Jon-C17's Profile

Joined: Nov 03, 2014

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Overall Rating
Afterlife With Archie #1  
Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 24, 2015

I was not a fan. I see that many people enjoyed it, but there are a few problems for me with this. Firstly, Ant-Man is just not my thing. I don't think the power is interesting and the entire history of how Scott Lang gets the suit just doesn't interest me either. Secondly, the off the cuff sense of humor doesn't really work. I found none of it funny, just a lot of self-deprecating rambling. Thirdly, the pop-culture and tech references seemed entirely too forced. The writers were trying way too hard to be hip and current. Lastly, by the end of the issue I still didn't care. There was nothing that when I finished the last page made me say "hey, I should check out issue #2 because it could get better" or even "oh, what's happening next?" So, while I'm sure this will grow into a series with a good following, it just isn't for me.

Arkham Manor #1

Nov 8, 2014

Kind of a ridiculous story. Issue #2 might have potential.

Arkham Manor #2

Dec 2, 2014

I'm not really into this one. The style is real neat, but seems to be inconsistent. The writing isn't that great. I think so far it's one of DC's lesser on-goings.

Arkham Manor #3

Dec 28, 2014

I'm curious to see how it ends; mainly so I know the whole Wayne Manor story. But, this series really isn't that good. The style continues to be jumbled, although the panels have cleaned up drastically. The story is cheesey and even the dark parts just don't hit me like they should. Maybe because of the amount of roughly drawn, dark-type comics out there I am jaded, but I should probably save myself some money and time and just drop this for good. I'll cross my fingers for January on this one.

Batgirl (2011) #0

Nov 21, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #1

Nov 23, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #2

Nov 23, 2014


Birthright #1

Nov 8, 2014

Birthright #2

Nov 8, 2014

Issue #1 was good, but #2 sold me on this series. Pull List permanent member now.

Birthright #3

Dec 16, 2014

The flashbacks are cool, the action sequences are pretty amazing in the present-time. Something about the dialogue is getting to me in this one. Can't explain it--it isn't bad, maybe I'm just not in the right mindset. Read this if fantasy, swords and epic fight scenes are your thing.

Birthright #4

Jan 13, 2015

Good action, good ending, keeps building. Will Mikey's father and brother find out what really happened to him!?

Bitch Planet #1

Jan 24, 2015

Pretty good. Crazy action, scifi and prison riots. Cool art and to-the-point writing. Good first issue, looking forward to more.

Blackcross #1

Apr 5, 2015

It was a neat style. Definitely a story I want to check out, but this first issue definitely did not grab my attention as a 'wow' issue. Perhaps it's a slow build, but I'd need to check out issue #2 before making sense of this first one.

Copperhead #1

Nov 6, 2014

Copperhead #2

Nov 8, 2014

Copperhead #3

Dec 7, 2014

Damn near perfect story progression. Love this comic to death.

Copperhead #4

Dec 15, 2014

This issue was a little disjointed at parts. They tried to tell a lot in a limited number of pages. It was still great. Loved the coloring for the panels while it rained.

Copperhead #5

Jan 19, 2015

Not the most amazing end to the arc, but definitely a good issue. Still loving every page of it. Ends on a good "what's this all about?" sort of note. Highly recommend.

Cutter #1

Nov 9, 2014

Umm, ok, this comic: the art is strange, but I sort of like it. The story is interesting and I really enjoyed the premise. The whole feel is that of a slasher movie.

Cutter #2

Nov 9, 2014

This issue is great, so why only a 7.5? Well, the first issue got that rating for benefit of the doubt. This one hasn't learned from that, but is still neato.

Cutter #3

Nov 9, 2014

Cutter #4

Nov 9, 2014

Really didn't like the ending to this mini. Cool style, awesome for halloween, but that's it in the end.

Dark Engine #1

Nov 16, 2014

OK, while the art is certainly unique and captivating, the erratic style makes it difficult to follow some panels. I have a rough idea of what the story entails, but mainly the jumbled pictures makes it a slow read. I am intrigued and interested in reading issue 2, but I hope it picks up or I'm going to have to spend money other places.

Dark Engine #2

Nov 16, 2014

Much better than issue #1. The art has cleaned up so much. When you look at a panel you know what is happening! Really, the only thing that is keeping me going is I hope once I understand the story I will get to enjoy it. But, issue #3 is this comic's last chance with me.

