Granfalloon's Profile

Joined: Apr 07, 2017

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Avengers (2016) #679 Feb 8, 2018

I really want this book to succeed, because I love America (the character)! But this issue is a total mess. Marvel need to get an editor working on this book closely because it's all over the shop at the moment.

I don't get it. I love Jason Aaron's writing. I love the Avengers. But this arc is... really boring. I literally had to force myself to keep reading.

I've been a big defender of King's run up until now but.... I really feel this issue was a waste of money.

I don't get Deadpool's character anymore. He seems to have lost any kind of humanity. And worse, the book just isn't that funny.

What the hell was that all about? Disappointing. I didn't get it at all.

Eh. Pretty boring revenge story with amoral characters. The art was good though.

This is the kind of crossover I hate. Very average story. Nothing very interesting here. I'd rather they just let the two titles do their own thing.

Maybe it's because it was yet another high priced issue, maybe it was because I have no interest in Conan, but I found this... boring? I'm dropping this book.

Tried hard to like this event but.... it just didn't work for me on any level.

All-New Wolverine #34 Apr 26, 2018

This issue was a low point in an average event.

This is very well done, but I'm not sure I like this horrible, cruel minded hulk. I'll see where Ewing takes it though, I guess. I'm not interested in reading another Punisher book but maybe he'll make it interesting.

I'm losing patience with this arc. Mostly because I don't care about Maria Hill, and nothing seems to be going anywhere. What's the point? Not much Jessica either.

It's really hard to care about Aphra, she's such a jerk.

I usually like this book, but these two issues were clunky and corny. I don't mind a bit of history, but it was delivered very dully and all the American flags got a bit much.

Felt pretty by-the-numbers to me. Not worth the extra price-tag.

I feel like I would have been more shocked by the developments if I hadn't completely lost track of who was who and what was going on. I feel like this will read better in trade. Needs some decent recaps.

I'll be honest. This arc seems to be getting lots of love but it's just not for me. I'm finding it a bit boring. Been there, seen that.

I bought this to see whether I'd pick up the mini-series. I didn't really get into it. There just didn't feel like there was much to it. It needed some extra depth or character work or something. I'd give it a slightly higher rating if it was normal price, but for an expensive issue, it was disappointing.

Infinity Countdown #4 Jun 7, 2018

It's perhaps surprising that the combination of Kelly Thompson (usually very funny) and Deadpool (comic relief) was so meh. Deadpool just isn't funny here, and the jokes about him killing people is really just bad taste. Thankfully now Deadpool is gone again so maybe next issue will pick up. So far this series has disappointed.

This book isn't really doing it for me. I'm not sure what the focus is. I'm not really feeling any of the characters, so far. Not sure if I care enough to keep reading.

I hate flashback episodes.

Characters like Aphra have an inbuilt time-limit. Either they eventually learn and grow into better people, or they just keep repeating the same mistakes and get annoying. Aphra needs to change soon or this book will become boring.

Meh. I don't think I got the point of this event. Definitely not the best writing I've seen from Slott. And did any of it matter?

I have to admit it. Maybe I'm not smart enough for this book. There's a lot of high concept stuff going on but I'm finding it pretty hard to follow. The Ultimates team are only tangentially connected to it these days. I'm interested to see if Ewing can pull it all together for the finale.

The violence for comic effect left a bad taste in my mouth; these characters don't feel like heroes. Didn't like the art either.

This was just all right for me. Not really feeling the tension. It felt a bit of a weak issue.

I found this whole arc a bit confusing. No doubt it will make more sense in trade format. Mike Del Mundo's art is stunning as usual. I still feel like something is missing from this title as the Avengers flagship.

Some Monica POV was good, but the cliffhanger seems to rely on Conan history and so was totally lost on me...

Not a bad conclusion to the story. It still feels like this book is missing something. It's all a bit surface. Maybe the next story will get us a bit deeper.

This was a decent one-shot introduction to Kendra. I'm not a big fan of the art; since the excellent first arc the art on this book has become less impressive.

