Samuel Almeida's Profile

Joined: Feb 28, 2018

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Pure silver age extravaganza! I continue to love this book!

What a fucking amazing book! The plot of the sixth-dimention is so good! Theres nods to things that Grant Morrison did before but its so unique at the same time! Amazing art as well!

That was amazing! Never read any Dial H book before and i love this one! It has a Blue Beetle (2006) and a Shazam vibe, in my opinion. The art is amazing also! Very happy with this book!

This book is fast! A lot of things happen, really fast, but its not a bad thing. Although it feels like it has less pages than a normal comic book. Sadly, no art by 'SEN', but still great! NICE last page \m/

A 12 issue maxi-series where Jarro is the Robin? Yes. give me just that!

I like where this is going. I like the story. I like the art. But i was about to jump a LOT of pages while reading this issue. No one would say anything! Naomi kept asking questions and everyone would just say random stuff (maybe not random stuff, but come on, people! Just tell her what she needs to know!)! Thats what it felt like.

Unfortunately, this book didnt hook me up. I liked the first issue very much. But this one was kind of OK at best. But its not bad!

GOD THIS IS TOO GOOD! Giving JLD to Tynion was a great idea! I hope he stick around at DC for many years!

DAMN this book is good!!! If Mister Miracle was the new DC classic from last year, this time we have Doomsday Clock! Geoff Johns's writing has been on point since issue #1! The man is a genius and he knows everything about the DC universe! Hes a DC treasure that i wish will take a looong time before retiring. Also, ive been feeling bummed out with the delays but im glad Gary Frank is having enough time to draw the book. Hes also doing an amazing work! He and Geoff are like a power couple in comics. Everything they touch becomes gold! Great writing and art, All of my favorite heroes together, mistery, chaos, hope, things that are more complicated than just "heroes punching bad guys". Thats the book for me!

Tying up loose ends, Emphasizing yet again why Hal Jordan is the most badass Green Lantern from the sector 2814, a nod to Parallax and THAT cliffhanger. Yep. Thats a good book! It sure is different from other super hero comics both the story aspects and the art. And HOT DAMN somebody go check Liam Sharp out because i think his hands are going to fall off! This is a monthly book that is totally on schedule every single month and the guy still manages to outdo himself everytime! But heres something else: the colors! Steve Oliff's colors over Liam's art are amazing! A perfect match! In fact, a three-way match!

Thats a good comic book! Jokes are on point. Mr. Mxyzptlk (had to use ctrlc+ctrlv here) is great! Jorge Jimenez just renewed his DC contract! Everything is shining! Except for Superman... This new story arc that starts here seems to be a lot of fun! Im excited!

I feel like everything happening here is important, but it still feels kind of slow... and fast (not in a good way) at the same time. I dont know. I dont know much about Superboy, so i dont know what happened to him before. Impulse is great. Not much happens here, but at the same time, a lot of things happen. I just dont know. Still excited for the next issue, though.

I went to look the sales chart for Freddom Fighters number 1 and 2 and they dont look so good. Number 2 only sold about 14 thousand units. Thats a 12 issue series. Im worried. This series is too good to be cancelled! Its fun, well written, well drawn and very exciting!

Ill start by saying that every single Gnarrk moment was pure gold. I didnt know the character, but he seems amazing. I shouldnt even have to say anything about the art. Its Mitch Gerads! I spent a full minute admiring the Gnarrk lying in a mammoth page. So beautiful! Now the questions. Alright. So, Wally is suspicious, and Booster shoots him. Both killers, maybe? Harley was inside of the simulator room, but then, she appears as coming from outside the sanctuary. So, is the simulator room outside of the sanctuary or inside? We know that the dead Wally is five minutes older. So, how is this happening? When Wally hears the emergency alert, is he running? Like, is he inside the speed force? He says "Wait. Slow down.". Who is he talking to? Are the characters on the last page the real suspects? Last issue we got clues, but now, im a bit lost. I mean, we see Booster shooting Wally, but that raised more questions. I just hope Wally isnt the killer. But if he is, for any reason, i hope theres a very well written arc about that showing some kind of redemption. But hes not the killer.

