SpiderKnight's Profile

Location: Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Joined: Jan 21, 2018

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #789

Jan 21, 2018

Really loving this story arc for Peter Parker.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #790

Jan 21, 2018

A good issue but nothing really memorable. But very happy that Peter is going back to working at The Daily Bugle.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #791

Jan 21, 2018

I am really enjoying the relationship between Peter and Bobbi. Its very cute. Hope this relationship lasts for a longer time unlike the previous ones.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #792

Jan 21, 2018

Wanted the Peter and Bobbi's arc to continue but this crossover came. I wanted to give this a try. Well....it is ok, not bad. Nothing very exciting happens. With the whole lame fight scene in Black Cat's secret lair or something, with characters i dont really care about especially Lee Price/Maniac, that guy is just boring as hell. The art on Eddie Brock looks terrible as well. But still a readable issue that didnt live up to its awesome looking cover.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #793

Jan 21, 2018

Whats up with Marvel crossovers these days.....Ok, thats it! I am done with this crossover. Its not interesting, it is boring as hell, Lee Price and his goons are lame. Everytime i turn a page of this issue, i would be litterally begging for the 'To Be Continued..' panel to pop up. This is a Spiderman series but ultimately doesnt feel like it and Dan Slott made him look like an idiot in this issue. I am not reading another Venom Inc. comic again. I will wait for the crossover to end then start reading back this series but i belief this is the last Amazing Spiderman/Venom Inc. issue so thank god!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #794

Jan 27, 2018

A step up from the previous issues, the one with the Venom crossover (#792/#793). This feels good and fresh to have a new story arc for Spidey to follow and Thank god the Venom crossover is done. Looking at the title 'Red' made me guess what this new story arc is about since Marvel already announced the new Spidey villain and there was a spoiler leaked earlier on who the new villain is and how he turns into that 'creature'. So sadly the ending didnt really suprise me. But overall a readable issue. With great art and colouring. Still, i think Marvel should step up Amazing Spiderman's comic quality since Spiderman is their famous character. Dc and Tom King are doing a great job with Batman. So does Peter J. Tomasi with Superman. What i am trying to say is, when Dan Slott leaves for Iron Man, hopefully Marvel hires a talented writer who can make every Amazing Spiderman issue awesome and unforgettable.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #795

Feb 15, 2018

THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR AMAZING SPIDERMAN #795. Ok first of all what i would like to say is that the cover for this book looks AMAZING!!! Alex Ross does it again! Second of all, i enjoyed this issue more than the previous one. Third of all, when it comes to art (They got a new artist), it was....well...compelling....for the most part. But when it comes to the faces.....it is horrible. Like Loki's face looks like a guy who got drunken and Bobbi Morse on the other hand, looked like a zombie. Aunt May? Well she is old....so that is acceptable. Norman Osborn? Uhhhh? Is his face really like that? But the colouring is good though. So well, we see Peter's desperate life again and.....wait for it.....he broke up with Bobbi Morse? Why! Whats up with Peter and girls? They broke up because they dont have anything in common? They both are superheroes? They both save people? They both have good heart? Ok whatever.....i really wanted to see more of the lunch with Aunt May and Bobbi Morse though, that would have been fun. Loki....loki as always is one of my favourite characters....cant wait to start reading the Dr Strange: Loki Sorcerer Supreme series (dont ask me why i havent read it). Oh yeah, the art on Carnage looks so cool too. Things i didnt like about the book is that it had too many dialogues. Which i thought for the most part didnt feel important or relevant to be read. But overall a fun read and it was much more memorable than the previous issue featuring Zodiac.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #796

Mar 8, 2018

It really took me quite a while to get into reading this issue. I wasnt interested in it at all, it probably is going feature a one-off villain and Norman Osborn fancying in the background. But this issue wasnt bad. It just lacks the excitement, that it needs, building up to issue #800. But since i dont like skipping things, i had to read this. Havent read the annual yet, so got to get into that as well. But what i really liked from this issue was the panels that featured both Peter and Mary Jane. It is just so awesome seeing them both together. Hope they bring those two back together as couples, in the 'Fresh Start' initiative.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 9, 2018

Now this is how a Spiderman issue should be like!!! Never thought i would say this, but Dan Slott....great job!! This is how you do it. Not have a one off villain, come in do shits, then go while trying to explain another story consisting of Norman Osborn, all in the same issue. With the start of 'Go Down Swinging' we finally got a Spiderman issue that really feels like a Spiderman issue. Panels with Mary Jane and Peter were great. The exchange between Spiderman and the thief named Jimmy was so fun. Norman Osborn finally blends in with this issue's story and boyy he is creepy and horryingly violent as hell. Anyways, a great read. An awesome issue. Dan Slott at his best. Stuart Immonen, in most panels were great but for me personally, i would love to see him give Mary Jane a better face. Not to mention, the cover art looks great. Alex Ross is a great cover artist. Oh yeah, Looks like they removed the Marvel Legacy banner too. Spoilers: At the end of the issue, it just made me feel more afraid of what Norman Osborn is going to do to Spiderman, now that he knows Spiderman's identity thanks to J. Jonah Jameson. Mostly afraid because there were some rumours stating that someones going to die in #800. Peter?!...... please protect Aunt May, Mary Jane and Bobbi Morse (where ever she is). I could only imagine Norman Osborn/Carnage killing Aunt May or Mary Jane like how he killed Phil Urich. Ohh Goddd noo!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #798

Apr 7, 2018

This is probably the best Spiderman issue i have read since the start of Marvel Legacy. This is how it should be made!! It was my bad to think Dan Slott couldnt write a good Spiderman book, but this issue along with the previous one #797, proved me wrong! It was fast paced, thrilling, exciting, nail-biting and so on. Dan Slott's writing here is great!! He made me fell for some of the Norman Osborn's 'nice talk'. Then later, some of his dialogues as the awesome looking Red Goblin were so menacing, ominous and scary. I literally felt the danger and stress that was put upon Peter's life. Also liked the J. J. Jameson part. Next, the art by Stuart Immonen was good, just wished it was very detailed. But his art on the Red Goblin was epic, creepy, terrifying and it gives u nightmares. Like in the panel where in the shadow, u could only see the Red Goblin's yellow eyes and glowing mouth....it gave me goosebumps. Good job, Stuart! The colouring by Marte Gracia though was phenomenal. So perfect!!! Overall, GREAT Spiderman book. The 'Go Down Swinging' arc is proving to be one of Spiderman's greatest story arcs. Finally, it was the quality book that i was waiting for. Great writing. Good art. Awesome colouring. Only had a problem with the cover art, which looked funny. Its like both the Spiderman and Green Goblin are having a kindergarten fight. Otherwise, Great book! Loved it!! If you're a Spidey fan, check this 'Go Down Swinging' arc out!! Hopefully the quality stays constant till the end of this arc. #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #799

May 27, 2018

Another very very good issue from the 'Go Down Swinging' arc. It is probably the best arc for the Amazing Spiderman series that i have read in a long time. It had a twist i never saw coming, a good pace and a Joker-esque Red Goblin. It had a good art by Stuart Immonen and a terrific colouring by Marte Gracia. Just wish Stuart Immonen's drawings had more detail at the background. Other than that i had no problem with the art. The only problem i had with this book is how overstuffed it felt. I felt like Silk, Miles Morales, Human Torch and Clash were unnecessary to the plot and the whole book. They did not affect the plot in anyway. Maybe Human Torch and Clash atleast had the abilities to defeat a symbiote, but the others felt unnecessary. Thats the only problem i had. Anti-Venom/Flash had a good role in this. So overall, a great penultimate issue that sets up #800 pretty well.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #800

Dec 18, 2018

Wow, what a read. I cant even believe this is Dan Slott's writing. This issue was so action packed and was also full of emotions. Right at the end, i almost teared for a certain death. It was very engaging throughout too. Norman Osborn once again proved why he is the most menacing Spiderman villain. The art was great as well for all the chapters. Giuseppe Camuncoli's and Stuart Immonen's one was the best! I still dont like how Humberto Ramos draws Mary Jane. She looks like a retard. Other than that i have no complaints. I just wished Dan Slott wrote like this everytime, but sadly he is pumping out his best Spiderman work at the end of his run.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #801

Dec 20, 2018

A simple but yet a heartfelt issue that shows how Spiderman affects a regular guy's live. It speaks on so many levels and i wish they do more like this. A perfect way to end a decade long run. Thanks Dan Slott! You have my respect. Yeah, not to forget, the art and colours by Marcos Martin and Muntsa Vicente respectively were very simple but very effective at the same time.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) Annual #42

