Peter Schmeiser's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 159
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Jim Henson's Storyteller Witches will be a book that I will not only collect as a single issue series, but in trade as well.

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Again, there isn't enough praise to heap on this book. The only flaw it could have is that a potential reader may not be into this time period, or this type of adventure. Merchant Sea knows what it is, and clearly defines itself as such, making it easy for anyone to jump on board for the ride, or stay on shore.

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Mercenary Sea will be that comic that people will wish they could get into, and if not, the will painfully watch the enjoyment of it through others. Pull it!

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Mercenary Seas continues to impress with its artwork, and the fun WWII era story telling. This is a serial adventure that captures the wonder of these new-fangled submarines and what they can do. I feel that exhilaration of being part of a renegade sub crew that has the freedom to explore the seas, and get into fun adventures. Hopefully, the story doesnt take a twist for the worst in issue six, but we will have to wait and see.

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Again, my hat is off to Seymons and Reynolds for delivering six solid issues of a great new comic. They held a master class of how to launch a new comic book series. Mercenary Sea never got mired in exposition that slowed the pace to a crawl, it gave equal share to the members of the crew, it created layers of interest, and the book felt as though it had a tremendous depth. The artwork was stunning. Again, the layered depth, use of negative space, shapdow, and period design techniques breathed life into a book, and the partnership of Seymons and Reynolds allowed for a great balance of tell me and show me. This book has all the fun of Captain Blood mixed with Indiana Jones, and the artwork makes every panel a joy to view. I cannot wait to see what the future issue will have, and Mercenary Sea is now a permanent addition to my pull list.

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Additional to a strong female voice that actual passes a Bechtel test, Bitch Planet is interesting, stylized, and is a damn good read. Put this in your pull.

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Frankly, Im struggling to find something to critique in Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor. The book is artistically solid, and the writing is charming and exactly what an episode of Doctor Who is. Pull this book, and let Titan Comics that they made all the right choices, because they did.

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The art on this book has captivated me as much as the story. Matthew Roberts brings these fantastic elements alive with great wide shots of the landscape, and high-definition detail tight shots that bring the elements to life. This comic is brought to life by full and detailed character designs and lush backgrounds that contribute to the fantastic frontier we continue to forge though. Its only issue two, so if you have not yet done so, pick this up and put it on your pull list. Manifest Destiny wasnt just a good #1 issue, it is a pull list keeper.

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Some books are very hard to keep up with, but in comics, when a book has great artwork as can be found in Pretty Deadly, its easy to stick with it. Although the issue-by-issue reading will no doubt stunt the development and pacing by introducing a few weeks of amnesia, Pretty Deadly is well worth the wait and effort.

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Deep story telling is hard to pull off as we the audience continue to evolve towards more truncated and abbreviated forms of entertainment and communication. Over-arching stories are easier revealed while binge-watching TV shows, or taking an entire run of comics to a cabin to read through for a few days. We struggle to make time for entertainment that has substance and real return value. Pretty Deadly will be a book I collect and take up to a mountain cabin or on a long cruise and savor over long periods. And this is only after three issues.

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This is beautiful thing. The old saying is; you only get one true love. Thats bullshit. And Pretty Deadly defies that statement with truth.

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As a fan of the show and a fan of comics, Im happy with the renders of the Forever Guardians, and other aspects. The art works, and the story is a great classic. Putting City on the Edge of Forever in your pull list is a no brainer.

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Starlight may not be for everyone. It takes time and true interest to want to discover classic ideas, however Millar and Parlov certainly help give new readers the push they may need to not only read their book, but discover the realm of the bronze age of comics as well. You have to walk before you learn to run, and Starlight is the perfect book to start with.

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Mercenary Sea is a brilliant book that demonstrates how details can create a rich environment, and sooth the more critical parts of your subconscious that are consistently puzzling out what you are reading. The book is abundant depth and intrigue, and easily found its way onto my pull list.

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Again, I cannot recommend this book enough. Pick it up and join the adventure from the beginning will you still can. If you are an artist, study each page and learn all the lessons that Reynolds is teaching. Since the story is building up, Im sure Ill, be raving about the writing in issue 3, and Im looking forward to that issue showing up in my pull again.

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Unity #1 is full of intrigue, good writing and great art. Pick it up, and be counted as one of the readers who were there at the beginning of something great.

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The story could also be handicapped by the current entertainment environment that is surrounding readers and viewers with comics, movies and TV Shows about zombie-filled, broken futures. Another comic is now on the pile of man-made disastrous futures. Whatever the case may be, this is a solid book, but it lacks a hook that prompts me to continue reading it.

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The overall effect the book has on me can be summed up as Sandman of the west. Between strange animal naming conventions, grim characters, strange magical properties, and high concept character designs, I found myself enjoying this book with the same enchantment and wild curiosity I had with Neil Gaimans Sandman. I felt as if I had been challenged to decipher the book on its various levels, and the book delivered quality content on every level. Is isn't lazy storytelling, or edited to a wild Bare-bones reduction of a story. It is a fully realized tale that will challenge a reader. Its a refreshing change.

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In summary: Its creative, compelling, and worth the time and effort. Pull the book.

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Tyler Cook's art is actually quite a good accompaniment. The cluttered and messy room, the wide-open spaces, difference between interior and exterior colors and the character designs are very well handled. The watery color style gives the happier portion of the book a dreamlike state, helping us to se eth world through Trick's tired eyes. The art seems to clear once the action kicks in, and once Trick's quest starts there is focus again. I appreciate the subtleties.

