J.DubComics's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: J.DubComics Reviews: 125
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Literally anything can happen now in the run up to #700, and I am sure that there will be more shocks on the way. Pick this book up so you can say you were involved in this. Even if you do not pick up this title on a regular basis then jump on with this issue, it really is ideal.

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Dan Slott should be very proud of what he and his team have created here. I follow him on twitter and it is clear that many people hate what he has done at the end of this issue. If I was him I would take that as a compliment as I do not believe there is a comic book in history that has implications as big as this. One day I expect Peter Parker to be brought back to life, mainly due to the Amazing Spider Man 2 film. However, right now I am very excited to jump on the Superior Spider Man and just see where things go from there. Remember, Slott is a lifelong Spidey fan, he will NOT mess this up.

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It may be too soon to say that this series is going to be a massive hit. However, the main characters in this book are written so well, it is difficult to see how this book can fail. Also bear in mind that this is written by none other than Nick Spencer (Morning Glories), and we are pretty much onto a winner with this title.

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This was yet another very solid issue. I can't actually imagine a time where this book will actually have a bad issue. It is just so consistent, but not only that, it just has a winning formula. If these guys are smart, then this book will be staying fresh for quite a while yet. For those people who have been in from the start of this book, you will love this issue like all the rest. Get a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy this issue.

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Overall, this was an absolutely fantastic setup issue for what I am sure is going to be a very exciting series to keep our eyes on. I am desperate to learn more about the bad guys along with their powers, as well as seeing how our heroes escape from the predicament they have found themselves in. It is clear that Hickman is creating something here on an epic level, and it is something that I am desperate for more of. I have finally found my Avengers book.

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I have only received this book today, so I have been hiding from all reviews on this book all week and I am still yet to have read one. I was also slightly worried that I might be left feeling disappointed, even though I have total faith in the team of Scott Snyder and Gregg Capullo considering their portfolio. However, I never had any need to worry, this is just fantastic. It is the story that a lot of Batman fans having been waiting months for, and even one issue in, it looks like it is going to be a truly thrilling ride throughout.

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This issue was amazing. There really are no more words to describe it. Scott Snyder is hitting top form with this story line, and you can really tell that he is loving telling us this tale.I know that some people were a bit against #15 in this series, but I am sure that they have changed their minds after reading this. Batman is turning into the best horror comic book out there at the minute, and that is something that I never expected to say.

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I have not mentioned everything that happens in this issue in this review, and I have attempted to be as spoiler free as I can be. It is clear that there is going to be some major fallout between Bruce and the rest of the Bat family. I wonder just how long this will go on for? Also, what exactly have they been told by Joker about Batman? I am sure #18 will make things a bit more clear on that. It also looks like Joker will be making a return at some point in the future. How soon in the future is unclear at the minute, but I can guarantee that it will struggle to live up to this storyline. Will it be hailed as a classic in the future? Who knows. However, do I regard it as a classic Joker story? You are damn right that I do.

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As I mentioned on my Twitter account, I am giving away the FREE digital code for this issue. It is first come first served, so whoever redeems it first gets it. It is out of my control. I just thought it would be a great way for someone to get into this series, or carry on from where it has been left. So, here it is: TMM7M1C7A990

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I am going to miss this series, but I honestly think that six issues was a perfect amount for it to develop and come to an ending which I am sure most fans of it will appreciate. Reading it all the way through in a sitting or two is my next challenge. It is one that I really cant wait for. If you have not been reading this then pick the trade up, you will not be disappointed.

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Brian K. Vaughan accompanied by Fiona Staples on art delivered big time once again this month with a well written, beautifully drawn issue. This series does not seem to be losing momentum anytime soon. I wonder if it will be win awards for the best series of 2013? I would not bet against it.

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I have read some theories that everything Carl is doing is part of Rick's grand plan to defeat Negan. I am not too sure, but I am willing to be we will find out next issue as we rejoin the group. This is a great series and you get the feeling that Kirkman is really stepping up his game. The Governor is currently the character dominating the TV series, but I really believe that Negan is more terrifying and much more of a threat. I am confident enough already to say that the next issue of this will no doubt be the book of the month.

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I was very excited for this issue due to the tease of the introduction of the new character. What we got here was a lot more than that; as well as being slightly unexpected. There was some fantastic character development here, not just on the above characters mentioned, but also a few more in smaller scenes in this issue. I love how focused Kirkman still is on doing things like this. It is his baby and it is clear that he is still taking care of it in the same way as he has been from day 1. Charlie Adlards' art was also even better than usual in this issue. It truly is a great instalment, and one that I am sure TWD fans will enjoy as much as I did.

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So, this little story has come to an end, and I really can't wait to see where we will be going next in the forthcoming issues. When this series first arrived it seemed like options going forward were limited, but now that has definitely reversed. I am loving the way Doc is developing as Spidey, and I am also very much enjoying Peter being there on his shoulder, which is surprising as I thought that this would ruin the whole "new" Spider-Man thing; which is has not done at all. If you want to read some great comic action then pick up #4 and #5 and I have a feeling you will be sticking with Superior for a while after.

