I honestly expected the reaction to this issue to actually be worse than it is. I didn't think OMD was getting undone, but now it's canon enough that MJ and Peter will stay together, which is all I wanted. Get rid of the half-assed romance subplots. Let Peter grow. I think this issue is a good example of reader assumption, and writer implication.
So first, reader assumption. Obviously, everyone thought this run was going to undo, or effectively undo, One More Day. We didn't get that. I see a lot of angry comments about Kindred's plan changing, or their reasoning changing, and that's not the case. We just assumed, as readers, that when Kindred was talking about Peter's and Norman's sins, they were talking about Peter making a deal with Mephisto and Norman being a terrible father. In actually, it was Gabriel and Sarah hating Norman for rejecting them and killing their mother, and Peter for not taking what they deemed his responsibility in Gwen's death. This explains why Kindred was mad about Peter reconciling with his other love interests like Black Cat, or why they said they'd protect MJ from him, and why it would be his fault when she did die. Look, I know Kindred's narration gets a lot of shit, but if you actually read it in light of these current issues' revelations, it actually makes perfect sense. The reader assumption was this was all about One More Day, and that was pulled out from under us last minute by editorial. The reality is it was just as much about Sins Past as it was about One More Day, if not more so.
Next, writer implication. This is the part where I give Nick Spencer (and the editors) some shit too. Clearly, they failed in some part to firmly establish a twist that is satisfying instead of annoying. I personally don't mind the Sins Past twist, or really, any of the retcons this run has facilitated, but plenty of people do. And I can't blame the readers solely for what they assumed, because the writer (and editors) certainly implied things. Nick Spencer knew he was opening pandora's box here, and the editors did too. You don't do that without a plan that is followed through on entirely. You play with fire, you are almost certainly getting burned. And that's why the fan response is so mixed. I don't know if Nick Spencer planned on leaving at this point, if editorial forced him off, or if he suddenly left. From the backup letter by Nick Lowe, the next run had its big summit in December 2020, and presumably didn't just manifest then, so obviously, it was planned to end here for a while. The whole point of this is if you imply certain things in your work, you need to address it in a satisfactory way, and a sudden mad dash for the end does not make that happen. I don't know what or why the run just suddenly kicked into overdrive so fast that Nick Spencer had to get co-writers on board just to get it done. That's not normal and wouldn't normally be planned, but again, it must have been because Beyond has been in the works for what's probably over a year now. I'm sure we'll hear all about it in 10 or 20 years.
So, is this issue a satisfying conclusion to the run as a whole? Yes, I believe so. The first issue of the run said this was about Peter and MJ, and despite many attempts at making it not about that, in the end, that's what the entire thing has been about. They're able to beat back the literal devil with their love, save their friend from torment, and Peter overcame the overbearing guilt that sort of haunts this run, if you go back and re-read it. And their child is going to literally defeat the devil in the future. I know there's a lot of doubt about that tease, and the future of MJ and Peter, but we've seen from the Beyond era that they're sticking together. I don't see Marvel going back on that, because they've made such a big deal about it, he's with (a version of) MJ in the movies, and like this run or not, it sold much better than Dan Slott's run. It always hovered at the edge or just inside the top 10.
I get that people wanted more closure on the other subplots this run had, but... to be honest, we got that with the other arcs. We don't need to see Randy and Beetle living together, we don't need to see JJJ angry about Spider-Man still, Teresa doesn't need a page where she looks at herself in the mirror and is confident about it. We got the ending to those things back in other arcs. This issue was about Mephisto, Peter, Harry, Norman and MJ, with Kindred as pawns. I said it in one of my other reviews, but this run seemed damned if it did and damned if it didn't with a lot of things. Fans were complaining about the filler stories, and then they were complaining about the Kindred stuff, and then we don't get absolute closure on the once deemed filler stories, and people are still mad. I don't know what to do here, honestly. The pandora's box was opened, and it won't be closed.
I don't think this is a bad run, not at all, and I'm sure it reads much better in trade. In fact, I actually bought the entire thing in trade, and I wanted to do an in-depth review of the entire run where I really delve into it. I wanted to do that much earlier on, and thank god I didn't. Especially when I just couldn't figure out what Life Theft/Pursuit being referenced could possibly mean. I'll get to that eventually though.
