Flexstyle's Profile

Joined: Oct 10, 2020

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2020 Ironheart #1

Nov 26, 2020

2020 Ironheart #2

Nov 26, 2020

Action Comics (2016) #1027  
Aero #12

Oct 25, 2020

I love the Aero & Iron Man tag team. Aero is a underrated series

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50.LR

Oct 27, 2020

Filler. Only the last few pages have any significance. Good to see MJ back looking great though

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54.LR

Dec 24, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Dec 30, 2020

'Conclusion to Last Remains' my ass. Good issue, but didn't go nowhere and answered no questions about Kindred and how Harry got these powers.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 6, 2021

Tired of the cock teases Nick Spencer. Just tired

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 10, 2021

Avengers (2018) #38

Nov 8, 2020

Avengers (2018) #40

Dec 30, 2020

Batman (2016) #102

Nov 9, 2020

Let me start by saying: Ghost Maker has one of the coolest designs for a villain that I’ve seen in a long time and his characterisation is pretty good. However, did Tynion forgot about Nobody? - He serves the same role as another childhood vigilante Bruce knew in his younger training. Babs questioning whether she works better as Batgirl or Oracle doesn't work because Batgirl # 50 which was released earlier showed she can do both just fine. As a result this just feels empty backtracking.

Batman (2016) #104

Dec 1, 2020

Batman and Ghost Maker got that shounen rivalry. Soon they'll be screaming: Ghost Maker: BRUCEEEEEEEEEE!! Batman: GHOST MAKERRRRRRR!!

Batman (2016) #109

Jun 2, 2021

Good issue but that's mainly due to Tynion's oc's who i’m beginning to come around to. Ghost Maker in particular is pretty damn cool and would love to see him get his own comics

Black Widow (2020) #3

Nov 8, 2020

Black Widow (2020) #5

Feb 17, 2021

I was disappointed this story was over but turns out it's still ongoing?! Kelly Thompson has been a dark house. Her Black Widow and Captain Marvel have been great.

Cable (2020) #8

Feb 17, 2021

Domino is a lot of fun

Captain America (2018) #27  
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2022

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #2

Mar 2, 2022

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #3

Mar 2, 2022

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #4

Mar 2, 2022

This is a good world's finest book. Derek Landy really understand the voices for Tony and Cap. I didn't see the plot twist coming but it was good. My only gripe is I wish Veronica's arbor wasn't just a mishap gear from Iron Man armour/Goblin Glider/Doc Oak tails

Captain Marvel (2019) #22

Oct 27, 2020

Captain Marvel (2019) #23

Nov 8, 2020

Captain Marvel (2019) #24

Feb 10, 2021

Not a fan of this arc. I get Kelly Thompson wants to expand on the world she created with Captain Marvel: End, however another alternate world story arc in a run is too much. The sooner this is over the better

Captain Marvel (2019) #27

Mar 21, 2021

I didn't like Carol's cartoony faces. Once is fine, not throughout the issue. Carol getting with Strange is out of left field but what bothers is it happening the next issue after breaking up with Rhodey. Also Carol struggles with a drinking problem so kinda baffled she went to a bar.

Daredevil (2019) #23

Nov 15, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #24

Nov 26, 2020

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1

Oct 10, 2020

Mike Murdock was a convoluted and dumb retcon. Worst issue by far by Chip Zdarsky Marvel, stop touching established characters origins. You hear me? LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Oct 10, 2020

Speed Metal is a tie-in to Death Metal. The story focuses on the Flash family, specifically Barry Wally Jay Wallace and Wally as the focus of the issue. There are some cool scenes that emphasise the dichotomy between Barry and Wally which was good. It follows the same character beat repeated a lot in Wally stories of him living inside the Flash's shadow and some nostalgia of Wally reuniting with his old family and wearing his 90s costume. It's a solid issue, this one has been the first in Death metal event that I managed to get through without cringing. However, the way Wally stans hype up this issue you'd think it's one of the best issues of all time.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 23, 2020

