Black Panther takes matters into his own hands and embarks on a covert solo mission to deal with Ra and Khonshu directly! Wakanda's conflict with Moon Knight has escalated. Even with spies all across the continent feeding information, Wakanda is overwhelmed. Everything changes, though, when a pair of freedom fighters enter the fray: Ultimate Killmonger and Ultimate Storm!
Rated T+
Mystery and mythology lie at the heart of Ultimate Black Panther #3, which continues TChallas descent into the truth behind the world around Wakanda. As he learns from Killmonger and Storm, the king of Wakanda continues to learn more about the history of Africa and how it is related to the ongoing war with the gods Kohnshu and Ra. Hills scripting balances the revelation of information and character interactions to showcase the wonders of remixing continuity to tell a new story. Casellis artwork picks up on that balance and harnesses it to create a propulsive pace with minimal action. When combined with Curiels rich, otherworldly colors, the book becomes a prime example of what makes a standout visual style. Read Full Review
The only problem I had with the issue is that it didn't reveal much until the end. Things that were brought up, like Moon Knight's dominion over Africa or the spy within Wakanda, have been left on the back burner. Maybe the next issue will deal with them, but for now it feels like table setting. In any case, Ultimate Black Panther #3 is still worth a read for its take on Killmonger, especially with how he manages to be both ally and foil to T'Challa. Read Full Review
Despite a first issue that seemed to maintain the status quo, writer Bryan Hill has managed to find a unique path for this version of Black Panther as the series has continued and issue #3 keeps this going. Read Full Review
Black Panther is a passenger for much of this book, allowing the others in the issue to be the talent. Overall, Ultimate Black Panther #3 opens many doors into mysteries that could reinvent the Black Panther mythos even further. Read Full Review
The results is Ultimate Black Panther #3 driving home this being the Black Panther series to read and helping make the Ultimate Universe the best publishing line from Marvel. Read Full Review
Ultimate Black Panther #3 finally begins to deliver on the promise of the premise by showing readers a unique development near Wakanda that could make Vibranium look like kid stuff. On technical execution, the script is rock solid, but the pacing and lack of wow factor result in a tepid comic with potential. Read Full Review
Ultimate Black Panther #3 is a boring read, plain and simple. It's very pretty, but this issue is just a couple of awkward conversations slapped together, all of which feels inconsequential. Read Full Review
If I didn't read the cover of the book, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between this book and a standard Black Panther book. This book is now 3 issues in and still doesn't really have a driving point to it. Read Full Review