Marvelrock's Profile

Joined: May 04, 2016

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

I like the art and the dark mood and the ending is pretty great (so are Gordon's parts), but, for me, this is a little too melodramatic and cliche super hero-y. I've always preferred a more stripped-down, raw batman doing somewhat more believable things.

Birthright #1

Jun 4, 2016

Really great story, with great pacing and a lot of quality characterization, and even world building, to fit into one issue. I tend to really like the apparent genre here (portal fiction/fantasy), so I'm really looking forward to seeing where this is going. The art is good enough, but I would have given this issue a higher rating if the art was more impressive.

Birthright #2

Jun 22, 2016

Birthright #3

Jun 22, 2016

I am generally a big fan of fantasy, but I find this to be a bit too... corny, especially Mikey's dialogue and how his family is very quickly won over and motivated to help Mikey do crazy and super illegal things . I am also a fan of non-linear storytelling when it's done well, but, so far, I don't really see much value when they do it here. I also think the art is pretty good in some aspects (e.g., character design) but not so good in others (e.g., coloring, detail). I still think the comic has set up a very interesting world and some interesting characters and creatures, and it has a lot of potential. However, I'm not currently thrilled with the execution.

Birthright #4

Aug 1, 2016

Black Hammer #1

Jul 20, 2016

First, I don't really like the art, but I can tolerate it if the other aspects of the comic are good (story, characters, etc.). This thing I like most so far, is how the story and the world is unfolding -- we see plenty of interesting characters and dynamics between the characters, but we only see enough of this world to be intrigued by the backstory, so we are left wondering "where are we?" "how did they get here?" etc. I also thought the lettering and dialogue were pretty good. I think there's some potential here and I am hoping that the story is captivating enough to make up for the art that I do not really enjoy.

Cannibal #1

Oct 6, 2016

The thing that detracts from this issue the most for me is the art. I don't like it. There is generally so little detail that I often found it hard to distinguish between various characters (especially the seemingly more minor characters) and sometimes found that it was hard to follow some of the action. However, when Bergara tries, he is able to draw some quality facial expressions (though, this is not the norm). Besides the art, the story seems uninspired, besides the one general twist on the zombie genre -- that the "zombies" are actually conscious living people -- which is explained on the very first page, the story in this issue is very formulaic and largely predicable. This issue is paced well, there is a decent amount of action and the overall concept seems interesting in theory; however, I think this is just an OK comic and I don't anticipate getting the next issue. If you like this style of art, it might be worth your while to give this series at least a few issues.

Crossed Plus 100 #1

May 24, 2016

Honestly, I just had a lot of trouble reading, understanding and getting through this book. The language used by the characters (and the language used for narration) is a very devolved form of broken English and it was very hard for me to understand. Not only was it hard to understand what the characters were saying and such, but it made it hard to absorb other aspects of the book. To be fair though, the broken language fits within the narrative of this series -- a view into the world 100 years after society completely collapses. Also, I started to pick up on the broken language a bit as the issue progressed. Other than this big issue, the art is solid and there are some potentially interesting concepts introduced. There was, however, less action, gore and vulgarity than I was expecting.

Crossed: Family Values #1

May 12, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #2

May 15, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #3

May 15, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #4

May 16, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #5

May 16, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #6

May 16, 2016

Crossed: Family Values #7

May 16, 2016

Crossed: Psychopath #1

Jul 5, 2016

The first thing I noticed was that the art was pretty mediocre (worse than Crossed: Family Values). As far as the story goes, the issue just jumps right into the deep end (o graphic violence, etc.) for no apparent good reason except perhaps shock value or just to be extreme. I thought that this was fairly ridiculous, even for Crossed, and seemed almost desperate. I loved Crossed: Family Values, but that established the story and good characters and character dynamics before it skillfully escalated the crossed madness. On a somewhat good note, the main storyline is fairly intriguing and the issue ends on a somewhat promising note.

Daredevil / Punisher #1

May 6, 2016

Daredevil / Punisher #2

Jul 14, 2016

Admittedly, I'm not the usually the biggest superhero fan and I got this more for the Punisher. Regardless, this issue seems fairly uninspired, as if the Charles Soule is just going through the motions. I enjoyed the art enough and the Punisher's attitude, and there is some mediocre action, but there's nothing special here and no depth whatsoever.

Daredevil / Punisher #3

Jul 16, 2016

The art is solid. Some good Punisher scenes and a nice little twist introduced to what has been a very simple story thus far. The character interactions between Punisher, Daredevil and Blindspot are also better than they were in the last issue.

