Josh McCullough's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 193
8.1Avg. Review Rating

The only shinning light I can see in this event is that it'll hopefully move Marvel away from their current "multiple events a year with higher prices" trick if it bombs enough sales wise.

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Overall, I really can't recommendSix-Pack and Dogwelder. Ennis is really an acquired taste, but I couldn't really see a book this tasteless and unfunny really appealing to anyone. I'm not trying to be a prude or spoil sport, I do like some crass humor (just check out my reviews forThe Fixfor example) but there's really nothing here that's new or clever. I'd advise even Ennis fans to steer clear, this definitely isn't one I'd advise anyone to buy.

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I feel like I've been harsh towardsTeen Titans #18, but the book feels so soulless that I really can't say anything else. It seems they've waited too long to try and fix the seemingly doomed property, and honestly should've just waited until Rebirth before putting a new team in place. It's bland, boring and really not worth your time. Skip it, and either check out Titans Huntor hope the relaunch can offer something better.

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Mirrors Edge: Exordium is, to be blunt, not worth your time. There are examples of video game comics being donewell, but this is not one of them. Its boring, uninspired and doesnt feel like it has enough story to cover one issue let alone a six issue mini-series. Skip it, go play the game instead.

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Truly the weakest of the All-New, All-Different relaunch so far.

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Overall, it's hard to put into words how disappointed I was byAmericans Gods. The novel is ripe for a great comic adaptation, Gaiman himself being well versed in great, magical comics proving something brilliant could've been made (Gaiman himself rewriting the script with J.H. Williams on art would've been incredibly), but the simplest and cheapest road was taken instead. There's no benefit to reading this over the original novel. If you jump in fresh you'll get a mildly interesting yet poorly delivered story that doesn't offer much reason to return, while fans of the book will quickly see through this as a quick cash in.American Godsdeserves better, wait for the TV adaption.

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Infamous Iron Man #1is a painfully mediocre book, which is made even more disappointingbecause of how cool this could've been. Doctor Doom is Marvel's best villain and he's had such a good character arc over the past few years under Hickman. This project has legs, but Bendis was absolutely not the writer for the job. He strips away all the theatrical joy of Doom and everything that makes the character interesting in favor of making him a blandnon-entity. There's just so much wrong with this launchthat has unfortunately become typical of Bendis' recent work. I had really high hopes for this launch, but it's unfortunately a total let down.

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The whole story just feels very lifeless and stilted, exposition is handled poorly, with our lead just talking to himself, reiterating all the information for seemingly no reason (within the story at least). I don't like tearing into a comic, especially one coming from such prowess, but this just didn't click with me and I don't feel like trying again next issue. This is a comic I really can't recommend, unless you're already a fan of Corben and know something about this I don't.

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Overall,Doom Patrol #1is quite possibly the biggest disappointment of 2016 so far. It feels like a kid who makes an obvious yet poorly worded joke, then gets mad at you for “just not getting it.” I had high hopes given the quality of the creative team and their passion for the project, but something seems to have gone seriously wrong. I don't want to make too many sweeping statements about the project as a whole, but this issue for sure definitely feels like it misses the point of the original to a large degree. I'm willing to give it a few more issues, as I remember the Morrison run taking a little bit to grab me, but this debut feels massively offputting to newcomers and hardcore fans alike. If you're interested in this, I'd advise serious caution, especially at it's higher price compared to the rest of DC's line-up. If the rest of DC's Young Animals books don't pick up the slack, the line could quickly find itself doomed.

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Civil War II is disappointing because it's every bit the soulless cash grab fans have expected it to be. I really wanted to like this, I'm a Marvel fan at heart and love the event spectacle as huge dumb popcorn entertainment. Compared to an event likeSecret Warsthough, which featured so much planning, huge moments and genuine emotion, something like this is just a real punch in the gut and symbolizes everything Marvel are doing wrong right now. There's little to no build up, a ridiculous price of entry and a lack of any distinct character voices other than Bendis'. It's his writing at his worst and that's incredibly disappointing to write. Everyone behind this book is capable of producing much better work, but when this will sell regardless, why even bother? Save your money on this one folks, there are far better comics more worth your time.

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Overall, while Nova fans will surely be glad they finally know the fate of Richard Rider, this whole story arc feels like a bit of a waste of time. It could easily have been done in one issue (maybe even a double sized issue if Bendis really needed the space) but instead we were forced to buy three issues of a rather highly priced series and the value for money simply isn't there. There are better comics to spend your money on and I suggest you do.

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Overall, Im saddened to say I really didnt enjoy this book. The art is gorgeous its probably the best art work of his career, however the story is a mess and leaves me with no anticipation to read another issue anytime soon. Kolins shouldve had a co-writer on the book as his inexperience with writing comics really shows, Im sure he has some good ideas but he struggles to bring them across to the reader or show why they should care. Its unfortunate to score this book so low, but fantastic art can only carry a book so far, both art and story need to work together, and theres an unfortunate divide between the two in this.

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Overall, its a real shame that this series turned out the way it did. Its not necessarily a terrible comic, its just clear that a lot of the slack has been left to be picked up by the eventual film. Millar and Murphy are two extremely talent creators and the result of their collaboration shouldve been a much better comic than what we have, the real sad thing and my major problem with the comic lies in the fact that this couldve been fantastic, but seems ok with being merely mediocre.

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Overall, theres some really good story potential and ideas here that could make for a great, smartly written comic. Unfortunately this issue capitalizes on none of that and instead seems to serve no real purpose either to the main Secret Wars narrative or even as a story in and of itself. If you squint hard enough you can see the makings of a good story in there, but this debut issue lacks anything to really get you invested as a reader, whether youve read the original House of M or not.

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Overall,Star Wars: Darth Maulis a very disappointing debut. It lacks the substance, length or depth to make it a worthy purchase, and is far too overpriced for the material it contains. If this ends up being any good, I'd recommend waiting for the trade.

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Overall,Cyborg #1is a pretty mediocre comic, but there's something weirdly charming about it. I can't bring myself to hate it in the same why I hate something likeCivil War II. It's got an hilarious “so bad it's good” type quality that made me slightly enjoy it despite the flaws. I heard a lot of people react positively to the Rebirth special, and if you're in that camp then feel free to ignore this review. If you liked that you'll probably love this. If you, like me, were shaky on the Rebirth issue, then you can likely skip this as not much has improved. The most I can say is the issue is weirdly charming in areas so I do have hopes it can improve. It's just too frustratingly clunky right now for me to properly invest in it.

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Overall, despite being pretty underwhelmed by this debut issue, I'm not willing to totally write off this series yet. A good few Rebirth books have had pretty bad one shots then gone on to have fantastic first issues (just check outSupermanfor example, my current favourite) so I'm willing to give this one another go now that the backstory is out of the way. Right now though,Cyborgis hard to recommend, and I'd advise caution before picking it up.

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When I finished this issue, I was optimistic about the future of the Superman books, though disappointed in this conclusion. It feels like a coldly edited moving of pieces from A to B rather than a swansong for the character. While I don't have the emotional attachment to this version of Superman, I'm sure many do, so it feels weird to just give up and boot him off the board rather than deliver a fitting conclusion. Overall though, I'm excited for what looks to be coming next, which will hopefully rectify the Superman line and give him the title he deserves.

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Overall,Action Comicsis quickly loosing steam. It's a shame that a series with so much potential is content to sit back on cruise control and not try anything more daring or exciting. With this “path of Doomsday” story pegged as a six issue arc my patience is beginning to wear thinfor the series, if things don't seriously pick up next issue it may be time to let this one go.

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I've gotten pretty worn down byAction Comicsby this point, despite my snarkiness, this issue is in fact an improvement over the last given that it does actually move the story ahead, but it's so bland I can hardly care anymore. The series started with so much potential, but has found itself lapped several times over by the much, much betterSupermanbook. This arc just feels far too long and totally unnecessary, the next few arcs seems shorter and look to be answering some of the book's mysteries, so I may jump back on then, but right now there's just no real need to be reading this book when so many better ones exist.

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What is consistently fantastic throughout however is the gorgeous art by Sean Murphy. It is equal parts detailed and stylised with all the small parts of the huge time machines crafted meticulously to give a very real and fleshed out looking technological style. The story too is laid out perfectly, with Murphy using very cool stylistic tricks to portray the jumps through time. The books strongest moment also includes a silent scene in which Corben observes a watch from his dad. Its a simple moment, but Murphy renders it to artistic perfection that we learn everything we need to without dialogue. The issue is a real showcase of the limitless talent of Murphy and its worth buying alone just to experience the art. The colours of Matt Hollingsworth perfectly complement Murphys art leaving us with a very beautiful book that features a very cool, modern sci-fi style.

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Overall,Justice League: Rebirthis a little bit of a disappointment. It doesn't reach the highs of Johns' previous run of even Hitch's ownJLA.Though there are seeds of potential for the book, with Hitch's previous ability to handle big team books, Daniel's upcoming art and the inclusion of the post-crisis Superman. The previous series had a shaky start before going somewhere excellent, so right now let's hope these are just growing pains andJustice Leaguecan deliver the goods.

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Overall, this is a bit of a disappointing start to the event. It fails to capture the same excitement and circumstance that last year's had while also missing the key ingredients of making a fun multi-doctor story. I'm willing to forgive a few things given that this is only an introductory issue, though if things don'tget upgraded in the second issue, it may be time to delete this series.

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Again Id like to stress, Mystery Girl #1 is not a bad comic, the ingredients are there to make a really great and unique comic that could be both fun and intriguing. Unfortunately the opening issue just doesnt seem to know what it wants to be or how to effectively get readers on board. Theres a lot of potential being thrown around, but right now only some of it is sticking. If future issues manage to get a more coherent story and really get the plot going then this could be a great series. Right now though, its a little hard to recommend.

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Overall,GLAfeels like a book that'll be fun for fans, and certainly has its moments, but for me doesn't do too much to set itself apart from the rest of the Marvel landscape. The cast seem fun, and I'd be willing to stick around to see more of their interactions, but for the most part there's not really much to separate it from other comedy focused marvel books. If you have an affinity with this team then by all means check it out, it's likely exactly what you want, but otherwise I'd approach this one with caution unless you're a real comedy junkie.