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Jonathan Maberry I able to craft a story in real time that is able to bridge silly rules from hundreds of years ago, and introduce new elements like drug abuse and Chemo therapy. Using modern communication technology people can ask for help, spread warnings, and gather to fight against anything these days. Maberry has to walk a fine line to make sure the Vampires are actually a threat, and to keep a level playing field to make sure we don't lose interest. With Lolly's prototypical pity-party backstory almost causing me to lose interest, I was happy to see the vampire hunter make an appearance and give the story some direction.

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So what happens next? Truly after a depressing descent Im hoping issue two picks up, and from what I gathered on the last page, it will.

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They always felt exciting, almost illicit, like the stories in them were my own little secret, and the more casual fan of this artist/writer/publisher would miss out completely.

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What does stand out in this book is the Whedon-styled banter. The insertion of pop-culture phrases and quip-filled dialogue harken back to the days when the TV show was fresh on the network, and it gives the comic a homey, lived-in feel. Overall, The book continues its march through the Buffy universe with some new twists on old plots and history. Looks like Ill stick around and see how Season 10 pans out.

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Most of these cross over books are what gets passed out every Free Comic Book Day. Un likely stories that couple two popular books together for a quick adventure. Sadly, with Chew Revival I would happily kept reading an entire six issue series, but it ended after 22 tantalizing pages. Both of these books are morbid, but I always enjoy Chews light hearted humor, subtle background jokes, and witty banter. If you have never read any of the two books, I strongly suggest picking this up and getting a good taste of what you are missing.

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Since the majority of magic-related comics eventually involved supernatural plots and otherworldly arcana, its nice to see an appealing comic about magic that is exciting and engaging.

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Once I was able to digest the visuals and marry them with the narrative, I was entranced by this book. The idea of a time-assassin is becoming recycled, however, I think Ryan Burton has the resources to deliver a creative set of consequences and also tension to this story that will deliver enough rewards for the mental sleuthing that is required. Issue one is confusing and beautiful, and Im curious to see what happens next.

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Since I cannot easily find any copies of the Old illustrated Classics easily, these books are great examples of illustrated classic fiction, and would thrive in the hands of young readers who dont quite want to read novels. Luckily, talents like Richard Corben are on hand to bring an audience to a few of Edgar Allen Poes stories.

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The art in Empire: Uprising is exactly as it was in the first book, which was both comforting, but also a bit disappointing. There has been a decade of progress artistically, but the artwork still reflects the style of the time, which was heavy inking lines and a ton of black. Beyond a lack of innovative progress, the book looked damn good, and will easily blend in with the back issues of the original Empire Series in my long box.

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Genesis is a strange and introspective journey. It certainly isn't a capes book that can be thinly veiled as an allegory. This is a test for both the protagonist and reader alike. Once you can understand the art style, you can dive in headlong, and take the journey that only few may dare.

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Whats telling about this story is Mignola and Arcudi are in no hurry to get to the fireworks factory, and don't give a damn how this gets cut into issues. They wrote a Hellboy story and Dark Horse can fiure out how to make it to stands. When you read this book, you can sense there is a tasty long story arch ahead, but the sudden cut off frustrates me, rather than entices me to read more. This will be a great trade, and if you can stand the suspense, check it out in issues.

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Its good story, and with 3 issues, it makes small investment with capital imaginative rewards.

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One gripe I could offer would be that while the stories thrilled my like Planetary, the art was handled by different teams. Some were good like the treatment of Superman, while others didnt thrill me much. If you like a collection of short science fiction, grab a copy an enjoy yourself. I know once I was done being a judgmental jack-ass, I did.

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This book is working for me, and as long as the creative talent behind it stay on for the whole story, Im in. Grab this book and enjoy rereading it like I will.

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The maturity of the story is also a check-mark in the positive column. While it doesn't have the weighty gravitas of Fables, it certainly isn't a kids book. The mystery that continues to deepen isn't a cheap and flighty tale through fantasyland. There are adult crimes afoot, and the cadre of villains has thought this through. Krampus! isn't a trivial tale of who stole the Toothfairys wand, its a power struggle that threatens the holidays that is both expertly written and beautifully drawn.

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It is a good little super-noir book, and the art delivers the deco-style with more modern-infused camera angles and illustration. The book is firing on all cylinders, and feels like it building to something good. So, if you are a fan of old noir, check out Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster.

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We were now about to penetrate a country at least two thousand miles in width, on which the foot of civilized man had never trod. The good or evil it had in store for us was for experiment yet to determine. ~ John Bakeless,The Journals of Lewis and Clark

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So, with Christmas not remotely around the corner, I plan on getting ahead of it, and grabbing about 10 copies of Monster Motors, so crazy-uncle Pete has a book to give the kids, and a few for the house for any other young visitors. Pick up some copies yourself, you wont be disappointed.

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Postal is a no-miss mystery book. Silence of the Lambs meets Monk, and the combination is both deadly and intriguing.

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This book felt as if it was over way too fast, and I quite enjoyed it. The various stories that are being told alongside the artwork made this comic a good read, and the author was smart enough to seed a decent cliff hanger to keep out interests for the next issue.

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Artistically, our characters look as if they were designed on Easter Island, however, the character designs, facial acting, and use of action clearly illustrate the visual elements in the story and enhance the reading experience the way an illustrated story should. Pick Rat God up, and see how the pros tell a story through a visual medium.

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It would be a foolish move not to pick up this issue as a fan, but a missed opportunity as a comic reader if you have never read Savage Dragon and didnt pick up this issue to see if it is for you.

