Everyone knows that Spider-Man's infamous black suit would someday become the wicked web-slinger called Venom - but what happened BEFORE Peter Parker discovered the black suit's sinister secret? Find out in this dynamic tale from comics legends PETER DAVID and GREG LAND!
Set during the original "Black Suit Saga," this is an all-new tale that pits the wall-crawling wonder against that most mystifying of menaces...MYSTERIO!
Rated T
This issue is fast-paced, exciting, emotional, beautifully illustrated, and super well-researched. It also gives readers a new understanding of Spider-Man's supporting cast. Can't recommend it enough. Read Full Review
A great first issue in a series I wager most fans can't get enough of. The Symbiote suit era of Spider-Man is highly unique offering a moodier Spider-Man many can enjoy in its own right. David and Land have created a highly entertaining issue that takes chances that make the book feel cutting edge. Read Full Review
If you're looking to read a Spidey story free from the weight of continuity that also features an upcoming movie villain, you can't go wrong with this. Symbiote Spider-Man #1 is a great diversion to your morning (or afternoon or evening), and one that's worth reading for new or long time fans of the character. Read Full Review
A fun and true to form Spider-Man vs Mysterio story that sets up things to come. Exhilarating action and brooding darkness swirl around like a symbiotic alien looking for a host. "Symbiote Spider-Man" #1 reads fast and looks great. Read Full Review
Peter David and artist Greg Land's Symbiote Spider-Man miniseries is the stuff of dreams for continuity enthusiasts, putting Peter Parker back in the black suit right before the iconic "Alien Costume Saga" began. Read Full Review
Symbiote Spider-Man #1 was a fun trip down memory lane. Peter David continues to put out great work and flesh out under utilized characters. The art is a great compliment to the story being told. Everyone involved with this issue should feel proud for putting out such a quality book. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a nostalgic, rearview visit to an earlier Spidey and a different period. It comes complete with clever riffs on movies and comics culture, a healthy dose of laughs, and equally sober moments of poignancy. The jury will have to weigh how those last two balance, for good or for ill. But if you liked the alien suit angle originally, first-run or from condensed collections of Spider-Man during those years, chances are you'll also find Symbiote Spider-Man #1 a rewarding read. Read Full Review
While this book isn't focused solely on just Spider-Man, don't take that as a con. Its called "Symbiote Spider-Man", but the symbiote as of this issue doesn't play any role in the book. Maybe there's something planned for the next issues, but if you're okay with the alien costume having no significant role in this title (at least this first issue), you may enjoy this solid first installment. This was a good start to a limited series I'm looking forward to following, and a fun visit back to a great era of Spider-Man books.7.3/10 Read Full Review
I thought Symbiote Spider-Man #1 overall was a pretty fun throwback issue about a period of Spider-Man's history that I already loved. I wish it had a stronger artist on it, but even as is I'd give it a STRONG BROWSE as well. Read Full Review
A fine, first issue that takes care to place its reader back in time. The sharp writing and purposeful movement of the issue lead it towards something interesting. Great characterization and a really balanced narrative viewpoint elevate this above just being a cash-in on two characters about to hit the big screen again. Read Full Review
Ultimately, your enjoyment of this series will come down to how much you can tolerate forced artwork for the sake of a good story. Personally, I don't think it is worth it, but this issue ultimately evens out to average if you ignore the politics and a few cringe-worthy panels. At least we're not getting Aunt May's O-Face. Read Full Review
If you were hoping for a deep-dive into Peter Parker's life with a symbiote, and how it impacted him, this comic won't be for you. But if you want a surprising take on a classic villain who's usually depicted in a more two-dimensional manner, there's a lot of promise. With only five issues to work with, I hope Peter David turns it around. Read Full Review
Peter David delivers a solid story and script that Greg Land vomits his art all over. Read Full Review
I’m expecting a larger than normal drop off in numbers after issue one. There aren’t any inherently bad ideas here, but nothing is done nearly well enough to keep the reader on board. Bad pacing and dialogue paired with art that constantly pulls you out of the experience makes this a regrettable experience. I’d say save your money for something else. Read Full Review
Though a neat window into Peter Parker's past that fits into established canon, Symbiote Spider-Man #1 stands as an "untold tale" that never really justifies rolling out in the first place. Saddled with a hammy script with at least one questionable moment, not to mention artwork that drags when it really counts, Symbiote Spider-Man #1 should have been left in the past. Read Full Review
This story is going to be great. The black suit has created the best storylines in the webslingers history and it’s refreshing to see the world of the secret wars again. The look into Mysterios psyche is great andsm while this may not be everyone’s cup of tea if you are a fan of Spider-Man
And the world of Symbiote stuff you need to read this series.
That was good. Much better what I expected. A solid writing, a new take on Mysterio and bit-more-aggressive-but-not-over-the-top Spidey is also handled well.
This has potential
I thought this was good. It reminded me a lot of older Spider-Man stories, in terms of the writing. Obviously, the setting did as well. The writing feels a bit off compared to modern writing, but it fits well with the times it's trying to recapture. I think some people might have trouble enjoying that, but I did.
Great writing, fun story, and I did not mind Land's artwork here (surprisingly). Looks like it's going to be very fun read.
There was something here that I wanted to enjoy, but I didn’t quite enjoy it as much as one might have expected.
Peter David and Greg Land are not a dream team.
This isn’t a story about Spider-man wearing the black costume, this is a story of mysterio because he’ll the villain of the upcoming film.
It is not what I expected BUT it could have been great, it coluld’ve subverted my expectations in a good way, I love Peter David but in this number he doesn’t a good job.
The writing is TOO old fashioned and there’s not depth.
The “art” of Greg Land sucks, he’s not an artist, he is good on covers, but the interior... he uses too much references and Sketch-up.
The editor and writer agonize in the backmatter over how brave and controversial it is to use the WTC as "this story takes place in the 20th century" set dressing. Who do they think they're fooling?
A Bronze Age throwback issue that you might want to throw back on the stands.
Marvel is slamming the sentimental switch seriously these days, attempting to give an aging fan base, that might be unsatisfied with their more diverse offerings, a taste of home-cooking.
Peter David, Greg Land, and the Secret Wars era Spidey-suit, swinging through a Manhattan skyline, that still features both World Trade Center buildings, should be enough of a nostalgia mainline to satisfy the hardest of hardcore junkies hurting for their fix of Marvel meds.
Unfortunately the story is as stale as a quarter-bin copy of The Defenders #152.
The issue features a hard-luck Mysterio trying to balance the life of a clownis more