Oh and speaking of, I guess a subtle retcon that may not fully be realized by people is that Harry technically didn't do the whole Life Theft thing. That was a Mephisto-Harry now. Which btw, makes plenty of sense, Harry was not such a schemer in life.
Would I recommend this run to people? Yeah. I think it's good. I might actually get them to sit out the Kindred centric arcs though. It requires a lot of pre-reading, but you know what, one of my friends is reading this run so I guess I'll see how someone who hasn't read any of the stories... elaborated on here feels. She's desperately behind though, so... it'll be a while.
I'm excited for the Beyond era, if only for those covers. There's such a nostalgic feeling to them. But maybe that's just because the first Spider-Man comic I ever bought was Sensational Spider-Man #1. It wasn't the first one I had read, but it certainly holds a special place in my heart.
I'm taking a half a point off for that Uncle Ben story, it just wasn't very good. I appreciate the attempt. The history two-page spread was fun, and the Beyond story is probably confusing to a bunch of people. I will say, I would've rather had the entire issue just be Nick Spencer's finale. 20 or so more pages could've been used to monologue about sins. more
Sorry folks. I dug this. Alot.
I binged most of this final arc in one or 2 sittings. Was it convoluted? Immensely. But was it good? Yes.
Its hard to end a final run in a way that pays homage to the character but also concludes the story satisfactorily. I feel this achieved its goal. Its not perfect but the scenes of Mephisto describing why he recently torments his enemy was just so great. And it is written very well, managing to finish up all of its loose ends in a good way.
I wasn't sure if I was going to go for Beyond. But I think I'll give thus first arc a shot.
Great ending for Spencer’s run on ASM. Did not give fans everything they wanted but it was a very enjoyable issue. It definitely set right some of the biggest wrongs leading up to OMD
I'm surprised by the amount of negative reviews this book has gotten. I agree it could have been better, but it was good enough for the end of Spencer's run. It was more satisfactory than the Chameleon conspiracy or King's ransom were.
I'm really not too surprised Kindred was the villain running around causing all the trouble, but not the mastermind. It seems appropriate that Norman finally be the one to get the "Gotcha" for a change. Clearing up "Sins past" was likely Spencer's plan, not since the start, but for a while now. I have to give him credit for choosing to make that the feather in his hat. The twins being a hoax was something I've been waiting 17 years to hear. It's one of the most welcome revelations since we learned Ben Reilly really was the clone.
This is my final new Spider-Man book for the time being, and I have to say it is an appropriate way to say goodbye to this book for a while again. more
If your take away the aspect that this is supposed to be an epic conclusion to a 3 year story its actually not horrible. I enjoyed reading it too be honest. I just try not to think about the fact it took 73 issues it took to try and get us to this point.
Ended not the way I expected but still a good ending.
Mayday future of dethroning Mephisto was what I always imagined. Atlast it's canon now.
Let me make it clear that I do not like Nick Spencer. Never have. In fact, he blocked me on Twitter years ago because I dared to call him out on a few things.
But when he started his ASM run, I gave it a shot. Three issues and I thought it was stupid and took it off my pull list. But then I started hearing about Kindred…and the mystery of who he was…and it reminded me of the good old days when we had the Jackal…and Carrion…and those mysteries…so I bought all the back issues and got caught up. And I’ve been buying ever since.
It ends here and I am satisfied. Didn’t undo OMD and I didn’t expect it to really. I hoped…but that’s ok.
Overall, I’m happy with Spencer’s run. I enjoyed it and always looked forward to the next issue. And isn’t that what comics are supposed to be about…fun? more
So, the culmination of Spencer’s run is… Green Goblin revisionist history.
I get a lot of people are going to hate this comic and find this run disappointing overall but overall I enjoyed it. Perfect? Not by any stretch. A lot of enjoyable moments throughout? Yes. And that’s asking a lot coming off the last time Spencer did a lengthy run on one book. At least this one ended with him trying to clean up someone else’s mess instead of bitterly defending a mess of his own making.
"Thank goodness that's over" is not the ideal reader reaction you want after an issue or an arc or a run, but that's how I feel. This arc wasn't a total trainwreck, but it had serious problems. Some were too integral to cut out, like the transition from "Harry as singular Kindred" to "Sarah and Gabriel as 2 Kindreds." But some problems could have been trimmed or deleted, like Dr. Strange's superfluous presence. (Mr. Spencer was quick enough to cut away the marriage proposal angle, grumble grumble.)
