BigCliff's Profile

Joined: Jul 28, 2021 About Me: Another nerd wanting to share his thoughts on the books he reads. Love marvel, dc, boom studios, image, vertigo, etc.

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Batman #635

Sep 21, 2021

I believe this is the first issue of Judd Winick's "Batman: Under The Red Hood." I own the Tradepaperback and the first chapter in that book is #635, so I'm guessing, though the artwork is different, this is the start of the story. If that's the case, im gonna write my review for each chapter starting with this issue. Enjoy I never read the "under the red hood" story but I own the animated adaptation on dvd, so I wanted to check this out. I went to Barnes & Noble this past friday & I saw the book, so I picked it up. And I must say, this is an exciting first issue. With an engaging first few pages, you're instantly hooked into the mystery of the city & the bloody fight between Batman & Red Hood. Obviously the mystery isn't as big as it was then, since most batman readers know that it's Jason Todd, but it's still entertaining. The classic "red Hood gang intimidation" scene, that we all know, is in this issue & more. It's a fun, straight to the point, start to a story.

Black Panther (2021) #1

Nov 28, 2021

Ridley brings T'challa back to earth & provides what you could say is a spy thriller? We ditch the intergalactic empire for a more streamlined &, in comparison, simplistic kind of story. And it works. The series establishes T'challa's current status in life from being a king of Wakanda, only in name, having no political power, etc. Furthermore we see that T'challa's biggest problems are one, trying to fix the mistakes of operating within the shadows, & two, spreading himself too thin. He has secrets that even his sister, The Avengers, & other trusted individuals didn't exists. And thanks to the final page of this issue, we see that it's gonna cause friction & potentially violent altercations between him & those trusted individuals. This is a solid set up & more streamlined introduction to the next Black Panther arc. can't wait for issue two.

Black Panther (2021) #3

Jan 28, 2022

a solid celebratory issue.

Crossover (2020) #1

Oct 29, 2021

Donny Cates presents a very dangerous & intriguing look into comicbooks literal invasion into reality & it's a promising start.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #1

Oct 27, 2021

Andrew Bennett becomes the device that sets the stage for Dc next big genre elseworlds story. Tom Taylor's "Dceased" was such a hit that it got three spin-offs/continuations. I hope this has the same affect because this issue really lays the groundwork for, a fun story. Tynion & Rosenberg use some some pretty effective characters to get the idea of how dangerous this coming "vampire vs mankind" war. Character decisoins/use works. Artwork is good & I can't wait for #2.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2

Dec 27, 2021

I will always appreciate the meticulous nature some writers have when crafting a DC Elseworld story. Issue 2 gives us a better look at the key players into this upcoming War between humanity & vampires. It's focused, well-paced, & visually great. Dialogue is sharp, artwork fits & helps amplify story beats & even comedic moments. It all works well. My favorite portion of this issue is how it showcases the versatility & brilliance of them all. They're the best family of all Dc Comics.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #40

Aug 7, 2021

New team, new dynamics, new words, new villains & new artwork. Fun start to the next arc for the team. We jump right into the team stopping a monster, only this time, we get & new line up for the team. Aishia, Rocky & Adam all have joined the team & Tommy now has the white light of goodness. With new teammates & powers, this makes for a new dynamic where Tommy is the leader and we know he' struggling with that weight & probably comparing himself to Jason. Also love the comparison to Tommy taking over teaching Jason's karate classes & The Grove. The new trio feel inadequate especially with Kimberly down their throats checking every move of theirs. It's going to be interesting to how this new dynamic will play out. What problems will the team face with more monsters, newer missions, & more importantly, LORD Zed & Zayne. They both feel menacing in this issue. Zed feels like an actual threat who can fight & Zayne seems like a stealthy assassin that the rangers have never faced before. Lastly, shout out to the OMEGA RANGERS! I need to know more & can't wait for more reveals about them.

Nightwing (1996) #56

Sep 10, 2021

Shrike VS Nightwing finally begins! Much happens in this issue but it's affective. First things first, this is a villain centric issue. It focuses on Shrike, Soames & Freddy moving forward with their personal agendas. Somaes & Freddy are plotting their prison escape while, more importantly, Shrike is starting his hunt for nightwing & it's great. It's the seasoned hunter vs the unbeknownst prey. Shrike being able to predict & study patterns of Nightwing within a few days is impressive. I can't wait to see where this goes. Shout out to Dinah & Babs discussing Bab's relationship with Dick. This is probably the most playful moment I've read between the characters. If you seen any CW or ABC family/freeform show, then you know what I'm talking about.

Ordinary Gods (2021) #1

Jul 28, 2021

I like how this story was introduced. We got the set up, history & full on character development in this one issue. We heard of Gods rebelling against other Gods but having the rebellion create earth as a prison for Gods is really interesting. I also appreciate learning about the Gods of this world while simultaneously setting up & introducing christopher. He’s about to go through one hell of a journey. He already tried to kill himself & now he watched his little sister murder his parents & attempt to kill him. The last page of the comic got me hooked. The moment you read "we need yourself to destroy earth," I was in hooked. I'm onboard for this entire story.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 31, 2021

Tom Taylor is about to become my favorite writer with DC because from Dceased, nightwing & now this, he writes the kind of stories I'm truly interested in. I love the way this story starts. Seeing the synergy between the league & how they're all dedicated to the birth of John is tremendous. We see they're a well oiled machine at this point & they're truly a family. We also set up John's conflict & journey. He's dealing with what It means to come from a legacy, what that legacy/symbol means to you, what do you do when you literally have the power to change the world & more. The moment he treats the forest fire guy with compassion we know that his heart is in the right place & that his heroism comes from a place of love, wanting to help & make a change. I never read many stories with Jon nor Damian but I'll definitely continue this. Bring on #2

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Sep 26, 2021

A very topical issue. How does the son of superman juggle the weight of wanting to make a change in your world, finding a sense of individuality while wanting to uphold a legacy, & the opposition that comes with it? That's what Jon Kent's struggles in this issue & I like the way Tom Taylor handles these topics. He presents that John wants in part to do good but he also wants a private life & that's difficult to do. On his first day of college he has to out himself just to stop a school shooting (which hopefully gets addressed in a later issue.) So his anonymity & heroism can't coexist.But what I love is that Taylor has Jon embracing being SUPERMAN. He demonstrates this by having Jon & Clark discuss how the world actually is, what it can be, and the right Jon has, since he's human, to fight or want to make urge on this planet. It's real & a great father & son moment. Can't wait for issue 3

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 29, 2021

Jon Kent is now the only superman on earth & damn!!!!! This journey is about to be insane.

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #1

Jul 21, 2022

Gillan & Schiti provide dialogue & art to a very impressive first outing that's well paced, not overbearing & gives respect to the work Gillan put into Eternals & Hickman's X-men. The story unfolds in a way that isn't daunting to the reader & gives enough context of previous events that, like myself, will get you curious. Seriously! I want to go back & read Eternals just to learn more about Uranos. A solid start to what I feel will be an epic event.

Batman (2011) #21

Sep 14, 2021

This is how you get someone invested in a character's first year as a hero. When you have a character who's main focus is simply to "make sure no-one experiences what I did in that alley," and doesn't care about their name nor their family's legacy, you introduce the reader to a story where the protagonist has to struggle with their pain, grief & obsession to never experience that trauma again. So that's gonna bring in some situations where his resolve, morals & more will be tested. I can't wait to read more of this story. Shout out to the base of operations being inside a house on crime alley.