A lot of backstory getting crammed in to this issue, it felt a bit overloaded.

The way this was marketed, I really expected it to be more of a self-contained story. So I was a bit disappointed in that context. As far as what it actually is - a loosely connected narrative teasing the forthcoming books - it works well, though a lot of the teasers were old news. There are a couple of returns of big characters, one that made me go "meh" and the second which surprised me and worked. Overall it's a bit of a mess but has some great moments too.

The first mis-step in what's been an excellent series. The juxtaposition of everyday dialogue with Scott and Barda fighting for their lives is a bit too cute, and drags on a bit too long. I got bored, frankly. Also, their blasé attitude toward killing guards felt a bit tacky, and made me think less of them as characters.

I'm in two minds on this book. It's pretty funny and the characters are very well written. But on the down side, there's a lot of gratuitous violence that there never seems to be any consequences for. That kind of ruins it a bit for me. But I'm keen to see what else the writer writes.

I wouldn't say this is a must-read. It didn't really hook me as yet. But I enjoyed it enough to check out issue 2.

Some nice moments, but still feels like a book that's finding its feet.

Eh. Not bad but not much going on.

This is decent without being great. What we really need is some good character work to make us care about the people involved.

It's not that this book is bad, per se. I just kind of feel like Logan and Sabretooth have been done so many times, and this book hasn't found a new angle on their characters. Feels a bit like something that could have been written ten years ago.

I don't feel like the short arcs are really doing this title justice. There's not enough time to build suspense. The fights are kind of over before they begin. There was a big build up of how strong Omega Red is, then he ended up being beaten pretty easily. And I know this series is trading on nostalgia, but Peter and Kitty again? Really? Can't we do something a bit new?

Nice change of pace, and a solid recap of Superman's timeline to help us remember what has happened and what history is real! It's not an earth-shattering issue by any means, but it's a welcome rest and it's fun to step back in time.

Okay, I had very low expectations for this title. I haven't been a big fan of Duggan's writing, or the Guardians in general. This issue is strong, though. It sets up some interesting character stuff, and gets the Guardians into a mess. I'm tempted to stick around to see where this goes.

Promising issue. Not sure what it's all leading to, but okay so far.

A fairly chilled lightweight interlude. It was nice to spend a bit of time on Viv, and I liked the new character. I hope we see more of her.

This issue is just a kind of build-issue, but it trundles along okay. No great moments though.

The character work has suffered a bit since Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown left. This is another solid issue but maybe not in the same league as the first couple of arcs.

Pretty good first issue. A bit clunky in places maybe but enough to keep me interested and pick up #2.

Don't read it expecting any answers! I think I expected a few revelations and that's why I was disappointed. It works well as a teaser for what is to come. Maybe I'll enjoy it more when rereading it without expectations.

Enjoyable enough first issue. Enough to make me buy #2. My only issue was that a couple of the faces looked unlike the characters I know.

Generation X (2017) #2 May 31, 2017

Strongest issue so far, this series is improving as it goes. The characters are growing on me...

This book is consistently good without quite being great.

I enjoyed the emotional aspect of the story. The action story of the girl setting off sentinels felt a bit false for me, though.

Solid start.

Not a bad issue. A lot of stuff is building but I felt this issue was a bit lacking in tension. It's hard to care too much about Maria HIll's stuff and we don't have enough answers to really care.

Not essential by any means but a fun storyline that gives some of my favourite characters some airtime! Half a star knocked off for the excessive price.

Nice first issue sets the scene well.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #12 Oct 7, 2017

Mostly action; there's not much depth to this issue. But it's fun to see Lois get some focus.

I enjoyed this overall arc, but felt this finale was a bit rushed. I wish it had taken another few issues! Also, what is it with Tomasi/Gleeson and soldiers?

Continues to be one of the most fun comics on the market. This issue wasn't my favourite but it's still great.

If you're not following the Superman Reborn story you probably won't get a lot out of this issue, but I found it a fun recap. The Reborn aftermath stories have helped me get my head around what's happening in the DCU after some whirlwind developments, so I've found them worthwhile.

