykkts and is tying up nicely the mystery as it is slowly unveiled.

This book is something I've been waiting for for a while now. The idea of a blue-collar local superhero who is tasked with the salvation of Earth is really intriguing. Gorham's art on this book is excellent as well!

Raven failed, Nimord is online and we finally see Moira since HOX. Plus Hickman is now moving to another book, INFERNO, within the X-Line.

Geiger (2021) #1 Apr 7, 2021
Nocterra #1 Mar 2, 2021

It's clear our Detective is being "infected" by the squids. In all seriousness, the more he investigates the more he seems to understand the mentality of The Kid.

Strange Adventures (2020) #8 Jan 28, 2021
Adventureman (2020) #1 Jun 10, 2020
Martian Manhunter Collected Jun 10, 2020

Nice wrap up to the first arc

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Catwoman #1 Jun 3, 2020
Justice League Dark (2018) #22 Jun 3, 2020

I thought it was an ok issue but the moment Brainiac called Jon the one TRUE Superman I rolled my eyes. I understand Bendis is putting his stamp on Jon but this isn't the way to do it.

This issue should have been "Giant-Size X-Men: Cypher" considering Cypher did a bulk of the work for the mission. Overall pretty good issue, Hickman is clearly laying down the groundwork for future issues.

Holy shit this book should have came out along with the other Dawn of X launch books.

Pretty solid second issue!

Gotta say we may have another classic on our hands. King is giving us a story about fact vs fiction that wouldn't be where it is without Shaner and Gerads art elevating his material. From the panel layout to switching between art styles are done masterfully. Seriously, go grab a copy.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7 Feb 26, 2020
Batman: Curse of the White Knight #6 Jan 23, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1 Jan 23, 2020
Marauders (2019) #5 Jan 6, 2020
Daredevil (2019) #16 Jan 3, 2020
Criminal (2019) #11 Dec 28, 2019
Batman (2016) #85 Dec 18, 2019

Lemire is a treasure/gift to the comic industry I swear. The artists lined up for this book are genuinely something out of this world. This somehow is better than his Joker: Killer Smile book and is already my favorite Black Label title.

Fallen Angels (2019) #1 Nov 12, 2019
Gideon Falls #18 Nov 12, 2019

When it comes to comics I can handle when innocent people bite the dust but here it sucked reading a mother being killed in what is essentially mutant paradise. I know they can bring back the dead but that was a gut punch. Percy is killing it on this book and I can’t wait for his solo Wolverine book.

I will only give 10s when I can not for the life of me find an issue with a book.

• Fresh Start literally anyone can pick this up. • The art is top notch. • Hickman’s one page interludes give you insight as to what new elements he’s adding to the X-Men mythos. • The voices for each character feels genuine and real. • Pacing is excellent as well, I was able to take my time with the book and it felt fast despite being a larger book.

Immortal Hulk #18 May 29, 2019
Heroes In Crisis #9 May 28, 2019
Heroes In Crisis #8 Apr 24, 2019
Spider-Man: Life Story #2 Apr 18, 2019

Zub is writing something special here. All the characters feel like the same characters in their solo runs without any contradiction. I fear this book will be cancelled after Zub talked about how much this book has been pirated.

Green Lantern (2018) #6 Apr 3, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18 Mar 28, 2019
Action Comics (2016) #1009 Mar 27, 2019
Daredevil (2019) #3 Mar 27, 2019
Dial H For Hero (2019) #1 Mar 27, 2019

This Barry and Bruce don't seem like the ones in the crossover. I need more from this issue though. It was nice to see that Wally's connection to the speed force can jump-start life I'm genuinely tired of Harley, in general I mean. Pieces are coming together but this felt VERY short. I know King can stick the landing but the road has been bumpy.

This was frustrating. I enjoy the tidbits about Gnark and we got "clues" about who the Sanctuary Killer is but this issue dragged when it wasn't on Wally or Gnark. Then we got another curveball with Booster at the end. I'm confident King can nail the landing but this is the issue that was genuinely the most frustrating.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1 Jan 23, 2019

What an amazing issue! Worlds are literally colliding with these revelations about the black barn. How Lemire is writing this along with his other books and maintaining the quality is beyond me.

Detective Comics (2016) #995 Jan 2, 2019
Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

I like the uneasy feeling I had when I was reading this and Lee Bermejo's art compliment's Azzarello's art really well but I felt REALLY uncomfortable at a certain part. One issue left and I'm left wondering how this team will stick the landing.

Solid cliffhanger by King. Overall this was a well paced issue and I enjoyed Penguin's interactions with Alfred as well as Batman attempting to hunt down multiple criminals to find out the conspiracy with Bane. I understand that people have a certain distaste with this run but I genuinely love this like the Scott Snyder/Greg Capullo run.

We see the pieces slowly coming together with what King wants to tell us with this story. Lagoon Boy wanting to feel nothing when it comes to being blasted, Booster Gold's first day and poor Wally. We see Wally want nothing else but to be returned to his family and how it's affecting him. I'm genuinely certain that reveal at the end is a red herring because we see the bodies positioned differently than they were in issue 1.

Things are coming together! Seeing Norton's demons form as a child was genuinely terrifying to read. Not only that Lemire's characters all feel like real people w/ issues. as the mystery of the barn continues we see the protagonists crossing paths in one way or another. Can't wait for the next issue!

King stuck the landing here! What can I say after a year? Is he in Heaven, Hell or in-between? Doesn't matter! What matters is what is real to Scott. Here he has a Jake, Barada and a daughter to be! Him choosing to not give Jake up made him stronger and better than High-Father ever claimed to be. I loved the bit where they mention all the Crisises and continuites of the current DC line and ask,"Why would you want to go back?" All in all, well done Tom King and Mitch Gerads!

Absolutely the most satisfying #1 I have read in ages. Morrison and Sharp take GL away from typical superhero fare and place it closer to British sci-fi stuff. It's got far more in common with 2000 AD and Valerian than any other DC book out right now.

Solid issue for the new arc. I like how the court room arc had consequences outside of itself. Batman not wanting to talk about what happened to Dick was a nice touch as well. I do like how Penguin cowers when it comes to Bane and will shoot his own man to prove that Alfred is in danger. King’s writing along with Janin’s pencils was great!

Al Ewing knocks it out of the park once again! Clearly the Hulk is growing far more intelligent as the series goes on. Even as he’s cut up into separate jars we learn the far reaching capabilities of his inability to die and it’s more horrific then we could have pictured. Joe Bennett does an incredible job at showing how grotesque the Hulk is when he’s absorb’s the mad scientist as well as transforming back to Banner! Only complaint is why didn’t Carol make sure her friend, Banner, go through the proper channels? Overall a phenomenal issue.

My main problem with this issue is the length and Harley. I thought the book was too short. But with my issue with Harley is why didn't she stay at Sanctuary to maintain her innocence? I liked how he took advantage of WW's compassion of the situation to get the lasso but I don't like how Batman lunged at someone clearly off their rocker with the lasso of truth. I really enjoyed Clay mann's pencils as well the color's (don't know the colorist). Genuinely excited to see where this goes.

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