Oh. my. god. Holy shit. I know it says Synder co-write this but I'm assuming Geoff Johns is the one to praise for doing the impossible. He has made me sympathise with Superboy with one of the best villain redemptions I've read in a while.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #6  
Devil's Reign (2021) #2

Dec 31, 2021

I hate when Zdarsky writes Tony SO much. Whenever he writes Tony it’s just to shit on him to hype someone else up like a hype tool and to say “rich guy bad” He always gets the most ooc characterisation as well. It doesn’t make sense for Tony to run for mayor or for why kids would positively recognise him here rn, but Zdarsky clearly hasn’t been following the current IM run and is contradicting everything Cantwell is doing and instead showing he misunderstands the character. Not looking forward to what he’s gonna have Tony do next.

Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #1  
Eternals (2021) #1  
Excalibur (2019) #14  
Flash (2016) #762

Oct 10, 2020

Finish Line cultivated everything Williamson had been building towards to give us a perfect conclusion to the eternal race between Barry & Thawne It's a incredible feat Williamson managed to write Flash as long as he did. Its definitely one of the better titles to come out of Rebirth

Flash (2016) #764

Oct 27, 2020

Flash (2016) #766

Nov 25, 2020

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Jan 6, 2021

This wasn't what I was expecting... at all. Yara is definitely not like Diana, I can tell you that much. Yara is "What If Korra was Wonder Woman?" Art is great and the world is interesting. Looking forward to seeing where this goes

Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 6, 2021

I don't particularly care for the Flash family so killing them off is a W in my book

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 7, 2021

I have zero interest in Tim as Batman. He's already started off on the wrong foot by jumping the queue of more deserving characters to the Bat mantle. The Fox family dynamic isn't bad, but this has been done with the Gordons but better since I actually care about them. Art sucked. The backup stories w/Arkham Knight leading Batman's rogues gallery was cool. Outsiders didn't interest me. I honestly just wanna go back to Bruce and the Batfamily.

Future State (2021): Teen Titans #1

Jan 13, 2021

It was good to see the Titans together written better: Red Arrow feels closer to Percy's GA characterisation, Cyborg seems to have found a personality and I enjoyed the friendship between him and Beast Boy- or shall I say Cybeast. Only one who wasn't and felt out of character was Dick. This comic feels like its appealing to the nostalgia from the Teen Titans cartoon e.g. Raven saying "Azarath Metrion Zinthos", but I'm completely fine with it. Bring my inner child out

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 13, 2021

I'm not a Tim fan so my expectations going into this weren't high. What was shown this issue sums up how I feel about the character: a whole load of meh e.g. Tim trying to protect Gotham, Steph Brown etc.. It's sad how he's still Robin at his big age.

Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Jan 13, 2021

I'm not from Brazil but speaking to other readers theres a lot of language and lore errors in this issue which is not a good look. If you're gonna write Yara and use Brazilian mythology/lore then at least do your research or get a translator. This getting past editorial and coming from DC is embarrassing Yara and Jon have zero chemistry, like not even as friends. Jon's a benevolent, overworked god who helps people as Superman... So basically like his father. Why even replace Clark with Jon at all? F.S. was a testing ground revitailizing classic DC heroes for a modern era, the new characters introduced: Yara Andy and Flash (to a much lesser extent) hv a distinct personality from the predecessors except him. I'm going off on a rant a bit because Jon has always been Clark 2.0. If I'm being honest, he only works in Supersons as a character Damian can play off with. Was hoping Future State would change my mind except it's cemented he has no personality and would have preferred Kon-el taking his place.

Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance #1  
I Am Iron Man (2023) #2

Apr 7, 2023

Iron Man saving the people of Norway from an asteroid was awesome. I love the relationship between Tony and Big Fred and hope we see him again 🥹

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

Great first issue. I love the idea of Tony writing his autobiography. The first couple of pages is giving you a rundown of everything you need to know about Tony’s past. This narrative device makes you feel the weight of Tony’s history. He’s been through a ton of shit over his 60 years that isn’t acknowledged enough. Also using the CliffNotes style where he’s editing, deleting and re-wording as he goes, gives you a glimpse of who he is and how he operates. He’s a tinkerer who is, again, using his past to shape his future. I have to commend the creative team for pulling off a reset where new readers and old readers will be pleased. The first couple of pages retracing Tony’s life makes this run feels like a continuation and not a blank slate, it touches: his origin, the classics (Demon in a Bottle) (Mullet Hair), the modern (Stark Tower, Stark Unlimited), and the current (the Hellfire Gala) (the gear he bought from Source Control) (the Mandarin’s rings). However, it’s done in a way that it’s still a accessible jumping point for new readers. The characterisation is on point : Tony is focused, confident, self aware, not overly jokey or wallowing in self pity and his altruistic heroic nature shines through & none of the bad characteristics writers have given him over the years (no mention of ego). This is a good balance of classic and modern Tony. He feels real. The irony is that this is what Cantwell was aiming for and yet Duggan has a managed to capture a better voice for Tony than he ever did. I like this story-arc’s plot. I know some may say “it’s another Tony hits rock bottom” run which is true. However, the difference is the execution eg. Tony’s characterisation is far better than Cantwell’s, instead of the problems stemming from Tony and making the public hate him out of nowhere- here it’s external. It’s done in way to antagonise Tony but highlights someone old/new in his life is manipulating events behind the scenes to show him in a bad light. While this is happening Tony maintains his resolve and altruistic nature in saving people. That’s why this is enjoyable and not the misery porn where past writers invoked how much they don’t like him in their work. Also, something that is overlooked but I really like is how self-aware Tony and the plot is that his presence puts ppl in danger. I don’t care about Tony having a secret identity, but from time to time it did bother me that there was no consequences. I get marvel stopped caring about most of their heroes having secret identities, but this issue reminded the benefits & negatives when you ain’t got it: Tony’s building blew up and in result his neighbour died, in the A.A. meeting he can’t concentrate because he’s on edge who would be hurt next. Those raised stakes were missing in his books.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #2

Jan 29, 2023

Some of y’all need to chill… Is ‘Tony at his lowest’ are common troupe? Yes. So is Peter being broke or Daredevil being depressed. It’s not that deep. Story wise I’m enjoying this: - Good Tony characterisation - Riri playing a prominent role in this run (which is very rare for marvel legacy characters) - A mysterious, interesting villain that’s fucking with Tony behind the scenes - Good usage of IM’s villains i.e. I like that Living Laser wasn’t just a 1 page mook and has his own role in this story arc. He showed a little bit of growth in implying to team up with Tony to take down the enemy, but is still a full blown villain.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #3

Mar 31, 2023

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #4

Mar 31, 2023

Tony finally getting a solid W. Marvel does him dirty so much it’s surprising & satisfying when it happens. I like the rivalry between with Tony and Feilong. The pettiness e.g. Feilong’s calling Tony old and Tony saying he’s fatherless is making their dynamic fun. It’s still early days but i can see the potential to being a good nemesis- Feilong and Tony share many similarities (both genius industrialists who uses tech, have abandonment and father issues) but their values and motivations are complete opposites. Duggan’s Tony characterisation is perfect: he’s angry at feilong for killing innocents but remains levelheaded, thinking two steps ahead trying to gauge/learn about feilong and poking the anti mutant Musk to see his reactions. He’s not arrogant or cocky, but smart, competent and mature, and I love it! Emma looks amazing. I’m curious what her role will be.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #5

Apr 27, 2023

The Stark sentinels are upon us! The covers and promos played up Emma’s role (fortunately), hoping it stays that way because this is a IM comic Tony calling Sunfire by his name was sweet The message from Howard and new element was basically stolen from Iron Man 2 Feilong is such a bastard, I love it! Feilong whopping Tony after Tony’s win was needed to establish him as legitimate threat. Feilong gaining his powers being stated as “Feilong might as well have been alone in a cave” is a neat parallel. The last line about who people will cheer for when they see the Stark sentinels has me looking forward to their reaction. Knowing Marvel’s civilians and how they feel about mutants I can see them cheering for Feilong as their saviour.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #8

