As Wonder Man struggles to get through to the Hulk, the Black Order attacks Avengers HQ! The grand cosmic game comes to its shocking conclusion - but the war for Earth is just beginning!
Rated T+
Glowing eyes of purple (two different shades actually) and green and even more Kirby Krackle than expected (lets be honest too much Kirby Krackle is never enough) add even more punch to the pages, as No Surrender takes no prisoners among the combatants. This story has run for a years worth of comics in the span of three months, and it just seems to be picking up speed. And theres still more to come. Read Full Review
Al Ewing, Mark Waid, and Jim Zub deliver some of their best writing in this issue. Hulk drops some hard truth bombs on Wonder Man. The artwork of Paco Medina and Jesus Aburtov elevate this comic to greatness. Read Full Review
This is another solid issue in the No Surrender arc that keeps up the super fast pace while giving us enough story to fill our brains while our eyes feast on a veritable smorgasbord of mind melting visuals. All this while three of the top writers in the industry show off their character building chops like nobody's business, particularly on the new and improved Hulk as violence monger. This is Marvel Comics, it's what sets them apart from DC, the bombastic images and way over the top plots that meld modern ideas with classic ideals. Read Full Review
This issue had a couple of major surprises and some big fight scenes, I was really impressed, making it one of my favourite issues from the run. Read Full Review
When the dust has settled, the game ended in a way that you couldn't have predicted. When it comes to an Avengers event, it is sad to say that a lot of the time you can see the finish line before you get there. This story, plot, and the events of Avengers #686 prove that with the right hands on deck you can still dig into that well of creativity for something we haven't seen yet. At the end of this issue there was no doubting that the end of one terror would only bring the start of another. Read Full Review
Just when you think things might have fallen into brainless punching, the series event series has no problem showing it can shake things up. Here we get a depth to the destruction and fighting that's unexpected and through subtle moments we also get different perspectives. A wonderful issue that continues the excellent narrative that's been weaved. "No Surrender' is proof that big events can work and is one of the most unexpected positive surprises of the year so far. Read Full Review
It's perfectly fine, but nothing outstanding. It's good to see Wonder Man's characterization maintained and a new take on the Hulk. Read Full Review
The quality has been high, considering its weekly publishing schedule - but it's certainly time to be wrapping up this sprawling tale before it completely spins out of control. Read Full Review
This may not be a traditional Avengers lineup at work, but its classic Avengers storytelling in top form. Read Full Review
Some solid moments, but all elements of the visuals mar the story. I'm still enjoying No Surrender, but better visuals would have had me reveling in the issue like the previous installment. Still, I'm on board to see how this plays out. Read Full Review