A "fun for the whole family!" type of book! This new Shazam series is great! The art is beautiful, the book is fun. And theres a 2page spread that reminds me of Johns and Eaglesham's Justice Society! So all good here!

Justice League (2018) #18 Feb 21, 2019
Naomi #2 Feb 21, 2019

As a very shy, awkward person, i relate a lot with this book. It IS hard when you dont even know what youre doing in a place and people keep pushing you into other places/ directions. Of course this book would be a comedy and i like that. Sometimes its nice to have the heroes, like the trinity, not being like a wall where no jokes can go through (when its done just well enough). Beautiful art. Not groundbreaking, but pretty and decent. Wich is what i can say about this first issue.

Theres no escape from the awesomeness that s this book! My favorite title right now! You can feel how big of a threat the villains are! And Zatanna is back to using her powers! Awesome! Man-Bat is an amazing character in this series. As is Detective Chimp. Two characters i didnt give a damn before, but now i love! Beautiful art! Specially the last page! Gorgeous! Cant wait for next month!

..........what in the fucking fuck did i just read?............. seriously, for the love of Jack Kirby what was that atrocity???????? I was expecting some female empowerment to happen in this book because its a good thing. But THIS? If i were a woman i would be furious! Every female character in this book is completely out of character! They act like theyre some kind of weakling creatures that cant stand for themselves! And dont even let me start on the men! If the writer hates men, you can TOTALLY see it in here! Every single men is written like the biggest, most disgusting sexist, rapist you have never seen! DARKSEID RAPES GRANNY GOODNESS! LMFAO! Thats ridiculous!!! Why on earth would DARKSEID care for sex, anyways???!!! Oh my GOD! And theres a fucking "miss universe" context! Seriously, what was this writer thinking when she wrote this book?? Does she hate women too? Because even Big fucking Barda is a "fragile girl" here! Oh my god..... Adriana Melo's art is very good! The panels where Granny is fighting Darkseids mother are beautiful. Like an homage to King Kirby. Thats it. Thats the only good thing the book has. Everything else is a major failure. I dont know how writing a despicable book is going to help her (Cecil Castellucci, the writer) feminist agenda. But.... who cares. If the goal was to make the readers laugh and be bored at the same time, then mission accomplished!

Even though i love Grant Morrison, the star of this book is Liam Sharp! He keeps outperforming himself every month! Theres no stoping him! As for the story, Grants approach is fantastic to me. This is the most "space cop" Green Lantern book i could wish for.

Sadly the "Albie is Lex" revelation wasnt a surprise, a plot twist, but its fine. Very solid issue. I like how Scott Snyder is building the relation between Lex and Martian Manhunter. Its nice, different. The art is pure gold. You cant go wrong with Jim Cheung on board. I like where this is going.

I feel good about this issue. They dont do much, but Wonder Girl is pretty badass. The book is fun. Art is great.

Mysteries of Love in Space #1 Feb 3, 2019

12 issues in this series so far, plus one annual and ive enjoyed all of them. Its simple, nothing that i havent seen before, but its fun, a well done cliché. ""Greg Capullo"" doesnt draw my favorite Metamorpho, but his art is still very good.

What an emotional issue! Supermans speech was so inspiring an touching. Brilliant writing by Tom King. Alongside a brilliant art by Clay Mann! His Superman is one of my favorites! Amazing! Two things im dying to know is WHO was the person with red gloves that found the rose at the beach and HOLY CRAP!!! The dead Wally is 5 days too old??! So, does that mean his not the real Wally?!!!1 Im HYPED for the next issue!!!!!!! Cant wait! (Im convinced that these people comimg here to say its bad because its bad every single month, arent even buying the comic. They probably read it online so that they can say how bad it is, even if its not. People who hate a book, dont continue to buy it every single month. You dont fool me.)

Pretty decent issue. Lots of fun. The art is also pretty good. I hope all this build up and years worthy of story ends in a magical, glorious and brilliant way. My only problem with Metal was that the end felt rushed. Hope we dont see it happening all over again with the Totality/Perpetua saga.

