Joe's Profile

Joined: Jun 23, 2015

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Overall Rating
A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 7, 2016

A-Force (2016) #2

Feb 11, 2016

After a somewhat awkward beginning, the book finally gets going with the heroes actually working together, and it is awesome.

A-Force (2016) #3

Mar 4, 2016

A-Force (2016) #4

Apr 16, 2016

I...don't know what to think here, it wasn't a bad conclusion to the arc, but Dazzler just...popping back to life after one issue, after they did that whole: "Oh No, Dazzler is dead, have pathos and stuff." and really, given Marvel's current policy towards Mutants, it was actually believable. So...on the one hand I'm happy she didn't die and it seems there actually is reason and story behind it, but on the other hand, it felt kind of cheap.

A-Force (2016) #5

May 14, 2016

This comic suddenly took a nose-dive into garbage. After a decent opening arc under the talented pen of G. Willow Wilson, suddenly we get an obnoxiously juvenile thing. The characters don't feel like superheroes, they feel like a bunch of teenagers, no grown woman says "Barf" out loud as an exclamation of disgust. The art isn't terrible, the dragon has a decent design, and the characters look ok, but it annoys me so much that yet another Marvel Comic book has been twisted into some blandly boring thing built to pander to a bunch of teenage and college-age girls who barely even read Superhero comics beyond complaining about variant covers. There are a few decent character moments and even a decent cliffhanger, so I'm going to give this book ONE more shot, but if it does something this terrible again, I will no longer waste my money on it. EDIT: upped the score a little bit, I thought about it a little more and realized that while the first half of this book is pretty terrible, the second half has rather decent character moments and a very interesting cliffhanger.

Action Comics (2011) #47  
Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 11, 2016

I liked this issue, it builds up to what is sure to be a fun rumble, Superman's reaction was a bit extreme, but I personally see it as the reaction of a guy who has seen Luthor "go straight" before, and every time, Luthor has turned around, done evil, and killed a lot of people, in that lens, Superman is just cutting the middleman and confronting Luthor. All in all, this issue was fun, and builds to something exciting.

All-New All-Different Avengers #6

Feb 27, 2016

It isn't bad...but it feels really anti-climatic, the fight was pretty good, but, when you think about it, they were dealing with Kang and a Traitor Avenger, and got out of it with little to no trouble, and no real consequences other then Vision being angry about being mind-controlled. All in all, it was a decent issue, and I liked the Time Travel bits, but it really did feel abrupt.

All-New All-Different Avengers #9

May 14, 2016

So we get an introduction to the "All-New Wasp" yet another legacy that no one cares about, but will be pushed as a big new character. I'll be honest...I actually kind of like her, her personality is kind of bland and typical, but at least she seems to have an interesting backstory and possibly some interesting ideas set up for her in the future. If I have any major issue with this book, I didn't like how everyone trusts this random girl who claims to be their old friend's daughter, has said friends superpowers, and was sneaking around their base for several minutes beforehand, seriously, Cap and Iron Man have been around the block for awhile, this sets off no alarm bells? She could easily be a clone or a spy or a robot sent to destroy you guys and you eventually shrug her of as: "Meh, she and Hank Pym have the same Jaw Line." I do give the book points for having Jarvis call her out on the fact that she can't just take a character's legacy with no respect or relation to said legacy, all in all, a decent enough issue.

All-New All-Different Avengers #10

Jun 4, 2016

You know what just hit me...this comic is missing something. It is decently written, decently drawn, and has a decent idea, but it is completely missing a spark, something to draw people to it. At first, I was into this based on the writer and the presence of Ms. Marvel, but now, I just can't bring up the effort to like or hate this book, it just feels heartless and bland.

All-New Wolverine #3

Dec 31, 2015

This is one of my favorite books from the Marvel reboot, it actually feels different, doesn't fall into stupid plot ideas, and is all in all an excellent book.

