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Joined: Feb 11, 2023

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MoonyLoony reviewed Superman: Lost #1 Mar 14, 2023

The debut issue of Superman: Lost effectively establishes the groundwork for a narrative that delves into the humanity of the Man of Steel, in a manner that is sure to captivate readers. The central premise of Superman being stranded away from everything he held dear for a period of 20 years, while only a day has passed on Earth, is compelling and thought-provoking, and serves as an engaging hook more

Superman: Lost #1

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Mar 15, 2023

After Superman is called away on a routine Justice League mission, Lois Lane awakens to find a complete stranger standing in her living room. The Man of Steel, home much sooner than expected, reveals he has, in fact, been lost in space for 20 years. Nothing and no one seem familiar to him anymore, and the timeless bond between them has been severed...

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superstan52 - Mar 16, 2023

"the changes that have occurred on Earth during his absence" are nil, because he was only gone a few minutes Earth-time.

MoonyLoony - Mar 16, 2023

Not changes physically but the changes with the people around him on Earth, relationship wise, could’ve worded that better

MoonyLoony rated Amazing Spider-Man #21 Mar 13, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man #21

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Mar 8, 2023

WHAT HAPPENED TO PETER AND MARY JANE?! It's time. This arc will answer your questions including... WHAT DID PETER DO?! Who caused all of this?
Rated T

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MarVVel reviewed Moon Knight #21 Mar 9, 2023

I fail to understand how people could rate this and other issues of this run a 1 out of 10...the lowest possible score! That would have to mean that the issue has absolutely NO redeeming qualities in it whatsoever. None. Not a solitary panel of artwork, not a single line of dialogue, nothing. People are allowed to dislike a comic, that's the whole point of posting ratings and reviews, but the obvi more

Moon Knight #21

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Mar 8, 2023

A sinister pied piper plays a deadly tune - one that spells death and chaos to all who hear it! Moon Knight and his companions are put in an impossible situation: How do you fight someone whose will is not their own?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (11)
Hex - Apr 4, 2023 (edited)

The guy who only rates things 4 and lower is bitching about someone enjoying a comic. Makes sense actually. What a loser. Great review and commentary on the sad state of comics because of petulant children that dislike a handful of creators. Glad you and the rest of the people who don't live in constant misery are loving the run @MarVVel.

Hex - Apr 4, 2023

Also, instead of telling this person what the "real score" should have been DC Troll of Sorts, why not just I don't know... post the review yourself? Or do you just have to trash things because it's somehow your due diligence to tell people that what they like is garbage because of the "wokeness"? You're not doing people any favors by being a sheep yourself, following along with all of the other dick breathed sheep like you that think that disliking creators and popular comics is cool.

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KittyNone reviewed Moon Knight #21 Mar 8, 2023

MacKay & Cappuccio triumph month after month, and I think this issue really illustrates a big reason why: because their supporting cast can be as compelling as the protagonist and all have their own parallel journeys alongside him, a thing we don't see enough of these days when everything has to be about the big headline. Moon Knight is barely in this issue, and the quality doesn't dip even a litt more

Moon Knight #21

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Mar 8, 2023

A sinister pied piper plays a deadly tune - one that spells death and chaos to all who hear it! Moon Knight and his companions are put in an impossible situation: How do you fight someone whose will is not their own?
Rated T+

MoonyLoony reviewed Moon Knight #21 Mar 8, 2023

What more can I say about this run. Already a classic Moon Knight series, 21 issues run. It feels fresh, the development of characters, especially Reese, has been awesome to see. I’m not going to go in depth but if you’re reading this review debating to read this Moon Knight, start with issue 1 and you won’t regret it.

Moon Knight #21

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Mar 8, 2023

A sinister pied piper plays a deadly tune - one that spells death and chaos to all who hear it! Moon Knight and his companions are put in an impossible situation: How do you fight someone whose will is not their own?
Rated T+

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MoonyLoony reviewed Fantastic Four #5 Mar 8, 2023

It’s okay for comics to be silly! And silly this was. A fun adventure that could have been benefited by another issue to explore the ideas introduced but this read like a classic silver age Fantastic Four tale to me. Been enjoying this run so far but I’d like to see some more linear plot progression and direction.

Fantastic Four #5

By: Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

The Fantastic Four are reunited and all is well...until their convoy is interrupted by NICK SCRATCH and SALEM'S SEVEN! It's an all-out magical BATTLE for SURVIVAL right there on the highway, and the Fantastic Four 100% fail to win it. That's right! This solicit isn't going the way you thought it would! As the truth of what happened is puzzled out, ...

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MoonyLoony reviewed Batman #133 Mar 7, 2023


I enjoyed Failsafe but these past few issues, while not bad, haven’t been doing it for me. This issue is as good as any of the Failsafe issues if not better. Batman feels like Batman and is showing this world he’s not to be f**ked with. The pages with Alfred were amazing. Batman against Dredd Dent was great. The set up for future issues seems to be progressing this stor more

Batman #133

By: Chip Zdarsky, Adrian
Released: Mar 8, 2023

Everyone goes insane eventually. And then they belong to the terrifying Red Mask! But Gotham City has a new savior. He strikes from the shadows, exhumes the dead, and is known only as...the Batman. And in our backup story, Tim Drake's search for Batman continues as he and Superman, Jon Kent, team up to stop the terror of the Toyman!

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MoonyLoony reviewed Spider-Man #6 Mar 4, 2023

Still way better than ASM is but I felt the pacing on this issue was a bit weird, the story is still good and seeing all the Spider-Verse characters is amazing as Bagley nails the different styles and aesthetics effortlessly. I’ve been enjoying this series quite a lot but thought this was a weaker issue. Let’s see how it ends.

