Solidkjames's Profile

Joined: Feb 08, 2019

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Avengers: No Road Home #2

Feb 24, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #4

Mar 6, 2019

An issue that shows the dark side of the Gods men worship. This dysfunctional family brought on by fear and lack of acceptance clearly has a deeper story to tell of how shunning someone can create a monster of revenge. This story has been far better than I expected and the artwork is gorgeous.

Avengers: No Road Home #5

Mar 13, 2019

Adding another hero to help fight Nyx. This series has an intriguing villain and her children to keep the powerful team of Avengers on edge. I love how each book is from a different point of view. This entire series has been very interesting to read and I look forward to next week!

Avengers: No Road Home #7

Mar 27, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #8

Apr 3, 2019

This story has been close to perfect from the beginning. Diving into different characters minds over each issue is always a great way to remember this story encompasses every character in it. No Way Home is by and large a great story that will spring to life some interesting directions in the next few years. Plus we have a new family of baddies that are literally every persons greatest fears. As a Spring board into the Savage Avengers and beyond, I’ve enjoyed every issue just fine.

Avengers: No Road Home #9

Apr 10, 2019

Setting up a big showdown but this was my least favorite issue in the series so far. Rockets wish is the best and one only he’s capable of but the rest of the issue is scattered and trying to rush to the final showdown. Overall no road home is great but this issue didn’t really build on the story and was more or less a recap of the first 8 issues.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Feb 10, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #2

Feb 28, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #3

Mar 27, 2019

Keeps getting better and the devils in the details.

DCeased #1  
Dead Man Logan #1

Feb 10, 2019

Dead Man Logan #2

Feb 10, 2019

Dead Man Logan #3

Feb 10, 2019

Dead Man Logan #4

Feb 13, 2019

Logan dying is becoming the best Wolverine story to date. If every comic followed the formula of this series with a mixture of humor and action then more and more series could keep you entertained. I’ve enjoyed each issue and this one adds to the series of a man dying trying to right a wrong.

Dead Man Logan #5

Mar 13, 2019

Seeing a man dying try to right his wrongs is usually very cliche. But the way Dead Man Logan goes about creating his own justice is fun to follow. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but if you are a true fan of Wolverine this series has the story and artwork to captivate you.

Dead Man Logan #6

Apr 10, 2019

Best issue yet and very powerful look at the man Logan is. Halfway home and it’s grtting better. How many people would love to be able to start a bar fight with their younger self? Can’t wait to see what comes next

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #3

Mar 21, 2019

Cates has created a team that can’t escape the past. This a great take on the GotG and Cates is one of the best there is when it Comes to his own flair. If you haven’t been reading this hope on now because the rides just starting.

Immortal Hulk #1

Feb 27, 2019

Where do I begin? The Hulk has always been a character who was balancing force for the Marvel Universe. The Immortal Hulk is of nightmares, imagine a unstoppable force who searched out justice at night like a devil. Yep it’s an amazing story and we are just getting started!

Immortal Hulk #2

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #3

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #4

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #5

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #6

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #7

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #8

Feb 27, 2019

As a kid In the 80’s and early 90’s it was easy for us to hypothesize what would happen if Wolverine was mutilated or would the Hulk survive being cut apart. Al Ewing took child hood fantasy and made a story that is amazing, far fetched yet totally plausible after having 60 years of Hulk stories to get us here. Masterpiece is an understatement

Immortal Hulk #9

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #10

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #11

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #12

Feb 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk #13

Feb 27, 2019

Every single issue pulls you in deeper. Understanding the Hulk has never been easy but to understand he’s the physical embodiment of destruction unleashed from a Hell beyond that of Biblical philosophy is as simple as apple pie. This run is well on its way of being the greatest story from Marvel possibly ever. Years from now people will Relish this story and Al Ewing has set himself apart from his peers in my eyes. A true return to the origin.

Immortal Hulk #14

Mar 6, 2019

I’ve read comics for close to 40 years. Al Ewing has drawn me into a Hulk story unlike any before it. Each issue I expect for my fan boy excitement to be let down but honestly each book gets better, reliving the devastation, betrayal, love and effect Bruce Banner and the Hulk have had over the years. This has quickly become my favorite comic story of all time and just like last month I can’t wait til the next issue.

Immortal Hulk #15

Mar 21, 2019

While I don’t usually like political laced messages messing up a story Al makes it work here. The Devil Hulk is convinced he has a moral obligation to save us from ourselves and it works here. This is the best Hulk series ever written and I can’t imagine another version of Hulk ever being as interesting. The monster and the man, that makes us all realize we all have our own Devil inside.

Immortal Hulk #16

Apr 3, 2019

I’m now sold on the fact that Al Ewing is writing a book that in 50 years will still be referenced as the bar for the Green Man Monster. Or Gray in some cases... Very few times in history has someone wrote a story and allowed an artist to read their mind like the combo of Ewing and Bennett. This isn’t just my favorite Hulk book but has quickly wound up as my favorite book of all time. Waiting on 17 after this ending is gonna be torture.

Immortal Hulk #18

Jul 3, 2019

Immortal Hulk #19

Jul 3, 2019

Immortal Hulk #20

Jul 3, 2019

Major X #1

Apr 3, 2019

It is a nostalgia trip to say the least but I’m kinda on board that Rob seems to be telling the story as if he is still in 1990. It was after all a character that was supposed to be fit in to the X universe back then but when all the artist of that day shook up the industry you can kinda see why it was never released. The fact it brought back so many memories I’m glad it came to life.

Major X #6

Jul 7, 2019

Meet The Skrulls #1

Mar 6, 2019

I bought it to see where it would lead and a story showing a race’s survival based on the inner workings of a nuclear family. It’s a great story and will have you thinking about the whole dynamic of the Skrulls wars.

