Justin Cooper's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch, On Comics Ground Reviews: 101
7.9Avg. Review Rating

This was a fitting end to the story. It gave a better understanding of who Bruce Wayne is, and is kind of a surreal out of body experience as well, with Bruce Wayne questioning Batman's methods. The writing was well thought out and plotted. It read just like a Daredevil story (which I enjoyed), but it had what seemed like much lower stakes. I am not sure that Mr. Freeze was the most riveting villain, yet this still works. The Art from Lee Weeks is at times dirty and exudes grittiness. I like it for this arc, but it's not my go-to for a Batman story. I would have rather some more splash pages and less dramatic courtroom drama. A good story, and serviceable art.

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I enjoyed this comic. The story has elements of Science Fiction and Mystery with a Soap Operatic Twist! The art is very well suited to the story, and I love how Phil Noto has a style that really brings out the silliness in the retro fashion sense of Mike Murdock. The Story has a good amount of action but is as compelling and entertaining as the plot thickens and Soule unfolds the origin of Mike Murdock. I like the setup and the knockdown of this tale, and I think that Noto and Soule are a great pair! More please!

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This is a fun story, and I am super thrilled that it has been going on for more than Three issues. A Space epic with the who's who cast of the Green Lanterns, and we get Dan Jurgens at the helm! I love that we get to revisit Cyborg Superman as well. The issue had a great twist, and it shows us the heart of these heroes as well as their fists. Great issue and Dan Jurgens continues to show that he is untouchable in the DCU, regardless of the title.

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There is still an element of whimsical fun to be had amidst the terrible circumstances. Magda and Hugo are very engaging, and they are handing their captivity quite well. The Fairy Familiar was a great pick up last issue. The Kevin part of this book was not really as interesting as the Umbra Sprite and the parts with Magda and Hugo, but I guess since it's his book he has to show up. The best part of this book was the Umbra Sprite/Mother who demonstrates her ruthlessness as she sacrificed her daughter to replace her own life force for the coming battle with the Pendragon. A solid story that keeps going, very few "Wow" moments but a good bridge between plots, and certainly not a bad issue.

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I was actually a big fan of this issue. I especially love the art by Phil Noto, but what I really appreciate is the transition that Charles Soule makes from the previous story arc. It doesn't wash over it, it builds upon the foundation, and expands the tale.

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A good detective story, that speaks to the hearts and characters of any Batman fan.

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An interesting story, but it felt a little too short in general. This is a Hero Saga, and we haven't gotten to the Hero piece in general. The book reads a bit slow, possibly due to the slow build up of consequences ( of which now seem very loose in the hands of the Mother. As much as, I was a bit bewildered, there is a lot of groundwork laid down for an epic showdown for Good vs Evil!

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Even though this is a fill-in writer, it seems like finally, we have a writer that gets the character's voices. Jessica is an amazingly resilient character, and so resourceful. We get to see her in action without the ring. She is level-headed and so clever. I am glad to see a writer with Aaron Gillespie that seems to actually take care of the interactions between Simon and Jessica, let alone the Green Lantern Corps. That said this was one of the more enjoyable story arcs in a while. They didn't really re-invent the wheel, but it was not a tired old re-tread of an old DC story, and it was interesting to see what Jessica would do to stay one step ahead of Hal and the other Lanterns. Simon as well had his moments and shined as the True Blue partner. I'm excited to see how it all worked out, and as I have heard the creative staff is changing, this can be the starting point to send this book back on top of my list!

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Interesting enough, this book reads exactly like a Daredevil comic. Not surprising since until recently the artist for this issue had been providing the pencils for Daredevil.

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While I always knew this chapter would come to an end, I almost wish it had gone on longer. I miss the Courtroom/ Superhero dynamic, but I think that the Mayor's office leads itself mythos just as well.