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With only one issue to go I'll see the series to its end, but feel a little disheartened that Millar seems to both ignore what makes the series good and throws away a lot of potential for what could've made a great series if it had been a little longer and more ambitious.

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Sadly, there are a few negatives which held the issue back for me which I hope can be smoothed out in later issues. The main problem I have is with the narrative, things just move way too fast and the scenes change without any sort of indication which can let to a very confusing experience. Some captions describing where we are or whats happening when would have definitely cleared things up. The dialogue at times can also be a little exposition heavy which also adds to the rushed pace; while I did enjoy the implied cheesiness as stated, the exposition got pretty distracting at times and felt like a lot to take in.

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The grounded family drama is good, the creepy mystic stuff is good, but there needs to be a better bridge between it. The series needs to capitalize on its ability to be charming and funny in order to make the series more enjoyable. Right now, theres a lot to like about Doctor Fate, but unfortunately it doesnt quite add up to the sum of its parts.

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I was looking forward to see Hickman continue the up to now perfect pacing and show more of the new arrivals in Battleworld struggle to cope with the situation theyre in, but Hickman seems oddly unfocused in this issue, as if he's just killing time until the end. Very little was actually acomplished here to move the story forward, and given how were quite near the end that is a little worrying. Up until now, Secret Wars has been near perfect. I hope this slight misstep is just that, and not an indication that this series will stumble in the second half like most Marvel events.

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The art manages to be very strong despite my initial worries of having multiple artists on the one issue. The four artists each do really well individually, particularly Jim Cheung in the second half of the book, and their styles are similar enough that they mesh well together and dont feel all that jarring. Furthermore, each artists tackles a different plot thread which makes each transition work well and ensures that the hand-off between the different artists works well.

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Overall, I think theres a lot of potential for this series. DC have really shrunk their teen books line so its nice to see a new one rise with a brand new and interesting concept. While there are a few issues I had with this debut, Im interested enough to come back for another issue and see how the story develops. All the elements are in place to spin an interesting new story in the DC universe and give a previously boring villain a great new angle. If youre in the market for something a little like Spider-Man with a twist, or even something similar to DCs own Blue Beetle then Id recommend checking this out.

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Overall, The Flash #9 is another issue that I had a lot of fun reading, but also couldn't help but feel that it's something I wouldn't recommend if I wasn't so attached to the property. There's just a lot of odd pacing issues, and some really clunky dialogue that doesn't feel like Williamson's usually skilled pen. I won't lie, I look forward to the title every month and find at least something to keep me entertained and coming back for more, especially as I feel it's building to something great with the Rebirth stuff, though I feel a lot of that is my personal bias for the franchise. There are certainly worse comics out there, and I still fall into the "liking it" camp, but I can't help but feel the book isn't reaching the full potential it could.

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Overall, there's a lot of potential for this series, though I think I came in with the wrong expectations. This issue seems more interested in setting up Gwen's status quo in the context of Battleworld than having fun with more Spider-Man team-up antics. At the same time though, the series seems to feature exactly what I wanted from more Spider-Verse so seems to suffer from a weird identity crisis. If some of the lingering questions and confusing elements of the series can be cleared up in later issues then this could be a great mini-series that incorporates a lot of classic spider-man continuity as well as some of the more recent modern additions. Right now however, I would cautiously recommend it Spider-Man fans as I feel there's some stuff here they will enjoy and hopefully lead to more good stuff in the long run.

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While not a perfect read though,this new volume ofDarth Vaderis nonetheless a decent enough one that has plenty of room to improve over time. With a gap of 17 years there's plenty for Soule to work with and, given time, he will hopefully achieve greatness.

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Overall, there's definitely a lot to like about this new mini-series, however I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. While there's definitely a very nice charm and personality to this book, it plays it a little bit too safe after how many new elements the previous run brought to the table. The writing can often be clunky and not a lot happens in this first issue, but for fans of olderSwamp Thingcomics or the bronze age style as a whole, this will definitely be right up your alley. A bit of a mixed bag, but still a lot to like for dedicated fans. If your only experience if with the new 52 series though, this might be one to skip.

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Overall, Action Comics is improving and finally going somewhere, but it looks as if the pacing issues are going to be a consistent problem going forward. It's a real shame, as there's a lot going on in this series I'm interested in, but it's so grating to have to have everything spoon fed to me. I'm on board again for now, but this title needs whipped into shape fast.

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Overall, Marvel have put some great new talent on their Avengers line, and while having so many Avengers books is certainly polarizing, this book does a great job breaking down the major differences of each book and helping unsure fans find their way to the book that suits them. The book is not as new reader friendly as one might expect,with elements of original avengers stuff, secret wars fallout (some of which won't even make sense to those reading the comics currently, for obvious reasons) influencing the books, plus the price is off-putting for what is essentially FCBD-esque preview material, but it should offer something for Avengers fans for all types. If you're looking for some guidance into the new Avengers line, Avengers #0is your go to book if you're willing to stump up the cash.

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The art is similarly serviceable, though does little to stand out or provide anything overly memorable. The artists at least work well together, each draws a different time that Booster gets lost in which gives each era a distinctive feel and look and helps smooth the transition between artists. Much like the dialogue, the art isnt bad per se, its perfectly decent and in some regards is actually pretty good, just nothing thatll knock your socks off.

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Overall, there's definitely been a lot of care and attention put into this comic, though nothing right now that makes it stand out as a must-buy. For fans of classicDoctor Whoepisodes, it is encouraging to see Titan support the earlier series, makingme hopeful they'll do more mini-series like this (come on Colin Baker mini…). And there's certainly a lot to like for these fans, though it's a little early to tell how good this will be when the story reaches its conclusion.

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Overall, Han Solo #1is a little disappointing in that it's slower than I expected, but delivers a solid foundation to build a fun series on. While it's hard to gauge the quality right now, given how well the books have done so far as well as how much potential is in here,Han Solois a safe bet for another solid entry into the new expanded canon. Let's just hope the next issue manages to be a bit more thrilling.

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The art by new artist Justin Greenwood is a mixed bag however; theres a great sense of kinetic energy during the initial football match and he effectively manages to create the raw and intense atmosphere of a live football match. When it comes to the characters themselves however they seem very rough around the edges, which is a shame given how human Rucka makes the characters feel. I dont feel the art is bad however, the story is framed well and as stated he evokes a great sense of atmosphere, his style will most likely just require a bit of adjustment which will hopefully improve as the series continues.

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Overall, Supergirlis a solid opening that serves mostly as set up for what looks to be a much more promising series. It feels like Orlando is still finding his voice for the title, as it doesn't quite have the stand out characterization ofSuperman nor the incredible twists and turns ofSuperwoman, though definitely has potential to grow into something great. If you're a fan of the TV show you're not likely to find a better book to follow the charatcer's ongoing adventures, but if you're only a fan of the superfamily titles, I'd approach the book with cautious optimism, as it seems the next few issues is where the quality will really be determined.

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Overall, while many will judge this book on name alone I think it's worth giving it a try to see what you think of it. This definitely would've gotten a better chance if it was branded as Avengers Academy or something as it feels closer in spirit to that book that Runaways, but really I think people will be smart enough to look past the name. While there's a lot of teenage angst, stereotypes and clichs thrown around at the start which initially put me off, this is a very charming book which has definitely had a lot of effort put into it.

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Carrying much of this is the gorgeous artwork of Aaron Kuder. Out of all the artists who have drawn Clarks new look Kuder manages to capture both the stature of Superman and the power contain in what he means, but also his newfound vulnerability. I physically winced every time I saw a bruise or cut on Clark, it hurt every time I saw him injured and was shocked to see someone with so much strength so physically wounded. Kuder has been an absolutely extraordinary talent since being placed on Action Comics and is the perfect artist to be handling this new take on Superman. While most other artists seem to be focusing on Superman look unrecognizably tough and edgy, I instantly recognize Clark as Superman under Kuders pen, matching Paks script by letting the beauty and strength of the character shine through the changes.

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Overall though,Frostbiteis a solid debut to a book that has potential, though right now feels a little formulaic. Williamson is at his best when he plays with old tropes twisting them into new possibilities, and given how the issue ends I'm excited to see how things deviate from the norm as we go forward. Though right now, unfortunately nothing about this screams “must read”, though it is nicely solid if you're looking for a new sci fi book on your pull.

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Overall, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1 may have the worst title in comics history, but is a solid step in the right direction for the franchise. Lessons have been learned from the previous run, and while I don't want the book to keep looking back to the point of stagnation, there feels like definite room for the book to grow.

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The absolute best thing about the issue however is the art which manages to be as beautiful as it is chilling. The type of horror in this book relies heavily on ideas like body distortion and other unsettling things which the art has in spades. It manages to be highly creepy in the best possible way. From a story-telling standpoint the art is also masterful, it was initially just as confusing to me as the writing, but when you take a step back it tells a very good story and is an excellent part of the experience. Its hard to describe but seems similar to the Dave McKean style of art. The design of the book also manages to be highly creative and unique, the last few pages of the book definitely intrigued me and made me want to read more in an attempt to solve some of this books mysteries.

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Mahnkes art looks great in the issue, he is simply a master when it comes to framing a story in comics. Each panel looks greatly cinematic and gives even a simple prologue such as this an epic feel that flows really nicely. Reis too handles a few pages towards the start and manages to make the League look as heroic and iconic as ever for what I assume will be the last time.

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Overall though, theres a lot of potential for this series. This issue features an intriguing introduction to the plot and some fan pleasing moments, I wish it was a little longer in order to get the plot moving, but thats always going to be the case with the first issue of a crossover. This is definitely worth buying if youre a Green Lantern and Star Trek fan and contains all the sort of nods and references youd expect from such an event.

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Overall, The Beauty is a solid start to a series that has tonnes of potential. Fans of the original should be more than pleased to see the book back again, and certainly newcomers should find a lot to like in this book. While I wish this debut had pushed itself a little further to match the creaitivity of its high concept hook, this is still a solid, good quality book that is easy to recommened and should mark the start of a really good series.