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I had a ball with this. Once I got over the substitute artwork, I began to really enjoy the story. All the characters had the right voicing and motivations, the main plot was worthy of a full episode, and it belonged in comics in this style. John Byrne is clearly aware of the comics medium (Duh, we was part of the greatest titles in comics) and here he stretches his abilities and delivers a story that delivers the goods. If you want a new adventure in the Original Series universe, pick up Star Trek New Visions: The Mirror, Cracked.

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This book isnt just another cash grab with a Star Wars label; it really is a project that presents what could have been. Now, I could use the remainder of this review to present my doctoral thesis of editing and creativity shaping the shortcomings of the prequel trilogy, but frankly, this comic series will reveal the chasm between an idea and what is eventually produced. While George Lucas may have changed the way we all experience movies, The Star Wars comic book series wont change the comic book medium. However, the imagination that Lucas displayed in the 1970s will be exhibited as only the comics medium can truly allow. As a reader, we are treated to the unadulterated view of someones imagination, and that is something to experience.

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This was a story assembled from three Dark Horse Presents issues, and Im glad they collected it into one issue. Frankly, I wouldnt mind seeing this book expand into a mini-series to see where else it goes given that the creative team has a great sense of pace and design. The Presents program is one that makes me hopeful for future storytellers to be discovered so we can experience their stories. So, pick this up and lose yourself for ten minutes, its worth a read.

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Tech Jacket has a solid foundation of ideas. A robotech-type armored suit that is part of the main characters body and he fight space crime. With practiced pacing, we get the touchstones of the character. Father that serves as support, girlfriend in trouble, evil doers scheming, and bad thing to serve as the cliffhanger to carry into issue two. I enjoyed the book. It set up the next few issues and delivered the exposition artfully without boring me to death. The visuals were great with unique camera angles, character designs that didnt seem overly silly, and the last pages use of negative space is fantastic.

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Beyond that criticism, if you need a pop culture reference to wrap your brain around book, think of it as a story from Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill. High-Powered, sexy feminine assassins that kick ass and look good doing it. If youd like more of that, this book is for you.

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Issue two of The Star Wars continues to bring a puzzle to the mind and a feast to eyes. The enigma at the heart of this book is the twisted familiarity that haunts the reader. We somehow know these strange characters, but they aren't acting in any familiar way. Charaters who introduce themselves to us turn into total strangers through their actions. With this type of confusion it isnt for the casual fan. You cant just have a love of Star Wars to help you through this story. You need the open mind of a true sci-fi fan to appreciate the universe that is being built in front of you, and push through the under-developed style of storytelling that is being told.

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Artistically, Robert Gills pencils illustrate the scope and scale of nuking the worlds largest city, and the variations of the character designs. The various ways he uses the camera are creative, and the various powers he has to illustrate are all unique so I can easily tell who is doing what to whom. Im sure issue two will move right along now that we have all been introduced, so hang in there for issue one with the promise the book will get moving eventually.

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The books is world building, but it is also picking up steam, so catch it now, and grab it from the beginning. Oh yeah and Fuck Cancer.

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With a neatly tied up story, it isn't a bad one-shot comic to hand to friends, and if I were a fan trying to recruit other to geek out with, Id use this issue to get them initiated. Its a light story with great artwork, easy to get into and out of, and all the essentials of the story are presented for easy digestion.

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The Big Con Job issue two continues the grind, but knowing Palmiotti, there is a payoff at the end, and I dont want to miss it. With this character building and Domos grounded artwork, the remainder of The Big Con Job should be fun to read.

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Bitch Planet is a book that is making up for lost ground. Like most mandatory school reading lists, Comics have become a society of white guys. Its nice to see something different, something that challenges our familiar world, and something that is also worth reading. This is a book to pull.

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The witty banter, 1970s power tacky power and double entendres soak the pages with character. The art style is the same as we know it from the cartoon with the aged 4-color cheap Marvel print feeling added to give that authentic feeling.

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Blackout has promise. The main character is a faulted person who is begrudgingly on this heros quest. The supporting characters coax decisions and reactions from Scott, and the cadence and dialogue of the villains indicate that they are a threat. Hopefully in Issue two of Blackout we will see what the blackout suit does and hopefully get some weight to the quest Scott is on.

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Casanova: Acedia continues to weave an interesting story, and Im looking forward to issue three. Pull this one now, and enjoy Fractions ability to tell a monthly.

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Chrononauts is a fun romp through time travel, and we have a whole timeline in front of us to play with. Im looking forward to the deeper story developing and seeing what Sean Gordon Murphy can do with it.

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Clive Barkers Night Breed has a bit of intrigue, but due to character designs and strange pacing, it flirts with being corny instead of being fascinating.

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I enjoyed this issue as much as I did the first. Sure, the first had all the magical wonder and splendid fast-paced glittery intrigue, but this second issue was the substance that will provide for a longer story arch and make this all worth while. Navarros art is exactly as it was in the previous issue with solid character designs and some grounded use of the camera to keep us in focus of a more realistic story.

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Despite the visual storytelling not being on par, the narrative is quite good, the characters are intriguing and this first issue does accomplish its goal of coaxing the readers curiosity and leading them hungrily to issue two.

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The first issue of Danger Girl Mayday was a great cold start to reinvigorate the title, but the last few pages could endanger the books mission to keep the readers interested.

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While the story seems to calm down from issue ones bloody start, John Bivens artwork stays consistent. The sketched style helps give the art energy, and eventually helps with microbial details. Dark Engine is intriguing and paced just quick enough to keep a readers interest, and keep the slow burn pacing up.