Daredevil / Punisher #4

Sep 28, 2016

The art is good, but this is a fairly disappointing conclusion to this story (though, I wasn't really expecting much better). While there are some enjoyable moments, this issue generally went as expected, with an ending the reader saw coming since the first issue. I also thought there were a couple minor continuity and/or issues at a couple spots in this issue.

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1

Aug 7, 2016

Pretty great comic. The art is very good -- it's dark and gritty and fits the story well. While there is a decent amount of action/violence, my favorite part about this issue is how cerebral it is, especially compared to most superhero comics. I also loved the ending.

Descender #1

May 19, 2016

First, let me admit that intergalactic sci-fi usually isn't my favorite genre (but I don't necessarily hate it either). The art is pretty unique -- quite stylized water color and pretty cold. It's not my favorite style so far, but it is good and I can see myself warming up to it. The story seems like it will be very epic in scale, but there's A LOT to take in in this first issue; almost too much in my opinion (the glossary at the end helps a bit... though, I wish I knew it was there when I started reading). It's a bit harder to focus on the plot and characters when I'm also being introduced to so many new (made up) locations, governments, races, technology, etc. I might have preferred a slower introduction to this vast and imaginative sci-fi world. I see some potential in this series and can imagine myself really warming up to it once I've settled into this new fictional universe.

Descender #2

May 20, 2016

I liked this issue much more than the first, especially since there was more action and more focus. It's impressive how much emotion this issue can evoke through the use of robots. The flashbacks were also incorporated very nicely.

Descender #3

Jun 6, 2016

I thought the pacing of this issue was poor. The story progresses very little in this issue and it almost seems like a waste of an issue (though, in the scheme of things, this issue may prove to be more significant).

Descender #4

Jun 11, 2016

Descender #5

Jul 7, 2016

Now the story is really starting to take off. I finally find myself really attached to some of the characters as they really come into their own. There is great plot development, action, suspense, and a nice twist or two!

Descender #6

Jul 23, 2016

Descender #7

Jul 28, 2016

Descender #8

Jul 30, 2016

While there is some decent character development and a [unsurprising] further look into history, there is little plot advancement in this issue. Also, in my opinion, the lack of detail in the art during the wide shots of space travel/flight didn't lend its self to those scenes. Overall, still a pretty good issue and still a great series.

Drifter #1

May 28, 2016

Amazing art. Great set-up to a story the seems oozing with potential. The location(s) and characters seem to have a lot of promise.

Drifter #2

May 31, 2016

The art is beautiful and the I also dig a lot of the character designs. However, the pacing of this issue was a bit off (too quick), the action sequences were often a bit unclear, and I felt that there were to many confusing/unclear/underdeveloped elements of the story presented. I still see a lot of potential in this series and I am hoping it's more enjoyable and fulfilling once the story/world/characters have developed a bit more.

Drifter #3

Jun 18, 2016

The art is fantastic as always, with the colors really going a long way to set the appropriate moods. I also like how this issue is a bit more focused and instead of trying to hold our attention with tons of action, it focuses on what would normally be a much more mundane topic of trying to make a living / a hard day's work, but in this new world that is unfolding, this work day is very interesting and cleverly developed.

Drifter #4

Jul 24, 2016

This comic look gorgeous as usual. There is some excitement in this issue, but, honestly, I'm not sure that I know what is going on.

Drifter #5

Jul 31, 2016

Much of this issue, like much of this series, ranges from ambiguous to confusing. However, while we seem to have very few pieces of the puzzle, the few pieces we do have are pretty fascinating. The art is spectacular as always.

Drifter #6

Aug 1, 2016

Drifter #7

Nov 25, 2016

The art is fantastic as always, but that is by far the best part of this issue. Besides the art, this issue presents some quality world building and what I hope are more pieces of a puzzle that will come together sooner rather than later. While this issue isn't confusing like some of the previous issues, I've read issue 7 and I still have very little idea of what is going on. I keep waiting for an "ah ha!" movement that provides substantial clarity and elevates the series, but so far, this moment hasn't arrived.

Drifter #8

Nov 25, 2016

Now we're getting somewhere. Some great action, some good character development and we are finally making some progress (but not too much) in terms of learning what's going on.

Drifter #9

Nov 25, 2016

This series is not an easy read. However, in this issue, it seems like we finally get some significant answers or pieces of the puzzle, and of course we also get further questions.

Drifter #10

Nov 26, 2016

The art is amazing as usual, and there are some exciting happenings and developments in this issue. However, the pacing is quite off (primarily rushed) and, as usual, it's hard to follow everything that happens.