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Overall, Thors starts a little slow as it can feel a little familiar to other cop style dramas, but as the story advances and things get a little crazier and the world is explored, things start to get really unique and interesting. The end is a lot stronger and provides some genuine intrigue, laying the groundwork for a solid series with some big ideas. If youve been following and loving Secret Wars then Id recommend picking this up to get an interesting new look at the world, as its one of this issues highpoints.

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Overall, while it's easier to focus on what I didn't like about this book, I still did end up enjoying this debut a good bit. Marvel's hipster indie chic is starting to wear itself thin with me, especially when it seems to be limiting its highly talented creators, but I can't deny this book's immediate charm. If Zdarsky and Anka get to do their own thing and take things up a step after this arc, then this book could be something truly special. If it continues to wade around in tried and tested formula though, then I can't see myself sticking around for long.

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Overall, Action Comics #958 is definitely weaker than the previous entry and its sister title, although is still of a pretty damn high quality. I'm not disappointed by this issue, but instead glad that an issue that has a strong amount of good points can still be considered a weaker issue amidst the strength of the new line.Actions Comics #958is definitely worth picking up for fans, as it's the most interesting the man of steel has been in ages.

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The flipside of this however is that there is very little room left for any actual plot. As I stated the issue is bookended with some brief exposition to explain our two main characters motivations and pasts, although its difficult to know what the story will be. Seeing as the series is only four issues long Im curious to find out what is intended to fill out the next three issue; while the rapid pace of the opening of the intro is appreciate I hope the rest of the series manages to have a little more depth in order to make it memorable.

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Where the issue loses me a bit though is in the central team dynamic, the guys who are sent in to rescue souls from hell. As stated Im not a fan of military type books and, unfortunately,Hellbreak has done nothing to change my mind. The characters all feel very flat with none of them really displaying much personality, instead spouting quips that could be taken from just about any Call of Duty game (or even Gears of War, which this book strangely reminded me of). There is an attempt towards the end to give the leader of the group some development in a last minute twist, but it doesnt spice things up too much and instead feels like yet another clich. Its disappointing given how much creativity Bunn displays in literally every other aspect of the book that this would fall so short. I just hope the dynamic can improve in later issues, but if it doesnt Im happy enough to remain on board for the sheer creativity in the other elements.

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What has remained consistently excellent throughout the series however is the superb art of David Marquez. His style brings with it a grounded sensibility that suits the Ultimate Marvel Universe and does an excellent job rendering realistic emotions in the characters. Despite the unnecessary levels of action, he still manages to make it look fantastic and draws some great moments that showcase the Spider-Men at their best.

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Overall,Secret Six #12 is another solid issue in a series that feels like it's being unfortunately cut short. The series has done an excellent job building on it's cast, and despite this issue sidelining them a bit in favour of Batgirl, there's still a lot of great payoff for fans. If you've been reading the series, you should definitely pick this up, if you haven't? You're the reason I'll never truly be happy.

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I dont think this book would be the same where it not for the excellent talents of Humberto Ramos, his style just oozes character and energy making ever page feel exciting and the exaggerated reactions of the characters make every humorous moment all the more impactful. Im glad Ramos has been the only artist on the relaunched series so far, he gels perfectly with the tone Slott is setting with his writing making every issue feel like a Saturday morning cartoon. In an age when fill-in artists are becoming ever more present at Marvel its great to see some consistency with this series.

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I was a huge fan of new artist Rachael Scott however. While there was some bumpiness towards the start in terms of pacing (with objects not really flowing well panel to panel, making me feel disorientated), it soon smoothed out, and more than made up for it in atmosphere. There's a real "Saturday evening television" feel to the comic, it gives me the same sort of feeling I get settling in to watch an episode of the show. The character models too look absolutely great, with Scott able to wring a great deal of charm and character out of them, bringing their full chemistry to the page, which should be a treat for fans. It's a style that really fits the book and one I'm excited to see more of.

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New Super-Manis off to asolid start in DC's attempts to diversify it's like. There are still a few quibbles to begin, but the book is much like it's main character; it may be rough around the edges, but it's heart seems to be in the right place. The story of Kenan Kong is off to an interesting start, if you're looking for something a little different amongstRebirth, this could be the book for you.

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Laming does a great job of capturing the scale of his world, his characters look very big, perfect for the types of Hulk he has to draw. Thankfully he also manages to walk the difficult balances between making things look big and nicely hulky without making it seems cringe-worthy or like something from the 90s. The only downside to this is the flashback section of the book, showing Steve and Bucky before the Gamma bomb. While the flashback offers some interesting hints to this Steves different origin, the art doesnt do a great job of depicting him or Bucky. Steve says that theyre supposed to be beanpoles but the two look incredibly well in shape with the usual comic square jaws. Again, its nothing to sever, just a strange scene that made me double take while reading the comic, the arts strengths more than outweigh this however.

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Overall,Doctor Aphrais a fun debut that takes things slows and starts building it's own identity outside of Vader'sshadow. I'm really glad to see Marvel not play it safe with their Star Warscomics, especially since they've been of such consistent quality and been high sellers, so I really hope this is successful and we can see more stuff like this. This is a solid issue that promises things will only get better from here, after the slow burn brilliance ofDarth Vader, I'm definitely down to see where Gillen takes us next.

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The art by Ekedal is similarly great and incredibly well designed. If youve never seen a mega church it may seem like more of a satire but his depiction seems very accurate and its reveal is very well done. I love the little details he sprinkles throughout the books such as the Jesus masks which push the themes of the book to the forefront and give the book a unique style. Theres not too many crazy things he gets to draw in the issue but he handles the material very well and hopefully hell get the chance to prove himself in later issue.

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Overall, I would still say I enjoyed this book despite it's flaws and would describe it as a rough diamond. Sure there are some pacing issues here and there, but there's still a lot of really cool ideas on display that if given proper time to grow, could become something really cool in later issues. Right now, the book's style alone still warrants it a purchase, but hopefully the script issues can be ironed out to make something truly special.

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Overall, Batman is definitely so far not what I expecting, but is intriguing in its own right and beginning to build its own voice from what came before it, despite a lurking feeling of familiarity. The story is moving to some really intriguing places and keeping me interested throughout. It may not be the best thing King has done, but it's solidly entertaining and seems to be building to something great.

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Black Bolt #2however further solidifies the title as one of Marvel's current must have books. It's far more in line with something like Tom King'sVisionin terms of relaunching a C-lister. It's got a very unique voice that feels fresh amidst Marvel's current offerings and a beautifully weird style that feels almost horror influenced. It's bleak, strange and cosmic focused goodness. If you've been left jaded by Marvel's more comedic, youth focused offerings then I'd definitely recommend it.

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Outside of this however,Blood Feud #2is a very fun, charming comic that has a nice bit of a bite to it. It's pure pop-corn entertainment and exactly the sort of book I'd reach for come Halloween, or just anytime I needed a fun monster-mash style comic. Now that things have started going, it looks like they show no signs of slowing down. It's therefore easy to recommendBlood Feudto anyone looking to shut out the Christmas spirit and just have a violent, gory time.

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Murphys art is just as excellent as it was in the first issue, and its clear that Millars inclusion of a number of different time periods is to allow Murphy to stretch his legs and draw lots of beautiful scenery. Murphys art is grand and intricately detailed, Quinns palace looks incredible in the splash pages towards the beginning, but whats even more impressive is the level of detail Murphy gives to locals that may only show up for a single page or even panel, yet despite their brevity he treats them with just as much love and care. My personal favourite was his depiction of the Jazz Age, the perfect place for our two leads. The art replicates the energy of the main story and once again makes the book worth picking up so for the level of detail and effort on show.

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Overall though, this is a pretty solid comic. I feel that some of the comic gets held back by the Convergence tie-ins and would rather have had a stand-alone elseworld type story, but as it stands this is a really stylish and fun story that Captain Marvel fans or fans of golden age comics in general should definitely check out.

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Overall, The Eleventh Doctor is still continuing to be one of the best avenues for Doctor Who fans. Theres a fantastic understanding of the material and theyre not afraid to play with some of the more interesting elements of the lore in order to tell a good story. While this issue wasnt really what I expected, it is still a great read that keeps the momentum of the series going. If you havent been reading this series and are a Doctor Who fan then youre missing out on some of the best stories being told in this universe.

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The only thing that really held back this issue for me though is the lack of forward momentum. Aside from the world building and introduction theres nothing much else that goes on during the story other than a potential uprising. This itself is interesting and allows Kitson to employ some really brutal and highly violent art, but apart from this I have trouble telling where the story will go from here. With the talent on board I have no doubt itll be a story worth reading, however I wouldve liked a little more suggestion as to where the story is going from here.

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The art once more remains a highlight of the book, managing to capture the unsettling nature and unusual structure of the narrative into a wholly original and unique art style. While there are a lot of pages that seem to have more blank space than last issue (maybe thats just me though) there are still some stand out moments in this issue that convey a level of beauty compared to the horror of last issue. It really is a style that needs to be seen, and its simply beautiful to look at.

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Throughout the book, Hardmans art remains just as vital to the story as any other element. Hardman is a great artist for showcasing how crucial art is to storytelling in comics, his panel layouts are dynamic with the aforementioned chase scene feeling exciting despite the lack of moving images. Arthurs character too is enhanced by Hardmans perfect capturing of emotions, capturing the raw, frightening look to the unhinged character. While the modern citys grey landscape can still be a bit much at times, it suits the story and portrays this world as a desperate, broken one without any need to tell us. The scene of crowds fighting each other for supply drops are very impactful, with all the emotion being captured without the need for dialogue or over explanatory text boxes.

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Overall, it definitely feels like Marvel have put some great talent behind this book. It feels like something that can reach outside the audience of people who loved the book, I know I have never read it but personally really enjoyed this and will be keeping up with it. It's got a very Runaways vibe to it, and anyone who enjoys that or series like Young Avengers is sure to enjoy this book. It takes a little bit of work trying to figure out the characters, but once you do it's easy to get involved in the story and makes for a very enjoyable read which I'd definitely recommend.