I am very pleased with this new addition to the DC universe. Naomi is not over the top; not bland and boring either; shes a natural detective; her story seems to be a good point for future issues, if that means anything; and its a perfect book that features Superman. Hes not the star but hes "appereance" is a important part for the formation of the Naomi character, i guess. The art is great. In fact, every Wonder Comics book has gorgeous art. The artistic choices to make these books were impecable. Brian Michael Bendis was doing some very strange, OK at most work at Marvel Comics on the past few years. It seems that all he needed was fresh, different characters and a different "house" to work on.

Bravo, Mr Venditti! An action packed story that is well written and mean something. Very good! But the highlight here is the AMAZING art!Eddy Barrows, man! This guy rocks! The two page spreads are gorgeous! Im amazed by this book.Its VERY good!

The art is pretty good. The colors are great. Jim Cheung is the star here. Starman is now a favorite of mine just because of his art. I still love this series. I have no idea what that revelation means for Martian Manhunter, though.

Very fun issue. Of course, in a place called "the funlands" what else could i expect? Now, everywhere i looked, it said that Dale Eaglesham was the artist. But thats clearly not the case. They did put the actual artists name on the book, but even on the DC website it says Dale is the artist. But Theres no problem with Marco Santuccis art. Hes very talented. Although a couple of panels showing Freddy smirking in a very suspicious way. Almost like is a villain planning something. That was weird. the King Kid was also weird. I hope Geoff doesnt really expand the family. I dont know. Doctor Sivana and Mr Mind were pretty awesome to see. We didnt have enough Dr Sivana in the New 52, so that was nice. I feel like this series will be just like the New 52 one. A perfect movie script that they can just throw it in a screen and make some money. And im down for that. The story is good, the characters have their own personalities, they dont sound like each other. Freddy is the best, of course! Very fun book! Kids can enjoy it, adults can enjoy it and holy moley im loving it so far!

JLD only gets better every single month. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH! This issue was probably the best of the series so far, if not, definitely top 2. My favorite part was the I... Vampire story! That shit was terrifying to see but awesome to read! Seriously. If you like old school horror comics and havent read this issue of JLD yet, just go for it!

Let me just start by saying how gifted Liam Sharp is! Hes an unstoppable force of nature! The levels of detail on this book are amazing! Every time you turn the page is a new surprise! I was in awe the whole time while reading this book and ill be damned if Liam isnt nominated for an Eisner this year. As for the script... Is Grant Morrison. The guy is a genius. Even if you find it boring, the comics he writes always have something with value. And i love comics that makes me think. I love how the shepherd is like a crazy leader that offers freedom and happiness, but we know its bullshit, but we fall for that shit anyways. It has been like that forever. We always bow to lunatics because we believe in their crap and in the end, when its all said and done, were fucked, just like those aliens in the end of this issue. Crying for help. At least thats how i interpreted it. Good story. Good art. Loving it so far.

JL #15 is great! The questions are starting to be answered. The art is great. Pretty solid for me.

What i want to know is who looked to this guy's artwork and thought "heyyy, thats pretty good!" Steve Orlando, or his editors, or anyone, i dont care, really screwd it up when choosing the artist. This story could have benefited a lot with a good artist.

Another awesome new series! Action packed, funny, pretty to look at! I think i havent been paying attention to Patrick Gleason enough. His art is amazing. It fits this series so well! I really enjoyed it! My favorite part was every page with Bart! Thank god hes back! Totally awesome! Cant wait for issue #2!

Keeps getting better. Awesome murder mystery book. My favorite part was probably the short but cool moment between Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. Bros before Heroes!!! As for the new wave of complains about the book: nobody is making comments about Clark in his underwear on the bed. Seems like every month some people dig really deep to find new reasons to hate this book. Its like Identity Crises all over again. A bunch of cry after cry after cry, but in the end, it becomes a modern classic. If you dont like it, just drop it. Its that simple. But what do i know :) Oh and the art is perfect. Nothing to complain there. Clay Mann draws the hottest Booster Gold i have ever seen! About the Superman thing: He betrayed his friends and fellow super heroes. That was not cool, man come on.

Thats it for me. Im giving up on this series. The story is just OK, The art is just OK... Overall, JLO is very "OK, it exists". While reading this i felt like Gordon Ramsay tasting dishes "Its just bland. Tasteless".

Took me a month but ive finally read this issue but theres not much to say. Its very fun. A bit silly. The Terrifics finding out that Doc Dread is actually Java is almost a Scooby-Doo vilain reveal scene. LOL. But its good.

