I also have problems with it but rated it higher. Perhaps I want to like it. It’s not very modern, which is good and bad. There may also be something off in the flow of the writing and the art.
THE INJUSTICE SOCIETY ATTACKS! After sacrificing his reincarnation for one last life with the woman he loves, Hell is the last place Hawkman wants to be right now! With his allies at the Tower of Fate under siege by the Injustice Society, can he escape Wotan's clutches--or is his goose truly cooked?
There is a lot of information and momentum forward as hands are shown in what seems like the beginning of the assault. Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 is setting the stage for some interesting times coming for the JSA, we will see what unfolds next time! Read Full Review
Longtime Lemire fans will quickly recognize a lot of the themes from Lemire's other superhero works, and DC is very lucky to have this top talent back in the talent roster. Read Full Review
That minor gripe aside, this issue does offer some solid moments of drama. Wildcat's pep talk, which convinces Fate to put the helmet back on, is well-written, and the panels of Carter Hall being tortured by the Demon Three are intense. The dialogue from the Demon Three is fantastic as they take cruel pleasure in Carter Hall's pain. Read Full Review
Overall, JSA #3 is a thrilling chapter in Lemire's epic saga. It's a must-read for fans of the JSA, Hawkman, and anyone who enjoys well-crafted superhero comics. With its compelling story, strong characterization, and stunning artwork, this issue is a testament to the enduring appeal of the Justice Society of America. Read Full Review
Hawkmans darkest hour arrives but not without possible help. Lemires writing brings out the best of the classic team. Olortegui, Guerrero and Wands dive into the pure emotion of conflict for an entertaining tale. How can you not be a fan of what is happening here! Read Full Review
After the chaos of the past two issues, JSA #3 serves as a breather of sorts, while also reminding folks that this team functions best as a family. As we enter a new year, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the creative team keeps that at the forefront of the story. Read Full Review
Pacing continues to be slow, but things are setting up to maybe be big happenings next issue. Read Full Review
JSA #3 is a solid title featuring great character interplay that is enough to warrant staying invested at least until this initial storyline is concluded. Read Full Review
There's a lot going on in this series, maybe too much- too much without the right hooks. Some of the story elements feel like they are out of order, and not because it's being told that way on purpose, but rather we've had a major reveal that has been spoiled that should've come later for more impact. It could also be said that Todd Rice/ Obsidian should never have been teased as villainousA-GAIN! Instead of creating character moments that move things forward, it feels like Lemire is just recapitulating themes and story beats we've seen before. Even Kendra's feelings echo those from her first story arc back when she was first introducedbut, with an even more awkward element this time. There's a real lack of freshness to the story as we hit JSA #3. It's "Ragnarok, and the JSA has been there, done that before as well- JSA elements, but without the feeling or a sense of character progression. Read Full Review
Classic storytelling in all its glory. I doubt they will explain why Grundy is with the IS and that takes me out of a story that feels like it was written in a time when continuity mattered, or maybe I'm just not up 2 date on his resurrection status. Either way this super fun.
This is getting a lot of bizarre negativity.
Note to Mark Waid: THIS is how you write a crowded team book.
The art continues to be good, but the JSA in Hell? We just saw something silmar in Silent Knight where the team with split up with one team going to an odd dimension. I do like the stuff with the imposter Obsidian, give me more of that. Also, why are Hawkgirl and Hawkman not together? And who is the wounded character in the hospital? If anyone knows, let me know.
My Comic Review Channel - https://youtu.be/PpZnKwHTmXw
This is a strange book. It reads like old school Claremont X-men. Which is both good and bad. Going to stick with it. At least for a bit.
I want to like this book i really do, but it is just not working for me. I cant put my finger on it though.
I love the Jsa , maybe my Johns bias is effecting my opinion on the book