Charles Joy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outer Realm Comics, Unleash The Fanboy Reviews: 132
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time #1

Feb 29, 2012

There are two stories in this one book. The first, and main story plays, out just like one of the animated series episodes - Intro and everything. I don't know how they did it, but they were able to capture everything I love about the show, in print. The second story, "My Cider the Mountain" is a wonderfully told story dedicated to some of the "B actors" in the series. We get much greater insight into Tree Trunks, Princess Bubblegum and Cinnamon Bun, with great cameos from Jake and Finn! "Fun & Juvenile" would be how I described the feel of this second story... then again, how else would it be described. :) Either way, it fits the theme and mood of the Adventure Time Universe!

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Adventure Time #2

Mar 19, 2012

I can't wait for the next issue and its motley band of colorful covers! :)

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Adventure Time #3

Apr 24, 2012

As always, I am definitely looking forward to the next issue, and all its covers!

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1

Mar 13, 2012

The cliffhanger didn't really feel too much like a cliffhanger. It actually felt a bit forced. It is the icing on the cake for the strange feeling you get throughout the story - that feeling of helplessness for the human X-Terminated team. Because even though they have shown only power and success up to this point, going up against Weapon Omega, or any super-powered mutant seems like a death wish. Especially if they encounter someone unexpectedly...

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #2

Apr 8, 2012

As forgettable as the "battle" was, much more was revealed as a result of the conflict. It would appear that the resurrected Cyclops is just part of the first wave of Weapon Omega's and Dark Beast's battle plan. Much is revealed as we reach the end of issue, but in the end we are left with more questions than answers - it is a good thing they are compelling questions...

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All-Star Western #2

Feb 29, 2012

I really enjoyed this story as well. The art was great and this arc should prove to be entertaining. I mean, who doesn't love cowboys and zombies? :)

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All-Star Western #3

Feb 29, 2012

The Sacrifice (El Diablo Part 2) - This story picks up right where it ended in the last issue. El Diablo will use curse against curse to attempt to assist the townspeople with their deadly problem. Though El Diablo does complete the majority of his goal, he is confronted by someone in his past - someone who forces his hand to make a difficult decision and sacrifice...

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All-Star Western #4

Feb 29, 2012

The Avenged (The Barbary Ghost Part 1) - While I like this story line less than El Diablo, it certainly has left an impression on me. It is not too often we see why someone is being avenged this soon into the story - but I guess that was necessary given its shortened length. Still, this is speculation on my part, I am not certain the reasons implied are those driving the "Barbary Ghost", but given the context clues, it seems like a fair assumption. Either way, this story offers a different time, different place, and different drama than both of the other New 52 All Star Western tales so far. I believe the story telling for this was very well done, providing everything needed to set up the next and likely final part. Hopefully it will feel like a more complete ending as compared the the El Diablo short.

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All-Star Western #5

Feb 29, 2012

The Ghost (The Barbary Ghost Part 2) - We learn a great deal more about the Tsen family's tragedy in this, part two of the story. The torment of the protagonist is only matched with the horrific happenstance she is meant to endure. Thus, all the violence and anger doled out by Yan Mei in the first part are certainly justified as we see more of the back-story unfold. Surprisingly, this story will last at least another issue, as Yan Mei continues to hunt down the evil that has forsaken her family. This kind of story is truly haunting. It illustrates all the horrible conditions and situations people had to deal with on a daily basis as new arrivals to a land they thought would bring them peace - never suspecting it instead would leave them in pieces.

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All-Star Western #6

Feb 25, 2012

I am glad that the Jonah story has come to a transition point even though the same old plot will bleed over into the next issue. The change of venue and addition of some new characters should bring new life to the story - at least this is my hope. I still love the gritty, violent and action packed nature of his journey, but like Jonah, it shouldn't remain stagnant for any period of time, lest interest be lost. The conclusion to the Barbary story was satisfying. They even managed to include an unexpected twist which allows for future stories to be told. While it was a good three issue run, I am looking forward to the next secondary story in this All-Star book.

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All-Star Western #7

Mar 29, 2012

I believe there to be a lot of potential with this second story, as they have already found a great mix of backstory and current strife. It is certainly something I am looking forward to reading for many issues - just as much as I am looking forward to the next installment of Jonah's great adventure and confrontation with Z.C.!

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All-Star Western #8

Apr 27, 2012

Thanks to Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, this series has provided consistent quality and quantity month after month. The book is priced right, excellently written and illustrated in a way that makes you feel the time period and setting. And yes, the second story and overall length of the book makes a big difference - especially when there are so many $4 books that aren't even worth $2 - this one outshines a good majority of the books sitting on the racks. All-Star Western continues to be one of the main books I look forward to reading and reviewing each month.

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Avengers Assemble #1

Mar 20, 2012

I guess it is possible that this will get better, so I will hold out a bit of hope. Heck, from here it can't get much worse. Oh, and if this is any indication of how the movie characters will act and speak, it is time to get worried...

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Avengers Assemble #2

Apr 26, 2012

The real question at this point is, "Should we care?" It is sad, because I did have high hopes for this series. The art is really great - it is just that the story feels so overly contrived. Who knows, it may get better. Heck, it may even make for a great collected story - it will just be very difficult to continue to pay $4 per issue knowing the kind of story that is being told...

