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Batman: Three Jokers Collected May 20, 2024

3 Jokers representing three different eras (Criminal - early years, Joker is just a gangster. Clown - silver "campy" age. Comedian - modern age, killing joke, new 52 etc) is not something groundbreaking but the idea of creating a new, better Joker from the previous ones is interesting, the search for the perfect Joker. Having the two Jokers had different plans, don't know if it is a good idea because they become distinct.It was supposed to have one goal because in the essence they are one, they are the same but I guess you can never trust a Joker. The two concepts though are very interesting. The Criminal Joker wants the new Joker to has a deep connection to the Batman, so Joe Chill is the obvious choice.Based on the personality of the Joker and the obsession he has with Batman wanting to do something like that makes a complete sense.

The quality of miniseries is getting better and better.Obviously, Johns takes inspiration from "A Death in the family" but his approach is more psychological.Jason Todd is in the spotlight as it is logical, Barbara a little less but still plays an important role.The two of them become a couple is a little weird but it makes sense in a way.Both of them had a trauma caused by Joker so they can understand each other.Also, they shared a really heartful and strong moment.Although they developed completely different personalities and handle the situations differently as Batman said correclty. Jason becoming the new Joker it may seem crazy but is logical.Considering his bad day and all the things that he has done after that, he makes the perfect candidate. A nice detail is how Jokers refer to the things they had done.It doesn't matter which Joker did which act, the three of them is one, they are the Joker, Joker is an idea.

The idea behind the revelation of Joker's true identity started when Batman became God by taking Mobius chair during Darkseid War, also written by Geoff Johns. But that matter seems to be more complicated than we thought as we learn that there is not only one Joker but three: 1) The Criminal 2) The Comidian 3) The Clown In contrast, there are three heroes (Batman, Batgirl, Red Hood).In my opinion the perfect choices considering what Joker has done to them. Storywise, I love the first panels where Johns compares the physical wounds of Batman to the Bruce's emotional. Finally, Jason took his revenge against his Joker (Clown) after all these years.This outcome is not the only important thing though but the interaction the two had also is.Joker actually won by making Jason what it is today, a red hood, a broken man. The goal of the Jokers is revealed and it is to make a new Joker.(Something they always do?) Also, the reference to laughing fish is a welcome one :-)

Batman Year One Sep 21, 2021

"You can never escape me.Nothing harms me.I know pain.Sometimes I share it.With someone like you." Such iconic lines! Batman finally starts his efforts to clear the city and fight the corruption of the city. After the kidnapping Gordon knows that he find someone who can trust, an ally and the cooperation between the two men starts. Miller established characters like Falcone, teased Joker to pave the path for future stories. Year One defines modern Batman, the character we all know and makes his more grounded and realistic.We see other aspects as Gordon's life and Gotham's society problems.Subjects that never seen before. Maybe Batman is more in the shadows here but this comic remains his best origin story of the modern era.

Mazzucchelli's art is pure class.He has a classic style which fits perfectly to the tone of the story. An other classic scene here, where Gotham's Squad chases Batman and then the bats came to the rescue! Also, Catwoman's 1st "official" appearance :-) But, Jim Gordon remains the true protagonist of the story.His thoughts about his colleagues, Batman and how things are getting done in Gotham are in the spotlight.Miller doesn't forget to keep his characters humane and that's exaclty what he is doing with Gordon here adding regret, doubts and personal troubles.

While Gordon tries to adapt in Gotham and to change the way things are done, Batman makes his first "official" appearance.Miller's unforgettable scenes continuous, this time we have Batman to break into mayor's mansion.

The return of Bruce Wayne and the first days of Jim Gordon at Gotham! The city revealed to us through the eyes of Gordon, who thinks that is literally in hell.The other protagonist is inexperienced, still learning but has a plan, thus his first night as crimefighter goes terribly wrong and almost got killed.Frank Miller manages to make a contrast between the two heroes and their perspectives and creates one of the most iconic moments of Batman at the end of the issue.

An important action took place, but it still feels like filler issue.Also, the absence of Tony Daniel is a negative factor.