All-New Wolverine #7

May 11, 2016

This book is one of my favorites because it really does pull stuff of, sure this issue was a bit of light hearted filler between an insane initial arc and the inevitable shitshow of Civil War 2, but it manages to do a lot of good character moments and even manages to use Squirrel Girl in a way that didn't feel forced or stupid, all in all, Wolverine continues to be my favorite book from Marvel atm

All-New Wolverine #8

May 19, 2016

This comic really does manage to be goofy without being obnoxious and stupid like a lot of Marvel's current books, while still managing to have a base that is pure action and awesomeness. This book doesn't feature much action, but ends on a cliffhanger so insanely badass that it utterly promises pure awesomeness to come. No idea how this ties into Civil War 2, but...well...I don't care.

Aquaman (2011) #49

Feb 27, 2016

Nothing to crazy happens, we get some exposition for what I hope will continue to be Aquaman's (And Mara's) status Quo into Rebirth and we see them interacting with people and showing actual emotion. Also, Mara in that Aqua Suit, Gorgeous and Awesome!

Aquaman (2011) #52

May 19, 2016

I rather liked this issue, it was a touch rushed, but the art was great, the fighting was fun, and I look forward to seeing what happens to Aquaman in Rebirth.

Batgirl (2011) #50

Apr 12, 2016

A pretty good conclusion to the run, good action involving all the characters, and its fun to see Frankie come into her nitpick though: why the hell is Frankie's hero name Operator, throughout the entire run they were building up that she was going to be the new Oracle, and at the last minute they jump back and give her a dumb name like Operator? Was there a backlash or something against Frankie being Oracle?

Batgirl Vol. 6: The Batgirl Of Burnside

Jul 3, 2015

The art was fun, the writing was decent, all in all, a fub comic

Batman (2011) #50

Mar 25, 2016

In a world were the leading candidate for the President of the United States on the Republican side of the fence is a nationalist who believes foreigners should be treated with hatred and suspicion, and a bunch of college age people with the mentality of 4-Year Old's believe we should judge and segregate people based on the color of their skin and the genitalia between their legs and somehow get attention, praise, and rules passed for their agenda, this comic's message about how fear of the other and the different leads to nothing but destruction and evil is nothing less then brilliant. I will agree that this conclusion did feel a little rushed, as did the art towards the end, but I love the message, love the villain, I even love Batman's new outfit. An excellent conclusion to Snyder and Capullo's excellent run on Batman.

Batman (2011) #52

May 14, 2016

Pretty enjoyable. I rather like seeing Batman have thoughts beyond: "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!!!!" so I actually found this issue kind of sweet in that it shows that Bruce does have some positive thoughts in his head.

Batman Vol. 7: Endgame

Sep 24, 2015

This arc is awesome, I have next to no complaints about it. Go read it.

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 9, 2015

I love this

Batman And Robin Eternal #1

Oct 7, 2015

Batman And Robin Eternal #3

Oct 22, 2015

Batman And Robin Eternal #5

Nov 4, 2015

Batman And Robin Eternal #8

Nov 25, 2015

Just keeps getting better

Batman And Robin Eternal #10

Dec 11, 2015

Batman And Robin Eternal #11

Dec 16, 2015

Batman And Robin Eternal #13

Dec 31, 2015

Cassandra Cain is Back! This issue shows Cass's fascinating new backstory and made me excited for her future as a member of the Batfamily.

Batman And Robin Eternal #15

Jan 13, 2016

Not bad...but I would much rather be reading about Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, and Dick Grayson, Jason and Tim feel way to much like filler.

Batman And Robin Eternal #17

Jan 30, 2016

Batman And Robin Eternal #18

Feb 9, 2016 a bunch of professional reviewers decided to attack this issue for a few awkwardly drawn panels at the very end of the issue, just ignore those guys, the art overall was actually really good aside from those panels. The plot twist was expected, but I felt it was rather well handled, especially on Cassandra's end, her crying after killing Harper's mother shows that she is truly a good person and it is a solid replacement for her one kill in the Post-Flashpoint DC Continuity. I am still greatly enjoying this weekly, and look forward to seeing were it goes from here.