Mar 10, 2018

Ok so it took me quite a time to get into this book. I was delaying on reading this book. Then, i finally got into it. So basically it is a mystery-solving book. But i find the case and the overall plot of this book a bit boring and predictable. At first i was enjoying it but as i turn the pages it became less and less exciting. And boyyyy this book was very dialogue-heavy. It took me a great amount of time to finish it, thinking that at the end of this book the time i spent reading this would be payed off. Ultimately, it didnt. The interaction between Betty and Peter were great though. At they end they reveal something, but i already saw that coming from miles away. So didnt really suprise me. So at the end of the whole mystery story thing, i felt like there was nothing i gained out of reading this. It was slow paced, unexciting....well the best i can say is, its ok. But not a worthy of an annual. So Dann Slott let me down on this one. But Cory Smith's art was fantastic. Especially on Betty Brant (for the most part). She looked beautiful. At the end they had the Spider-Sense and Sensibility. Atleast that was fun and they had a suprise birthday party for Peter, even that i saw coming from miles away. But got to tell u, Marcus To's art is probably the best art i have ever seen in a Spiderman book. His art on Peter Parker was so great and the art fits the tone and have to mention this, Marcus To is the only artist that got Mary Jane's look, correct. Marcus To's art on Mary Jane looked so awesome! Mary Jane looked so hot lol. I couldnt take my eyes of her Haha. Great job Marcus To! As always, Alex Ross does a great job on the covers. Overall, the main story featuring Peter and Betty was ok. The Spider-Sense and Sensibility was good. Art on Betty, drawn by Cory Smith, was good for the most part and Mary Jane drawn by Marcus To was amazing! Other than that, nothing very mind blowing.

Avengers (2016) #675

Mar 29, 2018

It was a good read, very fast paced too. Makes you feel excited for the next issue. The art by Pepe Laraz was good but sometimes sloppy. The colouring was excellent though. The dialogues here sometimes felt cringey. There were some stupid and lame dialogues. But other than that this book was above average.

Avengers (2016) #676

Apr 2, 2018

I liked this more than the previous issue. This issue did had a stupid start but it picks up the excitement as it progresses. By stupid, i meant some child arguement that just made the characters in this book feel more like kindagarten students than Avengers characters and all those so called 'Avengers' characters are too busy giving varities of standing postures than actually doing something heroic. Anyways, apart from the flaws, i got to say that i loved the fight between the Black Order and Lethal Legion. This issue also had an interesting end, that made me want to pick up the next one immediately. The writing by Mark Waid and team are OK. The art by Pepe Larraz was good, sometimes has flaws. The colouring by David Curiel was good. But the one that stood out to me the most was the cover art by Mark Brooks. What an awesome cover!! Overall, a readable book.

Avengers (2016) #677

Dec 6, 2018

A good amount of spotlight has been given to Pietro Maximoff, and i am liking that decision. This issue also has some good action scenes. The art by Pepe Larraz is great and the colours by David Curiel are very dense.

Avengers (2016) #678

Dec 8, 2018

An action packed issue that sets up the next issue pretty well. The art by Pepe Larraz and colours by David Curiel are great. The only problem is that the dialogues for some of these characters here are terrible and they often sound annoying, especially Red Hulk. Other than that, nothing much.

Avengers (2016) #679

Dec 26, 2018

Great writing, very good art by Aaron Kim Jacinto and phenomenal colouring by David Curiel. Not to forget an awesome tease at the end.

Avengers (2016) #680

Dec 27, 2018

Another great entry but i had quite a few issues with this book. The art by Aaron Kim Jacinto felt rushed in this issue when u compare it to the previous issues done by him, but the art still looks good though. Also, the dialogues for the Red Hulk are so annoying. Well, those were the problems i had with this issue. David Curiel is still the standout with his phenomenal colouring.

Avengers (2016) #681

Dec 29, 2018

It's starting to become very difficult to follow as there are many characters thrown into the mix here and i am just starting to realise that. The whole pyramoid thing is getting old real fast for me. So hopefully the event picks up soon. The art is good and David Curiel continues to impress me with his colouring.

Avengers (2016) #682

Dec 29, 2018

Wow, just when i wanted the event to pick up its pace....it did....very finely. I loved this issue. It had a top-notch writing. The art by Sean Izaakse is very similar to the other artists and was also consistent throughout the book. David Curiel still does a good job with the colouring.

Avengers (2016) #683

Dec 31, 2018

This issue focuses more on The Beast, Nadia Pym and Jarvis. At first i thought there was no need of the writers to focus so much on Jarvis as i wanted the main story to progress, but now i understood why they focused so much on him. The art by Paco Medina and the colours by Juan Vlasco isnt as good as the previous artists and colourists, but they werent that bad. The twist at the end was also very good.

Avengers (2016) #684

Jan 2, 2019

The first part focuses on the Hulk, which was probably written by Al Ewing. I really liked that one. Hulk for me has one of the best character ressurection. The art for this part was also great and is done by Joe Bennett. The second part was ok. Not sure who wrote it but the writing style was certainly different from the Hulk part. The art by Paco Medina in this part was above average. The character reveal for Voyager didnt suprise me as i already got that bit spoiled for me. There was also a decision Voyager makes in this issue which i felt like it was rushed and should have been given its own time to play out. Also, the way the Red Hulk is written is super annoying to me. Overall, not a bad issue.

Avengers (2016) #685

Jan 3, 2019

And action packed issue. The art in this book is a step up from the previous issue. Hulk continues to wreck stuff, just like how we want him to be. The cover featuring Red Hulk though leads you into thinking he is going to play a big part in this issue but he doesnt. He only appears for a few pages. I am not a fan of Robert Maverick's Red Hulk at all.

Avengers (2016) #686

Jan 5, 2019

This issue had a very good character development for Wonder Man. The art by Paco Medina and colours by Juan Vlasco are still very good as well.

Avengers (2016) #687

Jan 5, 2019

Mostly an exposition issue. The art by Paco Medina and colours by Juan Vlasco are good. I pretty much enjoyed the Jarvis and Bruce Banner bits. Overall, a decent issue.

Avengers (2016) #688

Jan 6, 2019

I feel like this story is stretched too long, till to the point where i want it to end. There are still two issues left so thats manageable. I am so glad David Curiel is back into doing the colours. His colours were so great in this book. I really liked Stefano Caselli's art qs well and i am now also a fan of Kim Jacinto's art as well. This issue had a setup for Pietro Maximoff for a future spin off series which i am very well interested to check out. Everything except the Pietro bits, were just ok though.

Avengers (2016) #689

Jan 7, 2019

Squirrel Girl is very annoying. Thank God she only had a few dialogues in this issue. Miguel saves the day by playing Poker cards with Grandmaster. Yes, this whole Avengers: No Surrender thing ends with Miguel winning in Poker against the Grandmaster. Its funny, but it felt a bit rushed. The art by Pepe Larraz felt rushed at times as well though, definitely not his best work here. As always, the standout is David Curiel with his great colouring. This issue overall was still good but just wasnt amazing. It was a decent ending to a decent event.

Avengers (2016) #690

Jan 8, 2019

A decent ending to this Avengers run. Its very rare you see a superhero team split up and go on their separate paths. This issue gave me that and it did it very well. I am pretty much interested in every character's lives post Avengers: No Surrender. Especially Bruce Banner and Quicksilver. Also, thank god they didnt kill the Challenger. I hope he gets a decent amount of development in the future. Also, the art by Pepe Larraz in this issue was Ok, wasnt great though. As usual, the colours by David Curiel was the standout.

Avengers (2018) #1

Jan 18, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.9/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 8.0/10 (Ed McGuinness) c) Colours= 8.7/10 (David Curiel) Average= 8.53/10 Jason Aaron did an excellent job in building the tension of the story with his writing. Ed McGuinness' art was amazing and David Curiel does it again with his amazing colours. Great first issue.

Avengers (2018) #7

Feb 9, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #7 a) Writing/Script= 9.0/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 8.4/10 (Sara Pichelli) c) Colours= 9.0/10 (Justin Ponsor) Average= 8.83/10 I loved this issue. It focuses on one character only so it is easy to follow. I also loved that Jason Aaron brought back old characters like Wendigo. Jason Aaron's writing is solid throughout the whole book. Not to forget, Sara Pichelli's art was also very good in this book. The excellent colours by Justin Ponsor just elevates the beauty of the art even more. Overall, a very solid issue that focuses on the origins of the first Ghost Rider.

Avengers (2018) #8

Feb 11, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #8 a) Writing/Script= 8.0/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 8.6/10 (David Marquez) c) Colours= 8.7/10 (Justin Ponsor) Average= 8.43/10 Its a bit of an exposition heavy issue which kind of slowed the issue down a bit, but that is ok. It was really nice and fun to see these characters in their leisure time. The exchange between Tony and Carol was really fun too. Looking foward to seeing more issues like this. The art by David Marquez is very good as well, might not be his best but still very good. Justin Ponsor's colours were the standout. His colours were so good. Overall, solid issue with great art and colours.