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 I really recommend this issue, as once again we have seen some important character development. Some people may read up on the plot and decide to skip it; but honestly, pick it up. It is a great little story, and some of the outcomes in it will be having an effect on Docs' future. Definitely not just a filler issue.

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I am very excited for the next issue, and I really cant get enough of the current team dynamic. I do not think that this will last long however, but I am having fun just going along on this journey with Buddy Baker and the rest of the gang. It still has that Stephen King feel to this current arc, and I can see some more twists and turns occurring that would make the master of suspense proud to have as his own.

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I imagine a lot of younger readers who picked up this series due to the film last summer will probably have dropped this by now. Hickman and Marvel have grown a pair of balls in taking the series in the direction that it is going in, and I sure hope comic book fans around the world are enjoying this as much I am.

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Overall, this was another great issue of Batman. In about 15 issues I think there have only been about two that have been not as good as the rest. This is a great series, and this is a really great event. The Joker is more terrifying than every before, and he is only getting worse. A must read.

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I thought issue #2 of this series had taken its foot off the pedal slightly after an amazing #1. However, after reading this I can confirm that we are firmly back on track with this mini series. I am sure we will be given more answers in the near future to some questions, but things are starting to fall into place at last. If you guys want to read a horror book then look no further than this.

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Once again this is another great issue. In fact I would go as far as saying that it is better than I thought it would be. I had a feeling it was going to be some kind of filler issue; but instead it has become one of my favourite issues of the series so far. If you are not purchasing this book then buy this as it acts as a great jumping on point. A brand new story arc is starting next month too, so now really is as good a time as ever to step into the world of Daredevil.

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Pick this up now! Even if you are unfamiliar with the characters, I still think that this will hit you hard. It was just a very solid issue which also saw Chris Samnee firing on all cylinders art wise. This book shows that comics are still important in our society. Not just that, it also sets up what I am sure to be some cracking issues in the coming months. Do yourself a favour and get on this series before you regret it.

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I have tried not to give too many spoilers away in this review. Obviously we know that Matt has died, however the events before that are best read without spoilers to get maximum enjoyment out of this fantastic first issue. Pick this book up, it has potential to be a very special limited series.

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I highly recommend checking this series out. You don't even have to be a fan of Daredevil; the writing is so good. There are five issues left in this series, and I can almost guarantee that each of them will be getting similar ratings as the three I have no reviewed. This really is great stuff.

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This is a series that I really can not recommend highly enough. Pick up all five issues that have been released so far, read them in one sitting, and I can guarantee you will be hooked. Reading this series with a nice mug of black coffee is absolute perfection. Bring on #6 next month.

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We may have only had one panel showing the Third Army in this entire issue, but the danger they pose flows throughout the book very nicely. I am looking forward to see Baz continue on his personal mission in the next issue, as well as what lies ahead for Hal and Sinestro due to what was teased on the very last page. Of course we cant forget the Rise of the Third Army. Yeah, I am pretty much hyped for everything about the next issue. It can not come quickly enough.

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There is not too much to say about this book. The story arc continues at the same pace that it has been doing. If you are following this series then no doubt you will love it. However, if you are not reaing it then this really is not much of a jumping on point. Once again the art is absolutely stunning, and is another reason why this book is so great. What I noticed this month is that this book is a 2.99 book. Yes, 2.99! I really didnt know that. In other words, that makes this series an absolute steal.

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I really cant wait for the last issue of this series which should hit shelves next month. It has been a fantastic read and I am very eager to see if everything is going to be wrapped up. This is a Grant Morrison book so I think there may be some kind of shock conclusion which the readers did not see coming. As long as there is no time travel involved, I am sure it is going to rock.

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As you can see, I really enjoyed this issue. I went into it with the thinking that if I came out of it with the same feeling as I did with the first two issues, then I was going to drop it. Now after reading it, I think I may have to re-read those issues again. This is without a doubt my book of the week.

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Once again another great issue in this series. I may even go as far as saying that they are getting better and better each issue. That may not be the case, but they are certainly at the top of my reading pile when they arrive.

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This is a rare book that you just know with each issue you open a few different things will happen: a) you will be blown away by the dialogue, b) you will laugh at the jokes c) you will stare at panels due to how beautiful they are. I really am running out of things to say in each review I do on this series. Why would you not be reading this?

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I really enjoyed this issue, so much show that I have bought Aquaman #15 as I have been informed that it carries on from where this book left off. Considering I have never read any Aquaman, this is a pretty big achievement for this book to make people like me do this. I am very interested in this major event, and I am just hoping that a level of consistency can be reached month to month in order to keep me interested. This is something that I have found JL to struggle with in the past, and I am really rooting for them to succeed this time around.

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To be honest I was expecting this mini series to just tie up any loose ends from the ongoing which has just finished. I could not have been more wrong. Instead it is carrying the story on, while also acting as an explanation for Frank Castle's situation when Marvel NOW! comes a long. Or thats what I believe anyway. We will have to wait and see. I am definitely picking up the next issue as well as the rest of the series. If you are a fan of the Punisher or Greg Rucka then I suggest you do the same.

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Some of you may be reading this review after missing Rucka's fantastic run; or you may have even just caught the end of it all. Well, I strongly recommend that if this is the case for some of you then you get buying the rest of the run. It will be money well spent I assure you. This is how Frank was meant to be written.

