K Sharath's Profile

Joined: Jun 15, 2021

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Absolute Batman (2024) #1

Dec 29, 2024

Absolute Batman (2024) #2

Dec 30, 2024

Beating around the bush and wasting time .Despite the artwork and mass sequences nothing goes correctly

Action Comics (1938) #242

Oct 21, 2024

First major villain encounter for Superman and one that he cannot defeat with strength.Its an interesting idea that is well executed.The surprise of the book works out pretty well and adds to the impact of the ending. The book turns out good due to its ending that preserves Superman's core values.

Action Comics (2011) #0

Jun 23, 2021

A simple yet effective short story.Now we know why the world need superheroes.

Action Comics (2011) #9

Jun 23, 2021

Calvin Ellis and the introduction to multiverse was an interesting idea but the representation race swapped earth which was revealed in the end is not at all my cup of tea.

Action Comics (2011) #12

Jun 23, 2021

Much more shocking revelations and powers of Supermen which may prove fatal in the future.As of now another day Superman saves the day again.Operation scene is the highlight of this book!

Action Comics Vol. 1: Superman And The Men Of Steel

Jun 23, 2021

A new take on Superman and his early adventures.I found it tough to cope up with this run.But later I found it interesting as a lot of classic Superman family characters arrived out of nowhere.Minus the idea of time travel Legion and the variety approach end to the invasion rest was lit.

Action Comics (2011) Annual #1

Jun 23, 2021

Grant Morrison was having an ok run on new 52 Superman.. The idea of substituting him with a backup writer yields marvellous result.Sholly Fischer takes elements from the Morrison run and delivers an excellent issue which takes the run to newer heights and provides much more input to the run's future.The backup pages which includes origin of Atomic Skull adds to the shocking quality of the issue.

Action Comics (2016) #1030

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1031

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1032

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1033

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1034

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1035

Jul 9, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1037

Jan 29, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1038

Jan 29, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1039

Jan 29, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1040

Jan 29, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1041

Feb 3, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1042

Feb 8, 2023

Great artwork but why delay it when it can happen faster. The rebellion is slowed down for god knowz why.

Action Comics (2016) #1043

Feb 10, 2023

More to the story, more depth myth of mongul and much more developments, everything teases a grand end

Action Comics (2016) #1044

Feb 10, 2023

Why prolong the final clash like this using some unwanted supernatural elements and a misleading cover. Tyrant Mongul actions and artwork saves the day from much worse situation

Action Comics (2016) #1045

Feb 11, 2023

Worth a comeback, the whole Hercules/Kratos quest vibes was too much to ask for. Plus the twists, artwork, ending and much more was pure out of the moon stuff. Really got fascinated with this one. Waiting for an epic finale

Action Comics (2016) #1046

Feb 11, 2023

Worth a comeback, the whole Hercules/Kratos quest vibes was too much to ask for. Plus the twists, artwork, ending and much more was pure out of the moon stuff. Really got fascinated with this one. Waiting for an epic finale

Action Comics Vol. 1: Warworld Rising

Jul 9, 2022

A box that unwinds slow and steady teasing an upcoming grand storyline.Warworld rising has a good flow making it an enjoyable read.Teases of Mongul is the best thing the book did and it teases much more is coming.The book never forgets to dive into consequences of a happening in the present world scenario which is done beautifully especially the aftermath of the happenings is quite a spectacle.Cameos of other characters felt like the cherry on top of the cake. The prolonged farewell style ending of the volume that takes too much time is the only down part of the whole storyline.Rest was pretty enjoyable. In the end, a good tease to an upcoming heavy event

Action Comics Vol. 2: The Arena

Feb 10, 2023

Superman's efforts to motivate a massive crowd and provide them hope is portrayed quite beautifully. The greek style artwork hits it out of the park. A lot of surprises, the description of warworld and much more adds to the quality of the story.

