Anotherfan's Profile

Joined: Jul 03, 2019

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Aug 7, 2019

Damnit. If every comic could be half as good as this one. Fantastic read and maybe more metal than Metal. The stakes are high and as it is said : everybody is a target

Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Aug 29, 2019

As great as the first one. This event will problably remain as one of the best of the last few years. Cates/Stegman are at a top notch level and I hope the future issues will give us an ending as great as the beginning

Absolute Carnage (2019) #3

Sep 19, 2019

Cates rocks. Stegman rocks. Carnage rules.

Absolute Carnage (2019): Immortal Hulk #1

Oct 2, 2019

Yes, Ewing writes an Hulk tie in for Absolute Carnage. And yes, this is brilliant

Action Comics (2016) #1013

Jul 24, 2019

I really like how Bendis is trying to create a mythos around Metropolis and the Daily Planet and the Superman universe never felt this real. The issue is a big tie in to Event Leviathan and Year of the Vilain and it is pretty intersting how it is done in both case

Age of X-Man: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2019

Even if the event wasn't bad, it never really shines. Like all the mini-series, i don't really care about this ending. The best X-book out this week is the previews for Hickman upcoming run for which I'm really really hyped

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25

Jul 10, 2019

Very strong issue. The Kindred got a lot of set up from the past issue and it keeps buildind to him being a good new addition to the lore. The MJ and Lizard were also fun and touching. Really liked this issue

Aquaman (2016) #50

Jul 17, 2019

Loved it

Avengers (2018) #21

Jul 11, 2019

Excellent issue but i'm really too hyped for what's coming next. Between rider arc, moon knight arc and everything that has been teased i just can't wait. Laugh out loud reading this one

Avengers (2018) #23

Aug 29, 2019

I don't know how to feel about this run. The premise is good and there is a lot of great ideas but the execution isn't perfect. Still, the issue is good and what's not to love about a race between Ghost Riders ?

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Another day with a Batman release, another day with claims that King is the worst writer we've ever seen. So who is in the wrong ? The fans who can't see the flaws and incoherence of King or the haters who are not able to see past the name on the cover ? Don't know. Dont really care. Personnaly, i think that this was a good issue. I love the way Thomas Wayne is characterize : he really is mad and Bruce quickly realize it. His motivations are clear and not incoherent with wath we know of the character. There is also the return of the pit tale from issue 57 that is used to explain the relation between Bruce and his father. Typical King writing and i thought it was great to see it use again even if it wasn't necessary to have all of it retold. Again, not a lot of things happen, like last issue we almost only see the conversation between the two dark nights and yes it is a little frustating to not see the story move at the pace we want. Like always Janin and Belaire are a great combo and the art is really good with beautif slash pages. To conclude, the issue was interesting and beautiful and i think next issue will have more story progression with the debut of the City of Bane arc for wich i'm hyped. The cliffhanger was kind of cool but not that incredible.

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

"All can be doubted. All but Bane." Here we are, City of Bane has begun and it's a blast. After breaking the Bat in the last 25 issues, the Venom-infused giant made his move on Gotham. This issue is divided in 3 parts : First, we have a glimpse of the New Gotham City under Bane's reign. We see Riddler and Jocker doing detective work and it's incredibly cool to see how King handles the new dynamic of the City. Then we saw Comissioner Strange calling for Batman and his Robin. Thomas Wayne and Gotham Girl are really well used and we have an explanation on why the other members of Bat-family are not around, and even if it might not satisfy everyone, it was pretty much on point. But, the biggest revelation was on how Bane was controlling every other villain : simple and efficient, using psycho-pirate wich is coherent with the story. Secondly, we see the broken bat wandering in the moutains. Weak and defeated, he get beaten by two thugs and then get reunited with the one he met on a boat. Not much to said beside we, for once, really see how much bruce has been broken. Then we have a long discussion between Bane and the Apex predator. He explain what he did to the city and why he did that way and he was perfectly on point. We also get a tour of all the key players in this city and it was amazing. To conclude, it was a great issue. Tony S. Daniel give everything ( but i really don't like his Joker ) but the real stars are Tomey Meurey with his amazing colors and Mitch Gerards who blew my mind on every panel. Tom King delivers a very good introduction to his last arc and I can't wait to see what's next

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

"Shit negro, here we go again" City of Bane continues to introduce us to the New Gotham City. King's still writing so there the same qualities and problems than the last 75 issue. I really enjoyed the issue, the stakes keep getting higher. The Batman chasing vilain was cool and it is nice to see Kite Man again. Hoping to see more of him in the next issue.

Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

So how is Tom " Worst writer of the year" King's book doing today ? As for me, pretty good. We get great issue, focused on my favourite Robin, little Damian Wayne. We see how he tries to free Alfred from Bane by deafeting Gotham Girl and Batman. That was intense and cool, the dialogues between Thomas and Damian were fun and the resolution of the first battle was on point. We also get a focus on Bruce and Selina and it was a little weak. I get that Bruce think that it is suicide to face Bane but he seems a little too down. The issue end on a big twist but I don't buy it for the moment even if that was fucking brutal. As always haters gonna hate and fans gonna love. And it is not interesting for one of the two groups to discretize the other.

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Really liked the issue. Still finding this story well writen and touching. And of course, art is on another level.

Batman (2016) #79

Sep 19, 2019

" It's the beach" Another issue rewarding for the ones who like the series and an empty filler for those who doesn't believe in the Bat/Cat live story. Even though i understand that King writing can be criticized, i find it very touching as always. We now know were Batman counter-attacks is leasing and I hope his return will be epic. Like everyone i will celebrate Mann Drawing who is one of the best i've ever seen and I think it wouldn't been half as good if it wasn't for him.

Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

Another brillant issue. It's been a while since I've been amazed by Romita's work and I think Morey is to thanks. The Bat has return to his City and everything is in place for the big showdown. Hope Bane is prepared for what's coming

Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

Loved it

Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

Beautiful and touching issue

Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

So questions were answered. Plotholes were loved. Origins ans background were added. But hey that only means that King doesn't know what he is doing. That was the tale of a broken man and it was profound and touching. It give more depht to the overall run and it really prepare for the last showdown. Not particullary fan of the reverse narration but it was done correctly.

Batman (2016) Annual #4  
Batman / Superman (2019) #2

Sep 25, 2019

Diggin it much more than i should

Batman / Superman (2019) #3

Oct 23, 2019

Solid issue. If you tired of BWL you'll probably won't like it but if not Marquez and Williamsom are doing a wonderful job and the relation between Bruce and Clark is a blast to read

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1

Jul 24, 2019

Damn, that was awesome. Murphy really is one of the best artist out there and he is one hell of a writer too

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #2

Aug 29, 2019

Loved it. Good writing and great artwork from murphy. Always been fond of elseworlds and this is why

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #3

Sep 25, 2019

Even if I love King's Batman, Murphy is on fire ans this is the best Batman book out right now

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #4

Oct 23, 2019

Best Batman related book on shelves. Murphy is killing it.

Batman: Universe #1

Jul 10, 2019

Fun & Fresh

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1

Jul 10, 2019

Lemire really never disapoints

Detective Comics (2016) #1008

Jul 24, 2019

Tomasi feel like an Anti-Tom King. And it is a compliment. His writing style really his good and this was a terrific one shot. I really like the difference between the main Bat-books. A Joker centric issue could be a hard thing to do because it has to be really good to keep up with all the other ones but Tomasi managed to do it, helped by a Manhke in great shape. Very good issue

Doctor Strange (2018) #18

Aug 29, 2019

Those types of one-shots are my favourites stories and this one is a great one

Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 4, 2019

Still as incredible as the first 10 issues. I'm just hoping it will stick the landing because i've a lot of expectations about the end.

Event Leviathan #2

Jul 10, 2019

The mistery deepens and all the players gather to solve it. I really like Leviathan and this construction of a thriller. Maleev brings somme incredible art ( the last slash page was fucking incredible ) and the first page with the summary was good

Flash (2016) #77

Aug 29, 2019

I don't dislike Williamson run but it's been a while since I was really amazed by it. Everything is kinda meh. Even Sandoval who was incredible on GL is just good.

Flash Forward (2019) #2

Oct 16, 2019

Noice. I really thought that Lobdell was a really bad choose for this series but I was wrong. 2020's DC might get intersting

Green Lantern: Blackstars #1

Nov 6, 2019

I think Morrison is too Smart for me

Green Lantern: Blackstars #2

Dec 4, 2019

I really don't like Morrison's writing but damn i don't care about anything that's happening.