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To be completely candid I had a hard time understanding the ending on this one. It was a small plot that built up to a climax that did not truly deliver. As for the artwork in the issue itself, I get the chance to cram as many artists in a milestone issue as possible; however, I do not think that you can count this since nothing eventually happened. I was actually disappointed with the lack of exposition, and can only say a bit bewildered by the ending.

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For an Annual this book does its job very well. The story is outside of any current plots, and does a good job at pushing the characters forward, and establishes their voices nicely.

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The Beast is a bit more wily than I expected and looks an awful lot like Mojo from the X-Men. This was a good fake-out and a believable gambit for the Hand. This is a story that is building steam and about to blow up in everyone's faces. So keep tuned if you like the drama of political intrigue and Super Hero action!

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Check out this small arc that got better with the second issue.

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There are a lot of tiebacks in Wagner's writing to previous series and books. I just love his art style as well. More so than any of his work, I feel that Mage captures that makes storyteller. It's the way he connects the threads that make this such a complete story.

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This is the best issue that I have read in ages! Run Jessica Run!

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Without a Doubt, Soule is devising a new way to torture our good hero, and I for one will be along for the ride!

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This is a solid Joker story. Like I said I do not fully understand it yet, but as usual King will lead us there, and this has been a fun issue to read.

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A fitting ending to the Origin story for Jessica. I feel that with Batman we always get the Origin story. This does seem more of a Children's Story, or possibly the plot to a My Little Pony. Regardless, Simon breaks out of captivity and is able to save his friend Jessica. I am happy to see the future transition of the character's from this run into the next one. I recommend this title to those looking for a easy way into the Green lanterns mythos.

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If you are a hardcore Booster fan, you may want to skip it entirely, but as a story progression, it fills the time until the wedding.

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A tale from the past that gives us a glimpse into the origin of the mysterious Bloodhound. The Art is haunting, and the tale a sad and lonely one. An original take on a character that has been in circulation for a while without the spotlight. The artwork is great and gross, an at times bleak as the subject matter. We do not often see World War One in comics these days, and it's always a jarring visage of a grizzly time in the world's past. This comic captures all of that emotion.

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The plot thickens as the Mayor firms his hold on the city and begins to surround himself with those he trusts. The plots begin to intersect and even playback to Daredevil 597. A good story will do this and draw you into the character's and plot development so it all feels like one cohesive tale. Charles Soule has done a beautiful job of the balancing act that is a Daredevil comic. From Courtroom to Comic Book he has the heart of the Man without Fear!

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I am excited to see where this goes, and if the schism between Batman and Batwoman will be short-lived or not.

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There is certainly a lot going on, and enough to keep you interested, but this one falls a bit dull on the scale for me, besides the ending. I am glad to be back to a more Mystery driven plot, and the art is really well suited toward a gritty Noir style tale, but I just didn't really get hooked into the drama of this issue.

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While I am following the story, I have to admit the change in artist absolutely takes me out of it. It could have been planned a bit better.

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I am a fan of any story that brings Jessica to the forefront, even if this was a slow build from that awful Bolphunga the Unrelenting storyline. Jain is a formidable villain and adept at the type of manipulation that can bring a Green Lantern to her knees. Looking forward to seeing how Jessica proves that she has the ability to overcome great Fear. It's always a welcome sight when Constantine shows up, and a great way to incorporate the bond of these two partners, through the vulnerability of the loss of their powers. This story is a must-read for fans of Green Lantern Jessica Cruz!

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Time will tell is this is a successful arc, but I am invested. The last Page was a cool twist on the origin of Batman, and even though we see the image once per issue it seems, the tableau with his parents dead in the alley, we get a fresh take for this new story.

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A fun issue. If you haven't read up until this point go out and pick up the first 7 issues and get in on this story.

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Charles Soule has done a marvelous job in capturing Daredevil and Matt Murdock. I cannot wait to see what this upshift in his luck will bring next.

