Joined: Jun 12, 2019

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LILIANREVO liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Batman #85 Dec 18, 2019

No, Tom King, throwing incoherent shit, glueing it up with no context and pretending it has a message is not writing. 85 issues, and everything you've set up at the beginning, every promising thing, went to complete disrepair, and in some cases was just abandoned. Example? Gotham Girl killing Batman - remember when she, herself, teased that in the first arc of the series? If you do, well, you're o more

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

+ LikeComments (6)
Detective Chimp - Dec 19, 2019

You mean in main continuity @myconius? Because I remember in main continuity he died long time ago in 60's smashed by a rock when saving the life of the Dynamic Duo and then soon returned as a very weird rogue named The Outsider. In Dark Knight Returns Alfred dies at the end. And recently he died in Injustice killed by Zaz for Superman order. And maybe there are another 1 or 2 times outside main continuity but right now I don't remember at all.

myconius - Dec 24, 2019

@Detective Chimp - yeah. in the main continuity. he sacrificed himself to save Brice & Dick, and was replaced by Aunt Harriet, then due to Alfred's popularity they just brought him back. i suspect somewhere down the road DC will be widdling Alfred being alive back into continuity, after they're done trying to capitalize on ALFRED R.I.P. ..not sure if i want to actually waste $4.99 on that.

LILIANREVO added Vampirella / Red Sonja (2019) to their pull list Sep 26, 2019

Vampirella / Red Sonja (2019)

The first ONGOING series, co-starring The Daughter Of Drakulon and The She-Devil With A Sword! From Eisner winner JORDIE BELLAIRE (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Redlands) and DREW MOSS (Star Wars) comes a saga spanning space and time, filled with horror, adventure, mystery and murder!

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LILIANREVO reviewed Batman #79 Sep 22, 2019


Batman #79

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 18, 2019

In the concluding chapter of the two-part "City of Bane" interlude, Batman and Catwoman pull a job to stop Bane's supply ship from smuggling dangerous cargo into Gotham City. It'll send a message back to the big guy that his reign of terror is soon to be over...but what does it also signal for the future of Bruce and Selina?

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LILIANREVO rated Batman #78 Sep 22, 2019

Batman #78

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 11, 2019

In the first part of a "City of Bane" interlude, Batman receives help from an ally he thought he had lost for good: Catwoman! Still recovering from the beatings he took from Bane and Flashpoint Batman, the Dark Knight readies himself for a return to Gotham City, and it's Selina Kyle who holds the key. She knows how Bane is fueling his regime, and s...

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LILIANREVO reviewed Batman #77 Sep 22, 2019

I like Alfred, I mean it.
But this issue made me laugh and I just cannot believe this is not a pirate batman issue.
RIP Alfred.

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

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LILIANREVO commented on this:
Darkseid24 reviewed Batman #77 Aug 21, 2019

Short review: TRASH, TRASH, TRASH. A SHAME for the great art being wasted.

Long review:

This story gets worse& worse. King really wants to make us believe, that Bruce would go shopping with Catwoman in Paris, while his city& family are in great danger? Wounded or not, I can’t see Bruce not trying to make contact with the batfamily or with the JL& waste precious time like t more

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

+ LikeComments (12)
myconius - Aug 28, 2019

"IBS for the win!" ....oh my god! that's what this Batman run needs to be called! :D

LILIANREVO - Sep 22, 2019

I felt like I was reading a FAKE BATMAN! LOL

LILIANREVO liked this:
myconius reviewed Batman #77 Aug 21, 2019

just call this arc- 'Knightfall for Dummies'

more ridiculous, random, nonsensical gibberish.

-more Bruce acting like a pathetic boob.
-more comical punches to the face.
-more regurgitation lines from Frank Miller out of context.
-more pathetic edge lord cheap shocks.

unadulterated TRASH!

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

+ LikeComments (3)
myconius - Aug 21, 2019

bloody maggot infested fecal matter might actually describe it better.

