He literally defied Jo's instructions in this issue, what are you talking about?
HOUSE OF BRAINIAC TIE-IN! With Hal's ring newly recharged, he leaves Earth for Oa to uncover the mystery surrounding the Central Power Batteries, while Carol makes a choice that will change her destiny forever! Plus: Kevin Maguire joins Green Lantern architect Jeremy Adams to tell the tale of Guy Gardner, the United Planets, Lobo and... Wrestling? It's Guy's Bogus Lobo Adventure part 1 of 3!
Green Lantern #10 puts Hal back home. The art gives the Green Lantern Corps the grandeur it deserves, even at its lowest moments. The book also regularly reminds us that Hal is not the only Green Lantern, and all must work towards liberating the cause they all cherish. Read Full Review
Green Lantern is one of DC's showcase titles right now. You might want to get the previous issue, but Green Lantern #10 is a worthwhile jumping on point for readers who keep hearing about the quality of the title. It's very well-earned. Read Full Review
When Jeremy Adams, Xermanico, Kevin Maguire, and the Green Lantern Corps are together, you know you're getting an excellent issue of entertainment. Watching Hal, Jo, and the Resistance Corps stealthily move around enemy territory forces the heroes to be more than just their rings against the corrupt United Planets as the Emotional Spectrum and Source Energy mystery looms in the background. Seeing Guy get in the ring to bring in Lobo sets up a comedic adventure that dives into the absurdity of the DCU. Read Full Review
The highlight this issue, though, has to be the backup written by Adams and drawn by the iconic Kevin Maguire. Focusing on Guy Gardner and Lobo with a guest appearance by Booster Gold, it feels like a tribute to the late, great Keith Giffen as well as a follow-up to one of Adams' most beloved Flash stories the wrestling adventure that introduced us to the wildly funny Omega Bam Man. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan has had quite the journey thus far, but Green Lantern #10 shifts from his own personal evolution to the macro-level problems facing the entire Green Lantern Corps. That shift doesn't work without everything writer Jeremy Adams has built across the first nine issues of Green Lantern, however, and the investment pays off in a significant fashion now that Hal is mixing it up with the other Lanterns. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #10 is a solid issue that effectively balances the main storys intrigue with the light-hearted fun of Guys backup adventure. Adams lays the groundwork for a thrilling mystery on Oa, while Maguire injects humor into the issue with his take on Guy Gardner. This is a must-read for Green Lantern fans, particularly those who enjoy the spacefaring adventures of Hal Jordan and the unpredictable antics of Guy Gardner. Pick up Green Lantern #10 if you're a Green Lantern fan or enjoy space opera adventures. If you appreciate offbeat humor and superhero team-ups with a twist, this issue is worth a look. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #10 does an excellent job at setting the tone of the underground resistant approach Hal, Jo, and other Green Lanterns must take to combat the United Planets and their new Lantern Corps. The pacing of the entire issue gives the story Jeremy Adams, Xermanico, and Amancay Nehuelpan are building have a big event level feel. The fun back-up story featuring Guy Gardner added a needed contrast to the type of stories we can see from this series. All of this together continues to solidify the latest Green Lantern series as one of the best comic books DC Comics is publishing. Read Full Review
Both artists deliver some great art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling and beautifully detailed. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #10 continues to ramp up the excitement. It took a little while to get to this moment but it seems that this title is now where Jeremy Adams has been heading since issue #1. Something big is just around the corner and the scope has expanded nicely to encompass not only the recent continuity but older events as well. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #10 gives readers starving for more Lanterns, besides Hal Jordan, all they could want and more. The cameos fit within the larger UP conspiracy, the Resistance has a big problem on their hands, and anticipation is high for where the series could go. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #10 is more concerned with building up to something else than it is with being something substantial on its own. Yet, it still manages to feature some complex chemistry emerge while letting some characters other than Hal Jordan shine. Read Full Review