The issue at hand: A hell of a lot of fighting, rendered extra-pointless by a particularly traumatic trip around the artist carousel. The backup strips were decent, although the final one lives or dies based on how much of a Ben Reilly scholar you are.
Silver linings: At least Mr. Spencer did some good retconning by burying Sins Past. He even buried his retcon tools, killing Kindred along with the twins. I'd like to think no future writer will be stupid enough to bring them back. But on a long enough timeline … more
I really am sad to say that after 3 years and about 100 issues (with events, tie-ins, etc.), Nick Spencer’s run really went nowhere. Things happened sure, and I am extremely grateful that he undid the Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn storyline — one of the most horrendous plot points in Spider-Man’s history in my opinion second only to One More Day. But the constant teasing, constant foreshadowing of “mind blowing” revelations, and constant retreading of the Kindred storyline made for a dragged out read with lukewarm payoffs. I hate to say, it even felt like a chore at times getting through a storyline. The initial reveal that Kindred’s driving force was to make Peter suffer for his sins ended up feeling flat after we learn that he didn’t really have a hand in setting the events in motion that led to the creation of Kindred.
Furthermore, appearances by characters closest to him like Miles, Cindy, Gwen (Spider-Gwen), and Doctor Strange always felt like they were relegated to nothing more than a backdrop or served to fill the pages. One thing, the only thing really, that I wanted for Spencer to give us was to finally return to Peter and MJ what they deserve most, their marriage. I would have looked past everything and even deemed his run a success if he could have delivered what Spider-Man fans have been rightfully asking for almost 15 years now. But alas, it became another unfinished thread only to be revisited at later date and unnecessarily dragged out for the sake of “build up”.
I don’t enjoy criticizing writers. I can only imagine the work that goes into building a story and bringing it to life. However, after spending hundreds of dollars, time, and good faith there comes a point where you ask for change, and change is coming. I’m very excited for the upcoming team of writers. Some of my favorite! I truly hope they give Peter and MJ what they were unjustly robbed of so many years ago. I don’t think we deserve being strung along any further.
Please, share your thoughts on this issue and Spencer’s run. Maybe I’m wrong and maybe you can help me see things in a different light! more
Is was ok, the art is fine, but the ending lacked impact for such a giant run
Oh, people will be disappointed. And so am I. I'm not rating this 5/10 or less because the issue is actually good (except for the art that's sometimes dreadful). Yeah... this doesn't address One More Day in any shape or form. It looks like it was all about Harry's tormented soul and the Stacy twins in the end. So, what did Kindred want actually? Why did they hate Peter considering he saved them during Sins Past? Why did Harry spent like 50 issues saying it was all "Peter's fault" considering it was Norman who sold his soul to Mephisto? Why did Mysterio say that all of the chaos was triggered by "something Peter and MJ did"? Spencer, this is not a red herring, it's straight lying to your readers.
This story's biggest sin is being a Osborn saga where Spider-Man looks like a side character. Anyway, I actually liked the issue, but it's clear that the board changed Spencer's plans and the ending was rushed, because nothing happened for 20 issues before this and then they release a 80+ pages story. Goodbye Spencer, I still think you are one of the best Spider-Man writers in history. more
The 5 is for the art. I forced myself to catch-up on this series to get to the end, which was supposed to wrap up the story in a satisfying way. Instead, we get a half assed rushed conclusion that leads to what we already got earlier in the run, which is that Peter and MJ are together forever. Spencer is a good writer, this is shown in his previous Marvel runs. But I think it’s hard to say this was a good spider man run. It started off with such promise, but then began to become dragged along to this anti climactic conclusion where none of the characters have changed really. It’s a pretty unremarkable run from a remarkable writer. Maybe his departure to sub stack had an effect on the quality of this book. I can’t say I’m looking forwards to Beyond, but any change is welcome at this point. Hey, remember the engagement ring that Spencer teased earlier in his run? How convenient that just disappeared more
This was quite a chore to get through. The only redeeming quality of this whole issue was the mini story about Uncle Ben
I've started reading more manga than comics (no, not because comics are too woke or whatever, that doesn't bother me). The stories there are infinitely more diverse and fresher. Comic book history baggage have led us to...this garbage. As much as I hated OMD, I would really rather them just move on than try to fix the past. No one cares.
