Amazing Spider-Man #83

Writer: Patrick Gleason Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 29, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 41
7.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

• The creator behind the biggest cover in the last decade is going to show you what he can do with one of the biggest Spider-Moments in decades, as Patrick Gleason writes and draws this issue.
•  The Web-Head is facing unbeatable odds again. Can he rise to the occasion and save the day?

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Dec 29, 2021

    Another sterling issue from the "Beyond" creative team, this issue is by Patrick Gleason in particular. I can't believe that I'm gonna be talking comics with someone one day and say "Remember that issue that was Peter in the hospital bed? Wasn't that AWESOME!?!?!?". But, it's definitely going to happen. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 29, 2021

    For the second issue in a row, Amazing Spider-Man #83 focuses on Peter Parker's health and current state in the hospital. This issue does a bit more with Parker's psychology, building towards a heroic moment that's particularly relatable if you've ever been stuck in the hospital. Amazing Spider-Man #83 offers a transfixing exploration of the mind and deep discovery for Peter Parker. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 29, 2021

    Gleason delivers some great art on every page. The details in the panels was great and I love the emotion on the faces of the characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - StoryBabbler Dec 29, 2021

    Amazing Spider-Man #83 delivers a heartwarming story with Spider-Man in time for the holidays. It follows Peter Parker's road to recovery as he tries to get back into the literal swing of things while dealing with his injury. There's solid action, dialogue, and the story and art by Patrick Gleason really make this a cool Spider-Man story, both on its own and as part of the Beyond storyline. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    COMICON - Tony Thornley Dec 31, 2021

    While the story might be above average, it's the small things that elevates it. There's a unique approach to the colors, shifts in the lettering that shows the duality of Peter Parker's physical and mental states. It's worth picking up just for the thoughtful approach to what it's conveying. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Chase Magnett Dec 29, 2021

    It makes for a moving narrative about the struggles encountered in the wake of an injury and even though fans are already counting down Peter's return, it's clear that he's expected to earn it just like his Uncle taught him. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 4, 2022

    Some unclear transitions give the whole issue a hallucinatory quality, but only part of it is a dream, while Gleason's art does the job, but doesn't dazzle. It's a pretty okay issue with some interesting ramifications. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 1, 2022

    Writing and art are solid, with some inspired scenes/artwork from Gleason, but overall the issue didn't do much for me personally. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - C.V.R. The Bard Jan 3, 2022

    Just as long as Gleason can avoid characters bordering on Jim Crow caricatures and actually delivering on another Knight & Wing team-up instead of a bait and switch, then he and the rest of the Beyond Board can continue to ride the wave of a solid run that can be talked about for years to come, instead of just another blip in long-running comics continuity. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Julhin Jan 20, 2022

    Patrick Gleason, that's it, that's my review.

  • 9.5
    cincyfan Jan 2, 2022

    This issue got asm back on track after the last issue. Patrick Gleason did an amazing job both writing and drawing this issue! On a side note I liked the regular and variant cover for this issue but both me and my wife agreed the variant really stuck out. I see now that Gleason did the variant cover so I guess I can't get enough lol. Fantastic issue

  • 9.5
    Stormwrath Dec 29, 2021

    Best issue so far, Patrick Gleason is not only a fantastic artist, but a great writer too, huge fan of everything in this issue

  • 9.5
    Comicsfan1994 Dec 29, 2021

    Another great issue in the Beyond era!! Love the focus on Peter and his struggle to recover.

  • 9.0
    Kalaoui Jan 10, 2022

    I am sucker for these AMS issues and this beyond era needed it badly to at least remind you of why you're here in the first place. Ben Reilly isn't getting the service and is rudderless at the moment and I fear the whole thing is waste of time. So I'm glad Gleason brought the focus light back on where it oughta be. Great writing and even better art from Gleason. Hollowell and Fairbairn's colors were great and I couldn't detect when they switched duties so that's impressive.

  • 9.0
    Hex Dec 29, 2021

    Fantastic and inspirational as most Gleason I have read. Harkens back to Batman & Robin and his run on Superman. I can't say which parts of those runs were more Tomasi and which ones were Gleason but this has enough of those that I was totally on board. While we see a vulnerable Peter from every writer, this is done superbly and I always get choked up when someone brings in Uncle Ben and teaches Peter a worthwhile lesson, someone that everyone can learn. Just a stellar issue.