Batman (2011) #22

Sep 15, 2021

Alfred slapped Bruce Wayne! I loved it! Issue 22 is filled with impressive visuals, enticing character exchanges & conversations.

Batman (2011) #23

Sep 16, 2021

WOW! This is the most brutal beating I've seen Bruce Wayne get. It's also impressive how he's able to get up right after coming close to death & keep fighting. This issue is probably my favorite origin for Batman. It's a lot to unpack with this issue but it's so great.

Batman (2011) #24

Sep 18, 2021

Favorite Moments: 1. Welcome to Bat Country - batman is here and he's not going anywhere. Love the introduction to the caped crusader in this issue. Mainly for the use of the billboard using red hood members for the shape of the bat symbol. 2. Bruce Wayne is the hero of this issue instead of batman. It's takes Bruce standing in front of the press & all of Gotham, alive, and prove that this city is worth fighting for. It has a special meaning, value, & place for every citizen & if you fight for the city, it will fight for you. Like the Bruce Wayne says, "the city looks back at you & says: Try it! I dare you!" 3. This was a clear set up to introduce the joker. All the beats are there, it's just presented in a very dark yet, thank to the beautiful art by Greg Capullo & color by Dani Miki & Plascencia, colorful way. 4. Alfred & Bruce's conversations. Their reconciliation was beautiful & the set chat they have about the potential of Red Hood One returning was brilliant. It add mystery, suspense, thrill, etc. And it's all set up for the joker lol. It's great

Radiant Black #1

Oct 12, 2021

reading thew first volume has me looking back on this & damn! Higgins set you up for what you think is a classic, run of the mill, superhero story. But knowing where this story goes...this issue just hits more.

Radiant Black #2

Jul 28, 2021

Another fun issue. My favorite moment in this is the conflict between Nathan & his father. I know all too well talking to my parents about getting a job while since my passion isn't paying the bills currently. It was real & so honest. Also love that it's another radiant person out there. I think Nathan & this mystery red ranger both have different abilities. Nate can fly and lift objects with his mind. The red one seems to be able to disassemble things? it wasn't very clear. But this issue pretty much continues what was set up/teased in #1. Can't wait to read more. Also shout out to Nathan's friend working at a movie rental store. His combinations sounded enticing.

Radiant Black #3

Jul 29, 2021

This is an interesting issue. I think when Nathan was writing his novel, it was a lot of meta things happening. Elisabeth is definitely an example of Nathan's current life & seeing him kind of grapple with the realization of his situation is very relatable. I myself felt like, though I'm talented & can do many things, sometimes, like Nathan & Elisabeth, I don't recognize and it hurts. Another thing I like about this issue is Nathan struggling to write. He has writers or creator block and I get that a lot as well. And the final thing I enjoy is Nathan's first official hero gig as Radiant Black. Him trying to help fix a tire is adorable, hilarious & makes his hero persona feel more grounded. It set's the stage for growth & expansion not only for his powers but mainly his heroic journey.

Radiant Black #4

Jul 29, 2021

HOLY SHIT! Talk about throwing a wrench in the story that just changes the entire trajectory. I was not expecting that ending. It's so much to unpack in this very small issue. First off, seeing Nathan & his friend together to test our the radiant powers was fun. We get more of their banter & more of how well tuned their friendship is. But what I love the most is the conversation they have while walking with their pre-movie groceries and we learn exactly how Nathan & his friend's dynamic really work. Nathan is more reserved & cautious when it comes to things while his friend is more bold & outspoken. He talks about how he would be doing more & being more active with these powers. It's truly fascinating because it kind of plants seeds of envy towards Nathan. But it also sets up the next issue, especially with the way this chapter ends. Like omg, I truly was not expecting this. Like is Nathan fully gone? are we about to get a whole new main character? I need more Seondly, I love the very subtle ways Higgins showcases more of Radiant Black & Red's powers. Red can now make some form of armor for themselves & black can propel things & people and manage to muster up enough power/strength to keep most of building intact so people can escape. This showcases that both characters, though one in the same, they are completely different & unique in terms of power set. Also what is the existence? Who is the radiant? I need to know more.

Radiant Black #5

Jul 29, 2021

This is another short issue but the fight between Black & Red was fun. Black now has a cape & red can make a rather large mecha armor to fight in. And now we're introduced to Radiant Yellow & Pink. I wonder what power sets they have. But I'm more so concern with how this story will unfold. Will we learn what's happening with Nathan? Who's the radiant and why does he want to destroy the planet? so many question. Fun issue but It made me more confused in some areas.

Radiant Black #7

Aug 22, 2021

This series just keeps getting more intriguing, insane & impressive with every issue. I think this is the passion project for Kyle Higgins i think because it feels like power rangers but with more traditional sci-fi elements. This issue proved just that. It's power rangers meets, idk, its just about this series & this issue that feels fresh & new. i really like what's done in here because we get more explanation about the other radiants but also more mystery. The banter between the group is great, the action is unique & it helps propel the story & character dynamics, etc. I'M HOOKED TO THIS STORY & CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE!

Radiant Black #9

Nov 25, 2021

I ALMOST CRIED AT THE END OF THIS ISSUE!! Higgins continues to toy with my emotions.

Radiant Black #11

Dec 22, 2021

Issue 11 focuses on a brief yet impactful Radiant Black & Pink team all the while getting us readers use to having Nathan back in the story. Nathan & Marshall's friendship is reestablished & we get to see more powered individuals within the Radiant Universe/Existence. Pretty solid issue.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Sep 29, 2021

PHENEMONAL!!!!!! I don't even know where to start with this review. What happens when the hero hungers for violence? Do they stay the hero, the villain, or do they become lost? What if they were lost from the start? Are you delusional when you think you're the hands of God? If Jesus used violence to right a wrong, are you still justified in you use of violence? These are the many questions Zdarsky introduces in this new run of daredevil. He uses Hell's Kitchen, the persona of daredevil & its affect on Hell's Kitchen & the police, Matt's past confessionals/conversations with Father Solak & just Matt's inner monologues to convey these questions to the reader. I'm thrust into, after having spent time in the hospital, a daredevil back on his feet. But not in top shape mentally & physically. He's bruised from another situation but the affects still flow through him. And because of this Daredevil is faced with examining why he really puts on a costume & jumps across buildings every night. Is it to right a wrong? or Is the thirst for violence, like a cancer, taken over. The foundation for this struggle is seen in three moments. One - Matt's first conversation with the priest about how he broke into someone's house to "right a wrong" Two - The new detective examining the recent robbery crime scene where Leo Carroro was found murder Three - Matt's first confessional in the daredevil costume. Scene one provides Matt with a metaphorical seal of approval from God by way of the Priest. Scenario Two showcases the real impression the police & society have in regards to The Man Without Fear. And the third one reveals Matt's true problem...he can't accept that maybe what he's doing is wrong. Are his actions no longer justified? His heart was in the right place but now he's using violence almost like a drug. It's a high for him. We even see this when he's purposely traversing through Hell's Kitchen. He wants people to know that he's back. So crime better watch out! Or the devil will get you! I loved this issue. Macchetto's artworkis beautiful. It fits this story superbly & I can't wait to read more. I gave this 9/10 because it has some moments where the transitions could be a little unclear. But overall, a solid issue.

Daredevil (2019) #2

Oct 2, 2021

Issue one ask the question of "is daredevil's heroic antics motivated by violence." Issue two ask "can you trust the devil?" Can fog believe Matt? can the defenders believe him? What about Matt himself? Who's the mystery person setting Daredevil up? I think it's sabertooth. GREAT ISSUE!