Darkseid24 - Aug 21, 2019


LILIANREVO liked this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #77 Aug 21, 2019

Let me catch you up. Damian ignores dire warnings and gets his ass handed to him by Old Batman. Bane Kills Alfred as a warning to all other Bat family members. They have Damian and they'll do the same to him if they come to Gotham. I really hope they storm Gotham and Damian gets his head crushed.

Meanwhile, in Paris, Selina is with Bruce. Bruce says he's going back to Gotham to die a go more

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

+ LikeComments (7)
myconius - Aug 22, 2019

With a better writer it was a great story. it was called Knightfall by Chuck Dixon. a real comic writer. not this fly-by-night shoemaker.

Darkseid24 - Aug 24, 2019


LILIANREVO commented on this:
myconius reviewed Batman #76 Aug 7, 2019

Tom King just has no idea how to tell a story.
his "plots" are all over the place and incoherent.

Tom King also does not understand nor does he respect any of the characters within the DCU.

him being one of the main writers is a major reason why DC Comics is in so much trouble right now..

DC should just change the companies name to 'The Titanic'.
that wo more

Batman #76

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 7, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! Bane has taken over Gotham City, and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least, not a Batman anyone recognizes. Flashpoint Batman is now patrolling the city, dispensing a violent brand of justice and taking out rogue villains who haven't yet signed on with Bane. It's all building to a rebellion among the bad guys who don't w...

+ LikeComments (17)
myconius - Aug 8, 2019

AH! if Snake was in charge, they'd be number 1 in the industry!!! i definitely don't think DC will be closing up shop any time soon. but this tightening of the belt does have me worried. laying off Mark Chiarello was a major loss. and i really feel that taking away Swamp Thing, Hellblazer and Animal Man away from Vertigo with the new52 was a huge mistake. i just hope they don't end print and phase into digital. as much as i may complain about clutter, i love my books and comics.

egonnn244 - Aug 8, 2019

"I love my books and comics". I can get behind that.

LILIANREVO liked this:
Talon1load reviewed Batman #76 Aug 7, 2019

A pointless issue from an incompetent writer. That's really all there is to say. The art was nice but the lack of coherence and actual story leaves this at a 2.5 for me.

Batman #76

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 7, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! Bane has taken over Gotham City, and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least, not a Batman anyone recognizes. Flashpoint Batman is now patrolling the city, dispensing a violent brand of justice and taking out rogue villains who haven't yet signed on with Bane. It's all building to a rebellion among the bad guys who don't w...

LILIANREVO commented on this:
Darkseid24 reviewed Batman #76 Aug 7, 2019

I didn’t like this issue& I can’t understand how people can rate it 7 or better. Even the biggest Tom King fan can’t ignore the big plotholes:

Two issues ago Bruce was fighting with a broken back in the desert.

Last issue he was walking around in the Himalayas ( or wherever)& met Catwoman ( even so last time we saw her, she was in a city in the US.

This issu more

Batman #76

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 7, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! Bane has taken over Gotham City, and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least, not a Batman anyone recognizes. Flashpoint Batman is now patrolling the city, dispensing a violent brand of justice and taking out rogue villains who haven't yet signed on with Bane. It's all building to a rebellion among the bad guys who don't w...

+ LikeComments (9)
myconius - Aug 7, 2019

Fluffy Tutu . . . . . . . PERFECT!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

LILIANREVO - Aug 7, 2019


LILIANREVO reviewed Batman #76 Aug 7, 2019

LOL this is the MOST RIDICULOUS BATMAN ISSUE I've ever seen.

Batman #76

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 7, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! Bane has taken over Gotham City, and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least, not a Batman anyone recognizes. Flashpoint Batman is now patrolling the city, dispensing a violent brand of justice and taking out rogue villains who haven't yet signed on with Bane. It's all building to a rebellion among the bad guys who don't w...

LILIANREVO added Aquaman (2016) to their pull list Jul 17, 2019

Aquaman (2016)

"THE DROWNING" chapter one
Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: "I'm excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science f...

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LILIANREVO added Wonder Woman (2016) to their pull list Jul 17, 2019

Wonder Woman (2016)

"THE LIES" chapter one
Why has the lasso of truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman's past unravel her present!
THEY SAID IT: "Drawing Wonder Woman isn't just drawing a comic, it's drawing an icon-the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world," exclaims art...