Avengers (2018) #9

Feb 12, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #9 a) Writing/Script= 8.0/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 8.6/10 (David Marquez) c) Colours= 8.4/10 (Justin Ponsor) Average= 8.33/10 I love the new look on Namor. He looks so cool and menacing. This issue focuses on Namor and his rise to the villain role again. Jason Aaron writes him and all the Avengers members pretty well. The dialogues might get a little too silly but thats ok. It doesnt kill the book. David Marquez's art is very clean and very good to look at. Meanwhile, Justin Ponsor's colours are great and they never fail to elevate the art.

Avengers (2018) #10

Feb 16, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #10 a) Writing/Script= 9.6/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 8.5/10 (Various) c) Colours= 8.5/10 (Various) Average= 8.87/10 Best issue of this Avengers run and probably one of the best issues to come out this week. The whole issue was very engaging throughout. Jason Aaron's ideas for the future are beyond awesome and very intriguing. I already had some of the suprises spoiled for me and some reveals were predictable for me but i still found this book very entertaining. The art by all those artists and colourists are very good as well. Cant wait for the future issues.

Avengers (2018) #11

Feb 18, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #11 a) Writing/Script= 8.0/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 7.5/10 (Ed McGuinness) c) Colours= 7.0/10 (Erick Arciniega) Average= 7.5/10 It is super exposition heavy issue. The dialogues were literally written in paragraphs. So this issue kind of slows down the momentum that was set up brilliantly in the previous issue. But that was ok. I like how slow this issue moved but at the same time built a very good and high tension. The art by Ed McGuinness is ok but it got derailed by the not so great colours by Erick Arciniega. The colours were still above average though. I am also starting to loose interest on the cartoon-like style of art done by Ed McGuinness. I hope this Avengers series rotates its art crew very often.

Avengers (2018) #12

Mar 21, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers #12 a) Writing/Script= 8.8/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 7.8/10 (Ed McGuinness) c) Colours= 7.5/10 (Erick Arciniega) Average= 8.03/10 This issue wasnt as exposition heavy as the last one. At first it moved quite slow then as the issue progressed, it quickly picked up pace. A lot of things is being set up in this issue and i am soooo ready for it. I am still not very crazy about Ed McGuinness's art and Erick Arciniega's colours isnt helping it at all.

Avengers (2018) #13

Mar 31, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #1

Mar 21, 2019

OVERVIEW Avengers: No Road Home #1 a) Writing/Script= 6.8/10 (Various) b) Art= 8.0/10 (Paco Medina) c) Colours= 6.5/10 (Juan Vlasco) Average= 7.1/10 I really like that they are focusing on the GREEK side of the Marvel universe. We dont really get to visit that side of the Marvel universe that much, so great to see them explore this place again and its characters again. The dialogues and the overall writing were ok. Since this book focuses on most of the people's lesser favourite Superheroes, this book might get a little boring and slow but thank god it picked up at the end and sets up a good next issue. Plus, Paco Medina's great pencils is wasted by Juan Vlasco's less appealing colours.

Black Science #1

Aug 16, 2018

Oh my god, this book is awesome. I had no clue whether i will like this book or not, but judging from the good reviews, i thought i might like it. But no. I was wrong, i loved it. The script by Rick Remender was great, the art by Matteo Scalera is beautiful but the best was undoubtedly the colour artist, Dean White. He was the standout here. His colours were so great, vibrant and beautiful till it gets u engaged and makes u turn the pages to just see the art. If you are asking about complaints, well there isnt many. Just the characters arent fully developed yet, because usually i will get sold on the characters of a book in #1 itself, but in this book i just havent gotten to that point. Maybe a future book of this series will do that for me. Plus, the art on the character's faces arent really convincing for me to look at but i will get used to it soon. These arent major complaints though, just minor ones.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #1

Jan 11, 2019

OVERVIEW Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 a) Writing/Script= 9.0/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 7.4/10 (Dylan Burnett) c) Colours= 8.5/10 (Antonio Fabela) Average= 8.3/10 The script by Donny Cates was very good and had great pace. I really liked the story and where this book is headed as well. The dialogues were all written well. It also asks some good questions like why didnt anyone travel to the past to kill Thanos when he was a child. Haha. I had some issues with the art by Dylan Burnett but as i kept reading i got used to it. It fits the madness and the tone of Cosmic Ghost Rider really well. Plus, the colours by Antonio Fabela elevates the art.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #2

Jan 12, 2019

OVERVIEW Cosmic Ghost Rider #2 a) Writing/Script= 9.4/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 7.4/10 (Dylan Burnett) c) Colours= 8.2/10 (Antonio Fabela) Average= 8.33/10 Cosmic Ghost Rider is hilarious. Baby Thanos is soo adorable. This book is wacky fun!!! The art by Dylan Burnett is ok, it isnt mindblowing or anything but it fits the tone of this book pretty well. The colours by Antonio Fabela does its job too.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #3

Jan 14, 2019

OVERVIEW Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 a) Writing/Script= 9.0/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 8.0/10 (Dylan Burnett) c) Colours= 8.6/10 (Antonio Fabela) Average= 8.53/10 This series has been soo wacky, so crazy and so much fun. The Dylan Burnett's wacky art just compliments the overall craziness of this book. His art is starting to grow on me. Antonio Fabela's colours were also very good. I can also see Donny Cates is having so much fun writing this book. Loved the last page reveal too. Overall, a great fun book.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #4

Jan 15, 2019

OVERVIEW Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 a) Writing/Script= 9.0/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 8.5/10 (Dylan Burnett) c) Colours= 8.7/10 (Antonio Fabela) Average= 8.73/10 Cosmic Ghost Rider has a few great emotional moments here. Baby Thanos continues to be cute as hell. The art by Dylan Burnett was at its best in this issue and so was the colours by Antonio Fabela.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #5

Jan 15, 2019

OVERVIEW Cosmic Ghost Rider #5 a) Writing/Script= 9.7/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 8.6/10 (Dylan Burnett) c) Colours= 9.6/10 (Antonio Fabela) Average= 9.3/10 WOW!!! Cosmic Ghost Rider is OVERPOWERED AS HELL!!! There is a moment in this issue where it will automatically make u a Cosmic Ghost Rider fan for sure!! Not to mention, this book also has some emotional scenes that just made me feel sad for Frank Castle. This might as well be one of the best Frank Castle stories ever. Dylan Burnett's art was sooo good in this issue, probably his best art of the series, better than the last issue (in which i thought it was great). Antonio Fabela's colouring is at its peak. Damn, the colours were soo good. Overall, an epic series with an awesome finale.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Feb 25, 2019

OVERVIEW Daredevil #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.0/10 (Chip Zdarsky) b) Art= i) 8.2/10 (Marco Checchetto) ii) 9.2/10 (Chip Zdarsky) c) Colours= 9.0/10 (Sunny Gho) Average= 8.57/10 It was kind of a slow issue but thats ok. Chip Zdarsky took his time to explain the current state of the character of Daredevil while introducing new readers to the Daredevil world. I am a fan of Chip Zdarsky and i have high hopes that he will bring this Daredevil series to great heights. Marco Checchetto's artwork in this issue wasnt his level best but it was still very good. It got enhanced by the great colouring of Sunny Gho. The back up story written and drawn by Chip Zdarsky was very good. It took me quite a while to know whats going on though. The art by Chip Zdarsky was freaking amazing and very refreshing to look at too! I hope he draws some of the future Daredevil issues.

Daredevil (2019) #2

Mar 31, 2019

Gideon Falls #1

Mar 11, 2018

The first thing this title reminded me of is Gravity Falls. It is a cartoon based on a fictional state in United States in where it also tackles the mysteries of the particular state. This Gideon Falls is similar to that. But only more mature and creepier. This is probably the first Image comic i have read and boyyy it was great! I am a big fan of mystery/horror/thrill type of books and this book is no different from that. Not to mention, this book had very least dialogues. I mean the great art visually speaks for the book. There were some pages where the art of the town gave me creeps and nightmares!! Jeff Lemire however did a great job on creating this characters. The main theme of this book is 'having belief in the existence of evil and darkness'. This is enough to get me intrigued to the story and pick up the second issue. The art by Andrea Sorrentino however was confusing at first but as i begin turning the pages, i got more used to it and felt it was the perfect art for this book. Not to mention that it also looks freaking realistic. The colouring by Dave Stewart was also great and just enhances the creepiness of this book. Overall, as the first Image Comics book i have read, this was awesome! Not much was revealed in this book but that is not going to stop me from reading the second issue. Great job to Lemire, Sorrentino and team. Cant wait to see where this story is heading.