Deep State (2014) #1

Nov 13, 2014

A little cookie-cutter as far as background; the art isn't amazing, and it's clearly drawing a lot from X-Files, but I am a huge sucker for this type of book. If you like conspiracies, aliens, men and women in suits with guns, then pick this up. I am excited for issue #2!

Drifter #1

Nov 14, 2014

This has beautiful art, great coloring; very vivid. The story is a bit muddled and some of the dialogue is lacking, but it brings something else to the table: intrigue. Would like to see where this goes.

Drifter #2

Jan 24, 2015

I love the art, but the writing is not for me. I hope the next issue make some points of the story clear so I can enjoy it along with the art.

George Perez's Sirens #1  
God Hates Astronauts #1

Dec 23, 2014

Love it. Blood, guts, space ships, tigers with cheeseburgers and really cool artwork. You'll either love it or hate it, but give it a try... Maybe the silliness will work for you.

God Hates Astronauts #2

Jan 12, 2015

Meh, I think these are going to be hit or miss since they are so out there and trying to be forcefully funny.

God Hates Astronauts #3

Jan 17, 2015

Series lost steam quick. Not funny, barely able to get through this issue. Probably done with this series; just cannot get into it.

Goners #1

Nov 6, 2014

Enjoyed the coloring and art style. Filled with action and has potential, but the dialogue held it back. It will be something to follow depending on how issue #2 goes, I'm not sold on this yet.

Goners #2

Nov 20, 2014

Really no character or plot development. But I honestly don't care, it's a tad 'cartoony' and filled with action. It's just hack'n'slash eye candy, some might need more, but I'm ok with reading one silly gore comic a month.

Goners #3

Dec 21, 2014

Gotham By Midnight #1

Dec 21, 2014

I picked this up for 3 reasons: It's DC, it's Gotham City, I loved The Squidder. This really hit it out of the park. A department of X-File-esque from Gotham police, with a unique style and one that is actually pretty creepy? Plus, Batman makes an appearance. How can this not be great and continue to be so?

Gotham By Midnight #2

Jan 24, 2015

Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 20, 2014

OK, so it sets up issue #1 for New 52 Harley Quinn. Here's my problem with it: I had an awfully hard time sitting down and reading it start to finish. It was awesome to look at the art, to see all the different ways for her to be drawn... but that was it. Last two or three pages read for the "prologue." Unfortunately this is another Harley special issue I can only recommend to collectors.

Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 7, 2014

Harley Quinn (2013) #2

Dec 7, 2014

Harley Quinn (2013) Annual #1

Nov 19, 2014

I didn't necessarily find this funny. The scratch and sniffs were a huge disappointment as well. The art is amazing and we get to see Harley drawn in a lot of styles. It's worth the buy, but don't go out of your way to get it.

Harley Quinn (2013): Futures End #1

Nov 12, 2014

Wasn't terrible. It had funny moments. It was very wordy and was not written that well with nothing real interesting. Honestly, if it wasn't for some cool shots of Harley and the Joker together I wouldn't have been into it.

Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1  
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1  
Hexed (2014) #1

Jan 7, 2015

Hexed (2014) #2

Jan 7, 2015

Hexed (2014) #3

Jan 7, 2015

Hexed (2014) #4

Jan 14, 2015

Action packed.

Low (2014) #1

Dec 21, 2014

Low (2014) #2

Nov 20, 2014

Unique, kept my interest and enjoyed it. Can't ask for much more. Image keeps knocking out one great series after another!

Low (2014) #3

Nov 20, 2014

Had some good moments. Really loving the art style more than anything.

Low (2014) #4

Dec 21, 2014

I'm starting to think this one may not be for me. Started strong and has been bumpy these past two issues. Art is really the only thing I'm enjoying, although the depravity is starting to get to me a bit since there is little substance within the story.

Low (2014) #5

Dec 22, 2014

Nailbiter #6

May 19, 2016

Nailbiter #7

May 19, 2016

Too meta for my tastes. Weak link so far.

New Suicide Squad: Futures End #1

Nov 14, 2014

This had potential to really be great. However, it didn't quite reach any real memorable point. The art was ok, one cool fight scene, but that's really it. I'd only recommend for the same reasons I bought it: to complete the New Suicide Squad collection, because I love everything Harley Quinn, for just one more comic to go through this week. None of those reasons hit ya? Then skip this one.

