Zdarsky has proved himself to be one of the all-time great Daredevil writers. This series has had its ups and downs but this arc makes the whole journey worth it.
Was gonna give this one a nine, but the bootlickers who want daddy dom police stepping on their throats every night have decided to take their sexual frustrations out on this issue. Here's the thing about our prison system in America. It's a business, and the more prisoners there are, the more money the prisons make. This is why recidivism is so high, because there is little to no attempt to rehabilitate criminals, instead just punish them and, usually, make them much worse criminals in the process. This is also the reason we still have a drug war, where nonviolent drug offenses are used to put people away for absurd amounts of time. Prison lobbyists ensure that our prison system keeps criminality up. These people crying about this issue's message, aside from having no empathy for other people, are also incredibly stupid and don't understand the issue. Cops are also incredibly corrupt, and as long as it's not affecting white and affluent people, nothing will change, and these dumbfucks will continue to defend an absurd overreach of police action. Like, I'm not going to kinkshame here, but just because you like the boot, doesn't mean everyone else has to put up with it. But as soon as enough white people are abused, tortured and killed, then it will be a problem. These people are selfish pricks who disgust me. Consider Merlyn, DoorMan, Rachit Mittal, eowyn, fenixalasnegras, and all the others who were too cowardly to even say anything about the issue, to be selfish dumbfucks. The issue is good. The message is good. I hope the next issue really ties things together. more
Matt finds out that the prison is using a drug called “re-cid” on prisoners before they get released and when they go back to their neighbourhood, they infect other people with the drug. The drug itself makes people violent and because of that the prisoners infected with it go back to committing crime and then back to prison but in the process they also make sure that other people keep committing crimes, thus keeping the prisons full of prisoners all the time. This is clearly a critique of the prison system that doesn’t do its job to at rehabilitating prisoners just because it makes more money for prisons not to. Anyways, after learning this, Matt, who’s also infected by the drug, decides to burn the prison down and fights Cole over it. However, during the fight Cole mentions how Bullseye is out there in NYC killing people and that’s enough for Matt to decide to escape the prison and go after Bullseye (who has both Elektra and Mary coming for him).
So overall, this issue does a good job at setting up the fight with Bullseye while also making a meaningful critique on an important subject. more
The prison has finally arc built up to this point where our own hero is falling victim to Zdarsky's comic book parallel to the prison industrial complex, which is very compelling.
Since the United States is not only the country with the highest incarceration rate worldwide, but it is also home to the largest number of prisoners, I don't see anything particularly controversial about this issue's incredibly soft critique of this system. But I guess the conservative outrage machine needs it's fuel, so here we are.
This issue also ends with a backup story for 9/11's 20th anniversary, acting as a tribute the the first responders.
Great issue I really enjoyed reading this which is the standard for this daredevil run. I can't wait for the next issue
LOL bootlickers are so mad
It's nice to read something good this week...
Daredevil speeds through explaining the "Re-Cid" plotline -- it's an over-the-top supervillainous spin on the prison-industrial complex -- before jumping toward the Bullseye fight. This is a solidly-constructed chapter, with good art and strong script structure. But I detect a little rushing and stretching as the author struggles. He can't let the climax start prematurely. But I also think he realizes the Re-Cid story is far weaker than the other ongoing plots and he's trying to get past it as fast as he can. This is a good issue, but it's also probably one of the volume's weakest. Best we do what the author wants and speed through it quickly.
It was pretty solid. Elektra parts are still the best and at least we got somewhere with the Matt parts.
Unfortunately this wasn’t what it used to be. Art is good, but it’s awful at some points, especially the close up of Fisk’s face. The slow pace that once was this book’s greatest ally is now its worst quality. What made the first 20 or so issues of this run so perfect were how grounded it was. Now there are clones everywhere and stuff like re-cid. Still a decent enough issue but frustrating that I was once giving this series constant 10s and comparing it to the Bendis and Miller runs.
This issue is a bit weird and off in its composition. I see what Chip is trying to convey. It is a fact that prisons don't rehabilitate most of its populations and a lot do go back in. But the way Zdarsky is working it in doesn't gel for me. Also I was wondering how Matt was to get out of prison and the way it happened was weak. Nothing learned and nothing was worth it. Elektra's parts were much better and that is not saying much. Landini did a nice job!
I hope we get back to form and finish this run strong.
hahaha this is not logical, not even for a comic
Art was good.
But this mentality that recid is given so that they don't come back is shit.
What's with Cole? I get all police officer aren't good. But still only way to do good is bust out cops. What about actual criminals? Arresting them is not the way to do good. What about helping people while Superhero fights super villain. Police can actually help Superheroes in saving. They can take casualties to hospital quickly. Have fast escape of people caught in between conflict. This thing is not been pointed out by Marvel and DC but police can really be help if they just step up and try writing police as also competent which some does write but some don't. It is also a way to do good if you want to do good. Just try to look around.
Hell! I don't know what happened here or who thought this was a good proposition. I think Zdarsky has ideas from third world governments where getting the prisoners out is the right thing to do.
Electra, it's not that bad, but aagh, I just can't handle this.
The art is very good and the only thing that is worth it here.
Yes Chip, the prison population keeps growing...because people continue to make bad choices. Those people who make bad choices need to be supervised, Chip. Hence the jobs. The prisons do not create prisoners, those making bad choices create the prisons. Disappointing, really. Also, there are many people who don't count toward the unemployment rate. Those who have not been actively seeking employment within the previous month don't count towards the unemployment rate, which is a lot of people. Cole's police comment was just pure lunacy.
This was awful from start to finish, at least the Daredevil parts. The whole "re-cid" (recidivist) drug that makes the prisoners antisocial and violent just so they can come back is cringey and very, very idiotic. It's not like the people ending up there were the most responsible citizens in the first place. This victim mentality is nauseously obnoxious. Then there's Cole North who blatantly says the "only way to do good" is by busting cops. Are you freaking kidding me? It's not like the criminality rate is up to the sky and you'd have work to do, so busting cops is definitely NOT the only way to do good. We get it, Chip, you're with the "defund/abolish the police" crowd, just tone it down a notch, will you? Seriously, get help, you need it. And of course yet again the teacher's pet, Cole, is the moral voice for DD. The Bullseye-covid lockdown parallel is getting even more obvious with Bullseye being so "random and unpredictable". Seriously, this is bad all around. more