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Artistically, Dustin Nguyens pencils and watercolors give the book a unique feel and atmosphere. While Im more of a fan of hyper-realized detail, I can see the artistic decision here was a wise choice and truly gives Descender a place to live and breath in its own pocket universe. There are enough questions and illustrative intrigue to keep me curious to see what happens in issue 2.

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Dreams and walking conscious through a dreamland are not a new idea. We all would wield a lightsaber in the Matrix, but in Dream Police, we get to keep our pajamas on, and enjoy a story that feels new to us. By the end of the book, a larger conspiracy is building, and the intricate bits of knowledge we were fed will undoubtedly built to a great story arch. For now, Im quite content with enjoying the story Ive been given, and I look forward to seeing what develops next.

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Even though the book doesnt leverage more modern techniques, I would easily hand it over to my nieces and nephews to read, and if I were a teacher, I wouldnt think twice about handing this book out. Comics are stepping stones for younger readers, and Poe is also a stepping stone to other thriller/suspense/horror stories out there. Richard Corben makes it easy for young and old readers alike to enjoy some classic, if not neglected short stories by a classic American writer. Its a fitting combo.

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So fare Eye of Newt is off to a good start, and even though Newt has to begin his test, Eye of Newt has passed its first test so far, and found its way onto my pull list.

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This book has a great cast of characters and a story with room to run. Find this book and jump on it while you can. Its a refreshing take on a tired genre, and its just what the next generation of comic writers can bring to comics.

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LA Gang warfare normally holds about the same interest for me as other un-ending conflicts, but between the strange premise and Afua Richardson's artwork, I find myself intrigued and looking forward to another issue to see how this all plays out.

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Hopefully the plot holes that Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman left open in the first two issue will be filled in, and they can continue to build the tension. Currently, Destinys troops dont see the big picture, and she has to not only keep one step ahead of her enemy, but also fight to keep her position within. The tension is building, and Im enjoying this progression Genius. The premise gives readers that sense of joining the story by trying to anticipate the next steps, and sympathetically viewing the characters.

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Genius is building to its conclusion, and I am onboard to see how this all plays out. I hope Bernardin and Freeman have a good ending in store. They took such pains to reach it, Id hate to see it spoiled at this point.

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Beyond that, Hack Slash is back, and thats something thats good for Image Comics.

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There have been some really lame comics in the past, but Krampus seems like its a good mix of action movie and Santa myths to entertain without nauseating.

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Another great thing about this book is that it is age appropriate for Free Comic Book day. While Comic book stores aren't infernal dens of shady characters, they arent the most welcoming place for kids who are learning to read, and The Lumber Janes serves up a great all ages story in a marketplace that caters to 20-somthings. So, if you have a young reader, and actually wanted a good book to read for Free Comic book day, grab The Lumber Janes from Boom! Box. You wont be disappointed.

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These books arent going to be collectors items for a long time, so flip through the pages, enjoy the imaginations that are turned up to 11 and the awesome cross over artwork displayed. Pass the books to friends and family who may like one franchise and can be introduced to another. Then, if you must, put it in a Mylar bag and enjoy it again another day.

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Overall , this book is picking up steam, and I think that once the first 6 issues are collected, it will be perfect for Halloween

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October Faction is going to be one of those rare books that takes advantage of the autumn mood and gets me to keep reading it despite red and pinks hearts littering the stores by the time issue 5 comes out.

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Despite the pages of dull domestic bliss, there is a bit of intrigue building in the pages of Overtaken #1 that spark the readers imagination for issue #2. Will we dive into flights of fancy where Will finds alien tech and travels the stars to rescue his wife? Or will Overtaken be a story grounded in real-world circumstances where Will has to prove to local authorities and his in-laws that he didnt kill his wife (it was a one-armed man), and using 21st century tech, uncovers and extraterrestrial truth? Id gleefully read the latter idea, and despite the slow introduction that seemed to linger on establishing the happy atmosphere and an unnecessary motivation for the protagonist, I can say Im motivated to pick up issue 2 and see what direction this goes in. Which in the end of things, is the point of a first issue.

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Im not a fan of the illustration, but Pariah is a story that is written for longevity, so jump in now and enjoy the ride.

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Im sure the various layers of Postal will peel back and this story will unveil itself. As it stands, the only summary I can offer of Postal is its a story of a man who delivers the mail and accidentally solves crimes. Hopefully issue two will move along a little quicker.

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While the concept draws me into this story, the artwork prevents me from pronouncing the book a rousing success. The character designs lack a sense of individuality, making it hard to figure out who is who. The water color styled coloring is a good touch, but the stillness and action panels all lack a sense of animated motion that other artists are able to achieve. The anatomy and camera angles feel plain, and with thought given to both the book would have a higher value. Despite the mediocre art, the story is still a good one, and I am looking forward to issue two.

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Overall, I wasnt too impressed with Sky Man, but its only the first issue, and it appears to me to have a promise to develop more depth.

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Star Slammers is both a blast from the past and an entertaining book. The big turn off for readers could be the antiquated art style, the jam packed panels, and general attitude of the adventure. However, more veteran comics readers will enjoy a book that cost $4, and delivered what felt like two books-worth of comics storytelling by a man who is a titan in the industry.

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Marco Castiellos pencils ushers us through unfamiliar and familiar visuals while the story twists and turns. While Matt Kindts narrative describes Hans swagger and attitude, Marco Castiellos pencils back it up visually, earning our trust in the visuals, and letting us take in the scenery of Corellia. The cliffhanger at the end actually leaves me wanting to see how Han plans on escaping, and if he should take this green rebel recruit with him.