Nightworld #1  
Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Nov 5, 2014

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #2

Nov 5, 2014

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #4

Nov 5, 2014

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #5

Nov 12, 2014

Really narrowed the story down to the heart of the matter this week. Really great read!

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #6

Jan 18, 2015

Meh. It was okay, not as great as the others.

Ragnarok #1

Nov 8, 2014

Don't know about this one. It was just ok. Some cool designs though.

Ragnarok #2

Nov 9, 2014

Ok, this issue sold me. It was real shaky in the first one, felt that maybe I should've picked up a different comic instead. But this got me. I hope the series stays just like this.

Ragnarok #3

Dec 21, 2014

This comic has the potential to be something great. Unfortunately it is very all over the place. The pacing is a bit off at times and the dialogue is lacking, the unintentionally bad dialogue that is. The action, coloring and style of art makes up for all of this, but would not recommend to someone who needs a lot from a monthly.

Rasputin #1

Nov 5, 2014

Rasputin #2

Nov 29, 2014

It's a pretty simple, straight forward telling of a tale. Man being murdered, in his last moments telling you the story that led up to that. Second issue expands on both; wasn't as thrilled by this as the first. Felt a bit rushed maybe? The ending was great tho.

Rasputin #3

Dec 30, 2014

Beautifully drawn and colored. This is where you start to understand Gregori's strange powers.

Robocop (2014) #1

Nov 5, 2014

Robocop (2014) #2

Nov 5, 2014

Robocop (2014) #3

Nov 5, 2014

Robocop (2014) #4

Nov 6, 2014

Robocop (2014) #5

Nov 6, 2014

Great action scenes, but least favorite one so far. Still good, but last 4 issues were much better. Still looking forward to issue 6 tho!

Robocop (2014) #7

Jan 9, 2015

Roche Limit #1

Nov 5, 2014

Frankly, I loved this comic. The art was excellent. There are vibrant colors and beautifully drawn backgrounds. All of the characters seemed well thought out and contained depth and story is pretty complex as far as issue 1 is concerned. Roche Limit is a human-made colony on the dwarf planet Dispater in the Andromeda galaxy. The colony is in the shadows of a strange energy phenomena, originally thought to be a black hole, but now scientists are not too sure about that. On this colony the story follows Alex Ford. SciFi nerds, action buffs, and anyone looking for great artwork will love this comic!

Roche Limit #2

Nov 5, 2014

Roche Limit #3

Dec 10, 2014

Wasn't really feeling this one, but progressed story.

Rumble #1

Jan 12, 2015

It was a bit silly, had some action and told you 0 about the plot. The art was really neat and I'm loving the feel of it, but couldn't judge much about the story since it didn't expand on that at all.

Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 21, 2014

This issue left me not caring at all what anything was about or what happens to any of them. The art was all over the place and very muddled and did not capture me at all. Unsure if I will try issue 2 when it comes out.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #1

Nov 23, 2014

Was really into this. Loved the appearance of all the Gotham baddies.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #2

Nov 23, 2014

Was a real sucker to the fanservice here; not afraid to admit it. If you need more than fantastic art and Gotham's greatest hits than look elsewhere. If you want to see WW beat up on some old fashioned bad guys, look no further!

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #3

Nov 23, 2014

Different art style. Almost no story, but kept me entertained.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #4

Nov 25, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #5

Nov 25, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #6

Nov 25, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7

Nov 25, 2014

Loved the message, loved the art, but I'm not sure how I feel about Wonder Woman being a rockstar... it was a bit trite and kept it from being solid for me.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #8

Dec 6, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #9

Nov 25, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #10

Dec 6, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #14

Nov 25, 2014

Blast from the past with this one. Way retro.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #15

Dec 6, 2014

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #16

Jan 19, 2015

This story should have been fleshed out into a mini. Loads of info for a 3 part short.

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #17

Jan 19, 2015

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #18

Jan 19, 2015

Ends very abruptly. Good, but not satisfying.

Spread #1

Nov 18, 2014

I think Spread is something I'm either going to love or hate down the line. First issue has me. Great art and coloring; really into this style. Only problem is the story is pretty standard: mankind is in peril, there is only one person which others will group around who can make a difference, it is a rocky road to save the world. Still, I loved the way this issue was done.