Gideon Falls #2

Jun 14, 2018

Another great issue from Jeff Lemire and team. I really enjoyed the mystery here and how both the protagonists suffer while discovering the truth behind the "Black Barn". This issue also had very good moments with the Dr. Xu character. I am still very intrigued in seeing where this mystery heads and cant wait for the answers to be revealed. As always great writing from Jeff Lemire and the always great art by Andrea Sorrentino that fits the tone of this book perfectly and at the same time keeps the creepiness touch to it. Overall, a very good follow up to the first issue.

Gideon Falls #3

Jun 15, 2018

This series, after 3 issues in, has already had me intrigued to its mystery. I am so loving this series right now. It is so great! I never loved a book with a horror/mystery genre this much in my life. Jeff Lemire's script is so great! Andrea Sorrentino's art is so perfect for the tone and mood of this book. Dave Stewart's colouring is also perfect in setting the tone and mood for this book. 3 books in, we still have yet to get a concrete clue as of what is truely happening and the mystery surrounding the "Black Barn" is still....well....mysterious. In this issue meanwhile, the characters get more defined and there are also some slightly more informations revealed. The only thing though, i just wished this issue's ending had a better impact on me as the first and second issue, ultimately it didnt. But it wont stop me from coming back for the fourth issue. Overall, another great issue that keeps you engaged till the end and makes u crave for more.

Gideon Falls #4

Jul 2, 2018

Gideon Falls proofs to be one of the best series to have come out from Image Comics. Jeff Lemire just proofs why he is one of the best writers in the comic industry. While this issue is a bit slow paced, it still never stoped me from thinking what will happen next. Great art by Andrea Sorrentino and great colouring by Dave Stewart that fits the tone of this book very well. Though there are a few typing errors and incomplete sentences in this book. Overall, another great issue of Gideon Falls.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #146

Jan 22, 2018

I had to read this series because i believe this series is going to set up the upcoming Infinity Countdown. So while i was reading this issue and sometime after finishing it, i felt blank at the end of it. Like i didnt get anything out of the book, its just a good glancing over kind of a type of comic book that isnt going to amaze you in any way. Also i personally kind of hate the new Nova Corps. I barely can even remember something from this issue.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #147

Jan 22, 2018

Was a good read compared to the last issue. Richard Rider is back and finally the reveal at the end atleast made me remember something from this book. Overall a solid read.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #148

Jan 22, 2018

Great focus on Drax. Had some heart warming moments. Overall, a good read. Still hate the new Nova Corps.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #149

Jan 22, 2018

Its weird that i have watched the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and Ant-Man movie but still having trouble to relate to any of the characters in these books which just makes this whole arc for me a bit draggy. Another solid read, nothing much amazing.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #150

Jan 22, 2018

My personal favourite issue of the series. Gerry Duggan ended this series making the fans feel satisfied. Now this u can call a Guardians of the Galaxy book. Lots of suprises and reveals. Left me feeling excited after finish reading the issue which most of the previous issues failed to do. Eventhough it wasnt perfect, it was still a fun read.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Jan 23, 2019

OVERVIEW Guardians of the Galaxy #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.8/10 (Donny Cates) b) Art= 8.3/10 (Geoff Shaw) c) Colours= 8.0/10 (Marte Gracia) Average= 8.37/10 Donny Cates does a great job in setting up the new Guardians of the Galaxy team with a good reveal at the end. Meanwhile, the art and colours have let me down. Geoff Shaw's art was inconsistent at times for me. At some panels the art was good but in the other panels the art felt rushed and i know this isnt Geoff Shaw's best work. The fans of the "Thanos Wins" story know how great Geoff Shaw's art can get but sadly this isnt his best work. That being said the art still wasnt bad, it was still good but not "Thanos Wins" good. The colours at the first 10 to 15 pages were just ok but in the rest of the book it got better. Overall, great writing and script from Donny Cates. The art could have been better and the colours by Marte Gracia were just ok.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #2

Mar 31, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #3

Apr 1, 2019

Hawkeye (2016) #13

Jan 21, 2018

Weird character interactions/connections and romance are among the few things that compells me and keeps me interested. This issue was very enjoyable never did i feel like bored although i would really like Kelly Thompson to treat Clint Barton/Hawkeye as a character a little better. Other than that, it is a perfect comic for teenagers these days.

Hawkeye (2016) #14

Jan 21, 2018

Curse u cover....lol. Haha.....omg this series is so much fun! Again like i said weird character interactions/connections are really fun in my opinion. A 'suprise' thing that happens between "someone" and Clint Barton/Hawkeye was random but at the same time so 21st century-like and so weirdly refreshing for me (not sure why). Kelly Thompson is becoming one of my favourite comic book writers. Sadly, this series is being canceled....Why?!???? They have freaking Captain Marvel that is going on, freaking cancel that! Its horrible! Curse u sales! But anyways, hopefully this Hawkeye series ends with a satisfaction.

Hawkeye (2016) #15

Feb 14, 2018

I am really enjoying the series. Always makes me feel sad when i remind myself that this series is about to end. Its so unfair. So in this issue, i continue to enjoy the dynamics between Kate Bishop and Clint Barton which is just engaging enough for me. Overall a solid read.

Hawkeye (2016) #16

Mar 9, 2018

One of my favourite series from one of my favourite writers has finally ended. I am going to miss those two Hawkeyes fighting side by side, very much. Kate Bishop is my favourite character from the so called 'SJW MARVEL ERA'. It is really sad for me to see this end. Well for now though. Because at the end of this book there is a tease of it coming back. Yes!!! This series is one of those series in where you dont care if there is an action or not but all u want to see is your favourite characters having an exchange or talk or have a downtime. As always Kelly 'Kate Eye' Thompson does a great job of writing this action packed and emotional issue. Well, the reveal at the end didnt hit me that much with a suprise. Not sure whether it was meant to be a suprise? Because i remember seeing that person somewhere else. There were also some minor plot holes, but who cares. Anyways, i wish Kelly would have ended the book in a better way. But i know she wanted more pages and books to end this arc properly but ultimately she didnt get them. Anyways i am still fine with it. In terms of art, well...I am ok with Leonardo Romero's art. But the art on the cover is so awesome!! Probably one of my favourite comic book covers. The cover is soo grounded and relatable! Something that i have mentioned previously, i said i love seeing my favourite characters having a downtime. Seeing them eating ice cream while on the bridge is so awesome. Well almost all of the Hawkeye book's cover are awesome! Julian Totino Tedesco, great job!!! Seeing this series end so early is just so sad. The cancellation of this series due to low sales doesnt mean neither there isnt anyone who love Kelly Thompson's books nor her books arent good. Just want her to know that there is a huge amount of fans of her Hawkeye books and i am one of them. Hope u have a great future at Marvel Kelly Thompson! Looking forward for your upcoming books.

House of X #1  
Infinity Countdown #1

Mar 10, 2018

First of all any of u new guys that want to jump into this event, please do read Gerry Duggan's Guardians of the Galaxy Legacy series (#146-#150) before getting into this series. I would give it a 9.5 if it wasnt relying on readers to catch up with the Guardians of the Galaxy legacy series that just ended. Duggan should have ended his Guardians of the Galaxy series with an extra issue or two so that they could wrap up that story and tell a new one that not only features the Guardians of the Galaxy but other Marvel Heroes across the universe. Comparing this book with all the books in the Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG) series, this is by far the BEST book! I mean seriously, this is god damn good as a GOTG book. I would have easily given it a 9.5/10 rating if it just had a different title which is Infinity Countdown: Guardians of the Galaxy #1. But sadly it is a starter for an event. This ultimately does not feel like a starter to an event but like its continuing from a different book. So i am sorry new readers. Now through my perspective, me who already read the GOTG series, had a BLAST reading this book!!! It was so action packed and fun. Kept me engaged all along, throughout the finish. Thanks to Gerry Duggan for that. Jordie Bellaire did a phenomenal job on colouring this book. The art however, it took me a few pages to settle and get used to Aaron Kuder's art. Took me a few pages to realise that the art was sooo good. But the art on some of the characters faces looked goofy, especially the one on Scott Lang and Peter Quill. Other than that the art was 10/10. Overall, it was full of action and fast paced. Just wished it felt like a crossover than just another GOTG book.

Infinity Countdown #2

Apr 22, 2018

Infinity Countdown #2 is yet another fun issue with lots of action and it moves in a good pace. Seriously it is just so much fun and i hope it continues to be like that till the last issue. There were some good reveals here too. But i really had problems with the art by Aaron Kuder. It was inconsistent. In some panels it was good and in some panels it was bad. I really wish the art improves in the next issue. And i also never liked any of the cover art of the Infinity Countdown series which are done by Nick Bradshaw and Morry Hollowell. They just looked cartoonish and unevent-like.