At least we'll be getting new creatives on this book soon...
What a waste. Disappointing in every aspect.
A great disappointment the way that the comic company is having to make the issues increasingly soft and childish this does not even reach the T rating. Boring.
I'm sorry but after all the hype Spencer built all these years, after all the convoluted storytelling he went after at times... this is the best he could come up with? No. I'm sorry, but no. He put all his eggs in this one basket and the omelette we got was terrible, nothing he did here helped any character in a useful way, maybe Norman because he's less of an ass but that's it. Art didn't help either. Hell, the other stories were actually better than the main one!
Мусор от начала и до конца(не только комикс, но и ран в целом). Буду краток, ибо просто хочется быстренько высказать свои мысли по рану в целом. Любовь к нему может быть оправдана только тем, что вас одурачили(как и меня по началу) многочисленными байтами на свадьбу мж-паркера, отмену омд, смерти крейвена, отмену синс паста и прочего. Ну и что мы из этого получили? Серегу, отношения Питера и МЖ как раньше, синс пас и мертвого Гарри из 200-ого спектака. Только вот такие отношения были даже у Слота(под конец его рана на асм в 1-ом-2-ом томе, понимаете), так что их кто угодно мог повернуть назад, так и сделали собсна. Неужели 74 выпуска мультяшных сюжетов, раскрывающих что "о боже паркер и паук части одного целого" посредством их буквального разделения на две разные части; Уничтожение легенды Нормана Озборна; Бреда с хамелеонами, который вредит персонажу и абсолютно бессмысленен; никудышной смерти Бнд Гарри, который был одной из лучших частей всего Бнд,воскрешения Неда Лидса ну чтобы было, Розы ну чтобы было, кретинизма и настолько упрощенной и наивной чушне типа сюжета про паркера стримера-паука..., да даже вашего времени, потраченного на прочтение интересной истории про то как лига воров украло все артефакты мстителей, фч...просыпаемся, ради двух хороших страниц, где вернули старые отношения с филицией(это приятно, не спорю, но это пунктик,к этому никакого хорошого сюжета не следовало), а может и денег:))), потраченного на нескончаемые байты, что вот вот придет кинберг), в следующем выпуске будет МЖ, читайте обязательно...неужели всё это можно оправдать отменой этих вещей?Я бы честно пережил и с теми вещами в лоре, которые Слот после себя не смыв оставил, их бы все равно кто-то прибрал потом, но я получил бы взамен хорошо написаний ран. А не 74 выпусков исполнений пунктов фанатиков, обещалок Кинберга и байтов с мж. Сам на это повелся поначалу, но ,обдумав, понял как сильно меня одурачили.
Okay, i normally don't write long texts in my reviews, but i have a lot to say about this issue and this run as a whole. First things first: i'm a massive Nick Spencer fan, i absolutely ADORE Superior Foes, Morning Glories is amazing, The Fix is one of the funniest comics i have ever read, His Captain America run was really good(even though Secret Empire ended the way it did) and everything he did with Ant Man was awesome, i just love how much he takes advantage of canon to create his stories and i think he has a really unique sense of humor, and up until Last Remains i was REALLY enjoying this run, you can see my scores for this ASM volume to confirm that. I loved Back to Basics and it's simple but effective story, i loved how he handled characters like Black Cat and Jameson, i had tons of fun with Hunted and the nods to Kraven's Last Hunt, i loved the character arc for Boomerang and Janice from the original Superior Foes team, i thought the Absolute Carnage tie ins were Amazing, he and Ryan Ottley delivered what is probably my favorite fight between Spidey and Carnage(even thought it's Norman). I wasn't a huge fan of the 2099 story line but i quickly forgave that after the podcast story with JJ and the little arc with Gog. Sins Rising was awesome and Last Remains would be a perfect story if it wasn't for the lack of an ending. Up until this point i was absolutely in love with this run, i didn't care if the pacing was slow because every story beat was working for me, and i understand that a lot o people had problems with the pacing in specific even before Last Remains, but at least until that point i could feel that Spencer was telling the story he wanted to tell, whether we like it or not.