Batman And Robin Eternal #21

Feb 27, 2016

Gives Mother a good, if fairly simple, origin. It gives good insight into the character and why she does what she does, while Batman also gets some good scenes.

Batman And Robin Eternal #23

Mar 13, 2016

Mostly just setup for the final fight against Mother, good scene with Spoiler, liked the bits with Midnighter, can't wait to read the final few issues.

Batman And Robin Eternal #24

Mar 20, 2016

Until the very end, its pretty much filler, pretty decent filler, especially the bits with Spoiler and Midnighter, and the ending cliffhanger is...interesting.

Batman And Robin Eternal #26

Apr 5, 2016

This comic had its ups and downs, but, all in all, I think it was a fun and enjoyable read, something fun to collect for the 26 Issues it lasted, it had some nice moments, good fights, and reintroduced characters that I loved from my childhood. So, yeah, damn good series.

Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 3, 2016

Mostly set-up. I actually kind of enjoy the new take on Calendar Man, it seems interesting, and has a nice sense of Gothic Horror, rather 70s Batman Esque. As for the rest...I rather like Duke, so I'm happy he is gong to be around, the writing is on point, it had decent scenes, and I look forward to reading what Tom King has in store for the Dark Knight.

Black Canary (2015) #10

Apr 18, 2016

Always sad to see a series degrade in quality, when this book first came out, it was weird, but fun, now its just another generic superheroine thing, not bad...really, but just kind of bland, inoffensive, and dull, with limited stakes and a hard to follow plot.

Black Panther (2016) #1

Apr 9, 2016

HOLY. SHIT. This is a fascinating book, everything comes together to show just enough of each subplot to make me want to see more, the depiction of Wakanda itself is fascinating (It actually looks technologically advanced while still having an African Sensibility), I have never read a Black Panther comic in my life, but this seems to be a damn good place to start.

Black Panther (2016) #2

May 14, 2016

I'm enjoying this. It is rather dense, I definitely think the writer is more used to writing novels then comics, but I still enjoy the story here, with all the political intrigue and buildup, I look forward to seeing what happens next here.

Black Widow (2016) #12

Mar 29, 2017

Pretty Solid Action Packed Climax. Really, this final issue is an opportunity to talk about the series as a whole. I thought it was a really good comic with solid action and excellent art. Its nice to see that Mark Waid hasn't lost his groove, I was worried with Champions and his bland Avengers Run, but this and Archie show the man is still able to do good work. Natasha was a good character in this and I think the overarching plot was solid. Glad I picked this up.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #4

Dec 31, 2015

Don't care how good the story and art is, Cap-Wolf was a stupid concept when it was introduced however many years ago, and its a stupid concept now, it simply drains all the drama and intrigue from a comic when the main character looks like some furry's dream boyfriend.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 25, 2016

For the sake of discretion, I will say that I didn't buy this comic, I read it in store. I'll be blunt, I'm giving this comic the lowest score possible, because the twist in this book is, quite simply, the biggest pile of horseshit I have ever read in a comic. Now, I'm not stupid, I know full well that in a few months it will be reveled that Steve is playing a long con, or it involves false memories, but as of right now, Marvel is playing this as a REAL twist, Captain America, the Star-Spangled Man with the Plan, a man who has saved Countless Lives, a man who would give his life for his friends, a man who HAS given his life for friends, is evil, and has been evil all along. Every comic anyone ever reads now, for the next few Months, Captain America was evil, through every iteration of the Avengers, through all his triumphs and falls, he was evil. Think about that for a second, I implore EVERYONE to think about that. This isn't drugging a character, or hypnotizing them, or giving a Kryptonian Red Kryptonite, this is telling everyone that one of the noblest, most heroic figures in the Marvel Universe is just...evil, and was evil all along, for pure, stupid, shock value. This comic is reprehensible in every sense of the word, because of what it does to a hero, to a hero's legacy.

Captain Marvel (2016) #3

Mar 18, 2016

I continue to love the Star Trek feel that this comic has.