Harleen (2019) #1

Sep 25, 2019

Beautiful art and storytelling. Sejic réserves praise for this because i'm a little of Harley Quinn recently but this was pretty damn good

House of X #1

Jul 24, 2019

"You have new gods now" Damn, that was incredible. I was overhyped and I'm not disapointed a single second. They said it and seeing this issue it will be true : they're going to change mutant in a big way. They are too many things in this issue to detail everything ( big up to the data pages who were extremely well made especially the Omega one ). Hickman really is one of kind writer and he is creating a gigantic story and I'm onboard for wahtever it will be. The introduction was perfect. Magneto was perfect. Cyclops was perfect. Pepe Larraz is at his best. Gracia's colors were perfect. There is enough information to understand but so many things you can only theorized about. I'm not especially an X-men fan so I don't know if there are big incoherence but it doesn't matter. Can't wait to see Powers of X. Can't wait to see issue 2 of this one.

House of X #2

Aug 7, 2019

I'm speechless. The first issue was a perfect introduction but this one is incredible.

House of X #3

Aug 29, 2019

Halfway through this, and i'm still amazed at how good Hickman is. I don't know where this is leading and there are a lot we don't know about but everything is consistent since the first issue. Larraz and Garcia too. Hard to wait a week for the next one

House of X #4

Sep 4, 2019

" No more " Sorry but no. I want more of this. Again, this is perfection. Everything was incredible.

House of X #5

Sep 18, 2019

Perfection. There is everything to love here.

House of X #6

Oct 2, 2019

Incredible conclusion to an incredible serie. X-men are on good hand and I can't wait to see what's coming for them.

Immortal Hulk #20

Jul 3, 2019

The Level of constitency of this series really is incredible. It continues to deliver.

Immortal Hulk #21

Jul 17, 2019

Every time i see a news saying Immortal Hulk outsells Batman, i wonder how it's possible. And then I read the newest issue

Immortal Hulk #22

Aug 7, 2019

Yes, like all the one before this is a terrific issue. Yes Ewing is writing a run that will remain in our memories. Yes I can't wait for the next issue. ( And Benett really is perfect for the tone )

Immortal Hulk #24

Oct 2, 2019

Damn, that was one hell of a cliffhanger. I still don't understand how this series keep getting better but i feel that it's not finished. Ewing ftw

Immortal Hulk #25

Oct 23, 2019

Damn, that was... odd. I understand what happened but something felt off. Don't know what.

Justice League (2018) #28

Jul 17, 2019

Here we are. The prologue of Year of the Vilain. I think there has been a problem with marketing because all of this "The Offer" month has been bullshit, the real stuff will begin next month. However, everything has been put in place for a great summer event and I'm pretty hyped for this. The great thing is that it really feels that it is an event reaching across the all DC universe. With JL, JLO, JLD, Batman/Superman and all the tie in, it seems like it was well thought. Coming back to this issue, we got a lot twists and it was a blast. The art was great and i really love Tynion IV writing. My only problem is that even if I love Luthor's plan and actions, it doesn't feel like this is what he would do but it is not a big issues.

Justice League (2018) #29

Aug 7, 2019

Nice. Jarro is a very fun character in a touching issue. What's not to love ?

Justice League (2018) #30

Aug 29, 2019

A few months ago, I was really for Year of the Villain but it began a little slowly. However, the beginning of Justice/Doom War really is a blast. Jimenez still is on another level and it is good to have Kamandi and the JSA back. I hope it will stick the landing.

Justice League (2018) #31

Sep 4, 2019

Jimenez for the win.

Justice League (2018) #33

Oct 2, 2019

Ultra-Monitor ? For real ? Damn, this is as stupid as it is great. This really feels like an event and it's a good one. Still liking YOTV and because Snyder's still writing it, I hope the conclusions will stick the landing

Justice League (2018) #34

Oct 16, 2019

Pretty cool stuff. Maybe a little over the top but i love it. And I really like how the event is paying off in the other ongoing

Justice League (2018) #37

Dec 4, 2019

Noice. I'm a little worried that Snyder will do shenanigans to stand the landing but for the moment it is a very good blockbuster-like event

Justice League Dark (2018) #18

Jan 1, 2020

One of the best ongoing in the DC catalogue. Everything's great from the story to the art. I really dig this series and i give me hope for Tynion's run on Batman

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #2

Oct 2, 2019

Yes this is not perfect. But please, there isn't a single thing here that has ruined the Legion.