We get some answers as we see the connection of doctor Hurt with the replacements of Batman but there are still plenty things to come.

Only Morrison can write a story like this one.An unexpected continuation for sure.It's special, strange and expands the legend of Batman.It's amazing how a good writer can elevate a story even though the plot moves slowly.

The third ghost is back.Batman and Gordon are in big trouble.This is Morrison's story so plenty of weird stuff is happening.

Explosive ending!The mystery of Mayhew's island is solved but the Black Glove is still out there.

Batman and Robin doing some detective work while were trying to solve the murder case.Motives and possible suspects were presented.This is not a simple case as it is linked with the past of club of heroes.

Grant Morrison takes an unusual path again, using this time the Club of Heroes.The members are unknown, cheesy and probably don't fit in a mystery story but the whole concept is pretty interesting.The art is gorgeous, J.H. Williams III is great at his job.

Batman Hush Apr 5, 2021
Identity Crisis 10th Anniversary Sep 28, 2020

I don't think anyone could predict this conclusion.It is known that love can make you to do crazy things but the actions here had been a bit over the top.Anyway, this was a special story, written in realistic way and didn't follow the common superhero formula, also constitutes evidence that B-List characters can become interesting and have depth if you treat them right.Everyone played their roles and had their own journey to cross.

An awesome comic which shows that hero's life has a lot of defeats, sadness and it's not so glorious.When the secret was revealed it became clear that heroes are vulnerable, can make mistakes and the things between them are complicated.Of course the end was unexpected.What a twist.

That was shocking, too many casualties only in one issue.Meltzer doesn't handle Tim with the classical way but prefers to focus on his family, the relationship with his father and the consequences of crime fighting.Tim proves that is a complex person with personal problems and not just a sidekick.

Part 4 has quality but its pace is slow.

The battle was interesting because Deathstroke took out the heroes using unique strategy to each one.Also, it's positive that the team consisted of less popular characters.The way which Meltzer explains how the identities remain secret is very clever and makes heroes not so innocent.

This story really stands out, it has to do with more serious issues such as punishment and ...other things.It shows that villains can be very threatening.I am just sorry for Eloganted man, he is such a tragic figure.

You can understand from the beginning that aren't going to happen typical superhero stuff here.Author's goal is to humanise the heroes so we feel compassion for them and see that they are real people who face daily problems.It's refreshing to read a comic with pretty much no action and a protagonist who isn't very famous.Elongated man was very likeable and it was nice his wife was a normal person without powers.

This is Morrison's best work in Batman series.It's a standalone story but many questions were answered.The first part with Damian and the second with the ghosts are finally coming together and the result is incredible.Damian deserves the role of Batman.Maybe he is cruel but he is perfect for such a pessimistic future.At the end, he fights the third ghost and saves Gotham.Damian is an interesting character and I want to see more of him as Dark Knight.

Although things aren't clear yet, the three ghosts who were former cops seem to have a connection to Batman's past.Only the two have appeared so far and Bruce still doesn't know what's really going on.

A new mysterious chapter begins for Batman which has something to do with the GCPD.The story is very dark due to Andy Kubert's excellent work.

Bruce and Damian are working for the first time together while Talia has her own plans.Talia is now a big player thanks to Morrison.Also, the bat - assassins are really cool.

I'm not a fan of this kind of comics.I didn't like this specific format and the art of Van Fleet but the story was good.Basically, it was weird but interesting.

I have to admit that Damian is quite funny, although is a little crazy and behaves like a brat.

Morrison can take an old forgotten story and make it notable again.It's time for Batman to face consequences of his past actions.

Morrison isn't an ordinary writer.He starts with a bang (Joker was shot in the head!).Afterwards, he slows down the pace and in the end presents something special to the audience.Also, he creates a beautiful interaction between characters (Bruce and Alfred).

Detective Comics 871-881

One of the best runs in Detective Comics is completed.Snyder wrote a wonderful mystery which was dark and terrifying.His characters were interesting and carefully designed.Dick proved that can be the main hero.He is a fascinating character just like Bruce and gives Batman more depth with his compassion.The Gordon family played enormous role in whole plot and was so well written.Gordons were the core of story actually.Even the new villains were menacing.The Joker was menacing as well, even though he had a brief appearance.Snyder set up everything very carefuly and created an awesome result.It was a story full of details and suspense.This is how Detective Comics should be.