Action Comics (2016): Warworld Apocalypse #1

Feb 11, 2023

The finale that focuses on all characters was a sight to watch, good involvement from other characters,action sequences and all the twists and sacrifices make this one worth an end.The climax was light hearted and delivered pure superman vibes. However, a lot of questions to be answered in the future.

AVX: Consequences Vol. 1

Feb 2, 2022

Blant dull except for the Cyclops interesting part and aftermath

Batman #206

Aug 20, 2024

Variety with all those scheme and villain but lacks the hooking factor.

Batman #207

Aug 21, 2024

Thought were it was going for a moment but succeds in becoming a tense intense presentation where time is ticking and you can feel it on reading.

Batman #209

Aug 22, 2024

Variety story but not so interesting just mere readable for timepass

Batman #404

Aug 8, 2024

The redefined origin story without repeating the old story but peserving its essential core. Gordon is on another league and shines above all in this one👌

Batman (2011) #21

Jul 8, 2021

Batman (2011) #25

Jul 8, 2021

Batman Vol. 1: The Court Of Owls

Jul 7, 2021

Scott Snyder thinks of a much deeper concept instead of an origin story and it succeeds.The story starts at a point where everyone wants Batman which is none other than detective Batman investigating a murder that lead into much more secrets in Gotham.Greg Capullo's dark art is hell of a partner for Snyder's writings.The volume ends with a massive cliffhanger which points to the unpleasant future of Gotham.

Batman Vol. 2: The City Of Owls

Jul 7, 2021

The clock is ticking and Batman got a lot to save.. Can Batman save its prominent citizens from assassinated?The book dives much deeper into Gotham's new threat.The book moreover contains some shocking discoveries leading to a big bash in the end.Yet again Greg Capullo's serious art is beyond praise.

Batman Vol. 3: Death Of The Family

Jul 7, 2021

The clown prince of Gotham is back and he looks dangerous than ever with a stapled sliced face.Joker is back and looks to recreate his adventures with Batman in a weird way as possible.The darkest depiction of Arkham Asylum never existed before and once again all credits to Greg Capullo.Scott Snyder's bizarre storytelling and elements takes the story to greater heights once again.Last but not the least the title significance make it hell of a read as Joker looks out to finish of the Bat Family itself!All these factors make this one book into one of the best Bat-Joker encounters ever.

Batman Vol. 6: The Graveyard Shift

Jul 7, 2021

The leftovers of several Batman adventures combined in a volume.It was a weird idea because the stories in the volume are unstable.Some are great, some are good and some are mediocre.In the end graveyard shift feels like a emotional journey through different parts of Batman's life.

Batman Vol. 7: Endgame

Jul 7, 2021

Endgame is not quite the endgame i was waiting for.. Still has a lots to cheer including Batman V Justice League and much more.The book is colorful compared to death of family which reduces the intensity.Moreover Snyder tries to push a new side kick origin in the volume as Batman wastes his time investigating Joker's new chemical.Felt it should have been left out and Batman should have went after Mr J itself.Coming to later part the book delivers the dark end we deserve with a lot of surprises and a bloody end to the Batman-Joker encounter.This fight will be marked in the history as the darkest fight between the two.In the end,Endgame was a 50-50 game which largely succeeds in later part but falls short in the beginning due to numerous factors.

Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy

Jul 7, 2021

Snyder pushes his boundaries to extreme as he brings on a protector for Gotham.Moreover he leaves out the classic rogue gallery and brings in a new villain to progress his storyline.It actually took me a hardtime to get used with his new run.However the cliffhanger was dark and intense which adds to future hope

Batman Vol. 9: Bloom

Jul 7, 2021

Its already time for the fallen knight to rise and it happens adding to the joy.Snyder offers yet another soft reboot and we get the all new Batman.Gordon's Batman finally finds the place among reader's mind and his struggle and hardship to fight Bloom makes him a fan favourite finally.Bloom suceeds in becoming a unforhettable spooky villain as his idealogy makes sense in the end.Snyder's bizarre writing continues as its upto the Batmen to save Gotham once again.