Catwoman (2011) #47  
Con Man's Spectrum #1

Jul 4, 2016

A fun, if a tad generic, Sci-Fi work. Course I'm a sucker for basic Sci-Fi, just like I am a sucker for basic Fantasy, so I enjoyed this immensely. The book balances out its basic Alien Invasion Plot with a good sense of humor and what will hopefully evolve into an interesting world, can't wait to read more.

Cyborg #1

Jul 25, 2015

Good first issue, Cyborg seems cool. Look forward to reading more.

Cyborg #8

Feb 27, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Feb 27, 2016

Continues to be pretty decent, though the price for page content is starting to get a bit steep and annoying for how little each issue gives. Still, I can see an interesting story being built up here, and will keep reading.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Adam Strange/Future Quest #1

Mar 29, 2017

I rather enjoyed this. I didn't read the Death of Hawkman miniseries, because it honestly didn't look very good, but I'm a pretty big Adam Strange fan, and I thought this was an enjoyable little romp. I hope it leads into a new Adam Strange book detailing his adventures in the Multiverse on his way to being reunited with Alanna. The Top Cat backup was pretty cool, and I like the idea for his book.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

I thought Rebirth was really good. The reunion and character work with Wally is interesting, and even brought a tear to my eye upon the reunion between him and Barry. Personally, the twists and hints intrigue me, I'm interested in seeing how this will play out. I also love how we are finally getting legacy back to the DCU, with the hints toward the Justice Society being very interesting and exciting, all in all, I'm excited to read the stories that Rebirth has to offer.

Deadpool & Cable: Split Second #1  
Detective Comics (2011) #49

Feb 9, 2016

Really damn good, I saw nothing wrong with the faces, the art was good, and the arc itself is entertaining.

Doctor Fate (2015) #2

Jul 16, 2015

Really good read. Seems to he picking up, the art is growing on me. I just hope Fate gets a better outfit.

Doctor Fate (2015) #7

Dec 31, 2015

Something finally happens and Khalid FINALLY does some good old Superhero work, and in my opinion, it was worth the wait, with some damn fine magic being thrown around. The artwork is great, but Khalid still being a bit of a dumbass drops it down a few points.

Doctor Fate (2015) #8

Jan 26, 2016

This is what I was expecting when I first picked up this book, stories about magic and helping people, Khalid is still uncertain, but he is actually working threw his doubts instead of whining about it.

Doctor Fate (2015) #10

Mar 18, 2016

Ok...this issue went from really cool to absolutely stupid in the final two pages, I mean, come on, ROMAN CENTURIONS, I know the Romans actually have a lot to do with Egyptian history, but come on, and why does the art degrade in the final page?

Doctor Fate (2015) #12

May 19, 2016

After an arc that caused this book to become rather cluttered and stupid, it comes back with some enjoyable character bits from Khalid, his family, and his friends, and the main, exciting event, the return of Kent Nelson.

Doctor Fate (2015) #13

Jun 3, 2016 only took 12 Issues, but it seems like Dr. Fate is finally in a good position, with Kent Nelson here to steady things out.

Doctor Strange (2015) #2  
Flash (2016) #7

Sep 29, 2016

Ok, so...this comic pisses me of. Like, whats break this down, for Rebirth, DC brings in a cool hook for Flash, a bunch of citizens of Central City get Speed Powers, you would think that would be used to bring in some new Heroes, maybe reintroduce some old ones that got pushed to the side, were killed, or haven't been heard from in awhile (Jesse Quick, Trajectory etc). BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we get a stupid ass murder mystery were the killer was patently obvious almost from the beginning, and then, after 6 Issues every character is suddenly depowered, Meena is dead, and any development or interest anyone gained in any of them is completely wasted. I can't altogether give this comic a completely bad review, it was competent enough and the art was decent, but man, what a cowardly way to get rid of anything interesting that might come from this.

Future Quest #1

May 19, 2016

So much fun! A pure blast of excitement and fun, with classic characters shown and promised, a story that is a bit darker then usual, but still fits, and a promise for something more.