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What did vary in quality a lot for me however was the art; I didnt feel the art was bad, on the contrary, I really liked it in places and I felt the style fitted the book. The actions scenes featuring Catman at the start in particular featured great kinetic energy and really captured the motion in the fight well, however at times the art seemed to great a little undetailed or jagged. It was strange to see the art style vary so wildly over the course of the book, though when it hit, it hit really well. I hope that as the series continues Lashley can find his groove a bit better and consistently reach the heights he achieves at points in the book.

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Overall, Spider-Man #1 is a comfortable return to a great series that fans should feel happy returning to. Miles playground has expanded tenfold with the Marvel Universe to run around in, so the skys the limit in terms of new stories. As long as the characters still maintain their charm, and Pichelli keeps spinning gold between the panels, Miles future is in safe hands.

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Despite a lot of complaining, I am still really enjoying this crossover event and would definitely recommend it. The whole thing has a great feeling to it, it doesn't feel like a cheap cash grab, but instead a story that's had a lot of effort and fun put into it. I get a feeling the creators are really having a blast smashing elements from Trek and Green Lantern together, however they could benefit from a little more focus. Theres a lot of potential to this crossover and the series is doing a good job of living up to it, these last three issues will need toreally start moving the story forward.

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Overall, Supergirl #1 is definitely a good comic for the audience it's written for, but certainly won't be for everyone. There's some good character stuff, cute lines, and fun action, but there's not a lot of new material hero for people who've read a lot of teen superhero books. For newcomers however or anyone looking to get into Supergirl, there's really not a better option around. If you think this books sounds like it's for you, then it likely is, and I'd strongly recommend it. If you're not into books with younger characters however, one of the other superfamily titles should see you right.

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Overall though,Supermanis still the Rebirth book for me. Issue 4 is definitely the weakest book so far (aside from the Rebirth one shot) though still contains powerful moments and great character drama that make this book special for me.

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Superman: American Alien may cover a lot of familiar ground, but it's clear there's a new voice waiting to emerge from between the pages. Right now, it's simply another gorgeous retelling of the greatest hero of all time, but the potential is there for it to become something truly special for Superman fans.

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In terms of art, Steve Pugh ends up being a great choice for the book and nails that feeling that I feel the script is going for, and again gets closer than any of the other books to the original cartoon. There's a very bouncy and cartoony style to Bedrock which is great. It's very colorful and upbeat while still feeling like an inhabited world. It contrasts nicely with the characters, who feel surprisingly real and human. The designs look fantastic at harkening back to the original show designs and keeping them nicely simplistic (thankfully Fred isn't given unnecessary armor lines and a chin strap) while still allowing for very real human emotion and gentle moments. Everything about the book looks inventive and fresh and feels like an absolutely perfect modernization of a classic.

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Camuncoli handles art duties for both segments and his art looks great. I always felt he suited the darker story of Superior Spider-Man although his art looks a lot brighter here and fits the lighter tone of the team-up story. He depicts Kamalas powers very well and all the super-hero action looks fantastic, hopefully hell get to provide more of this in the next issue. When it comes to the back-up though he switches back to his darker style and it suits the story perfectly. I almost wish he was doing art duties for the upcoming event as he draws the other universe Spider-Men very well and his style of art suits the darker story being told. Heres hoping he gets to do some more art for the event somewhere down the line.

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Equally impressive is the art from Tony Vargas which manages to carry with it a hauntingly beautiful quality. Vargas portrays the world of this apocalypse as one overtaken by nature with overgrown forests spreading into the humans world and animals roaming the scenery. The way Vargas depicts the zombies also feeds back into Maberrys ideas of using them as background to the main story, we see nature begin to claim the zombies as weeds grow around their ankles. Its yet another subtle reminder that they are just part of this world and not the main focus. As well as the quieter and more serene moments Vargas manages to depict the zombie action of the latter half of the book with a real sense of energy and horror that makes the scene feel exciting and tense as we worry about the characters weve grown to care for. The final scenes also allow Vargas to end on a very chilling note with a pretty creepy cliff-hanger that has assured Ill be back for a second issue.

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Overall, this is a very strong continuation to the truth storyline that Superman fans should definitely check out. People hoping for more insight into the Batman status quo may feel disappointed, however I feel the use of the Batman stuff is very clever in supporting the story but without dominating it. It is pretty unfortunate that theres still huge gaps in the story, but when its all laid out it should make for one of the strongest Superman stories in the new 52.

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Zawadzki manages to depict this world in a beautiful and highly surreal way that completely pulled the rug out from under my feet. His art initially seemed perfectly serviceable and his characters displayed emotions well, even if they did look a bit rough in some places; whenever it comes to drawing the other worldly elements however he completely turns it up to 11. His framing of the story becomes very cinematic in that special way that only comics can be, the linear progression and panelling is completely dissolved. The colours aid this perfectly, looking very stark and strange, contrasting perfectly with the normal, grounded stuff. They really make the art pop and tie the whole package together.

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Overall though, this was exactly the sort of debut I was hoping for from the newSupermanbooks. It's big, bold and features both cool new elements as well as a return to the character's core elements. I'll wait to see how Tomasi's proper debut goes before recommending one over the other, but for Superman fans,Action Comicsseems to be the book to go for.

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Overall, this is a great debut that showcases Hawkeye can still star in a brilliant ongoing comic even with a new creative team. Old fans will surely appreciate the similarities to the previous run and feel like this is a nice continuation of what came before, while newer fans can jump on board easily to see what all the fuss is about. Here's hoping as the story progresses Lemire and Prez will take full advantage of their unique and highly talented voices and continue deliver a strong Hawkeye comic that stands apart from what came before.

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Oliver Coipel tackles art duties for the majority of this issues and brings his usual incredibly high calibre of art. Its a much different style than were used to on the book, though one that suits the epic nature of this story. When the different Spider-Men start showing up things just look incredible; each version of Spidey looks visually distinct and interesting. No two Spider-Men in the same panel look alike, and each makes me want to learn more about that character. Camuncoli returns to Spider-Verse for the back-up story and his art looks just as great as it did during all the previous stuff, as Ive previously stated, his harsher style suits the nature of the story. There is also one particular section of this back-up story which I wont spoil, but will have fans pouring over for ages looking for easter eggs. It was definitely the highlight of the issue.

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Equally disappointing this issue was, surprisingly, the art. Again, Coipel and Camuncoli share art duties, but the results are nowhere near as successful as last time. The change in art feels a lot more drastic this time round, with Giuseppe looking quite rough, especially towards the end of the book. I dont know what happened between issues as Ive enjoyed these guys work so far, but this issue just doesnt seem on the same level quality wise. The cinematic art towards the beginning that this issue might have benefitted from a little bit of a delay to get it in tip-top shape, as its a shame to end on a sour note for a series that has had such consistently great art work.

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Cognetic is a great thriller book that presents a great mystery and really runs with it. While the character work isnt too stand-out, the fantastic art and intriguing story more than make up for it. If youre in the mood for an intriguing mystery story that wont have you waiting too long for a conclusion, then look no further.

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Likewise, the art is very pleasing to the eye and carries with it a charming DC house art style from the pre-flashpoint era, however its not really something thatll get you overly excited. Its a very colourful style like feels traditionally iconic and like I said feels very like DC's classic art style. Because of this we get an issue that feels very “classic DC” although does nothing new or innovative. Like the writing, there's nothing inherently wrong with that and in fact I really enjoyed the art because of the classic style, it fit the story they wanted to tell and was a clever choice.

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If there are any concerns with the issue, it's that the script has a few weak points in it. Exposition is handled a little clunkily, I appreciate the attempts to slip it naturally into dialogue so as not to bog down the pace, yet it makes the dialogue feel pretty unnatural and therefore makes it hard to get a feel for the characters. There's also a flash back sequence that really breaks the flow of the story and doesn't really add any new information other than what could be picked up through the dialogue. It's not a bad scene, it just feels badly placed right after an action scene and right before the end of the comic, it honestly feels like it'd serve better as the introduction to the second issue rather than awkwardly placed where it is.

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Overall,International Iron Man more than justifies it's existence in this issue, and in fact, I'd say it's much better than Incivible Iron Man and that this should be the one fans are picking up.

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The main draw here though will of course be Hitchs art, and it thankfully manages to look just as spectacular as youd expect. Everything looks so dynamic with a very cinematic edge, Hitch knows just how to frame a panel to make it look as epic in scope as possible. There are splash pages which look magnificent, but they arent over-used meaning whenever they are feels like a special moment, usually marking a great action beat. The heroes themselves too look incredibly iconic with their designslooking a lot more streamlined than a lot of their new 52 depictions. Its a look that truly fits the title of JLA and is sure to impress comic fans new and old alike.

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What definitely adds a level of excitement and scale to this is the return of fan favorite Jason Fabok. To my knowledge he hasn't been seen since the epicDarkseid Warearlier this year, so seeing him draw the Justice League again feels hugely exciting and brings back memories of other big events. Every panel is rendered with perfect cinematic beauty, from the low, mysterious angled shots of the hidden villain, to the big, bombastic action scenes, everything feels cranked to 11, especially for an event that on the surface seemed to me quite small in scale. Fabok absolutely nails the big action splash pages you pay for when it comes to an event book and reminds me why I've missed him so much. It's gorgeous on every front and worthy of an event title.

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Overall, this is a comic simply bursting with potential. This first issue covers a lot of groundwork and introduces readers to a world they won't quickly forget. There are a lot of questions left to be answered by the end of it, but that just left me wanting more from this series, in a good way. I'm very excited to see what's next for this book and would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes their comics to veer towards the surreal and the strange.

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Malhorta continues his consistently great art work on the series with his usual flair for mixing the grand and mundane, but also gets the chance to stretch his legs a little further this issue by drawing some very different environments than usual. Each new location feels unique and different and as a result makes the world of Roche Limit feel more varied and interesting rather than just the crime filled slums glimpsed so far.