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LILIANREVO reviewed Batman #75 Jul 17, 2019


I mean really, the art is good but this is the only score I can give to this issue because of the defect harms me so much.

I have never seen a batman story not logical as this and it seems the wtitter DO NOT has the ability to write a hero like batman. This superhero IS A DETECTIVE and I haven't seen deductive reasoning or direct inference for a lonnnnnnn more

Batman #75

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Jul 17, 2019

"City of Bane" begins! Bane's minions have moved into Gotham City, taken control and are ruling with an iron fist-including rounding up any villain who refuses to sign onto Bane's program-and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least not the Batman anyone knows. It's like someone has replaced the real Gotham City with a twisted funhouse-mirror versio...

LILIANREVO liked this:
KFuqua reviewed Batman #74 Jul 10, 2019

Yay! More useless garbage by Tom King. Again, please remove him from any of DC's main books!

Batman #74

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 10, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" concludes with a father-and-son showdown. Flashpoint Batman reveals his fiendish reasoning for dragging Batman into the desert, and who is in the coffin they've been dragging along with them. But is this a step too far? It's Bruce Wayne versus Thomas Wayne for the right to wear the cowl, and all of Gotham City hangs in the...

LILIANREVO liked this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #73 Jun 19, 2019

King’s war on words continue. There entire pages without dialog, and some pages is is just public domain songs.

The entire plot is Thomas wayne dragging a coffin with Martha’s body to a Lazerous Pit. He has Bruce coming too, and explains the whole Bane arc, literally. He explains the whole trope of you are broke down and rise from the ashes.

Bruce does nothing. He doesn†more

Batman #73

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 19, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part four! Batman has been defeated by Bane's minions and chased out of Gotham. As a last-ditch effort to save his son from the lonely fate of being Batman, his father from another universe, Thomas Wayne, a.k.a. the Flashpoint Batman, is taking Bruce to the far ends of the Earth to try to give him the one thing that will c...

+ LikeComments (1)
myconius - Jun 19, 2019

i don't think you're wrong at all.

LILIANREVO liked this:
Darkseid24 reviewed Batman #73 Jun 19, 2019

This story is sick on so many levels& I would enjoy it more, if I turned my brain completely off I guess, but thinking about it there are too many things, that just don’t make any sense.

First of all I can’t see, why Bruce is even thinking Flashpoint Batman is his real father. Flashpoint Batman is a mass murderer, a Batman, who went psycho. Thomas is against everything Bruce stands more

Batman #73

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 19, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part four! Batman has been defeated by Bane's minions and chased out of Gotham. As a last-ditch effort to save his son from the lonely fate of being Batman, his father from another universe, Thomas Wayne, a.k.a. the Flashpoint Batman, is taking Bruce to the far ends of the Earth to try to give him the one thing that will c...

+ LikeComments (35)
LunaMoody - Jun 22, 2019

Oh well his run is almost over so I guess we will see what if anything comes out of what he left out. With any luck it will at least be more interesting then it has been.

Darkseid24 - Jun 22, 2019

Yeah you’re right. I just hope his big change is something good& exciting.

LILIANREVO liked this:
Psycamorean reviewed Batman #73 Jun 19, 2019

Whatever. I don't care. I feel like all of Thomas Wayne's plan up to this point was pointless. Why go through with any of Bane's plan if your entire plan, in the end, was to revive your wife and bring your family back together? It's not as though his connection with Bane is going to help any with Al Ghul, otherwise why are they being attacked in the desert by his guard? Maybe teaming up with someo more

Batman #73

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 19, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part four! Batman has been defeated by Bane's minions and chased out of Gotham. As a last-ditch effort to save his son from the lonely fate of being Batman, his father from another universe, Thomas Wayne, a.k.a. the Flashpoint Batman, is taking Bruce to the far ends of the Earth to try to give him the one thing that will c...