Jock sketched a really scary Joker.It was incredible that the Joker could spot that there was something different about Batman.The surprises don't stop until the end.

Skeleton Key Batman doesn't even show up here and yet this is the best issue by far.All the anticipation Snyder created since the beginning is starting to pay off.The cases are finally connected!Also, Francavilla's art adds horror elements.James jr. is a formidable foe now thanks to the writer and there is an unexpected appearance.

Snyder delivers an epic conclusion for Hungry City.Αt the end of the day nothing is simple in Gotham.

Dick is the best replacement of Bruce.He makes Batman more likeable and humanizes the character.

The first part of Hungry City has all the great elements of a story full of suspense.Detective Comics at its bests.

Lost Boys Francavilla was the perfect artist for this story.His unique style fits absolutely with a mystery like that.The truth is I am in doubt about what really happened.

Skeleton Cases Snyder takes his time with this issue and uses it as a connection between past and future stories.Jim Gordon is the protagonist and faces up a person who was absent for a long time.

Black Mirror ends with impressive way.Dick makes dynamic entrance with the help of his new suit and beats the Dealer.I really love the personality of new Batman.

The scene in the mirror house was so well crafted.The feeling of horror, the speech of Dealer, the auction, the references, everything was amazing.

Absolutely magnificent start.The comic has a noir style and unique aesthetics.Dick Grayson is the Batman now and the difference between him and Bruce is distinct.The mystery seems very promising.

One issue before the end and the things are still complicated.I'm a little disappointed that this specific villain was an impostor but I liked the battle and the emotions Batman showed.Also, I'm not sure if it was right decision to have a minor character like Harold to play such an important role in the story.

Hush had its flaws for sure but it was an entertaining chapter.I found the motive of Elliot unrealistic and his plan excessive.The use of Riddler as mastermind wasn't a good choice, I mean he barely showed up in the whole story.Basically, some of the characters were unnecessary and hadn't any reason to participate.Unfortunately, the relation between Batman and Catwoman hadn't happy ending and didn't lead anywhere.Loeb created an impressive story with clever elements.Undoubtedly, Hush isn't as good as Long Halloween or Dark Victory but I think it will become a classic and Jim Lee helped a lot in that.

The issue was solid but a little unnecessary.Batman is still in the dark about his mysterious enemy and the conflict with Ra's didn't help a lot.Meanwhile, the main villain steps up and makes his move.The interlude was a nice addition, it's weird to see Catwoman in the cave but the conversation she had with Alfred was deep.

A shocking revelation took place which shakes up Batman's life.Catwoman's role isn't clear yet.Robin made his first appearance in this story arc and was powerful.The most important chapter of "Hush" is beginning.

It's good to see Batman and Nightwing working together again.Their relationship has a dynamic and the conversation they had was enjoyable.Εventually, Dick convinced Bruce to do the important revelation which changes everything.

Firstly, Jim Lee did an awesome cover for "The Opera".Harley Quinn was written and drawn successfully, that's why she stole the show.Probably, Lee draws Harley better than anyone.Of course the surprise at the end was big.

After Joker's last act, Batman seemed ready to finish him, he hadn't any second thoughts but Gordon showed up and stoped him.Even after all these crimes Gordon has his values and cares about Batman.I think we haven't seen Batman so determined to kill.Catwoman plays a big role in the whole story, which is great.After all, she has saved Batman at least two times.

The use of Ivy was really clever.The fight among Batman and Superman was one of the best.It was very nice that the conversations Bruce had with Elliot as children helped him to win the battle.

The problem of Batman Hush is that the story proceeds slowly, although I have to admit that the last scene is iconic.

The negative from the previous part (slow pace) is found here as well.Despite that, there are plenty of positive things just like the interaction between Batman and Catwoman.Also, there is a lot of dialogue but that doesn't mean it was boring issue.