Daredevil (2019) #3

Oct 2, 2021

Daredevil vs Detective Cole North. Straight up boxing match.

Daredevil (2019) #4

Oct 2, 2021

Classic Daredevil vs Punisher debate. The usual discussion about who's in the right when it comes to acting justice. Daredevil knows he has the capability to kill, but he won't! He's not a monster. Punisher on the other a monster.

Daredevil (2019) #11

Nov 22, 2021

Matt continues to struggle with his inner demons only this time, its through the lens of Matt as a Parol Officer & not daredevil. Spiderman & Detective North's conversation was pretty interesting. Never read a spiderman who acts this way before but it's interesting. Fun issue.

Static (2021): Season One #1

Aug 2, 2021

Loved it! This is the first static comic I've ever read and it has the makings of being a classic. After reading reading Milestone Returns, I had to check out this 1st issue & I am so happy I did. This feels like a classic coming of age, YA superhero story unfolding. We get the classic high school drama, classic friends, classic family set up, dynamics & turmoil they face after the Big Bang, & we get the classic protagonist. Virgil is great in this for me because I appreciate that he doesn't fully accept these new abilities yet. He struggle is with now realizing that nothing will ever be the same. His life, his friendships, his family dynamic, etc, all changes. And we see this when he mentions that the actual acid burning into his eyes from the canister or him frying hot streak wasn't the thing he was the most scarred of. It was the looks Frieda & Richie came him when he fried hotstreak. Besides that Virgil is amazing. He's cool, nerdy, geeky, a regular teenager that I can relate to. I'm so interested in seeing his journey in the next five issues. Loved the cliffhanger ending because HOT DAMN! Hotstreak is in for an ass whooping.

Static (2021): Season One #2

Aug 5, 2021

AN AMAZING ISSUE. In a time where i think team up books & indie comics on the rise, this continues what I think is shaping up to be an instant classic teenage superhero story.

Static (2021): Season One #3

Sep 12, 2021

This feels like I'm watching Sam Raimi's 2002 Spiderman unfold. This is continues the classic coming of age story for Virgil. I love it. We finally get the suit, which is badass. And we get some needed character growth from Virgil. The conversation with his father felt real & authentic. It was helpful, truthful, realistic & more. Can't wait for issue 4. My only problem is the switch in artist. Chriss Cross has an interesting style but Draper-Ivy's style just felt perfect for this entire run. I hope they go back to that art style in issue 4.

Static (2021): Season One #4

Nov 15, 2021

THIS SERIES GETS BETTER WITH EVERY ISSUE!!! PHENOMENAL. Issue four continues the balance being a superhero origin story & having social commentary. You're never given too much of one or the other. Furthermore, the story continues to improve on the Hawkins family dynamic to the point where even if they all don't agree with each other's decisions, they support them fully. There's nuance, love, understanding, & trust within this family. From their conversation about Virgil potentially hiding out until things down die to when his sister gives him the jacket containing glucose pills, etc. Besides that, the issue does the other usual superhero things we're use to seeing but it feels different, and that's all due to just the characters being used, the script, & artwork all being top notch. Yes, some panels have rather "let's just get done. The deadline is coming." art. But man, when Chris Cross' & Vita Ayala's art shines...IT FUCKING SHINES! Especially within the last few pages. They bring exquisite visual dynamics & life to the fight between Static & Hotstreak. Can't wait for issue 5!

Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Aug 13, 2021

Starts off with a BANG...LITERALLY. I was on board with this story the moment Aerie drops the general who then just splatters, thanks to the impact, across the top of the submarine. It was unexpected & set the perfect tone for this story. Glad to see Harley & Deadshot returning since they're the two staples of this title. But what I'm the most interested in is seeing how they're gonna handle working with the Revolutionaries & how they'll stop, who I think is the actual villain of the story, Lok. He seems far tougher than Waller & has a "I don't care attitude" when it comes to using villains or criminals to achieve his goals.

Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Aug 14, 2021

another fast pace & to the point issue. The new squad featuring Deadshot, Harley & the revolutionaries, are now underway with their first mission & it's a doozy. Fin & Shark, who really could've been called King Shark, are buttoning heads & it's super interesting. One of them is going to kill the other by the end of this book or sooner. Osita seems to be hellbent on screwing over the team just to still have some resemblance of power & defiance against Lok. And Lok continues to be either just a replacement Amanda Waller or a more annoying one? The fact he said they had to complete 50 missions before they are free is hilarious & annoying. I think he will be murdered by the end of this Maxie. On to book 3.

Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Aug 17, 2021

Shark, which should've been King Shark gets killed faster than I expected. I thought Fin was going to kill him about half way through this maxiseries but no! It happened half way through this issue & it was brutal. really enjoy the banter between between Deadshot, Harley & The revolutionaries. They're talks bring subtle commentary on the nature of Task Force X, Floyd & Harley's role, & just what they truly represent. A lot of tension in this issue & a lot of reveals in this as well. Who is Lok working for? etc. My only complaint about this issue is that it felt very convenient for current sitting president of whatever country they're in, is the mother of Aerie. I understand we don't know much about the Revolutionaries & i'm sure I'll learn more as the story story goes on, but that one moment just felt timely.

Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Aug 17, 2021

We finally learn the entire chunk of why the Revolutionaries have been "causing havoc" across the globe. It was all to get the attention of the Suicide Squad because of...reasons - mainly Digger Harkness, but also for the machinations of the government entity that tortured her & Tonia, her partner. This is an interesting issue because it could easily be adapted into the third installment of Suicide Squad Film trilogy. especially having Harley & Deadshot or Bloodsport realizing that they no longer want to be a slave to Task Force X. It could work. Also shot out to Captain Boomerang. He feels like a guest appearance in this issue but an exciting addition. I can't wait to see the team get demolished by him. I enjoy this issue.

Suicide Squad (2019) #5

Aug 19, 2021

each issue is extremely fast yet packs a big bunch. Deadshot finally steps up & takes matters into his own hands, great action such as the team against Captain Boomerang, etc. But obviously the big reveal is what has me pumped for the next issue. Why is Ted Kord in cahoots with Tok & whoever else has invested...interest, in Task Force X? And I have a feeling some big name Justice League members are about to make a cameo. This is truly a story I can't tell where it's going to go. I keep trying to predict it but pulls the rug from under me. This was a fun issue. My only gripe is learning Jog's backstory. Was it needed? No. Was it used to try and make us care about him before he dies? Yup & I didn't care. Still a fun issue.

Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Aug 20, 2021

Everything gets better when Batman shows up! The Dark Knight makes a fun guest appearance and I loved it. Taylor manage to show case some great action, suspense & funny dialogue in this issue. A good chunk of it happens between Batman & Deadshot going toe to toe with gadgets, quick responses and even a subtle argument that has commentary on how batman operates. It's great. I loved it.

Suicide Squad (2019) #7

Aug 22, 2021

Poor Deadshot. He just wants to be a father for his daughter. But he can't. This issue really showscases the main struggle death stroke has with his life. Once you're an assassin, it's hard to not be one

Suicide Squad (2019) #8

Aug 22, 2021

They have TN Teen's sister. This issue was pretty much set up for the finale of this run. It's fine

Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Aug 22, 2021

Tom Taylor made a fool of me in this issue. It's so good! What a fucking twist! Superman makes a guest appearance & it was effective. I was convinced that he had come in & kind of saved the day. I was on board seeing how the team would react to this & if they would go up against supes in the next issue. But no, it was all a rouse. From Deadshot's conversation about turning over a new leaf with superman, to getting supes to sign an autograph and Floyd's awareness of the entire situation & room, it was phenomenal. I don't care that it was black mask to be revealed but I am happy with how this issue played out. Issue 9 is filled with heart, laughter, a big character moment for deadshot & more. Definitely my favorite issue of the entire run.