Having said that, i can't express how disappointed i'm with everything since the Mister Negative story. There were some VERY good character moments after it of course(Peter and MJ focused story on #60 for example), but that was just it, the big moments that we where supposed to get after years of seeds being planted for 50+ issues just weren't worth it, everything started to feel so rushed and everything Spencer was aiming for fell short of what it should've been the peak of his run. King's Ransom had the Boomerang twist, but it also had the Robbie and Tombstone rivalry, Randy and Janice relationship, Kingpin's pursuit of the tablet, Gog, Peter's new job as a streamer working with JJ and Norah Winters, the Defenders little reunion....oof. The arc felt so packed and convoluted that every payoff was deluded. It was also where the artist rotation started to become a problem, it doesn't matter if you have many good artists on a book if you can't keep everything consistent, 2 issues with Patrick Gleason(him and Ottley delivered the BEST visuals of this book), 3 issues with Federico Vicentini(a revelation, i loved his style) along with Sabattini helping him, we also had Neves, Antonio and Gomez doing the Giant-Sized conclusion, great artists, but it doesn't matter because everything felt rushed so the art(except from Gleason and Vicentini) was just okay. The Chameleon Conspiracy was even worse, 3 to 4 artists rotating in EVERY issue between 67-69 and the Giant Sized issue, not even Spencer was managing to write on his own and they had to bring Ed Brisson to help with the tight schedule, it was pretty clear that the Editorial was starting to compromise whatever direction the book was going and everything started to completely fall apart. But the absolute worst happened during Sinister War, it was so rushed that even Bagley who is know for being really fast didn't manage to pencil every page of every issue, and Spencer just wrote the 1st issue of the main event and went on to write the tie ins, which guess what? were also rushed and convoluted with 3 to 4 rotating artists. The big finale of this run, the big moment in the making for years, couldn't even have a consistent art team. I'm not even going to talk about the retcons, which although were VERY appreciated(Sins Past, not the Green Goblin one, that was a complete misfire) felt very convoluted, i felt very sorry for new readers of this book and the readers who haven't read every single one of the story's that were referenced between 72-73, it must have been a complete nightmare, i have read every issue of ASM, Spectacular, Friendly Neighborhood, Web Of Spider-Man, Spider-Man and every obscure miniseries you can imagine and i still had to re-read that issue at least 6 times to completely get every single change, and i probably still missed some very big details. And them we get to this issue, and not only we have all of the problems we had for the past 15+ issues but we also have rushed dialogue, lackluster conclusions, and questions that won't even get answered. What the hell did Kindred wanted Peter to Confess? What Happened with the Villains at the Graveyard after Sinister War #4? What about the Rose? Teresa? Did Boomerang even had a proper sendoff? Kindred literally killed Peter i don't know how many times during Last Remains for NOTHING? So Harry died(again) and we don't even get to see Peter Mourn for his best friend? If kindred died, wasn't Norman's Sins supposed to go back to him? What the hell happened with all of these plot points, did they simply forget or did i missed something? Wasn't it also implied that MJ knew what kindred wanted? So they referenced OMD, Had Mephisto and Dr. Strange on the sideline playing a game and they didn't have the courage to address that mess of a story directly? What all of the flashbacks of BND during Last Remains were for? I just can't believe all of this stuff was simply forgotten so that they could finish this run as fast as possible, every single person on the spidey office should be embarrassed by this, Spencer deserved better, WE DESERVED BETTER, this is NOT how you deliver a satisfying payoff to a long story. And last but not least, the book is called Amazing Spider-Man and i don't know if it's just me, but Peter felt like a side character on his own book since even before Last Remains, almost everything interesting that happened during this run came from the characters around Peter, but not him, and up until a certain point it was okay, but after King's Ransom it was starting to bother me A LOT.
So, do i absolutely despise this run like I've seen so many people say? no, is it the worst ASM run of all time? hell no, not even close, is it one of the most disappointing eras of Spider-Man and one of the worst long format storytelling of this book since the Clone Saga? unfortunately, yes. It started with so many promises, and it didn't deliver to many of them. And what's even worse is that I'm not even excited for what is to come, it doesn't matter if you have some of the best writers and artists in the business teaming up to tell a bold story if the people in charge of the editorial continue to mess everything up. If you enjoyed every single thing about this run, i envy you, cause i really wanted to like this finale. Having said all that, i will stop reading ASM for the first time in my life for a little while, at least until the book gets to the half of Beyond, hopefully i will be excited when i come back. more
It comes with a heavy heart that I have to give this final issue a negative score. This will not have spoilers. Thanks Afre, Batman, Federico Ligueri and Jeff Plaza for explaining your thoughts more effectively than me.