Old Man Quill #1

Feb 11, 2019

Old Man Quill #3

Mar 13, 2019

Best issue thus far and showing this lawless land falling over itself for the first sign of freedom is fun. Peter trying to redeem himself for his previous failures is actually fun. This was the best issue yet and one I’m sure will make for a more wide open story going forward!

Punisher (2018) #1

Feb 10, 2019

From the lead up to who’s coming and the excitement his first appearance brings, its time to Punish the Villians in ways never explored! Kill them all Frank!

Punisher (2018) #2

Feb 10, 2019

Punisher (2018) #3

Feb 10, 2019

The two page spread of Matt on top and Frank inside of the train is a masterpiece and tells you all you need to know about these two men. Amazing story building to a war of epic proportions

Punisher (2018) #4

Feb 10, 2019

Punisher (2018) #5

Feb 10, 2019

Punisher (2018) #6

Feb 10, 2019

Punisher (2018) #7

Feb 10, 2019

Outstanding story that is still building in Franks internal war.

Punisher (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

This issue is setting up Franks hodgepodge group of prisoners and building to unleash his hell on Bagalia. This series is setting up for Frank to bring down Zemo and crew. If it continues with high profile kills this could end up being the best punisher series ever and deservedly so it’s been past high time for Frank Castle to punish the villains week in and week out.

Punisher (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

Taking Frank back to his roots and showing us how many different ways you can kill someone is always a great element to a Punisher book. This one has it all with classic villain battles, big action filled art and a story that only gets better each week. If this run of the Punisher continues Franks war on villains and his war in the streets, we are in for the best Punisher run to date. The art work and the story are one and Rosenberg/Kudransk turned out another great issue!

Punisher (2018) #10

Apr 3, 2019

This book shows once again why Frank can never care about anyone but between the masterfully drawn fire fights is a grim reminder of who the Punisher really is. I don’t know how many people Castle has killed over the years but this series keeps adding to the body count. And there hasn’t been a Punisher story drawn and told quite like this, ever. The art work explodes off every page and melds seemlessly with the story. I’m a huge fan of this series.

Punisher (2018) #11

May 1, 2019

Punisher (2018) #12

Jul 17, 2019

Punisher (2018) #13

Jul 17, 2019

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #1

Mar 6, 2019

Every day we are surrounded by leaders on this planet that some despise and others worship. One person can be so many things to different people. This version of Vader is what he should have lived up to for all people and it’s some kind of special to see him in the light even by accident. Don’t thank me child is going to live forever in my mind. I hope this limited series carries forward like this first issue!

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #2

Mar 27, 2019

Superman (2018) #10

Apr 10, 2019

The art is amazing but this arc isn’t the most interesting. While I still have faith in Bendis to get the story back on track the current storyline isn’t really that interesting.

Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Apr 10, 2019

This story is going to be great. The black suit has created the best storylines in the webslingers history and it’s refreshing to see the world of the secret wars again. The look into Mysterios psyche is great andsm while this may not be everyone’s cup of tea if you are a fan of Spider-Man And the world of Symbiote stuff you need to read this series.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

Apr 10, 2019

This issue has a lot to take in. Becoming your enemy has a whole new meaning but it’s always interesting to see Batman look a little more inside the Jokers mind. This has been a fantastic story and the worst part is we only have 2 issues left. This would make for a great regular series.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018): The Grim Knight #1

Mar 13, 2019

A monthly series for the Grim Knight is what this issue confirms. A reality that makes Batman a true antihero who finishes what he starts. This is the Batman the next movie should be about. It’s a great origin of the Death Knight of Gotham and one you don’t want to miss.

Venom (2018) #1

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #2

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #3

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #4

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #5

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #6

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #7

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #8

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #9

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #10

Feb 10, 2019

Venom (2018) #11

Feb 24, 2019

Wow so good people want to kill Donny? Love this series a little more each week, best Venom run to date.

Venom (2018) #12

Mar 21, 2019

This issue asks the question who is Dylan’s father? I loved Cassara’s artwork and it was close enough to Stegmans master pieces. With Donnie taking a break from the arc for War of the Realms it’s going to be interesting to see where the story goes the next few months. This issue was another deep dive into the man Eddie wants to be and why he maybe never lived up to it before.

War of the Realms #1

Apr 3, 2019

This is going to be a fun event. Needless to say there will be some major character development by the end of this thing but it’s split into so many titles I hope it doesn’t run aground by making the series too convulted to keep up with. The start is in line to be great.

Web Of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1

Apr 10, 2019

We know what’s coming this summer and getting to revisit the town Csrnsge built is fun. Just setting up ABsolute Carnage and ripping spines will be a thing soon enough. This story is lining up for a summer blockbuster where no one is safe just as we’ve been told.

X-Force (2018) #3

Mar 2, 2019

X-Force (2018) #4

Mar 13, 2019

This was the best issue yet and brings in the mediocre bad guy we’ve been waiting on. A few deaths thrown in and this issue has it all. Brisson is writing a deserving X Force story but Burnett is the weak link in this fun series. I think this story has a lot of potential I can’t wait til the first guest artist gives us the visual impact to match the storytelling.

X-Force (2018) #5

Mar 27, 2019

This issue finally explains why the old man had to die. It looks like we are in for a classic showdown soon and this issue is showing everyone’s motivation.

X-Force (2018) #6

Apr 10, 2019

Now we know why Stryfes here but this was the weakest issue thus far. Too much time jumping confuses things and this issue is a lot of writing without telling us much more than we know. Lies to build an army to go destroy Kid Cable to ensure the world is ripped a part at the seams. Ed needs to reel this back in and let the Xforce deal some justice with destruction. Hoping next issue gets back to that.

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