More character development! I wanna see more of Luke and Plas, Phantom Girl, Michael Holt, but im still finding it hard get attached to Metamorpho and his girlfriend. Well, Jeff Lemire still has many issues in the future to make me love them! (The art is SO Greg Capullo, its weird! But great weird!)

That was amazing! I knew nothing about the Freedom Fighters but it didnt matter because that first issue was so good! It presents very well the world were about to go into. Its very "America, OH Yeah!" but thats not a problem, of course. The art is STUNNING! Eddy Barrows did an amazing job, as always. Great script! Robert Venditti is a great writer, in my opinion. Were in for a treat! I think thats going to be the "underrated series" of 2019. (i hope not. I hope it sells well and people talk about it). Now i need to read old Freedom Fighters stuff!

I wish i was a fly on the wall at the DC offices to know why the hell Jim Cheung is drawing only three pages in this issue. Do they have a big Justice League saga that hes working on and dont have the time to draw a full 20 pages book? The other artist is not bad. Dont get me wrong. but for me its either one guy in a 20-23 pages book or nothing. As for the story, im really glad Scott Snyder decided to give the Hawks their time to shine. Since Metal, Hawkman got his own ongoing series and Hawkgirl is crushing on the JL book! >>>>>>>>>>SPOILER<<<<<<<<<< So, im hoping, im really hoping, they didnt brought Starman back just to make him explode and die. That would not be cool, at all!

This gets better every month. Its insane! The art have been consistently amazing. But the script is the pure gold for me. What James Tynion is doing with Bobo is, for me, like what Geoff Johns does with "forgotten" characters. Hes an amazing character in this series. Theres a page where he does a monologue that made me stop and read it again like three times because it was so good! This is a very VERY good book. Totally recommend it.

I really enjoyed that first issue. Very promissing. Very interesting start.

And that, kids, is why you dont bring the Joker into your team. Great issue! LOVED the cliffhanger in the end!

Just AMAZING! What if the cold war was happening today but with superheroes instead of nuclear weapons? Thats what we have in Doomsday Clock. Superman is an amazing character. we all know that. And Geoff writes him very well. He never leaves a friend. He never chooses sides, he only searches for the truth. He is hope and justice incarnated. The newpaper saying he "chose the wrong side", totally throwing aside his speech that the demonization of any group of people is wrong (or misunderstanding it) is a very good demonstration of the media and how they can change facts. This series only gets better with every issue. Its very well written and very well drawn. Its fast paced, its political, it makes you think, it makes the wait for the next issue feel like eternity! Im out of words! All i can say is that everyone should be reading this! Books like this makes me happy to be a DC/comicbook fan. Also theres an appearance of The Creeper. What more do we need?

Someone give Liam Sharp all the awards there is! Fucking Artist God! I didnt know Volk. Hes a sentient volcano, i guess, that is a Green Lantern. Thats as awesome as it can get! Pretty fun issue. The "WTF is going on" factor is there, as always, but its still pretty great.

English is not my native language, so, sometimes, is kind of hard to understand a few words or phrases. But its never a problem with comic books. They usually have pretty easy language. That wasnt the case with this book LOL. I dindt understand like half of it! It was so hard for me! Reading using a dictionary every 2 words is horrible! But, of course, i wont downgrade the book because of my poor english. I should downgrade it because of the art. I HATE Riley Rossmos art! Im so sorry, Rossmo. (I know he will never read this but i feel bad lol). The story was cool. Ill wait to see what will happen but it was just ok for me. Lets see how this goes.

"I just want something i can say. How about Captain Marv--" hahahaha unfortunately you cant say that kiddo. Cause some guys think they own a common word. Oh well. So Shazam is finally getting some love and im loving it. What a way to start this ongoing series! A real kick on the door! With Geoff Johns writting and Dale Eagleshams amazing art, this is the book of this wednesday for me! Its so fun and funny, and family vibes are giving me life! I love how relatable Freddy is. Theyre all so cute! Great first issue! Cant wait for the next! And, of course, theres the mini story in the end. And the first one (i believe each character of the Shazam Family are going to get a mini story at the end of each issue) is about Mary. It was simple, of course, but so cute and sad and >>>[SPOILER]<<< Hoppy gets his power at the end of it! So cute! And the art by Mayo "Sen" Naito is amazing!! I hope he sticks around in DC because i fell in love with his stunning work! Very manga like art. Welcome back, Captain Mar... Shazam! Welcome back, Shazam! <3

