Doom Patrol #1
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Doom Patrol #1

Writer: Gerard Way Artist: Nick Derington Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: September 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 30 User Reviews: 45
8.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

  The atoms are buzzing. The daydreams crowd sentient streets, and the creative team has been warned, "Turn back now or suffer the mighty consequence of sheer, psycho-maniacal mayhem." Generation-arsonists unite-this is DOOM PATROL, and the God of the Super Heroes is bleeding on the floor.
A blenderized reimagining of the ultimate series of the strange, DOOM PATROL combines elements from classic runs, new directions, and things that could not be. Our entry point is Casey Brinke, a young EMT on the graveyard shift to abstract enlightenment, with a past so odd that she's not entirely sure what is real and what is not. Along with her partn more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Sep 14, 2016

    This is world-building at its utter strangest. This is a new volume of the Doom Patrol. And it has a lot of potential to go anywhere. Hop on into Casey's ambulance and let's see what kind of adventure Gerard Way, Nick Derington, Tamra Bonvillain, and Todd Klein have in store. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Sep 20, 2016

    To that effect, Nick Derington does a fantastic job of illustrating all of this. While the reasoning behind the Young Animal line being separate from Rebirth would be lost if the art wasn't different, you can rest assured this is like nothing else you're reading. It's also great to see Tamara Bonvillains lush colors on this comic as well, a colorist goes a long way towards defining a book, and the gyro creation myth may be a runner for my favorite thing out of a comic this year. Definitely give Doom Patrol a shot, as this is one of those comics that only comes once in a blue moon. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Sep 21, 2016

    To understand Doom Patrol #1, you have to understand the gyro analogy and that's both true and as apt an analogy for the whole book as any you're going to get. The first issueof DC's new imprint, Young Animal, isn't an easy read and it's far from an approachable debutbut it's one that rewards the deep dive. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Sep 14, 2016

    Ways storytelling is excellent, and I found the tale at all times odd and entertaining. High marks also go to the artist, Nick Derrington, who creates a solidly real world for the characters to exist in. One that serves to emphasize the more unusual elements of the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 14, 2016

    There's still lots of points to be sorted out via the script, but it's a cracking good tale. I can't wait for the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comicsverse - markbouchard Sep 14, 2016

    DOOM PATROL is certainly not your average cape comic. For those of you who might be a little dissatisfied with any perceived monotony in the world of superhero books, DOOM PATROL might be just the thingfor you. DOOM PATROL #1 has proven to be a refreshing breath of air lacking in neither action nor characterization. It's going to be wacky, it's going to be dark, and it's certainly going to be different. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Florida Geek Scene - Manny Gomez Oct 12, 2016

    *I picked up the cover by Jaime Hernandez, which alone is worth the cover price. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Sep 15, 2016

    I am beyond happy that there is a book from DC that doesn't fall directly in with its "popular" line of books. This series has a very clear and defined tone, voice, and theme. Fans that have read Gerard Way's previous work and those who aren't really into superheroes are going to adore this series. Having grown up with this writer, reading his words and listening to his music, I can honestly say that Way never disappoints, and he is always original. For an amazing read, pick up Doom Patrol at your local comic book shop and let us know what you think! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Jim Taylor Sep 20, 2016

    Way has described his run on the comic as a "spiritual successor" to Morrison's, and long-term fans will indeed find plenty to love in Doom Patrol #1, but even readers completely new to the series should enjoy this well-written and beautifully-drawn introduction, provided they've a high tolerance for weirdness! It remains to be seen whether Way's beguiling story pieces will form a satisfying whole, and if he's truly managed to avoid simply rehashing ideas from the series' iconic past, but for the time being at least this is the Doom Patrol comic we've been waiting more than twenty years for. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Sep 14, 2016

    The creative team's talents coalesce magnificently in the book's final two splash pages, providing a haunting, but no less stunning, image that promises a mystery worth this team's mettle. Why the hell we had to bring gyros into all of this is anyone's guess, but that's just another part of its charm. Maybe we are all inside somebody else's gyro. So yeah. Let's peel slowly and see. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Chris Hassan Sep 14, 2016

    Overall, this is a solid introduction to not just Way and Derington's take on the Doom Patrol, but the untamed world of Young Animal as well. If the imprint's other titles have the same striking art, fresh ideas and sense of whimsy, DC's mature reader titles may just be experiencing their own rebirth. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Major Spoilers - Wilson Sep 20, 2016