Marauders (2019) #1

Oct 23, 2019

Been a while since Duggan got me engaged un one of his series. I love Kate and the new status quo is well exploited. All hail the Red Queen

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000

Aug 28, 2019

Very nice issue. Ewing really is good with continuity and there were some pretty good pages inside. I think it is worth its price and i'll be glad to read it later. So what was your favourite story ?

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jul 11, 2019

Wasn't ready for that kind of issue. Incredible tension, astonishing art and the issue leave you wanting more

Naomi #6

Jul 10, 2019

Weakest issue of the series. Wasn't bad but the conclusion really was too easy. Campbell is the MVP here ( has been since the beginning ). Naomi still is a great adittion to the DC universe and i hope we will see more of her soon

Powers of X #3

Aug 21, 2019

Damn, damn, damn. That was so fucking great. What a twist. I freaking love this serie.

Powers of X #5

Sep 25, 2019

Will the quality ever go down ? Hopefully not. ( maybe too much info this time )

Powers of X #6

Oct 9, 2019

What's left to say ? Still incredibly good on every aspects. Couldn't be more hyped for Dawn of X than now

Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

Really apreciate the story and the art. What's the problem with this issue ?

Superman (2018) #13

Jul 10, 2019

Great issue revisiting the last days of jor-el before the destruction of krypton. Bendis keep adding background to the circle and jor-el which is nice. Even if is writing isn't top notch, i didn't had any problem with it here. He really is trying to create an enormous story and for now, i'm in for a ride. Like always, reis and prado delivers a solid issue that reis isn't late.

Superman (2018) #14

Aug 29, 2019

Yes, the Galactic Union is naive. But is it really a problem ? It is not because we are not able to make it work properly that it can't inspire other to do good. Yes, the introduction of the Legion may be too easy, but the Legion is back. Zaar story advance and the twist was clever and i'm intrigued for what comes next. Even if his writing's not that good,i like Bendis ideas and addition to the Superman mythos

Superman (2018) #16

Oct 9, 2019

Nice issue. Not fan of the art

Superman: Up In the Sky #2

Aug 7, 2019

Two of the best Superman stories I've ever read. Proof that you don't need 50 pages to tell a touching story

Superman: Up In the Sky #4

Oct 2, 2019

Another two touching Superman story.

Superman: Up In the Sky #6

Dec 4, 2019

Up in the sky is one of my favourite mini about Superman. And the final sticks the landing. Contrats.

Superman: Year One #2

Aug 21, 2019

Maybe giving total liberty for the Black Labels book wasn't that good of an idea. Hoping Seijic or Lemire will prove us wrong in the coming months

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Jul 31, 2019

Fantastic. This mini has been a thrill since the beginning and it ends with a blast.

The Walking Dead #193

Jul 3, 2019

Very good conclusion to a very good series

Thor (2018) #16

Aug 29, 2019

It's been 7 years since the beginning of the run and damn it almost always delivered. I'll be sad when Aaron will leave but he gave us a masterpiece from beginning to the end. Again, this was a brilliant issue depicting why Thor is worthy and why we love him. I will miss Del mundo too, because it was this series that make me love his art. Long live the king

Venom (2018) #16

Jul 11, 2019

Cates really get his characters. Excited by absolute carnage. If you don't, read venom

Venom (2018) #17

Aug 29, 2019

Nice seeing a good event with good tie ins. whichis obvious since Cates is writing it. Dylan still is a good addition to the Venom lore and I can't get enough of Maker.

Wonder Woman: Come Back To Me #1

Jul 17, 2019

Those Walmarts comics really are dope. But this one is the weakest for the moment

X-Force (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

Noice. Once again a nice addition to the Dawn of X era

Year of the Villain: Joker #1

Oct 9, 2019

Why made it a YOTV tie-in ? Nice story and décent art

Young Justice (2019) #7

Jul 10, 2019

Fun issue with nice cameos from the multiverse even if the interactions with the Kingdom Come characters felt a little bit weird

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