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Joined: Sep 26, 2018

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #78 Nov 14, 2021

Yeah, I had hopes for this new direction but it’s not thrilling me at all. I love a lot of dialogue in a comic but most of the dialogue in this one is just plain bad and wasted. The art is horrible. Having Morbius show up is a plus but it can’t save the issue for me…especially since Michael is just all “Grrr…Arggh”.

Amazing Spider-Man #78

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Ben Reilly’s second real outing as Spider-Man pits him against MORBIUS, and it DOES NOT GO WELL! The full support of Beyond gets tested as Morbius puts the hurt on Spidey in a big way.  

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed The Thing #1 Nov 11, 2021

Love the Thing and MTIO was one of my all-time favorites, but something seems off in this issue. It’s like the art and the story don’t sync well. If you read it, let me know if I am crazy or not.

And POP? Couldn’t be…

The Thing #1

By: Walter Mosley, Tom Reilly
Released: Nov 10, 2021

THE NEXT BIG THING Begins Here! Renowned storyteller Walter Mosley brings his signature style to a sweeping saga of Yancy Street’s favorite son that will range from the urban sprawl of the back alleys of Manhattan to the farthest reaches of the cosmos itself! A lonely evening and a chance encounter (or is it?) sends Ben Grimm embarking on a so...

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Merlyn reviewed DC vs. Vampires #1 Oct 26, 2021

It's a good book for the concept but I can't pretend that I don't realize the reason this book was created for right now: to promote vaccination. The panels from Schmidt weren't subtle at all. Now, I should add, so that I'm not misunderstood, that I am vaccinated and I think people should get the vaccine so that this whole nightmare can be over as soon as possible, though I don't think it should b more

DC vs. Vampires #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt
Released: Oct 27, 2021

The Justice League has long protected Earth from all manner of foreign and alien invaders over the years, always keeping a vigilant eye to the skies for the next threat. But what if the threat was already walking the Earth…hiding in plain sight…watching…waiting for their moment to strike… In the tradition of DCeased comes a terrifying new s...

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Loafy Trophy - Nov 1, 2021

“All they can do is cling on to others to feel like they belong because otherwise they know deep down what morons they are.” If you knew what irony was you’d be choking on it.

Merlyn - Nov 1, 2021

I know, based on your problems of understanding simple concepts I seriously doubt you do, though. I told you to go kiss your buddy's ass, that's your specialty.

Super-Adaptoid reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #74 Sep 29, 2021

Let me make it clear that I do not like Nick Spencer. Never have. In fact, he blocked me on Twitter years ago because I dared to call him out on a few things.

But when he started his ASM run, I gave it a shot. Three issues and I thought it was stupid and took it off my pull list. But then I started hearing about Kindred…and the mystery of who he was…and it reminded me of the good ol more

Amazing Spider-Man #74

By: Nick Spencer, Patrick Gleason
Released: Sep 29, 2021

• It's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #875, and the whole ASM team is coming together to bring you a massive issue that is the culmination of three years of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN!
•  It's all lead to this... "Hunted," "Sins Rising," "Last Remains," "King's Ransom," "Chameleon Conspiracy," "Sinister War"...and so much more all led to this climax and con...

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The Death of Doctor Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Lee Garbett
Released: Sep 22, 2021

Doctor Stephen Strange is the world's greatest neurosurgeon and Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He defends our planet from the supernatural and interdimensional threats no other hero is equipped to handle. But what would happen if he unexpectedly died? Who would protect Earth and keep the mystical evils at bay? A...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Sinister War #4 Sep 4, 2021

Ok, so my rating isn’t just for this issue, but the whole saga as a whole. So I guess I’m cheating. I just sat down and read from issue one of Sinister War (including the ASM issues tied in) that I had been stockpiling to read all at once. I am apparently in the minority because I think it’s bloody good!

True, it’s not over yet because we have two more issues of Spencer’s run, more

Sinister War #4

By: Nick Spencer, Mark Bagley
Released: Sep 1, 2021

• Things just got worse for Spider-Man. IT Didn't seem possible, but it's true.
•   If you think you have seen Spider-Man take a beating, you haven't seen anything this brutal.
Rated T+

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Super-Adaptoid rated Moon Knight #1 Aug 17, 2021

Moon Knight #1

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Jul 21, 2021

The mysterious Mr. Knight has opened his Midnight Mission, his people petitioning for protection from the weird and horrible. The Moon Knight stalks the rooftops and alleys marked with his crescent moon tag, bringing violence to any who would harm his people. Marc Spector, in whichever guise he dons, is back on the streets, a ...