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Avengers Assemble #4

Jul 20, 2012

This book ends with the Avengers in a bit of despair, realizing they are no match for a cosmic threat, let alone Thanos! It is true - Thanos manipulated the situation (as he always does), treating everyone "in the game" like pawns. The good news is, their hopelessness is abated by yet another big reveal - something this book is starting to rely on apparently. ;) Nah, it was good, another surprise - this time a set of cosmic visitors intent on helping Earth and its Mightiest Heroes.

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Avengers Assemble #5

Jul 20, 2012

So, into SPACE we go, headed to "shut Thanos down once and for all." - yeah right, even killing him didn't shut him down! Much to the Avenger's dismay, it is really all about recovering something that the US Army shouldn't have created in the first place"

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Avengers Origins (2011): Thor #1

Mar 17, 2012

While I am glad that I purchased this book, I did so with a "collector mentality" (that, and I really like the cover art for these "Avengers Origins" books). Sadly, there is nothing new and exciting with this book. You may be surprised what a teen Sif looks like, but if you are looking for a book that has an Avenger's specific origin for Thor, this isn't it. On the other hand, if you want to read a well put together "Thor: Coming of Age" story, with nice art and writing, then this book is for you. The specifics in the wiki entry for this book should assist with your decision...

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Avengers Origins (2011): Vision #1

Mar 17, 2012

I loved this one-shot. I wish it went into more detail and that the story was longer, but those hardly detract from the value of this issue. I picked this issue up because I loved the bottom half of the cover. Seriously. I really didn't know much about Vision. I know he was in some of the crossover event stuff that I had read (Infinity Series), but other than that, all I knew was that he was an Avenger. After reading this issue, he is now ranked up there with my favorites!

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Avengers Origins (2011): Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1

Mar 17, 2012

While it may seem like I have provided more evidence in the "bad" section of this review, it only attributes to .5 off the score. Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this issue and I would definitely recommend getting your hands on it. It is a great addition to the "Avengers Origins" series of One-Shot books coming out from Marvel and offers a great introduction story for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Obviously, if I didn't enjoy the issue, I wouldn't have added as much wiki content, so if you are on the fence, this issue's page should offer enough insight to push you off either way. :)

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Avengers Origins (2011): Ant-Man & the Wasp #1

Mar 17, 2012

I recommend this issue. It is a nice addition to the Avengers Origins. The cover has some great art, like the rest of the "themed series", and even though it wasn't related to the Avengers, it was a great origin One-Shot issue.

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Carnage USA #1

Mar 19, 2012

Recommended. I had no knowledge of Carnage before I picked up this issue. Now, I am interested. In fact, I want to go back and purchase Carnage 1-5 from last year. I really liked the team dynamics - it just seemed more real than anything I had read in the past with the Avengers. The twist/cliffhanger ending was pretty great, and has me wanting the next issue.

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Carnage USA #2

Mar 19, 2012

Recommended. If this mini-series is anything like the Carnage mini from last year, this issue will be difficult to find in a few months. Issue two keeps up with the insane content Carnage fans have grown to love, with a little dash of hope thrown in for good measure. The ending will likely be a shock, both in the fact that "they went there" and provoking "where are they going to go from here". I look forward to the next issue, wondering how they are going to wrap all this up in just three more issues.

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Carnage USA #3

Mar 19, 2012

Regardless of the flaws, though trivial, this issue was solid. It did not feel like filler and definitely moves the story forward. I am looking forward to the next two issues in this mini, and likely will be sad it only lasted five issues. Maybe they will do these Carnage series annually, which would be a nice yearly treat.

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Carnage USA #4

Mar 19, 2012

This story just keeps getting better. Maybe it is how hopeless everything seems, even when faced with some of the best and brightest super-heroes (or at least anti-heroes). In this, as expected from the teaser in the last issue we see what happens when the parent of carnage is introduced into the chaos - the answer - not much for cause, but quite a bit for the story. Flash's introduction into the story fit perfectly, and really makes me want to read Secret Avengers #23 and continue to read his ongoing series. The symbiote story-lines have so much potential. This is obviously recognized by Marvel, as two of their best books are this mini and the ongoing Venom series, which just finished a mini-event with quite a bit of Marvel Universe cross-over action. I will be sad to see this mini-series end, but I am positive it will be a fitting conclusion to this fantastic series!

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Carnage USA #5

Apr 25, 2012

It is this point that makes this final issue lack what it takes to get a five-out-of-five rating. It feels as though many of the plot points were rushed and much was left on the table. Maybe that is so it can pick up again next year, but still, this is a mini-series with a huge cast of characters from the Marvel Universe, so much more could have been done. That said, the ending did not disappoint - and whether it was intentional or not, it certainly left enough room for another mini-series next year.