Drifter #11

Nov 26, 2016

Drifter #12

Nov 26, 2016

Now we're talking. This issue is great. The tension that's been building for the last issue or two (or more) finally breaks in the best way (and with a lot of action). While there are certainly still a plethora of unknowns, this issue is relatively easy to follow and provides some answers.

Drifter #13

Nov 26, 2016

I'll admit, I've struggled through a what has often been a very ambiguous and confusing story to get to this point, but, finally, here is the payoff I've been hoping for. This issue is incredible! The action is bananas, but it's not just mindless violence -- there is so much passion in pretty much every panel. The Ghost Town was a ticking time bomb and it has finally gone off and lines have been drawn. Not only is the art in this issue incredible as it is in every other issue, but there is one of the best 2-page spreads I've ever seen -- it's really just amazing. And, finally, over the last two issues, the mysteries and uncertainties are sprinkled-in with restraint rather than consuming the entire issues.

Drifter #14

Nov 26, 2016

Amazing issue. It seems like we finally have enough pieces to begin seeing the whole puzzle... though, we also discover new, but very intriguing, shocking, questions.

Drifter #15

Dec 15, 2016

A good issue, but I'm a bit torn on exactly how to rate it. Shockingly enough, at some points in this issue the art falters a bit and it less than superb, but it's generally still very good (especially the colors, as always). As far as the story goes, there is yet another twist that partly brings back Drifter's familiar feeling of "What the f--- is going on?!" and partly intrigues you and makes your mind race trying to put the pieces together. There is enough here for me to have some theories that would explain, in small part, what is going on, but realistically, I probably don't have much of a clue. Still, at this point in the series, it's a bit too confusing/ambiguous for what I'd ideally like. I'm very excited to see how this ends.

Drifter #16

May 6, 2020

Still decently confused, but I feel like we might be closer to finding out what's going on.

Drifter #17

May 6, 2020

Finally -- answers! Really great art. Some really great emotion and drama. Haunting actually. Pretty legendary stuff.

Drifter #18

May 6, 2020

Drifter #19

May 6, 2020

A really beautiful conclusion to a wild, confusing ride.

Everafter #1

Sep 7, 2016

First, I've never read Fables, so I'm going into this with an open mind (and perhaps without enough background). The art it pretty good (but nothing special) and seems to fit the story fine. The plot seems somewhat basic (secret agents on a mission to collect something and a recruit joins the agency) and slightly jumbled, but I have no reason to doubt that it will come together in time. This was all pretty OK with me, but I found this issue to be a bit corny at times, which is why it doesn't have a higher score from me. One thing this comic does very well however -- action, a lot of good, fun, bloody action. I am hoping that in future issues, the story gets deeper and the characters get developed much more so the rest of the story can match the action.

Everafter #2

Oct 24, 2016

The art is pretty good (but nothing amazing). However, the plot meanders for most of this issue. I'm not sure where this plot is going and so far, the story isn't very deep. While I thought the very end of this issue was intriguing, I think most of the issue is filled with fairly cliche spy genre elements mixed with some fairly corny fantasy/fair tale elements. This issue did barley enough to stay somewhat interesting, but most of it felt like filler.

Frostbite #1

Oct 6, 2016

I usually prefer comic art to be more detailed and clear/defined, and would have preferred to see that here, but the often muddled and stylized art with frequent use of blues, greens and grays effectively creates a bleak and frigid mood that fits the story and setting very nicely. The issue starts off with a bit of a bang, slows down a lot in the middle and the abruptly takes off -- at times the pacing seemed slightly too slow and at another time is seemed a bit rushed. The story also isn't that intriguing yet, especially as it seems similar to plots we've seen before (i.e., the world has almost ended, but this one person can save it if they can just get this cure to this one place far away). That being said, the main character seems interesting, the mood really fits the story very well, and there is some good action/violence to keep things interesting. Everything considered, this is a good, but not great, first issue.

Frostbite #2

Mar 21, 2020

The art doesn't do a ton for me, but the style does set an appropriate tone for the book. The story progresses nicely in this issue, we get to know the characters better, and there's some excitement.

Frostbite #3

Mar 21, 2020

I don't love the art (but it's growing on me and isn't bad), the story isn't too novel or especially clever, but this is good fun and I enjoyed the more Mad Max-ness of this issue. It's moving a bit too quickly at the expense of depth and emotional connection to the characters, but it's fun and not boring. This is a good series so far.

Frostbite #4

Mar 21, 2020

While the art still isn't my favorite, it's grown on me. The story continues to build in a good way and there is some great escalation of conflict in this issue.