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #1 Jul 27, 2021

If there was no name on the cover I still would have known who wrote this. All the cliches are there, there is not an original bone in Tom Taylor's body. The refuse to use the classic catchphrase "Truth, Justice and the American Way" because in his leftist mind America sucks, the tireless complaining about climate change (that's not why those fires are happening in California btw, you have to be v more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #1

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s traveled the galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father, Clark Kent, could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly...

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Merlyn - Aug 1, 2021

I don't know what thing you are referring to, be more specific, I've complained about a lot of stuff. :))

PeteRick - Sep 13, 2021

The story is screwed up from the get go, Bendis ruined this franchise and they just pretend it's nothing I'm baffled at some of ya'll who thinks this is a good storyline, even might be, but due to what bendis have done with the character background, it is impossible to like, even if Jerry siegel came back from the dead to write this shit!!!


Okay, the story wasn’t that great…but it gets a 10 from me on the cover, the easter eggs and especially the little 70’s style Marvel ads at the bottom of every page! I kept looking for this universe’s version of “It’s a fright! Buy Werewolf By Night!”

Heroes Reborn: Double Action #1

By: Tim Seeley, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 2, 2021

A TALE FROM THE SQUADRON'S PAST! Years ago, Nighthawk and his trusted partner, the Falcon, patrolled the streets of Washington, DC, from the vile criminals that lurked in the dark. But that all changed one fateful night...  Re-presenting for the first time ever: the Night Sam Wilson Died!
40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+

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So…when does the movie come out?

The Nice House on the Lake #1

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Jun 2, 2021

Everyone who was invited to the house knows Walter-well, they know him a little, anyway. Some met him in childhood; some met him months ago. And Walter’s always been a little…off. But after the hardest year of their lives, nobody was going to turn down Walter’s invitation to an astonishingly beautiful house in the woods, overlooking an enormo...

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axdn reviewed Heroes Reborn #1 May 5, 2021

This was great! I wanna see what's up next.

Heroes Reborn #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 5, 2021

Welcome to a world where Tony Stark never built an Iron Man armor. Where Thor is a hard-drinking atheist who despises hammers. Where Wakanda is dismissed as a myth. And where Captain America was never found in the ice because there were no Avengers to find him. Instead this world has always been prot...

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daspidaboy reviewed Heroes Reborn #1 May 5, 2021

A lot better than Jason Aaron's avengers, lets see how this goes.

Heroes Reborn #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 5, 2021

Welcome to a world where Tony Stark never built an Iron Man armor. Where Thor is a hard-drinking atheist who despises hammers. Where Wakanda is dismissed as a myth. And where Captain America was never found in the ice because there were no Avengers to find him. Instead this world has always been prot...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Heroes Reborn #1 May 5, 2021

I rarely read any of my new comics on the day of release but I’ve been looking forward to this one. It didn’t disappoint. I am VERY skeptical of Marvel’s events and sit most of them out because for more than the last decade, they don’t end and just run into the next event. But if the series holds up to this first issue’s fun factor, I am in...crossovers and all!

The dialogue f more

Heroes Reborn #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 5, 2021

Welcome to a world where Tony Stark never built an Iron Man armor. Where Thor is a hard-drinking atheist who despises hammers. Where Wakanda is dismissed as a myth. And where Captain America was never found in the ice because there were no Avengers to find him. Instead this world has always been prot...

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Pretty art and I’m intrigued enough to try the new mini. What I did not like was the narrations and I hope they drop the idea as they move forward. When I first met Dane, he was just a stony statue being fought over by the Avengers and the Defenders so I’m eager to see him get a little spotlight...even if this is kind of a revisionist take on the character.

King In Black: Black Knight #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Jesus Saiz
Released: Feb 3, 2021

KNULL's ferocious assault upon earth has begun and Dane Whitman - Avenger, hero, and wielder of the mighty Ebony Blade as the BLACK KNIGHT - takes up sword and shield to defend against the unstoppable onslaught. Though the blade grants Dane incredible power so too does it consume him with a lust for vio...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #56 Jan 6, 2021

Continued the story nicely and actually didn’t see some of what happened coming. Looking forward to more answers but I’m enjoying the ride.

Amazing Spider-Man #56

By: Nick Spencer, Mark Bagley
Released: Jan 6, 2021

•  You will never look at Norman or Harry Osborn the same again.
•  We know SPIDER-MAN won't.