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Overall, I was very much more impressed withShade the Changing Girl.It's given me a bit more faith in the Young Animal line, and is definitely a title I'll be checking out in the future. While it'll take a while to get into this issue, once it clicks with you, it'll click hard and leave you excited for the story ahead. This one's for the outsiders, and man is it good to have a comic like this again.

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The Allreds are the perfect art team for this book. This is a drastic change of style from the other marvel cosmic books out there and looks absolutely spectacular. The series likes to pride itself on crazy, insane sights and events so its great that we get an equally bizarre art style to fit the tone. Slott even allows Allred the chance to be creative in a few segments with some inventive layout choices (including a maze game at one point) which further demonstrates his creative talent.

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Im really pleased by how much The Spectrum War steps up in terms of quality. Issue one featured some good set-up and showcased a lot of potential, and issue two takes that potential and runs full steam ahead ensuring lots of fan pleasing moments that should get peoples pulses running. If the series can continue this upward trend in the rest of its issues then this will really be a crossover to remember.

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Overall though,Tales from the Darksideis a very solid comic from a creative team I'm thrilled to see reunited. There's a very enjoyable storywithin these pages that scratches a very specific horror itch for me as well as the promise of great things to come. I really wish this was an ongoing rather than a mini, as I could read these type of stories from these two from now to the end of time, butfor now, I can easily recommend this series and am excited to see what comes next.

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Overall, this issue may not be the series at its best, but for a comic that's so consistently high that's by no means a bad thing. Issue #6 is a little more simplistic than the rest have been, but it feels nicely cathartic and reassuring while being both absolutely hilarious and depressing as anything. If you like your laughs existential and full of dread with a slice of satire on the side, there really is no better book thanThe Flintstones. Words I never thought I'd say.

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Overall though, Trinityis absolutely moving in the right direction and quickly working it's way to becoming on of the best Rebirth titles. The way it can use art uniquely to explore these characters and tell the story makes it fascinating to come back each month and see how the title will reinvent itself, it's currently one of DC's most unpredictable books. While definitely rough around the edges in places, the issue manages to be nostalgic, moving and utterly gorgeous. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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My only real complaint is that it can be a little hard to follow in places on the first reading. Being a sequel to a book I hadnt read I was expecting this, and to the books credit it does feature a recap as well as introductions and back stories to the major characters though at times it can be a little hard to determine some of the characters motivations and relations to each other. A second read through cleared up most of my issues, though itd definitely mean more if Id read the first volume.

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Action Comics #44 is a great issue in a series that has been on a consistently fantastic run. Pak seems more comfortable than ever with Superman and is pushing the character in interesting new directions. This issue closes the introduction on Truth and teases that there are plenty of stories still to tell with this status quo. As long as the stories are consistently this good, Im certainly on board.

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Doctor Strangehas the title he deserves in modern Marvel books. While he may not be quite the lovable asshole we saw inThe Oath (though he is still pretty arrogant), and the very MCU style may be off-putting to some purists out there (I personally don't mind it, but I know some aren't fans of a more comedic marvel universe), there's plenty of charm and imagination in this opening story arc to make it very easy to recommend. If you're on the fence, these first two issues act as the perfect sample of what's to come, so I'd highly recommend checking them out.

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Dave Taylor presents the world in a manner which is pleasing to the eyes. Hes tasked with drawing a lot of visually different scenes from the TARDIS interior to thick jungle lands to molten underground caverns, it all looks great. The characters themselves are drawn very accurately too, including Capaldis intense eyebrows, which again makes the comic feel authentic and is a great transition from the screen to the page.

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In conclusion, this series proves why the Martian Manhunter should be an A-list superhero. Hes finally found a place among the big leagues after being displaced by the new 52 relaunch, a gritty, dark and intelligent series that looks to be heading in some very cool directions. While not all the sub-plots gel right now, if they can all come together then this could really be one of the break out hits of the DC You relaunch and a series remembered for years to come.

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The story is a little light but still has a lot of humours moments and enough fun that it can stand alongside the beautiful art. Its pretty hard to tell where the story is going from here, but I did find myself laughing at a lot of the lines and found the main character likeable enough that I cared about him and the story. Itll take at least another issue to see where the story is going, but right now its entertaining enough, but its clear the art is the main drawn.

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Overall, Strange Fruit is one of the most visually beautiful and surprising comics to come out this year. Jones and Waid have breathed life into this world and transport the reader back to an uncomfortable, yet important time in history. While the script itself can at times feel a little unfocused and overstuffed, the sheer level of detail and heart poured into this comic more than make it worth your time. Strange Fruit is powerful, stunning and magnificent to behold.

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My only other complaint would be the lack of any real ending to the book. There is a conclusion reached in regards to Boosters predicament, but the ending simply tells the reader to follow the story into convergence. It feels a bit cheap, especially since most of the other series managed to feel self-contained if you werent reading the main series. Its unfortunate given the strength of the rest of the book and leaves the book on a low note after all the good will it builds up. Aside from this however, Convergence: Booster Gold is one of the strongest Convergence tie ins and is a perfectly touching send-off that fans have been asking for. If youre a fan of DC and a bit of a continuity buff, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

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Overall, Doctor Who: The Third Doctormore than exceeded my expectations, delivering a book that's fun, exciting and perfect for longtime fans. Titan have been putting out a lot of Who comics, so it can understandably be hard to keep up, but let it be known that this is one you certainly don't want to miss.

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Overall,New Super-Man #2is a strong step up from the previous issue while simultaneously promising that the best is yet to come. Yang is proving that, given the space, he can build something great, and both he and Bogdanovic are truly doing some cool things on this book. If the series can continue this upward trend of quality thenNew Super-Mancan really be a highlight of the Superman line.

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Overall, for a long time fan, Silver Surfer #1 feels like meeting up with an old friend, and having a blast catching up on how things have been going. The issue is accessible enough that new readers can jump on, and if you haven't already I highly recommend you do, but any long time fans can rest assured. Silver Surfer is every bit as brilliant as it ever was, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

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Star Wars: C-3PO, however, is a wonderful surprise that proves you can take any element of the Star Wars legacy and tell an interesting story. This comic features an interesting cast, intriguing philosophical ideas for the Star Wars universe and a well told, heartfelt story. It's definitely worth your time and money and has been more than worth the wait. Now if only Marvel could make an interesting Jar Jar Binks series I'd be convinced they can do no wrong with this license…

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Overall, Obi-Wan and Anakin proves theres life in the franchise outside of the original trilogy. It does a lot to course correct the prequel franchise, and I hope the level of quality here encourages Marvel to do more comics set in this time frame. As someone who had to grow up with the prequels, Id much rather see their potential fixed rather than just ignored in favour of another generations nostalgia.

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Overall though, Supergirl: Being Super is a very promising debut. It's got a great voice and some fantastic talent behind it, as well as the potential to tell a really great Supergirl story from scratch. I'd definitely recommend it, especially to people who the character has never really clicked with. It's a very different book from DC and one that I'm excited to see more from.

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Overall, there's a lot to like inThe Forevers, not all the parts are there right now, but there's enough intrigue and solid talent to let me give it the benefit of the doubt and recommend it. I'm excited to see where the book goes from here and will definitely be back for more. If gritty crime books with a twist of the supernatural are your thing, then you'll definitely feel at home withThe Forevers.

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Other than that, my only other real issue was with how quickly this issue flew by. It felt just as Id came to like these new characters that the story was over, with only a few advancements made to the main plot. Its a little disappointing, but theres still four issues to go before the big finale so Im confident Andrez knows what hes doing and is just passing things out before we get to the conclusion.

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Regardless though, this is another fine issue of Roche Limit that is just bursting with ideas and imagination. It seems that there are a lot of places to go within these pages and this world, so I'd highly recommend you checking it out and seeing where this ride takes us.

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This is a comic event for comic fans, and the scope and level of pay off lead to a highly satisfying and accomplished reading experience. This series comes highly recommended, and with a bit of a clearer focus on where the story is going next, it looks like it's going to be a blast.

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Really my only complaint with this issue is how short it feels. It went by really fast and ends just as the most exciting confrontations come into play. Thankfully what is there is enjoyable and funny despite the darker take on the title character, and the cliffhanger was truly a shock and has made me really excited to continue the story. You can bet Im now in this series for the long haul.

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Superman: American Alien will undoubtedly go down as one of the best modern Superman stories, and perhaps even one of the greatest Superman stories of all time. Max Landis trims all the fat and cuts the character straight to his core, placing the key elements at the forefront without ever simply retreading old ground.

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Ganes work manages to remain as unique and stylish as always. He doesnt get to do anything too crazy this issue, but he displays great creativity in the portrayal of some of the groups powers. Including a particularly great moment that involves Syd using her mind control powers in a large crowd. I dont have too much to specifically say about Ganes art, however I feel its a perfect fit for the book, effectively communicating the modernity of the plot and working really well from a storytelling angle. Its a great fit and Im glad to see him lend a great deal of personality to the book.

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Outside of the main story there is a short back up featuring two new inhuman characters, Iso and Flint. The story is fun and I enjoyed these characters, however the story is way too short to get any sort of depth out of it. I dont know if these characters were included in the previous book and have has a prior relationship established, but the way this story ends feels very rushed without any sort of context. Its also a little disappointing that McNiven does not draw this section, however Ryan Lees art manages to be pretty fun and expressive and better suits this sort of story light-hearted tale than McNivens art would. If these characters feature in the book going forward or pop up again then Id happily read more about them, but in this form the story just feels tacked on in order to increase the price. I wouldve been fine just having the main story, as having another five pages of a much lighter tale on the end almost seems to undermine the powerful ending of that story.

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Overall though, Veda: Assembly Required is a fantastic debut OGN that you should definitely check out. It feels fresh and new while simultaneously paying homage to some of the all-time great all ages storytellers. It captures the uniqueness of the medium and shows how you can use different tools of comics to tell a story. Samuel Teer and Hyendo Park work perfectly in sync and have created something beautiful, I cant wait to see what they come up with next.

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While its nice to see some consistency in the art in the form of Stefano Caselli, Im just not sure hes the right fit for the book. Im a big fan of his work and have liked him in the past on book like Amazing Spider-Man, however at times his often cartoonish art style seems a little conflicting with the very dark tone of the book. On the plus side, his pages towards the end manage to make the big, epic moments feel truly big and epic, ending the issue on a powerful note which is sure to have some big consequences in the remaining issues.

