Well said. This issue is a masterpiece it's a shame some people choose to overlook an amazing book so they can find an angle to get upset about.
A TURNING POINT! With Elektra at his side, Matt Murdock has launched his most ambitious campaign against injustice EVER, but as recent explosive and destructive events have unfolded, he has found himself more and more isolated - and with fewer allies than ever before?
Rated T+
FINAL THOUGHTSFrom beginning to end Daredevil #10 is a phenomenal comic book. Chip Zdarsky does a great job having Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios dealing with the consequences of all their actions up to this point in "The Red Fist Saga. The way the Avengers are used further builds up the villains of the story to be the biggest threats Daredevil has ever faced. Everything that goes on is elevated by the masterful artwork by Marco Checchetto that gives Daredevil #10 a big event feel. All of this comes together to create another must read issue of Daredevil. Read Full Review
Faith versus Fear! Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, & Matthew Wilson take Matt Murdock to quite the test as they put him against Spider-Man. Faith will challenge Responsibility, and this will make Matt have to forge his destiny by going against everyone to survive. An entertaining turning point in Daredevil's history! Read Full Review
Whether Zdarsky and Checchetto can stick the landing remains to be seen, but the promise of this Daredevil has never been clearer. Read Full Review
Daredevil #10 is an issue powered by heartache. Friendships and alliances are erased in this comic as both Daredevils haven and his reputation disintegrate. Read Full Review
Daredevil #10 takes the big developments from issue #9 and goes even bigger with fantastic art, thrilling action, rollercoaster pacing, and painfully emotional moments for the titular hero. Zdarsky's time on this title is rapidly coming to an end, and it looks like he's doing everything possible to leave with a bang. Read Full Review
Checchetto delivers some stunning art throughout the issue. The visuals are big, bold and exciting and you feel a part of every emotional and action-packed moment. Read Full Review
There is an unfortunate been there, done that sense to the dominant themes continuing through this issue. And the underlying contradiction of Zdarskys themes (Matt believing that the existing justice system needs to be destroyed while remaining faithful to a religion that has rigid rules and punitive consequences) feels even more on display than usual. But on its own Daredevil #10 is largely effective with a fun story and exciting, high energy visuals. Read Full Review
Daredevil #10 is one of the better examples of heroes fighting heroes that have come out in a good while. The way that the character is put through the wringer, by the creators, is becoming monotonous though. Read Full Review
One of the greatest Daredevil issues of all time.
I am a huge dd fan. I read and collect every issue of daredevil going all the way back to issue #1. This newest issue encapsulates every single thing I love about dd. This was one of the best issues I've ever read of the character and honesty one of the best comic books I've ever read. First off as soon as I opened it I was blown away by the phenomenal artwork. It took me a couple minutes to stop staring at the art to actually start reading it. Once I began to read the book the powerful emotionally driven dialog was so perfectly written it completely blew me away. I don't know that a story could be told better than the latest chapter of daredevil
This issue was breathtaking. Chip is a master story teller and the art by Marco is amazing. This arc has been phenomenal it just stinks that it's all over in 4 months. Also I just want to put this out there. The whole notion that chip hates cops to me is crazy. I understand that in DD the Justice System is broken and there are crooked cops. But this storyline has been going on in not just this book but other crime fighting books since the 1930's. But I hate to break it to people but it's that way in real life to. I'm not saying all cops are bad but there are ones that give the whole profession a bad rap.
Well said. This issue is a masterpiece it's a shame some people choose to overlook an amazing book so they can find an angle to get upset about.
This issue is surprisingly good
God I love this series.
I love the way Spider-Man is Written in this book. I don't know about the Avengers though. Aside from that I love the inner dialogue and the evolution of Daredevil.
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It’s good to have Checchetto back drawing this one, and he gives us some of the best action he’s done in the series so far, making this issue feel huge. The Avengers are used well, though Goldy’s ending was a little odd. I’m not sure where that aspect is headed, or if this was the ending of that. I’ll have to wait until this series wraps up before reaching a conclusion on that, though.
Really solid issue. Good fight with Spider-man. Some great visuals. It had a good flow. I can't say much was wrong.
How is it that chip zdarsky writes spider man better than zeb wells
This grim tragedy looks terrific. The words are decent, and the script has an excellent structure and pace.
But in terms of content, this issue falls short of greatness. Matt's anguish feels authentic, but not novel. And the process of stripping away his allies leaves him turning to Goldy and his deus ex machina powers. This volume's new ideas aren't all hits, and I'm afraid Goldy is one of the misses.
Checchetto x Spider Man boosts this issues rating for sure even though I definitely still have my doubts about the direction of the story.
This was an interesting issue. The way Matt talks about Spider-Man and their fight felt like a chess match. Though if Elektra got hit in the back of the head with a thrown shield, it would have split her head open. She would have been bleeding all over the place. So, I thought that was a bit cringe. It was action-packed and smart, but it feels like this arc is over. Matt had to leave Elektra to get arrested and he's back to being on his own.
Art: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7.5/10
The story itself was ok, but Zdarsky went out of it his way to insult cops and the American flag. A good writer can tell a story in such a way that even if you disagree with a particular statement, it at least gets you thinking about it or can help you see things in a different light. Here neither the comment about cops nor the comment about the American flag were inherent to the storyline nor contributed anything meaningful to it, it was obviously nothing more than Zdarsky using the comic as a soapbox to air his own political opinions.
Aside from that, I’m ready for Zdarsky’s run to come to an end. While I enjoyed it overall, it’s been a lot of beat downs and moping for Matt, I hope to see him start racking up some wins again. more
Zdarsky is usually a pretty decent story teller but here he gets in his own way by using Daredevil as his mouthpiece to spout his hatred of cops and his ridiculously ignorant opinions about the criminal justice system.
For most people, a hatred of cops stems from a lot of factors that those who are more pro-cop either refuse to acknowledge or simply are ignorant of. Not to say they are stupid in any way but because they are further to one side they are blind to the generally, overwhelming negative aspects and interactions that millions of people have. It may also not be hate, but a reasonable critiquing of a broken system.
Also, before any backlash is thrown, I have been on both sides of the aisle regarding law enforcement. It's incredibly hard to balance respect for an institution constructed to put those in impoverished or oppressed systems even with someone in that line of work in your family. Even harder when you lose one to a criminal with a gun. While people may try to respect those jobs because it is a horrible environment to have to walk into every day, it's not beyond closely examining and wanting change.
@Hex if you or someone you personally know has had an “overwhelming negative interaction” with a cop while doing absolutely nothing wrong I would love to hear the specifics of what happened and the circumstances surrounding that interaction. I know I for one was once pulled over for doing 68 in a 65 in my 2008 POS, but this was nothing more than a mild inconvenience, not an overwhelming negative interaction, a sign of systemic racism, or an indictment against an entire profession of people that
put their lives on the line every day to ensure the safety of others. Further while bullies with a badge are real, as there are bad apples in every profession, these represent a very small minority among a mostly honorable profession that do not deserve to have their entire profession disparaged because of a few bad actors. Finally, contrary to your statement that the interactions of “millions of people” are “overwhelmingly negative,” the truth is that the interactions of cops with millions of
people are in reality overwhelmingly positive as proven by a recent Gallup poll that shows 86% of Americans, and 81% of black Americans, want police to spend as much or more time in their neighborhoods.
This arc (and particularly this issue) is like quantum physics: anyone who claims to understand it, doesn't.
Not Goldie again noooo