Suicide Squad (2019) #10

Aug 22, 2021

ZebraMan finally gets to say something in this entire run. It was cute. This issue honestly feels like it could've been kept within #10. It doesn't feel like it needs to be a separate issue. It literally picks up right when issue 10 left off. That's why i gave this issue & 9.0 rating

Suicide Squad (2019) #11

Aug 22, 2021

JOG IS THE SON OF THE BLACK RACER...A FREAKING NEW GOD! 1. The Justice League make a guest appearance. 2. Jog comes in & saves the day 3. Zebraman is actully super useful 4. Harley Quinn talking to Zoe was so heartful This is a great finale to a really interesting story. It makes my desire to see & Suicide Squad film with the Justice League more prevalent. There interactions are great. Batman gets played like a fool a couple times. Green Arrow has a couple funny moments with the squad in this & i'm sure Tom Taylor is a Green Arrow diehard. God issue.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #2

Jul 7, 2022

williamson’s writing & samprre art propels this second chapter of a surprisingly fun & intriguing story. Issue two provides a very impressive confrontation between Nightwing & Deathstroke that I hope goes down in history, as one of the best Interaction between these two. You feel the history between these characters, the anger, hatred, pain both has brought. Even more, you feel the embarrassment Slade Wilson wears on his shoulders simply for having this long of a conflict with a group of teens. Its amazing. Furthermore this issue establishes that this conflict has brought pain & hurt across the entirety of the titans roster. But more importantly, it solidifies, as many other stories do, that Nightwing is a pillar of dc comics. When deathstroke says “no on will care if I kill anyone else in this room. But you…they’ll all care.” That statement is true! Williamson understands these characters. Lastly I just want give a shout out to Superman for what he does. I need a Dick Grayson & Jonathan Kent mini series comic run. These two are great together. Also shout out to Black Adam. I feel that he’s gonna put this new roster of heroes through the ringer.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

Why hasn't something like this been down with DC comics before? Tom Taylor has become a writer that's really gained more interest for me over the last year. DCeased, Nightwing: Leaping Into The Light & Seven Secrets are so of my favorite books currently. So I picked this up being curious about what he has planned & I'm glad I did. Though I'm not a big fan of fantasy, Taylor uses classic fantasy tropes & techniques to draw you into a new fantastical interpretation of the dc comics character catalog. Some, still having their classic blueprint present, are now thrust into roles of noble families, houses, knights, Sirs, kings, princes, sirens, banshees, mystics, sorcerers & more. Black Lightning is the king of the realm known as the Kingdom of Storms, Green Arrow appears to be of another land, etc. But what makes this unique is the new changes/interpretations of these characters builds the stage for a very heartfelt, emotional, tension filled, epic adventure. Plus Yasmine Putri's artwork propels the story-telling for me. Her designs for each character, my favorite being King Jefferson/Black Lightning left a great impression on me. Can't wait to see what she does next in this series. Furthermore this style of story leaves room to use a plethora of characters such as Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Trigon, Raven, Starfire, Poison Ivy, Beast Boy & more that I probably can't think of at this moment. Wonder Woman & Aquaman will probably be royalty of their houses/land, etc. This issue is fun & a surprising good introduction to this world. I highly recommend it.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Dec 9, 2021

@nd issue continues the strides left in issue 1. Taylor is taking his time with not only setting the stage for this story, but also expanding the world & cast of characters. We introductions to a new son for Jefferson & clark's sister. She's brand new & appears to me more temperamental & "act first, think later" in her actions. Love the teases for other characters like Blu Devil, Flash, Gorilla Grodd, etc. This was a fun issue.

Justice League of America (2006) #0

Jun 29, 2022

Meltzer's recap of the DC's Trinity, from the beginning of their team-ups to when this was originally released, 2006, garners a love for DC Comics' history as a whole but also for specific characters...The Trinity. The issue plays like a umpteenth anniversary video for Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. We are exposed to their ups & downs, triumphs, & most vulnerable moments, that they were able to share with each other. From Batman & Robin's first team up with superman, the first outing of the Justice League, the death of Superman, to multiple weddings & even wonder woman giving up immortality for love, provides this landscape that's both filled with history but also endlessly expansive, leaving room for Meltzer, and the inevitable future JL writers, to create more stories, more iconic moments, creative interactions\team-ups and more. It's a phenomenal issue that every fan of the Justice League should add to their collection. Stellar work...shit is amazing! The second half of this issue, which is the actual first issue of the Meltzer's sets up and rather unique JL run. Our iconic trio are stuck in deliberations for the new Justice League roster all the while heroes & villains are disappearing. Red Tornado starts probably the most interesting arc for the character, & we're introduced to the potential new members of the league (black Lightning, black canary, arsenal, etc.) Thought this is all leading to a peculiar story, this issue is strictly set up. So don't expect any big reveals or bombastic moments for any of the characters.

Justice League of America (2006) #2

Jun 29, 2022

Brad Meltzer is becoming my favorite Justice League writer. I was brought to his existence thanks to his story "identity Crisis' and damn! that's one hell of a story. That series contains multiple WTF moments. But it also has a number of creative character highlights. And I say that because reading this second issue, Brad does all of that. Story is engaging, multiple WTF moments and interesting character introductions & interactions. Seriously! This chapter does more establishment of the story but it further more of the intrigue for the reader. Characters have rather unique struggles taking place, the trinity are still in discussion for new team members and even that gets a little messy. My favorite moment is setting up that Parasite is running a business where supes or meta-humans can have their powers drained for a few hours or a day, allowing them to live a normal life. The implications of a system like that is gigantic and deserves further exploration.

One-Star Squadron (2021) #1

Dec 14, 2021

As a first time reader of Mark Russell's & viewer of Steve Lieber's art, One-Star Squadron is the surprise hit of the month for me. Taking C, D & E list heroes into an environment where they're practically working paycheck to paycheck is BRILLIANT! They implemented the struggles of what one could say is a has-been & now has to take any job possible to either reclaim their fame or just survive. And thanks to this set up, we'll get to see how many of these characters cope with this realization & how it affects their family/relatives...mainly gangbuster & his wife. Really excited for issue 2 of this series.

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 3, 2021

The Smartest people noticed a pattern. The Telepaths felt it. But the SPIDERS sensed it first. Reading that build up within the first few pages really got me on board with whatever Tom Taylor is going to do with this story. I will say that it's very basic set up, but it works. To put the icing on the cake, you have Peter Parker as the narrator so it automatically becomes relatable since he's marvel's most down to earth hero. I loved it My favorite moment is seeing the first team of heroes fight against the "UNMAKER." Scarlet Witch, Sue Storm, Vision, Dr Strange & The Thing...that's a powerhouse! And they get swatted like they're latern flies lol. My only complaint is that the real villain of this story is apocalypse. I'm not that big of a fan of him but I'm curious to see how Taylor uses him in a world where electricity is no longer a thing. How does the world's oldest mutant rise to power in this kind of environment. Also, who are his horsemen of the apocalypse? I see beast in the final panel but I also think the red & black spiderman could be miles? Anyway, fun set up. I hope the story is good.