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Chew #21

Feb 29, 2012

In this arc, we see some fallout from the previous part of the ongoing story and arc(s). It is obvious from the cover, our favorite "detective-turned-agent-turned-hero-anti-hero" has now turned-parking-enforcement. His partner, Agent Colby has been re-assigned as well... How sad for both of them. This turn of events is just the beginning - while their jobs take a turn, your stomach wont (well it might, if you are sensitive, but at this point, you really should be used to his antics by now). The best part - Tony still gets to use his powers and segue on to new adventures. This issue is sure to whet your appetite for the rest of the arc and continuing series!

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Chew #22

Feb 29, 2012

In this isschew, we see a lot less Tony and a lot more supporting characters. Which is great, as this arc munches on, we see all the various plot threads mix and flourish. At the end of this book, we see where the arc gets its "America's favorite past-time" flavored name as well as Tony's next meal. Olive where this arc is headed!

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Chew #23

Feb 29, 2012

One request, can the USDA get an upgrade for the "Littermeister 4000!" ? - surely there as to be a 20000 series by now. :)

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Chew #24

Feb 23, 2012

It is obvious that I am a fan. There is no way around it. I honestly think that this series is one of the best, ever. Seriously. The creativity baked into each issue, never ceases to amaze; the pop culture references sprinkled in, keep you on your toes; and the forethought has an aroma that instills trust in the process, creative team and project as a whole. Each issue, just like this one, is part of something bigger. Greater. A puzzle piece meant to fit in to the ongoing masterpiece that is CHEW.

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Chew #25

Apr 8, 2012

All this, AND the issue was a skilled end to the Major League Chew arc. What more can you ask for? Well besides issue 26...on to Space Cakes! (or that is what last year's issue 27 would have us believe).

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Chew #27

Feb 29, 2012

Either way, pick this up. You will not be disappointed, and soon enough you will be able to fit this issue nicely into your Chew collection right between Issues 26 and 28.

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Codename: Action #1

Sep 3, 2013

Though Codename: Action #1 has many elements of all stories like it, it is executed in a unique way – one that I believe will cater to many an audience. And as unsure about the subject matter as I was, my skepticism was quelled within the first couple pages. Even my evil doppelganger would agree, this quickly turned into a story that I look forward to seeing through to the end.

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Codename: Action #2

Oct 1, 2013

Codename: Action #2is a great continuation of the story, withat least three different (yet linked) plot / sub-plot lines going on at any moment. So far it is definitely worth investing in – and as we end on another (more subtle, yet still literal) cliffhanger, I am very much looking forward to how everything fits together as we head towards the half way point in the mini-series.

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Codename: Action #3

Nov 12, 2013

Once again, Codename: Action #3delivers. Definitely worth the investment, both in story and artistic merit.

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Codename: Action #4

Dec 17, 2013

Do you like… Action? Conspiracy Theories? World Damnation? ThenCodename: Action is for you! There are only two issues after this, so be sure to snag these first four and get ready for what looks like an epic conclusion in the coming months.

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Codename: Action #5

Feb 4, 2014

Once again, Jonathan Lau's art exists to be enjoyed. From every calm moment to the most violent action, he has made this story shine.

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Copperhead #5

Jan 13, 2015

So, if you haven'y yet, I strongly encourage embarking on the mission to the wondrous world that is COPPERHEAD. You will not be disappointed.

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FF #1

Feb 7, 2012

And by all means, don't listen to what Nathaniel Richards has to say...

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FF #2

Mar 16, 2012

These two things are very small creative decisions that should not impact your buying decision, overall this was a great book and addition to the series!

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FF #3

Mar 16, 2012

My favorite part of the story was on the page where this image took an entire panel, without dialog (see non-cover image).

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FF #4

Mar 16, 2012

The best (and most redeeming) part of the book is during the "Reeds problem" discussion. Reed lets Doom know just how his counterparts are treated throughout the Omniverse. Doom's expression was priceless.

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FF #5

Mar 16, 2012

The story ends with the Reeds, as they meet to enact their plan. One thing that I didn't understand is why the High Evolutionary doesn't realize the Reeds are in the Forever City. I would have assumed he had some kind of security system. Either way, the story ends with a cliffhanger, one that even the Reeds didn't see coming.

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FF #6

Mar 16, 2012

Overall, I was impressed by the story. I really liked the art on this one as well - different but good. Oh, and how could I forget, there was a few nice panels with our favorite teleporting hound dog, Lockjaw!

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FF #7

Mar 16, 2012

So, between Lockjaw, the Supremor Seed, and the always silent yet powerfully unpredictable Black Bolt, this issue was worth the read and addition to my collection. Many will not agree with me, but in the end, this issue will likely be referenced for some of the few gems it does provide.

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FF #8

Mar 16, 2012

This issue does not disappoint. It is chock full of twists, turns, action and drama. The over-arching story is really starting to make sense as all the plot streams converge in this fantastic battle for Earth's survival. The best aspects of this issue revolve around Doom. He has been overly cooperative through all of this. What is he getting out of all this? Can he be up to something? Is this all part of a doom-esque calculated plan? In this issue we find out... and sadly, it is Victor's trust that dooms him in the end.

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FF #9

Mar 16, 2012

The Inhumans make it clear, they both want to and know how to win a WAR, yet all is not right with the world - the battle may be over, but the war wages on - and as could be expected, the Future Foundation's ranks are in a constant state of flux... some are sent to where they are needed most, some are captured, and one is put on a very short leash.

