I did not read a whole lot of the U.S. Avengers. Just a few issues here and there as well as some on Unlimited. It was a team that I liked. I just run out of money at some point and you don't make the cut. This issue actually had me regret that I did not read more on the General. He seems like the conservative militant patriot that you do not see a lot of in comics made sympathetic. I really got into the fight and hope to see more of him. Overall this issue really set the stakes for the Avengers presenting a lot of losses for them (at least temporarily). It adds to the chaotic nature of the series where the team, even with all its members, is just trying to keep its head above water. Also Wonder Man. I loved the actor hero substitution for Superman in the 90's. I still have a few of the books so seeing him again made me smile. Especially when he decides he wants to reason with Banner. This series is just a love letter to the Avengers past. It brings everyone forward again to show why they were Avengers in the first place and that is so much fun for me. The art has some great details and colors to it that are not to flashy. It gives it like I said before a classic feel. I must be the demographic they are reaching too at Marvel because I am loving this series. more
This is probably one of Hulk’s top 3 biggest rampages and an argument could be made this is his biggest rampage yet. Hulk absolutely destroys the Avengers auxiliary HQ and it’s pure delight.
I skipped much of this event before being drawn in last issue by the resurrection of Banner Hulk, in the guise of The Immortal Hulk, which, as a Banner/Hulk fan, is pretty fuckin' cool. Who would have guessed that, after so many misbegotten purchases of terrible Marvel events or mini-events (I'm looking at you, "Death of X," you merciless bastard!), here is one that is a bit crazy and a whole lot of fun. I just really enjoyed this read. It's more or less all action, but done at a really reader-friendly pace. Also, I missed like 9 parts of this story, but the writers don't make me feel like it. If anything, I want to read the issues I missed cause they look cool, not because I need to in order to understand the plot. For 3 writers, it's pretty seamless. And Paco Medina's art is not breathtaking, but never had me wincing or wishing someone else drew this. I think it's a testament to all involved that, after starting a storyline at parts 10 and 11 of 16, I'm absolutely down. more
And action packed issue. The art in this book is a step up from the previous issue. Hulk continues to wreck stuff, just like how we want him to be. The cover featuring Red Hulk though leads you into thinking he is going to play a big part in this issue but he doesnt. He only appears for a few pages. I am not a fan of Robert Maverick's Red Hulk at all.
The Hulk rampages through a lot of Avengers. Voyager watches and comes to ambiguous-but-not-really conclusions about what she should do next. It's a passionate story with great high-stakes tension. The pace is perfect, the art is evocative. While the road bringing us here had its bumps, the final act of this story is shaping up into something special.
Lot's of fun and some great art. No Surrender has not been what I expected, its actually a lot more fast paced and action oriented, but it has been a good time to read.
Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.
So I’m not going to lie, I was hoping for more or a fight from Iron Hulk. On that note, I hope the Iron Hulk stays. I liked the idea but not used in this issue well. A Hulk that is large enough to slip on Hulk Buster armor sounds pretty cool to me.. especially if it’s not Banner or Cho.
This issue: Hulk takes down Iron Hulk, Pod, and Vision. He’s mindless and unstoppable. We end with Wonder Man trying to talk to Hulk and a cover of the next issue with Rogue on it. I’m curious to see what Rogue can do.
The story didn’t really move forward but gave us some interesting ideas and fun fight scenes , as well a my boy Hulk! This has been a great weekly book and continues to provide a consistently fun story. I wish the story moved forward more But.... either way oh should Pick it up!
If you like what you heard, love talking all types of comics, and are interested in joining a comic chat group, hit me up at dispatchdcu@gmail.com or @dispatchdcu on twitter. Catch you all later! Peace
I think the storytelling and art have both improved since the beginning of this run.
Great action scenes with the Hulk with some unexpected outcomes. Still going as strong.
I want to give this book a 7.8 but I can round up for the sake of credit where credit is due. No Surrender has been a solid entry into this weekly and this event I think has been really underrated for how epic in scope it is. I loved the Hulk VS Vision fight and the stakes keep getting raised. My major hope is that we can raise the stock of some villains out of this event for more action in the Avengers Fresh Start. For a comic that is now in part 11 I don't feel fatigue or that this has been dragged out at all (Dark Knight Metal). My hope is that more of these weekly cross-stories can happen because they are more sustainable than Marvel's usual line-wide event strategy.
It's good when it's a Hulk story. As an over-the-top-Avengers-story, not so much. I'm glad Al Ewing will continue writing Hulk in his new series. Because when Hulk is in it, it's great.
Okay, there is Hulk and everyone fights him. And... so?
So I find it silly to keep going with the Nobody die. The character are badly hurt and I feel like this alone will explain we will never see them (Enigma/Red Hulk). But in fact they was badly hurt before & has find their way back (Because writer use them). It's a little sad to see it. At least a honourable death would have give some tiering moment & a nice way out.
Cannonball persist to be badly used. What happen to vision isn't a surprise when you remember the writer have written it to be a kind of Disassembled storyline. He will be put back once more, that give no emotional moment.
It's hard to know what Valeria want to do (OK she don't want her father to win, but she also didn't give the Pyramadion to one of the Challenger pawn.
Cover - I take the Variant with sweet Magma. Not related. 1/2
Writing - The team of writer seems to wake up. A little late. They remember that their is not much issue left for closing the story. 2/3
Arts - At least the art is really good. 3/3
Feeling - I'm a little sad about how some of the character are used. (In the same time black swan gain another mysterious power : Using the magnetic earth rotation for speeding up ... Really ^^ ) 0/2 more