after the Snyder/Capullo Batman run ended i've been trying my best to adhere to a strict NO-SNYDER policy. ...he really tries. i'll give him that.
It's a mystery in space: Why would the Guardians of the Universe hide top-secret intel deep in the bowels of a secret vault on Thanagar Prime? That's what Martian Manhunter, GL and Hawkgirl want to know! That's not the only puzzler popping off either, as an ancient connection that bonds Kendra and Shayera Hol unlocks the secret of the map on Hawkgirl's Dark Metal wings. Back on Earth, Starman and the Trinity look to create a wormhole that could transport them to Thanagar Prime. The only catch? It could vaporize them!
The art by Jim Cheung and Stephen Segovia is amazing. There are so many beautifully detailed panels in this issue that every page has something that could be a print hanging on the wall. Read Full Review
Expanding upon the already grandiose DC Universe as a whole is just old hat for this creative team. With the next few issues dealing within the ramifications of this issue still to come, the secrets have only begun to come into the light as Synder and team promise huge revelations for this run and the DC Universe. Standing strong as the flagship title from DC Comics, Justice League is an absolute must read title. Read Full Review
Writers Snyder and Tynion craft a satisfying ending, setting up a much larger story with the Source Wall and Perpetua. Segovia's minimalist art and Cheung's hyper-detailed work offer wonderful contrast, as the League may finally have turned the tide against the Legion of Doom. Read Full Review
One of the best arcs to date, setting the stage for something big! Read Full Review
Sixteen issues in, Justice Leaguestill feels like one of the most important books on the shelf for DC. It's the type of stuff that's gonna have ripple effects far beyond the tie-in JL books. This is the forefront of the DC multiverse, and you don't want to miss the puzzle pieces being placed week after week. Read Full Review
Snyder and Tynion prove that this is the book to buy. This is one of the best titles on the market right now, but be prepared to read. This issue is especially wordy (which I absolutely love). Read Full Review
The space politics of Thanagar Prime were a bit vague, but the arc as a whole was a great, high-octane Justice League arc. Read Full Review
A good issue that wraps up Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, and Hawkgirl's adventure in outer space. If you're not excited for what comes next, you might as well stop reading comics. It's that good. Read Full Review
This wasnt the strongest issue of Justice League, but even an average JL issue is still entertaining. Snyder has stated some big things are in the works for Justice League and for Hawkgirl in particular this seems teased here. Now itll be a matter of how Snyder and Tynion deliver in subsequent issues. Read Full Review
The "Escape from Hawkworld" arc ends on a high note, promising that there is a great deal of trouble still in-store for the members of the Justice League as they continue on this venture, attempting to right their wrongs and 'fix' the multiverse. Read Full Review
A satisfying conclusion to one story and the final push for another, this issue centres on the truths of some of DC's finest and their quest to face these without backing down. Read Full Review
The arc on Thanagar Prime was densely packed but did not overstay its welcome. A great little arc that delivered more meaningful storytelling than the drawn out and clumsy "Drowned Earth." It is clear that Justice League is back on track and feels like an "event book" again. While the far reaches of the storytelling may be a lot for some to handle, and the retcons fairly substantial, overall this comic is a lynchpin in DC's lineup and a must-read for anyone who has a DC comic on their pull list. Read Full Review
Snyder and Tynion's Justice League can be somewhat difficult to wrap your head around at times, but it's worth the effort. It seems that No Justice is nearing a major juncture, and here's where we find out if their high-stakes gamble will pay off. It's been enjoyable so far, but I will be eagerly watching to see if it succeeds or fizzles out. Read Full Review
If the next chapter can keep up the momentum, we're in for quite a ride. Read Full Review
Even though this was a dialog heavy issue, I still felt deeply engaged. Sure the idea of another hidden secret history might not sit well with some fans, but if you did not mind it, then this issue will have on the edge of your seat. The real ride for Scott Synder's Justice League is about to begin. Read Full Review
Nothing is on a small scale in Justice League #16. It's a satisfying close to this story arc, and it leads further onward in the grand saga of the Source Wall. If you like grand, heroic stories where the heroes are predestined to be heroes, it's a solid entry in that category. Read Full Review
Justice League #16 delivers just the right mix of dialogue heavy scenes and action. This issue will appeal to fans who like action as well as fans who desire character driven stories. This title continues to be DC's crown jewel. Justice League #16 is worth every penny of its cover price. If you still have not hoped aboard this title then you need to do so immediately. Read Full Review
In short – the issue isn't accessible, which speaks toSnyder and Tynion's skills – or lack thereof – as writers. They don't do much to help their readers with these references – either because they lacked space or they didn't see the need. Either way, it's a deficit within the script. Nevertheless,Justice League #16is still fun despite its continuity baggage. It may not be perfect, but it's still worth picking up. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this issue as a whole. Despite loving the art, the transition between Segovia and Cheung was massive given the two have entirely different styles. There isn't even any effort to mask the transition and provide a seamless change, which is quite odd. Nonetheless, I liked the ending to this issue and I hope that the series can move at a pace like this from now on. Read Full Review
Justice League #16 has fantastic art behind it but throws a lot of new information without expanding on it, before ending a little too quickly. Read Full Review
Snyder and Tynion have some crazy big ideas going on in this issue, but most are left to be explained later...with a lot of what we've already got in this series. The art felt rushed in this issue and while I am still interested in the big picture, I need some answers soon to keep recommending this. I'm still on board but I'm starting to wonder if it's for the creative team more than for the story they are telling in the here and now. Read Full Review
With things starting to come together, the series continues to gain momentum. I look forward to more answers being revealed in the future. As a single issue, though, it's a bit hard to take in with all the information here. Read Full Review
DISCLAIMER: Batman News received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher. Read Full Review
The art is pretty good. The colors are great. Jim Cheung is the star here. Starman is now a favorite of mine just because of his art. I still love this series. I have no idea what that revelation means for Martian Manhunter, though.
Ayy maybe Shayera should go to jail or something. Pretty sure she committed some war crimes in there.
There were a lot revelations here, especially Thanagar Prime being an illusion and the past about Martian Manhunter. Some seem familiar like it was told before, the end though, it's exhilarating.
"Don't be a poozer. Call for backup"
Bit of a wordy and expository issue, but overall an enjoyable one. Starman's part really brought it home for me.
I know it won't happen, but can we, maybe, move away now from the big cosmic threats and old secrets of the universe for a little bit? It's a bit tiresome. What about good old fashion Monguls or Brainiacs threatening the Earth or some other things that are not universe shattering and universe spanning.
Just a thought.
This is just so much dry exposition about things that I am genuinely having a hard time keeping track of who is doing what and what is happening to the universe. It’s too many things!
-The Starman scenes were alright.
-I thought the J'onn scenes were good. Definitely the strongest part of this arc.
-Really, really boring issue. I don't even know why I bother with this series anymore. I find it more sleep-inducing than entertaining. Oh well, if I ever have trouble falling asleep, I know what to read.
-Meh art. Jim Cheung's nice but he only does a few pages. The rest wasn't that good.
-I feel like there's interesting ideas, but executed very poorly. In the hands of another writer this could be something.
-Ultimately Shayera was a weak and uninteresting villain.
-I think maybe the scope of this is too big. I feel more
Yeah, this issue was all exposition and I was very bored.