Jul 26, 2023

Duggan has done it. I’m now jumping on the Tony/Emma ship. They’re giving serious power couple energy and I’m loving it. Tony’s inner world referencing Deliverance (one of the best IM issues) was amazing. Feilong is still a compelling bastard you want to see get punched in the fast This is one of the strongest issues in this run. I really hope Tony x Emma continues to be this well written

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #9

Aug 23, 2023

Duggan’s Iron Man is one of the strongest in the Fall of X arc. Feilong is such a bastard, I love it. Tony saying he’s gonna get demonic on his ass was great I love how Tony and Emma can be vulnerable, open up & support to each other. Them making a blood pact in the hell that Orchis has constructed is really cool. I’m a riding the Tony and Emma ship. I want to see the Enemies to lovers with them

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #10

Oct 2, 2023

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #11

Oct 30, 2023

Tony safeguarding the Cuckoos photobook with Dr Strange despite Emma not wanting to be reminded at this point is cute. I’m loving the Tony and Emma interactions The Avengers cameos with Tony testing out mysterium against their powers was good (especially showing that Tony and Peter ARE friends). I really like Duggan’s characterisation showing how competent, careful and smart Tony is. And last but not least, Iron Man vs Apes!!

Iron Fist (2022) #5

Aug 31, 2022

It annoys me to no end that Danny was stripped off his powers and reduced to “the guy from the subway” just to make way for a new “Asian Iron Fist”. I really don’t like the writer choosing Swordmaster as his pet project. Lin Lie was chosen for the Sacred sword, was chosen by Shao Lao to inherit the iron fist… if he was a female he’d be called a Mary Sue. And I wouldn’t argue it The worst part is Danny already had a student- Pei. Now the girl was reduced to being a background character. Where are the feminists fighting this?! Overall: I like the story, but hate the agenda behind it

Iron Man (2020) #1

Oct 10, 2020

Great start. There's a lot of "back to basics" approach in Marvel comics, but this Tony going back to his classic suit and fighting as Iron Man is the best example of it

Iron Man (2020) #2

Oct 21, 2020

Iron Man (2020) #3

Nov 11, 2020

Man, Tony is really being put through his paces in this run. I like the idea of Tony questioning why he’s a superhero in a world that doesn’t want his help. Every time he tries to do the right thing it ends up blowing up in his face and in this issue we see him reaching his breaking point. We get an exchange between Patsy and Tony which gives some detail as to why she acts the way she does and is so hard on Tony. I have a several critiques with the last issue and the dialogue here could do with some tweaks but this one is my favourite so far. Cool to see Korvac and his disciples cause trouble against Tony. If you’re a long time Shell head fan there’s several references to classic Iron Man villains which was neat.

Iron Man (2020) #4

Dec 17, 2020

Tony and Patsy came out of left field. They gave off friend vibes. The city's power all shutting down was suspenseful. Korvac's ascension is upon us! Rhodey’s willpower is on full display against the Controller. Love that. Hang in there buddy, Tony’s coming. Hellcat is linked. What could this could mean for her in later issues? I wonder who Tony will enlist on his low-key team.

Iron Man (2020) #5

Jan 6, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #6

Feb 17, 2021

I've had a issue with Tony's characterisation this run and this issue highlighted it. Hellcat's well written which is to be expected since she's Cantwell's fav, but I don't know why Tony comes out looking the worst in his own title.