US Avengers 12 ends with an issue that pretty much typifies Ewing's run. By turns inspired, funny, smart, but maddeningly unfocused and lacking a real core. Ewing remains a promising writer who can't quite make the step into being a great one. Lots of fun but ultimately lacking something.

The art style is growing on me. This is a nice issue; not a huge amount happens but I guess it's setting future stuff up. A couple of nice character moments.

Not bad but I'm feeling like this series is stalling a little. It needs something more happening at the character level maybe. Not sold on the new artist so far. And please someone give Colossus some pants.

Still doesn't feel like there's enough happening in the character work. But it ties off the arc pretty well. The art felt a bit rushed - maybe because of Syaf's hurried exit. Some of the face detail was weirdly missing.

More set up. The scenes with Lois and Clark in Metropolis were a nice counterbalance to the villains. A nice issue.

I wasn't sold on the whole Superman's Dad thing, but this arc has developed into a real page-turner, with a nice emotional conflict that fits well into the rebirth era's theme of cynicism vs hope. At the moment I'm really enjoying this book.

I was totally not excited about this series but I gave it one issue to give it a chance. Three issues in and I have to admit I'm impressed so far. Gerry Duggan isn't my favourite writer but he's doing really good work on this book so far.

Interesting cosmic developments. I like that Duggan is letting the Guardians get away from Earth and is building something big. And the art continues to amaze.

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #9 Mar 15, 2018
Astonishing X-Men (2017) #12 Jun 9, 2018

Strong start to this mini-crossover. Great art from Jesus Saiz.

On the one hand, a really well written standalone issue. On the other, slightly frustrating as Part 3 of a four part crossover. DC need to stop teasing us and give us some actual revelations soon, or we might get tired of it.

Batman (2016) #40 Feb 8, 2018

I thought this issue was a big step up from the first issue. Very similar in tone to Black Panther, so if you like that book you'll probably ike this one. The art is really good.

Best issue of Coates' run yet.

Champions (2016) #20 May 26, 2018

Really good issue, I really enjoyed getting Glory's backstory.

This was a fun "bringing the team together" kind of issue. Nice to see Danny get a good scene with Kingpin. I still can't quite get my head around how different Jessica looks in this book compared to her own book. Is her hair even a different colour?

This is a fun book.

This arc is pulling together all the threads from Tynion's run, and I'm digging it.

I've been a little lukewarm on this series the last couple of issues, mostly because I was struggling a bit to keep up. But this issue really nails it. Fantastic finish to the first arc. Now I want to reread the whole thing. I'll be here for the second act!

Ramping the tension up a notch.

Hulk (2016) #6 Jun 4, 2017

Pak's run has had its strengths and weaknesses, but he cares about Amadeus and we've seen some good character development and it ends with emotion. I didn't feel it worked quite as well as intended, but nevertheless, props for actually giving a character some growth.

I gave this issue a try on a whim, and it surprised me pleasantly. I'm not sure exactly what grabbed me, but a combination of the characters and the overall mood really worked for me. I'm adding it to my pull list.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #6 Apr 21, 2017

The Maria Hill arc left me a bit cold, but Bendis pulls it all together well here. Maria's story is kind of tragic, even if it's a self-inflicted tragedy. I'm glad we're moving on, but I enjoyed this issue.

I've been lukewarm on this series so far, but the final chapter of this arc is the strongest so far. Enough for me to give it another chance.

This book is growing on me after a slow start. Nice character-based issue.

This book seems kind of charming. This issue was well written, and the art was good. Feels like it could be a hit with the teen market.

This book has become really consistently interesting. Good characters, and I like that (for the most part) it exists in its own little world without too much interference from the rest of the DCU.

I wasn't a big Nightwing fan when rebirth began, but it's fast becoming one of my favourite titles. Some strong writing and good character work makes this work, with good hooks for the next issue.

