Ps really fought through personal bias not to give it an even lower score for forcing more Paul on us. Haha.
The smiling, swashbuckling spider-hero New York loves to hate to love is back - and more fun-loving than ever! That's right, it's... Wait, it's VENOM?! An all-new host is taking the symbiote in a whole new direction - but who? It could be the Journalist...the Terrorist...the Sidekick... or even the Mayor... We're giving you all the clues, good believers - but you won't know until the mask comes off! Writer Al Ewing (VENOM, IMMORTAL THOR) takes Venom in a completely new direction with artist Carlos G mez (FANTASTIC FOUR, THE AMAZING MARY JANE) bringing the story to gorgeous life!
Rated T+
The hero’s anonymity and the fact that he could be one of many suspects are intriguing and exciting. Ewing brings history and old storylines for All-New Venom #1 to bounce off. Read Full Review
I'm really excited to see where this goes! I love the mystery of it all, and I love the suspects we have lined up as the possibility of being the new Venom. All around, this was a really fun issue. Read Full Review
All-New Venom #1 hooks readers with its clever mystery and strong supporting cast while reestablishing the Venom legacy in a fresh and grounded way. However, the minimal focus on Venom himself and lingering questions from past events hold the issue back. Still, All-New Venom keeps you guessing with its electrifying mystery, jaw-dropping action, and a surprising new twist on the Venom mythos that will leave fans dying to know what happens next. Read Full Review
All-New Venom #1 takes the character into an unanticipated direction and offers an excellent hook for new and old fans alike to latch onto. Read Full Review
All-New Venom #1 is a familiar concept but it's done well and seems to know its a familiar concept and runs with it. The writing delivers some action and some laughs and most importantly will keep readers guessing and want to come back for more to find out the answer. A good debut for the next chapter of the character. Read Full Review
While the script of All-New Venom #1 leaves a little to be desired, Carlos Gmez turns in some beautiful art here. Theres lots of detail on the page, and although most of the issue takes place in one courtroom, Gmez gets to draw a fun fight scene showing off what the new Venom can do. Its a great showcase despite the limited opportunities offered by the script, and Id love to see what else Gmez can do in further issues. Color artist Frank DArmata deserves a mention as well, with some lovely lighting and a great rendering of the gold on the new Venoms symbiote, which is really flashy and unique. (Which, in turn, convinces me its Rick because of his flamboyant personality) Read Full Review
The mix of thriller-mystery and a continuation of the twisted saga of Venom made this a must-read for me. I'm ready to fall in love all over again with my favourite gooey sweetheart anti-hero.
Absolutely loved it. Would be a 9, but Paul and “Jackpot” are here, so…half point off.
Solid kick-off issue. The art was good and the writing was mostly ok. Some of it was a little corny, and the "body language" guy was kinda lame. This is an interesting way to start up the new direction for Venom, a "who is it" mystery, similar to Vengeance of Moon Knight. I'm onboard for now.
I really wanted to like this book, but I don't know. The dialogue and the writing holds this back for me
Not a bad start, but I was expecting a bit more from this. Especially with Ewing writing it. I don't mine the more grounded take with Venom, or even the mystery as to who the symbiote has bonded with. I think those are both fairly interesting concepts, but the execution was just...a little lacking for me, unfortunately.There just wasn't as much for me to latch onto here as I would have liked. That said, however, I think there's potential here. Plus, I know Ewing is capable of great comics. Hopefully I'm not let down in the end.
I had some fun with it. A lot the suspects don't really make sense or intrigue me. I really just hope it's Luke Cage.
It's... fine? Nothing special about it. The hook "who is the host" isn't that interesting, so don't know how long that will last.
The cast feels... odd? MJ, Paul, Rick Jones, Luke Cage, Robbie and Madame Masque all feel very random choices for a Venom cast.
It's not really a continuation to Venom War that I wished it would be. Granted, this is a first issue of a new series, but I wasn't that impressed by anything.
Marvel continues to pump out tons of content instead of entertainment. Big difference. Not to mention most of it is at the $5 mark.
All the weird exposition from Harlan McNeill is maybe the weakest writing Ewing has ever done. He’s like the robot meme from Rick and Morty. “What is my purpose” “You tell the audience this is a new host for venom is the most blunt way possible” I’ll keep reading because I know what Al is capable of tho. Plus Gomez is a pretty solid artist on this. Not a great start tho.
So the good news is Venom Was is over...
This issue doesn't suck, but it isn't very good.
The art is fine. I don't care for the new look, but the storytelling is competent and the characters that aren't Venom look consistently good. The action is well done, what there is of it
Who is Venom? I don't care, and I should. Though the mystery is competently set up, the "suspects"aren't very compelling, and the idea that Dylan Brock is going to get to the bottom of things is ridiculous on its face. He's $@#&ing thirteen years old. Add to that, Ewing has never been interested in writing Dylan, and has never nailed his voice the way Ram V or Torrun Gronbekk did. If you told me Robbie was investigating, I could buy into that mor more