Iron Man (2020) #7

Mar 17, 2021

Korvac, Tony and Hellcat dynamic is handled really well. We get to see some of the team- Leapfrog might be my underrated fav. Cafu’s art looks beautiful. This is a great issue

Iron Man (2020) #8

Apr 14, 2021

It took Patsy to the end to answer the question playing on my mind "where the hell is Tony?" Art was beautiful as always. The colours used in Hellcat's high school felt vibrant and youthful. This was pretty good, my gripe is Hellcat shouldn't have a entire issue focus on her. Pepper, Rhodey or even Halycon that's cool since they're his support cast. Not another superhero 

Iron Man (2020) #9

Jul 14, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #10

Jul 14, 2021

Good to see Tony make a appearance in his own book again. Wasn't expecting to see Stilt Man. This is the first serious take on him where I've seen his face and I have to say, he doesn't fit the comedic relief type villain. I even considered it might be his predecessor. I like this reformed version but I bet he'll return to being a joke in another book.Learning about Ultimo's origin is cool. This self discovery journey for Tony on this random planet is looking to be some good development for him. Keep it up

Iron Man (2020) #11

Dec 15, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #12

Dec 15, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #13

Dec 15, 2021

Cantwell has been in his f****** bag lately. We got the Tony connecting with his team A team name- Space Friends We got to screen time for the squad Some action between Tony and Korvac I might have said this before but this is the best issue to date.

Iron Man (2020) #14

Dec 15, 2021

like this psycho analysis mind scape into Tony’s mind and all the imagery was amazing in capturing Tony’s character. He’s had it shit of a time since his childhood and Iron Man having a sword duel with Korvac was a great. Love when they incorporate him being this “Iron Knight” Tony has now gone cosmic and is at the most powerful he’s ever been. Let’s just hope it doesn’t wrong 😅

Iron Man (2020) #15

Dec 23, 2021

Korvac vs Iron God in a battle to save the universe is something I didn’t know I needed in my life. It seems Tony has made a new nemesis with Korvac. Hopefully we see him again since he’s shot up to being one of the best Iron Man villains And still the craziest thing about this issue was the Living Tribunal and other Gods actually doing their job

Iron Man (2020) #16

Feb 23, 2022

Iron Man (2020) #17

Feb 23, 2022

This is basically superior iron man 2.0, need to see it concluded to decide if it’s better or not

Iron Man (2020) #19

May 7, 2022

Thus the finale to the long drawn out Korvac arc. I have to say, I like that Tony and Korvac didn’t have a massive brawl and he was able to defeat him with words, to the point Korvac killed himself. That’s good subversion. However….this run is still a steaming pile of garbage. Idk how Cantwell can show he can write Tony well and then give the most ooc characterisation the next issue. There’s a few good gems like this issue, but the majority was badly executed. It annoys me Cantwell has single-handedly destroyed all of Tony’s relationship so the only person he has left is Hellcat- his self insert. For the love of god, no more substances storylines. I’m tired of them. This one focused more on drugs or instead of alcohol but it’s still the same shit just decorated differently. Tony has already gone to rehab. There was a time when he was bloody Carol’s AA sponsor, now look at him… he even says he knows the drill. Yes, Tony is one of the most human and flawed marvel characters. But we do not need to focus on flaws, especially the same ones all the time. This run barely highlighted any positive traits with him which is ridiculous Overall: Solid conclusion. There were more lows than peaks. And while the concept of Tony wanting to restart his life is great, the execution was bad and needed refining. 6/10 PS: Frogman sending Tony a letter was sweet of him