Excellent writing of Batman's character by Jeph Loeb.He really knows the hero and this is clear in every page.The way Batman thinks, acts or fights, it's all here.Also, it's the little details that make the difference, for example the figure of Catwoman in the background.The story for now at least isn't something special, basically we find out that Ivy can control women too.Of course the work of Jim Lee is magnificent.

The things are starting to get more interesting and the plot is not so simple as it seems.Furthermore, Jim Lee portrays the flashbacks in a very unique way and makes them unforgettable.

I loved the introductions of Alfred in every issue.Finally, we learned who was hiding behind all this.I understood why the writer chose this specific villain.The end by Verheiden was unique because it really developed the characters.Also, Benitez had some good moments.

I liked the reversal of roles before the great battle, although the writing was a little confusing.At least the addition of Ron Randall was very positive because the drawings of Matthew Clark was unremarkable.

Well, the art here was disappointing in comparison with the previous issues.Matthew Clark proved that he hasn't the quality of EVS.At least, the story is still interesting.

Ethan Van Sciver is one of my favorite artists.He draw so many characters in the last three issues and every one of them was fantastic.

A couple of questions were answered but we are still in the dark.First of all, what did Martian Manhunter really know and why the rings were reacted this way.

An interesting part one, which included a significant amount of mystery.

This story could have easily finished in the previous issue but I'm glad it didn't because the writer gave us an epic battle, which began in a farm and ended in Source Wall.Loeb introduced Supergirl in a compassionate way and made her really likable.I want to mention of course the beautiful drawings of Michael Turner (rip) which elevate the story even more.

I liked the trip to Apokolips.Michael Turner did a fantastic job with the presentation of the planet.He made Darkseid's home a place of desperation.Also, it was nice to see Superman pissed off for once.Of course, the end was pretty surprising.

Jeph Loeb keeps up the good work.I love his Batman, he is fearless and basically confronts a god here.Furthermore there is great character development for Superman.An other memorable moment is the twist at the end.

Great dialogue, exciting battle with a death.Overall, a solid issue.

It's not easy to write a team book but Jeph Loeb made it.The contrast between the two heroes and their different perspectives were presented terrifically.Every character seems to have his personal plan about Supergirl.The conflict is coming and that's very exciting.

Awesome reintroduction of Supergirl, who is one of the best female heroes in DC.

The story was interesting but there was too much narration and that 3D style of phantom zone didn't work so well.

Everything was great except the art.Adam Kubert's sketches were kinda sloppy.

Superman Last Son (Action Comics 844-846, 851, Action Comics Annual 11)

Nice work from the writers.General Zod is back and Superman is in big trouble.Eventually, the story behind the kid is more complicated than it seems.

I think the role of father suits perfectly to Superman because he is caring about people.It's really refreshing as we've never seen anything like that.

You can understand Donner's presence even from the first page.Also, I like what they are doing with the repetition of history, it's clever.

What an ending.It was sad but emotional and deep.A major change for Superman.

Action Comics Superman: Braniac Aug 31, 2019

This new form of Brainiac is very menacing.Now, he is a threat both physically and mentally for Superman.

Amazing work from Johns.The issue is so balanced.It has great action and suspense.Of course the backstory of Kandor is interesting.

Great reintroduction of characters.A significant story which connects the past and the future of Superman.

The family moments with Supergirl and Pa Kent stand out here.The build up of Brainiac is awesome and makes him very intimidating.

Probably, the best story of the Joker.

Well, that was unexpected.Johns took a surprising approach here and shook things up.This event was supposed to be a battle among two Gods but it turned out to be something different.

That was a crazy conclusion.Johns tied up loose ends, furthermore set up stories for the future.Also, the connection between the characters was successful.Overall, it was a weird event but definitely enjoyable.

Justice League Vol. 8: Darkseid War Part 2 Apr 29, 2019

A special issue which focuses more on the characters than the actual story.Grail's interesting backstory reveals a lot about her personality.Jessica is very likeable because of her inner struggle.Finally Steve Trevor comes into play.There are many artists here but this isn't a problem really.

Top-notch content here, such as the dialogue.Also the situation is more clear but still basic questions remain unanswered.