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It is very hard to judge a series from just one issue, but I have really got a good feeling about this book. Ennis has set up a really intriguing series that I am eager to follow. If you are fans of the tv shows "The Wire" or "The Shield" then I suggest you read this first issue and make your own mind up. It is a 3.99 book but I feel that you really get your moneys worth due to the amount of content in it. You will need to put aside a good 20 minutes to get through this and to get a good feel for it; however I can guarantee that if you are into this sort of thing then it will be a 20 minutes really well spent.

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It is hard to review this book and not give away the story. It just has to be read to have the effect that it was intended to have upon the reader. Therefore this month and this month only I am not going to give any spoilers, be it major or minor. However next month I am going to start giving some small spoilers so pick this up. Also, considering the time of year, this is a really fitting series to start to get in to.

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This is a book that has to be picked up. There is literally nothing similar to this anywhere else in the market. It truly is a fantastic book, which is gaining positive attention each and every month. Treat yourself.

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Oh and who can forget lying cat? The animal that can tell when someone is lying had a couple of moments in here that were hilarious. Who ever thought that such a strange creature could become such a fan favourite. The moments with this animal are well worth admission alone. Speaking of admission, I am in shock that this is still a 2.99 book. It is such a bargain. If you are unfamiliar with this series then pick up the trade of 1-6. I assure you will thank me.

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This was yet another solid Supergirl issue. Mike Johnsons' run has been nothing but good and he deserves so much credit. Kara has always been a great character, and I think that this New 52 version of her may be my favourite yet. The art was once again awesome, and it seems to be getting better and better with each issue. I think I may have said that in my review of issue #13, and the art is even better this month than last months issue. This issue left on a cliffhanger, and I cant wait to see what happens in the next issue. This is a series that deserves to be read, and it does really deserve to be one of DC's best selling books.

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I cant wait for the next issue to see how Kara and Hel's "relationship" has developed, and to hopefully find out H'el's true intentions. What frustrates me about this series is that it is so hard to find reviews for it. Type "Supergirl #15 review" on a search engine and what you will notice straight away is the absence of the big comic book sites on the search results. This series is getting ignored for some reason and that should really not be the case. If you are buying this book then well done for supporting it, and if you are not then I really suggest giving it a try.

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This issue really felt like a proper Spider-Man book, and I can't wait to see how the threat of Massacre will be dealt with in the next issue. Otto may have to do something that Peter would never do, and I for one am expecting fireworks if things progress like I think they will.

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I highly recommend this book, and I am sure most Spidey fans will be picking it up this week. Considering Dan Slott did not touch this issue, I am very impressed with the results. I also think that this issue acts as a nice little prologue for Superior Spider Man; in fact it could have even been an #0 issue. I am now beyond excited for Superior #1 to hit next month now; which means that this issue has done its job successfully.

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This was yet another very solid installment in this monster of a series. It was also Charlie Adlards' 100th issue on art duties, and as usual he did not disappoint. His art style is unbelievably unique, and the thought of anyone else drawing this book just seems ridiculous.

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This is a book which needs to be read. Jason Aaron has hit all sorts of form with everything he seems to be touching at the minute. Even if you have never been a  fan of this chracter I believe it is still worth a read. Aaron is creating something epic, and it feels great to be in for the ride with him from the very start.

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This book was great and really was utilised well as a point one jumping on point for new readers. The art once again was amazing, which has been a constant throughout this series. Some of the splash pages were tremendous, especially the one that saw Becky searching Uncle Aaron's old apartment. Personally Ihaven'tseen anything like that before which made it a joy to view. The level of consistency that this book has is on a completely different level to most books out there.So go on jump on. I doubt you will be getting off any time soon.

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Of course this issue saw the grand return of Venom to USM. This issue was mainly teaser until the last panel, so it looks like we will be seeing a lot of more him next issue; which is just fine by me. BMB knows what he is doing, and so does Sara Pichelli on art duties. These two are becoming a lethal combination, which makes me have no doubt at all that this Venom story is going to be something rather special. Bring on issue #20.

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It seems like this arc will be concluding next issue, which is fine with me. At one point I thought that I could not wait for this arc to end, now though after being 2/3 through, I can honestly say I am eagerly anticipating the next issue. This arc has been very enjoyable, and I can not wait for even more character development, which I am sure will follow as that has really been Aaron's thing with this book.

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Overall, this may be one of the best written comic on the stands at the moment. Bendis has a great feel for every single character that he writes. No wonder he has quite a few X books on the go at the moment. This is a massive time for the X-Men, and it is great to see that they have the right man behind them in moving forward. If you are a fan of these characters then I strongly recommend you guys get involved with this series. Yes at times there may not be much action involved; but all that is forgotten due to the fantastic character moments throughout each and every issue.

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As I said, the plot didn't really move forward much until the last page, however this was still an utterly enjoyable issue.If you have been enjoying the series then you will more than likely enjoy this issue too. The action may have been toned down, but the writing was just as good as ever. I find it a shame though that Waid can't seem to recreate his form here on his Hulk book. A Hulk book written like this would be awesome. Oh well, never mind, this Daredevil is more than enough for me.

