Gaius's Profile

Joined: Jul 13, 2021

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Wonder Woman #1

Oct 6, 2021

The only other 80th Anniversary special I read the GL one and I'd say that was stronger because the different characters meant you got more variety but this wasn't bad. Just making a comparison. "In Memoriam" - Pretty good, nice Steve and Etta story. It remains a waste how little WW stuff was actually used in Death Metal but nice to Cloonan and Conrad making some use out of the post-stuff. "Dreamers" - More of a prologue for the upcoming Nubia mini but I've been liking Ganucheau's art on this YD series so it wasn't bad. "Fresh Catch" - Amusing, though I imagine those more into GA Wonder Woman than me will get more of a kick out of it. "Dear Diana" - Liked this quite a bit. Hal Jordan's my other favorite DC character next to Diana, so I like having a good interaction between them that isn't from the New 52 JL book. "Dated - Gorgeous art, I've never seen much of Shaner's interior stuff but out of the ballpark stuff here. Writing wise for King, it's not terrible like his issues involving Wonder Woman in his Batman run where but I can't say he's dug himself out of the hole he put himself in by doing a "dating Superman" plotline. "Better Angels" - Good callback to the George Perez/Messnar-Loebs era of Wonder Woman from the 80s/90s. Though Cheetah's characterization doesn't really lineup. "Saturn Rising" - Probably my favorite of the bunch, really makes me wish Orlando got more of an extended run on Wonder Woman than he was allowed. Like seeing Artemis' time as Wonder Woman get brought up. "Immortal Mysteries" - I'm not a fan of the New 52 era of Wonder Woman for the most part but this was decent throwback to the era. Much better story than Phillips' previous Wonder Woman stories. "Low Orbit" - Not bad though I also wouldn't really say anything special. This is a very oft-repeated plot you see for characters like Superman or Wonder Woman. Other random minutia: No Batman or Bat-characters outside of one panel (Good), Max Lord was mentioned (Bad) Injustice Wonder Woman in the multiverse poster in a book about celebrating Wonder Woman (Ugly).

Absolute Power (2024): Ground Zero #1  
Batgirls (2021) #1

Dec 14, 2021

Thought this was solid/decent first issue. I mainly checked this out as I've been enjoying Cloonan and Conrad's WW work. Barbara's the only Batgirl I really have any attachment to due to pop culture but thought Steph and Cass come off interesting here. Only have that barest clue of an idea of what "The Magistrate" is since I've not been following any of the other Bat books going on. Art style won't be for many (I've been in that boat too) but I'm digging Corona's work here.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Dec 7, 2021

I've never been Tom Taylor's biggest fan. I've often felt his writing for characters never goes past surface level pop culture stereotypes in some cases (Superman) or just actively bad (Wonder Woman) and unlike most else, I only thought the first issue of this series was decent aside from the shocking twist at the end (which if you're familiar with Taylor's work, you should expect). This continues to be decent for the most part but still feels rather more decompressed than it ought to be. I do have to question how smart this version of Black Lightning though, did he seriously expect no follow or consequences from what he ordered last issue. Putri's art is obviously the standout here. Nothing really more to say on that front. As I've said, I think anytime Taylor's written Wonder Woman (Injustice, DCeased) he's been pretty consistently terrible; never rising above generic "Warrior Woman who speaks in platitudes" or a foil for the characters he actually cares about (Superman, Batman) . And I'll be honest, this series lives or dies for me based off how he portrays her here. There's not much to go on here, personality wise, as she only has one scene but probably the most noticeable thing here is she makes out with this universe's version of Supergirl. I'll give him points for having Diana actually making out with another woman (something DC has yet to allow in her main book). But I do have to role my eyes that he couldn't have done it with someone from her own mythos rather than making her an appendage to Supergirl.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #3

Jan 5, 2022

Hope his wife does a better job because Black Lightning was a complete idiot in this story.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #5

Feb 25, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #6

Apr 4, 2022

Jurassic League (2022) #1

May 10, 2022

It has Dinosaurs and the Joker nearly, but sadly doesn't, die so it's an almost perfect issue.

Jurassic League (2022) #2

Jun 14, 2022

Justice League (2018) #75

Apr 26, 2022

To the surprise of many, a mediocre writer put out a mediocre issue.

Nubia & The Amazons #1

Oct 26, 2021

Decent setup issue. Nice to see a lot of George Perez concepts make their way back into Wonder Woman.

Nubia & The Amazons #2

Nov 16, 2021

Decent continuation. Builds more on the lore of Themyscira and brings back notable WW villain.,

Nubia & The Amazons: Coronation Special #1  
Olympus: Rebirth (2022) #1

Aug 24, 2022

Strong issue. Cloonan and Conrad write a great Hippolyta, definitely makes up for her underuse in their run so far. Designs for the gods were mixed for me. Hecate was the best but ones from WW: Historia still probably won't be beat for me.

Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #1

Aug 28, 2021

Probably the most enjoyable Superman story I've read in a while.