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The story is interesting, and it will be a good one to follow. Let's talk about the Art Though. Tony S. Daniel makes his return to the Batman, and his work is amazing! I love the mix of style and cartoon that he has, and it is both classic and timeless.

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This seems to be an example of some future manipulation of Tim when he is in a very Vulnerable state. I am interested to see how this plays out and just where this goes. I do not think that Tim completely believes Ulysses, but he is at an all-time low. The events seem too conveniently steeped in such current events with the team, to be anything but a manipulation.As far as bleak futures, we have certainly seen worse, so I am left to wonder if this will be a successful gambit when this inevitably turns to be a manipulative trick. Of This I'm sure. The arc is pretty compelling, even if it tickles on some "Days of Future Past" tropes. That said I love the detail in the art, and the story is headed in a fun direction.

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The Art is still stellar and Renato Guedes continues to impress. The Deadside dreamscape is really creepy and it is beautifully rendered. I love the almost fuzzy coloring in these, with textures of Color pencils. It suits the story quite well.

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I have really enjoyed this limited series. It establishes some truths for the Valiant Universe and sets up for the status quo in the upcoming Harbinger Wars 2. This was a fun book, that reads similar to a heist or action film, that though it lacked depth, it made up for in humor and heart. A rogue character who does the wrong things for the right reasons, and is forced to hurt the ones he cares about to save the ones he loves. It is a fun concept and a great introduction to the Valiant Continuity. I recommend this is an easy read that is never boring and is a great alternative to the big two comic publishers. Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe does not disappoint. A fine Bookend to the short Mini-series.I am looking forward to the Live action production that will be out soon. Check this one out.

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This is a story very similar to the Batman Annual #2 that was released late last year. It is a story that showcases the various costume changes through the history of Batman and Catwoman's relationship, and the changes that have brought them together. These are great yet simple stories, not so much pertaining to Batman the Detective, mentor, or Superhero, but speaking to his personal relationships with the woman he loves, and finding himself after all of these years. Great stuff! I say it a lot but Tom King's voice is the best incarnation since Batman the Animated series.

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The art is Back! The Green Lanterns book has again the consistency that I have missed on the last arc, and we are back with the regular artist Ronan Cliquet. The story is a bit more layered because it builds from a previous art ( That I disliked, but at least there is continuity). A good direction and some good character work. Hooray for a Jessica centric storyline! Jessica Cruz is the best reason to read Green lanterns. Start your reading here this month.

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A huge step up in Artwork! This is a fun story that is just getting started. Old enemies, new alliances, and fragile friendships. We continue to hear the spot on character dialogue that we come to expect in this series ( Except with Splinter that I am still struggling to truly understand). Good book to jump into the action, since the lackluster arc ending issue #80. Check this one out, it looks like some old fashion Turtle Fun!

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A much better story, and the building upon the foundation of previous story arcs. A good tie-in, but unfortunately not much for the rest of the team to do.I enjoyed this story, but it reads more like a Batman crazy weekend story than a Team Book of supporting characters. A good fun read, that picks up on some old nostalgic notes, and introduces Lord Havok and the Extremists into the Rebirth Universe.

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The story was ok, but the art seems rushed and not quite as detailed as it usually is. This concerns me as a reader because TMNT books have a lazy history of sub-par artists. That said, there are spots where this looks like a well-plotted book, but this is a middle part of a story for sure, and really lacks the details in both writing, or scripting (because the dialogue is always spot on) and the art itself.

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I am not sure of the repercussions of Ivy's mind control, or really what can or will happen based on the Terrible injury that Superman inflicted on Batman to get him to the hospital, but all in all if you look at this from space you see a nice wrap up of a short arc that was enjoyable, and furthered the bonds of our two characters Batman and Catwoman.

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This is a rich story of betrayal, cunning plans, revenge and has an amazingly beautiful recap of the Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock friendship.