Rated T+

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Immortal Hulk #41 Dec 16, 2020

I cannot rate this any lower than a 10. This issue was a rarity in comics today - well-written, great art and rather touching at times. And I loved the Biblical analogy Ben used. I just read a perfect issue.

Ewing needs to be writing a solo Thing series too, btw. He gets Ben.

Immortal Hulk #41

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Dec 16, 2020

• The rematch everybody wanted - but not like this!
•  The Hulk is broken, friendless and hunted. In every way, he's a shadow of his former self...
•  ...but there's nothing like the real THING.
Rated T+

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Up front, I have never cared for Thor. I have a few issues, a few trades from the 70s-80s stuff...I never even cared for Simonson’s run (don’t hate me!)...but I bought this trade today because everyone at my LCS keeps raving about this series.

I read the first couple of issues...then the third...okay, I finished it in one sitting. They were right. It’s AMAZING! The art was dark an more

Thor Vol. 1: Devourer King

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein

A new legend begins! The prince is now a king. All of Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder, and the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming - and to triumph over this new threat, Thor must be transformed in a most unexpected way! Bursting with new power and s...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Black Widow #3 Nov 4, 2020

I have never been a huge fan of this character, but MAN, this book is fun! We get just enough of the mystery to keep it alive and just enough to make us wonder why Natasha has gone all Somerset Holmes (smile if you remember that book, please). If you haven’t read this series yet, pick up the previous two’s worth it.

Black Widow #3

By: Kelly Thompson, Elena Casagrande
Released: Nov 4, 2020

WHITE... WIDOW?! Nobody who knows Natasha Romanoff would have imagined THIS when hearing the words "White Widow," but nothing about this new Nat is what anyone could have imagined. It's no surprise that she's looking sublime in white, but who's the lucky groom? And is this a match for love... or death?

Rated T+

Super-Adaptoid reviewed Crossover #1 Nov 4, 2020

Well...don’t hate me but I’m in the minority here. This issue was a quick read and nothing spectacular, in my opinion. I know this is just a set-up for the story, and I will be buying the next issue to see if it goes anywhere...but this one issue didn’t grab me. Hopefully, the next issue will be better.

Crossover #1

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Nov 4, 2020

The creative powerhouses behind the bestselling, critically acclaimed GOD COUNTRY, Thanos Wins, and REDNECK returns for the biggest launch of the year.

Imagine everything you thought was fantasy...was real. And now join us, in a world where reality is dead...and anything is possible...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Empyre #1 Jul 15, 2020

I sat down and read everything from Road To...all the way thru issue 1. Considering I’ve been reading comics for 48 years and have been mostly very down on Marvel for the last several years, I’m kind of enjoying this. It helps that Al is basing his story in some of my favorite past storylines (Englehart’s Celestial Madonna story is near or at the top of my all-time favorites), and I have to more

Empyre #1

By: Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti
Released: Jul 15, 2020

Featuring action-packed extras including a Cover Gallery, Script, Inked And Color Pages and more! The Kree and the Skrulls have united under a new emperor – and their war fleet is on a collision course for our world. On the moon, the Avengers are ready to strike with the full power of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Approaching from outer space, the ...

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So when Geoff Johns has to write Legion of 4 Worlds in a few years, maybe we will actually get a real LOSH back.

I’m ambivalent about Bendis. I did like his All New X-Men a few years back (at least, in the beginning) and the guy can’t write (or end) an event comic to save his life. I’m a big Legion fan from my youth...I even loved the Legionairres reboot. But these characters hav more

Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Nov 6, 2019

Welcome to the 31st century! Inspired by the acts of and lessons learned from the greatest heroes of all time, the Legion of Super-Heroes have gathered together to stop a galaxy from repeating its past mistakes. The greatest lineup of heroes in comic book history returns with new, fresh, and reader-friendly stories!
Eisner Award-winning writer...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Marvel Comics #1000 Aug 28, 2019

Did ya ever shell out ten bucks for a comic and then realize you got nothing of any real substance? Welcome to this book. It may have some future meaning but it’s a chore to get there and not worth the work.

Marvel Comics #1000

By: Various
Released: Aug 28, 2019

THIS IS THE BIG ONE! In celebration of Marvel's 80th Anniversary, we have gathered together the greatest array of talent ever to be assembled between the covers of a single comic book! Names from the past, from the present, and even the future! Every page is filled with all-new work from this c...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Doctor Strange #18 Aug 28, 2019

It’s fun. Really, really fun. And it’s done in one...because not every issue has to be part of the latest crappy big event. And the art is great. Buy and enjoy.