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Overall,Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eyeexceeded my expectations for both this installment, as well as the Young Animal line. It's the book that's sold me on the system and one that I'm definitely going to look forward to every month. While this issue ends a bit too soon on an abrupt note, it's got so many emotions and dry humour that it's impossible not to recommend. If you only buy one Young Animal book, make it this one. It has all the qualities the line should strive for.

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There's definitely a particular crowd for these comics, and thankfully they're proving themselves to be of a high quality. If you look at these on your local store's shelf and think “man that's so strange I have to check it out” then by all means please too. It's a great tongue-in-cheek comic that knows exactly what it wants to be and does it tremendously. Don't miss this one.

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My favourite part of the issue though was the art by Ben Templesmith; recently DC have been far less strict on sticking to their house style, and when I see art like this I am eternally grateful for that. Templesmiths art is incredibly freaky and twisted in all the best ways. Its the perfect sort of style for this book and is full of creepy imagery which compliments the writing perfectly. It makes the book stand out from all the other Batman books out there and from all other DC books in general.

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House of Penance #3 pushes the story forward well and features some of the series best art to date. It sticks out in my mind as one of the most visually unique and fascinating horror books currently on the market. If you've been itching for some unsettlingly fascinating and beautiful horror comics, thenHouse of Penanceis certainly worth your time and money.

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What held the world together for me was Hardmans gorgeous art style. The futuristic landscape falls more in line with the dystopian telling, with an almost Fallout style quality to it. It feels like a very real place, as if people actually live here and are scraping to get by. Its not the most original of settings, however its crafted to perfection by Hardman. The concepts and creatures of this world are also revealed with perfect pacing, so despite seeming a bit slow when looking at it as a whole, while reading the story you get a great feeling of learning and discovery on every page. The ending reveal in particular is hugely affective because of the art, it's a greatmoment in which the art itself shocked me rather than the text. As a guy who really values storytelling through the art in a comic, it's an awesome scene.

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Overall, Midnighter manages to rectify a past misstep to deliver an issue that should be an absolute treat for fans, delivering on every area that has made the book feel so good. If you haven't been checking it out, I seriously encourage you to go back and do so, as we're building to something that'll likely be remembered for years to come.

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Whats also similar to last issue is the inconsistent quality to the art. I dont mean to sound so negative, as 90% of the time is looks great. It has a very dark, surreal look that makes you feel unsettled, so basically the perfect fit for this book. The transformation in the look of Catman over his year imprisonment really drives home the hellish torture hes been put through and effectively shows what mental anguish hes going through, saving Simone from having to write any internal monologue. However, There are times when it starts to look a bit rough and sketchy, and towards the end it even looks like its been done by a completely different artist. Im not sure if this an intentional artistic change or the result of having two different inkers, but its a real shame as when the art hits its stride it looks absolutely fantastic and helps to further strengthen this books unique feel and tone.

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While Camuncolis art didnt really impress me much during the Amazing series, often feeling stiff and awkward, it is the perfect visual match for Superior Spider-Man. Camuncolis Spider-Man certainly has an edge to him, he looks unfriendly and even physically imposing with fits Ottos harsher Spider-Man perfectly. The way in which is body language and look is framed makes him feel different to Peter and is something I very much appreciate. When several Spider-Men are sharing page time Camuncoli manages to keep the action clean and clear, giving each Spider-Man their own look which makes them feel like their own character rather than cannon fodder.

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The first four issues of the series are available right now on Comixology and I'd definitely recommend the series as being worthy for your time. It has some really unique and fascinating concepts and looks to be heading in a really interesting direction. I'd recommend taking your time with this series though and digesting it bit by bit rather reading it all at once like I did though.

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While I have focused largely on the writing so far, as really it is the main draw here, the role of Foss as artist should not be understated. He is giving some really difficult challenges during the book with some really weird ideas that he has to visualise and he does an incredible job of it. The last page in particular is worth the price of entry alone, looking like a surreal masterpiece of art which seems to pop with new details and oddities the more you look at it. Designer Tom Muller has to be commended once again, for his unique minimalist style furthering the unique look of the book and presenting a comic unlike anything Ive seen in a long time.

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Overall,Totally Awesome Hulkwas a huge surprise to me. I was expecting to like this book seeing as Pak has proven his skills with the Hulk time and time again, but the way the comic subverts your expectations of it is really clever. If you're set out to hate this book, well I don't know if this will change your mind. The overly obnoxious humor will be too much to some and turn them right off. If you're on the fence however or unsure, I'd really recommend trying it out. Yes there is overly obnoxious humor, but it's completely deliberate and essential to the kind of story Pak is telling. Pak has found a way to breath new life into the Hulk franchise, if you're open minded enough to check it out, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

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The art by Simone Gane is very strong and is the perfect fit for the story, enhancing many parts of the narrative with some clever techniques which I wont spoil, but which were very dramatic and impactful. Even without the story, the art would look absolutely gorgeous, the environments in particular look varied and grand and are a treat to pour over and soak in the atmosphere. The colours from Jordie Bellaire really help sell the atmosphere of these locals and keep the book looking varied and fresh. To top it off, the books design from Fonografiks is an excellent example of his less is more approach to design, ensuring that this book looks top notch in every regard.

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The strongest element of the art has to be the actual wytches themselves. Without spoiling anything, the reveal is highly creepy and properly freaked me out and left me feeling almost terrified. They are some of the most unsettling and eerie character designs Ive seen in a comic and left me feeling shaken walking away from the book. This is a scene that will be remembered for quite a while and will definitely stick with you. An absolute stand-out moment of art and story working perfectly hand in hand.

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Oliver Coipels art remains as excellent as the first issue, his cinematic style just fits perfectly with the grandiose story making for one damn fine looking comic. His action scenes manage to look dynamic and exciting and never once looks rushed even with large numbers of Spider-Men filling the page at the same time. Its absolutely outstanding art that this story really needed.

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Overall, this issue is everything Spider-Man fans have been demanding for years. Slott perfectly handles the responsibilities of an older, married Peter Parker and these changes give his adventures a great new spin. While the issue is pretty fast paced and doesnt spend as much time with the family as Id have liked, its an awesome introduction and leaves with a great set-up for the rest of the series. Anyone looking for an extension of the Secret Wars event need not follow this, but this should be required reading for Spider-Man fans.

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Overall, Bullet Gal #12 is a terrific conclusion to what has ended up being a hugely experimental, creative and fantastic series. There are a few nitpicks I had with this issue, such as the text being a little hard to read in the scene with Brigit, but overall it's a fantastic emotionally charged conclusion that fans of the series should find satisfying when it releases August 1st. If you haven't read the series, I whole heartedly recommend picking up the trade which is out now. You're sure to find something new and strange here, and definitely some unexpected joys.

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Power Cubed is exactly the sort of comic I love, and one you shouldnt pass by. Its bursting at the seams with charm, humor and wondrous imagination. While it may be a little light on narrative, theres enough in this issue to make you feel good and want to discover more about this universe.

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What holds the whole package together is the beautiful art of Vic Malhotra. His style is very versatile, its suitably grand and epic when showing us the vast reaches of the cosmos though also manages to showcase the gritty mean streets of Roche Limit. He even delivers a pretty creepy dream sequence which, as Ford puts it, will seriously **** with your brain. Malhotra and Moreci work perfectly in sync to create this world and both bring their A-game.

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Overall though,The Vision #1is a very different sort of Marvel comic, one that I really hope catches on. It feels quite niche and the type of book that'll have dedicated fans, (much like King'sOmega Men) but I'm more hoping that it'll be a surprise sleeper hit.The Omega Menproved how creative and clever a writer King is, andThe Visionshows he has many more ideas up his sleeve. Don't let this book meet the same fate, I highly recommend it to any one looking for something a little different from Marvel's line-up and hope it can capture the amount of success it deserves.

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Overall, 4KWIAB was a real surprise. It's laugh out loud funny, with some sweet nostalgic moments and some surprisingly nice character depth. The first issue sets a nice stage for the rest of the series to blow me away, so while we do still seem to be in set up stage, there's plenty to love in the first issue to make it worth a purchase.

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All in all, this is yet another fantastic issue of a series that is becoming one of my favourites. This is a fantastic comic for Doctor Who fans, though I'd also recommend it to non-fans looking to get into the series. So far this book has perfectly captured the spirit of the show and has made itself accessible enough that anyone can read it regardless of how well you know the show. It seems we're starting to move into longer story arcs and some wibbly wobbly time travel stuff, so if you're not already reading this series I highly recommend you jump on now, regardless of you stance on Doctor Who. This is series is a ton of fun and hasn't had a single misstep so far.

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The Mighty Thor is a great start to what should be a fantastic series. This book is absolutely gorgeous, Russell Dauterman and colourist Matthew Wilson being an A-list art team worthy of the character. When you combine this with the punchy, epic moments of Aaron, as well as his great sense of humour, you get a comic that's equal parts epic and involving as well as straight up fun. This is a massive improvement over the last run, and should even turn naysayers into die hard fans. If you've never read Aaron's Thor run or are a lapsed reader, this is a perfect place to start. This is one of the best books to come out of the newest Marvel relaunch, and not something you should overlook. Get in while the going is good.

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Overall, this is another fantastic issue of Birthright that advances the story in interesting new directions. There isnt too much mindblowing stuff going on here (aside from the ending), but theres a lot of fantastic character work that proves how well developed theyd become in just 7 issues. Even without many major stand-out moments, a lot of work is made to move the story ahead that manages to be entertaining in its own right and not feel like its simply setting groundwork or seeming like it should be in a trade collection, its another wholly satisfying issue of Birthright that fans of the series should enjoy.

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Really, my only problem with the issue is the conclusion, its just all over way too fast. The story is expertly paced at the beginning drew me into the mystery, with me on the edge of my seat towards the end. Unfortunately, after introducing all these great elements and characters expertly it feels like it ends too suddenly. I almost wish this issue had been a two-parter like the show often does, it wouldve given the brilliant supporting cast more time to shine as well as carry the suspense more.