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The thing about Detective Comics that usually separates the stories from the Batman title is that it involves a lot less action and more reasoning band problem solving, sprinkled with some emotional Character development. This is no exception, and we get to delve a bit more into the teams and especially the relationship with Batman and Tim Drake. In many ways, he was his best pupil, a great detective mind, and he understands the empathetic goals and vision of Batman better than even Bruce sometimes. What I think is that this divergence is leading to a huge Heel Turn and the making of a spectacular story. It's my secret hope that we see Tim as the Villain that he became in "Batman Beyond Return of the Joker", a tragically twisted version of Batman's former sidekick. Who can say what's in store for the Red Robin, especially with all the future knowledge at his fingertips?

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This is a great comic series, and if you have any love for either, I highly recommend reading this story.

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This is a great story, and this chapter picks up the tempo and raises the stakes to a new level for Kevin Matchstick.

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Start out with Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe #1 and you will not be disappointed by issue #3. Ninjak is a mix of James Bond and Deadpool. I really like the art as well. It has a Dan Jurgens quality of storytelling and detail, that is great for such a fast-paced book.

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Another story with another inconsistent art style, and it is very distracting. Especially with the beautiful Cover Art that we see from Will Conrad & Ivan Nunes and the variant by Brandon Peterson. The story takes a turn and brings into question the commitment of Simon to his faith. Which is a convenient plot device at times, and certainly a goodway to show his commitment to the Corps? I like the direction that this story has taken. I feel they are facing a more modern-day relevant issue.

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This arc, though just started, is a great story to pick up, and if I may suggest becoming a monthly reader, by adding this to your pull lists. The Tom King Batman from Rebirth on is some of the most fun you can have reading a Batman story!

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Though much less action, this one has all the hallmarks of a well-written story that furthers a plot.

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This is a new concept, with the darkness throughout the entire book. It really does no justice to post more of the pages, because it is best as an experience to read. I felt sorry for the characters when they failed, and this is something that has never before been attempted.

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Despite the small mystery in this Detective Comics of who shot Clayface, there really was not much that transpired. The wheels fell off the team's wagon, as they had been building to for some time. Red Robin is clearly having a crisis of faith as his support system crumbles, and he thinks that he is just like Bruce. Very interesting, as Bruce seems to be turning a corner with his personal relationships. An interesting aftermath and clean up tale, but not a mind-blowing revelation by any means. The story is OK, but just a bit flat. Nice artwork, but the book suffers from lack of any consistent style.

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The story is fun, and the dialogue is good as well; however, the art on this book is not my favorite. Braham Revel's style is weak with lack of details, and this is sometimes a worthy way to tell a story ( Think Hellboy Mike Mignola), but in the case where the majority of the Panels are exposition or dialogue and not action, the style does not lend itself well to this book. I found it harder to interpret and a distraction. Compelling story so I will stick around, but it's my hope that this issue is not your first exposure to the TMNT Universe.

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The plot thickens, as we start to see all of the support for Kevin falling apart. His friends are dead or unwilling to help, and his family is in turmoil at the moment. He argues with Magda about magic and money and then does not come through for her at the auction. Man, that last panel even made me uncomfortable. I am liking the small B-plot stories that we get with the Umbra Sprite and their plans. It's just enough to teas interest for me, without overexposure. Issue six is probably a turning point for Kevin, as it takes us to the halfway point in the series. I hope you are enjoying the book as well as I am, and as usual, I cannot wait to see what's going to happen next month.

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The story is moving along, and dives into a lot of relevant topics, like swipe culture, but I think it has a disjointed plot with minimal dialogue. I am not really impressed with the artwork either. Let's just hope that this one is going somewhere because this was a somewhat lackluster issue.

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The stories have as much continuity as turning a plot switch on an off. I am not getting good characterization, and the personal relationships are moving along at a snail's pace. This team so far is wasted on these trivial events, and I have a vague idea of who the characters are supposed to be around each other. I have mostly a problem with the Stories or plots, the dialogue is well written in the case of the Villain usually, but here's hoping the next issue gets much better with the return of Batman.

