Yes, you need to be reading the Judgement day mini series to understand the story in between the gaps.
FINAL JUDGMENT FOR THE RED PLANET! - AN A.X.E. TIE-IN! As the dust settles and the costs are counted, change is coming to Arakko - starting at the top. After the catastrophic war with the Eternals, the Great Ring declares that ISCA THE UNBEATEN is no longer fit for the Seat of Victory. But Isca's power is never to lose. If she won't step there anyone on Arakko who can make her?
Rated T+
X-Men Red #7 is a clinic in how Ewing has made this book a cut above the rest. A reader may look at the cover and expect a big dumb spectacle, like this was Duggans X-Men, but what they get is so much better. Caselli, Blee, and Sifuentes-Sujo do an amazing job bringing the script to life, making the whole thing work. From beginning to end, this issue is a tour de force. Read Full Review
This was an astonishing story, told with passion, skill, and more than a measure of contemplative thought. This story reminds us of what comics can do, what they can be, as an art form. This series stands tall amidst the rubble of lesser attempts, promising something entirely better. Read Full Review
The ways in which that reshuffling of the Great Ring unfold are every bit as inventive and surprising as Ewing has made past conflicts. Individual powers and logic problems are addressed with cleverness that can't help but draw attention to itself. Read Full Review
X-Men Red #7 took an unexpected direction for Storm but allowed an excellent farewell for Magneto. Read Full Review
Al Ewing and Stefano Caselli do a wonderful job handling Magneto's death and Isca The Unbeaten previous betrayal. Both showcase what has made X-Men: Red one of Marvel's best comic books is the emotional connection with every character on this title. Its that emotional connection that make even the brief moments where X-Men: Red #7 stumbles a bit does not take away from how engaged you are in what takes place in this comic book. Magneto's final moments in particular makes X-Men: Red #7 a must read. Read Full Review
X-Men Red #7 directly follows up after the events of A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5 and shows the fate of Magneto and the people of Arakko. On top of that, it resolves the matter of Isca The Unbeaten and her betrayal, brief as it was, but the encounter proves to be both intriguing and anticlimactic. However, the ending does bring the promise of something better and certainly more exciting happening in the next issue. Read Full Review
While I do wish that the fight against Uranos was included in this series, I completely understand why it wasn't and I think that this was still another fantastic issue. Magneto finally dying in Storm's arms is absolutely heartbreaking, and Musabekov's art only makes it better. I was slightly worried learning that Stefano Caselli wouldn't be drawing this issue, as I've been loving his work in this run so far, but Musabekov does a nice job here as well and is a solid pick to fill in. Moving to the writing duties, Ewing continues to be incredible with his scripts here. The scene with Isca is just great, and the way Fisher King gets Isca to leave is reminiscent of how Sunspot helped Magneto beat Tarn back in Issue 3, but the fact that it's not exactly the same thing is another thing I liked about it. The final few pages of this book intrigues me as well, as it seems we're going to be dealing with Brand a lot more as this series continues. more
The final scene is the weakest in the issue, and it's very good. The rest of it is great.
And then there are the Magneto and Isca scenes.
They're as close to poetry as this medium can get. I love them profoundly and can't be subjective about them. I am simply grateful to have read them.
This is just a fantastic book.
A lesser comic would be damning the rest of the issue to anticlimax by putting Magneto's death speech in the first few pages, but this is X-Men: Red, so the speech barely cracks the top 5 best moments. Madibek Musabekov is a name I'm not familiar with, but on the strength of the art in this issue it sure is a name I'd like to hear more of.
God, this comic
HA! This issue was perfect.
What a beautiful book.
Very solid issue, i really enjoyed. The beginning was very sad, but too slow for me, since we already knew eric was going to die. Storm is always phenomenal written by ewing.
Great issue! I only wished the data/info page for Isca was done in a spread splash page for it would have been more effective as a tool. Musabekov has delivered some nice and very detailed art and Blee was good too.
As someone who didn't read all of X of Swords and doesn't know that much about about the lore of Arakko most of this went over my head. But I dug the vibes
Not sure why anyone liked this issue, but this issue finally made me delete the series from my pull list. Spoiler - Magneto dies, which is done well if we really thought he was dead - which he obviously isn't. Storm is great. Love the costume and she's badass as usual. Then the rest of the issue is them arguing about seats at the table. This is the majority of the issue and I just didn't care. Hopefully, there is another series with Storm in it that I can pick up because I'm done with this series. The whole AXE storyline is dirt and this side story doesn't help. Can we go back to classic X-Men stories, please?
Is it just me, or does the ending of 6 and beginning of 7 leave a substantial gap?
Is there a tie in that I missed that covers *that* story beat?
Yes, you need to be reading the Judgement day mini series to understand the story in between the gaps.
I think I just didn’t expect the 2 page scene in AXE 4 to be the full resolution for Uranos. And, seeing Uranos on the cover of next week’s Legion, I’m guessing Ewing wants Spurrier to finish his setup. I’ll withhold my judgement until then ;)