Iron Man (2020) #20

Aug 11, 2022

Iron Man (2020) #21

Aug 7, 2022

Iron Man (2020) #22

Aug 3, 2022

Vic Martenlli, Force, Titanium Man, Mandarin rings, Technovore easter egg Man, can I first say I love how Cantwell brings back all this Iron man lore & characters. Now, onto the criticism: Wtf Cap?! How do you go see Tony in a coma and go "Oh my god... Welp Rhodes looks like there's a spot in the Avengers now. Want to join?" Like Cantwell I know u suck at writing Tony, but not Steve too. I do not like Titanium man's armour. I get using theme of this run is to callback to classics, but I'm sorry that suit is goofy and lame af. Always has been. Idk why they didn't give him a updated new design when they did it with Tony. Plus it would fit the context of the story considering Titanium Man works for Source Control and gained upgrades to his suit but not a new one...? Source Control seem interesting. They have potential to be a good recurring supervillain organisation for Iron Man. What I don't like is this storyline of Tony spending every Stark money to stop them. Like it's just a cop out in order to make Tony broke. Idk why comic writers are obsessed with doing that to wealthy characters. Mandarin rings... I feel like we're retreading old ground here since Kieron Gillen had a arc with them already. I didn't see Tony faking his coma for the world. Smart move. As for telling Cap/ Patsy? We'll have to wait and see...

Iron Man (2020) #24

Oct 22, 2022

What a stupid issue. Why does Riri suddenly care so much about the Mandarin rings? She’s never fought the Mandarin, never interacted with him and knows fuck all about the rings… So miss me with the whole “why do you not trust me?!” This ‘I’ve been studying the rings for years and want to use them for good’ is the most forced bs ever from Cuntwell, trying to self-insert Riri in Iron Man/Mandarin’s story Also Riri was so… unreasonable?? Why can’t Tony have 5 rings and she have 5 to study? Keeping them altogether is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. The ‘I don’t need to l promise you anything…” is proof Cuntwell can’t write Ironheart. Need her freed from him immediately

Iron Man (2020) Annual #1

Jun 2, 2021

- Good character writing with Tony. I didn't know seeing him angry against Assesors is something I needed in my life. - Tony/Miles content. - His suit showcased more features in this issue than the entire run. Could Jed Mackay take over the ongoing run?

Iron Man 2020 (2020) #6

Oct 10, 2020

Man was this event disappointing. I was enjoying this issue up until the reveal and the Extinction Entity Event was actually all in Arno's head. Slott did tie in plot points and allowed Mistress and Arsenal to give him his "happy ending" so I should be happy he's gone...but im not! They f****** added Tony's adoption retcon to introduce Arno, make me like him, turn him into a ass in Iron Man 2020, then redeem him before saying deuces. WTF!! Jocasta manipulating Sunset Bain to confessing?! This is the android who was against controlling A.I. and wanted to have a human body, I guess that last part won't be mentioned again. Carol tries to make peace with Tony after killing him... can writers STOP bringing up Civil War II since some of us want to forget it. This was the perfect opportunity to have her apologise after the amount hate Carol's received and you screwed it Slott so thanks. Rhodey's PTSD being a flaw in his resurrection is a awful cop out, especially when we saw him recovering from it. As for Arno Stark... what? For around 30 years isolated without human contact living bed-side to being put in a virtual simulation. Now one could argue this is a good thing since he gets to live happy spending time with his parents in a sense that missed out his entire life... except it's not real. This outcome in of itself feels cruel, inhuman and frustrating. Despite Arno's paranoia, he was docile and wanted to save the world. At his core he was a good person. Even as a avid shell head fan I have to give this a low rating because Iron Man 2020 was rushed, anti climactic, wasted potential. It's a shame because Slott's Tony Stark: Iron Man was solid until Iron Man 2020

Jinny Hex Special (2020) #1  
Justice League Dark (2018) #28

Nov 25, 2020

It's good that Zatana finally got to shine against Upside Down Man even if it was slightly undermined by her needing Wonder Woman to help solve the problem again. I'm glad DC let Diana get more spotlight and lead a team outside her own book, however I don't want her to be a permanent JLD member. My main criticism in this otherwise good run has been Zee playing second fiddle to her, let Zee be the leader now.