Frostbite #5

Mar 21, 2020

It's enjoyable, but a few things were a bit silly / didn't quite add up and there wasn't a ton of depth or tension here, possibly from being a bit too quickly paced.

Frostbite #6

Apr 2, 2020

The conclusion seems very rushed and sloppy -- so much so that some if it is a bit unclear and the rest is falls flat. The art also seems particularly poor in this issue. The best think about this issue is that it's a very quick read. In all the series, is a decent light read for someone looking to read something in the post apocalyptic and/or dystopian genre, but the story is fairly uninspired and the art is generally worse.

Green Valley #1

Oct 5, 2016

First, I have mixed feelings on the artwork. I didn't love it most of the time (though it was fine) -- at times, I thought it looked a little too clean/neat and lacking some detail and the coloring was sometimes a little too cheery and simple for my taste. However, the art was better in some panels and actually really shined in the action scenes (especially, towards the end). The story is slightly slow/lackluster at first, but Landis really turns things up several notches towards the end to really finish on a high note, a very high note. Overall, this was a good first issue and I am excited for the next issue.

I Hate Fairyland #6

Jun 15, 2016

Skottie Young continues to put out what it probably my favorite art in comics at the moment and this issue continues to produce quite a few clever and funny moments in this cynical fantasy universe. However, I am begging to become disappointed with the lack of depth or direction in this series. It seems like several issues, especially this one, give us a mile high, sweeping overview of the great idea that is IHF, but the series has yet to bear much fruit of any real substance, which is surprising for how great the premise is. After this issue, I'm not sure if Skottie has any real direction planned for this series or if it will just end up being a collection of clever ideas and jokes instead of a worthwhile story. I still like this series, but I'm dying for some more substance, tension, conflict, etc. that keeps me craving more.

I Hate Fairyland #7

Jul 20, 2016

I Hate Fairyland #8

Aug 29, 2016

I was starting to lose faith as the plot hasn't really been engaging lately, and while the plot is still pretty weak, this issue is largely a return to form, at least in terms of great/clever ideas. The art is great as always (though, there's a new twist to it in this issue).

I Hate Fairyland #9

Sep 27, 2016

The art is great as always and most of the creatures/characters and creature/character designs are pretty great. There is also some nice action/violence. However, I am growing increasingly disappointed with respect to where this series is, or isn't, going. There is no overall series plot or story arc that keeps me interested in finding out what happens next or keeps me wanting more. Even this short, issue-contained story isn't compelling, especially as there is never any legitimate conflict or tension. Speaking of which, there are a couple instances in this issue where Gert seems to be afraid of dying, but by now, the reader is pretty certain that Gert can't die, and it seems like a waste of time to even hint that Gert is ever in some kind of danger. Rather than being story centric, the series continues to depend on "clever" ideas, gags, jokes and satire to entertain; however, I feel as though even these jokes are largely becoming trite and a bit lazy. I mean, we get it, Gert is an adorable-looking asshole and famously PG characters and themes suddenly have an edge or a dark side. While this particular issue on it's own isn't bad, I am close to losing faith that this series will continue to motivate me to purchase more and more issues as it seems to have already presented the best it has to offer.

I Hate Fairyland #10

Oct 20, 2016

I admit, I was thinking that this might be my last issue of IHF. Not because each issue is bad, but because I was generally feeling that if you've read 5 or so issues of IHF, you've read them all, because there was no depth to the story, suspense or tension that made me excited to see what happened issue after issue. However, this issue pulled me back in. I think this was the best issue of the 2nd story arc. The art is not only amazing, but I think it's even better than usual with some larger than life panels and brilliant colors. This issue is also legitimately funny and clever. Throw in a bit of action and we have ourselves a return to form for the series. I am just hoping that Skottie Young digs a little deeper in terms of the story as the series goes on so my interest doesn't wane again.

Indoctrination #1

Jul 23, 2016

The first thing I noticed when I open up this book was the amazing colors. The colors in this book are fantastic. They layout is also pretty great. The pencils, however, are a bit too sloppy or lose for my taste. This book main provides what appears to be a lot of set up, with some interesting characters and themes, and it seems like this may be the beginning of a pretty complex/deep story. This solid set up to the story and the fantastic use of colors to set the right mood make this a good issue.

Indoctrination #2

Aug 30, 2016

First, I really dislike the art. To me, it seems quite loose/sloppy (especially the pencils/ink) -- almost to the point where it's hard to discern some things. The coloring is decent though and it often effectively establishes a fitting mood. I prefer my art more detailed/bold/sure. It's a shame that I don't like the art, because the story and characters are engaging. The story seems to have a decent amount of depth that I appreciate. Despite my disappointment with the art, I will be getting the next issue.