Infinity Countdown #3

Jun 29, 2018

This event continues to be a fun ride, but i am ultimately starting to loose interest. Well, there is still two issues left. So i dont think i will stop just yet. Gerry Duggan continues to write very fun and delightful issues and this issue is no different to that. The art by Aaron Kuder and Mike Hawthorne however is inconsistent. At some point the art looks really good while in others it looks really bad. Well overall, a good issue with inconsistent art.

Infinity Countdown #4

Jul 1, 2018

This was even more fun than the last issue which fortunately increased my interest to pick up the last issue that is coming up. Gerry Duggan continues to write fun stories. Aaron Kuder and Mike Hawthorne's art were so much better and consistent in this issue but the standout here is Jordie Bellaire. His colouring in this book is mind blowingly amazing! Loved it. One thing though, maybe the reason why i am loosing mood in this Infinity Countdown series is not because of the creative team, i think it is because of the characters they write. I have a big respect to the Guardians of the Galaxy, but i just feel like they arent as much fun and insteresting as they are in the movies. I occasionally find myself forcing to read their dialogues that was written for them and i just find some of their behaviour very annoying and childish. Even the Nova Corps are very boring unlike before. I feel like they are just random dudes wearing the Nova suit and holding a gun, and i hope Marvel Comics fixes this in the future. So overall, a fun and solid issue with consistent art and awesome colouring.

Infinity Countdown #5

Aug 3, 2018

I wasnt satisfied with this ending. I would say this book isnt a conclusion to the Infinity Countdown series, but it is rather a PRIME issue for the upcoming Infinity Wars PRIME #1. So it is basically a PRIME book to a PRIME book. Unlike other Infinity Countdown issues, this issue had no cool and mindblowing moments (atleast in my opinion). There were also inconsistencies in the art. Like the first half of the book, the art in which i believe is drawn by Mike Hawthorne was not great. I didnt like it. The othet half of the book's art in which i believe is drawn by Aaron Kuder was above average and i liked it. Gerry Duggan did not write the script of this issue as good as the first few issues of this series and i hope he improves in the upcoming Infinity Wars series. But the standout here is Jordie Bellaire. Who is the only one from the creative team from this issue that made the book compelling till the end. Overall, not a great issue but still readable.

Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1

Feb 22, 2018

The cover looks great! The book is good. Just lacked anything exciting. It did what a prequel to a series should do and it did it pretty well. The art is what dragged me away from this book but i still kept reading it. It was very bad, not sure if it was badly drawn or that is Mike Allred's drawing style. If it is his drawing style, then i am not a fan of it at all. The art feels and looks like a late 80's superhero cartoon. Really bad art, atleast for this book. The Adam Warlock's design isnt that good either. He looked like a hobo version of Shazam. Gerry Duggan did a fine job for me but Mike Allred didnt.

Infinity Countdown: Prime #1

Feb 24, 2018

I liked the first issue (Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock) but hated the art which ruined the book for me. This book....this is a whole new different story. This is almost a perfect set up for an event/crossover. It is very fast paced. I mean seriously there were very less dialogues. Wolverine is in the front page, and boy i missed him. The art on the characters look great as hell. But wish Mike Deodato put a little more hardwork on the background. The background was just plain at some panels. Not even a single tree was found. But thank god Adam Warlock looks wayy better in this than the issue before this. Magus too look menacing as hell. And loved the retelling of the Infinity Stones journey in the Marvel Universe. Great work from Gerry Duggan. Good jod from Mike Deodato. Overall awesome read. Cant wait for the first issue (Infinity Countdown #1) to come.

Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel #1

Jul 2, 2018

Its an OK book but isnt that good or fun. It requires knowledge on the Captain Marvel history throughout the past years. But honestly i found myself begging for the book to end. The art by Diego Olortegui isnt consistent. About in a page or two, the art is OK but in other pages it was terrible (atleast for my taste). But for those who is curious whether this book will contribute to the main Infinity Countdown series. Then i would say nope. All u have to know is that Captain Marvel from every alternate universe has the Reality stone. Thats all. Overall. A good exploration of Captain Marvel history and this book does not contribute anything to the main Infinity Countdown story. A moderate writing by Jim McCann and a not so good art by Diego Olortegui.

Infinity Wars (2018) #1

Aug 5, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #1 a) Writing/Script= 6.6/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.7/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 8.8/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 8.03/10 Its a decent book. I thought it will be mindblowing and had high expectations but sadly the book did not meet my expectations. Maybe i feel like that because i already had the Requiem's secret identity and a particular death in this book, spoiled for me. Plus, this issue was quite slow. I was constantly reminding myself the number of pages left to finish the book. The art by Mike Deadato and colours by Frank Martin are so far the best part of this event. Its perfect. Gerry Duggan on the other side isnt impressing me with the writing. I hope he improves in the future. But i am still keen on reading the next book of this event. Oh yeah, not to forget. This book had one of my favourite dialogues in comic book that mocks the tendency of writers to ressurect characters that died not long ago (which is very common in comic books), that dialogue being Gamora's "Nothing ever dies, Peter". Overall, a decent start to the event. A book with great art and colours but average writing.

Infinity Wars (2018) #2

Sep 8, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #2 a) Writing/Script= 5.5/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.3/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 8.6/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 7.47/10 Three issues into this series (including the Prime issue) and i am already loosing interest in this series. There was nothing in this issue that really blew my mind. Writer Gerry Duggan also didnt do any great work in keeping us feelling anticipated for the next issue. Let me start off with the art, which is the positive side of this review. The art by Mike Deodato is phenomenal, especially on Thanos. The art is so on point and it was the main reason why i loved the Infinity Wars Prime #1 and Infinity Wars #1. It kept this book alive and honestly speaking, i think the art will be the only thing keeping the whole event alive. Another individual that excelled was Frank Martin. His work on the colours for this book is just enough a feast for my two eyes. These two gentlemen are enough to make your time reading this book, worth it. Now for the script. There were many times i questioned this book while reading it as there were many plot holes and those plot holes really bothered me, but i chose to ignore it. Like Dr Strange could have used the Time stone in many occasions and Black Widow holding a Space stone flying towards Requiem who is trying to collect the Infinity stones is the most stupid thing i have ever seen. Then the motivation of the villain for this event, which is Requiem. Her motivation is to reunite with the other half of her soul that is trapped in the Soul world. At first, i thought that motivation was ok but as the more i read these books the more i feel the motivation is boring and uninteresting. But all that aside, shouldnt Requiem be reuniting with the other half of her soul in the climax of the series instead of now itself? Yeah, whatever. Plus, for some reason the deaths in these books dont really feel that important or impactful eventhough some of them are involving big characters. I just dont feel the stakes of this book. Another thing is that i am not a fan of grounded characters wielding Infinity stones. Like Turk with the Mind Stone and Black Widow with the Space Stone. It just feels like a boring idea. Finally, why the HECK is it taking this cosmic level event this much time to go off Earth?!?! It is so annoying. It is literally taking place in a park and Requiem collected about 4 to 5 of the Infinity stones on the park itself?! Ok, i can go on all day about this book but overall i would say that i have no idea what Gerry Duggan is trying to do with this event. The art and colouring is awesome but the script is mediocre.

Infinity Wars (2018) #3

Sep 30, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #3 a) Writing/Script= 3.0/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.0/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 8.2/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 6.4/10 Ok i am going to start of by saying this, Gerry Duggan was not meant to write a serious cosmic level of an epic event like this. It is just not meant to be for him. Even the Infinity Countdown, in which i very much enjoyed for the most part, was basically a Guardians of the Galaxy story. He is just not good in writing the other Marvel characters except for the comedic ones like the Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool. Maybe writing Spiderman fits him too. But no, he just cant write the other characters very well in my opinion. Like i said, Gerry Duggan is good in writing comedic characters and comedic stories, and we as readers can see it. The exchange between Moon Knight and Spiderman in this issue made me laugh eventhough i dont think Moon Knight talks like that. Thanos under Gerry Duggan's writing is becoming very annoying to read. Gamora's motivation on the other hand just confuses me. I am not sure what she wants? Since she is the main character of this book just makes this book, this event and the upcoming books so uninteresting. I just dont feel the urge to read these books and it feels more like a chore. This new version of Gamora sucks. I dont feel for her and her motivations, i always feel like i dont want to read her dialogues. She is just very very boring and makes this issue very uninteresting as well. Also, my god, the way they set up Infinity Warps was so uncreative and lame, which immediately made me think Gerry Duggan was writing the script for this issue while he was in a bath or something. Loki is also being overused unnescessarily and even he feels very annoying to me. By the way, Doopool? Really? Gosh.... Aside from all this, there is still some goods. There art and the colours by Mike Deodato and Frank Martin respectively continues to be great. Which is the only reason why this issue and the two issues before this gets a high rating. Mike Deodato really does know how to draw Gamora! Damn! Gamora's looks is probably the only good thing about her right now. Plus, some questions Loki pointed out and the mystery behind the God Quarry made me atleast feel intrigued to these event and i hope we will get the answers to them in the upcoming books. So this might be the only reason why i will be reading the rest of the issues of this event. Overall, Gerry Duggan's writing skills just continues to become worse but the art and colours by Mike Deodato and Frank Martin respectively, continues to excel.

