In the third installment of the epic crossover between the HULK and THOR series, Iron Man interrupts a pivotal moment of Hulk and Thor's battle to settle a score. Equipped with new "Celestial Hulkbuster" armor of his own design, Tony is convinced that he can ensure Thor's victory and Hulk's capture. But sometimes what you don't know really can hurt you...
The creators understand that superhero bouts within groups like the Avengers have been played out time and time again, and to raise the stakes, Hulk #7 attempts something different and drastic and succeeds in doing so. Read Full Review
Hulk #7hits the halfway point of the "Banner of War" storyline, as Iron Man's interference shakes up the God of Thunder and the Green Goliath's worlds. With only two issues left, there's no telling how things might turn out, but I'm definitely ready to see how this showdown ends. Read Full Review
Hulk #7 delivers with big action, hints surrounding a dark threat, and consequences. The art is captivating, and the plotting, pacing, and dialog are all excellent. Read Full Review
Coccolo brilliantly delivers all of the energy, rage and action visually in this issue. Each page builds on the tension and thrills and brings everything together to a gorgeously detailed finale. Read Full Review
Martin Coccolo phenomenal artwork takes center stage with incredible visuals throughout Hulk #7. The way Iron Man's participation causes the latest Hulk vs Thor clash to escalate to new, unexpected heights. Banner Of Hulk is escapism fun at its best and I'm excited to read the next issue of this crossover by Donny Cates and Coccolo. Read Full Review
Still worth a look if you like the Hulk doing things you wouldnt normally expect and are still on board for the whole starship Hulk storyline until the end. Read Full Review
Hulk #7 features a big idea that Cates is known for and an even bigger action captured well by the visuals. If you're looking to escape into superhero comics there's nothing else like this, but don't expect a lot of plot progression or much to chew on. Read Full Review
This is probably the craziest issue of the crossover yet, but still pretty fun and enjoyable. This feels like a kid writing a Hulk versus Thor story in all of the best ways. Amidst the chaos, Cates evens the playing field for the two combatants a bit by having Thor "hulk-up." This was a twist I wasn't expecting for this story, but something I'm very excited to see play out.
It's a crazy ride. But a very enjoyable one. With great art.
Pretty entertaining with nice colors
As I expected (since it's the same artist), the art is just about as brilliant here as it was in the last chapter. There's some confusion in the script that the artist could have helped clarify, though.
Narrative cause-and-effect get messy, especially in the first half. Though I'm unclear on how we get there, I do like where we're at at the end.
Welp, Tony is screwed.
It's got big action and some wild parts, including the ending. It just lacks plot.