After their intense battle with the Kingpin, Green Goblin and Spider-Man both know they aren't as ready to reshape the world as they hoped. Harry and Peter get to work, while Ben and Jonah work on "the truth"... And problems for their resistance arise when the ULTIMATES return!
Rated T+
The day that the new Ultimate Spider-Man isn't the best comic book we're reading every month will be when you should take notice, but for now it's still at the top. Read Full Review
Meanwhile, Hickman also reminds us of the bigger stakes of the universe while starting to dig deeper into the politics of the world thanks to Ben and Jonah. Checchetto brings a balance of stylistic action and gritty realism in the superfight and investigation alike. Wilsons coloring bolsters both aspects, finding the tension, beauty, and pain in the various hues across the book. When put all together, the shape of the wider story is starting to fall into place, mixing a bit of the Stan Lee and Steve Ditko run with the original Ultimate Spider-Man and a dash of The Pulse thrown in. That is a winning combination that makes this book an enthralling read and continues developing the case (and my personal need) for a Ben and Jonah spin-off book. Read Full Review
Another stellar issue awaits you at the comic shops with Ultimate Spider-Man #7. The series continues to not hold back as far as important answers and divergences from the original Spider-Man series, further cementing its more believable real-world approach to Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Checchetto delivers beautiful art in the issue. The character designs and action are brilliantly detailed and there is a wonderful visual tone to the story that draws in the reader. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #7 is the strongest issue in the series so far because the plot takes center stage over the world- and character-building. Hickman delivers a feast of engaging character moments, action, intriguing teases, and the sense that this series is building toward something important. Plus, the art team's output is spectacular. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #7 has slick, yet emotionally engaging visuals from Checchetto and colorist Matthew Wilson that pair well with Jonathan Hickman's script that puts character relationships and bonding at the forefront with the tech/world-building as window dressing. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #7 delivers even more world building as Peter Parker and Harry Osborn learn from their earlier defeat at the hands of Kingpin Wilson Fisk. This gave the impact of the first story arc greater impact as its not just Peter and Harry who are dealing with the current status quo. It all led to an ending that connects this series to bigger things going on in the world, creating even more excitement for what's next in the Ultimate Universe. Read Full Review
While the issue doesn't have any major action sequences, it does have some fantastic story building moments. I get the feeling that Hickman is building to something big with the first series of issues and I know it isn't going to disappoint. It's a great read for any Spider-Man fans that you should absolutely pick up this week. Read Full Review
This issue has brought us some great action, more info on the world that we now inhabit and some cool suit information. But more than that, we have finally found a plausible reason for Harry Osborn to break bad. Having Norman Osborn in your head is NEVER a good thing. He may not have been crazy in this world, but its very apparent he wasnt the best dad. While this issue and the book in general could use more Ben, Jonah, & Gwen, it still earns a solid rating. Next issue is going to be a doozy. Read Full Review
Another nice chapter of this clearly serialized story, though sometimes I feel that Spider-Man himself is taking a side seat to everything else. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #7 fails to find a good balance between setting up the characters for the next story arc and finding a pace that better matches the previous arc. It's still a nice book to look at though and that helps carry it part of the way. Read Full Review
Peter and Harry continue to work as a team, with the help of Otto Octavius, Oscorp's top scientist and now Stane/Stark, Otto makes improvements to the Green Goblin suit with the help of the nanotechnology of the Spider-man suit and adds to both of them an artificial intelligence that helps them improve their performance. Peter uses an A.I that sounds and is like his personality, Harry asks Otto to create one based on Norman Osborn's toxic personality.
Peter and Harry fight with their suits to do different performance tests and how the A.I works in their helmets, but Harry gets intense due to his father's derogatory words.
Kingpin visits Captain Britan, both are part of The Maker's cabal, Britain offers Kingpin his technology to stop the advance of the heroes that arise with intensity and in great numbers, but Kingpin warns that he has his... SIX plans.
MJ and Gwen visit the offices of Ben and JJ Jameson's new period, but they don't find them, the money from Oscorp is going to help found this newspaper that still doesn't have a name, but has an exclusive thanks to Robie Robertson, who is now their spy at The Bugle.
The comic closes with Tony Strak visiting Peter and Harry, after six months of having given Peter his Spider-man powers, he arrives with the doubt that if he has already become a hero.
This new arc begins with mystery and suspense, while complex personal relationships are built that promise to be key in a future where the heroes end up returning and organizing themselves in this world full of villains.
It is full of cool details that explode in your face supported by subtle and well-placed textures, which gives a raw and powerful tone to this story that shakes and gives a realistic twist to Spider-man.
It is organic and dynamic.
Peter and Harry work as a team but Kingpin prepares a new team of six to stop all the heroes.
Excellent start to a new story arc. more
I feel like this was a really strong start to a new arc while still touching on the implications of what came before.
I love the newspaper subplot so nice seeing that move a long.
Peter being is own voice of reason in his suit is pretty funny, but also sweet.
Also totally no worries that Harry has his toxic dad giving him advice and that Otto has put his own AI as an option. Totally nothing bad will happen from either of those choices...
This sure is a good book, isn’t it.
God damn.
After the disappointment that was the last issue, this is a strong start to the new arc. A lot of intriguing setup is done here, can't wait to see more.
This continues to be my favorite in the line, unsurprisingly. Checchetto keeps on killing it, and Hickman is still doing great stuff. A lot of super interesting stuff. I'm definitely looking forward to Kingpin's next move, and I really liked the dynamic between Peter and Harry once again. I'm very intrigued to see if Harry having his father's voice in his suit has a larger impact on him as things progress. I like Peter having his own voice in his suit, as well.
I’m not reading every book that comes out, but this has to be a top 5 book.
A strong issue, and better than the last. But this story is moving too slow for me. Time to consolidate some "moments" and have stuff happen. A lot of conversations and set up. When the action does happen, it is great.
Chechetto is amazing. That is all.
the ending got me so hyped and pumped up.
They're off to a decent start with this new arc. This issue makes me curious as to what the Sinister six will be like here. How similar yet different will they be? Otto Octavius not only wound up more successful in this reality but he also took better care of himself too. I'm also quite curious what fate awaits him here. Plus there's the mystery of what info Robbie has given Jonah and uncle Ben. Also is it just me or are they a bit too fond of making Spider-man eat in costume in their stories nowadays? It seems more often than not anymore I see him eating burgers, sandwiches or pizza in some part of an issue. I think he does that more in half a year's worth of books they put out now than he ever did that in the whole 20th century.
I'm not following the new Ultimates so as little as they have to do with this story the better. They're expanding this new Universe too rapidly, which I felt is what weakened the original Ultimate Universe. Personally I think it would've been a better idea if each of these new Ultimate series took place each in their own Universe, that way it could develop as the writer feels it should.
Aside from Facsimile books this is the only book I get from Marvel anymore. I've heard of the new Black cat to be introduced later, and while I'm no fan of the swapping they like to do in modern books I also feel it's nothing to drop the book over either. Especially since the upsides of this book still outweigh the downs by a pretty good margin. Ul6timate is definitely a fresh and superior take on Spider-Man. Still definitely worth getting if you're a fan. more
Not much happens in this issue, but the art continues to be good and the action is good. In this case, there is a spar between Peter and Osborne. This is going to lead into both Doc Ock and Osborne being led down a dark path by his father. I hope the pace picks up a bit and we get more story mixed with the action.
My Comic Review Channel -
Art: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7.5/10
Nice easy read about suit technology. Not much more.