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This issue was great. I was excited to read it; while at the same time also hoping that Lemire could keep me interested as this is a series I really want to get into. Lemire certainly succeeded here, and I really think that this series has an amazing future ahead of it. The set up that Llemire is doing here is just amazing. He has shook things up a bit by the potential death of a pretty important character which I am sure some people will not be fond of; but on the other hand, he is building something here that I am sure new and old readers of the series alike will be very excited about.

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It looks like this series may take a more serious tone in future issues as it looks like Clints' life may be in danger. However, I can guarantee that even if the content does get slightly more serious, the tone of the book will stay the same, and Clint will still be Clint. The beauty about this series is that you dont even have to pick it up from #1 to get into it, so if you are not reading it then pick up this issue and see what you think. I think you be as on love with Clint after reading it as the rest of us.

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I have enjoyed these last 3 issues immensely as they have spotlighted characters that I would not have read about otherwise. This particular issue seems to link in very nicely to the next story arc we will be seeing in this series. As of right now there is quite a bit of darkness surrounding what it all means, but I trust Hickman to tell a great story with it. Whatever it is, it feels like it is going to be huge.

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This issue needed to be done to show how Batman was dealing with his loss, and I do thinkeverythingwas handled very well. I am, like everyone else, very excited for #19 where we will be kicking off a brand new arc. Don't be put off by mediocre reviews surrounding this book. Pick it up!

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The next issue is advertised to show us Scott training his new recruits, which I am sure is going to be a blast to read. I would get involved in this series for sure. If you are an X-Men fan or a Bendis fan then I think that this will be for you.

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As you can tell from this review, after two issues I am fully on board with this series as long as it continues to do what it is doing. I love the whole feel of it, and I really cant wait to see what happens in the next issue after the cliffhanger this one signed off on. If you want to see some characters that usually take a back seat come to the forefront in a well written series, then try these first two issues. You may not agree with me, but I think this title deserves a lot more credit than it is currently getting.

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This book had a lot to live up to after the previous issue, and I am very happy with how it turned out. We have #699.1 followed by #700 to come, and I am very excited at just how this is all poised. There is no doubt in my mind that #700 will be huge, and I really cant wait to pick it up. If you are not a regular reader of this series then pick up this issue, along with #698, and get ready for the monumental last issue coming out in a couple of weeks. It is not one to be missed!

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All in all this is once again another great issue which is just a small part of this epic scale world that Hickman is creating. I find myself looking forward to the next issue; which I am sure will be great due to what I believe may be a big battle between the extended team and these bad guys. I am sure the art will also flourish if the next issue is built in that way. If you are an Avengers fan then you really need to check this book out. One of the books of the week for sure.

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I do not really want to spoil much with my review on this issue so I am just going to stop it right there. Hickman's run on the Avengers still looks like it is going to be epic. We have one more origin story next time around and then we are straight into the second team arc. These origin stories have been an absolute blast, and I am hoping we will see plenty more in the future after the next one.

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The art once again was great. The rough scratchy style really suits the tone of this book. It really feels like these pictures have been taken right out of Nick Spencers' mine, which shows how great of a job that Riley Rossmo is doing. Bring on #4, which I am sure will be just as disturbing as the previous three issues. We wouldn't want it any other way with this series.

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When this arc most probably concludes in the next issue, I really do not have a clue where this series will go. This is not a concern in the slightest, in fact it just makes me even more interested in this series. It now seems like there are endless routes as we are not only interested in just the one character now, but the fringe characters are also worthy of our attention. This is a very exciting time to get involved in this series, and I for one am sure that it is going to lead us in some thrilling directions in the not too distant future.

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As always with this series, both story and art were exceptional. The art by Riley Rossmo is so very unique, meaning that it is instantly recognisable. It also still suits this book perfectly which I am sure I have mentioned before in previous reviews of this series. I know that some people may not like this series due to it being something that I don't think anyone expected it to be. However, if this is something that you have read then I advise you not to be put off by it. Pick up these first 5 issues, as well as the next, and make up your own mind with this story arc. I know it is not for everyone, but I can guarantee that if it is your sort of thing then you will love it.

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This first issue of the series has left us with a couple of questions leading in to the next issue. It has definitely done enough to make me want to know more about the company and the people working for it, so I will be picking up the next issue for sure. It is worth a read, so if you fancy something a bit different this month then go ahead and give this one a try.

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The end of the issue sees Daredevil finally back in one piece (clever), however he is left in a tough situation which he is going to have to fight his way out from. We are also shown the real Spot being held hostage, which begs the question: "who the hell is this Spot then?!?" However, I am sure we will find out more, and as always I am eagerly anticipating the next issue. Of course, being safely in the knowledge that it is going to be excellent as always adds to the excitement of having it in my hands. It feels like the next couple of issues are going to be big ones as we have been left with a few questions from the last couple of issues. It looks as though the time for some of these to be answered is coming fast upon us.

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Once again Mark Waid has delivered a nice solid book in this series which was a great way to end this story arc. Waid is great at writing issues that end one arc, while leaving so many questions and options left for him going into the next arc. Samnees' art was once again very nice. The understanding he has with Waid is superb, and it feels like he was meant to draw this book. That is a term I use a lot but I really think it is true when Samnee is involved. I cant wait to see where this book goes in 2013.