Dark Ages (2021) #2

Oct 7, 2021

This issue concludes all the set up for Taylor's story. We get a glimpse of the many characters, hopefully even more, in the story & we get the villains big plan. Fun issue.

Dark Ages (2021) #3

Nov 20, 2021

This series just keeps getting better & better. The one thing I enjoy about Tom Taylor is that he's able to give short, standout moments to characters who usually don't get much love. Quicksilver has such a impactful moment. Its visually impressive & drives the story forward. This issue still feels like set up but it was enjoyable.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Aug 23, 2021

SUCH A GREAT START & RETURN TO FORM. I stopped reading nightwing after Sam Humphries Nightwing: The Untouchable because that is my favorite nightwing run & it went downhill after that. I also didn't care for when Dick Grayson got shot, so I wasn't reading nightwing for a while. But once I heard that one of my favorite writers, Tom Taylor, was writing nightwing, I made sure to read the first issue. And he delivers. I love everything about this first issue. From the art, the establishment of Nightwing's beliefs, his struggles/challenges, the usual supporting characters like Bats & Blockbuster, to the introduction of Melinda Zucco, all sets up what seems to be a return to form but also an invigorating, electrifiying start for both the character & Taylor's take on said character. My favorite moments is the beginning of this issue & the end. Taylor sets up this very, very close friendship between Barbara & Dick that I can't wait to see more of. It was so touching seeing Babs lending her hand to dick while reading Alfred's letter. It's so heartfelt & real.

Nightwing (2016) #79

Aug 24, 2021

Continues to be an exceptional nightwing run. Artwork is beautiful, the story feels like the Dick Grayson I KNOW & LOVE. This issue continues what was set up in the previous issue where dick finally knows what to do with the money. He wants to become a safety net for the citizens of Bludhaven. We see him helping on the micro level with the dad & son but the end of the book has him now wanting to help on the Macro. The story contains many touching moments between Dick & Babs, references of the full history of Nightwing, Easter eggs, & more. Great second issue! THE BAT FAMILY HAS A GROUPCHAT & I LOVVVVEEE IT!

Nightwing (2016) #80

Aug 26, 2021

The momentum is still going strong with this issue. So many great moments such as Babs & Dick "do they or do they not like them situation (the scene where dick is being interrogated,) good action & most importantly, the introduction of Tim Drake. He literally adds the dynamic that a loving little brother would. He's funny, smart, sympathetic & more. A lot of classic moments and panels/scenes with Dick, Babs, & Dick. Great issue.

Nightwing (2016) #81

Aug 27, 2021

Why is this series so good? Mainly because Taylor just keeps writing really great moments that showcase how fascinating & challenging Nightwing's world can be.My favorite moment in this issue is seeing the citizens of Bludhaven rally together to rescue those kids on the pier. It's the highlight of this issue for me because it proves that Dick's idea of the city is correct when he said "the people of Bludhaven are good. It's those in power that are bad." Loved the continued banter between the trio (babs, dick & tim) Enjoyed Heartless even though it's very unclear what his point of the story is for all of this. He's just stealing hearts & he wants to see kids fear? i was unclear on that. the character feels like an unnecessary or throw away villain honestly. I wish they did more with him because he doesn't show up in the next issue at all. The introduction of Melinda Zucco is very interesting. I wonder how inserting an unknown blood relative will change the dynamic since most of dick's family are his chosen family.

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 28, 2021

a rather short issue but very informative. We learn that Melinda Zucco is Dick long-unknown sister. Her mother, who is a victim of sex-trafficking, was bought my Tony Zucco, saved by John Grayson, had a small relationship with him before John & Mary got together. She brought Melinda to the circus to meet everyone but once she saw Dick, she didn’t want to ruin the dynamic the Graysons had. It’s really interesting because it’s a new thing that kind of makes sense. Dick Grayson is an orphan, a stray, if you will. So he understands what it’s like to lose family & feel like a part of you is missing. Also what it’s like to not fit in. This is why he cares & wants to help/make a change. So I'm curious to see how Dick will treat her as the story unfolds. If it’s true, then Melinda could be a brand new staple in Nightwing’s lore. If it’s not true, then this will break Dick for some time. Just wish the issue was longer overall.

Nightwing (2016) #83

Aug 28, 2021

and we're done! The first arc is complete and it's an interesting one. It's so much fun and has so many great moments. I just wish we had more from the villains but I know more of their wants/needs will be revealed.

Nightwing (2016) #84

Sep 25, 2021

An ok start to a filler arc. Artwork is dope though.

Nightwing (2016) #87

Dec 22, 2021

The premise of this issue is very very simple but I came for the attempt at making one continuous imagine in with that being said...they succeeded. I commend Bruno Redundo's art work & the amount of work it took him & Lucas to draw & color this issue.

Black Adam (2022) #1

Jul 5, 2022

Priest constructs, what's surprisingly in continuity, a self-contain world that feels lived and rich with characters, locations & a story that could potentially set up the legacy of Black Adam. We see Teth Adam has been so accustom to life as Black Adam that his day to day activities center around political, both minor & large in scale, disputes both in Kanhdaq & international, taking the metro subway in Washington DC, to having healthy sparring matches with Gods of all kind...including New Gods. But when a citizen of Kanhdaq is murdered & a mysterious illness latching itself to Black Adam, it puts the story into full gear that seams to be divining deep into the Black Adam mythos and may question why this character exist. Or more importantly the purpose for Black Adam within context of the DC Universe. What does he bring, what does he represents, has those depictions changed, does he need a successor, can this new legacy character, Malik, bring a new respectability & pride to the title that is Black Adam? etc. Its very intriguing. Much of this story carried by the stunning artwork as well. Literally the opening fight between Black Adam & Darkseid is ORGASMIC! My only complaint is that Malik feels like he stepped outta 2011. Hopefully that changes but I'm sticking around for #2. This was a great first issue.

Hulk (2021) #1

Nov 28, 2021

Donny Cates & Ryan Ottley, one of my favorite artists thanks to Invincible, take over after Al Ewing's "Immortal Hulk" (which I haven't read) & they managed to pull me in. Issue 1 doesn't feel like it will focus on Banner much but instead establishes Bruce Banner & the next big villain for The Avenegers & Earth & to be honest, this was truly scary. We'll clearly learn about more of Bruce's trauma but this book feels more like "Bruce has gone crazy & we all need to stop him. He's a bigger threat than the hulk guys." And that's extremely horrid. How do you handle stop someone who's been on the verge of a mental breakdown for years, & essentially blames themselves & others for their pain? Can you face an enemy who's been a close friend & knows every way you'll attack them? Who help you develop techniques to save the world? What do you do?

King Of Spies #1

Jan 9, 2022

Millar & Scalera's outing with a retired London Spy brings an impressive appeal to a genre that needed a little boost. Kingsman provides the young, inexperienced but hot new spy. Daniel Craig's Bond gave us an agent from to start to a questionable finish. Now "King of Spies" dives into a retired spy, on the literal last few days of his life, beginning a tour of redemption & forgiveness. Not just to the people in his personal life but for the innocents who were harmed in his very flashy, boastful, & rather raw spy adventures. All this is propelled by Miller & Scalera's visual decisions. They offer deliberate action scenes & story panels, that are comical, staged but provide a sense of luck, implied camera angles/perspective & more. It all works, for me. I will definitely pick up the trade when it's available.