Spread #3

Dec 21, 2014

Spread #4

Jan 18, 2015

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Dec 15, 2014

Beautiful artwork.

Tech Jacket (2014) #1

Nov 16, 2014

Art is cool, dialogue is just ok. Story seems like it could go some cool places.

Tech Jacket (2014) #2

Nov 21, 2014

Good series so far. Not really invested in the story or characters, but it's a quick entertaining read.

Tech Jacket (2014) #3

Nov 21, 2014

Really enjoyed this one. Best issue yet.

Tech Jacket (2014) #4

Nov 25, 2014

Keeps getting better and better. The panels during the 'evolution' of TechJacket were phenomenal. At issue #4 I'm so glad I didn't quit on this series!

Tech Jacket (2014) #5

Dec 21, 2014

Art continues to be great. Story has lost me in this issue; didn't really care or feel the urge to finish it. However, 5 issues in with the previous 4 being decent I will pick up #6.

The Autumnlands #1

Nov 6, 2014

The Autumnlands #2

Jan 15, 2015

Usually love fantasy and action, but I'm having a hard time caring about this one. Can't give a specific reason; art is lovely, very unique as far as style, but just something about the general presentation... Giving it an OK rating just because it isn't bad, just not turning into my thing.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Nov 5, 2014

Way cool art, and a disturbing story (even more so if you figure this is Sabrina!). Brings you in with Sabrina's back story, sets up a time and place, introduces what is to be assumed main characters of the series and by the last page lets you in on what should be the first main plot-arc. Good stuff!

The Fade Out #1

Nov 24, 2014

loved it

The Fade Out #2

Jan 17, 2015


The Fade Out #3

Jan 18, 2015

The Names #1

Jan 17, 2015

The Names #2

Jan 18, 2015

The Names #3

Jan 24, 2015

Still good, but a little all over the place compared to the other issues.

The Squidder #1

Nov 30, 2014

The Squidder #2

Jan 15, 2015

Thor (2014) #1  
Wayward #1

Nov 6, 2014

Wayward #2

Nov 6, 2014

Wayward #3

Nov 6, 2014

Wayward #4

Nov 30, 2014

Wayward #5

Dec 21, 2014

I'm pretty in love with this comic. The coloring especially. A friend asked me what it was like, all I could say is: Jet Grind Radio meets X-Men. I feel like I read these issues too fast, but I just can't wait to see what happens.

Wayward #6

Apr 5, 2015

Wild's End #1

Nov 9, 2014

Wild's End #2

Jan 19, 2015

Wild's End #3

Jan 17, 2015

Wild's End #4

Jan 19, 2015

Wild's End #5

Jan 24, 2015

Good cliffhanger. Really excited for last issue. What's going to happen?!

Wonder Woman (2011) #2

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #3

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #4

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #5

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #6

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #7

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #8

Jan 17, 2015

Wonder Woman (2011) #36

Nov 23, 2014

I didn't see a problem with this at all. There has been a lot of craziness about WW lately and the changing of the creative team. Just as with Batgirl, we are seeing the same thing with WW. Basically it comes down to this: People don't like change. Different artists have different styles and different writers have different styles. So when an entire comic team changes, then clearly the comic itself will. 35 issues is a good run for any comic, including DC comics. This comic was good; the style was very cool and I loved Swamp Thing's appearance. This is not one of the worst comics to have ever come out, let alone come out this week. Let's be reasonable and give this team a chance. They have shown in this issue that they can make WW interesting and do it in a new way that hasn't been done before.

Wonder Woman (2011) #37

Dec 19, 2014

I'm not going to hate on the art. It's really drawn well. The plot seems like it could really go places. But this is just going down the route DC has decided to take lately: highly sexualize everything. It some cases it has worked, not necessarily the ideology, but the style with the script, because the script was solid. Point being: this issue is all flash with no real bang. Wonder Woman is lovely, but not looking like an amazon warrior and you cannot, nay should not, sell a woman as just a sexy specimen who fights, especially when there is literally decades worth of cannon plot arc that does not treat her as thus.

Wonder Woman (2011): Futures End #1  
Wytches #1

Nov 5, 2014

Wytches #2

Nov 12, 2014

Wytches #3

Dec 21, 2014

This series seems to prove one thing: Scott Snyder has the comic midas touch. Slow-build horror fans will delight. Water colors are great.

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