Your review has sold me.
A historical NEW ongoing SPAWN series begins!
The launch of this book, nearly three decades in the making, further expands the SPAWN UNIVERSE with a growing presence of Hell, Heaven, and Heroes here on Earth.
A classic villain from Spawn's past has begun asserting his powers on Earth by corrupting as many souls as possible. And only Spawn knows that he even exists. Continuing the dramatic battles from SPAWN'S UNIVERSE #1, this is where it all begins!!!!!
Don't miss out...the last time a new ongoing SPAWN series launched was in 1992.
This is the #1 issue you want on your shelf right now. The art work alone is worth every penny, but the story lines are rich. Gunslinger #1 is going to be awesome and the return of Haunt inserted into the Spawn Universe"well played Mr. McFarlane! Read Full Review
This issue was one heck of a ride. While the issue itself is a giant-sized comic, it's a collection of five different short stories. Each one is different than the last but just as enjoyable. I really enjoyed the artwork throughout most of this book and absolutely loved the revival of an old favorite of mine, Haunt. Read Full Review
Working side-by-side with Lewis, Javi Fernandez and FCO Plascencia balance the pages of King Spawn #1 between action and horror. There's an image of Sam and Twitch which perfectly highlights what this pair can do " and just how dark the imagery can get with King Spawn. Read Full Review
King Spawn #1 is the first stepping stone in Spawn's Universe, launching a new mission for the hellish antihero while introducing new allies and enemies into his crusade. I definitely recommend this book for newcomers to theSpawn franchise, as well as longtimeSpawn fans. It also proves that Spawn is more than capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with Marvel and DC's most popular heroes. Read Full Review
A dark mystery is brewing in the world of Spawn. Sean Lewis, with help from Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, crafts a brilliant supernatural crime to expand on that mystery. This tale is great for those who are well versed in McFarlane lore as well as those who find a first issue a great place to jump in. Read Full Review
As a long devoted Spawn fan, it was hard not to drool all over this review. There are some of my favorite creators telling a story that I never tire of. Whether it is the depth and passion that Sean Lewis writes with or the magnificent art of Brett Booth or Javi Fernandez, or Philip Tan, King Spawn #1 was the perfect offering, post Spawns Universe. Read Full Review
King Spawn #1 is an intriguing start to the series that does everything it needs to spark casual and hardcore fan interest. Played out like a hardboiled detective story, the main story draws you into the complex world of angels and demons. The shorts that accompany the main story serve as a good taster and set up for what's to come. King Spawn reveals an ugly supernatural world that's grim in its realism, holding you spellbound to the very end. Read Full Review
A beautiful way to kick off the ongoing Spawn Universe and deserves a look from new and old fans alike. Read Full Review
Let us know what you thought about King Spawn #1 and the expansion of the Spawn Universe by leaving your comments below or by leaving a comment on any of our social media feeds! Read Full Review
Artist Javi Fernandez taps into the mood and violence that fans so often expect from Spawn titles and frankly this is a good jumping on point for anyone that has a passing interest and wants an entry. Read Full Review
King Spawn #1 starts off fast, and grows its universe even faster. While existing SPAWN fans will love the new edition to the universe, it may not be the best jumping in point for people looking to dive into the series. Read Full Review
If you are a long running die hard Spawn fan, you'll have no problem in falling in love with this installment. For newer or more casual fans, this may be a head scratcher that requires patience to make sense and in time I'm sure this universe will deliver in spades. Read Full Review
The Haunt short story was my favorite
I can almost shake with this installment, great stories and exquisite art, I definitely want so much more of this.
Great art to be sure, accompanied by a narrative that plunges you into twisted conspiracies, Metatron seems to be involved, but then we have someone much more powerful than Metatron, perhaps a new player. However everything is very twisted this is the thing that I love about this number.
I really liked the definition of the Bible by the little one, there are no good or bad, only twisted intentions between heaven and hell. Really cool.
A strong start, this series has started on the right foot, and what I like is how far it is from stupid, poorly made inclusive ideas and politics, it is only darkness and action. The art is good enough and the covers are beautiful.
From the cover to the writing an impeccable book.
A great book, I missed seeing this kind of quality in comics, this is a series that I am sure to acquire is worth every penny.
So great. I am so stoked over King Spawn #1! I thought all stories were good but the main story and Gunslinger really have my interest. Killer art as well. Can’t wait for more.
With a who’s who of comic book creators and momentum Spawn and TMP are setting the stage for many books, tv shows, and movies to come. This book is fantastic. A must buy
una grata sorpresa me he llevado con este comic, había escuchado el rumor de que arremetió en ventas así que dije por que no. Un buen arte y excelente ambiente justo lo que Spawn necesita.
I'm not a huge Spawn reader, and I don't agree with a review that says this is for Spawn fans only. I am not and this is a book that I will surely buy, I may decide to buy the series if it continues with such quality.
This is really cool, great art, most of the stories are good, and what appears to be the main one is just great.
If the publisher maintains this quality, I am sure that it will be a faithful buyer of this series.
I am surprised on how reader friendly this is. As long as you google Spawn's basic origin, you should be good to go.
Reviewing the first issue of the new King Spawn series that is our setup for the events that will be unfolding in the Spawn Universe. I can't lie, I'm pretty excited to see where this goes!
Just got into comics, I am glad I did by starting with this one.
I didn't care for this at all but seeing all the high-rated reviews I checked it out. It was good for a first issue but I don't know, I've never been the biggest Spawn fan (liked the animated series but recent comics haven't been very great) and I don't have a lot of trust in Sean Lewis as a writer. Misinterpreting Bible quotes is something teenagers do to wrongly justify their disdain towards religion, I and every other sane human being have moved past that and I saw the "twist" coming from a mile away. That said, the stories in itself are diverse and pretty good for a fresh start.