Indoctrination #3

Oct 18, 2016

I dislike the art. To me, it seems quite loose/sloppy (especially the pencils/ink) -- almost to the point where it's hard to discern some things. The coloring is decent though and it often effectively establishes a fitting mood. While this issue certainly ends with an interesting development, unfortunately, I don't feel that the story is progressing enough to maintain my interest in this series.

Kill Or Be Killed #1

Aug 4, 2016

GREAT first issue. The art isn't the best I've seen, but it's dark and gritty and really suits the story very nicely. Not only is the story off to a good start, but it's told very well. The non-linear story works very well and the pacing is great. If this issue is a sign of things to come, this will be a great series.

Kill Or Be Killed #2

Sep 7, 2016

There isn't a lot of "action" in this issue, but the story is expertly told. The most impressive aspect of this issue/series to me so far is that the narration and internal dialogue of the main character is absolutely fantastic. It seems so real and so well thought out. While this issue definitely takes its time to build and develop the story and character(s), it's time very well spent and this issue never felt slow or boring in the slightest. This issue is an wonderful example of how a comic can still be great even when lacking a lot of "action."

Kill Or Be Killed #3

Oct 15, 2016

This issue is a bit slow, but it is written very well. This issue does a pretty great job at exploring what I would imagine is a fairly realistic headspace of a person who just killed someone. There is a lot of very good characterization involving the two main characters and even though the issue is generally pretty slow, there are a couple of interesting/satisfying reveals.

Kill Or Be Killed #4

Nov 25, 2016

As always, the art is very good and the writing is great. There is a bit more happening in this issue than in the last, but I don't think the overall story progressed a ton. Very good issue in a very good series.

Kingsway West #1

Sep 8, 2016

That art is fine, with some panels better than others. The biggest downfall of this issue for me is that the story thus far is extremely rushed. However, I really like the world created by Pak and Colak and I really like the main character. I'm definitely excited to see where this goes, and this has the potential to be a really good series, but the forthcoming issues have to slow it down a bit and focus more on the details in order for this to be a high quality series.

Kingsway West #2

Oct 3, 2016

The art is generally quite good, though I think it falters in a few panels. There is some great action in this issue and I'm really loving the main character Kingsway, who, has proved to be a complete gunslingin' badass. I still think the pacing is a bit quicker than it ideally should be, but it's not nearly as rushed as it was last issue. Great issue.

Mae #1

May 19, 2016

First, the art, including the character design, coloring and page layout, is amazing -- It's bold, stylized, sleek, and cold/dark all at the same time. The art also really complements the tone of the writing. The story is intriguing and generally well paced as it spends time establishing and developing characters and the relationships between them as well as hinting at en epic fantastical world that currently seems to lay just out of reach. There was even a bit of action, but it's brief and not as exciting as I would like. I think this is a great first issue and is seems to be skillfully setting up a wonderful series to come. If a bit more happened in this issue or if there was more action, I would have given this a higher score -- though, I imagine the slightly slower initial pace will make the eventual payoff even more sweet.

Mae #2

Jul 26, 2016

Overall, this was a great follow-up to the first issue. It elaborates just slightly on the fantasy world teased in the first issue and has a good amount of action. The art is generally impressive and there are some quality character designs. However, the pacing in this issue is a bit off as some of the transitions feel a bit rushed/chaotic. Also, I would have liked if there were a few more panels dedicated to the action scenes in order to flesh them out a bit more.

Mae #3

Jul 27, 2016

I'm still really loving the art and a lot of the character and background design. I also like where the story is going and the overall plot. I would have liked this issue more than the last two, but I started to notice what I consider to be some technical flaws. First, the dialogue ranges from OK to is pretty bad and corny. Second, something about how the action/fight scenes flow/are presented feels off to me and I would expect fights with these kind of medieval weapons to be a bit more bloody. Third, one plot point / pacing issue sticks out like a sore thumb in this issue **spoiler** -- that cat guy basically joins their "party" immediately out of no where. I still like a lot of things about this series, but I hope Gene Ha can tighten up his execution a bit as the series goes on.

Mae #4

Oct 18, 2016

I'm starting to lose faith in this series. First, the dialogue, and even the writing in general to a lesser extent, is starting to bother me more as it is pretty bad (i.e., often corny and/or simple). Second, this issue provides what seems like a very large amount of different segmented pieces of information, but, in my opinion, it's to many little bits of information on too many different things and the I felt a bit overwhelmed and feel like I came away more confused that I was prior. This issue still has some very cool art and character design, and it does introduce what appear to be a few interesting plot points.