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It would be a criminal offensive to praise this comic without mentioning the absolute gorgeous art of David Marquez. His style is a lot more realistic than many other artists out there given the grounded tone of the Ultimate universe and manages to make both the superhero action and quieter dramatic moments look incredible. His attentional to detail with elements such as the emotion in the characters faces and flow of movement is truly outstanding and this story could easily be read and understood without any text. Marquez truly is a master of sequential storytelling and deserves just as much credit as Bendis for making this book such a compelling read.

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Plutona is a fantastic comic that knows exactly what it wants to be and does it excellently. For fans of Lemires smaller, more intimate works, this should be a top priority on your reading list. If youve never read any of his work however, this is a perfect place to start. With top notch writing and beautiful art, Plutona is definitely worth a read.

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Superman #1 delivered everything I was hoping for from the title and then some. It has a strong emotional hook and sense of freshness the title hasn't had in a long time. There's so many places to go from here that I can't help but feel the same level of optimism the book caries. It's finally a good time to be a Superman fan again, and I couldn't be happier.

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Speaking of rushed, I cant help but feel this issue ends a little too quickly. Like most of the other issues, this is a series I definitely would read a mini-series of and Im disappointed how quick the book ends given how good it is. It feels that when everything starts coming to an end and even more interesting ideas are raised that the book just abruptly ends. I suppose if it had been any longer it may have started to re-tread familiar ground covered in other books like the aforementioned Red Son but I still feel like theres more Morrison couldve squeezed out of this book.

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Overall, I'm super excited to have an Avengers book that actually feels inspired and a ton of fun to read. After the sci-fi heavy stories of Hickman, this bouncy, fun and classic inspired yet forward looking book is exactly what I needed coming off of such a run. It has all the trademarks of a great Waid book, wonderful characters, a great sense of humour and fun drama, teaming this up with the enthusiastically joyful art of Asar and they're unstoppable. The Avengers are finally here with a book worthy of their name, I'm incredibly excited to find out where we go from here and really hope Waid and Asar get the space to tell the stories they want to tell.

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Overall though, Back to the Future #1 is a love letter to fans of the series. It has all of the charm, wit, and heart of the original trilogy while fleshing out lots of cool details that fans would love to see. If youve ever enjoyed the film series or been affected by it in anyway, then you need to check out this series. Its the perfect way to travel back to the story of the original trilogy and feels like revisiting some old friends who havent changed a bit.

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Overall though, this was a huge surprise for me. I fully expected to hate it, but so far it has been my standout book of the relaunch. Id encourage fans of books like DeadpoolorHarley Quinn to check this out, as it's sure to be exactly the type of humor you enjoy, however I'd also recommend it to anyonelooking for something different. You'll probably find a lot you enjoy about this book that you didn't expect to find, be it the unique visuals, charming characters or fun dialogue.

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Overall, I wasn't expecting to love Black Widow as much as I did. Coming off such a successful run, I was honestly expecting the two to stumble a bit or not live up to the hype, Waid and Samnee however take a sledgehammer to the hype wall and keep on sprinting past (on jet packs). While I was a little thrown off to not see Waid's usual character work on display, I realized while reading that he shows a defter approach to the character by stripping out unnecessary monologues and plot complexities and focusing on pure visual spectacle. It's like The Revenant but for comics (that's my current references quota met). The comic shows exactly what the Black Widow is capable of and exactly the sort of thrills that are in store for the series, something that should make readers very excited. Do yourself a favorite and pick this up, it's the truest form of a pure action comic and I'm super pumped to see what comes next.

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Ramon not only does the pencil work but also the colours which also look fantastic. For a city that should look entirely grey and metallic (which it does) he manages to work so much beauty into parts of the script. D4VE looking up at the stars if a truly breathtaking moment that feels genuine admist all the humour. Well that is before the scene crashes us back down with undoubtedly the issues best joke, but Ill not spoil it.

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For anyone whos not a fan of romance or teenage drama, there are actually quite a lot of surprising gothic elements in the book with a lot of supernatural horror and Batman lore woven in. The later part worried me as Im really not a Batman fan, but it works well in the context in the book and doesnt step on the toes of the series creative style. It all just works together really well mixing the two genres to make a really unique experience that Im a huge fan of.

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Overall, Martian Manhunter has broven itself as a bold new entry in DCs lineup. With so many books vying for attention amongst the DC You lineup it takes a lot to stand out. Martian Manhunter demonstrates a fresh take on the character and feels unlike any other DC comic out there. Its smartly written thriller action at its best, while blending together elements of heady scienfiction and 80s monster movies. Its a cocktail of horror and suspense that leaves you wanting more. Williams and Barrows have tapped into what makes the character great and are running with it, if you hurry now you can catch up and enjoy them on one hell of a ride.

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Overall this is a very exciting debut and a great start to this story. The book is perfectly paced and placing it before the status quo change makes it unique from the other Superman books and offers potential for a great story. If youve been enjoying Truth so far but want a bit more background information, check this book out, and if youre someone who wants to get into the Superman books then this is definitely the one Id recommend. Its a great jump on point and looks to be taking the series in fresh new directions. Yang and Romatia knocked this issue out of the park, I cant wait to see where they go from here.

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Ganes art shines throughout the book, presenting a cinematic feel that mimics the punchy, impactful nature of the story. He knows how best to layout the story to make the pacing feel natural, using splash pages sparingly but effectively. When he does use splash pages however they look great and feel like a necessary part of the story rather than a need to fill space. Special note should go to the colours of Jordie Bellaire, he switches his colour pallet excellently during the different flashbacks in the issue which make the transitions feel smooth and natural. The use of harsh reds too add an underlying level of tension to the comic that highlights the earlier stated feeling of unease.

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So to conclude in a highly serious, professional manner the newest issue of God Hates Astronauts manages to be even funnier and more bizarre than the first. If you want to simply shut off your brain and laugh yourself silly then this is a book Id highly recommend. If you think youre above this sort of thing however or look down upon random humour or fun then good news! Downtown Abbey has just restarted this week which should be right up your alley!

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Overall, Secret Six #3 is a terrific comic that should make its way into everyones comic selection. While you could go back and read the previous issues, Id actually say this marks a perfect jump on point for the comic. The characters are introduced really well, given a lot of personality and a final page twist will have you coming back for more. This is exactly the sort of fun, off-beat book DC have been trying to deliver more of in recent months and it fires on all cylinders. If this level of quality can remain consistent and keep up with a reasonable shipping schedule then we could be looking at my new favourite DC book.

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Secret Wars is a comic I feel will become much more appreciated the further it gets away from the hype machine and marvels newest relaunch publicity so that readers can focus more on the story itself. Its without a doubt the best event Marvel have had in years, one with a ton of build-up and gravitas behind it that earns the fireworks it sets off. Hickman leaves his seal on the Marvel Universe with a story that showcases everything wonderful about it, with Ribic in tow as the perfect artist to cover such a tale. People may be jaded about events and relaunches and like to make snide comments about delayed events such as this, but when it comes down to it, the story is all that matters, and Secret Wars is a wonderful story. The marvel universe is dead. Long live the marvel universe.

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As stated, Samnee is perfectly in sync with Waid and is on top form in this issue. He expertly shows the terrifying march of the purple mans children ratcheting up the fear and tension and then can make you laugh out loud with his rendition of Foggys disguise as the human beach ball. His art just looks so perfectly in motion and he is one of the best artists in the business right now.

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Regardless of this, this issue really does feel like a celebration of all things Marvel, any fans who have ever been affected by or grown up with Marvel as part of their lives owe it to themselves to check out this event. It's a superb beginning that actually feels event sized and serves not only as incredible payoff for those following Hickman's Avengers run but also as an incredible end for anyone who's ever loved Marvel. I have no idea where we go from here, but wherever it is it's sure to be epic. Don't be put off by the onslaught of event comics in recent years, this comic is worthy of the title and is worth all the hype.

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Overall, Secret Wars is moving along at a perfect pace. The main story has remained excellently self-contained and is bringing a fantastic story about the nature of gods and men working against the backdrop of the Marvel universe. There are some more key elements introduced in this issue ensuring that this excellent pace and intrigue is sure to continue through halfway point of the series. It really seems that Hickman and Ribic are delivering an event worthy of the title. Everything on show feels like a natural continuation of Hickman's work and there hasn't been a single misstep so far. If you're a Marvel fan who hasn't been reading this series you should rectify this immediately. Secret Warsis managing to capture both the epic cosmic spectacle of an event comic while simultaneously delivering strong character moments that give the series so much weight and depth. If this continues, it'll not only be the best Marvel event in years, but a modern classic for years to come.

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If it isnt already obvious, I absolutely loved this book. Its a very unique take on this sort of story, both touching, funny and completely vulgar. There are a few pre-requisites before picking this up though; first, and most obviously, the level of vulgarity will be a hard sell for some people, so more sensitive people need not apply. Secondly, theres a definitely requirement of prior knowledge of the comics industry to make this work. A lot of what I found to be the funniest jokes were based on my knowledge of the creators they were referencing, and a lot of the emotional weight comes from being familiar with Robinsons career. If you are a fan of either of this things though, then I cannot recommend this book enough. Its an absolutely insane ride that has a lot of heart to it. The complete 180 turn in the final page also ensures Ill be back for more next month. I want to see how far this rabbit hole goes.

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A key factor in why this series feels a little more traditional superhero than the other indie feeling Marvel titles is thanks to artist Ramon Rosanas who brings a style akin to a Saturday morning cartoon. The art looks absolutely fantastic, it brought back great memories of reading classic superhero comics while maintaining a style all on its own. Its another example of Marvels willingness to give artists a chance to bring something new to the artistic table and it fits this book to a T. Given that so much of this book centres on characters with big personalities and humour its great that Rosanas art nails that comedic style and makes each character incredibly expressive. Its just the best fit for a book such as this and captures the tone perfectly.

