Andrea D’Alò's Profile

Joined: Feb 17, 2019

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Action Comics (2016) #1009

Mar 27, 2019

Bendis continues to write A.C. and he does it well!. This issue can appear a little confusional, and it is, but it’s because Supes can’t found a way out, this events are confusing him and so is the reader.A lot of things happens here and I can’t be more excited for the next issue. Superman and Action Comics are the Alfa and the Omega of who is Superman, and are both in the hands of a master of the industry. The art is so good, Epting makes this characters real and makes them act like real people.

Action Comics (2016) #1010

Apr 24, 2019

Action Comics (2016) #1011

May 24, 2019

Asgardians of the Galaxy #8

Apr 25, 2019


Batman (2016) #66

Mar 6, 2019

This number explores the character of Catwoman and his decision to leave Batman, it’s REALLY well written and the art is gorgeous, it reminds me Mazzucchelli in Year One. It can appear as just a Filler but it’s not only that, it explores the characters.

Batman (2016) #67

Mar 20, 2019

Impressive. It’s impressive how King manages to write a story without dialogues (there are 2), the fact that there aren’t dialogues doesn’t mean that King has done a “lazy job”, all that movements of the characters and their facial expressions are in the script of the issue.This issue symbolize the fall of Bruce Wayne and damn Tom King tells it in a very good and powerful way. King has also 2 GREAT artists there, Lee Weeks and Jorge Fornes both spectacular and perfect for this type of issues. Can’t wait to see how “Knightmares” will end.

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 12, 2019

Another thrilling episode of Knightmares where we explore another nightmare of Bruce Wayne. And if Bruce Wayne is not enough? For his city For Superman For Selina King’s take on Batman is HUMAN and he humanises all these characters, people have “stupid” nightmares and so Batman, people do the wrong thing when they know what’s correct to do and so Batman, people are fragile and so is Batman. Good art, amazing words.

Batman (2016) #69

Apr 17, 2019

Batman (2016) #70

May 1, 2019

Wow. Batman is really falling into the madness and thinks he’s escaping to her. King cites Blake and Dante Alighieri I’m a very clever way.

Batman (2016) #71

May 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #72

Jun 5, 2019

How many times have you solved a problem using your fists? Never, I’ve tried but I didn’t succeeded in it, because the world just doesn’t work in this way. Well, same is for King and of course his Batman. Batman has ever won in Tom King’s run? No, never. Every event in this run is part of Bane’s big plan, Bane wants to break Bruce Wayne not physically but, first, mentally. He gave him love, friends and enemy and then he puts all these things away from him. Does this thing remember you something? Oh yes, Job in the Bible, when God stole everything from him.

Batman (2016) #73

Jun 19, 2019

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

This is GREAT

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #1  
Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1  
Daredevil (2019) #3

Mar 28, 2019

Here continues the “Know Fear” the first narrative story-arc of the Chip Zdarsky’s Daredevil and it is so good. Daredevil is captured by the police, what’ll happen? At the moment there’s no villain, all the characters are right, Daredevil (that’s trying catch answers) the new cop (that wants only to arrest a killer) and the cops (that don’t know what to do because their hero maybe is became a killer). All is so good and the art of Marco Checchetto is SPECTACULAR, his Matt is gorgeous and the new Daredevil suit is awesome.

Daredevil (2019) #4

Apr 18, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #5

May 16, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #6

Jun 3, 2019

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1  
DCeased #1

May 5, 2019

DCeased #2

Jun 5, 2019

Really entertaining issue. The story develops a little, but I had so much fun reading this. The last pages are really painful to read (in a positive way).

Detective Comics (2016) #999

Feb 28, 2019

Detective Comics (2016) #1000

Mar 30, 2019

Great stories, all of them. My favorites are: Bendis’ one,Smith’s one, King and Ellis.

Detective Comics (2016) #1001

Apr 12, 2019

This feels like a prelude to the rising of the Arkham Knight, it has reminded me Azrael from 90’, but Tomasi know that and he tries to differentiate these two characters. He tries but the characters are still similar in some aspects. But the writing and the story are both great. The art is good but I personally prefer the Mahnke’s one.

Detective Comics (2016) #1002

Apr 24, 2019

Detective Comics (2016) #1003

May 9, 2019

Detective Comics (2016) #1004

May 24, 2019

Detective Comics (2016) #1005

Jun 14, 2019

Ok. I appreciated the character of Astrid and I hope that she’ll come back soon. Although I think that this isn’t a really good ending, but I liked it, Tomasi is a writer that I personally appreciate, he can do better, let’s see where it goes

Detective Comics (2016) #1007

Jul 10, 2019

Dial H For Hero (2019) #1

Mar 30, 2019

God this is so good, it’s a love letter to all the superheroes, it’s classic, it’s colorful and it’s entertaining. Quinones does an excellent work that gives the right atmosphere to this story. Let’s see where Humphiries wants to go, but it starts good.

Dial H For Hero (2019) #2

Apr 28, 2019

A funny issue that gives to us some hints for the future of this series. There are some manga references and they are really enjoyable, they’re not only fan-service but a real love letter to them. The art is really good.