Mae #5

Oct 18, 2016

While this issue is easier to follow than the last issue, it still presents many of the same flaws that I've seen in previous issues. The dialogue and character interactions in general are pretty lousy (though, for some reason, it didn't seem as bad in this issue as in some others). Also, the fight scenes are such a letdown for me as the action doesn't seem to flow and I don't really get a sense of movement. Rather, it seems like I am just looking at a few stills of a few segmented points in a fight scene. This bothers me a lot. On the plus side, I still like the art a good amount and the character design is good as well. While I can see some people liking this series (perhaps more so younger readers), it's not for me. I don't plan on picking-up any further issues.

Mechanism #1

Jul 28, 2016

I didn't have any expectations going into this, but WOW! The art is quite good, especially the great, bold colors. This issue is wonderfully paced. It gives use a good, but not overwhelming, introduction into this new world and presents us with characters that almost instantaneously have depth and strike a chord with the reader. The end of this issue is especially fantastic and I can't wait to read the next issue. I highly recommend checking this issue out and if the rest of the series is even close to this good, Mechanism will be a new classic.

Mechanism #2

Oct 1, 2016

Once again, the art is very good, especially the coloring. We learn some interesting things about the background of the invasion, but the way we are told is not very clever. Also, there are a few different storylines being told simultaneously and I don't feel like any of them made as much progress as I would have liked in this issue. Overall though, this is a good issue and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Mechanism #3

Oct 3, 2016

Great art, compelling action and suspense and we learn something very interesting about the robot. This series is off to a great start.

Mechanism #4

Oct 22, 2016

The art is quite good as usual; however, the progression of the story slows down tremendously in this issue. This issue raises a couple of fairly interesting ideas, but I don't feel the the plot has progressed much since the last issue. Even though the pacing is quite off in this issue, it's still a pretty good issue in an otherwise very good series.

No Mercy #1

May 8, 2016

Great dialogue and good characters and character interactions. Also has a good premise. Interested to see where this goes.

No Mercy #2

May 8, 2016

No Mercy #3

May 13, 2016

No Mercy #4

May 13, 2016

No Mercy #5

May 21, 2016

No Mercy #6

Jun 20, 2016

Punisher (2016) #1

May 4, 2016

I typically really like the Punisher as a character, but this book is just ok. Lots of action and blood, but the story feels rushed and underdeveloped. The art is decent in general, but I wish it was more gritty in order to establish a dark/gritty tone that I feel would be appropriate for The Punisher. Also, not the biggest deal, but the censored swear words also detract from the gritty/dark/mature tone of the book. I did really like the last page though, and it shows that the creatives have some decent ideas up their sleeves. I'll at least pick up the next issue or two to see where this goes.

Punisher (2016) #2

Jun 19, 2016

Punisher (2016) #3

Aug 4, 2016

The art is fine (and I still with is was darker/grittier) and the story is just enough to act as a suitable vehicle for the Punisher's badassary. But, there is a lot of basassary in this issue, and that's one of my favorite things about reading Punisher comics. Also, the action scenes are just creative enough to not be completely generic. Furthermore, the ending of this issue is pretty cool, it develop's Franks character a bit more (for this series) and leaves us in some suspense.

Punisher (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Punisher (2016) #5

Oct 11, 2016

Well, there is a ton of action, violence and gore in this issue. Classic Punisher in that sense. However, the action and violence is tempered a bit by the art, which is think is just decent or maybe just not very appropriate for this series. The art seems, maybe a bit cartoony or superheroy, whereas I'd prefer something darker/grittier for this series. Also, while not the biggest deal, the intensity of this issue (and series) is dampened by the repeated use of censored curse words (e.g., #@!%), which comes off as fairly silly in an otherwise "mature" comic. Finally, the biggest down side to this issue, and more so the series, is that the story is almost an after thought. There is no tension, no character development, no meaningful twists or surprises, etc. There is so much guilty-pleasure action and violence that this issue is still pretty good, but a comic with all action and no story needs better art in order to do itself justice.

Reborn #1

Oct 12, 2016

I verrrry rarely give 10s, but this issue is AMAZING.The art is very good and seems to fit the very story well. The pacing is perfect; the issue grabs the reader right away on takes him/her on a rollercoaster ride until the last page. The issue manages to effectively elicit so many various emotions as its tone seamlessly bounces from shocking, to sad, deep and thought-provoking, to exciting, etc. There is already some good characterization going on. This issue lays a very solid foundation to this overall concept (which itself is pretty brilliant) while still leaving the reader slightly unsure and wanting to know more. Buy this. Read this.