Poor Lagoon Boy. The way he laughs after everything... creepy, but touching. I have no idea where this is going. But i also had no idea where Mister Miracle was going and it was fucking great. Its easy to get blown away by the art. Oh my god the art! Theres a page where Clay Mann uses his own fingerprints (i believe) to make shadows and create effects on the page. Stunning! But i have to agree that Harley is getting too weirdly overpowered at this point. Maybe something happened that gave her powers, i dont know. It would make sense for certain character not to run away at that moment because he was crying, not paying attention, you know, mourning the death of his friend. But he just stands there. I dont know. that was weird. But overall, i enjoyed it.

Im giving it a 6/10 because theres elements here that, if done well, could really work in the future. If the series doesnt get cancelled. Alright. What happened? For some reason it doesnt seem like the writer is putting enough effort in this series and i already miss Stjepan Sejic. The artist in this issue is not bad, but losing the artist that was supposed to be the only one after 2 issues is kind of bad. I wonder what really happened with those 2 issues that they "lost" months ago. Somethings fishy. I mean, how does a giant Company loses two already finished and ready to print issues of a series that makes the writer and the artist start over and change stuff in the middle? We may never know what actually happened but i think this "loss" affected the quality of the rest of the series. I dont know. That makes me sad because i was really hoping all three JL books would be successful. Specially this one. Expanding the cosmic part of the DCU (aside from the Green Lantern stuff) made me SO HYPED! Imagine the possibilities! Imagine the big sagas they could have done! But its all going downhill since right after the announcement for this book. My hopes for Justice League Odyssey may be low but at least we have two great Justice League titles that compensates the seemingly lack of commitment with JLO.

I thought the art was pretty great. The story was ok. I liked it but not as much as i thought i would. I cant wait for the Drowned Earth story to end.

What an ultra good issue! It has a lil bit of drama but then it gets really fun. I like when Tynion write in a kind of 'poetic' way. The art was 10/10 and the special appereances are so good! I freaking love JLD <3

Basically, what i understood was that Scott is actually traped by the antilife equation. Either that or hes actually dead. But ill take the first option. "If someone possesses absolute control over you - you're not really alive" For me it was a great finale. As i look back and think about the whole story i feel sad that it is ending. the wait for each issue was painful but also kind of pleasurable. I also feel so so so happy that it happened! I am not very good making reviews. I just write what i felt so i dont actually review the books in a technical way so i cant put in words the philosophy of it all but i can say that its there. Its not just a superhero book. It touches your heart and mind in good ways. It makes you think. So thats it. It ended. This last year was better for me because of this series. I know i may be exaggerating but that is how i feel. It made me love Scott and Barda way more than i did before and the impact it had on me was the most positive one. Thank you Jack Kirby for creating these characters and thank you Tom King for giving us a new incredible installment for the Kings creations. AND lets hope that the Female Furies mini series can be just as good as Mister Miracle was! edit: just realized i didnt say anything about the Glorious art by Mitch Gerads! Its a feast for the eyes! His style is different from anyone elses. Hes just amazing. This series wouldnt be the same without him. He didnt received an Eisner Award for nothing!

Holy damn did i felt good reading this! Its better than what i was hoping for! I love Grant Morrison so much hes my favorite writer! But i think the artist deserves even more praise. Liam Sharp draws like a god creating the universe. Hes in another level! I have sincere love and admiration for his work on The Brave And The Bold and im glad hes drawing one of my favorite characters. If he doesnt get nominated for AT LEAST ONE Eisner Award next year i swear to god i will flip out! Anyways... I loved this book. Some people wont feel the same but i just really think its THAT good.

Very good issue! Amazing art! I love Jarro so much :3

I respect Howard Potter. I really do. But i dont think his art fits in this kind of story. This event needs epic/ flawless art. which is not the case here. Im excited to see Wonder Woman kicking ass and what Aquaman will do to save the planet. Overall, a good event so far.