+ LikeComments (36)
myconius - Jun 21, 2019

i'm definitely in agreement with Darkseid24 here. Batman is DC's biggest cash cow, and they handed it to someone that doesn't understand or respect the character or his mythology. he's too busy breaking the character down, to the point of not being recognizable anymore. and he never shows the slightest inkling that he'll ever build him back up. Batman is supposed to be the ideal. the peak of human performance both physically and mentally. but NOT Tom King's Batman. his Batman is pathetic.

Darkseid24 - Jun 22, 2019

Agreed. And it seems most of modern writers have no respect for the characters.

LILIANREVO liked this:
myconius reviewed Batman #73 Jun 19, 2019

ok. this was absolutely terrible!
Tom King is an awful no-talent Hack. still we get no real answers as to-
-how did Flashpoint Batman survive in the first place?
-how did Flashpoint Batman get to Bruce's dimension?
-why did Flashpoint Batman help Bane against Bruce?
-why is Bane dumb enough to trust Flashpoint Batman?
-how is Bruce not a cripple, with all the times h more

Batman #73

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 19, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part four! Batman has been defeated by Bane's minions and chased out of Gotham. As a last-ditch effort to save his son from the lonely fate of being Batman, his father from another universe, Thomas Wayne, a.k.a. the Flashpoint Batman, is taking Bruce to the far ends of the Earth to try to give him the one thing that will c...

+ LikeComments (22)
Talon1load - Jun 20, 2019

Please no

Darkseid24 - Jun 21, 2019

I bet it’s something really stupid.

LILIANREVO reviewed Event Leviathan #1 Jun 13, 2019

6 for the art, 2 for the writting.

I was expecting more Talia after the Leviathan Rising Special, but this issue disapointed me.

The conversation between Louis and Bat was a bit werid since I don't think she would call Bat BOY and they seems much more closer than they used to be.

And I wonder why Superman didn't contact his wife and BFF after he got Talia.

Event Leviathan #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 12, 2019

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld's SCARLET, Marvel's Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive L...

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LILIANREVO liked this:
Darkseid24 reviewed Event Leviathan #1 Jun 12, 2019

I liked the first issue. Not that much happened yet, but I hope Ras& Talia will play a bigger part in it as well. Would be nice to see Ras getting some storylines. Not always Bane or Joker. ß
The only thing I found odd how Lois treated Bruce. While King exaggerated with their friendship, here it just doesn’t feel right how Lois treats Batman. But I’m still intrigued.

Event Leviathan #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 12, 2019

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld's SCARLET, Marvel's Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive L...

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Batman who doesn't laugh - Jun 14, 2019

Ra's was also in the Metal preludes and the core series as well.

Darkseid24 - Jun 14, 2019

Hes not a main villain like Bane. That’s my point. Every villain gets a small story once and a while, but mainly Bane& Joker get always the big stories.

LILIANREVO added The Silencer to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

The Silencer

"CODE OF HONOR" part one! She's one of the DC Universe's deadliest assassins...and you've never heard of her. Super-strong, highly trained, armed with devastating and stealthy meta-human abilities, the Silencer is virtually invincible. Or at least she was. After decades as Leviathan's chief assassin, Honor Guest put in her time and managed to get o...

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LILIANREVO added Young Justice (2019) to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

Young Justice (2019)

Superboy! Wonder Girl! Robin! Impulse! Amethyst! They're all united in YOUNG JUSTICE #1, the debut issue of a brand-new series that also introduces new heroes Teen Lantern and Jinny Hex! When the nightmare dimension known as Gemworld invades Metropolis, these teen heroes reunite to deal with the situation-but they're shocked to discover the battle ...

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LILIANREVO added Green Lantern (2018) to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

Green Lantern (2018)

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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LILIANREVO added Batman: Last Knight on Earth to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

Batman: Last Knight on Earth

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t...

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LILIANREVO added Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016)

"Dark Trinity" part one! When a turf war puts Black Mask in Red Hood's crosshairs, Jason discovers that the False Face Society is not what it seems, and that the organization is about to auction off a powerful weapon. As criminals from all over the globe descend on Gotham City, Jason must prove that he belongs amongst the city's worst in order to g...

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LILIANREVO added Event Leviathan to their pull list Jun 12, 2019

Event Leviathan

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld's SCARLET, Marvel's Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive L...

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