Reborn #2

Nov 21, 2016

This issue is pretty slow and it doesn't come close to having the emotional impact of the first issue. There is a lot of world building and rule learning in this issue, but not much else. The ending however is fairly interesting. The art is great, especially the little details like the random creatures in the background. While this issue was probably appropriate for this point in the story, and while there is a huge potential with this series, this issue was nothing special.

Rick and Morty (2015) #9

May 4, 2016

Rick and Morty (2015) #10

May 4, 2016

Rick and Morty (2015) #11

May 4, 2016

Rick and Morty (2015) #12

May 4, 2016

Rick and Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar #1

Jul 16, 2016

The art is ok at best (though, for some reason, I care less about the art when reading a cartoon comedy) and the writing isn't much better. Also, this issue isn't paced well. If you can hear the voices from the TV talking when you read the dialogue, you might smile a couple of times, but soon enough, you realize there it's pretty much the same joke over and over again with a little twist. I didn't hate reading this, but with such good character at its disposal, I would expect this issue to be better.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #1

Sep 24, 2016

Rick drew me in on the very first page, which is all text. Shortly thereafter, I noticed the great art and great character/creature design. The world building is off to a good start and as well is the characterization and the dynamic between the characters. This issue also does a good job of balancing well-executed action with more calm story and character development. One of the only things that held this issue back, in my mind, was the pacing seemed a bit rushed a various points and this also contributed to a bit of confusion for me (especially as to some transitions from one scene to the next). However, everything considered, this is a great issue and I am extremely excited for the rest of the series.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #2

Oct 26, 2016

The art is great -- everything from the pencils to the colors and especially the character/creature designs. The story moves along nicely in this issue, presenting some important backstory without taking up too many panels or slowing things down and moving the current story forward nicely with a few twists and intricacies. The reason why I didn't rate this issue even higher is because there still seems to be a good amount of chaos and unknowns which cause a bit of confusion. However, I'm sure everything will be cleared up effectively in due time. Great issue in what seems to be a great series.

Sombra #1

Jul 21, 2016

I think the art is average at best (though, title pages were great). The story, however, is off to a great start -- it's exciting and decently intriguing, with a sprinkle of gore/violence. The best thing about this issue, is probably the pacing -- it's great.

Sombra #2

Oct 25, 2016

I was pretty excited about this series after the first issue, however, the weakness of the art is starting to weigh down the series and its potential. At best, the art is just average, but it it often lacking detail (and the shading/coloring could be a little darker to match the tone of the story). This lack of detail is really prominent when this issue try to show what would otherwise be quite gruesome scenes; however, these scenes loose most of their potential impact (and potential enjoyment) due to the lack of detail in the art. Besides that, I really enjoy the subject matter of this series, and this issue has pretty good pacing and some interesting plot developments. However, *SMALL SPOILER* the fact that Danielle wears her DEA vest like a bullseye when she is trying to hide/escape, bothers me. This isn't quite a bad issue, and has some redeeming elements, but it's flawed enough to where it is just slightly better than OK.

Tank Girl: Gold #1

Oct 3, 2016

I was very disappointed with this one. First, I really wasn't a fan of the coloring. I'm hoping the whole series isn't colored this way. Second, there isn't much action and the action seem routine. Third, the story (not surprisingly) isn't compelling, and with little action, there would probably have to be good jokes to cary the issue, but the the jokes in this issue weren't clever, shocking or funny. Hopefully this is a lull in an otherwise enjoyable series.

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #1

May 18, 2016

The art is very good, but this book doesn't offer much else of note. I thought that the attempts at humor usually fell flat and the writer relied too heavily on foul/silly language to provide humor and fun (which it generally failed to do for me). The characters are fun. The story is mediocre as it presents a couple interesting ideas but it is largely (but not entirely) shallow and predictable. The art is the only reason I rate this issue a 5.5 (slightly better than OK) instead of in the unenjoyable/bad range. As the art and characters are good, I'll pick up at least the next issue or two and hope the story and jokes improve.

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #2

Jun 18, 2016

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #3

Aug 3, 2016

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #4

Aug 29, 2016

The Wicked + The Divine: 1831 #1

Oct 12, 2016

DISCLAIMER: this is the first Wicked + Devine comic that I have ever read. However, being a one-shot, I thought this might be a decent jumping-on point or at least an issue that could be enjoyed on it's own without having to have read the rest of the series. I was wrong. This one-shot seems to start towards the end of some story of which I am not aware, with characters who just are, but whom are not established/introduced nor developed. While some things happen in this issue, without any context, I find them pretty much meaningless. The one thing I generally liked in this issue was the art. It was very good in many panels, especially the coloring. However, some of the panels focusing close-up on characters felt a bit off to me. I was hoping that I'd enjoy this more, but I was extremely let down. Perhaps this is a decent issue if you are more familiar with the Wicked + Devine series; however, it is bad as a standalone one-shot.