Batman Vol. 10: Epilogue

Jul 7, 2021

Snyder wraps up his run in a lovely fashion.The end features some stories but the only one that will remain will be his letter to the readers as Batman looks forward to new threats in Gotham.Moreover Tom King's run is teased and it features Calendar as never before.On the whole a fine end to Scott Snyder-Capullo's bizarre run of Batman

Batman (2016) #94

Jul 11, 2023

Batman (2016) #95

Jul 11, 2023

Batman (2016) #96

Jul 11, 2023

Batman The Button

Jul 8, 2021

The deluxe edition mystery of the button ends here.Batman gets a surprise visit from an unexpected person and all he can do is fend off the foe till Flash arrives.What a way to start a game.The crossover between Batman and Flash succeeds due to numerous factors including the stopwatch fight and none than Flashpoint Batman.The book follows the sci-fi adventure of the duo to crack the button mystery.It is a thrilling as well as motional ride which is worth a take.In the end this is a must read crossover where Flash point Batman is the factoright to look out for.

Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham

Jul 7, 2021

Tom King cashes in the opportunity of a new regenerated Batman and the result was a Batman that felt like Superman due to his feats.Moreover Gotham's new duo of heroes sidelines Batman and even the Justice League adding to a disappointing yet fine start to King's run.The only thing that offers hope is the other developments in Gotham which may be utiilised in the future.

Batman Vol. 1: Their Dark Designs

Jul 8, 2021

James Tynion takes over the title and has a difficult time on setting things on Tom King's base.Still Tynion does a fine job with a fine yet complex run featuring assasins from rogue gallery and much more.Last but not the least he sets up none other than a crazy Batman-Joker showdown in the next volume.

Batman Vol. 2: I Am Suicide

Jul 8, 2021

All the developments in Gotham leads to none other than Batman's own Suicide Squad.Witness as Batman infiltrate Santa Prisca for a near impossible heist.The biggest highlight of the book is None other than Batman's squad assembling and ultimate revelation of his plan.Plus the volume is action packed with Batman confronting a new version of cloth less Bane and much more.The only factor that pulls the book back is the new take on Bane which might not be not everyone's cup of tea.On the whole it is a fine variety volume compared to its predecessor.

Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane

Jul 8, 2021

Absolute carnage is the one word to define this volume.The volume feels like the end of the rebirth triology which features Batman V Bane.Things are perfectly set in the previous volumes which leads to a final showdown between the titans.The straight forward linear storyline and massive action frames add to the excitement of the story.The story started with a lot of easter eggs which teases what is to come.The book in the end is a extreme level showdown between Batman and Bane all thanks to the fantastic artwork by David Finch and the punch dialogues from Tom King.On the whole the volume is a fitting end to the 3 volume rebirth story which is easily one of my favourite Batman adventure due to numerous factors including return of classic Bane and the highly volatile bloody action sequences which keep you at the edge of your seats.

Batman Vol. 4: The War Of Jokes & Riddles

Jul 8, 2021

Yet another extremely versatile take by Tom King where he focuses on the drama rather than action and entertainment.His wild run continues in the flashback war between gotham's worst criminals over Batman.King's run is a mountain of controversial elements and this one adds to it.Batman using human being as bait is the worst form of writing and I got highly offended by it.Moreover the wild drama and its art work was definitely not my cup of tea.The volume in the end offers some relief with some good fight which saves the volume as a whole.In the end War Of Jokes and Riddles is an average take that feels as something that could have been great if taken in the massive style it deserves.

Batman Vol. 5: Rules Of Engagement Rebirth

Jul 8, 2021

Batman and Catwoman embark on a desert adventure to meet someone surprising.The book is yet another versatile work from Tom King as it set in an expected premise and provides exceptional results.The book in addition features more into Batman-Superman meeting and much more.The biggest plus of the book is a future story which was the best Bat-Cat read for me!On the whole Tom King succeeds on his course of versatility again!