Gotham Academy (2014) #14

Jan 13, 2016

A nice breather issue after all the drama, the stories told were cute, the different art-styles were a ton of fun, and it got a nice chuckle out of me.

Grayson #19

May 3, 2016

I didn't think it was that bad, the action is still solid, the characters are on point. It feels a bit rushed, which is annoying, but overall, I'm excited to see the conclusion.

Grayson #20

May 25, 2016

A good book all in all, I'm sad that King and Seeley weren't able to write the ending, but keep in mind that King is working on Batman, and Seeley is on Nightwing, they probably had to focus on getting those books ready (Both are Bi-Monthly, it is probably a LOT of work). As for the end of this book...I thought it was fun, a bit rushed and awkward, but all in all, an enjoyable climax to a very enjoyable series.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Jun 3, 2016

Pretty Good! The use of Tumblr Buzzwords is a bit annoying, but other then that, it is a well put-together, well-drawn opening issue with a good atmosphere and a fun set-up for the romance between Green Arrow and Black Canary.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 3, 2016

Fairly decent set-up. I like Jessica Cruz thanks to her appearances in Justice League, but I'll admit that I knew nothing about the other guy aside from the fact that he has a stupid mask and runs around with a Glock for some reason. But, to this books credit, both characters are very appealing, having enjoyable personalities and grating on each other, flaws, and even decent supporting casts, with both the Sister and the Government Agent seeming like fun, and rather likable people. This was the book I was least looking forward to in this week of Rebirth, but I'm sold for now.

Hercules (2015) #1  
Howard The Duck (2016) #5

Mar 14, 2016

Even the prescene of the crappy Bendis GotGs can't stop this comic from being funny and interesting.

James Bond #1  
Justice League (2011) #48

Feb 27, 2016

Oh Man, Things are getting pretty crazy, can't wait to see what happens next!

Justice League (2011) #50

May 25, 2016

An enjoyable, epic climax to the very end. This issue sets up a lot of story threads, and I look forward to reading what occurs with them all.

Justice League: Darkseid War: Special #1

Apr 13, 2016

Hm, gives a very interesting backstory to Grail, with pretty good art, nothing really moves the plot forward...until the very end, with a crazy bit of crazy that, in my opinion, might tie into the upcoming Rebirth.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 7, 2016 had to happen eventually, Rebirth has had its first misstep. The art in this book is pretty bad, everyone's eyes are shrinking into their skulls and Wonder Woman looks like she hasn't eaten anything in 20 Years. Their is nothing to draw attention, just an Alien Invasion thing, and I can't help but wonder why DC keeps trying to put Hitch on writing, when it clearly isn't his forte.

Karnak #2

Feb 27, 2016

And so the one actually New and Different book from Marvel finally returns, and it is awesome.

Karnak #3

Apr 22, 2016

All I'm going to say is that Karnak does something insanely awesome.

Klaus: The Witch Of Winter #1

Dec 21, 2016

A perfect piece of Christmas, wonderful, simple, exciting, and a ton of fun. Grant Morrison needs to do more here, there is just to much to explore, to much to do, and I want to see as much of it as possible!

Legends of Tomorrow #1

Mar 18, 2016

The Firestorm comic was a mess and Metamorpho is just a retelling of his origin which is a little disappointing, but Metal Men is awesome, and Sugar and Spike was an amusing read, will keep reading.

Monstress #1

Nov 4, 2015

Monstress #2

Dec 9, 2015

Monstress #3

Feb 1, 2016

Monstress #4

Mar 18, 2016

How anyone can give this book less then a 10/10 baffles me!

Monstress #5

Apr 18, 2016

Monstress #6

May 25, 2016

Still Perfect in almost every way! August and the continuation of this series can't come soon enough!

Monstress #7

Oct 13, 2016

YES!!!!! Finally Back! It feels like forever and I'm so happy.

Monstress #8

Dec 1, 2016

A bit of a bump, but it still features gorgeous art and some great character work, really excited to see what comes of this.