    For fans of D&D, Heavy Metal, Dragons, Lord of the Rings, and just a touch of Wheel of Time, this could be the next big series to keep an eye on. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Capeless Crusader - Lindsey Bass Sep 14, 2016

    Gerard Way and Nick Derington have put together a solid book that will appeal to many readers. Its a departure from the heroes and villains that fill the shelves, and an always welcome change. The story is far from boring, constantly keeping you guessing. The artwork is solid all around. The whole creative team put out a book that people will want to read and continue reading. Anyone that is a fan of Ways other titles should definitely pick this up. Doom Patrol is a book that I will be adding to my personal collection as well. Im looking forward to seeing more from this series and from the Young Animal imprint. My biggest question walking away from this book is, whats going on with Niles Caulder? Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 14, 2016

    With Rebirth, DC has the market on traditional superhero comics cornered. Doom Patrol marks a crucial foray back into more experimental types of superhero storytelling. This new series may not be for everyone. It may not even necessarily appeal to all Doom Patrol fans. But for those who want to explore the weirder side of the DCU while connecting with some lovable but damaged characters, this series will deliver the goods. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 14, 2016

    “Doom Patrol” #1 is a fun time that allows itself to be weird and take risks. This is what the history of the series has been and it's great to see this team follow suit while still providing an easy jumping on point. Bonvillain and Derington create the kind of visuals that the series needs and they make this one of the more memorable debuts of 2016. Young Animal is a really important imprint for DC Comics and this is the strong start they needed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 15, 2016

    As a launch title for Young Animal this definitely feels like it's trying (and succeeding) in evoking old school Vertigo, which is what I was hoping for. And like those books there's a sense of a lot of things being thrown at us that we won't understand yet and will take a few issues to really come together, which I'm more than willing to give to Way and the team here as they've done a great job. It's interesting and curious and wonderfully laid out as Derington captures the surreal aspect within the reality that exists, keeping it grounded but also shifting as needed, such as with Cliff's journey. The whole thing with Calder was priceless, however, as a page of him without any dialogue is how he's best presented anyway. I do wish these were priced like the rest of the main DC line though as I'd be more committed than I am but it's definitely got a lot of potential here mixed with a kind of nostalgia being tickled. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Sep 15, 2016

    You have to approach 'Doom Patrol' with an open mind and a sense of humor. It's going to take you places you won't expect, leave you asking many questions, most won't be answered yet, but like David Lynch and Tim Burton, it's about the journey into weirdness that counts. Welcome to the corner of the DC universe that feels like Wonderland. So far 'Doom Patrol' is a quirky blast that will leave you "curiouser and curiouser." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Pop Break - Alisha Weinberger Sep 14, 2016

    The "mature" element of Young Animal isn't found in gritty storytelling but in trippy, psychedelic sci-fi concepts and in Way's ambiguous style, that would otherwise fly over younger readers' heads. If one isn't already accustomed to Way's work, Doom Patrol #1 may require a second read through. There are at least 1-2 pages where dialogue does drag-on and feels like filler, but the sharp colors, sudden switch between cartoonish line work and painterly panels are visually inviting. What it lacks it in discernible plot, it makes up for in humorously macabre moments and dialogue (like having a your roommate disintegrate via a blast of party confetti). If you're a fan of Way's previous work, or enjoy bizarre sci fi like Dr. Who or Rick and Morty then you may want to pick this up, otherwise it may be confusing to DC traditionalists. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Sep 14, 2016

    A pretty surreal comic that may be impenetrable to readers that are brand new to the team, Doom Patrol #1 is packed with stuff to dazzle your eye and fry your brain in the grand tradition of the series. Our new hero Casey Brinke is really intriguing and all of the new concepts introduced in this comic are highly strange. The art was perfect, like a psychedelic TinTin. Buy this book if you think your workaday life has gotten stale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Sep 19, 2016

    Doom Patrol #1 is actually a fairly simple story as the individual parts of this issue are fairly straightforward even if the ways that the many sequences go together remain a mystery. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Sep 15, 2016