Doctor Strange #18

By: Mark Waid, Jesus Saiz
Released: Aug 28, 2019

• Stephen Strange is back on Earth after his Multiversal odyssey with Galactus and Clea.
•  But is the Multiverse done with Doctor Strange?
•  A truly terrifying villain is working their way into the Marvel U via a small house in Kansas, in the issue that will have people talking for years!
Rated ...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Batman #77 Aug 21, 2019

Full disclosure: I quit reading this current volume of Batman around issue 58 or so. I’m not a Tom King lover or hater. The only reason I dropped the book was because it wasn’t grabbing my attention anymore and because I ain’t rich, I have to be choosy about where my comic budget goes.

Bought this issue because of, you know...the spoiler. Not for resale value but because I was cur more

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

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Zack Anderson reviewed Powers of X #1 Jul 31, 2019

After House of X, this was boring. Just like old Cable issues, I find it hard to care about new future characters. Also, 10 years between founding and present ignores the fact that it's been at LEAST 14 years Marvel time. This book sucks.

Powers of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 31, 2019

FEAR THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (INFINTY, NEW AVENGERS, FF) continues his revolutionary new direction for the X-Men. Intertwining with HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X reveals the secret past, present  and  future of mutantkind, changing the way you look at every X-Men story before and after. You do not want to miss the next seminal m...

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Zack Anderson - Jul 31, 2019

Moira sums up my final feelings on the issue: "It seems like the type of thing I SHOULD enjoy, and yet... I look around at all these [panels] and know it's just a show for those who need one. A distraction from what's really going on, if you will." What's really going on is they're bringing back Earth-1610 and this is the long setup.

allenquanobi - Aug 1, 2019

That's a cool theory! See that's why I find it interesting, anything can happen in my eyes. But if you r set that that's what's happening then I guess you'd think mystery solved. For me, I like just savoring everything and waiting for next issues


Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Nick Spencer, Kev Walker
Released: Jul 24, 2019

Boomerang's influence is finally felt, and Spider-Man joins the Superior Foes!
Wait, that's not possible, is it? IS IT?!?!
Rated T

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed House of X #1 Jul 24, 2019

I honestly don’t know how to rate this, so I picked a 9.

First, I’m old enough to have read Uncanny from GS1 on, and I still feel the Claremont/Byrne run is the stuff that comic dreams are made of. Holds up well even today.

Where Hickman is concerned, I wasn’t really a fan of his FF or Avengers stuff. Wasn’t bad but wasn’t me. I also haven’t been an X-b more

House of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jul 24, 2019

FACE THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (SECRET WARS, AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) takes the reins of the X-Men universe! Since the release of Uncanny X-Men #1, there have been four seminal moments in the history of the X-Men. Giant-Sized X-Men. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse. New X-Men. Four iconic series that introduced a new era for Marvel's m...

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Daredevil #1 Feb 7, 2019

I’ve never been a huge D.D. fan but I picked up the last arc of the previous series out of curiosity and kinda enjoyed it. And that would’ve been the end of it until I saw Chip was writing this new volume. I had really enjoyed Chip writing PPTSS and I thought I’d give it a try...just one issue...five bucks...
The first thing I noticed was it took me longer than five minutes to read, unl more

Daredevil #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Feb 6, 2019

Rated T+

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Super-Adaptoid reviewed Crypt of Shadows #1 Jan 24, 2019

I was amazed that this was THAT good but it was! It was definitely written in a throw-back style with love from classic horror and twists. Makes me yearn for Marvel to do this title again...and again...and again...

Crypt of Shadows #1

By: Al Ewing, Garry Brown
Released: Jan 23, 2019

For Marvel's 80th Anniversary we've gone into the vaults to bring back some classic titles from the Marvel of yesteryear...but maybe some vaults should stay closed! Something terrifying has broken free and crawled forth from one of the most terrifying corners of Marvel-dom, the CRYPT OF SHADOWS! Prepare for terror! The sha...

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Strangely enough, I kinda liked this. I only picked it up on a whim because I have not been fond of Spencer’s ASM at all but I did enjoy Chip’s PPTSSM while it lasted. The first story in this issue was pretty darn good - I enjoyed the characters and liked how Pete’s life was at the forefront. The backup story was...well, as many have already said, this has been done before so we will see whe more

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Spider-Man is the worst neighbor EVER! There are always crazy villains and property damage and drama and...and he CATCHES the villains. And he tries to fix the damage and he helps carry your groceries and actually that property damage keeps the rents down. You know what? Spider-Man is the best neighbor ever and this book will give you a closer look...

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