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This was a deep tale about the choices we make and the mistakes that we sometimes repeat. I think that this story is a must for any Clayface fans, especially if you have been reading the current run of Detective Comics. I love a good origin story, and Basil was due for his.

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Reading Valiant comics is a lot of fun. It's like getting to see what your favorite Avengers characters would do in a different Universe, and they rarely disappoint. There was a good amount of character cameo's in this book, and it moves pretty swiftly as a story. This is a good one to pick up to get acquainted with the Valiant U. More Importantly, have you seen that they hired Real Actors to portray the characters in this story? Including the Green Ranger himself Jason David Frank! It's clear the Valiant has some big things planned, and their writing and art are superb. I recommend this book as a good primer to be your gateway to these major players in the VCU or Valiant Comics Universe!

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A short story that happens kind of quickly with little explanation. Not a bad one by any means, but it left me a bit thirsty for a bit more exposition. The art is truly amazing! The pencils and the colors are on point here and this is a very visual issue. I recommend getting it and just looking at the beautifully rendered scenes of Ivy and the characters. The colorist June Chung and the Artist Mikel Janin really shine in this issue.

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I just cannot get enough of this story! Even some of the tropes and conveniences that I can see a mile off still seem to entertain. For the Characterization, this book cannot be more dead on.

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Having read this title for a good amount of time, I feel safe in saying that the stories are usually best when they involve both personal drama of the titular characters or some sort of large scale Space trouble. This one involves both. I enjoy the ways that Jessica progresses as a character, while showing that she is clearly not ready .Simon is a guy that is Hot and cold, I feel. I like how this story ties back to the events just before the last arc. That being said I have no problem with this book, I just find it humorous, yet a bit bland.

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Another thrilling chapter in the life of Bloodshot and his family. Just when you think they catch a break, the bottom falls out again. The issue is more about exposition than action, but the last issue filled that quite nicely. I enjoyed the more serious tine, and certainly understood the gravitas of the plot and felt as the reader that the stakes were high.

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As I mentioned last month, this is a memorable story. One that I can not wait to tell fellow Batman and Wonder Woman fans about. The Romantic tension that is held back by their Willpower, and their desperation as they each lose hope at various points. This was a great story and a continuation of the Super Friends Arc. My hope is that Tom King continues to include more of the DC family in these adventures and that the stories maintain the quality that has shown King's run to be one of the best!

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This issue is a better story that we have been privy to lately. The Cover artwork is an absolute delight! Terry Dodson is amazing! The biggest thing that takes me out of the story here is the confusing relationship with Queen Tsarita and Caitlin Snow, and her end plan is very suspect. That said, while I didn't completely understand the story, I have enjoyed it. I am glad to see the art has returned to a more consistent style and I love the work of Neil Edwards. The shocking ending was a pleasant surprise, and will definitely be an interesting twist, as we have not seen this character in some time!

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The tale that Charles Soule is weaving is compelling, and an absolute win for Marvel Storytelling.

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Having just jumped in on this story, I feel like I am at an unfair advantage. I get to start with the fruition of all the action, with little work to do so, and as a result, I may like the story better than most. The characters all interacted very well, and there were some deep moments when they have regrets and express their feelings as a group or to each other. I enjoyed this book a lot. It has the Epic sense of Pacific Rim or Jurassic World, but the true sentiment of Batman or the team doing Detective work to solve a problem. It's nice to see Batman actually letting others be a part of the solution as well. What a twist as well, I did not want to spoil it, but check out the last page of the book, it will shock you! A solid ending to a 5 part story, and worth checking out at the comic shop.

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As tension builds and the cast assembles, we are primed for the invasion of the Planet Earth. Tempered by all the parties involved, and the moral implications from the Alien Tribunal the Turtles are caught between a Rock and a hard place. Things are heating up here in the Sewers! Check out Issues #77 and 78, and see the beginning of the next epic chapter in the Turtles Lives!