I loved the end of this story. It sure has A LOT of text for a comicbook but it needed it and it was perfect. Halfway through this i prayed to Circe to appear again in the JLD in the future and it seems like i will be very happy!!

It was fun.

Comicbooks should be like manga. Where the story just ends at some point and theres no connected universes. Maybe if that was the case, people would rate this story on the way its written and drawn not by who died. I dont think we deserve a writter like Tom King. He needs time to tell the story he wants to tell. And im glad im not in his place because i would have spoiled everything by now. The guy receives hate messages on twitter for fucks sake. Come on people. Lets be better. We're reading comicbooks. They will be back. Calm down. The art is spetacular. Clay Mann rocks. As always. I love the murder mystery hes building and the wat hes making the characters deal with death and the unsafe enviroment they are in. I wonder what that last 3 pages means for Poison Ivy and Superman. I guess ill just have to wait. Like a normal, patient person.

Its better than JLO#1. I have high hopes for this. Cosmic adventures, if well done, are my favorite kind of comics. And Jessica Cruz, man. I just love her.

The Terrifics #9 Oct 24, 2018

Incredible start to this arc. Scott Snyder has been saying that everything is connect, since the Metal saga and going into the future. And you can totally feel that. What hes doing is a really well written, big, bold, gracious, epic saga that im insanely happy to be witnessing! (I dont dont need to say anything about the art except: Francis Manapul!) Oh and Jarro is back! (a little Starro, but in a jar (:3) )

WOW! That was awesome! Alvaro Martinez is becoming one of my top 5 favorite artists today! Keep it up, Witching Hour!

It only gets interesting for me when they arrive at Circes place. The last page is cool. Overall, not as good as the first part of The Witching Hour.

The art was good, great art team, except in the Guy Gardner one. I dont like Riley Rossmos art. I hope he changes my mind with the new Martian Manhunter mini. Anyway, the Etrigan short story was the best! I feel like it would have been even better if the Batman and the Etrigan stories were bigger, 30 pages long each. The Wonder Woman story would have benefited a lot if it were more adult, more gore, and less "oh my mommy taught me about love!". It was weird seeing that terrifying monster while WW talks about love. They should have focused more on the monster story and the little bit of gore it needed. This story also needed to be bigger. Basically, i dont like these halloween/ Christmas/ Valentines day specials because there are great potential in some of the tales but they never reach it.

I love when a team book takes time to just show our favorite heroes talking and having a good time together. Makes us care.

Im not gonna lie. When i first heard about this story arc and saw the first cover, i was a little concerned. It felt like an OK idea. But last weeks JLD made me excited and this first part of The Witching Hour is amazing! Wonder Woman is a total badass (of course) and this whole event seems very promising! I dont remember if ive said it before, but James Tynion knows how to write teams SO WELL!

The Terrifics #2 Sep 29, 2018
The Terrifics #3 Sep 29, 2018
The Terrifics #4 Sep 29, 2018

Oh man... If one day they cancel The Terrifics ill be so sad!!! Its such a fun book and the art in this one is, too, great! Ducktor Dread in the Funnyland brought me back to when i was a kid watching Looney tunes <3 The Aztech Empire is, basically, a Jack Kirby homage! The "soap opera" moment with Java and Sapphire was kinda like... "ok... so... moving on." you know? lol And the cliffhanger at the end was awesome! So much fun!

This is one of the best issues so far. Dr. Manhattan finally became a huge part of this!

I just wanna thank the Gods for giving me free will and for not allow other people to get into my head and form my opinions for me. Because HiC #1 was very good! I think its funny that some people will say "ToM KinG iS BaaD WriTEr" just because of what he did here. Others will even say "this is nothing about PTSD" and for them i say: YOU READ THE WRONG BOOK! Also, this is the first of a 9 issues series. So, PLEASE, stop crying for NOTHING and wait to see where it goes! This is a SUPERHERO COMICBOOK! Crazy stuff happens! Let the story be written and developed before judging so much! Thank you :) P.S: These people giving the book a 1/10 probably didnt even read the book. They probably saw spoilers on twitter and decided to hate it.

Another month, another awesome JLD issue! The Upside-Down Man is terrifying and im happy to read the development of this team's stories every month! And what is this art! Every panel is just Freaking gorgeous!!!