  • 8.5
    Federico Liguori Dec 29, 2021

    Thank you, Patrick Gleason. After I don't know how many bland and forgettable issues of Ben and Beyond doing nothing, Peter is back in action (yeah, kinda) and we finally have a great artist to feast our eyes on. I love Gleason's art and I liked his writing here. The issue is actually preatty linear, but it's what I want from Spider-Man: drama, funny sequences and Peter overcoming the odds. This has all of it! Please Marvel, give Beyond to Gleason and I'll be grateful.

  • 8.5
    Hydro-Man Dec 29, 2021

    Usually when I see an artist pulling double duty as a writer, I cringe. Some of the best artists in the biz have tried that and they were horrible. HORRIBLE. Thank God writers don’t also try drawing.

    Thankfully, Patrick Gleason bucks that trend and gives us an issue that is well-written and obviously beautifully illustrated. Not since early during Jenkins’ run did I appreciate an Uncle Ben appearance that much.

    This continues to be a fun run. Rather than be bummed that we know there’s a clear conclusion coming, I’m glad. The story will be better for it. There’s a clear end in sight. (LOL something writers like Bendis know nothing about)

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 8.5
    Merlyn Dec 29, 2021

    I didn't expect it to be so good from Gleason, but I really enjoyed this.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 8.0

    Patrick Gleason knocked this one out of the park! Both the writing and the art were fantastic.

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean Dec 29, 2021

    I liked this. It's another done in one issue with Peter, and it looks great. I enjoyed it for what it was. I'm not sure how much it'll matter in the end though.

  • 7.5
    Rachit Mittal Dec 29, 2021

    Issue was good. Decent issue focussing on Peter. Largely disconnected with Beyond bigger plot. That's what I liked the most. It's disconnected with shitty Beyond Plot going on.

    What's with Spider Sense disguising as Web head in dream?

    Now Art, Colors in Real World Sequence looked a little bit off. In Dream Sequence, it was clean and simple. Great Pencils by Patrick Gleason.
    I am just iffy on Colors.

    I think Patrick Gleason is better as artist than writer.

    As for Beyond till now, it's just okay. Not so interested in Ben. Plot is just shit. Plain shit and Boring.
    No matter how disappointing Spencer run was at end, but it was much interesting than Beyond. I didn't like Slott characte more

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Dec 29, 2021

    It's not bad, it's just fine. A bit confusing too.

  • 7.0
    Afre Dec 29, 2021

    This was very odd read? Gleason's art is wonderful, his writing isn't the best. It surprising what this comic does, but it could've used more buildup in the previous issues. It just has so many ideas but none of them are used to their full potential. Kinda like Beyond.

    Don't get me wrong. I still liked it. It's fine. Like usually these Beyond comics are.

    But you know what my problem is? That this Beyond that supposed to be "fresh, new, interesting and cool" thing that was created last year is... getting kinda bland. 9 parts in now. And I'm not that interested what's going on.

    Like, the more I read this issues, the more baffled I am. They rushed Spencer to end his storyline for this? This kinda bland, not-th more

    + LikeComments (18)
  • 6.5
    DDJamesB Jan 1, 2022

    It's readable. It's nothing that exciting and it lacked any real plot.

  • 6.0
    Jeff Plaza Dec 31, 2021

    I enjoyed the style of this story but like has been stated before this felt unnecessary and more filler material.

  • 4.0
    Beyond_Batman Jan 2, 2022

    This was a waste of time. This was pure filler.

  • 10
    Mkhan Apr 5, 2022

  • 10
    Alexillo Jan 4, 2022

  • 9.5
    Batmanchuria Jan 6, 2022

  • 9.0
    tmartinez Mar 27, 2022

  • 8.5
    wesshamu Jan 24, 2022

  • 8.5
    Radar Jan 3, 2022

  • 8.5
    Swanktub Dec 30, 2021

  • 8.5
    Dave Dec 29, 2021

  • 8.0
    matmene Jan 30, 2023

  • 8.0
    JCP Sep 6, 2022

  • 8.0
    K-23 Apr 4, 2022

  • 8.0
    Jamesey Jan 5, 2022

  • 8.0
    Crimson Knight Dec 31, 2021

  • 8.0
    SenpaifenixJäger Dec 31, 2021

  • 7.5
    Mout Mar 25, 2022

  • 7.5
    jmprados Feb 28, 2022

  • 7.5

  • 7.5
    tonpas1989 Dec 29, 2021

  • 7.0
    iPodwithnomusic Mar 3, 2022

  • 7.0
    ICC Jan 13, 2022

  • 7.0
    Watchtower022 Jan 2, 2022

  • 6.5
    UxasIs Dec 30, 2021

  • 6.0
    VladEkHead Aug 29, 2022

  • 4.0
    TonyQH Dec 30, 2021

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