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FF #10

Mar 16, 2012

This issue was really a "rally the troops, this is going to get messy quick" kind of a story. As we see each side shore up for the next battle, we gain a lot more insight into the relationship between Ronan and Crystal. It is interesting to think about their relationship as it stacks up against Sue and Reed. While both illustrate deep commitment, one seems a bit more "Natural Born Killers" than the other...

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FF #11

Mar 16, 2012

What will come of the FF series? What are all the kids going to do in the midst of this epic battle? Will their parent's survive? I am expecting all this and more from the next issue! And hey, if the series is orphaned, it surely will have a home with all the other kids in the Future Foundation. ;)

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FF #12

Mar 16, 2012

And it would appear that the class trip is not over yet. This branch of the FF is planning to get right back into the fight - this time, through the Bridge...

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FF #13

Mar 16, 2012

Hopefully in the next issue we will find out how all this foreboding drama will play out. I really want to know what those celestial fingertips do!

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FF #14

Mar 16, 2012

Unless something drastically different and tricky is presented, I have to admit I was wrong about Doom. His reason for staying really may have been sacrifice. While valiant, and for all the right reasons, I cannot help but feel bad. In fact, I am really hoping that there was one last trick up his sleeve - if I check Val's math, 28 minutes - 27 minutes (needed) = 1 minute to survive!'s to hoping!

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FF #15

Mar 4, 2012

Now that both this and the Fantastic Four series are synchronized, "on the same page", even, it will be interesting to see how each book is managed from a content point of view. People are going to want different perspectives in each book, if they are going to continue to dole out three dollars per issue. They have to either diverge the stories again, or produce content for a story that is worth a six dollar per month investment. So far, I believe the creative team has what it takes to get the job done and keep readers happy. I am excited for FF #16 and Fantastic Four #604!

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FF #16

Apr 7, 2012

This is a Fantastic book. As the months pass, I continue to wonder whether or not FF could keep up with its sibling F4. Surprisingly, not only has it kept up, but I would say that may pages from FF are better than F4. Even with Hickman's reign coming to an end, I hope they stick with the "one author for both books" mentality. I adds a level of cohesiveness that is not possible with a disjointed creative team. And while the art could stand to be more consistent from arc to arc and series to series, it is not as important as the underlying stories being told. Nevertheless, I continue to be pleasantly surprised and always look forward to the upcoming issues for both these series.

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FF #17

Apr 27, 2012

Have you had your Things today? It is the breakfast of Heroes!

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #1

Mar 19, 2012

If you haven'y already, pick it up. The story, art, flow, twists and turns are all worth the price. Also, as you likely know, the second one is already out (Part two of "Hulk: Asunder"), which as you would expect ties in nicely... I recommend that issue as well, and likely will recommend the entire series. :) Maybe at some point in the series Hulk will be able to sit back with his Moloid friends and relax...

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2

Mar 19, 2012

I would pick it up. It was a good read, a good continuation from Issue 1 - it even answered some questions you may have had from that issue - not the main one of "how did they split", but we do get the message driven home that it was "Hulk's choice". Oh, and OK Amanda, we get it, you are not related to Dr. Doom. :) If nothing else, you will want to read this to know understand the cover of the next issue... Anyway, I liked it, not a perfect score, but well worth a read.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #3

Mar 19, 2012

Highly Recommended! This was a great issue! It had a bit of everything: back story/explanation, action, redemption, reveal, a clear path forward. It is definitely worth picking up as a solid book on its own, as well as a great part of the series. I can't wait for the next issue!

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #4

Mar 19, 2012

Recommended. It was a great addition to the series so far. Obviously we have been waiting for these two to finally battle. You had to know that Banner had something up his sleeve... I mean, if not, he wouldn't stand a chance vs. the World Breaker. Though this issue did slow things down a bit, we are promised great things for the next issue, "The Startling Secret of the Hulk/Banner Separation Revealed!". This should be interesting!

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #5

Mar 19, 2012

As far as the art, it was mostly good. There were times that the characters looked very different than I remember from other issues (Mister Gor looked very young in comparison to the first issue he was in), but overall, it felt consistent enough not to distract from the story.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #6

Mar 19, 2012

The ending is fitting of a Hulk story and it will be interesting how they transition from the last page of the story to the teaser image portrayed for the next issue. They have a lot of ground to make up... and I certainly hope it is worth the wait/anticipation.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #7

Apr 29, 2012

One of the weaker aspects of this issue was the lead-in to the next arc - Hulk vs. She-Hulk (Betty). I understand why they want to have this play out, I just am not completely on board with how it came about in this issue. I guess we will see how it goes. What I would really like to know is where and when this fits into continuity for other appearances of both Betty and Hulk (e.g. The Defenders 2012 series). In any case, I am definitely going to keep reading this series. If it stays dark and violent like this, we are surely in for a different adventure than Hulk's other appearances in the team books - which makes this a great alternative for those of us that want a more adult Hulk book.

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Infernal Man-Thing (2012) #1

Jul 22, 2012

The story itself is deep and thoughtful, as well as depressing and enthralling.