Infinity Wars (2018) #4

Oct 23, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #4 a) Writing/Script= 3.5/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.1/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 8.0/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 6.53/10 Let me just start of by saying that this issue was better than the last few issues. Maybe i say that because Gamora isnt present in this issue's story very much. The other good thing is that the art is still great. I adored Mike Deodato's art on Gamora, now i love his art on Emma Frost. There was one panel where Emma Frost was beautifully drawn, which was when she picks up the Power Stone and says "Kang?". But also, i realised that Mike Deadato's great art doesnt fit the tone of this book. This event is now becoming very light in tone, thanks to Gerry Duggan, who is known for writing characters like Deadpool, so expect most of the characters in this book to be out of character and have the same tone as comedic characters like Deadpool. Like i said Gerry Duggan is a good writer, no doubt, but giving him an event like this just doesnt give Marvel the best results. This book is tonally inconsistent,and i hate the comedic tone they gave to characters like the Hulk in this book. Even Kang feels out of character to me. If this keeps up, it will automatically hurt the quality of the characters. Not to forget, there were some confusing moments, that just didnt make sense to me. But i wont be spoiling it. Also i didnt really care for what Loki is doing either. But with all this negatives, i am still intrigued to see where this event goes and how it ends. So again that is the only reason why i am continuing in reading this event. So overall, great art but the book is tonally inconsistent. I would much prefer if it had a darker tone and the characters werent acting goofy.

Infinity Wars (2018) #5

Nov 10, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #5 a) Writing/Script= 7.4/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.0/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 8.5/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 7.97/10 This was the best issue of this series since Infinity Wars: Prime #1. I seriously enjoyed this issue. The pacing was soo good and there were lots of action in this issue. Some of the questions i had from the previous books are now answered. For example, i didnt know how could the Power stone be able to separate a being into two. Now Loki explains that the Infinity stones work differently in the Soul World. So that is cleared up. This issue had lots of reveals, twist and turns. I was fully engaged. This event is starting to make more sense now. I still have questions though but i think it will be answered soon. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin blew me away once again with the art and colouring respectively. Mike Deodato's art is always consistent but Frank Martin's colours were a bit dim for the past couple of issues but in this issue the colours popped out and were very vibrant. Loved it. I still have some problems though. I am not sure why Hulk talks like the Hulk from Thor: Ragnarok. I really would have wished they kept Hulk out of this event and have chosen other characters who are strong, that fits the comedic tone instead. I just didnt like Hulk's tone. Also, i felt like having Kang in this book is a waste. He had one awesome moment in this book and i was glad he had one, because he is being underused a lot. He only had like 4 speech bubbles in this past couple of issues. So overall, a great issue. I had a lot of fun reading it. It was very engaging from start to finish. It also had great art, backed up with awesome colouring. I loved it. Just wish all the issues of this event was written this way.

Infinity Wars (2018) #6

Dec 20, 2018

OVERALL EVENT SCORE= 5.5/10 OVERVIEW Infinity Wars #6 a) Writing/Script= 3.0/10 (Gerry Duggan) b) Art= 7.8/10 (Mike Deodato Jr.) c) Colours= 8.3/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 6.37/10 So it finally ends. I would say it is a rushed but satisfying ending to a very messy event. I hope in the future Gerry Duggan doesnt writes any events, especially with Mike Deodato Jr. Both of these gentlemen's style are very very different. Gerry Duggan is known for writing fun and lighthearted stuff and Mike Deadato Jr's art is meant for a dark and gritty storytelling. When this two styles of this two men combine, it automatically makes the whole book suffer with various issues. As for me i often get bored. Gerry Duggan also should not write any universe ending stories any more. His comedic dialogues doesnt suit the overall tone of this event. Kang was a total waste and Hulk was Deadpool-ised. These two annoyed the heck out of me. The death in this issue (if it is even considered as a death), did not hit me at all. I actually did not care for it. Overall, this event has some tonal issues and writing problems but it sets up pretty good things for the future. Gerry Duggan didnt impress me with his writing but Mike Deadato Jr and Frank Martin were at their level best. The art and colours were phenomenal. Anyways, i am glad this event is over.

Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1

Aug 3, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars: PRIME #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.4/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 9.0/10 (Mike Deodato) c) Colours= 9.3/10 (Frank Martin) Average= 8.9/10 The book started of slow but quickly picked up as it progressed. There were so many things referenced in this book that i found myself just lost due to the lack of knowledge from older comic books. There is also that one big moment (a death) that might have shocked the hell out of other readers, but for me, that death was already spoiled thanks to youtube. I wish there was a buildup to that death though because it happened so quick! The art in this book was what i was waiting for these Infinity Countdown books to have. The art is sooooo great and realistic and epic!! It also gives this book a somewhat darker tone. Thank you so much Mike Deodato!!! Not to forget, the colorist, Frank Martin. Who did a phenomenal job in this book. He made every panel and page of this book very compelling and beautiful. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin are a match made in heaven for me. Overall, an epic PRIME issue with awesome art and flawless colouring. A Great start to the Infinity Wars event.

Infinity Wars (2018): Fallen Guardian #1

Dec 23, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1 a) Writing/Script= 7.5/10 (Gerry Duggan) b) Art= 7.5/10 (Andy MacDonald) c) Colours= 7.5/10 (Chris O'Halloran) Average= 7.5/10 A good character driven book for Drax and Arthur Douglas, that later sets up the future for the character Drax within the Marvel Universe. The art by Andy MacDonald is inconsistent throughout the book and the colours by Chris O'Halloran are just ok i guess. Overall, if u are a fan of the character Drax, then u should read this book.

Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #1

Nov 7, 2018

OVERVIEW Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #1 1) Writing/Script= 8.5/10 (C. Sims, C. Bowers) 2) Art: 7.5/10 (Todd Nauck) 3) Colours: 7.5/10 (Rachelle Rosenberg) Average= 7.83/10 I really liked this book, eventhough i have never heard of this character before until this tie-in was announced. I cant belief Marvel had a character like this but did not use him very often. Sleepwalker is such a fun character with so much of potential. Its wonderful that he has now got this 4 issue limited series. As for this issue itself, it is quite exposition heavy. But it has to be that way, to flesh out the worlds around characters like this. Because of the expositions, now i know the character of Sleepwalker quite well. So it works for readers, like me, who have never heard of this character before. The art, i thought it was quite bad at first but as i kept reading, i got used to it. Then i realised that arts like this suits D-List characters like Sleepwalker. So i didnt really hate the art so much. It did its job. The colouring too wasnt mind blowing or anything. It was ok as well. The story itself, well i am not quite sure how integral it is to the main event but feel free to check this one out. So overall, a great little side story from the main event. Congrats for the writing team who made me really like this Sleepwalker character.

Marvel Legacy #1

Jan 21, 2018

The pacing wasnt that excellent. Its sad that this wasnt as good as DC rebirth #1. But still this book had lots of cool moments and reveals. It sets up lots of Marvel's upcoming titles and actually makes u feel excited for it at the same time.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #1

Jan 21, 2018

Loved it! A great start! Chip Zdarsky just nailed it with his great writing and some of the dialogues in this issue were so touching. Never knew i would love the Thing as a character, this much. A few good suprises as well that keeps u excited. Cant wait for the next issue. #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #2

Jan 28, 2018

Another heart-warming issue thanks to Chip Zdarsky. Not to mention has great art and colouring. Dr. Doom looks freaking cool. Though, they changed the timeline of the Fanstastic Four here. Not sure how thats going to affect the history of the Fantastic Four. Nothing exciting in this issue. Just a good follow up. Overall a solid read.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #3

Feb 22, 2018

A dialogue heavy book or maybe its just the rough day that i am having which made this book quite draggy. But still manages to deliver some goods. A great reveal of why Johnny Storm is loosing his powers. There is also some evil scheme going on at the background. Which is intimidating enough. There is a change in artist, but still manages to be good. I hardly can tell the difference. But in someway i feel like the art wasnt as good as the previous ones, done by Jim Cheung. And there is a page on Wolverine at the end which was kinda worthless. It wasnt as powerful and good as the previous issues but as always a solid read.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #4

Mar 18, 2018

Another good issue of Marvel 2 in 1. Chip Zdarsky is proving more and more to the fans that he is the perfect writer for a Fantastic Four book. Hope if there is a Fantastic Four 'Fresh Start' announcement, Chip Zdarsky's name is attached to it. The art though was good, not great but good. But the colouring, let me down. The colours could have been done better. Especially for a cosmic being's special appearance. That cosmic being was coloured better and looked awesome in Thanos #16. Also, please to any MARVEL artists. What is it with this boy haircut for this women superheroes. If they naturally grew with that hair style, then its fine. But changing a womens hair which previously was long, to short and boy haircut-like hair is just pure nonsense. Women superheroes with short hair are not cool-looking, beautiful, bad-ass or awesome as you guys might want us to think. They look horrible! There is no need to draw them with short hair. You guys are only making them look worst. Like in this issue for instance, leaving She-Hulk with long hair isnt going to destory the world u know! She along with Captain Marvel are not cool-looking and no one asked for a women superhero with boy haircut! No one! There is no benefit of changing the character's hair like that! NO BENEFIT AT ALL!!! GODDD!!!