Crime Syndicate returns, Mobius returns.Also Fabok came back and didn't disappoint.Johns has created a special goal for all of the characters and has managed every one of them brilliantly.

I hate it when different pencilers participate in the same storyline.I don't have anything against Manapul.I just find the variation of art distracting.

I'm starting to get used to Manapul's work.The addition of Barda to the team made me happy.The relationship between her and Scott is unique and I really want to see more of it.The only problem was the slow pace.

Congratulations to Johns, this is how you properly use Batman when you have so many powerful characters in your story.The issue had tension and the battle was awesome thanks to Fabok.This is probably the best part because the plot truly moves forward.

Justice League Vol. 7: Darkseid War Part 1 Feb 24, 2019

Mr. Miracle takes center stage here and we learn a couple of things about his thoughts.Meanwhile Grail is attacking the Justice League and initiating her plan.Everything is working fine.The war is coming.

The BatGod is here.Alright, I'm sold.

There was a lot of dialogue, but that wasn't a bad thing, instead it made sense.The team up between Superman and Luthor was a pleasant surprise.So, lets see if the change of Superman's status will affect the war.

Crucial details revealed about past stories.The connection of these stories is clear and makes a satisfying prologue.

James Robinson decided to dedicate the whole issue to the inner demons of Harvey Dent.Some will love it but others will hate it.It's clearly a matter of perspective.I think am somewhere in the middle.

The end is a little bit rushed and I'm not sure if the chosen character for mastermind is the right decision.On the other hand you feel sympathy for heroes and villains and their motives are totally clear.

The mystery continues to unfold.The case is much more complicated than I first thought.I am very curious about which direction the writer will follow.

The work of Leonard Kirk suits perfectly with the atmosphere of the comic.Also the back up story of Jason Bard is a pleasant surprise.

Solid issue with exceptional artwork by Don Kramer.The Dark Knight is back for good.

We are in the middle of the arc and the situation looks like to clear up.The best part here is definitely the conversations of characters.

This is a great starting point for new readers.James Robinson creates an atmospheric comic and set up an interesting mystery.Another positive is the dialogue between Batman and Gordon because it feels natural.

It's good to see Batman doing some detective work.Also Jason Bard seems pretty cool character to me.

I like that Snyder decide to include Batman in plot because he writes this character magnificently.Also the new suit of Superman is sensational.

I love how Snyder represents Superman, our hero isn't just strong but uses his mind constantly.Dont' forget to mention Lex Luthor who proves why is the biggest genius in the DC Universe.Furthermore the revelations are interesting so I can't wait for the finale.

Generally I was very pleased with this mini-series.First of all the art was stunning, Jim Lee was really at his finest.About the plot, maybe had some downs but still was clever and emotional, even the flashback story was meaningful and the twists left me satisfied.

Superman Unchained Deluxe Edition Jul 7, 2018

Nothing special, Superman fights some drones.Now I'm more interested in Lois story and Luthor's plan.

Best issue so far.Important information about Ascension are revealed.Also the flashback story is great.

Similar with previous issues, it doesn't add something new.We simply watch a battle.Also Superman just saves the world but the reader doesn't feel any tension.

Snyder is known for crafting a mystery,so that's exactly what he does here.A promising start for sure.

A group of terrorists, General Lane and Lex Luthor, what else does a reader want.Our hero will have to deal with some big threats.

The pace is a little bit slow.The only important thing is that we learn more about Wraith's origin.

Superman acts like he supposed to.He fights Metallo till the end and shows why he's so important to the people of Metropolis.Gary Frank of course does an excellent job.His old-school artwork is very beautiful.To sum up it's a great conclusion to a must-buy origin.

Superman: Secret Origin Vol. 1 Jul 4, 2018

Superboy meets the Legion of Super-Heroes and understands how much inspired them.The representation of the Legion was awesome.

Almost perfect.Geoff Johns really knows how to write these characters.

The characterisation of Lex Luthor is definitely on point.I liked him a lot.

It's basically Superman vs USA's army.Overall it is a solid issue.

If you don't know anything about Superman's origin then you have to pick up this issue.

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