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The cartooning by Chris Giarrusso feels like it belongs as a feature in MAD Magazine or in the Washington Posts Sunday edition. Brad Guigars commentary on the insane behaviors echoes what geeks drunkenly talk about in their hotel rooms. Tales from the Con is a fun read for con goers.

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This book was well executed and doled out enough of the dull small town life to feel bored, but injected the energy of the story at the right place to bring you out of a nap and make you turn the pages to the end. The art was clean, and the character acting was well studied. I flipped through the book afterwards, and the story was still told clearly without paying attention to the dialogue. I think the book could use color to spice it up, and elevate it for new readers from indie book Ill take a chance on to oh whats this?. Regardless of its cheaper outward appearance, The Saviors is a book that is actually going somewhere.

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The Woods has enough intrigue, good characters and danger to prompt me to pull the next issue and see what is beyond the tree line.

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Again, I enjoyed The Woods, and look forward to going deeper into the darkened wood with the students who dared.

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Vampire stories are mostly narrative and dialogue, so I was looking forward to Vampire Wars having some action. By the end of the book we got some movement, but it took a while to set the story and build the world before it escalate the conflict.

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The book has great pacing, and in 22 pages has created a spy story that builds it's world, doesn't burden the reader with too much work, and has a spy story we are all familiar with. I only hope that there is a true espionage story at the heart of it. I'm hoping that there are several twists and turns, and by the time the dust settles on this book, these obvious actions in issue #1 were setting us up for a greater, deeper rabbit hole to fall into.

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Artistically, Brian Powells pencils service the book with character-esque portrayals of the screen stars and imaginative details. It felt a bit simplistic in some places, but overall it kept the fell of a comic version of the movie. This book may be call back to a classic movie, but so far, it is the right vehicle to bring Jack Burton back to life.

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The writing is fantastic, but the artwork doesnt work for me. Sid Kotans pencils arent on the same level as Straczynskis veteran writing. The camera angles and layouts are dynamic and Kotan is taking advantage of the medium, however, his anatomical proportions are skewed. The postures and rendering are off and the subconscious flags it as a wobbly reality that resembles a funhouse mirror. The inking is incredibly dark, making the pages muddy and blackened, and the digital coloring is a bit too aggressive with the 3D-styled shading. The ideas are solid, but the execution is lacking. Im a patient enough reader to suffer through the art, hoping that either the artists matures a bit faster, or the art team is changed out. Hopefully prospective audiences will be patient enough too.

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Beyond atmosphere and the color use, this was a pretty run-of-the-mill story. No twists or turns. There was a good fight scene at the end which established the title character by the last page, but overall, the issue only built towards whatever happens in issue 2. If this were in my pull, I would skip it until I had issue 2 in hand as well, or I wouldnt have any satisfactory resolve.

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While the art is clear and stylistic, Im just not sold on the story. I just dont care about Marcus, and even though its an old story of unrealized potential, I just dont see it in the character. Perhaps when this comic collects a few issues Ill be interested, but for now Ill stick with Point of No Return and Remo Williams.

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Elfquest books always look the same, and they dont particularly belong to a decade or time period. The direction of the panels, the color pallets and the overall art style never seems to give way to aging. Wendy Pini has found an artistic fountain of youth, and has been able to infuse timelessness into the comic that is Elfquest.

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Obi-Wan lives through this to be killed on the Death StarMaul isn't in the OT, so he isn't going to survive, or be of any influenceMaul wont exact and deadly revenge on Sideous, Dooku, or GreviousSo whats the point? Sure he could take over some crime syndicates, but he wont be of any influence if he does survive all this. And while Im sure the animated series had some plans for him so they could keep some viewers, in retrospect, Maul should have died at Sideous hand (There are only two!). So why keep reading? Well, after watching 6 seasons of the Clone Wars animated series, I have some faith that Jeremy Barlow will be able to make this interesting, and give us some closure.

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I must say I love this cross over event. It has captured the feel of new and impossible adventures that has become trivial in the pages of Marvel and DC comics. Their events happen for 8 month out of every year, so we are treated to a cross over for of the year. And since it is not a large leap to see Spiderman and Iron Man hang out; watching agent Mulder talk about the ninja turtles with large Transformers running around seems like it would be a HUGE leap that Evil Knievel couldnt jump. Seeing odd match ups is what makes a comic buy reach for the rack and dive into the adventure. Its why we read comics, to see the impossible. My hats off to IDW and Im looking forward to the rest of this wacky saga.

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Either way, there is nothing demonstrable in the first issue to lead me to that conclusion yet. Im sure the pacing is to help this move along to 6 issues, but for right now, the first issue has set the stage. Hopefully something good happens in issue 2 to keep the story interesting.

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Overall, despite the clunky character designs, the illustrations are quite good, but after reading through 40 pages of the story, it doesnt really go anywhere. The pedantic dialogue doesnt help hold the readers attention, and the over arching plot doesnt build tension or grab interest. I certainly hope everything picks up in issue two because the first issue is mired in nostalgic minutia.

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While the book feels familiar, the problem with it is that I just dont care. I couldnt say that after two books I would pick this up again. It wasnt bad, but it doesnt compel me to continue reading it.

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The writing and story of this book are exactly what comic book fans hope to read from a series that they wanted more from. ITs too bad the art couldnt be up to the same level.

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Not a bad start, but I hope more original elements to the story surface soon to help this book distinguish itself from a Marvel Mutant title.

