Batman / Superman: World's Finest #16

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Dan Mora Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 21, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 49
9.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

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Batman and Superman versus machines! A.I. villains and heroes--Shaggy Man, G.I. Robot, Red Tornado, and Chemo among them--have launched a global cyberattack alongside Newmazo's soldiers. Batman, Superman, Robin, and Metamorpho, the Element Man, are unprepared for the onslaught. With millions of lives on the line, the World's Finest team must find a way to pull the plug before it's too late!

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jun 20, 2023

    Batman Superman is DC's best comic going today. There's some tough competition now, but no comic has the mix of action, classic portrayals of heroes and gorgeous artwork. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - Michael Guerrero Jun 20, 2023

    This issue is another strong entry in the series that shows why prequels can be a great thing for storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 26, 2023

    Everyone should be reading this book. Perfect mesh of words and art. The best comic on the market right now. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Evan Valentine Jun 21, 2023

    Waid and Mora are telling a superhero story for the modern age that both modernizes and pulls on the classic elements that make the DC Universe work. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jun 21, 2023

    Waid, Mora, and Bonvillain tell a solidly entertaining narrative in another fun issue of a popular series. Its too bad that there isnt a more balanced story being placed on the page. Heroes in peril help out other heroes in peril as AI looks to take over. Theres a lot of action moving around the page. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Jun 20, 2023

    Batman / Superman: World's Finest #16 puts Batman in the driver's seat to free Superman and their fellow captives to begin pushing back on Newmazo's genocidal plan. The story is an exciting adventure from start to finish, and Dan Mora's art is Amazo-ing. (Yes, that's terrible, and I don't even care). Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 20, 2023

    It's just a good, old-school superhero adventure that wouldn't be out of place in any era of DC Comics, and it shows Waid and Mora's love for some of the more obscure characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Bryant Lucas Jun 23, 2023

    Once again, the World's Finest team delivers another banger of an issue. Waid's fast-paced plotting and punchy script are upbeat and fun. Mora's art is as sharp as ever, and Bonvillain's colors are dazzling. As the scope of the "Elementary arc widens to the larger DCU, the creative team takes the opportunity to showcase their talent. It's a wonder to behold. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 20, 2023

    Mora delivers some beautifully detailed and exciting art throughout the issue. The visual style is fantastic and the action is thrilling and filled with amazing imagery. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Jun 20, 2023

    Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #16 is a fast read that catches fans up on Newmazo and this A.I. Revolution. The story showcases Batmans cunning leadership abilities as well as Waids in-depth knowledge of the DC Comic Universe. Furthermore, it provides fans with a rather intense story thats packed full of excitement from start to finish. If youre looking for that extra book to fill out your pull list this week, Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #16 might be just what the doctor (Ivo) ordered! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Kevin Rossi Jun 20, 2023

    Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest is sixteen issues in and shows no sign of diminishing returns. This is the penultimate issue of this arc, so readers are in for a treat for the next issue. This issue contained a lot of fun moments and still set things up for what should be an incredible climax to the arc. Plus, the number of iconic characters in this issue looking this spectacular is quite a feat and a testament to the creative teams talents and passion for the material. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Jun 20, 2023

    The art is kinetic and executed at a very high level, but some of the panels and pages can be a bit crowded at times. The writing is solid, but the sense of danger diminishes when we have multiple overpowered heroes showing up to save the day. But, while this isn't the strongest chapter of this arc, it's still a ton of fun and I recommend it! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Jun 23, 2023

    Batman/Superman: World's Finest #16 has a masterful start that misses the landing by the issue's end, creating an enjoyable, pulpy scifi extravaganza that suffers from a little bit of uneven plotting. Read Full Review

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