Lets address the elephant in the room. The Art. I understand how art is supposed to be "subjective" but when the art isnt CONSISTENT, then its a big problem. I dont know what HAPPENED to nick Spencer and Marvel Comics, but after Last Remains the art in this series just TANKED and went in the ocean. This art..... yikes it makes me want to look away in shame. Mark Bagley and Patrick Gleason's art barely shows up here. The best art in this entire run was Sins Rising.
Lets address the second problem with this entire issue. The Pacing and Theme of the run. This isnt Amazing Spider-Man. This is the Norman Osborn show. Everything this issue has been leading up to.... is just revising Norman Osborn's history. Oh gee, thank you Marvel! Thank you for misleading us and wasting our time. Honestly, I never expected Nick Spencer to erase One More Day from existence (since Aunt May would die, and nearly 14 issues of storytelling would be gone, reduced to atoms) but at least have a more entertaining story that substitues it. Sure, you cant remove One more day, but maybe have Peter Parker propose to Mary Jane and she says Yes. Have Peter Parker realize the truth that he was an idiot to erase his marriage with Mary Jane to save Aunt May (who would die literally in 5 years) from a gunshot wound (why couldnt Dr. Doom and Doctor Strange save her? Oh I know, its because of the PLOT).
Third, f*cking Kindred. I am going to be honest with you guys. Kindred is the lamest and boring Spider-Man villain I have ever read in my entire life. Oh no, Spider-Man ruined your life? Well DO SOMETHING YOU LAZY BASTARD. Kindred spent 90 percent of the run talking about sins, standing in the shadows being edgy, and just reacting. I dont hate Kindred because of Kindred's "genius and complex history". I dont like Kindred simply because Kindred is a boring character who gets defeated in an unsatisfactory manner.
Fourth, there are so many questions that I have in this final Nick Spencer run. When you are going to leave a popular superhero book, you need to have all your questions answered so it would be satisfying. What happened ot Aunt May realizing she has cancer? What was literally the whole point of Teresa going ot jail for fighting hte Chameleon? What f*cking purpose was the point of Nick Spencer's Hunted story? Nick Spencer killed off the original Kraven the Hunter, undoing Grim Hunt.... only to replace him with a clone of him. What's the point of Spider-Man losing all the time? Is it to make Nick Spencer sound smart? Because Spider-Man loses 80 percent of the time.
I honestly had high hopes. After Nick Spencer giving us a dissapointing Secret Empire story, I was willing to be more open-minded. I am a really die-hard Spider-Man fan. Spider-Man is the reason why I was exposed to entertainment. First tv show, toy, video game, pillow, pencil, backpack, bed, blanket, notebook, poster, movie I ever watched was all because of Spider-Man. Sadly.... due to sluggish pacing, inconsistent art, and mediocre stories Nick Spencer ends the run, with a pathetic whimper and limps to the finish line. As a Spider-Man fan, it really breaks my heart to see my favorite character get an unsatisfying ending thats almost as bad as City of Bane.
What a mess...
This is what happens when you use retcons to try to make a good story
Its a shame spiderman has had such a weak comic book history the last few decades
The main story is hard to read and doesn't deliver on almost any end.
At least the art and backup issues are good.
Something is definitely amiss. Months ago Dr. Strange bursts into Mephisto's lair and asks "What have you done to Peter Parker?" Now, months later, he's concerned with Harry Osborn's clone? PP produced a wedding ring months ago. What happened with that? MJ starts to admit something to Peter, it's interrupted and never referred to again. Norman Osborn sells his son's soul to the devil and then cries - over his clone! - that he was always "enough" for him. WTF? For years there was one Kindred, and now suddenly there are two. Don't even get me started on trying to figure out who created Kindred or what all those "sins" were about - or why Kindred was so obsessed with them. Sooo many red herrings and months of build-up that went nowhere.
Let’s be clear. Spencer, Lowe and Co. needed over 80 issues to complete the Kindred arc. 80+ issues! Repeat that again to yourself and you begin to realize just how absurd this whole fiasco really was. Then to top it off it was completely incoherent storytelling. There are only two possible explanations…either it’s total incompetence by the editorial staff or a shameless cash grab. I’m not sure what’s worse, but I do know that without a complete changeover in editorial, we’re in for more of the same. This is Marvel’s flagship character. The fans and the Spider-man legacy deserve better.