King In Black: Iron Man/Doom #1

Dec 30, 2020

In the wake of Knull, my fav armoured duo come together to save Santa?! Good to see their priorities are right! Fun little issue for Christmas

King In Black: Thunderbolts #2

Feb 10, 2021

This KIB tie ins mini series had no reason to be this much fun but it is

M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games #2  
Moon Knight (2021) #1

Dec 21, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #2

Dec 21, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #3

Dec 21, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #4

Dec 21, 2021

Hunter’s Moon is a intriguing character with a ton of potential. Looking forward to seeing more from him

Moon Knight (2021) #5

Dec 21, 2021

I love how Jed Mackay knows his shit and is respecting Moon Knight’s history. He’s managed to weeve Jason Aaron’s shitty Age of Khonsu as another conflict into Marc’s life beautifully. And can I say it’s only been 5 issues but Moon Knight’s getting some amazing additions into his rogues gallery: Hunter’s Moon is so cool (hope to see more from him) and Zodiac has got some Joker spice.

Moon Knight (2021) #7

Mar 2, 2022

Moon Knight (2021) #8

Mar 2, 2022

Hunter Moon is dope. Needs to become a mainstay in moon knight mythos

Moon Knight (2021) #9

Mar 2, 2022

It’s gonna be difficult to Google maps The Midnight mission since its now located in the House of Shadows! Well done to Jed Mckay, he's doing a great job leaning into the idea that Moon Knight exists in his own strange corner of the Marvel Universe that's a intersection of "gritty street-level" and "supernatural horror", and is capable of both bringing in old "forgotten" characters and bringing in new characters and blending them together to build on his story and mythos.

Moon Knight (2021) #14

Aug 3, 2022

This issue captures the essence of Moon Knight and why I love this character so much. It’s a deep introspection delving into Moon Knight’s psyche. The constant shifts between Marc, Steven and Jake as they try to help Marc through his problems and realise his condition was never the problem and they need each other was beautiful. The characterisation was perfect. You could feel the emotion in every page. Also, anyone suffering with inner struggles not just D.I.D. could relate to Marc’s feelings. Jed Mackay knocked it out of the park alescappuccio’s art is amazing as always. The shading, facial expressions & body language was *chefs kiss* 👌 Using different colors & the locations is a subtle but brilliant away to differentiate Marc, Steven & Jake. I can’t believe that was never done before. If I could rate this higher it would be a 100/10. This is truly one of the best Moon Knight issues ever. Highly recommend

Moon Knight (2021) #16

Oct 22, 2022

This was my least favorite issue ngl. There was too much exposition for my liking. Lady Yulan’s backstory along with Tutor could have been told much easier and faster through flashbacks.

Moon Knight (2021) #19

Jan 29, 2023

Moon Knight (2021) #22

Apr 13, 2023

Amazing Tigra solo issue. It was a great character study about Tigra, the balance between being a mother and hero, living on instincts, her insecurities (i.e. trust), and her relationships with her child, Hank and Marc. It’s rare for an issue to summarise a character’s life so well, like before this issue I didn’t even know Tigra had a child, or that it was with a Skrull Hank chick. Add him to the contrived Pym family tree. So I guess William is a skrull too then? My personal issue is the romance. I don’t like Marc x Tigra, never have. They work great as platonic friends and I don’t want a relationship to ruin that. Ppl are gonna say it won’t, but the thing is there’s a high chance they’ll be split up once the next writer comes along. I just hope it doesn’t affect their relationship. Side note: I guess Hank is officially dead. R.I.P.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #51

Nov 25, 2020

Writer: "I have this great pitch, ready? Red Hood meets Luke Cage!" I know its a new direction but it feels disconnected from the rest of the Red Hood series. We're introduced a ton of new characters but don't really get a chance to understand who they are or what their purpose is. Jason might as well be a guest star since he gets very little focus. Art is a bit rough and they need to stop drawing Jay exactly like Bruce. Up until the phone call I couldn’t tell the difference. Overall, I like that this issue grounded Jason by bringing him back to street level and dealing with gangs in the Urban Area of a new section in Gotham called 'The Hill', but I'm weary if this tone and style fits the character.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #52

Dec 24, 2020

This doesn't feel like a Jason story, he's more of a side character than anything. The villain wanted spotlight and he certainly got it because nothing is more cringeworthy than some Leto Joker wannabe having Gotham labelled to their forehead. I don't care for the Harlowe sisters or their drama. You know you're being a ass when Jay is the reasonable one. Art was pretty bad this issue and made me realise I don't like this costume. It's time to bring back the classic Red Hood Helmet. Filler story aside, I honestly feel bad for Jason. He's been mishandled for years with writers who don't know what to do with him.