I think by now everyone knows that the first two issues of JLO were totally remade. And i kind of felt that here. The story was a bit rushed and the art (that was still amazing) was also rushed. But i still feel that something good will come out of this title and im positive about its future! Also, Jessica Cruz is amazing and people should read it just for her :)

Batman: Damned #1 Sep 19, 2018

Revelations, badass moments, a new origin for Starman that is actually the 80's version updated to include the Totality and cliffhangers that left me even more excited for whats to come. I love Justice League <3

Oh NO! NOOOO! *crying* What?? YES! YEEES!!!!!! ....... Wait... WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUG!!!!?????? WHAT???? Oh MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!! (Thats my review/ actual reaction to Mister Miracle #11) Also, i agree with David Harth from "You Don't Read Comics". Jack Kirby is looking down right now, blessing Tom King for his genius writing and Mitch Gerads for his glorious art.

Oh MANNN! I was at the edge of the seat the whole time while reading this!So much fun! Ive said that before and ill say it again. Snyder really knows how to write teams! And hes the best for bringing back so many characters since the Dark Knights: Metal Saga! Of course the art is amazing! And im really looking foward for the next arc! Oh and watch out for the last 4 pages. They will leave you breathless! (as will the whole issue).

WOW! James Tynion can write horror and team-up books very well! The Upside Down Man looks terrifying!! The art is spectacular! It was an amazing book!

So good to read a fun and exciting book like this one. Its a simple story but its well done, entertaining and the art by Eaglesham is on point!

I love how Scott Snyder uses the omniscent narrator. It feels classic but modern at the same time.

Catwoman (2018) #2 Aug 8, 2018
Adventures of the Super Sons #1 Aug 2, 2018
Batman (2016) #52 Aug 2, 2018

Lex is such a good villain! I loved that they took the time to explain things here and it still felt good to read it. But seriously, in the past, present or future, Lex Luthor is the GOAT! #SideWithDOOM

Yes. (But also, please dont give him away, Scott!)

This issue is basically an origin story for Marionette and the Mime that is well told. But it also contains an assemble of characters that OH MY GOD was it awasome! I cant wait to read Doomsday Clock #7 84 years from now! :)

Really solid start. It seems Tynion knows what he is doing with this new series and i want to see more of that.

I hope Jeff Lemire has enough ideas for the future of this book because i dont want it to end any time soon. Its so fun, funny and has a lot of special moments. I LOVE The Terrifics!

James Robinson is OUT and this is all you need to know! Pick this up!

This issue is fantastic. Art and script. Sadly, people are still crying over Batman #50.

Scott is promising too much. If hes able to deliver it at the end of this run/saga/story arc, this will likely become one the most adored, well-crafted and legendary JL eras of all time.

The Justice League book continues to amaze!Every time i turn the page i get blown away by the art.Jorge Jimenez is a GOD!And Scott Snyder is, of course, one of the best writers working today! The relation between the League members are so natural and well done and the villains are on point. So far, Justice League is a 10/10!

This title keeps getting better!Lemire writes a fun but also emotional scrit. While Doc Shaner amazes with his stunning art. Pick it up now!

Another solid issue. Fun, interesting and with an amazing art and colors. I really want to know what Lex is planning.

I kind of figured out what was going to happen, but i still wasnt ready for that ending. WHAT THE HELL!!!!? I want the next issue now!

The Man of Steel (2018) #3 Jun 13, 2018

Amazing first issue! After two years suffering with bad JL stories, the best team ever is back!!!!!! Fantastic script, fantastic art. Fantastic!

Doomsday clock should be monthly. This book is too good and having to wait two months to read every issue is killing me!

Another great issue! An amazing finale! Cant wait for Justice League #1!!!

Im not giving it a higher score because of the terrible art in half of this book. I was SO GLAD when the art got better! Seriously. The first nine pages were hard to go through.

Justice League: No Justice #1 May 19, 2018

This book is predictable it hurts

Fells more of the same. Art is ok, i guess.

Great book! The cosmic saga The Justice League needed!

This issue is fun. Its fantasticaly fun! It moves fast and makes you want to know where these characters are going to do next! A great start for the series.

Reviews for the Week of...