Batman Vol. 6: Bride Or Burglar

Jul 8, 2021

The whole heavily suffers from the Poison Ivy storyline which was below average.The rest of the volume is lit as King provides a much needed definition of Bat-Wonder Woman relationship through a beserk storyline at the he'll gates.Plus Catwoman choosing her gown for the wedding was yet another wild thought from King that deserves some applause.In the end yet another fine volume but would have been great if the Ivy short was excluded.

Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding

Jul 8, 2021

As a lover of books that draw a line between expectation v reality this book was bae for me.The book starts in the most bizarre way possible with Booster planning his gift for Batwedding which leads to much more complication and a mini flash point.Next as we edge close to the wedding the biggest party crasher enters the game adding to the excitement.Last but not the least tthe wedding is literally worth blowing minds as it reveals much more unexpected things which leads the run to a new direction.On the whole yet another King style take that succeeds again!

Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days

Jul 8, 2021

Bruce Wayne as never before tries to save his foe in a court room drama were he manipulates other judges and what happens when a broken Batman is forced to take on the cape again.Tom King puts forward yet another two variety storyline on his exploration of Batman.The firs t one is mediocre while the second one gets an exact buildup that puts forward the stage for return of Batman.Plus King provides hell of a return for none other than KG Beast himself as the volume ends with a bang featuring Batman V KG Beast.On the whole yet another fine volume.

Batman Vol. 9: The Tyrant Wing

Jul 8, 2021

Batman is on pursuit of the conspirator and discovers much more in Gotham.A violent batman is much dangerous than all as he rips through criminals for evidence and finally stands opposite law.Yet another different though by King filled with violence and a ruthless Batman.But the whole thing feels like average due to the dramatic take and offers dullness to readers instead of darkness.

Batman Vol. 10: Knightmares

Jul 8, 2021

Batman finds himself in weird places after the unpleasant end in the previous volume.Move along with thedark knight as he experiences a range of weird as well as psychedelic situations one after other.What is happening?Read to find out.In the end the story feels average and we get nothing other than another average volume.

Batman Vol. 11: The Fall And The Fallen

Jul 8, 2021

As the name suggests sad to say the run has fallen short of average.Batman escaping Knightmares was great but from there on we are pushed into a dramatic take with Thomas Wayne which was too dull to enjoy.The only relief is the suspense factor which was waiting at the far end of the volume.The end was engaging but it was too late to save the volume.The major factor that kept me reading this one was the weird fairytale which goes sidelined with the story rest was pretty short of mark.

Batman Vol. 12: The City Of Bane Part 1

Jul 8, 2021

Bane's tyranny in Gotham continues as Batman must find his way back to Gotham.Tom King thought of the worst idea for the return which was through a beach and the outcome is near disaster.Things to enjoy in this volume are short which includes the new Gotham and none other than Flashpoint Batman.Coming to Batman side the story is meh literally bad take according to me.Hope we get a better end to the arc in the next volume.

Batman Vol. 13: The City Of Bane Part 2

Jul 8, 2021

King some how finds the fuel necessary to finish his arc somehow.Death of a famous character its aftermath and the final encounters make this an ok end to the Tom King saga.The book needs to be applauded only because it somehow manages to finish things quite neatly compared to the previous disappointing volumes.

Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 1: Knight Terrors

Jul 8, 2021

The new adventures of Batman begins as Arkham Asylum breakout is caused by a rabbit costumed girl.The book uses a lot of controversial elements such as the overuse of toxins and much more.Still it somehow provides an ok storyline with a range of rogue gallery members which is fun to read.The climax area was worth it featuring Batman V classic member of rogue gallery.

Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2: Cycle Of Violence

Jul 8, 2021

Undoubtedly my favourite Bat-Scarecrow encounter is this one.The dark and mystery elements elevate the book to greater heights.Moreover the encounter between the two were savage and worth a read.The book is intense from beginning to end and features Scarecrow as never before.The origin story was extreme and adds to the pro of the volume.On the whole was a great volume compared to its predecessor.

Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 3: Mad

Jul 8, 2021

Its Mad Hatter as never before as he executes his dark and henious plans on Gotham.The book will go down in history as the volume that features most number of deaths.The volume is similar to its predecessor as we get introduced to the creepy yet sad origin of Mad Hatter.Greg Hurtwiz gives Mad Hatter a creepy and dark take which is worth exploring.The artwork is lit and provides the feel of a massive happening in Gotham.The volume ends with a bloody bang between Batman and Hatter like never before.. its violent as hell.On the whole its a fine take on Mad Hatter and Batman by Greg which is absolutely worth it.

Batman: The Killing Joke #1

Jul 7, 2021

One of the darkest Batman stories ever told with the best origin story of Joker !The biggest pro of the book is its artwork and colors which delivers the whole story into our minds.The book had a great open ended mysterious climax which leaves the reader mind blown even after the book ends.

Captain America (2012) #21

Feb 5, 2022

Captain America (2012) #25

Feb 5, 2022

Daredevil (2015) #1

Jan 28, 2023

A good decent start, the plot is progressing well and the ending sets up much more to come. The bizarre artwork and colors add to the excitement. Last but not the least, the rescue panels are the best part of the issue.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Feb 3, 2023

After the great buildup of the The Year Of Villain arc this one feels like a Muddled up confusing a lot bizarre ride. Sad to say, could not cope up with this one

Dark Nights: Death Metal #2

Feb 3, 2023

Bizarre fantasy is good but once it crosses the border of enjoyment it is a disaster. So is this one

Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Feb 4, 2023

Everything is finally coming together,return of superman and much more to look forward. Saved by all the explanations they have given about this bizarre setting

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Feb 8, 2023

Things were going fine but how dare they skip the escape especially after putting them in situations like that.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Legends of the Dark Knights #1

Feb 4, 2023

Real bizarre item with variable artwork hits it out of the part compared to the mainstream dull storyline. All the flashbacks revealing the origins of different Batman's. Esepcially Robin King and Manhattan origins are hell of an exploration.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Feb 4, 2023

That twist, that turn filled with action showing the efforts of what remains to save the world. Hell of an dope item, the climax was a mindblower which was unexpected.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Guidebook #1

Feb 4, 2023

Stories in perspective of multiple characters have helped giving a clearer picture about the mainstream storyline which is otherwise just some chaotic mess. The varying artwork was lovable and provides some unique feel to each stories.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Feb 7, 2023

Just a bizarre take on how far can the speed force be exploited. The level of artwork is massive

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Feb 8, 2023

Captain carrot character hits right but the rest look bland. Especially the cartoon artwork during history was too weird to accept. The issue however finds life in the end with the Owlman side actions.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Aug 5, 2024

Just the cartoon style ambush of superheroes by a small but surprising guy.. Heavily bizarre and enjoyable

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Rise of the New God #1

Aug 5, 2024

The philosophy class you missed in ypur high school in the form of a book were DC is busy teaching you values than continuing their story.

Demon Knights #0

Jan 30, 2024

Thats how you begin a series🔥 Heavy potential storyline starts with a bang connecting to history illustrated by fantastic artwork diving into depths of hell🫣

Detective Comics #386

Aug 10, 2024

Hell of a variety content but letdown by an average robin adventure. The mainstory felt good but not the robin adventure.

Detective Comics #387

Aug 10, 2024

Recreating of a classic case was just the right thing to do at the 30th anniversary

Detective Comics #388

Aug 10, 2024

Greatest jester of all time pulls out yet another surprising trick out of his bag while Batgirl gets caught up in a twisted adventure. What more could you ask for!

Detective Comics #389

Aug 10, 2024

Scarecrow has yet another wicked plan but is he match for Batman!Yet another twisted adventure plus Batgirl's action filled ride continues. Batgirl should have been such an inspiration for women at that timeâš¡

Detective Comics #390

Aug 10, 2024

Not even a single person in Gotham is sane.. Yet another criminal yet again variety plan with twists plus Robin is fighting a lot of people for god knows why!