Moon Knight (2016) #1

Apr 18, 2016

Well...I'm intrigued

Ms. Marvel (2014) #18

Sep 10, 2015

I love this comic, the emotions are perfect. The love between Kamela and her family is perfect, and Carol's speech to Kamela is perfect.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #2

Dec 19, 2015

Liked the issue, but as good as the story is, it's still rather stale, derived from typical Marvel formula.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #3

Jan 26, 2016

I loved this issue, it was fun, entertaining and had some good action. But, I didn't enjoy this arc as much as others, it was a perfectly fine arc, and had some good character moments, but at the end of the day, it was just another Marvel "Suddenly the civilians hate the hero for barely any reason" an arc that has been done a billion times in every way possible. Not bad, but I hope the next arc in the book is more interesting.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #4

Feb 24, 2016

After the extremely disappointing former arc, in which Ms. Marvel fought public opinion because the general public are a bunch of morons and Hydra, who have been degraded into a vehicle for Marvel's continued pandering to the Tumblr crowd, this issue is a nice, fun little issue, that sets up a nice, fun little arc.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #6

May 3, 2016

Been a bit, but finally after awhile, this comic has an issue that reminds me why I love this book.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #7

May 27, 2016

Not a bad issue by any means really, the meta-commentary annoys me though, yes Marvel, why do Good Guys have to fight?

Ms. Marvel (2015) #12

Oct 26, 2016

Good start to a new arc, the new price point is annoying, but the story makes it worth it, Batgirl is doing something similar in her own book,but this is much better and more personal. Sadly, I personally didn't like the backup story, and felt it detracted a little.

Raven #2

Oct 20, 2016

Raven is my favorite Titan, so I'm a bit biased. This story is a lot of fun, managing to be entertaining while making Raven a snarky, somewhat amoral character while still keeping her ultimately likeable. The art is a touch wonky in places, though it mostly does its job. Honestly I think my favorite thing about this book is how in a Industry were all Teenage Girl Characters are the same bubbly Nerd type to try to copy Ms. Marvel, it is really cool and refreshing to see a character who is a snarky introvert have a time in the spot light.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #12

Jul 12, 2017

Over a year ago, I read an issue of Teen Titans by Scott Lobdell, and declared it the worst single issue I've ever read, for its sudden shove in of the awful villain Harvest, and its shocking stupidity regarding Conner Kent's morality and future. Now it is known that DC got rid of the then Superboy to make room for John Kent, the current Superboy, who is now one of my favorite new Superhero characters in comics. While the aforementioned issue still annoys me, I have to say that this issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws makes up for it in spades! I've finally decided to pick up this book after hearing surprisingly good reviews and recommendations, and seeing as this is a new story arc, I decided to jump right in. This is an excellent, if a touch stiff, book, and I am very pleased I decided to pick it up! I look forward to collecting more and picking up the trades collecting the issues I've missed.

Revolution #2

Oct 6, 2016

Entertaining and fun, if a bit of a mess. I do have to say that a number of the characters annoy the hell out of me, especially Scarlett, who comes of as a massive idiot. It is really hard to emphasize with a character complicit in the torture of a sentient being for spare parts. Still, it has some really cool moments, and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Revolution #5

Dec 1, 2016

And so, a mess of an event comes to an end. This series was a mess of schedule slip and issues, but at least they got it out within a good time frame. As it stands, this was an explosive, fun conclusion, and I'm excited to see whats next!

Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #10

Mar 20, 2016

Hm...bit of a trip up in terms of writing, however, the characters and story are still a ton of fun, and I'm intrigued about the ending.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #1

Apr 4, 2018

Sonic is back! After the heart-breaking, if inevitable, cancelation of Archie's run on Sonic, this is a wonderful return. Having Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardly continuing on the book is awesome. The issue itself is a very fun and exciting action scene, and while there isn't that much in the way of overarching plot, it is a very excellent set-up. It is especially awesome that readers only have to wait another week for the next issue, meaning Ian Flynn will get the character set-up out of the way fast. Really happy that Sonic is back, will keep reading!