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The Umbria Sprite back in town is never a good sign, and as she gets closer by the day to the Fisher King this really speeds up the urgency in the book. It looks like Kevin the Last Pendragon will not be able to avoid this battle for long. Especially not with the lords of Hell on his heels! A slower read, but it paces out the story and builds to drama and some future plans of the Villians. Not the issue to begin the journey with, but a solid continuation with a fair amount of plot.

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At the core this is a story about how loyalty is a choice, and a difficult one to keep at times, and it just struck me as comic moment that I will remember. Wonder Woman and Batman are fighting a battle on multiple fronts, and to a large degree, we are getting to see just how serious Batman's love for Selina really is. This is a beautifully dine story, and a must pick up.

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This was an uneventful way to end the story. The conflict was very similar to the Bolphunga story where it has this huge build up that peters out with an abrupt ending. There are lessons learned, and loose threads picked up, so it's not a total loss, but I am not a fan of the trend this book is taking to resolve it's conflicts. Starting this story with The destruction of Planet Mol, it is great to see the resolution. So while I am glad that we got there eventually, I am not quite pleased how we got here. The story is a semi-memorable arc that I do not see being a huge character development point, as it was broken up into a few different stories. Overall I would say that Jessica comes out a bit better than Simon.

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Solid storytelling that simmers to a boil and leaves every last page with a startling cliffhanger. What the story does is change levels like a prizefighter. It leaves you guessing and waiting for the other shoe to drop. I cannot wait to see if Steve the Intern, becomes Daredevil's true Arch Nemesis! I for one, enjoy this and Soule has certainly established himself as a formidable voice in the Daredevil saga. High marks and I recommend reading the run starting from Issue #595 to get the full immersion into the world of the Mayor Fisk storyline.

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The third installment has brought the action and intrigue and dialed it up to 11! The surprise when I saw the Improved Bebop and Rocksteady made me feel like a kid playing with my entire toy box of action figures again. I re-read that page about six times. The interpersonal dynamics of the individual Turtles and Batman and Damien are priceless. Donatello is very angsty in this one, but he has had the largest part to play. Raph with his Brash and arrogant bravado vs Robin who insists that he was toying with the Turtle (didn't look that way to me) and Mikey mercilessly beating Damien at the Videogame when we all know he hates to lose. These are the great touches that humanize the Anthropomorphic Turtles and bring us in as invested readers in the story. I hope they get Batman to try some Pizza next. Bane is the Literal incarnation of the Shredder"On Steroids! This is getting Crazy, and I suggest you pick up issues One and Two and get in on this Pizza Party!

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This story is a continuation of the consequences that interfering with an Alien Culture can bring. From saving Liseth's Life on the Brinkmanship, and then to getting too close, by getting involved romantically with her. Simon is learning some big lessons. Lessons that we saw John Stewart and Hal Jordan learn many years ago. Jessica is learning about the politics of other worlds, and what it takes to see the big picture in the long run. Regent Vok is an excellent teacher, though Jessica may not be ready for the lesson. The story is getting good, especially after the mess with Bolphunga a few issues back. This book is right where it should be. Putting relatively obscure and unknown characters in difficult situations, and showing how the either mess it up or grow from the circumstances.

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The Art in this book is stellar! It has an aged feel to the colors, which is perfect to establish a mood for a Flashback. We were happy to witness the beautifully rendered carnage from Ninjak, and Daddy got his great reward courtesy of Ray. The 5th installment and close to Book one of Bloodshot Salvation is still on track to be a great story, and one of my most anticipated reads each month.

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This is the beginning of some lasting repercussions and can be the event to galvanize the mettle of these team members or to finally remove them from play. A solid read, I recommend it.

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The story moves forward with twists and turns. The plot is well-paced and the artwork is phenomenal! A great story and a joy to read. The coolest thing is seeing the crossover of these characters while it maintains the integrity of each respective book and tone. Check this one out because it is fun, and whether you have a nostalgic view or are just a new reader who enjoys the characters this is a solid story and a lot of fun!