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This book gave us new readers may answers as to what has happened in the past, however it also gave us many questions for what will happen to Oliver in the future. I left this issue with so many questions, which is a very good thing by the way. I am really curious as to what will happen to Oliver, as well as what was supposed to be his destiny. Lemire has a game plan here, and I really can't wait for it to all unfold. So, it looks like I will be in this for the long run then.

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All in all, Johns has produced another really solid issue of Green Lantern. It has to be remembered that Hal Jordan and Sinestro were no where to be seen in this issue, which makes this feat even more impressive. I really do think that this could possibly be my favourite DC title ( behind Batman ) which is being produced right now. The colours have also been fantastic throughout the whole series, and that does not change in this book either. There is no question that this is also a very pretty book to look at. It is just a great issue from a creative team that you can just tell love being on this book.

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As a comic book fan I am not used to reading about blue horses named Happy. It isn't really my genre ( is it anybodies? ) However, I liked every panel he was in ( I am also assuming it is a "he" ), mainly due to Nick wondering if he is real or if he has just lost his mind. I am looking forward to their interactions in the next three issues, which shows that Morrison has done a really great job at selling this. It could have been horrible, but it's not. Plus the c-word was used quite a lot. What's not to like?

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This was the first part in what I believe is a two part story. This is also the first time Fraction has done a mini story arc with this book but I do not think that anyone needs to worry. This first part was great, which has made me very excited to read the second part next month. It is the first time that I have had to wait for the next issue so the story can continue with this series. Something tells me it is going to be a long wait.

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We only have one issue left of this series and I cant wait to see how it ends. The final panel of this book shows that we are in for a tense finale. However, I am slightly worried it is going to end a different way than what I would like. But if it does end this way then I think we may even get a Hit-Girl 2 at some point. Which would no doubt be just as epic as this series has been. Here's to #5 next month!

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The art as a whole was fantastic, even in the Diner scene. It is setting a tone, along with Waid's writing that I think suits this book perfectly. I am eagerly anticipating the new issue. You should check this out even if you are not a fan of the main character, because its Mark Waid. That should be reason enough considering the form he is in at the minute.

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Overall, I really really enjoyed this issue. It all felt very samey at first, but then it really blossomed into something very nicely done during the Thor and Frank heart to heart. Running in the background of all of this was the court case for Cole-Alves. The last page also shows that next issue may be make or break time for Frank regarding this case. I really cant wait for the next installment in this mini as it is poised absolutely beautifully. Will Frank finally face up to his actions? Certainly #4 is a must read.

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As I mentioned at the start of this review, if you have been reading this from the start then this issue is a treat. This is another solid issue in what I believe to be the best mini series of the year. I don't think anything else comes close. There are two issues left and it will be a sad day when this has to end, however I can't wait to see how this concludes. It should be epic.

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As you know, I don't really like giving too much away with this book as if you do not read it then you will not really know what I am going on about. I highly recommend giving this issue a try. It is a great jumping on point and I don't think new readers would be too confused after reading this. This is still one of my favourite series coming out right now, and I really cant believe I have to wait another month to find out what is going to happen to some of these characters that I have become very fond of over the last few months.

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This is a great issue, and what I think is a great advert for the Superior Spider-Man. I do really think that it is getting better with each passing issue, and I feel that the plot points are really starting to develop and multiply too. I am interested in this series for many different plot points, and I am sure I am will be more invested in it due to many more in the future. I highly recommend people jump on with this issue if they have not done so already with this book.

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This was another great issue in the series, and I am sure it will go along way to help convince some people that Negan really is a terrifying threat. Put it this way, I think he may be more of a threat than "The Governor" was, and that really is saying something. Once again I really can not wait until the next issue. It always feels so far away!

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This is always the hardest review of the month as it is difficult to not give spoilers. If you are not up to date with TWD then there is no point in reading my review of the title on any given month; so in a way I do not feel too bad. However, if you are not reading it then it must sound like nothing is happening in these issue, but you would be really wrong. We love these characters and it is great to see any sort of development of them or to the story. We are all in it for the long run.

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The last couple of pages of this issue have once again left me in baited breath waiting for the next installment where we will no doubt learn more about the God butcher, a long with the arrogance of young Thor. This book is a great read, and I really feel like I am learning a lot about a character who I have not really read a lot about previously.

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The ending of this issue confused me a bit to start with. I am not too sure how what has happened has actually happened, but of course that will all become evident when the next issue is with us. This is just a fantastic series, and it is one that I highly recommend you pick the back issues up for if you have not been reading it. Jason Aaron is producing some of his finest work with this; it is unmissable. A fine example of why I think Marvel NOW has been such a success; Jason Aaron writing the God of Thunder.

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This was an issue that I went in to not too bothered about at all. I was planning on reading it and dropping the series. However, I have now had a massive turnaround of opinion. So much so that I am eagerly anticipating the next issue. I want to see more of the Red Skull for obvious reasons, however I am also wanting to see a lot more of Havoc as well. He was a character that I have not read much about before this series but I was impressed by him in issue #1, so I am hoping he features more in #3. This is turning into a nice little story arc.