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Infernal Man-Thing (2012) #2

Jul 22, 2012

Whether I understand the overall plan for this mini-series or not, there is something that we all can relate to within its pages - the common experience of filling our days with something that is only a means to an end, an end that is too often, too far in the future to realize.

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Magneto: Not a Hero #1

Mar 1, 2012

Get your hands on this issue and read it. :) It is only a fours issue limited series, so it is not a big monetary investment for such a great story line. There are some great characters and likely a big fight coming in the upcoming issues - part one lays a great foundation for the story and provides a nice preview for the upcoming issues. I am sure there will be a trade, but I wouldn't want to wait any longer than I had to to read this!

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Magneto: Not a Hero #3

Mar 1, 2012

I really liked this issue. There was a lot of action, great art, and little dialog. It read REALLY fast, but was enough to keep the story moving to the last, and final issue. I am really looking forward to the conclusion of this mini-series.

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Marvel Zombies Destroy #5

Jul 22, 2012

Follow @thanosrules on Twitter for more thanosrules Quick Reviews (#trqr)!

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Mind MGMT #9

Mar 20, 2013

If you are not yet reading this wonderfully imaginative and original series, you will want to get on it " straight away. Do not pass GO, do not collect " err " You don't need cash, ""remember that any paper can be mind augmented to perform in the place of real money."

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Mind MGMT #11

May 21, 2013

The art – Again, I think it is perfect that Matt handles both the writing and the art. I know it is a lot of work, but it is well worth it from my (a fan)perspective. It means high quality, albeitquirky, consistency from issue to issue. I will go as far to say that at this point, no other art would fit this book.

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Mind MGMT #12

Jun 26, 2013

Once again, Matt has gone above and beyond for the reader. So, once again, he receives yet another perfect review score. This is what books should be like. This should be the bar. His “one man band” approach to this book really makes a huge difference in continuity, experience, and an overall feeling of “staying true to the underlying message”, that is too often missing from most mainstream books.

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Mind MGMT #13

Jul 23, 2013

Matt Kindt is amazing. He makes me feel intellectually inferior and appreciative at the same time. His stories are complex. His art is beautiful. He is truly one of a kind(t) in the industry.

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Mind MGMT #14

Aug 27, 2013

So, with another issue of Mind MGMT, comes another 5-Star rating. Matt's story just continues to captivate, motivate and inspire. In some ways, it is more real than real.

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Mind MGMT #15

Sep 24, 2013

I would easily give this issue a 6 / 5 stars if the rating system allowed -If not solely for the fact that it brilliantly bridged the gaps between so many different past issues – but more than that – it answered countless questions, checked so many boxes, and inspired so much awe. En lieu of a different system, we will all have to settle with a -

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Mind MGMT #16

Oct 22, 2013

Matt's storytelling is second to none. The fact that he has the majority of this 36-issue (ish) series worked out in his head, blows my mind. There is just so much baked into each issue, each aspect of the story, each"everything. This issue especially.

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Mind MGMT #17

Nov 26, 2013

This issue proves that every part of the story is related to every other part, in some way, shape, form, line, squiggle, or spot of watercolor. And while it may not always be sequential, the art tells a story that no written word could hope to describe.

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Mind MGMT #18

Jan 21, 2014

Oh, and be sure to check out the last page – Matt has managed to create a simple, yet elegant cross-over into some of the other work he is a part of over at Valiant!

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Mind MGMT #19

Feb 25, 2014

As usual for me and my reviews of Mind MGMT, I will not spoil the story, nor perplex any new readers, so all plot items are off the table. I will, on the other hand, ask you this: How many other comic stories offer a plot with FOUR different perspectives on the same 6-panel page?

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Mind MGMT #20

Mar 25, 2014

It will blow your mind. It will leave you questioning"Is it merely a prophetic potential future by Perrier? Do predictions in Mind MGMT always have to lead to peril? Or are these actual (and tragic) script pages to be executed on by Matt himself?

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Mind MGMT #21

Apr 22, 2014

All this innate depth, and Matt still manages to spatter additional aural themed meta-plot character qualities throughout the already blood soaked pages. Amazing.

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Mind MGMT #30

Jan 27, 2015

I know, at least for me, "Mind MGMT Day" stands as the entertainment highlight of the month. All the days in between are simply steps towards next month's issue. What other form of entertainment offers a continual stream of original works of art, unfolding nearly real-time, as the creator puts ink to page (or in this case, eraser to page)?

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Mind MGMT #32

Apr 21, 2015

Finally – You best be reading the ‘Triple Indemnity' narrative at the end of the main story. I have a strong feeling that what Dali has set up for that film, will have significant impact on Meru and crew…

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Mind MGMT #33

May 19, 2015

Like the rest of you devoted Mind MGMT readers, I am both excited and saddened by the end of this series. I can honestly say that reading and reviewing this series has changed my life. I am more inspired because of it, and any concept I had of "comics" has been redefined, forever.

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Mind MGMT #34

Jun 16, 2015

One more issue. One more issue of Mind MGMT. Let that sink in. Sure, we will get one more after that, but that is NEW MGMT. An Epilogue. Either way, I think it is going to take at least a month for me to prepare " for the end. The end of what has been setup to be the best story in comics. Ever.