Throwaways #1

Aug 21, 2016

First, I think the art isn't that great. The general concept and characters seem like they could be interesting, but they are not presented in a particularly engaging way. Though there is some action in this issue, this issue never sucked me in and never really made me care.

Tokyo Ghost #1

May 4, 2016

This is pretty great. Well thought out dystopian, cyber-punk concept, with nice, gritty art to match. They've fit a lot in this issue - world building, plot and character development, and action, but this first issue still has a very nice pace. There is also a lot of thought put into little details in the background and such that just put the cherry on top of this comic sunday. Really looking forward to see where this goes.

Tokyo Ghost #2

May 5, 2016

Tokyo Ghost #3

May 7, 2016

Tokyo Ghost #4

May 20, 2016

Epic fight. Great cliffhanger.

Tokyo Ghost #5

May 21, 2016

Tokyo Ghost #6

May 23, 2016

Great action; great art; and even more great, timely social commentary. The story is really starting to progress in a new and elevated direction.

Tokyo Ghost #7

May 26, 2016

Tokyo Ghost #8

Jul 21, 2016

Considering the significant plot development(s) in this issue, I would have expected to like this even more than I did. However, I think some of the art, while generally great, was off in some panels, and I didn't notice as many very clever details as I have noticed in many of the other issues. Regardless, thank to all of the action, the significant plot development(s), and art for the most part, this was another great issue from Tokyo Ghost.

Tokyo Ghost #9

Aug 3, 2016

Honestly, I have loved this series, especially the first story arc, but I was very disappointed with this issue. I feel like there is a huge plot hole and this issue just gets too ridiculous... and not in a good way. I'm hoping this issue is just an outlier and the future issue(s) return to form.

Tokyo Ghost #10

Aug 31, 2016

Admittedly, after I was so disappointed with the last issue (it got a little too ridiculous/over-the-top for me out of nowhere (not in a good way)), I was afraid that this final issue would end the series on a disappointing note. However, that certainly is not the case. This is a great issue and a great end to this series. In a vacuum, this might not have been the best issue of the series, but it was great for the final issue and it really brought together it's social commentary and presented some very interesting philosophical questions.

Tomboy #1

Jul 7, 2016

The issue grabs your right away and it very good through out as it presents fun/interesting characters and quickly, but appropriately, establishes the foundation for a great story. This comic has very good art that is fun, bold, stylized and fits the story well. The dialogue is also fresh and stronger than a lot of comics. I am excited to see where this goes.

Tomboy #4

Aug 7, 2016

Tomboy #5

Aug 7, 2016

Tomboy #6

Aug 8, 2016

Tomboy #7

Oct 4, 2016

The art is very good as usual. This issue doesn't do much to further the existing storyline(s), but there is some very good character development and some increasingly bizarre supernatural developments. While this issue didn't progress the primary storyline as much as I was expecting/hoping, it added a richer depth to the series. This series is turning out to be more complex than it first indicated.

Tomboy #8

Oct 4, 2016

The art is good as usual. There is also some nice dialogue, which is pretty common for this series and refreshing to see as a lot of comics dialogue is lacking. While there isn't a lot of action in this issue, Goodwin seems to be skillfully ratcheting-up the intensity of this series as it progresses and each issue pulls me in a bit more, even if the overall pace of the series seems (to me at least) to have slowed down a bit.

Unknown Soldier (2008) #1

May 15, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #2

May 9, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #3

May 9, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #4

May 9, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #5

May 9, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #6

May 10, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #7

May 11, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #8

May 13, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #9

May 16, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #10

Jun 7, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #11

Jun 8, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #12

Jun 9, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #13

Jul 10, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #14

Oct 27, 2016

Unknown Soldier (2008) #15

Mar 22, 2020

Good art (and great colors), very good characterization and depth, but not much excitement.

Unknown Soldier (2008) #16

Apr 3, 2020

Unknown Soldier (2008) #17

Apr 3, 2020

Unknown Soldier (2008) #18

Apr 6, 2020

Unknown Soldier (2008) #19

Apr 7, 2020

A bit unbelievable (even relative to this book), but very fun and eventful nevertheless.

Reviews for the Week of...