Spider-Man #6

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: Mar 1, 2023

We met, possibly, the most important character in all of the Spider-Verse last issue. Shathra's big plan gets even bigger, and the last bit of hope is about to be crushed!

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KittyNone reviewed Human Target #12 Feb 28, 2023

You could complain, if you like, about King & Smallwood making Ice, of all characters, a femme fatale. But given that King has always struggled to write any female character — even Supergirl! — without slouching into noir cliches, I don't know what to tell you if you come to Tom King writing a full-fledged noir comic expecting anything else. And given the ending, this is unambiguously out of c more

Human Target #12

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Christopher Chance has spent the last 12 days trying to solve his own murder, with the list of suspects comprising the Justice League International. Did a hero really attempt to kill Lex Luthor? Could the Human Target have miscalculated? Is it too late to save his life?!

MoonyLoony reviewed Human Target #12 Feb 28, 2023

A beautiful issue that delivers closure for one of King’s best written characters. It’s rare to see a title character take the back seat in their own series. This issue closes with a somber and heartfelt victory for both Christopher Chance & Ice.

Human Target #12

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Christopher Chance has spent the last 12 days trying to solve his own murder, with the list of suspects comprising the Justice League International. Did a hero really attempt to kill Lex Luthor? Could the Human Target have miscalculated? Is it too late to save his life?!

MoonyLoony is now following KittyNone Feb 21, 2023


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KittyNone reviewed Superman #1 Feb 21, 2023

You know, I went into this a skeptic. Superman will always be my favorite, and I'll read literally anything Jamal Campbell draws, but Joshua Williamson is a writer whose work has been distinctly not my taste. But this comic positively pole vaulted over my low expectations!

I'm more intrigued by the main plot than the rather uninspiring prelude in Action Comics would have led me to belie more

Superman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 22, 2023

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

MoonyLoony reviewed Nightwing #101 Feb 21, 2023

A solid entry into what has been a very enjoyable Nightwing book for quite a while now.

Nightwing #101

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: Feb 22, 2023

After the events of Dark Crisis, Superman has a talk with Nightwing, letting him know that now is Dick’s time to lead…so Nightwing gathers a group of friends to be the premier league in the DC Universe and moves their base of operations to Blüdhaven. Meet the new Titans! Then, following the events of the Nightwing 2022 Annual and the Superman ...

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Even without Dan Mora this issue continues to be one of the best things in comics today. Everything just flows so nicely. Yes this may be “filler” and the action is sparse, but the dynamics between Dick and Kara, Dick and Bruce, Kara and Kal are just, god they are so good. I felt second-hand embarrassment for Dick in this one. Mark Waid continues to write his best work in years. 12 issues in a more

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #12

By: Mark Waid, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Feb 22, 2023

The secret behind the Supergirl-Robin feud, revealed! On a day not too long ago, a meeting between the Boy Wonder and the Girl of Steel began sweetly, became awkward, and ended so catastrophically, horrifically, jaw-droppingly, car-crashingly disastrously that, among the Superman and Batman families, it is now enshrined as the world’s finest exam...

MoonyLoony reviewed Superman #1 Feb 21, 2023

Nothing too bald or risky in this issue. But that’s not a bad thing, interested to see where this goes. As far as first issues go this sets things up nicely and puts Superman in a position he hasn’t been in before, which is impressive.

Superman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 22, 2023

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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MoonyLoony reviewed Spider-Man #5 Feb 20, 2023


A very interesting story that diverts away from the story. A good follow up from the previous issue that explains enough (without ever compromising the future of the series) the ramifications of Peter Parker’s unraveling. We see that with Peter Parker no longer a Spider-Man his origin is rewritten. We see history rewritten as Silk being Ea more

Spider-Man #5

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: Feb 15, 2023

"The End of the Spider-Verse" continues! See a new side of Peter Parker and the Spider-mythos! Shathra and her forces work towards the extinction of Arachnida sapiens. PLUS! This issue includes a special super heroic back-up storyfeaturing Spider-Man and Photon celebrating Black History Month!
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
Jared R - Feb 23, 2023

Future solicitations suggest he will get some kind of powers

MoonyLoony rated Spider-Man #4 Feb 20, 2023

Spider-Man #4

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: Jan 4, 2023

"The End of the Spider-Verse" rages on! Yes, that really happened last issue. The tremors will be felt until it all ends. That's truly all we can say until you read #3.
Rated T

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KittyNone reviewed Human Target #9 Nov 23, 2022

Another great issue in what could wind up being King's first consistently excellent series. King and Smallwood deliver a wonderful portrait of what it's like to spend a day haunted by the specter of Batman, what it actually feels like to be the cowardly and superstitious lot, with a twist ending that was probably inevitable but feels earned by using Chance's attempts to get into Batman's head to l more

Human Target #9

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Nov 23, 2022

Christopher Chance has only a few days left to solve his own murder. His investigation has been bumpy to say the least, but will the murder of Guy Gardner finally catch up to the Human Target and end his search before the poison ends his life? Once Batman learns of his ex-teammates, disappearance, can anything stop the Dark Knight from uncovering t...

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MoonyLoony reviewed Human Target #9 Feb 11, 2023

One of my favorite issues in this series so far. Some of King’s finest Batman work, period. I liked the pacing of this issue and how Chance is finally confronting the inevitability of his soon demise. Lots of great character depth from Ice in this one as well. Love him or hate him, Tom King is a damn good writer.

Human Target #9

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Nov 23, 2022

Christopher Chance has only a few days left to solve his own murder. His investigation has been bumpy to say the least, but will the murder of Guy Gardner finally catch up to the Human Target and end his search before the poison ends his life? Once Batman learns of his ex-teammates, disappearance, can anything stop the Dark Knight from uncovering t...

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