    Doom Patrolisn't nostalgic comfort food for fans of DC Comics, but original almost to a fault and Way, Derington, and Bonvillain use the versatility of the comic book medium to linger or flip through pages and panels to skillfully recreate the falling into an unfamiliar world and decision to press on that artists like Lewis Carroll, Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali, David Bowie, Grant Morrison, and The Wachowski Sisters or any kind of hallucinogenic drugs have tried to evoke or simulate throughout the years. And Derington's interplay between the clean lines of his heroine Casey and her new “friend” Terry None and the geometrical corporate toadies creates a feeling of multiple realities without the usual clunky exposition. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Liam Budd Sep 15, 2016

    Weird and wonderful. When it looks this good, who cares about getting lost? Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Sep 15, 2016

    In the end, I have a hard time telling anybody to buy this comic other than the Doom Patrol fans or people board of cognitive concurrence. This comic is also NSFW, but anybody buying it would know that anyway. When the story comes together in a hardcover or a paperback it will be much more worth while and you will not have to wait till the narrative puzzle pieces are glued on to the page. I also can't really give it a bad grade because this is a good kind of weird.  Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Sep 19, 2016

    For me though, I wasn't impressed and that's my opinion. I'm marching to the beat of my own drummer on that, so maybe I'm a Dangerous Human too in not liking this. But I don't need them to tell me who or what I am, or to tell me that this issue's writing simply wasn't all that great. The evidence speaks for itself. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Sep 16, 2016

    There is plenty of satire here as Way takes pot shots at consumerism and religion and the whole thing combines with Nick Deringtons clean artwork to combine the traditional with the absurd, the expected with the surreal. I think fans of Grant Morrisons legendary run on Doom Patrol will be disappointed as that title perfectly combined superhero action with the unreal. But fans expecting a fun and dreamy romp through an experimental unreality will be quite pleased with Doom Patrol #1. While I really, really dig Casey, Im hoping next time there will be more Doom Patrol in my Doom Patrol. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 14, 2016

    Way described the DC's Young Animal line as experimental in many ways and it begins here with the cover with a peel away sticker of a burrito. The inside material doesn't slow down at all when it comes to that. Hopefully, things are clearer as it goes on? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Sep 14, 2016

    If you're already a fan of Doom Patrol then I think this will be a great read for you! However if you're a novice to the book like me then you'll probably want to either read previous issues of the book or get the next issue along with this one to give it a proper shot. I really enjoyed the character of Casey Brinke and I hope to see more of what her true role is in the series itself but the first issue really doesn't set you up for that. The ending instead takes you somewhere else completely and makes you wonder what exactly this has to do with Casey at all? Gerard Way has an interesting way of wanting you to grab another issue of Doom Patrol but I just hope that when I do I'll at least have some of my questions answered about the ending. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Sep 14, 2016

    Doom Patrol #1 has a good protagonist, very good art, and an incredibly confusing structure. A lot of the good aspects of the book are weighed down by the overall feeling that nothing really makes sense. I’m sure the very talented Gerard Way has better things in store for this book down the line, but for now I certainly am disappointed with the way Doom Patrol #1 turned out. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Oct 7, 2016

    What did I just read? That was the question that plagued my mind when I finished this issue. As a newb to the world of Doom Patrol this issue gave me a lot of questions but not much to enjoy. Much if it felt like random humor for random sake, and my confusion only grew as the pages were turned. The only redeeming factor for me was the character of Casey Brinke. In a book of absurdity she provided something to grasp onto and have emotion towards. Things may become clearer as you read on, or if I was inspired to go back and read past Doom Patrol stories. However, based on this book nothing was strong enough to inspire me to carry on past this issue. There are people out there that will surely love this book. I am simply not one of those people. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Sep 14, 2016

    Overall,Doom Patrol #1is quite possibly the biggest disappointment of 2016 so far. It feels like a kid who makes an obvious yet poorly worded joke, then gets mad at you for “just not getting it.” I had high hopes given the quality of the creative team and their passion for the project, but something seems to have gone seriously wrong. I don't want to make too many sweeping statements about the project as a whole, but this issue for sure definitely feels like it misses the point of the original to a large degree. I'm willing to give it a few more issues, as I remember the Morrison run taking a little bit to grab me, but this debut feels massively offputting to newcomers and hardcore fans alike. If you're interested in this, I'd advise serious caution, especially at it's higher price compared to the rest of DC's line-up. If the rest of DC's Young Animals books don't pick up the slack, the line could quickly find itself doomed. Read Full Review

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