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This is a good jump on point or a starting point to get back acquainted with the TCU (Turtle Comic Universe). We have Kevin Eastman working on the plotting and Tom Waltz who has a great sense of the Character voices. Splinter heading up the Foot Clan is a bit jarring, but definitely a cool twist. He has a cold ruthlessness that we are not accustomed to seeing. The story does lose a bit in the prior continuity, where it makes the assumptions that the reader has been keeping up, but the pacing to the action and the Classic Turtle banter are well worth the price on the cover. Enjoyable and the start of a promising Story Arc.

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This is a bit of a departure from the story as of late with Batman and Catwoman, but I am glad that we are getting a bit of Bruce Wayne written into the story. Tom King writes Batman as an actual human, and now he has Bruce blended in to show the multi-faceted nature of Batman's character.The story was a good bit of detective work with an unexpected outcome, but a predictable twist. I enjoyed the details most, the letter, the nod to Denny O'Neil and especially the cover by Tim Sale. Worth a read, but more of a palette cleanse in between stories.

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Tom King continues to write Batman as an actual red Blooded Human male and is succeeding in making the Man shine in the Batman.

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If you are looking for action and a fast-paced heist, with a high stakes plot; this is a story not to miss. If you are unfamiliar with Valiant Comics this is the who's who! This issue is reminiscent of the formation of the Avengers in the end credits of all of the Marvel films. The continued build up that will no doubt show in the next issues. I am excited because Ninja-K, is an analog of Deadpool and James Bond rolled into one person! The anticipation of him facing off against the respective Iron Man (X-O Manowar), Captain America/Wolverine (Bloodshot) and the Eternal Warrior pretty much an Immortal God and Archer and Armstrong! Wow! This is really a big deal!This would be a great book to get a cross-section of the Valiant Universe. I highly recommend getting in early and enjoying the ride.

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Trapped in a Moral dilemma of who should be responsible for a life they have saved, Simon and Jessica find themselves in an existential quandary. This is worsened by the rising tensions and confused by rising passions. Simon and Jessica struggle to find their footing as the Lanterns of Space Sector 2814.

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I absolutely loved the first installment, and in no small part to the artwork of Freddie Williams II. The story has the levity and the humor that you would expect with a TMNT book, and the Investigative pursuit and eventual payoff of the Detective work in Batman's Adventures in Gotham City. This is far greater than just nostalgia for this reader. I am excited to see the characters move about in each other's worlds, and it is written with the recognizable voices that you all know and love. High praise for this creative team of James Tynion IV and Freddie Williams II.

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With a solid Superhero story involving a lesser known hero, the Ray and the Origin of a new hero Aztek, this is a step in a better direction for this book. The plot and the story pacing is still a bit flimsy, and one tends to lose confidence in a book with a fill-in artist every other issue, but it is clear that for now, they are building to something.

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It remains to be seen if this book will improve to grab the readers attention as it did with the Microverse, but in general, it is a stale box of tropes and underutilized characters that is easily left off of your pull list.

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A Fun example of the work that Tom King has been doing to make Batman more Human. He has taken him from the Stoic and hardhearted Vigilante to someone who experiences the awkwardness of social conventions, just like most of us.While this has a very convenient plot, that brings both the heroes together in a loose manner, I definitely enjoyed it.

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A Origin story for the Two Villains of this story, the Scarred man, and his Brother Rampage. These are the two most dangerous people in the World for Magic and Jesse. One controls the destiny of Ray and the nanites that help him become Bloodshot, and the other a veritable Rival, a dark Mirror to Bloodshot. What is a good story without the Villains?

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Daredevil Comics have always balanced a tightrope between stunning Superhero Action mingled with Courtroom Drama. This dichotomy is the basis upon why he has been such a successful character for so long. He catches the Criminals and then makes sure to prosecute them to get them off the streets. This story weaves in the three main elements of a great Daredevils story seamlessly.