Transformers: Last Bot Standing #1

May 11, 2022

Interesting first issue, ending does have me interested in reading the second issue.

Transformers: Last Bot Standing #2

Jun 8, 2022

Really enjoyed this issue, nice seeing so many disparate Transformers all in one series. Art was really good.

Transformers: Shattered Glass #1

Aug 25, 2021

Solid opening start to the mini.

Transformers: Shattered Glass #2

Oct 6, 2021

This is shaping up to be a good mini so far, and I was already looking forward to it. I like that the writer made it so Megatron isn't a standard heroic leader but rather having a more cynical/reserved attitude. Still allows us to have the classic Megatron and Starscream dynamic of an old married couple.

Transformers: Shattered Glass #3

Oct 27, 2021

Another solid issue, this time with a focus on Starscream. I talked about this in previous issues but I do like how these mirror universe characters (at least the Decepticons) still have their basic personalities just with their moralities swapped. This is true for Starscream here still having an ego, a silver tongue, and seen as having shifty loyalties but being a standup individual. Plot wise, we learn a bit more about the cliffhanger of the previous issue but probably is the weakest of the three issues so far. Still otherwise a good series so far.

Trial of the Amazons (2022) #1  
Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Jul 13, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #771

Jul 13, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #772

Jul 13, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #773

Jul 13, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #774

Jul 13, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #775

Jul 13, 2021

Weakest issue of the run so far but still interested to see where this goes.

Wonder Woman (2016) #776

Jul 27, 2021

Liked what this issue was going for but felt it was trying to do too much in just one issue. Maybe could have been two-parts.

Wonder Woman (2016) #777

Aug 10, 2021

This was a fun step-up from the previous two or three issues.

Wonder Woman (2016) #778

Aug 24, 2021

Fun issue for the most part, might be my favorite since the Norse arc ended, I felt each world visited visited could have been an issue by itself. Nice to have Moore back for the next few issues.

Wonder Woman (2016) #779

Sep 14, 2021

Arc was a bit long and I could see a better streamlined version of this story but overall a solid conclusion the storyline. The team made the best they could with where Death Metal left Diana t the end of that series. Looking forward to Diana heading back to the main Earth have some trust in this creative team to use more of her supporting cast and villains.

Wonder Woman (2016) #780

Oct 12, 2021

A fanservice issue but I was fan who was pleased with service. Can't even recall if there's ever been a main issue with Diana, Artemis, Cassie, Donna, Steve, Etta, and Hippolyta.

Wonder Woman (2016) #781

Nov 9, 2021

A good start to the new arc. Never thought It'd say this but very much happy to have Diana back on Earth, some much needed attention finally going to Diana's supporting cast. Takara's art works well for the kind of villains Cloonan and Conrad are going for in this issue. Back up was a good intro to the Bana tribe of Amazons. Artemis has always been a favorite of mine, so nice to see her getting a chance to shine solo. If you read the first issue of the Nubia series, same writer, it reads as a contrast to how they bring in new recruits of Amazons.

Wonder Woman (2016) #782

Dec 14, 2021

Solid continuation from the previous issue. Really liking this Artemis backup however.

Wonder Woman (2016) #783

Jan 18, 2022

Wonder Woman (2016) #784

Feb 16, 2022

Looking forward to Trial of the Amazons.

Wonder Woman (2016) #787

May 10, 2022

Wonder Woman (2016) #788

Jun 14, 2022

Wonder Woman (2016) #789

Jul 12, 2022

Wonder Woman (2016) #800

Jun 20, 2023

Annoyed me in Cloonan/Conrad's portion that Batman and Superman got more page time and attention than other Wonder Woman characters like Artemis, Nubia, and Hippolyta. It was bad enough their sons were in King's story but the first part didn't need them. King's story was clearly prologue territory but I liked what I saw of Trinity/Lizzie. Just hope Superman II and Batman Jr. don't take up much more screentime than other Wonder Woman characters.

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

This was mainly a prologue for the "Trial of the Amazons" event so not much to go off until we actually know more of what that event is about. My only real critique is Diana felt far more aggressive here than she normally is (even under Cloonan/Conrad's run) but remains to be seen if that's due to the villain of the story here.

Wonder Woman (2023) #6

Feb 22, 2024

Tied with issue #4 for my favorite issue of the run so far. King's doing good work.

Wonder Woman (2023) #9

May 21, 2024

Wonder Woman (2023) #10

Jun 18, 2024

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Comics wise this has been a pretty good year for Wonder Woman but this is probably my favorite WW comic this whole year (probably even further back than that) and it doesn't even Diana in it! I usually read digitally exclusive for the most part but I would absolutely say go out and get a physical copy of this. Jimenez was already my favorite WW artist but his work here blows away just about everyone who has ever worked on Wonder Woman before. Gene Ha and Nicola Scott have some grand canyon sized-shoes to fill. Very interested to see where DeConnick takes this version of Hippolyta and the Amazons. I've read just about every origin of Wonder Woman and the Amazons that DC's put out and I don't think I've ever been as interested to see where this goes.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #2

Apr 5, 2022

An excellent second issue. George Perez tribute at the end was rather nice.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #3

Dec 27, 2022

Incredible. Simply incredible.

Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #1

Oct 27, 2021

This is the worst Wonder Woman-related thing I've read not written by Tom Taylor and I pin the blame squarely on Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's pet character, Harley Quinn. I've never read anything by Conner but I enjoyed Palmiotti's Jonah Hex series, so Wonder Woman is clearly a character not suited to them.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

"Mother's Daughter - Very sitcom-y. I can't say I cared for it that much. "What Doesn't Kill You" - Didn't on the whole care for the art but some interesting callbacks to earlier WW stories. "I'm Ageless" - Pretty good story, art was probably of the best of the bunch in this issue. "The Golden Age" - Along with "The Ageless" probably among my favorites of the bunch. Fun Etta Candy moments near the end and felt like what maybe a Batman '66 version of Wonder Woman would be "The Wager" - Liked Cloonan's art and parts of this though I'm not sure I care for this an origin story for the lasso. Though I guess it's fitting the last story of the first issue revolves around it.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #2

Jul 28, 2021

"Without Love" - I liked it well enough, cool to see Strife back. Felt this story could have been a longer actually but shows Tamaki could have a good run if her run wasn't the Max Lord book. Makes the best use of the limited color palette of the series. "The God With No Name" - Reads like it's trying to fuse New 52 WW with more classic WW with an alternate take on The First Born and Diana confronting one another. "The God With No Name" is also an infinitely better name than "The First Born". "Homecoming" - I've never been one for dream stories so this didn't do much for me as a story but some very nice art "A Common Motivator" - My favorite of the bunch. Fun competition story with Diana and Nubia. Artemis' ego being on full display here was fun. I'm now looking more forward to seeing what Williams will do on the Nubia miniseries. “The Acquaintance" - Fairly amusing for the most part. My main complaint was a little too much New 52 influenced stories. I wish these anthologies would pull from many eras of Wonder Woman, if only for variety's sake.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #3

Aug 24, 2021

"We Built A New World" - Hmm, rather touching Diana/Steve story. Probably the best of this issue. "Espionage" - Fairly amusing "gritty update" on Mod-era/Emma Peel knock-off Wonder Woman. "Beat The Heat and "Do No Harm" - Grouping these together because they both cover the same topic pretty much so kind of odd from an editorial standpoint to include them not only in the same issue but also back-to-back. I think it's pretty much a coin flip on which one you'd prefer. I think I preferred "Beat the Heat" though Vixen's cameo in "Do No Harm" was nice. "Stolen Lasso of Truth" - Thought this was one was pretty good.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #4

Oct 6, 2021

"Prayer" - Worth the price for Scott's art. "Amazing" - Decent, though I felt we already had a "child looks up to Diana" story like this in the previous one. "Whatever Happened to Cathy Perkins?" -Surprisingly decent send up of the Mod era. "Love Failed" - Very weird, art takes some getting used to but I enjoy the use of Hypnota in this story. "Wing Woman" - Decent and fun enough, though you see this kind of plot for a lot of superheroes who date back to the Golden Age.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #5

Oct 26, 2021

Hellazapoppin - This was pretty much the image critics of New 52 Wonder Woman have in their heads. Great art but probably my least favorite story in this series so far. Beyond the Horizon - Decent. I enjoy a good "sea ghost" story. How Wonder Woman Was Brought Low by a Mouse But Captured the Stars - Busiek must be proud of that title, liked this quite a bit probably my second favorite of this collection. Enjoyed the ending with Hippolyta and Philippus. Feet of Clay - Another good one, interesting to see Diana's origin from someone who isn't Hippolyta or Steve. Memories of Hator - Might just be the best story in the whole miniseries at the moment.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #6

Nov 23, 2021

Good concluding issue to an overall decent miniseries. Role Model - Decent. You get more of an appreciation for it if you're aware of the influence WW's been on real-life feminists. The Prophet - Liam Sharp, both the writer/artist for this story, seems to have taken a bit of influence from his time with Grant Morrison on Green Lantern. Story was good but the art was stellar as always with Sharp. A Lesson in Truth - Great story about Wonder Woman inspiring someone to do better. Michael Conrad (one of the co-writers on the main series) wrote this and interesting to see how he and Becky Cloonan compare/contrast when writing Diana by themselves. Attack of the 50 Foot Wonder Woman - Probably my favorite of the bunch for someone finally using Giganta beyond just a spash page. Fresh Air in Philly - A fun Diana/Nubia team-up story.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #1

Nov 16, 2021

Never read much by Philips but this was surprisingly decent start, though mostly a prologue. Art is very harsh, not the kind you'd expect on a Wonder Woman book. Mostly works for characters like the Silver Swan who shows up but Diana herself does look off to me.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #2

Dec 21, 2021

Series continues to be surprisingly decent. Hawthorne gets to show off more his art skills here than in the last issue.

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