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The main ideas behind C.O.W.L. are what appeal to me. The time period is a bit of a mystery, but so many book try and figure out how to make crime fighting a possible business model, and I think Kyle Higgins & Alec Siegel may have cracked the code on a believable vehicle for readers to believe. Superman can save people out of the goodness of his heart, but we all know Spider-Man has bills to pay. Being a superhero is an occupation we all want when we are 6, but it doesnt pay the bills, which is a weird thing in a capitalist society. Despite the watery illustrations, Im intrigued by C.O.W.L. and I will be back for issue two.

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Despite the art Casanova IV: Acedia is going to be another thriller wrapped in espionage, so jump in while you are on the ground floor.

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The larger plot threads, and minor story arch are interweaving well, and Jenkins pacing is as consummate as anyone who has had their name on comics for this long. While the story wasnt highly imaginative, Im guessing a real injection of creativity is around the corner. It isnt present in this first issue, but Im sure it will manifest shortly.

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This book has had quite a marked improvement, and I when issue 4 hits my pull, I wont groan and shuffle it to the back of the pile. Well done fellas. Whatever changed internally worked. Keep it up.

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The artwork for Goners was guide good with great character design and monster elements. The use if the camera was creative and the coloring didn't stray into a muddy and dark character that most horror books favor.I cant say I'm looking forward to issue two since issue one didn't really reward my reading efforts with anything I was amused about, so I might try this book again in trade.

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Visually, Nailbiter does its job of intriguing the reader, but the writing is painting by numbers. Hopefully issue two serves up some unique story elements, or this book will languish as a rerun.

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While my brain was screaming for other distractions, Norman is whittling down certain classmates. his teacher is in love with a mad scientist who keeps cloning a little girl that Norman seems to be continually killing. There's a variety of antics and jokes that cloud the story, but keep us amused. An anime horror farce isn't my cup of tea, but the writing was actually pretty entertaining. I only wish it was in a different art style.

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Im sure this book will run at least six issues with the same creative team, but I truly hope that the art team is changed out, or audiences will give up on reading this great story.

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Will it stand the test of time? I doubt it. Like topical jokes on Family Guy, these issue might find their way in the $0.50 bin next to Dazzler and MASK so enjoy these jokes while they are fresh.

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Overall, this was a good outing for a first issue. Rouge Trooper sowed the seeds of intrigue. The man character is a bad ass, and there is a mystery afoot. With better inking, this could be a winner.

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Should you pick up Savage Dragon 201? Sure, if you have been reading it for a long while. Especially if you still have a Dodge Stealth, and your all business up front, but party in the back.

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Im not a big reader of John Constantine, but the various shout outs and similarities are appreciated in this book, as well as the differences. Its easier for American audiences to get behind a Yank that is more modern and his cause is more local. The ease of adoption makes it a fun read for newer readers, but readers who have been reading Constantine for a while might find it to be a more generic knock off of what they love.

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I wont lie, this book borders on boring. If you were treated to a book with good versus evil punching each other and causing havoc in Townsville, this will be a stark contrast, and most likely send you to bed early. This is a heady sci-fi with a lethargic tempo. Imagine 22 pages of grass growing.there you go. So this book isn't for everyone. But the chosen few who want to read a sci-fi comic that poses different questions, this may be your next read. To accompany this book, here are two books you can actually plant and grow herbs and wildflowers. Perhaps on a seminal issue Top cow could up the ante with an idea like this.

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RoboCop Beta is a book that could have captured more Boom! Studios readers with a full one-shot book offered for free, but this book wasnt the best vehicle to try and capture that audience, and build a brand as a strong publisher. Ive seen better illustrations and stories come out of Boom! Studios, and with this Free comic Book Day strategy, I would have put a better foot forward to capture a larger part of the readership.

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The Last Broadcast is a challenging book, and while I wouldnt keep it in my monthly pull list, I would keep an eye out for it in trade.

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If you expect me to read this side series, then peak my interest. Make me care. Give me a feeling of anticipation for the next issue. Dont just deliver some throw away lines about other comics and then end the issue. Its as if I wandered through a party and came across the punch line of a joke. How frustrating. Abe Sapien #1 is the reason why I usually wait for trades on these type of side-books. I got stuff to do. Either make me care or dont bother.

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Ive read watched and even listened to more original stories, but it was only issue 1 of 4. Perhaps the unique hook with present itself in issue two.

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Sure issue two is one that could be lost in a corner of your long box, but from the view of a comics reader, you can appreciate the art direction by Christopher Mitten, and the jovial nature and lack of clichd Chekov guns in Steve Niles story. Stay the course, and lets see how this plays out.

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Drones probably had a good treatment, but with a lack of a story hook, and the art style being sketchy, Im not in a hurry to read issue 2.

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Overall, this book is unbalanced and slow. It covers a lot of ground, but with minimal impact, and almost fails to deliver a story that a reader could feel coaxed into reading with interest. If this were a TV show, it would a be on the same level of a clip show with a weak premise and dozens of characters all reciting Remember the time?, grabbing a smattering of applause, and then leaving. I just hope the second and third books give more energy to the plot, and give this great host of characters something to do.

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The story is strong and I believe it will be a good fantasy warrior tale, but the art makes it hard to embrace. Hopefully the art will improve and we will see why a Ghost Wolf is worth reading about.