Detective Comics #391

Aug 10, 2024

Thw writers comes up with yet another variety storyline and villain but cannot match the feat of previous issues.

Detective Comics #392

Aug 11, 2024

What an opening with that fight tense intense but could not capitalize on it. Plus Batgirl gets another case to work on

Detective Comics #393

Aug 11, 2024

Thought this one is going to fail due to all that random talking panel but everything connects to the story delivering an above average vaccation detective adventure.

Detective Comics #394

Aug 12, 2024

Recreating of that event was the best part of this issue.Moreover it also nails the detective investigation style part.

Detective Comics (2011) #19

Jan 20, 2023

Detective Comics (2011) #20

Jan 20, 2023

Dial H #0  
Forever Evil Blight

Jul 8, 2021

Perhaps the most unwanted pushed book of New 52.The book feels like pushing JL Dark away from the main storyline.It is a large crossover that not only ruined the book but also the titles associated with it.The whole thing is a disappointment despite a new factors which saves it upto a extent.The book features a weird end placing Constantine in a much bad state.The only character worth a mention is nightmare nurse who stands out among others due to her kinky attitude rest is forgettable.

Forever Evil Vol. 1

Jul 8, 2021

Ever had a nightmare of villains saving the world.. DC makes it a reality as Luthor assembles his own squad to stand against the Crime Syndicate.The book is based on a concept and satisfies it till the end.Moreover get ready for much more surprises which takes the book to the next level.The epilogue adds to all the excitement providing the story a fitting conclusion.Geoff Johns has pulled an impossible take with the villains so take a bow.

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol. 1

Jul 8, 2021

The book features Steve Trevor and his efforts to find Lasso Of Truth while making partnership with a weird metahuman.The book will only be remembered for Killer Frost and Doctor Light who are the only characters whose actions make the story a mere average. Steve Trevor the protagonist fails to make an impact.

Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol. 1

Jul 8, 2021

It started out odd actually,A title centered around Rogues but soon you get along with them and it feels like an adventure of survival with the rogues.Witness their hardship to survive against all odds including Arkham War and much more.On the whole my surprise favourite from Forever Evil.

Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #2

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #3

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #4

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #5

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #6

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #7

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #8

Feb 5, 2022

Harley Quinn (2016) #9

Jan 3, 2025

Nothing works except for the surprise character and the surprise feel good frame

Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Die Laughing

Feb 5, 2022

Justice League Trinity War

Jul 8, 2021

Slow and steady wins the race.. The new reinvented version of the pandora box storyline works for DC.Superman guilty of murder what a way to start a storyline.The story features the story's investigation that leads to bigger revelations and the trinity war.I think this is one of the major books to leave its end as a cliffhanger.

Justice League Vol. 1: Origin

Feb 4, 2023

Justice League Vol. 5: Forever Heroes

Jul 8, 2021

The origin files of Crime Syndicate members, the much needed back story with twisted JL origins is here.The book is an absolute read before Forever Evil.Moreover Cyborg is finding his own team to fight evil.All these factors make the book worth a read.

Justice League Vol. 7: Darkseid War Part 1

Jul 8, 2021

The biggest event of New 52 is undoubtedly glorious.The war is absolutely worth it thanks to Jason Fabok's fantastic artwork and Geoff Johns history lesson which provides the event the grandeur it deserves.On the whole this one is a total villain show with an mindblowing and unexpected end.

Justice League Vol. 8: Darkseid War Part 2

Jul 8, 2021

The book gets a shaky start with experimental artwork but gains momentum sooner before you realise.Get ready to witness an end of a lifetime with marvellous artwork,suspense and much more.Book has potential to provide real goosebumps.

Justice League (2018) #53

Feb 17, 2023

Justice League (2018) #54

Feb 17, 2023

Justice League (2018) #55

Feb 17, 2023

Justice League (2018) #56

Feb 17, 2023

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad Vol. 1  
New Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Pure Insanity

Aug 17, 2024

New Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Monsters

Aug 17, 2024

Punisher (2016) #1

Jan 26, 2023

Who would make a cover only for adults and censor the adult talk with asteriks. Moreover this one offers nothing other than a violent encounter which is more like a half cooked meat. The ending is however promising looking forward to it.