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #5

Apr 8, 2018

Another great issue of Marvel Two in One. Chip Zdarsky does it again. Great story, good pace, some emotional moments and a little something at the end that will leave u speechless. Great Art by Schiti but at some point the body figure of a particular women isnt drawn really well. Also I dont know why, but the art on Rachna's face makes me feel like i want to punch her face. Other than that, the art on the other characters were great. Not to forget, the colouring by Frank Martin is phenomenal! Overall a great issue, setting up something really big and exciting to come.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #6

Jun 17, 2018

I thought this was going to be the last issue of this miniseries, but instead it was just the last issue of the first arc. Anyways, this issue was so great. It is full of jaw dropping moments and had action from the start till the end. The pace was good as well. Not to forget, Valerio Schiti did a good job on the art for a few issues, but it is great to have Jim Cheung back, he has done a wonderful job with the art in this issue!! There were some panels where the art just gives you difficulties in looking away from it. Chip Zdarsky too have done a great job with the script, along with Walden Wong who did a phenomenal job on the colouring!! Overall, an action packed issue with great script, colours and art.

Saga #1

Nov 7, 2018

This book is not for me. I did not enjoy this book at all. Not sure why. Based on both the critics and users rating, i thought i might enjoy it but i ultimately didnt. The characters in this book are great but i just didnt connect or relate to any of them. Maybe the book and the characters in them will grow on me as i keep reading, but the first issue did not grab me enough to continue this series. Maybe somewhere in the future i will continue reading this series. The art too feels very off to me, i cant really get the right words to describe it. It is very sketchy i guess or very rushed, i dont know. I am talking about the art on the characters and not the environment or the background. The background looks very beautiful. I am not sure what is that...a drawing? a painting? Who knows, but it looks so beautiful! But the art on the characters is the problem for me. They look very incomplete. This book also has some sexual/mature content. I am actually very suprised it had these. So fans of sexual contents, will like this book...haha. But overall, yeah i did not enjoy this book as much as the others. But maybe it was because of the mood i was in while reading this book or because i took a few lengthy breaks without reading this book continuously. Eh, who knows.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 8, 2019

Not the best of first issues but it is definitely not bad. Had some couple of good moments. Anyways, is that how Ryan Stegman's art looks like 5 years before? My god his art is wayy better in 2018 than in this issue. The art was really bad in my opinion. Since this is the first issue, i believe this art is not rushed but instead i think thats how Ryan Stegman just draws. Overall, not a bad issue but definitely the art needs improvements.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Jan 10, 2019

Wow.....Otto Octavius is wayy perverted than i thought he would be. There were a few good moments in this issue but i have to say i am just not the huge fan of Dan Slott's writing. He is a good writer, but the tone he uses on certain characters sometimes just throws me off. By that i mean i am not a huge fan of his comedic style of writing. Also, Ryan Stegman's art isnt at all helping me to be engaged with the story. His art always throws my attention off the book. It is very bad. It is like a rushed version of Humberto Ramos's art. Overall, ok story with very bad art. The art needs to improve.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Jan 10, 2019

Ok, this story was overall better than the first two issues. Loved the panels where Peter explores Otto's memories. Also, Ryan Stegman's art is slightly better than his first two issues but still my god. I am happy the next issue has a different artist. Sorry Ryan Stegman, your art is wayy better five years later.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Jan 10, 2019

At the start it was kind of a slow issue but then it picks up when Massacre shows up. All the panels that Massacre is in are great. The art by Guiseppe Camuncoli is a step-up from Ryan Stegman's art. Overall, good issue with good art.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #5

Jan 11, 2019

This book kind of solidifies why Otto Octavius's way of thinking is wayy better than Peter Parker's way of thinking. Some hard choices must be made and we shouldnt be nice to everyone. While Peter has the better heart, Otto shows no mercy and you should not show mercy to lunatics like Massacre. The art by Guiseppe Camuncoli is good and i hope he keeps this consistency.

Thanos (2016) #13

Jan 21, 2018

Holly Shit! Donny Cates who the Hell are you?? Just kidding. Donny Cates once again does what he did in the God Country series, well...made everything god-like. Marvel hired the perfect guy for this series. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Freaking cool art by Geoff Shaw and awesome reveal at the end. MIND. BLOWN. #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) #14

Jan 21, 2018

Awww Man! This series is starting to feel like a roller coaster ride! Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw, keep it up! Freaking teared while reading. Loved it, not as powerful as the first issue but still an awesome and a solid read. Recommended to all cosmic story lovers! Cant wait for the next issue. #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) #15

Jan 27, 2018

OHHHHHHH MYYYYYY GODDDDD!!!! The last few pages of this book took my freaking breath away!!!! Oh My God!!!! What a reveal!! God Damn it! Ok need to cool down a bit. Sorry......just fresh from reading Thanos #15. Ok lets start from the basics. The colouring in this book is soooo goood u will drool when u even see Thanos' face. Its soooo beautiful. Great work from Antonio Fabela! Feel so happy when someone like Geoff Shaw understands how an art of a character and the cosmic environment should look like. Second of all. As always, great writing from Donny Cates! He did a great job in differentiating both the old and young Thanos and not make them sound familiar. I am also starting to like the Cosmic Ghost Rider, at first i felt his tone was off but now he fits to the story pretty well and i belief his backstory becomes bigger in the next issue and boy the reveal of Cosmic Ghost Rider's identity at the final page literally blew my mind. Not as much as another great reveal of the "Fallen One" which is a page earlier then that Cosmic Ghost Rider reveal. The art on the "Fallen One" literally made me fall in love with this book and made me give it a 10/10. Great Cosmic story!!! Loved it!! Keep it up Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw. We love you!!! #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) #16

Mar 1, 2018

Wow! Donny Cates really knows how to end his issues, am i right? Again leaving us with a "HOLY SHIT! WTF!" reaction on our faces. This issue also made this version of the ghost rider my favourite one. Great respect to Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes. But Cosmic Ghost rider is just the one for me. His origins story is believable. I understood why he behaves like that. In some pages, the artwork is just too amazing for my eyes to see, especially the one featuring Galactus and Mephisto. Bigggg credit to Geoff Shaw! As always, along with Kelly Thompson, Donny Cates is now one of my favourite Marvel Comics writer. Keep it up man! #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) #17

Mar 21, 2018

Another EPIC issue from Thanos that leaves the reader speechless at the end and also excited for the next issue. I never knew the series was ending though, but this issue will be the second last. I am going to miss this comic series, the only comic that felt like the MARVEL we all know and love from the past. This issue is violent to the max and everytime a violent act occurs, the readers will be making a weird face expression to look away from that violence, only to be brought back in by the BEAUTIFUL art that enhances the panels where the violence occur. Just a small problem, i really wish they would have streched the action between Cosmic Ghost Rider and Silver Surfer a bit longer. But who cares, I think Silver Surfer is just to strong for Cosmic Ghost Rider. Overall, great new direction for Thanos. I think what they do for Thanos at the end of this issue is done for the first time in the history of Marvel comics. But anyways, i am still excited for it to happen. Cant wait for the next issue! Donny Cates, as always, does a great job at writing these books. Great and beautiful art by Geoff Shaw with a phenomenal colouring by Antonio Fabela. This issue is just as great as the other Thanos comic without a doubt. This Thanos series' team is the best team for any Marvel cosmic stories. Marvel Cosmic stories were always great and it feels good to have this series with us. I cant wait for the next Donny Cates/Marvel Cosmic story which is the Cosmic Ghost Rider solo series. Bring it on Marvel! #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) #18

Apr 13, 2018

My favourite series in the entire MARVEL LEGACY relaunch has come to an end and boyy does it end well. This was awesome. Especially for Thanos fans and even Marvel fans in general. It is a must read for all of them. Because there is a big chance for this Thanos character, especially his motivations. But i have to say, his motivations of seeking the love of Mistress Death by killing everyone has never been my favourite villain motivation. But Donny Cates and crew has changed it and i finally know what this Thanos Wins arc means for the bigger Marvel Universe. I simply thought this series is putting a close to this arc but instead this is actually a set up for something big to come....possibly leading into Infinity Countdown. I am really happy with the change of Thanos' motives. He no more is the love seeking Thanos and I hope he stays like that forever. Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw have done a great job. But the stand out here is Antonio Fabela with oustanding colouring!!! It also took me a while to understand the ending and the Mistress Death character though. Her gestures in some panels looked weird and wasnt a fan of the art on her. She looked like a Japanese anime character. Other than that i had no problem with this book. Overall, great ending and a great set up for whats to come. Loved what they did with Thanos. Cant wait to see what Thanos does after this. Donny Cates and team were great. Also, this book had great action and violence. To simplify all this, this book was just an awesome read. What a ride this Thanos Wins arc has been!!! #THIS IS HOW MARVEL COMICS SHOULD BE AND FEEL LIKE!