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Mind MGMT #35

Jul 21, 2015

Mind MGMT is, was, and forever will be, a story that enables all your senses to experience more. More from a medium thatcould have easily gone stale without geniuses like Matt. Happily, and instead, each month we were refreshed with something NEW.Something DIFFERENT.Something MORE.

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Mind MGMT #36

Aug 25, 2015

This epilogue was a fitting end to a series that never dropped below 10/10. It was the perfect ending. Hell, it was the perfect beginning. Either way, and most importantly, you are not left with an empty feeling. Instead, you are left with a full heart; a full mind; a sense of completion.

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Mystery in Space #1

May 15, 2012

This book landed in a lot of "10 comics to pick up this week" lists across the internet, so I decided to pick it up... I am certainly glad that I did. I thought it contained a lot of thought-provoking stories and some really fantastic art. The creative teams change with each story, so there is something for everyone in this nine-story 80 page one-shot.

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Past Aways #1

Mar 24, 2015

So, while I do highly recommend checking out DHP #6 for the prologue, this is definitely a perfect jumping on point for new readers. And from what I can tell, we should hold onto chonohelmets – it is gonna be a wild ride through our future's history!

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Reality Check #1

Sep 3, 2013

Reality Check #1 is definitely worth picking up – go ahead, immerse yourself in a world that is immersing itself in itself.

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Reality Check #2

Oct 1, 2013

Reality Check #2 is definitely worth the read. Continue down the rabbit hole into the very strange world of Willard Penn.

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Reality Check #3

Nov 5, 2013

Once again, I have to I recommend this book.Reality Check #3is worth the read " especially if you have made it this far. Since as far as I can tell from the Image solicit for Issue 4, this is a 4-issue mini-series.

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Reality Check #4

Dec 4, 2013

Reality Check #4, like the three that came before it, is worth the read. It has a nice, non-rushed ending and a few unexpected twists and turns. Overall, this mini-series deserves the rating that each of the issues have been getting all along. Nice job!

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Shame Itself #1

Mar 17, 2012

With the fourth wall completely busted, this book ends where it began - with Psycho-Man and his Emoccordion. At least they had it right, the device's "AWE" button does not work. I spent more time shaking my head than in astonishment. Notable Quotable/Reference: Psycho-Man's tech-support experience... Maybe the first troubleshooting step during his support call should have been to swap the labels around on the device.

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Shooters #1

Apr 1, 2012

You do not have to be war buff, have experience with post-traumatic stress syndrome, or any other link to the military to enjoy this book. Whether you take this as a war story, military saga, or heart wrenching drama, you will find something here that makes you "feel". On April 18th, 2012, be sure you have a copy. Read it. Feel something, different.

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Silver Surfer: Requiem #1

Mar 17, 2012

This is one of those stories that you don't want to think about, but as you read it, you know what has to happen, why it has to happen, and in the end, you are left in awe. This was one of the first "modern" Silver Surfer collections I ever read. It threw me off, mentally and emotionally. The art fits the tone of the writing. Everything about this story is solemn. The interactions are heartfelt. You see Galactus as you never have - the emotions were palpable. For everything the Silver Surfer has taken from the Universe, he has tried to give back; for each sacrifice he has made, he has remained humble; and for all his power, his final foe could not be stopped. It was time...

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

Apr 29, 2014

So, I am not sure what the die-hard Star Wars fanatic is going to think, but this casual Star Wars informed, Matt Kindt fan really digs this first of four part mini-series.

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Thanos Rising #1

Apr 3, 2013

I would certainly recommend this book. It paves the way towards Infinityand promises to give you a solid understanding of “that guy at the end of the Avengers movie”. Oh, and I will hold my spoilery thoughts on who the girl in this story is – needless to say, she has meintrigued.

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Thanos Rising #2

May 1, 2013

Lines are crossed, ties are broken, and wounds are torn wide open into scars that will never heal. This is the turning point. This is what nightmares are made of. You may not like what you read in this book. I did, but it still has me thinking, should Thanos be my favorite character?

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Thanos Rising #3

Jun 9, 2013

Simone Bianchi once again does the issue complete justice when it comes to capturing the essence of the darkness and the depth portrayed in story. Thanos' depiction in comparison to his beautiful counterparts becomes completely clear in this issue. How else would you portray such a tormented outcast who was forced to wander the stars in search for something he will never find?

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Thanos Rising #4

Jul 17, 2013

Once again, this issue deserves high praise. It brings what we have all known about Thanos and Death to light. It is heartbreaking. I was left with strange feelings of remorse and pity – oddly enough, not for the thousands of people Thanos has killed to get to where he is thus far, but for the Mad Titan himself.

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Thanos Rising #5

Aug 29, 2013

After this amazing mini-series, one thing is for sure – Thanos is no longer simply a fool suffering unrequited love…He has risen, and once again will descend to the depths of infinity – battling his truth, and embracing his destiny.

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Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) #2

Jan 15, 2015

With this issue, we are halfway through the four issue cosmic mini-series romp. It looks like it is well paced and on track to delight and amuse. And while after the mini-series no one will be that much worse off, I have a feeling Annihilus will be back to his former glory " something that was much needed from the events of Annihilation.