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The Everyone works out a Golds Gym anatomyThe heavy inkingThe absolute suspense of Habeas Corpus for the good guysThe cut and dry simplicity of the conflictThe facial scarring for every heroThis was a fun comic in the way that watching Leathal Weapon is fun. Sure, it was a fun buddy-cop movie in the day, but you really cant make that film today. Same applies here to ICE. It has some great potential to be a good action story, but the simplistic art from Daniel Hillyard handicaps the story, yanking the reader out of this tale, and keeping us from enjoying the ride a bit more. Perhaps with a stronger art team ICE will be able to be worthy of a monthly pull but for now, Ill wait for trade.

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I do have some reservations that hold me back from evangelizing the book. Im still not sold on Alberto Ponticellis artwork for this book. The dark coloring, over inked, and simple illustrations just don't help accentuate Rogue Troopers uniqueness. The books art makes the story a chore to read, and make it easy to dismiss. Brian Buckley is attempting to tell a new story, but the artwork doesnt bring anything but pedestrian illustration to the table. The story isn't wildly innovative, and frankly predictable. The military hasnt changed in thousands of years of military history, and the same trials and triumphs are going to be told in the future. How you present that future is up to both Buckley and Ponticelli, and right now it doesn't feel that unique.

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Most books are heavy on one side of the creative side of a comic or the other. In The Fields case, its appeal is in a good story. Im sure the protagonist will develop some neat abilities that will illustrate why he is in danger. We will just have to wait and see.

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Im not sure I want to. The challenge is a fine one, however, the artstyle isnt my favorite, and I despise reading accents and creative verbiage for too long a time. Superannuated Man is appropriately named, and Im just not sure I care to find out month by month. Perhaps in trade.

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While the art isnt to my liking, Transformers: Primacy feels as though it is building to a good story, so Ill stand ready for the story to pick up pace, and hopefully we will have something to see when it does.

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Overall, this book just didnt really move anywhere that I cared about in 22 pages. There wasnt a sense of danger, or any really quest for the hero. She speaks for a city that transforms, so Im guessing the majority of her time an efforts will be in the realm of political intrigue and subterfuge. However, the title says Transformers, and that means the majority of the audience wants to see robots blowing each other up. Hopefully, the book will pick up in issue two.

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Jason Howards art here services the book well, and helps illustrate the story points while delivering a fast pace. While the pedestrian images of dialogue and interaction in small spaces demonstrate his sketch style, it was the wider shots that I most remember. Im sure there are only certain things he can reveal, but between the sketch style and the monochromatic coloring style, I found myself wondering if the panels could have been better suited with other angles.

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With the myriad of comics out the Vandroid is unique by being the only comic about a computer brain that is roaming around in a custom van mechanics body. It is a decent inaugural issue, but the reason we dont have custom vans anymore, and the reason that comics that reminisce about the 80s are so forgettable is that we just dont care. The historical aspect of it hasnt antiquated enough, and therefore, it doesnt have the same luster as other historical fiction. The lack of enthusiastic sarcasm turns this into a blas experiment. Perhaps in a few issues this will get better, but in the meantime, Im just not interested.

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If there were a solid continuity to X-Files comics, Id say skip it, but if you can tolerate the artwork, pull this book, and enjoy the story without the visual elements.

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Im actually at a loss for a recommendation for someone to pull this. These IDW books play out over thier various titles and are a lot of fun to follow along live, but Im also a fan of sitting back and waiting for the collected volume. In the spirit of fun, I would follow along as this comes out weekly across the books, and get that satisfying feeling that you are part of the event.

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Concerning the artwork, I wasnt bowled over much by it either. The overall style reminded me of the efforts of students who will go on to study art. There are some good uses of the camera and framing, but the character designs and shading arent doing this book any favors. The heavy use of black feels like they are trying to hide more of the visuals than reveal what can be seen.

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Anyways, for a straight forward but not too clumsy fantasy book Skyward looks like a good book, however, the Saturday Morning cartoon characters on the back page lead me to believe I don't have the full story here.

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Overall, it was an interesting and crude story. The artwork by Tim Welsch was certainly well done with the various action panels, but what I enjoyed most were the camera angles take to demonstrate scale and how this guy views his world. The remainder of the comic was run-of-the-mill first issue stuff. I could see this included as a side story spun off from the pages of Preacher. It has the grittiness of consequence that kept that book fairly grounded and Big Man Plans had that in spades. I cant say Ill be anxiously awaiting the next issue, but it may make a good novelty book once in trade. Perhaps the second issue will bring something new to read aside from Hes just a little guy!.

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While the story and dialogue read like an old action comic, the art wasnt selling me on the nostalgic feel. Shaky Kanes direction and use of panels were close to the mark, but the actual character renders, ink and coloring reminded me of a budding high school art student instead of an old comic. Overall, it was a fun done in one to relive the ongoing and drawn out dramas we have embraced, and give us respite from a growing tension with a pay off that doesnt seem to deliver.

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The highlight of the book was watching a figure round up these lost otherworldly beings and bring them to safety away from mans world. While there was some intrigue on this Odin-esque figure, I still dont feel a pull to care for these characters or guess where the story is going. Between the simple artwork, silly character designs, and pedestrian visuals, I just dont care.

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Im hoping the story eventually develops and is holding back twists and other plot devices, but I dont currently see any evidence of a story equal to the illustrations. Hopefully, as we chase down the highway of revenge, we will find a story worth pursuing.

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Free Comic Book day is all about first impressions, and unfortunately Midnight Tiger felt like a student project, so the free price tag felt like the price of admission. While the real world scenes had some genuine atmosphere to them, the Lion and hyena characters that are duking it out in the street looked like knock-off toys that would be found in the Dollar Store. Also, the protagonists dad is either a body builder, or he is drawn way too muscular. Between the designs and the 4-color coloring in the panels, this book just didnt have a look that would compel me to put it on my pull list.