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Once again, the visual styling art of Rosanas are top notch and contribute hugely to the books unique aesthetic, walking the line between a Saturday morning cartoon and something by Louis C.K. Its a really hard style to describe, but I really couldnt imagine the book being drawn by anyone else, it both feels like traditional superhero goodness while featuring totally fresh and inventive. Spencer and Rosanas feel completely in sync by this point, so the only place to go from here is up.

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Overall, Archie #1 is the perfect introduction to the world of Riverdale and something comic fans of all ages and backgrounds should enjoy. If, like me, youve never once read an Archiecomic Id highly encourage you to check this one out, it offers the perfect introduction and is one of the freshest comics on the stands. If youre a long time Archie fan though, Im sure youll find the same things you loved about the original series here. Archie has successful landed in the modern day while keeping all of his charm intact. Its harmless fun thats had a lot of love put into it, Archie #1 is quite simply one of the most pleasant and wholly enjoyable comic Ive ever read. A huge surprise and the sort of comic I wish we had more of. Make sure to check this out, youll be glad that you did.

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I could go on about how much I love this book, as I really don't think I've captured just how excited each new release makes me, but we'd be here all day and I'd like to wrap up for the week. Just let it be known that that is an incredible book that feels fresh, unique to most books out there, and something that DC sorely needed to publish. It's lovely to see something like this given how much DC seems focused on grim and gritty versions of their character that book bursting with charm, energy and loveable characters is their best and most consistent book. Make sure to check this out and spread the world to all your friends to check out Gotham Academy.

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With the art clearly wanting to appeal to a youthful new generation and feeling incredibly modern such as in thethe style of Gwen's band "The Mary Janes", I was surprised by just how much this book feels like a classic Spider-Man comic. The humour and quips from Gwen feel like classic Peter and her struggles with her personal life and a city that hates her feel very much like classic Spider-Man stories fans have been clamouring for. Therefore while this book definitely appeals to a new audience and is sure to bring insome new fans, I think classic fans will actually find a lot to love here too if theyre willing to give it a chance. It feels like the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon mixed with Scott Pilgrim and should appeal to both old and new fans alike.

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The Fixhas been one of the best surprises of the year for me so far. Spencer and Lieber are so in sync it honestly feels like they can do no wrong. Even with an issue that feels like more of an aside, it's an absolute joy and may even be the best book I've read this week. I'm eagerly counting down the days until the next issue, and advise anyone not currently on board to catch up for next time. If you don't die of laughter during the process then you're in for a fun ride.

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When it comes down to it though,4 Kids Walk Into a Bankcomes packed with so many well crafted jokes and authentically real character that it's hard not to get sucked into its charming if cynical world. It never takes itself too seriously, usually punctuating hugely dramatic moments with a well earned zinger, while having enough heart to make it worth your time and money. The book just really is that good and demands your attention. If you can track down a copy, definitely give the issues a shot, it's as enjoyable as a feel good kids movie with the good feelings replaced with a healthy dose of cynicism and reality.

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Overall though, Snotgirl is a perfect evolution of O'Malley's style, and a fantastic debut to what looks to be an amazing monthly series. The humour lands perfectly, the tone is unique and talks about issues no other book handles as well, and the style is off the charts. I've written almost a thousand words of near continuous praise, twice as much as my normal reviews, so this should really tell you a lot about how much I adored this book. If you're a young adult then you owe it to yourself to pick this book up, you'll find no other one that tackles issues you face as well as this. Even if you're not a youth, I'd still advise picking this up, you might learn a little something about a generation many people peg as lazy and tech obsessed.

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Of course, what remains to me the best part of the series is Spencers portrayal of Scott Lang, who remains immensely likeable and easy to root for. Its this issue that we really see that his heart is in the right place and that he really is a hero. I dont want to spoil things, but hes presented with some pretty tempting situations that test his moral fibres. While I was pretty surprised by his actions, I again found it to be heart-warming and made Scott a character I really cant hate. Its nice to have a superhero who really wants to be a hero and tries his best to be good, especially in such a cynical age. Just two issues in, with almost no previous exposure, and Scott Lang is already one of my favourite Marvel characters. Spencer has just that good a grasp on the character.

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Last Days of Ant-Man could easily be overlooked by fans, coming quite late in the Secret Wars event which people are already feeling burnt out on, but if youre a fan of the current Ant-Man series then its required reading. Spencer and Rosanas fill Scott Langs last hurrah with heart, humor and adventure, just like the previous issues. I look forward to the series returning in October, but for the time being, these two deliver a satisfying conclusion to an unexpected hit.

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So if it isn't already clear, Batman #40 is a modern day masterpiece of comics. Snyder and Capullo have been mind-bogglingly good so far but Endgame is the best thing the two have put their name to. This ending stands well on its own as an epic portrayal of a hero and his nemesis, but the gutsy ending by Snyder ensures this will remain a classic comic talked about for years. Snyder and Capullo have raised the bar for Batman comics and most superhero comics in general, this is an absolutely outstanding comics that shows how classic tried and true characters can still lead to some of the most shocking and impactful comics after such a long time.

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How is it possible that month after month Bressan manages to pump out some of the highest quality art in the industry? Bressans art is draw droppingly good and there were so many moments when I had to just stop and drink in the absolute beauty of what I was witnessing. I feel absolutely in love with the pages featuring young Mikey wading through the snow covered woods and then was absolutely stunned with the two-page spread of a humongous monster. There is not enough hyperbolic language in the English vocabulary to describe how good Bressans art is, youll just have to check the book out for yourself and see what youve been missing.

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Of course, what is always the highlight of this series is Bressans art, and this issue really allows him the chance to cut loose. So far, his brilliance has been showcased with stunning panoramic shots of beautiful landscapes, but here he focuses on the aforementioned big battle, which ends up looking terrific. He uses bigger panels and even a two page spread to make the action feel big and important. While its disappointing the fight is so short, limiting what Bressan is able to do, I would be complaining if the fight scene was overlong, so Im glad they decided to focus on advancing the story father than relying on the art to sell the issue.

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Of course, itd be a crime not to talk about the fantastic art of Andrei Bressan. He once again draws a beautiful issue with jaw dropping landscapes that complete the idyllic and relaxed pace for the most part of this issue. However, the highlight is our first ever look and The God King Lore, and man is he terrifying. After so much build up itd be easy to be cynical and imagine the payoff would be a disappointment, but nope, Lore is one of the most instantly terrifying and intimidating comic villains in a long time. His domain looks absolutely hellish and is the most impressively gruesome Bressan has been. After spending so much time drawing beautiful scenery and heroic action I cant wait to see more of this twisted, gruesome style Bressan has been hiding.

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Outside of the incredible chase sequence, the issue actually contains some pretty nice twists that made a story I was already invested in even stronger. It really shocked me how much Waid was able to pull the rug out from under my feet, keeping me so wrapped up in the story that I didnt see it coming while still making it totally plausible. While there seems to be more danger looming as we reach the conclusion, Waid chooses to give us a relatively happy ending in the meantime, giving long-time fans some nice pay off and suggesting that, just once, Matt might get a happy ending.

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Waid, Samnee and the rest of the Daredevil team have managed to stick the landing and deliver the perfect ending to their run. A run that has proved that accessible storytelling, a fun tone and a creative team who love their characters are the perfect ingredients for modern comics. With so much negativity thrown around these days, its important to show that modern superhero comics can still stand among some of the all time classics. This Daredevil run has been an honest masterpiece, and with the team promising to stick together on a new Marvel project, the future certainly looks bright.

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Klausmade me feel like a kid again in all the best ways. It's Morrison at his best, alongside a sure to be A-star artist Dan Mora delivering pure brilliance in comic book form. Everything I love in Morrison comics is present here, in fact everything I love in comics is here; inspiring heroes, despicable villains, huge scale battles and an ending that makes you feel sad that it's over, but deep down you know the story never really ends.I have a feelingKlauswill be a new holiday favorite, and I encourage you all to read it and experience the story over and over.

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Overall, I'm absolutely stunned with how well this series has ended. After placing such a high bar for themselves, theMidnighterteam pole vault straight over it and into the stratosphere. While I am disappointed that the series has had to end so soon, I'll take it if it means we get to have such an awesome conclusion. If you haven't read the series, I implore you to pick up the issues and havean absolute blast reading them. It's been one of the smartest, emotionally hard hitting and action packed series DC have had in a long time.

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So in conclusion, while it may seem like Secret Wars is only good because it isnt going wrong, theres so much quality to this event that saying that would be a disservice. Secret Wars is acting as a new benchmark for modern Marvel events and shows that pacing, planning and character growth are far more effective at making epic events than standard everything will change!! marketing. It looks like were heading to a blockbuster conclusion, so I cant wait to see how Hickman sticks the landing.

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When I first reviewed this series I said it was pretty great, but needed to do more to set it itself apart. Over the last few issues, Landis has done just that.American Alienshould be used as a benchmark upon which modern Superman stories are written. Landis has shown that Clark Kent isn't just a “big blue boyscout” or a “boring overpowered character”, he's a layered, complex, fascinating individual who will always see the best in people and try to do what's right. Even if his methods are naive, he'll always strive to succeed and not let it get him down.American Alienis the perfect Superman story, Landis may even have succeeded in his claim to make this “All-Star Clark Kent”, because in my opinion, this series is up there withAll-Star Supermanin terms of quality.

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Overall, this is a very hard comic to explain or review but one that is loaded with pure Morrison goodness. Its easily the strongest offering from the series so far but also from Morrison himself in a while. Many people are just not fans of his style and are quick to call it confusing or nonsensical; I can understand why many people would feel that way, though those of us who enjoy this style of comic will absolutely love Pax Americana and will surely be discussing it for a long time to come. If youre a fan of the creators behind this comic then I cannot recommend it enough.

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Sheriff of Babylon#5is an incredibly smart comic that will make you think and draw you in with some of the most believable characters ever put to the page. It's currently one of the most gripping comics on the stand and with this issue has managed to achieve perfection. If you're not reading this then you're missing out.Sheriff of Babylonis the sort of comic that expands your horizons and challenges you with cleverly written and expertly drawn content, it showcases exactly why comics are important as an art form and, in my mind, is the perfect comic.

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