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Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) #3

Feb 13, 2015

As I have stated, and as will be obvious, Thanos is only a part of this issue in title and background of Lim's cover. I heard this was the case before I actually read this issue, which made me skeptical. But honestly, it wasn't a bad thing. It will be interesting to see how Starlin brings everything together in the next issue. The plot is starting to feel a little cramped, but I do not think we are at "Spider-Man Movie" stage just yet.

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The Goon #44

Nov 26, 2013

The Goon is back! From what I can tell, fans are excited. N00bs should be.The Art is wonderful!Eric does a great job illustrating the gaps in my understanding of the Spanish language.The Humor. This book is listed in the “Humor” category. While I likely missed a lot of the jokes, I can see what Eric was going for – once you get to the short rap interlude with Li'l John (YA-YAH!) you will understand.The Goon Himself! Let there be smack-down; followed by “LA TRISTEZA” (“THE SADNESS”) – at least for the “LAGARTO HOMBRE”.At first I was thinking this was NOT a great jumping on point in the series. But really, IT IS.Take it for the ballsy debut that it is. And if you hate that you don't understand the dialog – leverage internet translators until the next issue. Either way, you have to respect the art!

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The Ray #1

Feb 27, 2012

I think it is a great new mini-series. I love it when new ideas take off. The best part about it, as a 4 part mini-series, the monetary investment is relatively small - and after reading this issue, more than worth it for the entertainment value provided.

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The Ray #2

Feb 27, 2012

I am as confused as everyone else on the actual length of this mini-series. This issue does in fact say, "2 of 6", where the first issue clearly stated, "1 of 4". I am hoping this second issue is correct, because I believe it would be better to see this through six issues - especially for a brand new character with a lot to prove (especially to his girlfriend). In the end, it is a $3 book, part of a mini-series and is still decently entertaining. Only time will tell how bright the future is for this book's hero...

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The Ray #3

Feb 27, 2012

The great writing and beautiful art come together wonderfully to form a solid issue (not a filler) in this "feels too short" mini-series. While I would loved to have it last another two issues beyond its current size, I am sure the creative team will bring a satisfying ending to this exciting, action packed and drama filled book. If anyone from DC is taking notes, I believe this will make a great trade and will likely do well as a collection.

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The Ray #4

Mar 15, 2012

I think this character has A LOT of potential. I hope the ending is an indication that we will see him again in a team book. It would be great to see his powers go up against some Lanterns! Or better yet, he would be a great energy source for Superman. :)

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The Shade (2011) #2

Mar 1, 2012

I highly recommend this issue. I would also recommend that you read the first issue in this series before you crack this one open.

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The Shade (2011) #3

Mar 1, 2012

Highly Recommended. Both for its story and the fact that it is part of the larger arc(s) in this series. This issue is all about learning and letting go. The Shade has been around a LONG time. He has built up a lot of automated defenses that keep him safe, but like any "wall", they also keep him from growing past his weaknesses. In this issue we see the Shade breaking down these barriers - physically, mentally and emotionally. The symbolism is fantastic. The non-variant cover captures it wonderfully. In the end, with his defenses down, he is able to gain access to what he seeks, which just opens up another mysterious door for the reader. This is a great addition to the series. I cannot wait for the next issue!

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The Shade (2011) #4

Mar 1, 2012

Highly Recommended. I would definitely not miss this Times Past issue of The Shade! It was extremely enjoyable and filled with a lot of great characters. It has just the right amounts of action, dialog, twists and turns - all this with the completion of the back-story hinted in the last issue. I am very much looking forward to the next, and fifth installment of this series!

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The Shade (2011) #5

Mar 1, 2012

This series is definitely worth picking up. Now that the entire 12 Issue series has been confirmed, and a trade is on the horizon, many of you may be waiting for the collection. While I plan on purchasing the collection as well, I do believe, if you have the ability to get copies of this, and the previous four issues, it is well worth your time. As I stated above, the story, the pacing and the intent of this series has really started to solidify. With only 7 issues left, I would certainly prefer having a piece of the story, a little at a time, rather than wait for the trade to release - 8+ months is a long time to wait for such a fantastic series!

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The Shade (2011) #6

Mar 15, 2012

It is likely obvious by now that this issue has more to do with La Sangre and less to do with The Shade than most of the previous books. Do not let that discourage you. Though he may only play a supporting role in this issue, his involvement is significant to the plots progression. Oh, apparently, in the highly anticipated next issue we will see some of his most profound work yet.

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The Shade (2011) #7

Apr 13, 2012

The cliffhanger in this issue was not as nail biting as the last. It does introduce the next level of villainy for The Shade to overcome - but all that will have to wait, as Issue #8 we travel back in time to 1901 - I am hoping we get the background story eluded to during this issue's battle. It shall be interesting to learn about The Shade what he was just forced to recall...

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #1

Oct 8, 2013

The return of theShaolin Cowboyin this new series brings a different kind of hero. No tights, no flight, no nonsense. Just kung fu and chainsaws – oh, and zombies. If any of this twerks your interest, this just may be the book for you!