Justice League: Last Ride #5

Sep 16, 2021

Spectacular issue that left me, again, wanting more. Zdarsky continues his phenomenal storytelling but this time we finally get to see the climax to some sections of the story, that we've either been leading to, or it was left purposely vague. For example, we learn how Hal Jordan became the strongest living power battery in the universe. And we see the first confrontation, which has been boiling up for some time, between superman & batman. Both of these moments are very impactful for different reasons but it's nice to see these moments get resolved. Shout out to Zdarsky using more of the new gods in this. I wish we saw mr miracle, big bard, Orion, etc. But I enjoyed the tease of Granny Goodness, the female furies & even Stepphenwolf, getting appearances in this book. Can't wait for the next issue.

Justice League: Last Ride #6

Oct 27, 2021

SO much happens in this issue! A green lantern powered darkseid is not someone I want to fight!

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Nov 11, 2021

A fine but also disappointing ending to a rather fun ride. The story lacks what I think would've been a big finish or a more impactful story. This issue has more personal impact for the team but the story starts off as being a huge thing for most of earth & the "United Planets Assembly." And I wish we were able to see more of their thoughts on everything that's happening. Killowag & Jessica Cruz don't show up after issue 2, the members of the league, who make guest appearances in #1, aren't there. Basically for a story that's implies the "last ride" for the OG members of the team, & spans the universe to some degree, this feels uneventful & lackluster. Yes it's a more personal story, which is fine, But I would prefer an ending that had an impact with other characters & organizations introduced in this story. Also the title of this story kind of lies to you. Its called the "last ride" implying these characters will either die, retire or end something. But instead we get the Justice League now being expanded to the entire universe. So in some ways its the last ride for the "Justice League" but it's the beginning for the new team that is "Justice League Universe"

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #1

Oct 27, 2021

Brandon Thomas tosses us readers into a new, exciting team up book & it's great! I've been waiting for Dc comics, film & tv to start doing more team up based stories & I'm happy that it seems to finally be happening. Thomas throws us into, what may seem confusing at first, a story that, for me, works. Arthur Curry & Oliver Queen are stuck within full blown Freaky Friday situation. Yes, they have the other's powers/abilities, but they even switched their entire social status, Arthur has Oliver's millions in wealth/cash, Oliver is the King of Atlantis, etc, & neither of them know what happened. And that's the big mystery of this story. What happened, who caused it, did either of us cause it, Did it happen before & if so, why is it happening again? All of this is set up even with the villain (s) that show up. But what has me invested in checking out #2 is that the story presents plenty of room for a lot of surprises. Guest appearances, new introductions, creative combinations of power/abilities and hopefully an awesome display of Oliver & Arthur's personalities. Fun 1st issue.

Batman / Superman (2019): Authority Special #1

Nov 4, 2021

Did they just tease the "Empire of Shadows" as the next potential DC company event? If so, I'm kind of down. This issue feels more useful & entertaining than anything Morrison has done with Superman & The Authority. Since this is essentially a one shot, the story doesn't waste time & gets your from story beat to story beat. Superman & Batman have their classic interactions, the Authority has the usual characters that sticks out, & the story/premise is very straight forward. But where I think this one-shot shines is in three areas. Hairsine & Templesmith's artwork, an interesting story that connects to previous dc comic events, & lastly, Midnight & Batman's slight rivalry (more like a dick swinging contest that only midnighter partakes in) These are the three things that make this issue work for me. If you hear an announcement that Dc comics will have an event coming called "Empire of Shadows," remember you read it here first. Fun issue. My only problem is the issue saying this is somehow the team from Grant Morrison's "Superman & The Authority" but that superman has been around since the 60s & is wearing a Kingdom Come inspired, careless suit.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #7

Sep 25, 2022

Actually surprised by how fun & rather emotional this issue is. Mark Waid & Dan Mora continue their plunge into a very upbeat, fun & beautifully drawn series. Its funny, artfully expressive, and just a good time. But I think this issue truly shines with what subject matter is tackles. The introduction of David aka Boy Thunder, provides a unique experience that I feel we don't get to see much within dc. And that's the understood sympathy for being an orphan. More importantly, I think, is how to manage and express the trauma of loosing your planet & your parents. Its something that Superman, Batman & Dick Grayson & know very well. This entire issue is three orphans, embracing a new one & its quite beautiful. Very emotional even. Fun issue & I want more. Im excited to see how the response to Boy Thunder will be in a few years. Maybe he'll become a well known character that draws more readers in.

Blue Beetle (2006) #1

Sep 25, 2022

pretty standard origin. introduces the usually story elements we associate with a teenager hero. Interesting family dynamic, weird powers, goofy yet fun friend trio, and more importantly the mysterious set up for the rest of the series. This is a fun issue that establishes the sort of journey Jamie Reyes will go on. His struggles, potential triumphs, and his sprawling adventure through the sci-fi portion of DC comics' world. It's really interesting. I also appreciate they set up this weird rivalry between Jamie & Guy Gardner. I hope they expand on that little feud.

Blue Beetle (2006) #2

Sep 26, 2022

OK! Now I'm fully on board for Jamie's story moving board. The cliff hanger ending of this issue provides, not only a WTF moment, but some clarity to what's been happening so far. the issue does enough leg work that we can ascertain, moving forward, majority of this 12 issue run will focus on both past & present events? maybe some of these events will tie in together? we'll see. But a solid issue. artwork is good, action panels are clean, potential supporting characters are interesting, etc. Solid, solid issue.

Human Target (2021) #1

Nov 3, 2021

Tom King appears at his best flourishing with mysteries driven by characters who haven't been used in a "title character(s)" position for decades. Omega Men, Mr Miracle, Strange Adventures & Rorshach (though I haven't read those two books,) are all examples of this. Even with superman & Batman, a lot of his work with them are all mystery thrillers with a combination of other genres like sci-fi or horror thrown into them...Superman Up In the Sky & Heroes in Crisis. Sheriff of Babylon is another good example but you get the point. This time around he takes another swing with THE HUMAN TARGET that is seeped in the hard-boiled detective, film noir, style/premise. Similar to your Maltese Falcon's, Chinatown, etc. The only difference is that our main character, Chris Chance, not only becomes our detective, but is also the subject/attempted murder victim of the story. Is this something new? no. But King & Greg Smallwood's art does enough leg work with this issue to get me invested. For instance, ur protagonist has all the traditional characteristics & traits of a hard-boiled detective from loving to drink, obsessed with his car, relatively old or at least in his late 40s? No signs of family or loves ones. Not even a love interest(s) but...this is where the story gets interesting for me. One page of this issue teases us into glimpses of the next 11 issues. We see what it will entailt but more importantly the characters he'll run into. From Ted Kord, martian manhunter, a supposed love interest, the murderer being revealed by day 11, & more. This isn't usually done with these type of stories because we're treated like the main character...we don't get much info. But King sets you up for the future & implants questions & ideas in your mind about where this can go. A rather solid first issue. I'll check out part 2. Lastly, shoutout to Justice League International being mentioned & potentially popping up in this story. This lineup hasn't been used in decades. I wonder if one of them is the killer? I bet it was the one member that accidentally looks like Brie Larson lol.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #1

Dec 6, 2021

OK! The first few pages of this book definitely feels like an "all men are evil" narrative thanks to Hera's introduction to the victims of man's world & the meeting of the God's between Hera, Zeus, Ares, Aphrodite, etc, but the book begins to expand & presents a story that sets you up for an intense yet tragic origin story. This is all thanks to DeConnick's & Jimenez's collaboration both in writing & art. Jimnez brings Dennoick's writing to life in his artwork. You can tell they had meetings upon meetings to accomplish a book of this stature. My only concern for this series is that the art may be too impressive? My eyes can't really focus on what to look at exactly. Every page has a multiple of eye candy artwork that you can't help but admire for minutes upon end. And combine that with what DeConnick is writing, plus the mention of Nubia & The Amazon's "Well of The Lost Souls," then you have a very impressive, damn near surprisingly enjoyable first chapter introduction. Here's my only complaint? How does this end? I'm aware of the amazons living on Themyscira and what not. But in other stories that island is presented as a paradise for women. How will DeConnick explain that the island is now a prison of some sorts? Will she establish that the amazons embraced this prison & made it their own paradise or will she change their origin all together? The first page of the book states "between the bitter war between the amazons & the Gods of men..the amazons lost." So how will she explain that? With that being said, i'm cautiously optimistic to see where this story goes.