Doomsday Clock #9

Mar 6, 2019

The only thing thing I can say is: read it. Doomsday Clock is a Masterwork by two masters of the comics industry; Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.

Doomsday Clock #10

May 29, 2019

Wow, just wow. This issue doesn’t continue the storyline line in a “horizontal” way. It isn’t the continuing of what we’ve seen in the 9th issue of this series. This issue is the direct continuing of “DC universe Rebirth” by Johns. You want to know why of some missing in the new52? Here is the answer. This is a masterclass series done by an author that knows the continuity very well, I can’t think at another series with so much love for this characters and their continuity. Johns here changes, again, his storytelling, if in the last 2 issues were less compressed than the others this returns to a more compressed storytelling. What a series.

Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 4, 2019

Event Leviathan #1

Jun 15, 2019

Event Leviathan #2

Jul 10, 2019

Flash (2016) #64

Feb 17, 2019

Williamson does a great work with the dialogues between Batman and the Flash, the writer explores the process of overcome pain. The story itself is good, but it seems like only a pretext. The art is good.

Flash (2016) #65

Feb 28, 2019

Flash (2016) #70

May 9, 2019

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #4

Mar 23, 2019

What a disgrace. Not the comic book neither the writer nor the artist. The attention that this comic book is receiving, that is the disgrace. Nobody is talking about this comic and the only question is: why? In my opinion Taylor is doing a better job in 4 numbers than Spencer in 17. This series does not explore the physiology of Peter, but is entertaining and funny to read and has a lot of high moments for the characters. Cabal reminds me Mikel Janin, their style are very similar but I prefer Janin, however sometimes the drawings are a bit off but the average of the art is good. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man is a good reading.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #5

Apr 13, 2019

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #6

May 9, 2019


Green Lantern (2018) #6  
Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 26, 2019

This issue was so good, Tom King writes a story that’s has a lot of “point of view” and he humanizes characters. Gerads does a great work, he’s one of the best artist right now.

Heroes In Crisis #7

Mar 27, 2019

The story takes a huge step forward and it does it good, King continues to write a story about the people behind the masks but without leaving out all the superhero stuff. The art is amazing. Nothing more to say. Read it.

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

We’re here, at the end. I had questions, here I found the answers. Who How Why The pacing is great and the introspection of Wally’s personal trauma is really good.

Heroes In Crisis #9

May 29, 2019

Invaders (2019) #3

Apr 18, 2019

Invaders (2019) #4

Apr 18, 2019

Justice League (2018) #25  
Naomi #2

Feb 27, 2019

Naomi #3

Mar 31, 2019

Perfection. Bendis continues to write this kinda of “mistery” so well, I have nothing more to say. The final cliffhanger is mind blowing and there’ll be a lot of repercussions not only for this story, but for the entire DC universe. The art is great, elegant and the storytelling is perfect.

Shazam! (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

Fun and fresh. This a mainstream superhero comic at his best, a masterwork. The story gets a lot interesting, we have different teams in different and new lands, all is orchestrated perfectly and with attention. The art is great.

Shazam! (2018) #5

May 11, 2019

Spider-Man: Life Story #3  
Superman (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

Bendis is a good writer, he’s so good, and he has a lot of plans for Superman and his cast, he is doing very well on Action Comics because I think he founds more easy to write an urban story instead a “Multiversal one” (if you know what I mean), but with the leading title of Supes he is alterning good issues to “Meh” ones, this is one of the second category. Bendis has a lot of plans but if his plans are too big? The story is wide ,and that’s a good thing, but sometimes you can loose the “control” of your characters. I don’t know, I see it like this. Bad away the issue is good and entertaining, Reis does a great work in the present scenes, Peterson is not in his best form but still keeps the attention of the reader on.

Superman (2018) #10

Apr 13, 2019

Superman (2018) #11

May 16, 2019

Superman (2018): Leviathan Rising Special #1  
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #1  
Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Apr 13, 2019

This isn’t a story about Spider-man wearing the black costume, this is a story of mysterio because he’ll the villain of the upcoming film. It is not what I expected BUT it could have been great, it coluld’ve subverted my expectations in a good way, I love Peter David but in this number he doesn’t a good job. The writing is TOO old fashioned and there’s not depth. The “art” of Greg Land sucks, he’s not an artist, he is good on covers, but the interior... he uses too much references and Sketch-up.

War of the Realms #1

Apr 6, 2019

This is great. The story is simple, Malekith has conquered all the 7 realms, the earth is his new target. Easy, right? Yes it is but in this pages there’s a lot of pathos, twists and the pace is great. The art of Dauterman is gorgeous, it’s one of the best artis that Marvel has right now, the way he puts the panel on the page is not only fantastic but it is a real gift to the reader. His pages are full of pathos and emotions. A really good start BUT I am worried about the tie-in issue of this series that are A LOT, too much tie-in, really.

War of the Realms #2

Apr 28, 2019

This comic continues to be a good and entertaining reading. The pressure and the difficulty of this war is represented in a really powerful way to the reader. I felt like this is something really big, indeed it is, and that no one of my favorites heroes is safe. The pacing is great and the narration of the events keep the attention of the reader on. The art is gorgeous.

Year of the Villain: Special #1  

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