Starfire #4

Sep 16, 2015

Starfire #11

Apr 18, 2016

Fun and heartfelt, pity there is only one more issue, I'm going to miss this book.

Starfire #12

May 12, 2016

I'm going to miss this series. Out of all the recent books I've read that take a more easy-going, jokey approach to Superhero comics, this one was my favorite, as it combined good humor with solid action, lovely art, and wonderful characters. I loved how it felt timeless instead of relaying on "Meme-Style" Humor, I loved how it brought a character I love from the cartoons and Post-New 52 books out from the rubble of her shattered reputation, and most of all, I loved this book's heart.

Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #2

Feb 27, 2016

Yeah...I really like both stories here so far, they both do a good job portraying the characters as psychologically complicated figures, and both stories are interesting. If I have any complaints, I wish they didn't insert the Suicide Squad into Katana's story, since I was enjoying it as a solo adventure for her.

Superman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Awesome! A wonderful first meetup of the characters, some excellent character work, just a lot of fun. I can't wait for Super Sons!

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

This comic continues to show me why Superman is the Greatest. Can't wait to see the rest of Superman Reborn!

Superman: American Alien #7

May 18, 2016

This issue out of all 7 was, in my opinion, the best. I kind of saw this series as a sequence of events that add together to teach Clark to be Superman, putting together the elements that make him who he is. This issue is the climax, that show Superman at his first truly difficult moment, fighting an enemy who can actually hurt him. Add in some great interactions with Lois, an awesome fight scene, one of the best portrayals of Superman in quite awhile, and the Main Man himself, and we have one of the greatest Superman books in quite sometime.

Superman: Lois and Clark #3

Dec 31, 2015

Superman: Lois and Clark #8

May 26, 2016

I don't get why this comic is being bombed so hard, it is a touch rushed, but I personally feel that its heart shines through. I loved this book, and I am really happy that the story of Superman, Lois, and Jon is being continued into Rebirth.

Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 3, 2016

I like this issue as a fairly decent set-up for Superman's new series, Superman's interactions with Lana were sweet, and I liked how everything got set-up for later. really it honestly, not much else to it. My main complaint is that I really want to know what happened with that "Mr. Oz" fellow in Rebirth #1

Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1

Feb 27, 2016

This is pure Silver Age Level Cheese, and I love it.

Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #2

Mar 18, 2016

I stand by the idea that this comic is still fun...but this issue felt really cluttered and squished together.

Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #3

Apr 9, 2016

This comic seems to have degraded into an insane mess...which I saw coming, I wouldn't pick up any modern comic with Neal Adam's name on it without expecting a wreck of Hindenberg proportions. Still, it continues to be a fun, goofy mess, and unlike Batman: Odyssey it is just short enough to not become a gigantic slog. I look forward to seeing how utterly insane this book continues to be and become!

Teen Titans (2014) #9

Jun 29, 2015

Solid issue, but basically just setup for the greater battle.

Teen Titans (2014) #10

Jul 24, 2015

This is a pretty solid book, the art is pretty good, and it seems like the plot is finally going somewhere, can't wait till the next issue.

Teen Titans (2014) #12

Oct 22, 2015

This is the worst comic I have ever bought in my entire life. No one buy it.

Teen Titans (2014) #17

Feb 26, 2016

Teen Titans (2016) #7

Apr 26, 2017

Its pretty good. I'll be honest, I'm not really sold on the new Aqualad. Kaldur in the Young Justice Cartoon was serious and badass and confident, and it feels like a complete 180 to make him this indecisive person who desperately wants to be accepted. I should be clear, this doesn't make him a bad character, at all, it makes sense for his situation and he is handled alright. It just feels odd to me that this character really has nothing attaching him to Kaldur other then appearance and one aspect of his backstory. Other then that, decent action and some sold character work.