This was massive massive let down. I was on board Nick Spencer story untill Marvel Editiorical High jacked his book and rewrote it leaving this massively unsatisfying.
THIS.WAS GARBAGE. No way he left this conclusion before he left marvel. THERE ARE LITERALLY.PANELS and dialogue in the comic that look like that were deleted. The main one is the last pages where it looks like peter says something important to Mj( Proposal???) But its scribbled out!
I hope one day Spencer can let us know what happened because marvel just gave a BIG F you to.fans and OMD haters
EDIT: After reading that bleedingcool article that confirms that this was rushed (not rewritten) by the editorial due to Beyond storyline, I get why this is so disconnected from the other storylines. I feel sorry for Spencer because he had to rush this, but my opinion on the comic doesn't change which is the following:
Okay. I had to triple check that I read all the pages. Because all I could think was "wait what? Seriously? That's it?".
Apologies for my language beforehand. Yes, it's childish, but I just can't help myself.
This is garbage. A shitshow. Is this because OMD wasn't undone? No. Absolutely not.
Let's start with that. OMD can't be undone anymore. It's been 14 years. How could they even undo OMD? Aunt May suddenly dies, Peter and MJ have been married and the last 14 years of stories are suddenly erased? So that means Harry never came back alive, May died due to that gunshot and Peter almost killed Fisk? Or how else? Because those stories just don't work if OMD is undone. So that was almost always the case. It was never going to be undone. It takes a lot of work to evenm address it. And Spencer did that. He even gave Mephisto some motivation to help Peter during OMD. I actually like that retcon. Since OMD is here to stay, at least make Mephisto have some kind of motivation. Spencer did that and I'm fine with that. And the idea to make Harry a demon because of OMD? Another good idea. Because Harry's resurrection was always kinda off.
So okay. This wasn't because of OMD not being undone. Why is this comic a 1/10? Because it isn't a culmination to anything nor is it an epilogue. So what happened with Kindred? After last issue, I thought it couldn't be possible to make it even more confusing, but here it is. So there were two Kindreds, who were kinda Harry, but not and were the Stacy twins, but not and who wanted what exactly? Break Peter? Make him confess? Confess what? That OMD happened? What sins MJ had? OMD? Kindred's motivation is different compared to even Last Remains. Everything here feels so off. This doesn't feel connected to anything Spencer previously wrote.
And that ending. THAT ENDING. So Kindred(s) suddenly lose? And Harry dies? A character we haven't really seen since #800 3 years ago? And he was a clone? Made by whom?
Like seriously. What the actual fuck. I've never been this mad for comic in my life. Not even King's Batman run. This comic cost 11€ and I'm so mad. What happens to May? Jonah? Randy? Teresa? Norman now that is free of his sins? Normie and Liz? When will they find out what happened to Harry? Stanley? His father is a clone, what does it make Stanley? Does Peter propose to MJ? I'm speechless. I have so many questions. And now we jump straight to Ben Reilly and Beyond Corporation? AFTER THIS? THERE ARE 35 VILLAINS THAT ARE CURRENTLY IN THE GRAVEYARD UNCONSCIUS! WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM! SIN-EATER? MORLUN? Does Norman get his "sins" back, now that Kindred(s) are dead(?). Or does he stay like that.
There are some rumours that Spencer had some kind of fallout with Marvel or editorial, because he hasn't said a word leaving Marvel, nor did he give any interview after Last Remains. And that this comic wasn't completely written by him. That sounds stupid, right? Well I kinda want to believe it. Because this is just can't be the conclusion Spencer wrote. It can't...
Peter doesn't feel like Peter here. Nor does he feel like a character even. He gets so much beating from the two Kindreds it's unhealthy. But he is fine? Whaat? I really don't get how strong these two Kindreds are. In #52, Gabe(???) beat Peter easily. AND HERE PETER HAS JUST FOUGHT 36 OF HIS VILLAINS AT THE SAME TIME. AND IS STILL GOING. LIKE WHAT. WHO WROTE THIS???
So yeah. It's terrible shitshow. And don't even get me started on the switching artists. Why even have Bagley here if he makes like 4 pages? Like what? And Humberto Ramos' final pages feel so badly done. Like unfinished mess. Why was this comic so bad and badly done??? more