Do A Powerbomb #1

Jun 21, 2022

Johnson blew my mind with "Murder Falcon," focusing on isolation, regret, anger, love, acceptance & overcoming the toughest of obstacles, so I was elated to hear that he was doing another limited series. And boy! was I impressed. As someone who doesn't dabble in the wrestling realm, DO A POWERBOMB delivers a decent introduction into a story fueled by beautiful art, interesting family dynamic, and a mysterious supernatural element & character that will be further explored throughout the series. It has a similar set up to Murder Falcon where the first issue feels somewhat simplistic. You have your traditional set up for character arcs, introduction of a supernatural element to spice things up, and what have you. Where this issue differs is in its ending. Murder Falcon began a story that felt very expansive but ended up being a deeper & more personal story. Do A Powerbomb flips it. It feels personal but the implications of what our protagonist ends up doing could have a wider impact on the world of this story. Or at least I hope it does. Overall, a solid first issue. Story set up works, artwork is usual, and I appreciate the introduction of Mr Necroton. Fun first issue.

Robin & Batman (2021) #1

Nov 12, 2021

The ending of this book is what sold me on wanting to continue more of this story. Dick Grayson is my favorite comicbook character with Mr Miracle & invincible being tied for second. And I've been yearning for a recent book that involves dick as Robin, especially one that isn't technically a flashback. If you read nightwing from new 52 & upward, every story involves some flashback to his time as robin but we never get to new series with him as the boy wonder. So it's safe to say that I was eager for this book & preordered it the moment I could. And with that being said, though this book contains a lot of the main points that we associate with batman training a robin, and more specifically the mishaps he had with Dick Grayson, we're still presented with a unique take on the origins of the first robin. Dick Grayson is the main focus & its great to see how difficult his relationship is with Bruce. The reveal of the "official robin" suit I think is my favorite moment. It shows that first inkling of the struggle these two will always have...bruce invading further into someone's life without their permission. I'll pick up #2

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #1

Jul 31, 2021

I swear using parasite as the first villain for a new iteration of superman always works for me. It brings forth the things I appreciate about superman & his world. One is superman having to step up & vocally give hope to the citizens of metropolis, when they're in a desperate situation. The moment he gives a rousing speech & ask everyone to help was so inspiring. And you literally see people calling in family & friends who are doctors, people sharing food, younger citizens helping senior, etc. it was so beautiful. The second thing I love about this is because parasite is a villain who's not really a villain but more so a troubled soul. Someone who didn't ask to be in this situation & because of that, superman can punch his way to finishing this. He know's he can't physically win against Jones. So instead, he has to play it smart. And he does exactly that. Taking parasite to the dark side of the moon was a brilliant move. Like I never would've thought of that. I makes their encounter more impressive. The final thing I appreciate it SUPERMAN HAVING A PERSONALITY. The persona he has in this issue is someone who can be courageous, brave & solid when need be. He's calm in every situation, he can be vocal & share his thoughts when need be. But more importantly, he's funny. He has this dry, almost, dad joke like humor. When he's on the moon with parasite, Wayland is about to give him a hard punch and in that moment, superman says "oh this is gonna hurt." It's one of the first times I truly laughed & realized that I was in for a superman who dare I say, felt like a superman I want to see.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #2

Aug 2, 2021

I loved the first issue for many reasons & the second issue takes those same reasons & tells another fun, yet short, adventure with superman. This issue has the potential, as does the 1st, to be expanded upon a more I think. It has funny moments, a conniving superman/Clark Kent that I want to see on the big screen & it has a simple premise that can actually be analyzed deeper. For example, the idea that people are wagering bets on superman saving the day is so brilliant. Can the Man of Tomorrow continue to do good with constant wages of his failure? That's what I think the main topic of this issue is & it's really interesting. It's some cute funny moments in this as well. The most notable is clark sitting on the couch drinking soda as if it's beer. It's the visual of coming home from a long days work & just needing a moment to unwind & think. But since he can't get drunk, he has to resort to basic, delicious, soda. My only problem with this issue is the villain, the gambler. He served his purpose but I guess I would've liked for him to do more. Maybe him & superman could've had a more in-depth conversation about the reasons these bets exist. Other than that, I still enjoyed the issue.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #3

Aug 5, 2021

This is not as strong as issues one & two but still a degree. I enjoy a lot about this issue though. First off, I love Dan Mora's cover for this issue is brilliant. His style is very suitable for animation, cartoons, etc, so anytime I get to see more of his artwork I'm elated. Second is the banter between Lex Luthor & Clark Kent. Their conversations during the two interviews of this issue really showcases their personalities but also their disdain for each other. Clark is aware of Lex's manipulation & usual antics, while Lex is smart enough to never admit any suspicious activity. It's entertaining. But the this issue isn't as strong as the previous two, is mainly because of the villain. Toyman is such a throw away villain. Which sucks because he represents the "mom & pop shop" that gets bought & has its named tarnished by a bigger conglomerate. And, like this issue, that premise is used to help further the antagonist's plan. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good old Clark Kent/Superman vs Lex Luthor, but i just wish we were able to see more of Toyman's perspective.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #4

Aug 5, 2021

Clark Kent, Daily Planet News Reporter saves the day in this issue. This was another fun, short issue that focuses more so on the usual killing & covering up of people who are aware of illegal practices in business. This is actually a dark story when you think about it. A guy learns that a rather wealthy business man is dumping toxic waste across a multitude of farming land, the bad guy finds out, then the reporter is buried alive & turned into a horrific creature. It's a new take on TOXIC AVENGER/SWAMP THING lol. Overall, it's fun, quick, has cute, laughable moments with Clark & Lois. Good issue.

Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 19, 2021

A classic start to what I hope is a great titans run. This feels like the titans I know & love. Every character feels like themselves but what I enjoy the most is that the team is presented as a well-oiled machine. I can feel the history & years of history with this team, even with the addition of Red hood. The obvious outlier, because of his comicbook history, still blends well with the others. He doesn't overshadow Dick (since they're both former robins,) he's sarcastic & the usual asshole. Is his personality too much? Maybe but I'm hoping that gets trimmed down as more issue come out. I appreciate the artwork, even though is one panel where Red Hood & superboy are standing next to each other. They literally look the same in terms of head sculpt & color. And shout out to this issue being the literal characters in the current Titans show. I know it was intentional (Nightwing even has the same exact chest symbol as his live-action/tv counterpart) but I hope this story reveals that it's more reason to ave this lineup than mirroring the show. Overall, a solid issue. SHOUT OUT TO KITE-MAN!