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #2

Nov 12, 2013

So, for me,Shaolin Cowboy#2 had a perfect score half-way trough the issue – at which time I actually said aloud, “If this entire book is zombie killing with no dialog, I am completely sold on the series.”

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #3

Dec 10, 2013

Shaolin Cowboyis still breaking the rules and is full of amazingly detailed art, so it still deserves an awesome score:

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #4

Jan 7, 2014

Never before has tearing through a hoard of tattooed, bug infested, naked zombies with one's fists looked as easy. Both "the Cowboy" and Geof make the effort involved look natural. And once again I am completely blown away by the amount of detail penciled on each page. It is just astonishing.

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Thor: The Deviants Saga #1

Mar 8, 2012

It did not score perfect for me because it seemed like the various back-stories could have been transitioned more seamlessly, with less "I am going to tell a back-story now" introductions...

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Thor: The Deviants Saga #2

Mar 8, 2012

I recommend this issue if you are collecting the mini-series. It also has some nice art. I am still hopeful for the rest of the series, so I will be picking up the rest regardless.

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Thor: The Deviants Saga #3

Mar 8, 2012

As always, I am holding out hope, and am in it for the "long haul", well at least until the end of these five issues. :)

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Thor: The Deviants Saga #4

Mar 8, 2012

NOTE: This is a part 4 of 5, so not the best jumping on point if you are simply looking to start here. I would recommend finding and reading the previous three issues before reading this one.

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Thor: The Deviants Saga #5

Mar 8, 2012

The biggest let down for me is that this mini-series was my first read/review. I started my reviewing hobby with Issue #1 of this series. It is just a shame that five months later, as I approach 150 reviews that this series ends this way. I guess they all can't be winners - I guess my expectations were just set up a bit too high.

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Vengeance (2011) #1

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended with a caveat. Because I have read all six books, and I am a collector, I would say this book is an "OK" addition to the Vengeance mini-series. After reading this issue, I was VERY confused. I was very happy that I had the remaining issues in the mini.

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Vengeance (2011) #2

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended again with a caveat. This book was better overall. It was less confusing as a stand alone story, but as part of a larger story in this mini, things still seem to be missing the target. I do believe it fits well with the rest of the mini-series though, so if you are a collector and/or like the story line, this issue might be for you.

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Vengeance (2011) #3

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended. No caveats this time. This issue was actually pretty great on its own. It is a bit more "trippy" than what we have seen to this point, but the shaded "visions" it starts out with work well as a plot device to tie some of the loose ends. This is a welcome addition to this mini.

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Vengeance (2011) #4

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended. Again, no caveats. This was another solid book for this mini-series. Heck, it was a good book all its own. Things feel like they are finally coming together. The various teams in the book seem to have purpose, questions are being answered, things are really looking up. Let's hope they can keep up the momentum for the final two books in the mini.

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Vengeance (2011) #5

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended. Like the last three books in this mini-series, this is another solid read. We finally get the reason for all the Red Skull Nazi flashbacks (I guess they had to wait until he was on the cover) - and though underwhelming, at least it is no longer a mystery. The battle scenes in the "Sixth Dimension" were likely the best in the series. I am looking forward to the last book, not only to wrap this crazy story up, but to finally see where they were going with all this from the start to finish.

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Vengeance (2011) #6

Mar 3, 2012

Recommended. Hey, you have made it this far, you might as well get it. Seriously though, it wasn't the best book ever written, but it does wrap things up. It makes for a nice little mini-series, nothing to write home about, but I guess something to write six reviews about. :)

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Villains For Hire #0

Mar 8, 2012

So, if you like the characters in this book or just want to collect this, another option would be to pick up the recently released trade, Point One II, which collects a number of 0.1 Marvel Issues, including this story.

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Villains For Hire #1

Mar 8, 2012

Heck, it is only a 4 issue mini-series, so why not right? In all actuality though, this issue is worth picking up. I loved how it was from the villain perspective, very different than the usual super-hero vs. villain book. I felt like I was reading a bunch of money-hungry cut-throat characters in a GTA type universe.

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Villains For Hire #2

Mar 8, 2012

Either way, I think this flowed nicely from the last issue, keeping up the pace and is heading in the right direction to finish in another two issues. Not saying that everything will be resolved, but the plot seems to be on course and just the right amount of detail has been spilled onto the pages of both issues so far. I look forward to the continuation and conclusion of this mini-arc.

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Villains For Hire #3

Mar 9, 2012

I realize I may sound unenthusiastic about this issue, but there are a lot of good aspects: the action, the art, the twists and turns, even some of the dialog is quite entertaining - I am just concerned that the next and last issue will lack what it takes to complete this series on a high note... only time will tell!

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Villains For Hire #4

Mar 9, 2012

I really enjoyed this series overall. If you set your expectations right, I think you will agree - it is worth the ~12 dollar investment for the four books - and while there is a fifth Point One issue ( for this series, it really confuses things more than it helps. This will likely be collected as a HC and/or trade, you may want to wait for that, though I bet your LCS has a copy of each of the main mini-series issues.

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Reviews for the Week of...