Thanos (2016) Annual #1

Nov 24, 2018

Thank god this annual wasnt completely pointless. Midway through reading this, i thought i was just wasting my time, but then no, this book actually sets up something. That alone was worth the read. This annual contains SIX independent stories and Cosmic Ghost Rider narrates those stories. STORY #1 Probably my favourite of them all. Written by Donny Cates and art by Geoff Shaw. I loved the twist in this story. The art by Geoff Shaw is neat as well but the colours by Antonio Fabela felt rushed at some panels. STORY #2 By Chris Hastings. Its ok. I really hope this story isnt canon. I mean Thanos texting using a smartphone and wearing an apron? Yikes! Its a typical Hastings story. The art by Flaviano is a generic goofy art. Federico Blee's colours too werent oustanding but it does its job. Overall its a fun story. STORY #3 By Kieron Gillen. Probably my second favourite. It explored some cool and unique new worlds that i wish we could see more off in the future. The art by Andre Araujo is good but the colours by Chris O'Halloran is very very good. STORY #4 By Katie Cook. Its a fun and a cute little story. I also wish this isnt canon but i still really liked it. I really liked the cartoony art as well which i think is by Heather Breckle. Not sure who did the colours but it fit the cartoony and the Skottie Young-type art. STORY #5 By Ryan North. Its ok too. I liked this one too but this is also another story that i wish is not canon. Thanos coming down to Earth to help an old lady to cross a road infront of the public?? Oh Boy... The art by Will Robson and colours by Rachelle Rosenberg are ok, nothing great. STORY #6 By Al Ewing. Another fun little story. The art by Frazer Irving and the colours were very good until at one point where it got creepy. The way those alien species express their feelings without moving their faces was freaking creepy. Overall, SIX fun little one shot stories. Two to three of them were memorable to me but the rest were passable. The art was good throughout. The only art i disliked was the one done by Flaviano. All the arts fit the tone of their respective stories pretty well. At the last page of this book, it sets up a series. Cant wait for that.

Thanos (2016): Legacy #1

Sep 7, 2018

OVERVIEW Story 1 a) Writing/Script= 8.8/10 (D. Cates) b) Art= 6.5/10 (Brian Level) c) Colours= 7.0/10 (Jordan Boyd) Average= 7.43/10 Story 2 a) Writing/Script= 8.2/10 (G. Duggan) b) Art= 8.8/10 (Cory Smith) c) Colours= 9.0/10 (Ruth Redmond) Average= 8.67/10 Overall Average= 8.05/10 There are two stories here, one being written by Donny Cates and art by Brian Level and another story that was written by Gerry Duggan and art by Cory Smith. The first story by Donny Cates was good, well i cant say its awesome or anything because it is just a retelling of the old story. Nothing new (well actually a few things new). It just ties every Thanos appearance in the past few months nicely. From his appearance in Damnation, to Infinity Wars (2018) and the 'Thanos Wins' run. But this book gives us more insight on SPOILERS:the Death of Thanos. My criticism would be the art by Brian Level which did not look good in my opinion. It isnt the worst but it wasnt good either. The second story is wirtten by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Cory Smith. I liked this one too. It is a silent story with no dialogues at all. At first i thought there was an error in those pages, and had to see other reviews to confirm whether the 'no dialogues' were done on purpose or not. After confirming, i starting looking through those pages. It focuses on the relationship between a young Gamora and Thanos (nothing to deep or emotional or anything like that). Just a mild exploration of that relationship, thats all. But the art for this story, by Cory Smith, stood out more than the art by Brian Level. Cory Smith's art was very good and the colours by Ruth Redmond just elevates it to a higher level. Overall, a neat book. If you are a Thanos fan, feel free to check it out.

Vision (2015) #1

Dec 6, 2018

I love the tone of this book and the dialogues in this issue are so dense and full of meaning. This book is quite wordy but i didnt mind reading all of them. The art by Gabriel Hernandez Walta is soo good as well and it is enhanced by the great colouring by Jordie Bellaire.

War of the Realms #1

Apr 4, 2019

OVERVIEW The War of the Realms #1 a) Writing/Script= 7.8/10 (Jason Aaron) b) Art= 9.2/10 (Russell Dauterman) c) Colours= 9.8/10 (Matt Wilson) Average= 8.93/10 Jason Aaron does a good job catching us up with the story of this War of the Realms. I have no prior knowledge on the lead up to War of the Realms but i still found myself not being lost. The only thing i would like to know is the reason why Malekith is doing all this, thats all. There were some writing issues and most of that has to do with the comedy. This story doesnt take itself too seriously and thats good, but sometimes Jason Aaron writes in cringey dialogues where there shouldnt be any. This immediately took me out of the story's momentum but it doesnt hurt it overall that much. I also didnt like how he wrote Spiderman. Spiderman had his 15-year-old dialogues and was acting like Deadpool a bit. Also, there were deaths and destructions in this book that i just felt that it wont be permanent. Its just something that almost everyone has a problem with all the events these days. The art by Russell Dauterman is always phenomenal but Matt Wilson's colours is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! Overall, a solid start to and event with good writing and great art with beyond awesome colours. Just hope the event ends as good as it started.

West Coast Avengers (2018) #1

Nov 25, 2018

OVERVIEW West Coast Avengers #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.5/10 (K. Thompson) b) Art= 8.4/10 (Stefano Caselli) c) Colours= 8.8/10 (Triona Farrell) Average= 8.57/10 This book is written by Kelly Thompson. So you know this book is going to be funny, fun, enjoyable, flirty, sexy and wacky. It was all of that but x10. This book was so much fun. Fans of the Kelly Thompson-Hawkeye series will love this book. Kelly Thompson had made Kate Bishop to be probably my favourite female character. She is so fun, charismatic, pretty and very relatable. I was afraid that i might get annoyed with America Chavez and Gwenpool but nope, Kelly Thompson has made me like them as well. Stefano Caselli's art is so good! But at some parts, the art on the characters felt a little rushed. But even that looked pretty decent. Triona Farrell's colours was good as well and in some panels they were even better. Oh yeah, B.R.O.D.O.K? hahahaha omg! Hell Yeah!! The negatives will be that, the book goes in a very fast pace but after Kate Bishop starts the interview, the book slows down. I also felt the book was too long but i didnt bother at the end because i still had fun reading. Next, i feel like Kelly Thompson should improve in writing Clint Barton. Her Clint Barton isnt written very accurately. So overall, a very very fun book. If u want to have some fun, then read this book. It is also backed up with awesome art and colours.

What If? (2018): Magik #1

Nov 22, 2018

OVERVIEW What If?: Magik #1 a) Writing/Script= 8.2/10 (L. Williams) b) Art= 8.4/10 (Filipe Andrade) c) Colours= 9.0/10 (Chris O'Halloran) Average= 8.53/10 Wow! What a What If? book. Leah Williams? Who is she? Whoever she is, i can tell that she is a very talented writer! I loved this book! The art by Filipe Andrade at first looked rushed but as you keep seeing it, you will notice that it is a distinct drawing style of his. The art quickly grew on me and reminded me more of an indie comic book art. The colours by Chris O'Sullivan was the standout! The colours really pop out of the pages. So good! Loved it. Leah Williams on the other hand did a good job with the script. I love it, when superhero comic books add real life/mature themes like raping cases, racism, discrimination and so on. This book has it and i applaud its mature storytelling. This book really made me like the character of Illyana so much and i cant wait to read more of her in the other books. At some parts though, this book might get dialogue heavy but those dialogues wont bore you. Also, at first, some of the dialogues were very difficult for me to understand but i got ok as i progressed. Leah Williams the writer has so much potential, i wish we will be seeing her write more books. Overall, a great book with solid script and artwork with some awesome colouring.

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