Titans United (2021) #2

Oct 13, 2021

What I thought was going to be a rather lackluster story, issue two provides the needed boost for me to continue reading this story. The team seems to have more personality, or it at least it's translated better in this issue. The artwork is still wonderful. Character interactions are fun, especially Conner & Jason's constant bickering. It's just all entertaining. Why is superboy so angry? I think he's having a self-identity crisis. His worth is rooted in his powers & who he's a clone of. So without his powers, can he really be any help? Do the other titan accept him? Does he accept himself...I love it. My only problem is that Conner is TOO angry. Almost like he's a teenager who can't control his emotions. Shout out to Lady Vic making an appearance. Almost like they're using characters who show up in Titans...

Titans United (2021) #3

Nov 20, 2021

Issue 3 continues the fast paced mission the titans have been on. Half the team is on the hunt for Lady Vic while another member, Superboy, is being tortured by Blackfire, without the teams knowing. Which is unfortunate because Superboy gets put through the ringer in this issue. Then again, every issue it appears to get worse & worse for the character. I'm interested in seeing where they go with superboy though. But unfortunately that's overshadowed by Red Hood being the main focus of this issue. Or at least gets most of the pages spent on his antics and daredevil like actions. We see how much of a daring hero he is & how he doesn't follow rules. He's the type to react first & ask questions later and I must say, it is entertaining. This chapter showcases the dynamic between the heroes & more specifically, how they all react to Red Hood. They're use to his smart-ass comments/remarks , his over-reactionary ways, & its fun. Overall a solid issue.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #1

Sep 29, 2021

Why does Deathstroke want to be a hero? Fun set up to what could be promising. My favorite thing about this issue is the use of the BOW! BANG! BOOM! words in this issue. felt different. But I also don't really care but im gonna keep reading since I like the team up of Black Canary & Deathstroke.

Eat The Rich #1

Aug 27, 2021

If you've seen it once, you've seen them all. Person goes to visit their partner's rich family & discovers their secrets. I want to enjoy because it has some interesting ideas but i feel like I've read & watched this before.

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #1

Jul 31, 2021

A quick issue. Set’s up the two main characters and their journey. My only concern is how their relationship actually operates. The last panel of the book shows raquel next to the woman augustus was with in Paris back in 1921. Is this why he decides to start another crusade ? Because raquel reminds him of this woman in terms of spark, energy and personality or in terms of like an emotional presence?

Search For Hu #1

Dec 26, 2021

Story that skips unnecessary set up & get's straight to the point. We're introduced to our main cast, the conflict & so o it's key players/cast of characters. This was a solid introduction for this story.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 14, 2021

Superman told Lex to "take this L" this series is a hoot.

Blue & Gold (2021) #1

Jul 28, 2021

The book is alright. I think the last few pages of this issue is where the book shines best. It took me a minute to get used to B&B’s dynamic. Other than that, this first issue is interesting. Booster is trying to become famous as usual & BB is dealing with regret & failure because his father is dead and he thinks he let him down. The ending has them set up their own version of “Heroes For Hire.” They care about working for the little man, etc. Also the aliens that tried to kidnap the JL will return because the heroes that stopped them didn't know that Earth is owned by another race of beings. Earth is within their territory.Overall, the story is ok but it has potential.

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1

Sep 4, 2021

I have a lot of problems with this issue but a lot of praise to give this issue. This issue has plenty of great moments. Such as Nightwing's banter & speech during "The Lesson Plan." It shows just how great of a character he is. The complete juxtaposition to batman in every way but honors him simultaneously. He's vibrant, energetic, happy, colorful & more. All of this shines through his costume, personality & speech. My second favorite moment in this issue is "The Boy Wonders" by James Tynion. It's a great issue that showcases the best things about the batsons. It shows their diverse personality, their ideals/beliefs, their thoughts on Batman & how he's represented & even more, it shows how unique their brotherhood really is. I loved it! Here's my problem with this issue. A lot of it doesn't feel like it was meant for me to read. Each issue has a similar art style or writer that's adjacent to a specific run they wrote for a specific robin. It gives glimpses or set up to a story that already exists. For example, "The Lesson Plan" is a moment during The Agent Grayson run & "Boy Wonders" is literal set up for James Tynion run on Detective Comics. It's teasers for new readers to go purchase the other runs. It doesn't feel like a true celebration of the name ROBIN. Instead it hits the cliffnotes essentially. Maybe if i didn't read these runs already, my reaction would be different.

Nubia & The Amazons #1

Nov 4, 2021

An issue that suffers from being literal setup. Nubia & The Amazons issue 1 gives you the broad strokes of the island & it's inhabitants. Small & quick glimpses of sections of Themyscira such as the library, well of souls, etc. You don't actually get time to know any of the characters unfortunately because the book is focused on setting you up for issue 2. My only complaint with this issue is the concept of the "well of souls." The idea is interesting but much more will need to be explored with it. For now, its main focus is providing second chances at life for women who were victims of crimes in man's world...ok. Also I hope the last five issues expand the influence of whatever is being guarded at this door mentioned in the story. I don't want something like this to only be contained within the island. I would prefer, what appears to be a dangerous threat coming, to be a danger to the entire earth of dc comics.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 28, 2021

This is pretty interesting. Seeing the JFK stuff, doing the space race talking with the Man of Tomorrow was a pleasant change to the superman mythos. Two prominent figures talking about the future of mankind & the steps needed to strive really resonates with me. It set's up that superman takes on the personal responsibility to see not just America, but the world's future generations, have a way to prosper & flourish. And I'm so curious to see, since superman has seen failure after failure such as, JFK's murder, MLK's murder, his own failures with the Justice League, I'm curious to see how he finally reaches the promises he made to JFK...& king Arthur. How far will he be willing to go? I like Manchester Black in this. He feels like the ordinary person in this story. Someone who's been seeing life from the actual ground. The every day folk essentially. I think he'll test superman's moral resolve & idealistic beliefs about the world & could potentially change how superman thinks. The artwork is great as well. Updated Review - 10/24/2021 Definitely more intriguing reading this a few months later. It resonates a little more with me. The story feels different, fresh & kind of hopeless? we're dealing with a superman who's on his last ditch effort. Everything else has failed so now it's time to call in the people he dislikes the most...Manchester Black, who I think is a better villain for superman than most. He represents those who are essentially beneath superman. The everyday person. Also it appears that the big threat of the story isn't actually coming from the Phantom Zone, but actually within their own world.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #2

Oct 26, 2021

This issue went a different direction. It doesn't really progress the story but instead, introduces the other members of the team superman & Manchester Black put together. And the shifts feel so strange. They don't really explain where these characters are, what they're doing, etc. I'm unclear what's happening with Enchantress. She's in hell??? IDK. This issue was just a wild shift away from the tone set up in #1

Shang-Chi (2021) #1

Aug 9, 2021

The artwork is great but the actual story is pretty much basic. Spiderman & Shang teaming up is something I would like to see more of. But this issue definitely operates under the impression that you already read enough about Shang Chi. I am curious to see where it goes in the next issue.

Shang-Chi (2021) #4

Sep 27, 2021

Can we stop calling this a "VS" series? Shang just interacts with all these heroes, he doesn't actually fight them. I read issue one because I thought it would promise spider-man vs Shang-chi but it doesn't. So I stopped reading & pick this issue up & guess what? He doesn't actually interact with the Fantastic four nor fight them. They make small, unnecessary appearances. Yes this is leading to a big climax but as of right now, it's not keeping my attention.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Aug 22, 2021

Interesting WHAT IF? story but it didn't pull me in enough to truly care. My first disappointing Zdarsky read

Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Sep 5, 2021

i just didn't care. The art really threw me off.

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