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All in all another great issue in this series. We were shown future plot points and they all look to be really interesting. I was worried Aaron was going to lose momentum after the stop start of AvX, but I have been proven wrong here. Eagerly anticipating the next issue, along with the rest in what will be the second year for this title.

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This series is still fantastic and I would suggest any new readers to start picking up old issues. You do not necessarily have to do this, but the stuff you will have missed has just been outstanding. It is worth reading as much material on this run as you possibly can. The best thing is, it is still knocking out quality issue after quality issue.

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Once again I think this is another solid issue in a crossover event that I am now very excited for. Bendis is doing a great job here at slowly setting the scene, as well as introducing more characters. I read today that he has hinted that something big is happening half way through the series; which I can tell by the buildup already that whatever it is is going to feel massive. Even if you think this is an event that you don't fancy ( like I originally did ), I would still recommend picking up these first two issues and giving it a go. It has even made me tempted to pick up Fantastic Four #5 due to it being a tie in; and it is a book I don't normally get!

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This issue was mainly build up for the final battle next issue; which happens to include some familiar faces on the opposition side. However, that is not to say that this was a bad issue, in fact it was a very good issue. Some plot points came together which helped to make sense of what has happened on the planet.

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It was always clear that not all is as it seems in regards to the situation with Matt Murdock's current state that he finds himself in. This issue confirmed that for us, and also makes you intrigued as to how everything will play out in the next issue or so. I am sure Matt will find a way to get rid of Coyote, but how is he supposed to convince those closest to him that all is well? I cant wait to find out.

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Once again, this series has really impressed me with this issue. I am really looking forward to the next one and finding out more about the big bad guy. After each issue in this series I have felt really satisfied after reading it and this particular issue is no different. You know when you have it in your hands that you are going to get a good read out of it; which is quite a testament to it considering it is only 5 issues in. Lets hope it can keep it up, which I have no doubt that it will do.

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This is a pretty short review for this issue, but if you are reading it then you guys will be picking this one up anyway. It is not very new reader friendly as it seems to rely a bit on the reader knowing what exactly has gone on. Trust me though, pick up some of the back issues and you will not be disappointed in the slightest. If you want some fantastic story by Bendis, as well as some equally awesome art by David Marquez, then get involved in this series ASAP.

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I know this series is not for everone; which is evident due to a lot of peoples opinions on the internet relating to it. However, I am still loving this series. I have a feeling some of the events may become lost on me in the future due to it bordering on being quite complicated, but I am enjoying the ride nevertheless. Unlike Morrisons' Action Comics run, which has thankfully come to an end, this is still fun. Not only that, it is keeping me completely engaged issue after issue. Yeah, I am a big fan of what is happening here, and I really can not recommend it enough. It is a series that is not afraid to make you think, which is something I am sure many people were not expecting from the Marvel NOW! Avengers series, but I think it is doing a great job at being itself.

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I really love this series, and I know I am always going to get a great read from it. If the first four issues are anything to go by, I think this series will be sticking around for a while. The only thing that bothers me about this book is the lack of online reviews it seems to garner each time it is released. It really does deserve to have a lot more coverage that it gets, as well as having more readers that it probably has too. Do yourselves a favour and check out the last two issues of this one, I think you will be very happy that you did.

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This series continues to be great, and as I have mentioned earlier, this is a very exciting time to be a fan of the X-Men. If you didn't pick this title up because you were frustrated that it was being rebooted yet again; then I really advise you to have a change of heart. The character development, along with the foundations being set for the future of the team, are things that just can't be missed.

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All in all I feel like I am once again invested in the story of Buddy Baker; and I wish him all the best in it. I hope Lemire prolongs the travelling aspect of the book so we get to see more of the environment. However, I am now confident that whatever path is chosen, it will most probably be the correct one.

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Overall, this was yet again another solid issue in this series. I had concerns that maybe this finale would not live up to the months of build up, however it looks like I am completely wrong on that front. It seems to me that after reading this book, AM fans will be happy with the start of this finale, and also be desperate for more. It has made me want to pick up Swamp Thing #17 as I said; so surely that means that this book has done its job?

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The art, much like the first issue, suits this book perfectly. It is not the type of art that I usually like, however it feels very at home here. Combine this with the tale that Nick Spencer is weaving, and we have a very good comic book series here on our hands. This issue may not be as good as last months installment, however it is well worth a read as it pushes the story forward quite well. Maybe not as fast as some readers may have wanted it to, however I am fine being spoon fed information. Just sit back and enjoy it.

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I would highly suggest picking this book up even if you are not a Cap fan. It is NOT a traditional Cap book, and I think many people will be surprised by just how good it actually is. Plus Cap has a beard and long hair, which in my books makes this series pretty awesome.

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This issue was great and I really recommend it. However, the two weak points I picked out above are going to lower the score a little. It is annoying because these are faults that I believe could have been avoided. Regardless, I am very excited for the next issue, and I am also hoping for another kick ass cover!

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You guys should really check this book out. The art, along with Nimble Jack, make this book worth checking out alone; never mind the story. However, there are a lot of awesome ideas in this that are also very fresh; which makes this book a joy to read. There are three issues left and I am sure each one will be as intriguing as the two that have come out.