I haven't been sold on this comic thus far, but this is probably the strongest issue. It might be a comic that grows on me. It feels like Ewing's writing is a bit more focused in this book, which isn't a bad thing after the ambitious but all-over-the-shop writing on New Avengers and Ultimates.

Still very much in "building the tension" territory. Some nice moments and creating a good sense of the enormity of the struggle.

Still have reservations about some of Sorrentino's faces. But this is a good issue, with a nice slow-burning tension.

We're into the solid middle now and things don't look good for our heroes. Another nice issue, building but with a few revelations. Sorrentino's faces still bother me but otherwise his art is great.

I kinda expected to love this book slightly more than I did. There's a really strong character-based story in here about. mental illness, but in this issue it's mostly overshadowed by spy hijinx and over-the-top violence. I must admit, I didn't care at all about the spy story. The mental illness aspect was really interesting though, and I'll probably pick up the next arc based on that.

Spider-Man (2016) #16 May 5, 2017

Any Ganke-centric issue is a hit with me! This is more a building-stuff-up issue than anything climactic, but it's got some good character stuff.

This was a pretty fun arc in Japan. It's nice to see Miles away from all the crossover stuff for a while. Good that Ganke was not forgotten, too. Nothing too heavy, this was a nice fun story.

This is the start of a new arc, so it's a build issue. I love that we get Miles' supporting cast back, they really have developed into a great ensemble.

Star Wars (2014) #37 Oct 4, 2017

Fun issue.

This book is really growing on me. Lots of fun character stuff and the art is gorgeous. This issue is the first of a new arc and a great jumping on point. Very reader-friendly and enjoyable.

I'm finding it a bit hard to remember who's who, but there is some great dialogue and fun moments, and also some serious tension.

I've been so-so on this run, but this book ties it all up nicely. Looking forward to seeing what Jim Zub does with it.

So nice to get a change of pace and a chance to catch up with the characters and where they're at. Action fans might not like this issue but I thought it was one of the best for ages. Since Zub took over there hasn't been much chance to stop and take stock and have some character development. This issue makes up for that and made me re-interested in the team.

I wasn't that sold on this series but it's gotten better as it's progressed. Some nice character moments help keep it interesting.

Of the two lead X-Men titles, Bunn's is the most consistently interesting and well-written so far. I'm not sure where it's all heading but it feels like a lot's going on.

When I realised they were sidelining the main team I was disappointed, but to his credit Cullen Bunn has built a good story and made me care about a lot of the fill-in players. Some good character work and nice pacing make this book worth reading.

Bit anti-climactic, perhaps, but I'm still on board and finding this book fun.

Nice issue, though I was a little disappointed that they rounded it up so quickly. I'd hoped it was building to something bigger. Still, some nice work in these last two issues. I'll keep reading.

This was one of the more interesting issues. I've been a bit frustrated by the short done-in-two-or-three stories, so it's nice to see Guggenheim building to something bigger.

Great start! Lots of fun and hopeful vibe, and sets up a great conflict for future issues.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12 Dec 20, 2018

This is another book that has really improved in its second arc. I hope readers give it a chance. Kelly Thompson is doing a great job, and there's so much in this issue. My one complaint is, I really think the supporting cast need to be given more air-time, so Kate has some friendships.

Jessica Jones #8 May 5, 2017

Was a little disappointed there wasn't more of Scott's mental stuff from the first issue. But in its own way it's a great issue.

One of the most consistently good titles out there. The current storyline is basically a Secret Empire tie-in, without making a big thing of it. It addresses the themes of that title in a way that totally fit within Ms Marvel. Lovely writing.

Bringing back Runaways was always gonna be a tough gig! I was very nervous about this one. But this first issue is a really good start. Nice characterisation of Nico and Chase, and for once Nico mostly looks like Nico! I'm definitely on board to see where this one takes us...

Fantastic start. Lots going on. Exciting stuff.

Solid opening, great character work, some nice metaphors and great setup for what's to come. Bring on #2!