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I am glad that they wrapped up this plot and these characters. While I have no problem with the dialogue or the writing, I still cannot completely get over the Plotting and the use of the characters. This was a Two shot story that introduced a Heavy new Bad, but completely destroyed the credibility of a Classic story in the meantime.

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This is not the traditional story that you would read in a Batman comic. Especially since the main Character was Catwoman for the most part. The story was a great bridge from the Joker Riddler war,and King took the time to do what most Batman writers have missed in the past twenty or so years. He has humanized the icy facade of Bruce Wayne and Batman.

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Start off by picking up the Issue #0 of this tale and jump in while we are only on #4, because not only is it fun, witty and reminds me a lot of Hellboy, since it is rooted in mythology and legend. Check this book out!

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I think this book is a great ambassador for Comic fans to the Valiant Universe. It is most Highly recommended, for the exquisite artwork to the multi-faceted writing of Jeff Lemire. Add this book to your Pull list, it has not disappointed yet and is building steam as we progress.

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I like the direction that the B Plot is going, with the Molites. This shows that there are consequences to the meddling in affairs that are beyond their experiences. Also mingled with the whole”Failure to launch” aspects of the book. These are very real character traits, and we can understand and empathize with their struggles.

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This comic was extremely predictable and unenjoyable. If not for the artwork by Hugo Petrus, it would not be worthy of reading whatsoever.

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I highly recommend this book, especially as a great jump on point for new readers or longtime readers who may have exited the book for a number of years.

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This story is less about fighting a Clandestine Enclave of Tongueless Desert Ninjas (how's that for a descriptive sentence?) and more about personal relationships.

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I describe this comic as watching an action movie, because the pace is vigorous and there is a lot of things like gunfights, and car chases to keep the action going. The story is fun and not convoluted with years of continuity to bog everything down. I am able to jump in as a new reader and enjoy the art and the characters with little exposition. Bloodshot Salvation does not disappoint with issue two!

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The plot moved swiftly, and the threads all lined up. I find the two very different yet so similar characters in Simon and Jessica to be really enjoyable to follow.

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This issue was absolutely rife with dramatic effects and Storytelling. The art was detailed and expressive, with a good note of humor. I especially enjoyed the goof about the Bat-Cow.

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All in all an enjoyable story, but nothing really relevant to any ongoing plots.Enjoyable, but there was nothing particularly great about the issue.The art is great for the story, and really the Green Colors shine in this issue.The highest point is definitely the cover art by Tomey Morey.

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Over all a fun character to follow, and as I said it's basically an action movie. Ending on a cliffhanger in a classic comic style.I liked it overall, but telegraphs the plot a bit and the family drama and exposition was a bit slow, but I like that I get an idea that the character is torn about using his powers.

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This is good self contained story and a good jumping on point book. I feel it gives enough about what's going on to be enjoyable and not confusing for the reader. I think this would be a great book to start off a young reader, due to it's relatability.

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I read very little of Mage in the Mid 1990's, although I was aware of it. That said as now a more mature reader, I find it very relatable, as a Father of two children myself. The tone of the book is good, and I am enjoying the dialogue. The plot is well paced, to where it is exciting and clearly building interest.I am not certain how this will grab the nostalgia of the original series. I am liking what I see so far, and as an experienced Comic Book reader am enjoying the plot set up. It is very freeing to not have set expectations for a Character to fit into, and learning how they react to circumstanced for the first time.

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If you are a true fan of Lobo and his antics, this may be a good pick up, but if you are looking for the guy who murdered Santa Clause, pass this one by.

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I love to read stories about Batman stopping Crimes or fighting Villains, but this has easily become one of the most memorable stories that I have read. I cannot give it higher praise and suggest that if you have any love for the Character of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle that you read this story at least once.

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