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Faboks' art was brilliant throughout the book, from the cover to the last page, and I am looking forward to seeing him draw more on this book. There is one panel in particular which shows The Penguin threatening the head of the centre to change the name of the ward, which emphasises the fear on the guys face to perfection. This has started off as a promising new start for detective comics, from an exciting creative partnership. I encourage anyone to pick it up, even if you have not read any detective up to this point in time.

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So as I mentioned this was yet another fun issue in what is turning out to be a great run this new creative team are putting together. If you want to read good Batman stories, as well as seeing some top drawer art, then I highly recommend this series. Obviously the main Batman book is kicking ass all over the place right now, but who can ever have too much Batman?

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It cant be said enough how impressive Baz has been as a GL. I remember when Sinestro and Hal were "killed" and I was very worried that this was a terrible move to make. I had faith that Baz would be a decent enough replacement and that things would not get too boring, but I never expected the last few issues to be quite as impressive as they have been. This is pretty much a perfect jumping on issue due to the recap that I mentioned earlier. If you have avoided this title due to the current lack of Hal Jordan, then I think this issue may just change your mind.

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Grant Morrison is still surprising me with this series. I stated in my review of Happy #1 that I wasn't really a big fan of his, however my opinion is slowly changing. We are now halfway through this mini series, and if the remaining two issues are as good as the first, then this may be the best mini of the year.

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I am enjoying this book immensely and cant wait for the next issue. I said in my review of #1 that I think this is The Hulk book that I have been waiting for and I still think that is the case. Waid has done such a great job with Daredevil to make him interesting and relevant again, and I have complete faith in him in doing the same thing here. I am just very eager to read the first proper story arc to get more of a feel of the character, and whatever villains Waid decides to pit him up against.

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I am still on a high with this series so I do recommend it. Waid is building a nice little world here; which is something he did very well with the Daredevil book that he is on. I think you should pick this up and give it a go. I don't think  you will be disappointed.

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I am now very happy I picked this issue up, and I am looking forward to the next issue greatly. The introduction of Anderon is massive for me, as well as the fact that the team really want to make a Dredd book and not just any old action comic. This is something which is going to please old fans, as well as give new readers a taste of  this fantastic universe; which in my opinion does not get showcased enough.  I have read really mixed reviews about this series so far, so I recommend those who arent sure whether to jump in to just try it for themselves. It is a unique read as it is Judge Dredd, but how are you going to know if it is for you if you don't go for it? You may become a Dredd fan for life.

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Overall, this is a really solid start to this mini series. However, as stated, I believe your enjoyment of this book will depend on how you like your comic books. If you like wordy ones, then this series looks like it will definitely be for you. The writing is superb, and the art is awesome for the most part (except for a couple of dodgy panels). I can't wait for next week's issue, I just want to know more!

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This is the second Punisher book of the week and just like the first I really enjoyed this one. It is a wordy book but it is a very solid story; so for me you cant really go wrong here. I dont understand why some people dont like wordy comic books. Of course if they are written crap then that can't be helped, but I really think that more people need to give this book a chance. There are three more issues left and I can't wait to get my hands on #3 next week.

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This series has still got me. With two issues left I am very intrigued to see how this will end. It may be a series that works better as a trade, but I highly recommend people to get involved with it now. It may even make a nice little TV special one day as it would certainly suit that kind of format.

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This series still intrigues me alot. This issue was all setup so it is hard to judge just how this series will go. To me though, all the key componenets are here to make this a great title. Saying that, it is going to be a frustrating read at times due to the charcter inside Parkers' head. I do think readers need to remember though that we are supposed to get annoyed reading this. That is the whole point, and it also shows just how great a writer Slott really is.

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Superman seems up against getting his cousin to trust him again, as well as dealing with the threat of H'el; who I really like as a villain. This crossover event is going at a great pace and I am looking forward to reading more of it in Supergirl #14 later this month.

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As mentioned earlier I am pretty glad that this event has been wrapped up, and I am pretty sure that USM will go back to being the book that has given it as much recognition as it has been receiving. Bendis did a great job in this issue, and I am very excited for #19 to come out in the new year; especially considering who has been advertised to be in it.

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If you have not experiences the Ultimate Spider-Man universe yet for whatever reason, then get involved in this issue. It is a great jumping on point, and I am sure many old school fans will just fall in love with this version of Venom. I really can't wait to see more of him in this series, and how Miles is going to overcome such a strong bad guy. It is also going to be interesting to see just who this new Venom is, as he seems to know a lot about how Miles has become this new Spider-Man. One thing is for sure; the 20th March feels a very long way off.

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Overall I really enjoyed this issue. I originally bought it for the wonderful Psyclocke, and I am going to continue buying it for the rest of the great characters highlighted in this issue. Sam Humphries has stepped up to the challenge of writing a new volume of this great series, and I really think that he is going to succeed if early signs are anything to go by.

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All in all, another solid issue of everyone's favourite X-Men series. You know you have read a great one shot issue when it tells a separate story, as well as giving some great character development  and also developing future story arcs. A very nice read indeed.