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Furious is a good idea gone horribly awry.

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At this point, Furious is a confused mess. I hope Jim gibbons can straighten out the book. As an editor, he needs to make sure the story has a clear throughline, the artwork demonstrates illustrative capabilities, and that the tone of the story isn't confusing in the first two issues. The first two issues are about putting your best foot forward, and this book has yet to do that.

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What agitated me the most was the lettering. Theres no one to credit for the lettering but I will assume that Work is to blame for this as well. There are some chief rules for creating comics. Have a good story. Illustrate what is important. And make sure people can fucking read it. When I consider that the artwork isnt very illustrative and at best nebulous, the printed word would be my guide to help me decipher the story. However another gift the horror genre bequeaths on a comic reader is the scratchy font that gets lost in the obscure illustrations. This book was a chore to read, and with all honesty, wasnt worth all the effort.

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The art style is a turn off, and Fraction has written better projects , so I would wait to read through this in its entirety before I grab another issue.

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Over the Garden Wall has a few parts of sorts. Either be a kids book or a mature fiction. The book in its current state doesnt know what it is, and the audience sure wont know either. It need more show me elements, otherwise just write a young reader story. There wasnt much for Jim Campbell to do, and the amount of tell me was another reason I had to make myself read this. Overall it felt like Over the Garden Wall was developed by Terry Gilliam, but Id skip this book until the creative team and editorial can figure out what to do with it.

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Red City bores me. Most good mysteries need to build up the story to make the pay off at the end worthwhile, but with the quality presented so far, I have little faith that the final resolution to this book will be worth slogging through these first issues.

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The remainder of Savage Dragon 202 was really a waste. We had a fight for the sake of; Because comics, but this issue was about exploring your sexuality with apparently the neighborhood.

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While the ideas and motivations behind Star Trek: Khan are solid attempts to tell a story that desperately needed to be expanded on, the creative team at IDW didnt leverage their greatest assets of imagination and visual story telling to make a good comic.

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Another issue Im having is with the visuals. Comic readers have grown away from this style of illustration. Pages that are crowded panels, highly exaggerated anatomy, color choices that only Helen Keller would make, and action panels obscured by overzealous onomatopoeia. Its where comics were in the 1980s and the reason we still dont read them that way is because the audience moved away to a different style. The illustrations do a lot of heavy lifting for the story, and if you ignored the word balloons they do their job of telling the story without text, but when an illustration style I dont care for is paired with a story I dont care about, this book hasnt a snowballs chance of staying on my pull list.

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Undertow has a promise of a good story, but it is severely handicapped by the artwork. Every time I turned the page I blanched a little, hoping for it to end. This book could have a charm of being an adventure but it lacks the clear visuals that make the sea intriguing. If there is a new art team assigned, Id be willing to read this book further, but for now, Id be happy to watch it sink into the briny depths to be forgotten.

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The story moves along fine and has some amusing spots, but the artwork just ruins this issue. The camera angles are terrible, the night effects are indecipherable, and the inking is muddy. Its a poor example of illustration, and a shame that it is displayed on a highly read crossover event.

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Red City has good bones, but is missing a good editor and artistic director to shape it, and give it the character it needs. A future P.I. working on Mars could be cool, but with clumsy storytelling and bright shiny artwork, Red City fails as Mars Noir.

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I cant say I will be collecting this book anytime soon, but if I wanted something 180 degrees from what is in my collection, Space Riders would be exactly the book Id want.

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My friends, pass on this book as a monthly pull, and skip to the trade.

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Another strike on Umbra is that it is in comic form, which isn't too conducive to the slow burn pacing that a fantasy genre book relies on. Comic books generally have 30 pages to get to the fireworks factory, and if they don't deliver something interesting, intriguing, or inspiring, then the reader will no longer pull the book. Its a harsh reality, but a true one. There have been some brilliant fantasy books that have been able to make it work, but as we march further into the future our attention spans diminish, and readers grow anxious quicker. Comics enjoy their current popularity due to the illustrated style and quick absorption modern readers demand, but fantasy has not yet found its champion to make them work in modern comics.

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Comics for children arent an excuse to cut corners and edit away issues. They should be stepping stones to childs ability to read and enter a larger literary world.

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These are only a handful of common sense editorial rules that were not remotely observed. Alien Legion: Uncivil War fails the illustrative test, if you take away the dialogue, can people still understand the basic story? The answer is no. Terry Gilliam would love this book, but anyone who is looking for a great space/war comic would be utterly frustrated by issue 1, and beside themselves in issue 2. At least the second issue reinforces that it isnt us, its them.

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Between the art and various dialogues, I had to struggle to stay focused and not skip pages and panels until I was interested again. Perhaps when both Artist and writer mature their craft a little I'll be interested, but for now I'll pass on Night World.

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I think a book about a death race that wanders through a blighted countryside would be good. Look at Old Man Logan, and you could do the same thing. However, this comic felt like a cheap 8-page comic that comes attached to a better video game, or on the back of a cereal box. Its a shame. The concept is pretty damn good, but the writer didnt follow through the ideas, and the art was sub-par. I would like to read whatever Mel Smith and Paul Birch come up with next, but I wont be revisiting The Final Death Race.

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Again, my recommendation is to steer clear of The Last Broadcast until the last issue, and then there may be something to witness.

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Reviews for the Week of...