This is one of my favourite books right now and I'm sad it's not continuing! I missed Nadia a bit in this issue; Janet isn't quite as funny. But on the flip side, it was great to get to know Janet a little bit more, and it was a very sweet issue.

This book has really grown on me. I love that there's some body-positivity towards Blob after all these years. And Psylocke's discussion of her own body issues was great. There's not much action here for action junkies but I didn't care because it does what X-books do best, dug into the characters.

This might be almost the perfect "Legacy" issue. Peter Parker, down on his luck, unloved and poor and trying to remember what he's doing it all for. It captures the essence of Peter Parker without feeling like a nostalgia exercise. One of the best issues for a long time. Made me excited about ASM for the first time in ages.

This book has improved out of sight since Sejic took over the art. It's one of the best DC books out there right now. Great story, stunning art.

Might be my favourite issue of Waid's Avengers so far. The humour really helps the book. I loved the interactions between Victor and Nadia.

Nominally a tie-in to Secret Wars, but this issue largely stands on its own as a one-shot adventure for Thor. The strange setting plays to Mike Del Mundo's strengths. The art is fantastic, and Mark Waid's simple but moving story works well. One of the best issues of Waid's Avengers so far.

Fantastic issue. Moving and nicely paced.

Tom King really shines in the smaller moments between the big action. This issue is a great example. He makes us care for Kite Man and really feel something. One of the best issues of his run.

Okay, the fact that Sam is quitting being Captain America is *slightly* undermined by the fact that we know the book is continuing. But that aside, his decision is extremely well written and a logical follow on from the events of the past six months. This is one of the strongest books on the market and I'll be rereading the entire series as a whole again in the future.

Spencer just nails this issue. The stakes are high, the conflict is powerful. The dialogue is awesome. Bring on Secret Empire.

After a lacklustre start to Semester 2, this book is finally starting to kick into gear! This issue was fantastic! The art, as ever, is absolutely gorgeous. It's such a shame that it's getting good just when it's been cancelled. But hopefully it comes back for Semester 3!

Green Lanterns continues to hit the emotional buttons. This is a strong conclusion to the Doctor Polaris story and we get some good character moments for Simon Baz. I found it moving in places. This is possibly my favourite book right now, and I enjoy every issue.

Loved it. Great character work.

This is a really strong issue. Wilson knows how to write a book that is topical but still believable. The characterisation here is excellent, and I found it quite moving.

This was the surprise hit of the year for me. Great writing, great characters, and a slow building menace. I'm on board for act 2!

Building to something big.

A very enjoyable anniversary issue. For once, the extra price and page count was worth it!

Wow! Now here's a title that's stepped up a notch. After a lacklustre first arc, suddenly it's all coming together. Tension, character development, it's all starting to work. The art is a lot better than last issue, too. I'm so happy to see X-Men Gold stepping up to the plate.

Strongest episode so far. Hank Pym's dinner party was fantastic. Some wonderful dialogue. And the art is an improvement over the last couple of issues.

Now *that's* how you launch a book! I've not been the biggest Soule fan but this book has it all. Can't wait to see where it takes us!

Perfect ending to King's first year on the title. This and #23 were the strongest issues yet. I can't wait to see what he does with year two.

Sniff... just something in my eye.... waaaaaaaah... Oh, just go buy it. Comic of the year.

My favourite book this year. I miss it already.

This might be just about the perfect issue of Flash. The character stuff with Thawne is touching, and the development of the rift between Barry and Iris works really well. Love the art too. They nailed this one.

This might be my favourite X-Book at the moment. I wish it was an ongoing. This issue was brilliant.

Wow. This series is really coming together. I loved the writing in this issue. Some fantastic dialogue. Bring on #7!!!

Oh wow, this could be my favourite Marvel event ever. It's all coming together now. No spoilers, I'll just say this one was moving and inspiring. Loved it.

The perfect finale. I've loved this book, and the last issue is moving and funny. I hope we get to see more Nadia in the MU, and more of Jeremy Whitley's writing, because this has been a great book.

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