Robin (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

Me: Damian, you cocky little shit *smirks* Also me in the stands: That's my son. You tell em baby!! After the character assassination in Teen Titans my son is finally being done justice. How you ask? Well it's a: TOURNAMENNNNNTTTTTTTT ARC!! I have to say i'm enjoying this more than any Bat title and seeing so many cool guest appearances like Ravanger, Connor Hawke, and new faces with awesome designs is getting me hype.

Robin (2021) #3

Jul 14, 2021

Damian and Conner bonding over their lame father heroes. You love to see it Robin continues being the best DC book out

Robin (2021) #11

Feb 23, 2022

Rorschach (2020) #2

Nov 21, 2020

2 issues in and this comic committed the biggest sin: being boring. I signed up for Rorschach, not whatever detective story is.

Shang-Chi (2020) #4  
Superman (2018) #27  
Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1

Jan 6, 2021

Surprised by the reviews because I loved this. It's like the perfect alternative sequel to Flashpoint from RF's perspective

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #1

Nov 25, 2020

Exposition History of the DC Universe ft. black characters Couldn't read all of it and that is a sign of a bad comic. Black Lightning is portrayed in way where he's a condescending asshole to superheroes and lacks empathy. The writer Ridley tried to be political but the racial discrimination was too on the nose and lacked a certain nuance that would have made this compelling.

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #3

Mar 30, 2021

YOOOOOOOOOOO John Ridley was spitting on the Deathstroke part with Tara. Too many DC writers and fans have given Slade a free pass for years because he's "badass". Drag his ass, it's well overdue.

Thor (2020) #9

Nov 5, 2020

The whole Thor/Donald Blake dynamic has always been weird to me. Odin casting Thor to Earth to humble himself from being a arrogant battle loving warrior and becoming a humble kind doctor who saved lives was more compelling than the shadow retcon. I don't know if I like Donald Blake being a villain but this arc seems interesting to say the least.

Thor (2020) #11

Jan 7, 2021

Thor (2020) #12

Feb 21, 2021

Blake can solo everyone at Asgard and Dr. Strange but loses to Throg and Lockjaw?! Fun issue but power levels are a mess

Thor (2020) #14

Apr 14, 2021

This ending was sorta underwhelming? Odin 🤝 Tony Writers making something their fault. Difference here is Thor is always cleaning up after Odin, its a tired troupe. I'm not a fan of what happened.. Loki and Thor seem to feel sorry for Donald, so they stop Odin from killing him… but then they torture him for eternity. What?

Ultimate Invasion (2023) #4  
Wolverine (2020) #7

Nov 11, 2020

Is it me or was this kinda... anticlimactic? After all the hype and issues building up to the duels we get: - a super-short battle where Betsy loses for some unknown reason - a wedding (Excalibur) - arm wrestling - a drink off - another short fight battle between Wolverine vs Summoner (and his momma). The banquet was fun, but I expected the tournament to be crazy. Mutants and Arakkii's lives are at stake and yet it's just silly and lighthearted. This is one of those times where comic writers should take notes cause tournament arcs in manga are superior.

Wolverine (2020) #8

Jan 6, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #766

Nov 11, 2020

Wonder Woman (2016) #767

Nov 25, 2020

Wonder Woman (2016) #769

Dec 24, 2020

X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1  
X-Men (2019) #14

Nov 8, 2020

Recap + filler.

X-Men (2019) #15

Nov 25, 2020

Me: No. No. Huh Huh. No. No! No! No! Hell No! NO! NO! I refuse to... No! No! Alright Hickman you win, I like Cyclops.

Reviews for the Week of...