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Once again we have been treated to another great issue in this series. Every review on this series I say how great it is and how everyone needs to get involved with it. This issue has not changed my mind. We are just into the second year of this title being on sale, and it looks like it is going to be a very exciting year for Wolverine and his pupils.

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All in all, this was a very good issue that is still laying down the foundations. Some people may not like the pace this series has, and I guess in some ways it may be best to read it as a trade, however I am loving the development of the story. I think it is always best to see these kind of things develop. Not only do I think it is more interesting that way, but you certainly get more value for money as the issues seem to be more wordy.

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So, I am very happy that this story arc is finished, as you can probably tell. However, this is a series that may be on my drop pile due to time and money constraints. I am probably going to give it one or two more issues to see what the next arc is like, and if it is on par with the one that we have just finished then it looks like I will stop picking it up. A few months ago I would have thought that this would be completely impossible, but I have just not enjoyed it as much as I would have liked to have done recently. However, take nothing away from this particular issue, as it really was a satisfying way to end the story arc as well as opening up new avenues for the future.

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The score I am giving it may seem a bit low considering all the praise I have just given it, however I do feel that there does need to be a change. This book has gone right down the list of priorities with Johns; even though the issues remain consistently solid, I do think that they could be of higher quality like a lot of the issues in this current run. One thing is is for sure though; Johns is not going to go out quietly.

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It is a great set up issue, but it was a pretty thin read with not a great deal really happening. Saying that, I did think it had a good pace to it though compared to the slow burn of Fraction. You can tell this book is going to be full of action, and that is what is bringing me back for the next issue. Yes the issue was good; but it was not amazing. However, it has got me invested in the series for future issues, which is what the first issue should be doing right?If you have any interest in Iron Man then I recommend you give this a go. If you were a massive fan of Fraction, then give it a miss.

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Full of action, yet never leaving the reader feeling confused about anything. That is exactly what this issue does really well. These books have never been about deep story telling, but instead about just being fun easy books to read that make you want to read more. This issue certainly delivered in that respect. I am now very eager to get my hands on next months issue, which is a feeling that I wasn't sure Suicide Squad could make me feel again.

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Overall, Supergirl #13 was another solid issue in a series that does not get all the credit that it deserves. This issue, accompanied with the #0 issue, would be a great little jumping on point for this series. So if you are not on board, I suggest you get on board quickly. The end, as pointed out earlier, acted as a nice little lead up to the upcoming crossover, which I am eagerly anticipating. I may even be anticipating it more so after reading this issue. 

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Overall, I really enjoyed this issue, a lot more than I thought I was going to. I originally bought this issue believing that it would be my only one of this series; oh how wrong I was. I hope the next issue does a good a job at answering some questions about certain characters for us, while also throwing new questions at us about them and the future. This could turn out to be a very interesting title. I do not think that it will ever become essential reading, but I think if you want to read a decent story with a very intriguing character, then you should check in right here.

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This issue really should have been #1, but it still works as a great jumping on point for new readers. Lets hope that the development of this new race, as well as the character development of Tony, keep going in the same direction as in this issue.

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Yeah, so this wasn't the issue that I think it should have been. It still had its moments though and I did enjoy reading it. The Shazam back up was also very good as usual. The end of the issue really helped this book, but I think Geoff Johns kind of put everything on a back burner in order to build up for his new team reveal. I really do think that #17 will be stepping the tempo back up again though, and I am looking forward to picking up Aquaman #16 in order to continue the story.

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I enjoyed this book, and thought it acted as a nice little prelude to the "H'el on Earth" event that is kicking off next month. I have always enjoyed this series, and do not understand the hate it generally receives. So if you are one of those people who have not been reading it, then give this issue a chance. It is a great jumping on point, and you never know you may even enjoy it.

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As you can probably gather I was not really amazed by Batgirl #13. I was expecting it to be tied a bit more closely to the "Death in the Family" story arc, but oh well! If you have been reading Batgirl all the way through from the start, then this issue will obviously slip really nicely into the ongoing story. However, if you are collecting the trades like myself, or just picked it up due to the very heavyadvertisingcampaign, then you may be left feeling a littledisappointed.

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Overall, this was really not a great issue of The Flash. I am probably being slightly harsh on this story arc as I recall thinking the last issue had got this story back on track; now unfortunately I am worried again. This is a title I am going to continue picking up due to how great it has been. I have every confidence that it will get back to that high level of consistency; I am just not sure when that will be. I am really hoping it will return starting with issue #16.

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So I have officially given up on this series. Yeah, I will buy the tie in issues just purely for any Joker appearances, and also for his interactions with Harley. Apart from that I am done with this series. I am going to miss Harley as she is one of my favourite DC characters; but alone she does not warrant the money that this series costs. If Harley had her own book then I would not have one single regret about dropping this book. It is a shame really as it used to be such a great series, and I hope one day that it can get back to those heights. If it does then I will no doubt be hopping back on board. But for now, me and this series are estranged.

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Overall, I am stuck in the middle with this issue. The foundations have been set for some quite interesting things thus far, however there are other aspects of this mini series that I can tell already I will not be interested in in the slightest. This will not stop me picking it up though, as like most people who read AvX, I am desperate to see the implications of this years biggest story.

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Reviews for the Week of...