Punisher (2016) #2

Jan 28, 2023

Punisher (2016) #4

Jan 28, 2023

Full on road rage, action packed nothing more nothing less. Personally found it favourable compared to previous issues

Suicide Squad (1987) #1

Aug 17, 2024

Just the introduction for thinks to come but it is done well in an effective way. That frenzy opening sequence is this one's highlight

Suicide Squad (1987) #2

Aug 17, 2024

What more to expect than deaths, action and surprises rightfully delivered.The one on one split up action felt so good

Suicide Squad (1987) #3

Aug 18, 2024

Despite the action it feels pointless hope it connects somewhere aroubd soon. Plus the one on ine action feels repetitive

Suicide Squad (1987) #4

Aug 19, 2024

Not every story needs the same aporoach something versitality does the trick and this one does. Heavy politics in the backdrop!

Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Kicked In The Teeth

Aug 17, 2024

Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Basilisk Rising

Aug 17, 2024

Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Death Is For Suckers

Aug 17, 2024

Suicide Squad Vol. 5: Walled In

Aug 17, 2024

Suicide Squad Vol. 1: The Black Vault  
Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Jul 7, 2021

The spoiler cover, followed by a range of gruesome brutal deaths and a wild mission what more do you need in a Suicide Squad title start!

Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Jul 7, 2021

Revolutionaries and Suicide Squad have no other option other than working together so get ready for a weird mission outcome as more about Revolutionaries intentions are revealed. Plus Scale and Shark needs to settle their differences or else they die!

Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Jul 7, 2021

The squad is given hell of a machine which is none other to infiltrate and kill where Scale and Shark are forced to work together settling out their differences.The book as usual involves surprise death and much more.So in the end yet another SS mission to enjoy !

Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Jul 7, 2021

Yo mate he is back.. The biggest thing everyone misses in Suicide Squad 2019 is the australian back stabber and Tom Taylor gives him hell of a return to the game.Plus we get to know what the Revolutionaries were upto!

Suicide Squad (2019) #5

Jul 7, 2021

The suicide squad to hunt down Captain Boomerang.. Plus we finally gets to know who pulled the strings all along.. Last but not the least Deadshot gets his own moment and scores!

Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Jul 7, 2021

Suicide Squad ends up in Gotham and its protector is on their back.Batman and bat frames are the core of the issue followed by a much awaited Deadshot V Batman moment although it ends dull.The book ends in the most unexpected way expected adding to the surprises.

Suicide Squad (2019) #7

Jul 7, 2021

The book delivers one of the satisfying moments in Suicide Squad's history.Floyd Lawton deserved it way before in new 52, but it took 8 more years to happen.Anyway thanks to Tom Taylor and Daniel Sampere for delivering a brillaint issue centered around Floyd Lawton's efforts to quit his life as Deadshot.The book is a range of light hearted moments and surprises so enjoy!

Suicide Squad Bad Blood

Aug 17, 2024

Titans (2016) #1

Jan 3, 2025

Titans (2016) #2

Jan 3, 2025

Titans: Rebirth #1  
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #1

Jan 31, 2022

Power illustration of mutants is the main factor to read this one. The book is readable and portrays the first known mission of X-Men that saved America.The only flaw of the book where the cringe drama sequences used here and there.Rest is pretty ok.

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #2

Feb 1, 2022

Despite the simple designed villain,the thing that the book conveys to the audience is massive.Power illustrations are lit and it continues.

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #3

Feb 2, 2022

Bad choices lead to X-men and their identity at threat.. Interesting premise with lot of action to cherish.Blob is hell of a weird choice to be a villain making this one a variety indeed.

Year of the Villain: Special #1  
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Feb 3, 2023

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

Feb 3, 2023

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

Feb 3, 2023

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

Feb 3, 2023

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen Collected

Feb 3, 2023

Reviews for the Week of...