The Divided States of Hysteria #1

Jun 10, 2017

Alright, I had hopes for this comic, I thought it would be like Secret Empire, except with teeth and balls. Instead its utterly incomprehensible. My initial reaction was a bored "eh, its ok", but that devolved into antipathy pretty quickly. This book seems designed to get as much controversy as possible, scenes depicting racism, transphobia, islamic extremism are shoved forward faster then the reader can actually process and think about. The art is wonky as all hell, sometimes it looks fine, but often it looks like everyone is a slack-jawed wax dummy that is slowly melting. Beyond that, the story makes little sense, I think the characters introduced in the vignettes are supposed to be our "Heroes", and we also meet some secret agent who are talking about some terror this supposed to be Dirty Dozen meets 24 or something? Because spoiler alert, the terrorist attack happens in the first issue, and even it doesn't make sense. At first, the terrorists seem to be extreme feminist types, implanting bombs in their vaginas (I'm sorry...South Park did it, that can't be done as anything other then a joke now), but suddenly they are supposed to be islamic extremists, I'm pretty sure extreme feminism of the "Kill all Men" variety is pretty incompatible with ISIS. In conclusion, this book is a mediocre story with no real substance that causes a flash in the pan for a few seconds, but nobody will remember in a month.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3

Mar 5, 2017

Pretty solid so far, Captain Atom is a character I am fond of, even if he is often stuck between being Charlton's Superman Knock-Off and the Legacy of Doctor Manhatten. This comic manages to give him his own style and voice with a story that is fitting to him. Good Book, I would definitely pick up a Captain Atom Ongoing if that is what DC ends up doing from here.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #8

May 28, 2016

Thought this issue was actually kind of meh...until the Superhero Truther showed up, that is just about the funniest thing ever.

The Unworthy Thor #1

Nov 2, 2016

Hell Yeah! Finally, a Comic starring the Real Thor, and it is damn good. My main annoyances with this comic stem more from previous grievances, such as Thor being unworthy because Nick Fury whispered something in his ear (Which, come on, when it gets revealed its going to be disappointing, I think everyone knows that) I also don't like how Thor became a drunk immediately after losing his powers, which just makes him look like a pathetic loser, but these don't take away from the comic itself...for the most part, and I'm excited to see were this goes.

Titans Hunt #1

Oct 22, 2015

Titans Hunt #4

Jan 26, 2016

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 17, 2016

Titans Together! Probably my favorite Rebirth #1 Special so far, it brings back together a classic group of people, and returns to them history, friendship, and love. I can't wait to see how this book goes on!

Transformers: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 23, 2016

This comic is just plain bad. The "deviation" is just an excuse to put Hot Rod through the wringer and make fun of him. All the characters with the exception of Optimus are turned into massive jerks (Seriously, watch the original movie, they are all nice, understanding Robots) when they have no reason to be. And the worse part is nothing changed, the only difference is that Hot Rod died when he uses the Matrix of Leadership for some reason. Honestly, I think this comic would have been much better if it had had the courage to portray a really screwed up future, it is quite possible that Unicron would of WON if Hot Rod hadn't gotten the Matrix at the juncture that he did, and I feel the comic would of been more interesting if it had portrayed that dark scenario.

Transformers: Revolution #1

Oct 27, 2016

It barely ties to the wider event, but I don't care, Thundercraker and his friends are so much fun to watch.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #2  
Wonder Woman: Earth One #1  
X-Men: Gold (2017) #1

Apr 5, 2017

Alright, as the title says, this is a return to basics, and so far it seems to be a solid return. Guggenheim seems to have a good handle on everyone, I like Kitty as leader, and it seems to be setting up a simple, solid plot for the next Story. However, I hate how Marvel is still trying to pull the "Inhumans are perfect angels that did nothing wrong, and the Mutants are horrible aggressors" bull. Still, solid book, excited to see what happens next in this and the other X-Books.

Youngblood (2017) #1

May 3, 2017

Well...this is better then it has any right to be. This really is a pleasant surprise, the set-up is decent, the world is well-established for new readers who haven't read the original Youngblood (Honestly...who has), and the art is solid (I hope this new guy, Jim Towe, sticks around). A very good beginning to a book that no one had any expectations for.

Reviews for the Week of...




